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Review article

Ruminant milk fat plasticity:nutritional control of saturated, polyunsaturated,

transand conjugated fatty acids


a Herbivore Research Unit, INRA Theix, 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle, Franceb ADAS Bridgets, Martyr Worthy, Winchester, SO21 1AP, UK

(Received 24 November 1999; accepted 17 May 2000)

Abstract — After a brief survey of metabolic pathways and nutrient fluxes involved in mammary lipo-genesis, this review summarises the known effects of diet on ruminant milk fat composition. Specialattention is given to fatty acids that could play a positive role for human health, such as butyric acid,oleic acid, C18 to C22 polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The effi-ciency of the transfer of C18:2, C18:3, C20:5, C22:5 and C22:6, from the duodenum to the milk, isreviewed. The main dietary factors taken into account are the nature of forages, including pasture, andthe supplementation of dairy rations with protected or unprotected vegetable or fish oils. Dose-res-ponse curves of milk CLA are reviewed for different fat supplements, as well as the non-linear rela-tionship between milk CLA and transC18:1. The potential of dietary factors to increase the mean CLAcontent in cow milk fat is about 300% above basal values. There is, however, a need to evaluate howthe different feeding strategies could change the other aspects of milk fat quality.

ruminant / nutrition / milk / fatty acids / human health

Résumé — Plasticité de la matière grasse du lait de ruminant : contrôle nutritionnel des acidesgras saturés, polyinsaturés, transet conjugués.Après un bref rappel des voies métaboliques et desflux de nutriments qui concourrent à la lipogenèse mammaire, cette revue est consacrée aux princi-paux effets des facteurs alimentaires sur la composition des lipides du lait de ruminant. Un intérêt par-ticulier est porté aux acides gras qui peuvent avoir des effets positifs sur la santé humaine, tels queles acides butyrique, oléique, linoléique conjugué (CLA) et les acides gras polyinsaturés, de 18 à22 atomes de carbone. L’efficacité du transfert des C18:2, C18:3, C20:5, C22:5 et C22:6, du duodénumau lait est estimée à partir des données de la bibliographie. Les principaux facteurs alimentairesconsidérés sont la nature des fourrages, dont l’herbe pâturée, et la supplémentation des rations pourvaches laitières avec des huiles végétales ou de poisson, protégées ou non. L’augmentation potentielle

Ann. Zootech. 49 (2000) 181–205 181© INRA, EDP Sciences

* Correspondence and reprintsTel.: 33 (0)4 73 62 41 14; fax: 33 (0)4 73 62 45 19; e-mail: [email protected]

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Y. Chilliard et al.182


Ruminant fat is an important part of thehuman diet in many countries, particularlybovine milk fat which represents up to 75%of the total consumption of fat from rumi-nant animals. Although dairy products(which have a very low cholesterol content)provide only 15–25% of the total fat in thehuman diet, they provide about 25–35% ofthe total saturated fat [46, 116].

The regulation of the lipid composition ofruminant meat (adipose tissue and muscle)has been reviewed in several recent papers[45, 65, 146]. Milk fatty acid (FA) compo-sition has a number of effects on milk qual-ity, including aspects such as its physicalproperties (e.g. melting point and hardnessof butter, crystallisation and fractionationof milk fat) as well as its nutritional prop-erties (e.g. potential effects of specific FA onhuman health). FA composition also affectsthe organoleptic properties of milk (due tofactors such as the effect of free short-chainFA and oxidative changes in FA). The aimof this review is to summarise the knowneffects of diet on ruminant milk fat synthe-sis and composition, since controlling milkfat quality at the farm level is achieved mostrapidly, reversibly and efficiently by con-trolled changes in the diet of dairy cows. Inthis review, particular emphasis will be laidon FA having a potential antiatherogenic oranticarcinogenic role, such as butyric acid,oleic acid, polyunsaturated FA (especiallyn-3 FA) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).The FA which have a potential negativeeffect on human health, such as saturated

(lauric, myristic and palmitic acids) andtransFA, or part of them [95, 111, 122, 143]will also be reviewed.


2.1. Mammary lipid synthesis

Milk fat is synthesised either from FAwhich are taken up from the blood (ca. 60%)or by de novo synthesis in the mammarygland (ca. 40%) (Fig. 1). FA are synthesisedde novo from acetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate(3-HB), the latter contributing to ca. 15%of the carbon content. The main metabolicpathway involves two key enzymes, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) and FA synthase(FAS). ACC catalyses the formation of mal-onyl-CoA from acetate, and FAS catalysescondensation cycles of malonyl-CoA witheither acetyl-CoA or butyryl-CoA, whicharise from acetate or 3-HB metabolismrespectively (review by Barber et al. [9]).The chain-termination reaction producesC14:0 and predominantly C16:0, and iscatalysed in most tissues and species by theintrinsic thioesterase activity of FAS, termedthioesterase I. In the mammary gland ofrodent species, the chain length of medium-chain FA (C8:0 to C12:0) is controlled bythe activity of a second thioesterase,thioesterase II. In contrast to rodents, rumi-nant mammary gland FAS exhibits atransacylase with both loading and releasingactivity for acyl chains from two to twelvecarbon chain length [96]. Cellular and

de la teneur en CLA de la matière grasse du lait de vache par les facteurs alimentaires est d’environ300 % au-dessus du niveau de base. Des courbes dose-réponse du CLA du lait sont établies à partirdes différentes publications sur les effets de suppléments lipidiques, ainsi que la relation non linéairequi existe entre le CLA et le C18:1 transdu lait. Il reste toutefois à évaluer les conséquences desdifférentes stratégies alimentaires sur les autres aspects de la qualité du lait.

ruminant / nutrition / lait / acides gras / santé humaine

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Ruminant milk fat plasticity

(LPL). The cellular and molecular regulationof mammary LPL synthesis and activity isnot yet fully understood in rodent species,despite numerous old and recent studies(review by Barber et al. [9]). However, as inrodents, LPL activity is high in the lactatingmammary gland of ruminants (e.g. Chill-iard et al. [30]). Consequently, the mam-mary gland uptake of triglycerides is gen-erally well correlated to their plasmaconcentration [62], except in the higherrange of concentrations (above ca. 0.4 mM[5]) when LPL activity could become lim-iting.

Contrary to other ruminant tissues, thelactating mammary gland is not able to con-vert C16:0 to C18:0 by chain elongation[112]. However, fully differentiated mam-mary secretory cells express a high delta-9desaturase activity, which converts stearicacid to oleic acid (cis-9 C18:1) [94]. About40% of the stearic acid taken up by the glandis desaturated, thus contributing to more

molecular factors that regulate the differentpatterns of milk short- and medium-chainFA between and within ruminant specieshave not yet been identified.

In goat milk, physiological variations inthe percentages of C4:0 to C8:0 FA are notwell related to those of C10:0 to C16:0 FA[22, 128]. This could be related to the occur-rence in ruminant mammary glands ofmetabolic pathways that do not involve mal-onyl-CoA [13, 120], although this hypoth-esis remains to be confirmed. PreformedFA taken up by the mammary gland ariseeither from plasma non-esterified FA(NEFA) or from triglyceride-rich lipopro-teins (chylomicra and very low densitylipoproteins, VLDL). NEFA uptake isdirectly related to their plasma concentra-tion, which is itself mainly related to bodyfat mobilisation [29]. The ability of mam-mary tissue to utilise triglyceride FA fromplasma lipoproteins is determined by theactivity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase


Figure 1. Milk fat synthesis and secretion in ruminants.

Abbreviations used:ACC = Acetyl-CoA car-boxylase, CM = Chy-lomicron, DES = Delta-9desaturase, FA = Fattyacid, FAS = Fatty acidsynthase, Glut 1 = Glu-cose transporter 1, LPL= Lipoprotein lipase,MFG = Milk fat globule,TG = Triglyceride,VLDL = Very low den-sity-lipoprotein.

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than 50% of the oleic acid that is secretedinto milk fat [16, 57]. Furthermore, vaccenicacid (trans-11 C18:1) formed in the rumenand absorbed from the intestine can be desat-urated to form rumenic acid, i.e. cis-9,trans-11 C18:2. This is the major isomer ofconjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in ruminantmilk [69]. The delta-9 desaturase activitycould be inhibited by polyunsaturated FA[132] as well as by cyclopropenoic FA (e.g.from cottonseed [148]).

FA synthesis, uptake and desaturationcontribute to a pool of FA available foresterification on glycerol to mainly formtriglycerides, which comprise 97–98% ofthe total milk lipids. The asymmetric dis-tribution of FA on the glycerol molecule,e.g. the preferential esterification of short-chain FA and oleic acid on the sn-3 posi-tion, influences physical properties of milkfat by decreasing its melting point [121].Thus, despite the fact that ruminants mainlyabsorb saturated long-chain FA from theintestine (see below), they express severalmetabolic peculiarities to decrease the melt-ing point of their body lipids, and especiallymilk lipids. These peculiarities include thedesaturation of long-chain FA (by intesti-nal, adipose and mammary tissue), the syn-thesis of short- and medium-chain FA, thelack of chain elongation, and the unevenesterification pattern of the various FAmolecules in mammary secretory cells.

2.2. Rumen metabolism

2.2.1. The production of volatile fattyacids in the rumen

The microbial population of the rumenis able to degrade and ferment dietary car-bohydrates and proteins, to produce volatileFA (VFA). The most important of these areacetate, propionate and butyrate. Acetateand butyrate are precursors of milk short-and medium-chain FA (see above). Butyrateis first converted to 3-hydroxybutyrate,mainly in the rumen wall (e.g. Nozièreet al. [115]).

The main factors which increase propi-onate production, which may limit the fluxof milk fat precursors towards the mam-mary gland, have been recently reviewed[54]. The most efficient ways of increasingpropionate production are, firstly, to increasethe proportion of concentrate in the diet,especially if the concentrate is composed ofrapidly rumen degradable cereals. Secondly,the intake of dietary lipids may be increased,in particular by vegetable or fish oils, andthirdly by the use of ionophore antibiotics.

The equilibrium between acetate andbutyrate also depends on the diet. Decreas-ing the proportion of fibre in the diet resultsin a lower acetate: butyrate ratio [86], butthe butyrate proportion remains generallylower than 10%. The means of increasingrumen butyrate are not numerous, and arerelated to an active protozoal populationwhich is often linked to a high content ofsoluble sugars in the diet. Diets rich in beetshave been shown to strongly increasebutyrate, up to 30% of total VFA [140].Indeed, beets are rich in soluble sugars andcan be incorporated in ruminant diets in sig-nificant amounts. Diets that are rich inslowly degradable starch (such as diets witha high maize content) or diets that are basedon rye-grass (which is rich in soluble sugars)may result in butyrate comprising between15 and 20% of VFA [86].

2.2.2. The fate of dietary fatty acidsin the rumen

The rumen is the site of an intense micro-bial lipid metabolism. Lipolysis of dietaryglycolipids, phospholipids and triglyceridesleads to free FA which are hydrogenated toa large extent. The main biochemical mech-anisms which operate in the rumen havebeen described by Harfoot and Hazlewood[75], and the result of this metabolism interms of flows of absorbable FA has beendetailed by Doreau and Ferlay [52] andDoreau and Chilliard [50]. Briefly, polyun-saturated FA (PUFA) are first isomerised


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rate of hydrogenation are the two main fac-tors which contribute to an increase in theconcentration of the intermediate com-pounds CLA and TMUFA [114].

Biohydrogenation also occurs on 20- and22-carbon FA. The disappearance of C20:5(EPA) and C22:6 (DHA) is extensive, butgenerally these FA do not become fully sat-urated. Instead, numerous intermediate com-pounds are produced [51]. It has been sug-gested that large amounts of dietary EPAand DHA could reduce the extent of theirhydrogenation in vitro or in vivo duringshort-term (3 days) experiments [73]. Due toan unknown mechanism, the supply of EPAand/or DHA increases the ruminal produc-tion of TMUFA [145] and probably of CLA,both probably originating from the hydro-genation of dietary C18 PUFA.

Since the 1970’s, different attempts havebeen made to protect lipids against biohy-drogenation. The first approach was theencapsulation of lipids by formaldehyde-treated proteins [3]. Although the degree ofprotection is sometimes uncertain, this tech-nique is to date the only one which results inlarge amounts of PUFA escaping ruminaldegradation. In addition, TMUFA and CLAproduction is reduced. Besides its cost, themain drawback of this technique is the useof formaldehyde, which is questionable nowfor animal production due to its potentialimpact on the image of the products. Amongthe other techniques which have been inves-tigated, the use of the calcium salts of FA isthe most popular. The ability of calciumsalts to prevent interactions between FA andmicrobes has been widely demonstrated forpalm oil FA. However, palm oil has a highdegree of saturation. Calcium salts of unsat-urated FA are dissociated in the rumen dueto their low pKa, so that the FA are thenextensively hydrogenated [60]. A morerecent technique is the formation of fattyacyl amides. This is being developed butthe protection against biohydrogenation isprobably not complete [78].

then hydrogenated. For example, linoleicacid (cis-9, cis-12 C18:2) is isomerised toconjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (cis-9, trans-11 C18:2) and then hydrogenated firstly totransvaccenic acid (trans-11 C18:1) andthen to stearic acid (C18:0). In fact, the bio-chemical pathways are numerous and depen-dent on the microbial ecosystem. A largeamount of 18-carbon monounsaturated FAis found in duodenal contents [15]. Amongtransmonounsaturated FA (TMUFA), thetrans-11 isomer (transvaccenic acid) is themain one, but a total of 12 trans isomershave been found, some of these being spe-cific to particular bacterial populations [89].Their appearance in rumen contents is notinstantaneous following addition of a sub-strate such as linolenic acid [92], suggestinga cascade of chemical reactions where sev-eral types of bacteria could intervene. TheseTMUFA isomers arise from several isomersof CLA [58] and from several conjugatedC18:3 isomers produced from dietaryα- and γ-linolenic acids [75]. It has alsobeen suggested [69] that double bond migra-tion may occur.

Ruminal biohydrogenation, defined asthe disappearance of linoleic and linolenicacids between the mouth and duodenum, isextensive in most cases: on average 80 and92% for linoleic and linolenic acids respec-tively [52]. The less extensive hydrogenationof linoleic acid could be explained in partby an incorporation of this acid into bacte-ria [12], but it is also probably due to a dif-ferent biochemical pathway of hydrogena-tion [75]. Biohydrogenation is not clearlyrelated to the amount or origin of dietarylipids. The extent of ruminal biohydro-genation mainly depends on the type of diet.When concentrates comprise more than 70%of the diet, biohydrogenation is on averageonly 50 and 65% for linoleic and linolenicacid, respectively. This has been shown to bedue to a drop in pH, limiting at first lipoly-sis, and thus hydrogenation which occursonly on free FA [139]. A large amount ofdietary linoleic acid and a decrease in the


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2.3. Adipose tissue metabolism

The mammary gland uses plasma NEFAreleased from adipose tissue as a source oflong-chain FA for milk fat synthesis. TheFA stored as triglycerides in ruminant adi-pose tissue are mainly C16:0, C18:0 andcis-9 C18:1, and to a much lesser extentC14:0, cis-9 C16:1, C17:0, trans-11 C18:1and minor FAs, with large variationsbetween adipose tissue sites [10]. The FAcomposition of adipose tissue is also depen-dent on feeding conditions (see Introduc-tion).

The availability of plasma NEFA for themammary gland is highly correlated to bodyfat mobilisation, which occurs during earlylactation and/or when energy balance is neg-ative [23]. The amount and nature of dietaryfat are also involved in the regulation ofbody fat mobilisation [21]. The FA compo-sition of plasma NEFA, although poorlyunderstood in lactating cows, is probablydependent on the nutritional history of thecow (previous FA storage), as well as onthe order in which the different adipose tis-sue sites, and the different FA within eachadipose tissue site, are mobilised.


3.1. Decreasing saturated fatty acids

3.1.1. Short- and medium-chain fattyacids

Most of the FA arising from de novo syn-thesis are saturated (C4:0 to C16:0), becausethe delta-9 desaturase has very low activitywith FA shorter than 18 carbon chain length,although a small proportion of C14:0 andC16:0 is desaturated to C14:1 and C16:1[107]. Long-chain FA (with 16 or more car-bon atoms) are potent inhibitors of mam-mary FA synthesis, through a direct

inhibitory effect on ACC activity [9]. Thus,when long-chain FA are available eitherfrom the diet, or from body fat mobilisa-tion, there is a decrease in the percentageof medium-chain FA (C8:0 to C14:0 orC16:0) in milk fat (e.g. Chilliard et al. [30,31]). This is due to both a higher secretion oflong-chain FA from the blood (dilutioneffect), and a lower de novo synthesis ofFA. A third factor which could accentuatethis change is the reduced availability ofacetate and 3-HB for mammary FA synthe-sis. This would be brought about by thedecreased voluntary feed intake caused byan increased dietary fat intake (review byChilliard [21]), as well as the decreasedacetate: propionate ratio in the rumenbrought about by the increased intake ofunprotected, unsaturated FA (review byDoreau et al. [54]). The upshot of this is thatthe prediction of the effect of dietary fat iscomplex, owing to the nature (FA compo-sition), the presentation (oilseeds, protectedor unprotected oils) and the amount ofdietary fat, together with its interactionswith forages and/or concentrates in the basaldiet, since dietary environment affects rumi-nal biohydrogenation. Some examples aregiven in Table I. A duodenal infusion ofrapeseed oil increased C18:1, C18:2 andC18:3, at the expense of mainly C14:0 andC16:0. Protected soya oil feeding mainlyincreased C18:0, C18:1 and C18:2, at theexpense of FA from C10:0 to C16:0,whereas unprotected soya oil added to thediet mainly increased C18:1 (due largely totransisomers [8]) at the expense of FA fromC6:0 to C16:0. Calcium salts of palm oilslightly increased C16:0, C18:0 and C18:1,at the expense of FA from C10:0 to C14:0.

Several observations may be made fromthese results. Firstly, the proportion ofbutyric acid in milk fat has never been sig-nificantly decreased (and even tended to beslightly increased) by feeding fat (see also[57, 120, 121]). Secondly, the proportion ofshort-chain FA with six and eight carbonchain lengths decreased only when unpro-tected oil affects rumen function (see also


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positive effects of butyric acid on humanhealth [122].

The relative efficiency of the differentlong-chain FA to inhibit mammary FA syn-thesis seems to differ between monogastricand ruminant species, but also according toexperimental conditions in vivo or in vitro[9]. Inhibition tends to be higher when thenumber of carbon atoms and/or the degree ofunsaturation increases. Furthermore, thetrans isomers of C18:1 and CLA could bevery potent inhibitors of fat synthesis (seebelow). Besides these mechanisms, adecreased availability of acetate and butyrate(or 3-HB) due to changes in the rumen bac-terial population and changes in rumen VFAproduction could contribute to the largedecrease in mammary short- and medium-chain FA synthesis observed when diets arefed which depress milk fat content (seebelow). Furthermore, a large decrease in thepercentage of butyric acid in milk fat wasobserved with high concentrate diets,although ruminal butyric acid percentage

[31, 33]). Furthermore, the proportion ofC4:0, C6:0 and C8:0-FA was hardly changedby the addition of protected fat or by theduodenal infusion of fat (see also [41, 55]).This is in agreement with the observationthat body fat mobilisation increased C18:0and C18:1 in milk fat at the expense ofC10:0 to C16:0-FA without significantlydecreasing the C4:0 to C8:0-FA [22, 30, 43,135]. These last mentioned FA are synthe-sised in part by non-malonyl CoA mecha-nisms, i.e. not involving ACC. This couldalso be related to the fact that a duodenalinfusion of fish oil sharply decreasedpalmitic secretion with few effects on thesecretion of C4:0 to C14:0-FA, contrastingwith the dramatic effect of an infusion offish oil into the rumen on these last-men-tioned FA (Fig. 2). Thirdly, the proportion ofpalmitic acid is always decreased (exceptwhen present in large amounts in the fatsupplement from palm oil). The consistencyin the proportion of butyric acid is interest-ing, particularly because of the putative


Table I. Effects of vegetable oil supplementation on milk fatty acid composition (g per 100 g fat).

Rapeseed oil Encapsulated Unprotected Calciumduodenal infusion1 soya oil2 soya oil3 salts of palm oil4

Control +630 g.d–1 Control +630 g.d–1 Control +600 g.d–1 Control +650 g.d–1

C4:0 3.0 3.1 1.4 1.7 3.1 2.8 2.9 3.3 C6:0 2.2 2.3 1.8 1.5 2.7 1.7 2.0 2.5 C8:0 2.1 2.3 1.0 0.8 1.7 1.3 2.0 1.8 C10:0 4.4 4.1 3.3 2.1 4.0 1.9 4.2 3.4 C12:0 4.8 4.7 4.0 2.2 4.5 2.3 5.1 3.8 C14:0 12.2 10.8 12.2 7.1 12.9 8.7 12.0 10.4 C16:0 33.7 26.2 29.0 17.5 32.2 23.9 31.6 33.3 C18:0 7.6 7.7 13.4 15.3 11.2 12.9 6.5 7.3 C18:1 18.1 23.3 24.6 32.8 23.6 38.9 19.6 23.0 C18:2 1.9 6.4 7.6 16.2 2.2 3.2 2.8 2.8 C18:3 0.2 2.8 1.9 3.0 – – 0.2 0.2

Milk fat 976 1 047 930 1 064 782 706 1 065 1 152(g.d–1)

1 [25], Chilliard and Doreau, unpublished results, 2 [108], 3 [129], 4 [33].

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did not change [124]. Propionate infusioninto the rumen decreased the yield of all FAfrom C4 to C16, and more markedly C4 toC8-FA. In contrast, glucose infusion intothe duodenum decreased the yield of C4 toC8-FA and C14 to C18-FA, but not C10and C12 [76]. The difference between the2 treatments could be related to the fact thatpropionate infusion decreased acetate andbutyrate concentrations in the rumen,whereas glucose probably increased the useof acetate, 3-HB and long-chain FA by adi-pose tissue.

3.1.2. Long-chain fatty acids

A decrease in the C16:0 to C18:0 ratioshould be beneficial to human health [113].As described in the previous section, C16:0

content in milk fat can be decreased by allfactors which inhibit FA synthesis, as wellas by feeding supplements poor in palmiticacid, such as rapeseed or sunflower [71].Conversely, the addition of calcium salts ofpalm oil (770 g.d–1 in 6 trials) increased theC16:0 content of milk fat by 21 mg.g–1 [33].

Another goal for human health and dairytechnology (to increase fat fluidity) couldbe to decrease the C18:0: cis-9 C18:1 (oleicacid) ratio. Feeding oleamide [79] or effi-ciently protected oils or seeds rich in oleicacid (e.g. soya and rapeseed) is a means toachieve this goal (Tab. I). However, feedingfat supplements rich in stearic acid, such astallow or hydrogenated FA, do not increasethe C18:0 to C18:1 ratio [7] because a largepart of stearic acid is desaturated tooleic acid by the mammary gland. Feeding


Figure 2.Effects of duodenal (D) or ruminal (R) infusion of fish oil on the secretion response (treated-control) of milk fatty acids (FA) in the dairy cow (from [27, 35]. ( ) infused fish oil FA, ( )secretion response to D, ( ) secretion response to R.

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biohydrogenation, including natural pro-tection by plant structures. The transfer rateof PUFA from the duodenum to milk canbe calculated (Figs. 3 and 4) using tech-niques of abomasal or duodenal infusions,which simulate high flows of duodenal FA.

3.2.1. Linoleic acid

The use of large amounts of encapsulatedsafflower oil produced milk fat rich inlinoleic acid (up to 35% of milk fat). Feed-ing encapsulated rapeseed, sunflower, soy-abean or cotton seed oil resulted in the pro-portion of linoleic acid in total fat beingbetween 15 and 20% [72, 98, 109]. Besidesthese changes in the proportions of FA, thestructure of milk triglycerides can be mod-ified with a decrease in the proportion ofC16:0 and an increase in C18:1 esterified

unprotected oils increases both cisand transC18:1 isomers [8] which arise from ruminalmetabolism (transC18:1) and from mam-mary desaturation of C18:0 produced in therumen. The milk C18:0 to C18:1 ratio issharply increased by feeding protected cot-ton seeds to goats [72] likely due to inhibi-tion of mammary delta-9 desaturase bycyclopropenoic FA from cotton seeds.

3.2. Increasing polyunsaturatedfatty acids

Polyunsaturated FA are not synthesisedby ruminant tissues, so that their concen-tration in milk is dependent on the amountwhich flows out of the rumen. This amountcan be increased by the use of feeds rich inPUFA and by factors which decrease their


Figure 3.Transfer efficiency [milk C18:2 (treated-control) / infused C18:2] into milk of linolenic acidinfused into the abomasum or the duodenum of the dairy cow (from [32, 41, 55, 63, 100, 118, 125,141]).

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at the sn-2 position of glycerol [82]. Thiswould have potential consequences on thephysical properties of milk fat. The trans-fer efficiency into milk of linoleic acidinfused into the duodenum is howeverhighly variable and ranges from 10 to 90%(Fig. 3). These variations are not clearlyrelated to either the amount of linoleic acidinfused, the plant origin of the FA, its state(free vs. esterified), or the stage of lactationof the cow. However the lowest efficien-cies (less than 30%) were all observed whenlarge amounts of FA were infused, and whencows were in early to peak lactation. Thiseffect of lactation stage is puzzling, sincethe flows of FA are driven primarily towardsthe mammary gland during early lactation[23].

With most diets based on forages andwithout lipid supplements, the percentageof linoleic acid in milk fat is between 2 and3%. With diets enriched with unprotectedoils or seeds from soyabean or sunflower,the percentage of linoleic acid in milk fatdoes not increase above 4%, and the increasecompared with the control diet is less than1.5% (e.g. Tab. I). As an exception, Wuet al. [147] increased linoleic acid in milk fatby almost 3%, by adding a mixture of cot-tonseed and safflower oil (4% of diet DM)to the diet. In some experiments the use ofraw soyabeans instead of soyabean oilresulted in an increase by 1% in the pro-portion of linoleic acid in milk fat [134]. Apartial protective effect of the seed is likely.Calcium salts of rapeseed FA or soybeanoil do not increase the proportion of milk


Figure 4.Transfer efficiency [milk C18:3 (treated-control) / infused C18:3] into milk of linolenic acidinfused into the abomasum or the duodenum of the dairy cow (from [32, 41, 55, 100, 118]).

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With more reasonable supplementation ofprotected linseed oil (410 g.d–1) the pro-portion of linolenic acid in milk fat reaches6.4% [67]. These results suggest a hightransfer efficiency from the duodenum tomilk, as shown in Figure 4, especially whensmall amounts (less than 40 g.d–1) of C18:3are infused into the intestine (the transferefficiencies ranged from 35 to 70%).

Grass is the main source of C18:3. Haymaking greatly decreases the concentrationof C18:3, due to a decrease in FA content,and to a decrease in C18:3 percentage inFA. As a consequence, the amount of C18:3absorbed, although limited, is much higherfor fresh grass than for hay or concentratediets, despite a lower percentage of hydro-genation of concentrate diets (Tab. II). Thepercentage of C18:3 in milk may thereforebe four times higher following turn out topasture than it was before (2.4 vs. 0.7% in atrial by Decaen and Ghadaki [44]). Sincethe fat percentage in grass and the percent-age of linolenic acid in grass fat are higherin early spring and in late autumn than atother times [11] and also dependent on grassvarieties, it is understandable that pasturedoes not often increase the percentage oflinolenic acid in milk. In studies reportedby Lawless et al. [101] and Kelly et al. [91],the concentration of linolenic acid in milk fatremained less than 1%.

Among the non-forage feedstuffs, lin-seed is the only one which has significant

linoleic acid [38, 56, 59, 97], because thesalts dissociate in the rumen when pH falls.This is then followed by an extensive rumi-nal hydrogenation. The presentation of soy-abean FA as butylsoyamide results in anincrease in the linoleic acid concentrationin milk fat by 2% without an increase intransC18:1 [80], supporting the hypothe-sis that fatty acyl amides escape in part fromruminal biohydrogenation.

The incorporation of dietary linoleic acidin milk is less than that in beef. This maybe due to a specific use of this acid for mus-cle phospholipids, where it can reach20–30% of total FA in extreme cases,whereas triglycerides of the adipose tissue,which is mostly the uneaten part of bovinecarcasses, are not enriched in linoleic acidwith the same priority [45]. However, thereis a significant storage of linoleic acid inadipose tissue triglycerides when the avail-ability of this FA increases, as shown by its71% increase in perirenal adipose tissue ofmid lactation cows after a 5-week duode-nal infusion (1 kg.d–1) of rapeseed oil [32].

3.2.2. Linolenic acid

As with linoleic acid, the incorporation oflinolenic acid in milk fat can be very highand reach more than 20% of total milk FA.This occurs when unusual amounts (20%of the diet) of linseed oil coated withformaldehyde-treated proteins are fed [109].


Table II . Ruminal hydrogenation and absorption of linolenic acid (C18:3) in sheep receiving threediets (Bauchart D. and Poncet C., unpublished data).

Diet Fresh grass Hay:concentrate Hay:concentrate (75:25) (30:70)

FA intake (g per 100 g DM) 2.38 0.88 0.88C18:3 intake (g.d–1) 14.0 0.85 0.46C18:3 intake (% total FA) 56.2 8.8 4.5C18:3 hydrogenation (%) 95.9 92.9 87.0C18:3 absorbed (g.d–1) 0.49 0.04 0.05C18:3 absorbed (% FA) 3.1 0.3 0.3

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amounts of C18:3, which represents morethan 50% of FA. Very few studies haveanalysed the effect of linseed or linseed oilon milk fat composition. Using linseed, Ken-nely [93] in two experiments and Mans-bridge et al. [106] increased the proportionof linolenic acid by up to 1.5% of total FA.A significant increase was also found byBrunschwig et al. [19] with an expeller lin-seed meal. On the contrary, the incorporationof 5.3% linseed oil in the diet resulted inless than 0.5% linolenic acid in milk fat [90].Contradictory results have been obtainedwith calcium salts of linseed oil. Chouinardet al. [38] did not observe an increase inmilk C18:2 and C18:3 after 4 weeks of sup-plementation, whereas Brzoska et al. [20]did, after 3 weeks, using a mixed commer-cial product. The trend to a higher proportionof linolenic acid in milk when linseeds areused compared with linseed oil could be dueto a partial protection by whole linseedagainst biohydrogenation due to the locali-sation of oil in the seed or meal. However,no direct comparisons between whole lin-seeds, linseed oil and calcium salts are avail-able.

A major factor which limits the use oflinseed is its well-known negative effect onfibre digestion [18], due to a large reduc-tion in the protozoal population [53] accom-

panied by a shift in rumen VFA towardspropionate production [85]. The potentialpositive effects on milk fat composition aretherefore largely outweighed by the decreasein the energy value of the diet.

3.2.3. EPA and DHA

An increase in C20 and C22 n-3 FA canbe achieved by the use of fish oil. Fish oil isrich in EPA and DHA, their relative pro-portion being highly dependent on the typeof fish and, to a lesser degree, on environ-mental conditions [1]. Only other marineorganisms (algae, plankton) are also rich inEPA and DHA [66]. Fish oil also results ina strong decrease in total fat secretion, whichcan be an objective in European countries,due to fat production quotas [26, 54].

The transfer efficiency into milk of EPAand DHA from fish oil infused (270 g.d–1)into the duodenum was 20 and 18%, respec-tively, thus allowing an increase in the EPA+ DHA concentration in milk fat up to2 g per 100 g FA (Fig. 2 and Tab. III). Whenfish oil is unprotected, the transfer efficiencyof EPA and DHA in milk fat is much lower(e.g. 3 and 11%, respectively, in Fig. 2), dueto the ruminal hydrogenation of a large partof these FA [51] combined to a relativelylow transfer efficiency of total C20 and C22


Table III. Response1 and apparent transfer efficiency2 into milk of C20:5, C22:5 and C22:6 n – 3 fromfish oil given in the diet or infused into the duodenum (DU) of the cow.

Treatment Control Fish oil (FO) in the diet FO in the DU

Amount (g.d–1) 03 1804 2705 3604 2705

C 20:5 (EPA) 0.04–0.05 0.14 0.28 0.37 1.31(1%) (3%) (2%) (20%)

C 22:5 (DPA) 0.04–0.06 0.16 0.32 0.30 0.41(12%) (39%) (15%) (71%)

C 22:6 (DHA) 0.03–0.06 0.53 0.37 0.63 0.42(21%) (11%) (11%) (18%)

1 Concentration in milk fat (g per 100 g). 2In brackets: milk FA response (treated – control)% fish oil FA.3 Fifteen cows. 4 Nine cows [34]. 5 Six cows [27].

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less hydrogenated than EPA. Another pos-sibility could be that some EPA is elongatedto C 22:5 by rumen microbial metabolism.The ratios then remain similar between theduodenum and milk (Tab. IV), indicatingthat all 3 FA are used with similar efficien-cies after intestinal absorption. When oil isdirectly infused into the duodenum, theratios in the duodenum are, as expected,similar to the ratios in the oil. The changesin the ratios between the duodenum and milkconfirm that, in this case, C 22:5 is 3 to4 times more efficiently secreted than EPAand DHA, probably because the mammaryclearance of this particular FA increaseswhen its availability increases.

Fish oil increases EPA and DHA in mus-cle in beef cattle [130]. However, their incor-poration occurs in the muscle phospholipidfraction but not in muscle triglycerides orsubcutaneous adipose tissue [4]. The smallamount of EPA and DHA which escapesrumen hydrogenation is therefore preferen-tially directed towards muscle phospho-lipids, rather than carcass or milk triglyc-erides.

Despite this positive effect of fish oil onthe amount of EPA and DHA in milk andmeat, this feeding practice will probably beof limited interest. Indeed fish oil tends todecrease milk flavour [99]. Curiously, thisnegative effect has not been shown in bovinemeat [146], but this remains to be confirmed.

FA in milk (32% for 270 g.d–1 fish oilinfused into the rumen, Fig. 2). These lowertransfer rates of EPA and DHA could also beexplained in part by the fact that these FAare concentrated in cholesterol ester andphospholipid fractions of plasma [117],which are only weakly used by the mam-mary gland for lipid synthesis. Thus, theEPA + DHA concentrations in milk fatremain generally lower than 1.0% (Tab. IIIand [73, 104, 105, 117]).

The response to fish oil supplementationof milk C22:5 (DPA) is very different fromthose of EPA and DHA (Tab. III ). Whenfish oil was infused into the duodenum, theapparent transfer efficiency of C22:5 was71%, compared to 18–20% for DHA andEPA. This suggests that C22:5 is very effi-ciently used by the mammary gland,although EPA and DHA are probably sparedfor other purposes in the animal body. Whenfish oil was added to the diet, the meantransfer efficiencies were 2, 22 and 14% forEPA, C 22:5 and DHA, respectively. A hightransfer efficiency of C22:5 was alsoobserved by Offer et al. [117], i.e. 30% withfish oil (250 g.d–1) added to the diet.

The differences in the ratios of these3 FA between oil, duodenum and milk(Tab. IV) could be helpful to understandwhat happens. When oil is infused into therumen, duodenal ratios suggest that C 22:5is much less hydrogenated (in relative terms)than DHA and EPA, and that DHA is much


Table IV. Changes in the ratios between EPA, C22:5 n – 3 (DPA) and DHA from the diet to the duo-denum and the milk in cows receiving fish oil (270 g.d–1) into the rumen or the duodenum1.

Treatment Ruminal infusion Duodenal infusion

FA from: Fish oil Duodenum Milk Duodenum Milk


1 Data from 6 cows ([27, 51]; Chilliard and Doreau, unpublished data).




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3.3. Increasing conjugated linoleic acidand controlling transmonoenes

Very intensive research has been con-ducted on transFA and CLA during the lastfive years. The reasons are, firstly, therecently acquired knowledge about the puta-tive beneficial effects of CLA isomers onhuman health, including the prevention ofcancer, atherogenesis, lipid peroxidationand obesity, and the modulation of immunefunction [122, 133]. Secondly, the contro-versy on the putative negative effect of thespecific isomers of transC18:1 occurringin either dairy products or margarines,respectively [143, 144]. Thirdly, the newknowledge and hypotheses on the centralrole of transisomers of C18:1, and possiblyof some isomers of CLA, on the milk fatdepressing effects of specific diets [69].

3.3.1. Conjugated linoleic acid

CLA is an intermediate in the rumenhydrogenation of linoleic acid, whereastrans-11 C18:1 (vaccenic acid) is a com-mon intermediate in the biohydrogenation oflinoleic and α- and γ-linolenic acids (seeabove). Since the reduction of transC18:1is generally rate limiting for the completehydrogenation of unsaturated C18-FA, thereis often a ruminal accumulation of trans

C18:1, but rarely CLA, as suggested by thelow ratio (1:40) of CLA to transC18:1 in atrial cited by Griinari and Bauman [69].Since this ratio was much higher (1:3) inmilk fat of the same cows, it was suggestedthat a major portion of milk CLA is synthe-sised by the mammary gland. Similarly,since milk CLA was greatly increased withdiets low in C18:2, such as pasture feeding[91, 101, 133] or those which included fishoil supplements (Fig. 5) it may be suggestedthat there could be CLA synthesis by tis-sues.

This hypothesis has been discussed indetail by Griinari and Bauman [69], review-ing experimental data in vivo and in vitroin different animal species. They suggestedthat ruminant mammary (and adipose) cellsare able to synthesise cis-9, trans-11 CLAfrom trans-11 C18:1, and other CLA iso-mers from other trans C18:1 isomers, byaction of the delta-9 desaturase on transC18:1. In particular, it was shown in sheepthat delta-9 desaturase expression (mRNA)decreases in adipose tissue and increases inmammary tissue with the onset of lactation[142]. A high mammary desaturase activ-ity could explain why the CLA (product) totrans-11 C18:1 (precursor) ratio was fairlyconstant in several trials, although this ratiovaried between experimental conditions and


Figure 5. Relationship between fish oil intake and cow milk CLA (from [35] (h), [36] (s), [84] (+),and [117] (×)).

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gland [57]. However, there was no decreasein milk fat content in some trials where transC18:1 was greatly increased [6, 88, 145].

A new insight arose recently whenGriinari et al. [70] showed that low fibrediets greatly increased the proportion oftrans-10 C18:1 (and not trans-11 isomer)and trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers in milkfat. Furthermore, this team demonstratedthat this CLA isomer depresses milk fat con-tent, whereas the more frequent cis-9, trans-11 CLA does not [14, 69]. However, fishoil supplementation sharply decreased milkfat content without significantly increasingtrans-10, cis-12 CLA, whereas 96% of theCLA increase was due to the cis-9, trans-11 isomer [35].

The different effects of the different transC18:1 isomers, and of the different CLAisomers on the successive steps of milk (andbody) fat synthesis (FA synthesis, uptake,desaturation and esterification, fat globulesynthesis and secretion) remain to be unrav-elled, in ruminant as well as in monogas-tric species. Inhibition of FA synthesis anddesaturation have been suggested in theruminant mammary gland [14, 40]. It wasshown in rodents that the trans-10, cis-12CLA, but not the cis-9, trans-11 isomer,decreases the hepatic microsomal delta-9desaturation activity [17]. In addition, thevarious effects of these isomers on humanhealth also need to be elucidated.

Since the melting point of trans-FA isvery different from that of the correspondingcis isomers, and because lipid fluidity incell structures could limit fat globule pack-aging and/or secretion, it is likely that thepercentage of the different FA, as well astheir position on the glycerol molecule, con-tribute together via the fluidity of milk fat toan overall regulatory mechanism, thus inte-grating the complex effects of the numer-ous physiological and environmental fac-tors that can modify milk fat composition[74]. Other dietary factors could interactfurther, since Focant et al. [61] observedthat vitamin E restores milk fat content in

laboratories [69]. These authors suggest thatca. 33% of trans-11 C18:1 taken up by themammary gland is desaturated to cis-9,trans-11 CLA, i.e. the major (more than90%) CLA isomer found in milk fat. Thepresence of trans-11 C18:1 in ruminant milkfat could enhance its value for human con-sumers, since rodent tissues can also con-vert trans-11 C18:1 into CLA [126]. How-ever, the desaturation of C18:0 to C18:1 hasnot been detected in the human mammarygland [81] despite the fact that delta-9 desat-urase genes have been identified in humantissues [138].

Besides this, some CLA is probablyabsorbed from the digestive tract and takenup by the mammary gland of ruminantspecies. CLA isomers infused into the abo-masum of cows were transferred into milkwith an efficiency of between 10 and 26%[39] or 21 to 33% [40].

3.3.2. The isomers of trans-octadecenoicacid and the regulation of milk fatsecretion

Milk fat content is greatly decreased bylow fibre, high grain diets and by feedingunprotected, unsaturated lipid supplements,especially fish oils (review by Doreau et al.[54]). A role for trans C18:1 in theseresponses has been hypothesised for sometime ([42, 131], reviews by Chilliard et al.[28, 31] and Palmquist [119]). The effectof high grain diets on milk FA compositiondiffers between corn and barley diets. Theformer increases more C18:2 and probablytrans C18:1, and decreases more C4 to C16saturated FA (review by Palmquist et al.[121]), probably in relation with the higherlipid content of corn compared to barley. Itwas recently shown, by direct experimen-tal approaches, that the trans isomers ofC18:1 [64, 87, 125] and CLA [39, 103] arevery efficient at inhibiting milk fat synthe-sis and secretion. Furthermore, trans-11C18:1 is very efficiently taken up by themammary gland [137] and could inhibit thedesaturation of C18:0 by the mammary


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oil supplemented diets, despite a high levelof transC18:1.

3.3.3. Dietary factors that affect transfatty acids and CLA contentin milk fat

Griinari and Bauman [69] have proposedthat dietary factors which affect milk CLAcontent could be grouped into one of twocategories. The first would be factors thatprovide lipid substrates for formation ofCLA or transC18:1 in the rumen. The sec-ond would be factors that change the micro-bial activity associated with ruminal biohy-drogenation. Literature data are presentedin Table V according to the ranges ofobserved milk CLA content. However, nodefinitive conclusions can be drawn fromthese data, because a large proportion of thedata arose from indirect comparisons ofexperiments in different laboratories orexperimental conditions, and also because alot of the potential interactions in practicalfarm conditions have not yet been studied. Itnevertheless appears that plant oils high inlinoleic acid (e.g. sunflower, soya and rape-seed) are very efficient at increasing milkCLA content (Fig. 6). Besides directlyincreasing the yield of CLA and transC18:1, it is likely that linoleic acid inhibitsthe final reduction of trans C18:1, thusincreasing its accumulation in the rumen[69]. Calcium salts of rapeseed also increasemilk CLA content [38], in agreement withthe concept that calcium salts are not resis-tant to ruminal biohydrogenation. Further-more, vegetable oils are more efficient thanextruded seeds (which are themselves moreefficient than raw seeds) at increasing milkCLA content (Tab. V and Fig. 6). Thispotency could be inversely related to theprotection of PUFA against biohydrogena-tion. On the other hand, supplementationwith animal fats is not very efficient atincreasing CLA content (Fig. 6) because oftheir low PUFA content.

When soya oil was offered 24-timesdaily, instead of twice, the milk fat content

increased, and the percentage of transC18:1decreased whereas that of C18:0 increased[6]. This suggests that ruminal hydrogena-tion was more complete and that milk CLAsynthesis was probably decreased.

Feeding 4% rapeseed oil to dairy goats[110] greatly increased milk fat CLA content(by 204%), and more efficiently than simi-lar doses of rapeseed in dairy cow diets(Fig. 6). It should be stressed that the milkyield and composition responses to dietaryfat differ notably between goats and cows.Feeding vegetable oils or seeds increasesmilk fat content in goats (review by Chilliardand Bocquier [24]), whereas it generallydecreases it in cows [21]. This peculiarityof goats could be related to some differ-ences in the metabolism of transFA in therumen or in the mammary gland.

Feeding linseed oil (a C18:3-rich oil)greatly increases milk fat CLA content [36,48] and is at least as efficient as C18:2-richvegetable oils (Fig. 6). Since C18:3 is nota precursor of CLA in the rumen, this sug-gests that feeding linseed oil results in alarge increase in the production of ruminaltrans-11 C18:1, which can be used by themammary gland for CLA synthesis.

Dietary fish oil is more efficient atincreasing milk CLA content (Fig. 5) than anequal amount of plant oils. Biohydrogena-tion of long-chain PUFA (EPA and DHA) isunlikely to yield CLA or trans-11 C18:1directly. However, fish oil increases ruminal[145], and milk [27, 34, 35, 99] trans-11C18:1, possibly through inhibition of thereduction of this FA in the rumen. There isa linear relationship between milk fat CLAand transC18:1 content across a variety offeeding conditions (Fig. 7). However, theCLA: transC18:1 ratio is much lower withfish oil. It could therefore be hypothesisedthat either the very high level of transC18:1exceed the desaturating capacity of themammary gland, or that some specific FAfrom fish oil (EPA, DHA or intermediateof biohydrogenation) inhibits the delta-9desaturase activity. The latter hypothesis,


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Table V. Effects of dietary factors on milk fat CLA content in dairy cows (literature review)a.

low values medium values high values(0.2–0.8%) (0.8–1.6%) (> 1.6%)

corn silagegrass silage/hay/pastureanimal or vegetable saturated fatsraw soybeansmicronized soybeanssoybeans treated by heat processingextruded soybeans or cottonseedsdietary buffers

a Several interactions between dietary factors are likely to change the response to each factor alone, implying that dose-responses suggested by this table are only indicative(from [2, 35, 36, 37, 47, 48, 49, 70, 77, 83, 84, 90, 91, 101, 102, 117, 123, 127, 133, 136]).b At low doses. c At medium doses.

fresh pasture/young grasslow fiber dietsrestricted feedingextruded soybeanspeanut oilrapeseed oilb

soybean oilb

linseed oilb

calcium salts of rapeseed oilionophores (transient ?)

rapeseed oilc

soybean oilc

sunflower oilc

linseed oilc

calcium salts of soybean and linseed oilsfish oils

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however, does not explain the low CLA:transC18:1 ratio observed with monensinsupplementation ([127]; Fig. 7), and thistherefore favours the first hypothesis. How-ever, the effects of ionophores (probably atransient effect) and of forage: concentrateratio were variable for different studies, asdiscussed by Griinari and Bauman [69].

Pasture feeding increases milk CLA (seeabove), especially with grass at an earlygrowth stage [37]. The high C18:3 contentof young grass (see above) and its low fibrecontent probably interact to increase the pro-duction of CLA or its transC18:1 precur-sors. The influence of cow breed on milkCLA is either not significant or of limitedextent, with milk from Montbeliardes show-ing slightly higher values [102].

Only limited data are available relativeto dietary influences on the distribution ofindividual CLA isomers. The effect of thediet on milk fat CLA is largely accountedfor by a change in the concentration of cis-9, trans-11 CLA isomer. This is consistentwith the relative importance of the endoge-nous synthesis of cis-9, trans-11 CLA fromtrans-11 C18:1 by ∆-9 desaturase. Simi-larly, trans-7, cis-9 CLA can be producedfrom trans-7 C18:1 by ∆-9 desaturase.Therefore, it is no surprise that trans-7,cis-9 is typically found as the second largestCLA isomer (3 to 16% of total CLA iso-mers) in milk fat [149]. Recently, milk fatwas studied from cows fed diets that resultin the formation of high levels of biohydro-genation intermediates in the rumen i.e. pas-ture feeding and supplementation with


Figure 6. Effect of the nature and the amount of fat supplements on CLA content in cow milk fat (from[34, 35, 36, 48, 49, 51, 84, 117, 127, 136]).

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stimulate the development of new feedingstrategies for lactating ruminants. Thiswould include pasture management, con-centrate formulation and techniques of pro-tection for plant lipids.

Bearing in mind that medical evaluationof the value of the different milk FA forhuman health will probably continue toevolve in the future, the first goal of animalnutritionists is to freely explore the rangeof possible changes in milk FA composi-tion, taking into account as many FA as pos-sible. The second goal is to predict the lawsof response of these FA to dietary factors,using modelling techniques. The third, butby no means least important goal, is to eval-uate the direct or indirect consequences ofchanges in feeding management and in milkFA composition on the other aspects of thequality of dairy products. This includes milktriglyceride and fat globule structure, as wellas manufacturing characteristics, oxidativestability, organoleptic quality, consumerchoices and human health. This last goalcould only be achieved through the

dietary oils (peanut, sunflower, linseed andfish oil). These dietary treatments produceda wide range of cis/trans-CLA isomer con-centrations. The following positive associ-ations between dietary treatment and spe-cific cis/trans-CLA isomers in milk fat wereobserved: pasture feeding and cis/trans11,13; peanut oil and trans-7, cis-9 CLA;sunflower oil and trans-10, cis-12; linseedoil and cis-12, trans-14; fish oil and cis-9,trans-11 CLA ([35], Griinari M., BaumanD.E., Chilliard Y., Nurmela K., andPerajoki P., quoted in [68]).


As a means of modifying milk FA com-position, dietary factors are very effective,easy to use and rapidly achieve their effect.The recent progress in the knowledge onthe mechanisms of lipid digestion andmetabolism in ruminants, as well as on thepotential beneficial health effects of spe-cific FA for humans, will undoubtedly


Figure 7. Relationship between CLA and transC 18:1 in milk fat of cows fed various diets (from [34,35, 36, 70, 77, 83, 117, 127, 136]). The linear regression (n = 21) was calculated without fish oil(+, m) and monensin (×) data.

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development of integrated multidisciplinaryfundamental and applied research.


We thank M. Griinari, L. Bernard and J.L.Sébédio for helpful discussions during the prepa-ration of the manuscript, and M. Borel, P. Béraudand O. Poux for secretarial assistance.


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