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T h e s t o r y o f o n e c o a l i t i o n ’ s j o u r n e y

Rx in Reading

Presented by: Erica McNamara, MPH, Certified Prevention Specialist SP020410-DFC

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Read ing , Massachuse t t s

E s tab l i shed 1644


Our Town R e a d i n g M A


8,688 p o p u l a t i o n

h o u s e h o l d s

1,353 v e t e r a n s

Town government comprises an elected and representative TOWN MEETING meeting, a 5-member elected BOARD OF SELECTMAN and 1 appointed TOWN MANAGER serving suburban Reading.

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White Asian Hispanic Black/African-Amer.

R e a d i n g M A

Racial/Ethnic Composition

Our People

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E a r n e d H . S . d i p l o m a + O w n e r - o c c u p i e d h o u s i n g M a n a g e m e n t o c c u p a t i o n

83% 53%

S t u d e n t s i n g r a d e s 6 - 1 2 2,400

2 0 1 0 U . S . C e n s u s D a t a


R e a d i n g M A

4,392 P r e K - 1 2

Our Facts

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R e a d i n g M A

2005 Concerned about 110 opioid-related hospitalizations & loss of 9 young adults to heroin overdoses. No coordinated action.

Timeline Coalition Development


2007 Established RCASA, recruited 24-sector leaders, developed data-driven strategic plan and secured funding.

2009 Youth leaders become involved in leading prevention projects and working with adult sector leaders.

2013 Youth substance use rates begin decline. Evaluation show progress towards outcomes.

2011 Major policies implemented & coalition leaders start to see tipping point of coordinated action.

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Individual vs Community

Stages of Change






Strategic Prevention Framework

















Our Challenge R e a d i n g M A


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Our Structure


BOARD OF DIRECTORS 24-members/12 sectors


Outreach Coordinator

Seasonal Youth Organizer

Fiscal Agent Town of Reading

Executive Partner Reading School District

Executive Partner Reading Police Department

COMMUNITY INPUT Data, Dialogues, Youth/Parent outreach, & Resident Connections

R e a d i n g M A

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• Raised over $1,567,000 since 2008 in grant funds to reduce substance abuse and successfully implement community collaboration efforts based on our Strategic Plan. We are continually seeking additional support to enhance our sustainability. The Town provided financial support for 2 full-time staff for a period of 15 months in between grant projects and has provided extensive in-kind support. Together, RCASA projects have resulted in progress towards our primary goals:


4-year grant - $193,992


Underage drinking prevention

Expires 9/29/16

2-year grant - $100K

SAMHSA Project Aware-LEA

Youth Mental Health

First Aid training

Expires 9/29/16)

5-year grant - $625,000 SAMHSA/ONDCP

Substance abuse


Expires 9/29/19


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D i s t r i b u t o r s o p e r a t i n g f r o m 3 n e a r b y c i t i e s

p r i m a r i l y s u p p l y R e a d i n g ’ s d r u g m a r k e t .

Routes 95/128/93

New England High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

R e a d i n g ’ s l o c a t i o n a t t h e b u s i e s t h i g h w a y i n t e r c h a n g e i n N e w E n g l a n d c r e a t e s

o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r t r a n s i e n t b u y e r s , a n d s e l l e r s o f d r u g s a s w e l l a s t h o s e w i t h i n

R e a d i n g t o t a r g e t c u s t o m e r s f r o m n e a r , a n d f a r .


Top 4 Regional Drug Threats


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Risk Behavior Survey

Pride Surveys- School/Parents Law Enforcement Survey

Coalition Readiness

Disciplinary records Police Calls for Service

Fire Service/Narcan Death certificates

Focus groups, community dialogues,

town halls, world cafes, youth groups, social media and parent


Local norms Environment Resources


Our Assessment Unders tand ing Read ing


Ques t i ons I n te rac t i ons Vo i ces Con tex t

R e a d i n g M A

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‘not here’ ‘not my kid’

Gen Amnesia

False sense

Of Protection



forget or ‘underestimate severity’

easy to get alcohol, Rx, nicotine, marijuana



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Most youth have the opportunity to go to challenging schools, participate in quality

sports/activities, and engage in creative opportunities

Most youth do not use substances at all caveat: - behaviors get more attention and

mislead youth about norms.

Most youth care about what their family, teachers, faith leaders, & other adults think

and want to be more connected.

Most youth really do pause and consider what can happen if they use.


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Our Capacity R e a d i n g M A

Sectors work

Build Trust Start Small

Harness Energy Pay Attention

Work your sectors


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R e a d i n g M A

Our mission is to strategically address our substance abuse problem that youth in Reading, Massachusetts abuse alcohol, prescription drugs, nicotine,

and other illegal drugs at unacceptably high rates that emerge early in adolescence, happen frequently, and indicate heavy use.

Our Planning . . . s a f e , v i b r a n t , a n d h e a l t h y R e a d i n g i n w h i c h a l l m e m b e r s - y o u n g t o o l d -

e n g a g e i n m a k i n g h e a l t h y d e c i s i o n s a n d a c t i v e l y w o r k t o g e t h e r t o e n s u r e t h a t t o d a y ’ s r e s o u r c e s s h a p e t o m o r r o w ’ s s t r e n g t h s .


R e a d i n g M A

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using data-driven program development reflecting best practices, local needs and community input.

R e d u c e d t e e n s u b s t a n c e u s e r a t e s

by partnering with Police, Town Government, School District, and Board of Health to collect unwanted Rx, enact policies and promote accountability.

R e d u c e d t e e n a c c e s s t o a l c o h o l & R x

supported by interdepartmental programming involving school/police to divert youth from court system and provide alternatives to school suspension.

R e d u c e d t o l e r a n c e f o r y o u t h s u b s t a n c e u s e



youth substance abuse

R e a d i n g M A

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of the strategic prevention framework and substance use disorders in Reading (40 community events) leading to better data collection, info-sharing, and coalition involvement.

I m p r o v e d m u l t i - s e c t o r a w a r e n e s s

Higher # of trained school personnel, first responders, community leaders, and youth advocates addressing front line substance abuse & mental health issues. More educated residents including parents of teens and pre-teens.

I m p r o v e d t r a i n i n g f o r a d u l t s

by actively engaging in district and regional partnerships in and around Reading including Reading Public Schools Multi-tiered System of Support, Mystic Valley Public Health Coalition (Opioid Intervention), and Eastern Middlesex DA’s Opioid Task Force.

I m p r o v e d l o c a l a n d r e g i o n a l r e s p o n s e



multi-sector collaboration

R e a d i n g M A

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P r o v i d e d i s i n c e n t i v e s t o m i s u s e R x t h a t a r e r e l e v a n t a n d c o m p e l l i n g .

P r o v i d e a n e a s y a c c e s s p o i n t f o r r e s i d e n t s t o t u r n i n u n w a n t e d R x 2 4 / 7 .

I n f o r m a l l s e c t o r s a b o u t t h e l o c a l m e d i c a t i o n d i s p o s a l p r o g r a m .

I n c r e a s e s k i l l - b u i l d i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s o n R x p r e v e n t i o n f o r g r a d e s 6 - 1 2 .

I m p r o v e R x m o n i t o r i n g p r a c t i c e s a n d m e d i c a t i o n s a f e t y .


Strategies R e a d i n g M A

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1778 1997



4900 5072 # Rx bottles

Turn in unwanted meds • Launched in 2009 • 1st in region • Police 24/7 drop box • 22,444 Rx bottles total • 65% narcotics • Over 1,000,000 pills


Rx Round Up

R e a d i n g M A Our Implementation

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R e a d i n g M A

Vendor: Citizen Observer

Product: TIP 411


100% anonymous

Messages can be responded to in real time creating an instant

two way live "chat".

Launched in 2011 in Reading following a homicide of a young adult in our community over $$

and pills.

430 tips processed.

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Cross-Tab: Rx misuse & Perceived risk



12% 67%











Used a non-prescribed drug in past 30 days toget high

Perceived using a non-prescribed drug to gethigh posed "great risk"

No Heroin UseReported Heroin Use

Reported heroin use Reading YRBS High School 2013, n=74 or 7% of total sample)

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Local Police Data: Analyzing Rx Overdoses Calls for Service from 2013-2014 (overdose or suicide attempt)

Suicide Attempts using Rx


Accidental Ods from Heroin & Perc-30s


Accidental Ods from

Other Drugs


Alcohol Poisoning


Incident Type

13-17 14%

18-21 9%

21-29 24%

30-39 43%

50-59 10%

Suicide Attempts/Drug Overdoses by Age

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Local Police Data: Analyzing Rx Overdoses Calls for Service from 2013-2014 (overdose or suicide attempt)








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Narcan, a lifesaving medication reverses the effect of an opioid overdose.



32 29 37



16 15 17

2005-2006 2007-2008 2009-2010 2011-2012 2013-2014 YTD3/1/14

Overdoses Narcan administered

Reading Fire Department: Calls for Service


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In addition to accidental overdoses and suicide attempts, log reports pertaining to substance abuse point to a variety of other related issues.

Underage drinking, youth marijuana use, adult marijuana

use, illegal possession of pills, doctor

shopping/med seeking,

operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Grandparents seeking

help…worried about adult child or grandchild’s

substance abuse or

grandchild’s welfare.

Family reports…

problems after adult child or young adult comes home from rehab or


Spouse or partner needing help to due to

partner’s substance

abuse including domestic violence,

problems with children and other issues.

Local Police Data: Other Findings


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Our Rx Education

1 5 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e r e a c h e d

D i a l o g u e s E v e n t s O u t r e a c h M e d i a W o r k s h o p s

R e a d i n g M A


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Our Youth M a k i n g p r e v e n t i o n f u n


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Rx Misuse: High School







Rx misuse (lifetime)

Rx misuse (past 30 days)

RYRBS 2015 RYRBS 2013 RYRBS 2011 In 2015

Girls reported higher lifetime

misuse of Rx tranquilizers compared to male peers.

Boys reported higher rate of injection drug

use compared to female peers.

R e a d i n g M A

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H.S. Substance Use R e a d i n g M A

Lifetime Use Current Use

Reading YRBS High School, 2015

Illegal Drug InjectionHeroinCocaineNon-prescribed RxMarijuanaAlcohol


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3% 2%

4% 7%


6% 4%


2011 2013 2015

Local Change

1st use prior to 13 Current Rx misuse Lifetime Rx misuse

Rx Misuse- Middle School



Using Rx notprescribed to you

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Opioid Addiction Prevention Bill (H.No.4056) School-related mandates

1. Create Substance Abuse & Education policies informed by state and Board of Health

• School Committee Policy previously established

2. Verbally Conduct Student Substance Abuse Screening

• 2016-2017: Pilot SBIRT

3. Incorporate Addiction & Substance Abuse into Driver’s Ed. curriculum & Concussion Safety Training

• H.S. Education in compliance (M.S./E.S. –to review) • Parent Education (Local programs & online training)

Source: Long & DiPietro, LLP Memo for M.A.S.S., 4/25/16 & Reading Public Schools Planning Committee 30

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We need to further reduce access to

Rx drugs through better monitoring,

improve perception of r isk, increase

awareness about their addictive

potential, and conduct screening.


What’s next?

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C a l l D i r e c t o r

Erica McNamara, MPH, CPS Phone: 781.942.6793

E m a i l

[email protected]

Contact G e t i n t o u c h



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