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  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.2 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    About th is Document

    This document is available for all project employees via the project network. Weregularly revise this document and the latest version is always availableelectronically. Once printed, the document should no longer be considered to be thelatest version. It may be distributed to Highway Department and/or the SupervisingOfficer on the understanding that any such document may not be the latest versionor it may be distributed to Highway Department and/or the Supervising Officer as acontrolled document in which case the front cover is to be stamped ControlledCopy in red and a copy number added.

    The Project Safety Manager is responsible for updating and maintaining the planincluding the original hard copy, which should be signed by the Project Director toindicate approval.

    The status of this plan is identified by a revision number and date on each page.Changes to the document are identified by yellow colour highlighted. On revision, theplan will be uploaded as a whole to the project server or within the Leighton Asia,India and Offshore (LAIO) Document Management System Technical DocumentsModule. The Project Safety Manager maintains a record of the revision status of theplan, which is available on request.

    If you have any enquiry relating to this plan, please contact the Project SafetyManager.

    Revision Date Section/Descript ion Prepared By Approved By

    49 31 October 2014 Revision 49 Alex Cheung Jimmy Chu

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.3 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014


    PROJECT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 10

    SECTION 1 HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY ............................................. 11

    1.1 Health and Safety Policy Statement ........................................................... 11

    1.2 Project Health and Safety Objectives ........................................................ 12

    1.3 Distribution and Display of Policy Statement.............................................. 13


    Review Procedure ..................................................................................... 13

    1.5 Appendix .................................................................................................... 14

    SECTION 2 SAFETY ORGANIZATION ...................................................... 15

    2.1 Safety Organization Chart ......................................................................... 15


    Safety Management Committee ................................................................ 15


    Site Safety and Environmental Committee ................................................ 17


    Individual Responsibilities ......................................................................... 17


    Lines of Communication ............................................................................ 32

    2.6 Appendix .................................................................................................... 32

    SECTION 3 SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING ......................................... 33

    3.1 Advance Safety Induction Training (ASIT) ................................................... 33

    3.2 Safety Induction .......................................................................................... 33

    3.3 Induction Training Test ............................................................................... 34

    3.4 Re-induction Course ................................................................................... 34


    Safety Training for Special Activities ........................................................... 34


    Tool-box Meetings ....................................................................................... 34

    3.7 Safety-management Training ...................................................................... 36

    3.8 Green Card ................................................................................................. 36

    3.9 Silver Card .................................................................................................. 37

    3.10 Blue Card .................................................................................................... 37

    3.11 Construction Workers Registration ............................................................. 37


    Confined Space Certified Worker Certificate ............................................... 37

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  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.5 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    6.4 Follow-up Action and Monitoring ................................................................. 85


    Records, Certificates and Registers ............................................................ 85

    6.6 Preventive Maintenance .............................................................................. 86

    6.7 Specific Safety Inspections to Area / Plant / Equipment .............................. 86



    Construction Risk Assessment .................................................................... 89


    Job-hazard Analysis .................................................................................... 89

    7.3 Construction Risk Assessment Reports ...................................................... 94


    Risk Register ............................................................................................... 94

    7.5 Change Management .................................................................................. 94

    7.6 Appendix ..................................................................................................... 95

    SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ............................... 96

    8.1 Legal Reference .......................................................................................... 96

    8.2 Identification and Selection of Personal Protective Equipment .................... 96

    8.3 Use, Storage and Maintenance ................................................................... 97


    Instruction and Training ............................................................................... 98


    Common Personal Protective Equipment Used on Site ............................... 98

    SECTION 9 ACCIDENT/INCIDENT INVESTIGATION .............................. 102

    9.1 Accident Investigation, Recording and Statistics ....................................... 102

    9.2 Appointment and Responsibilities of Competent Person ........................... 103

    9.3 Follow-up Actions ...................................................................................... 103


    Accident Statistics ..................................................................................... 103

    SECTION 10 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ........................................ 105

    10.1 Accident / Incident Reporting Procedure ................................................... 105

    10.2 First Aid and First-aid Facilities ................................................................. 111

    10.3 Tropical-cyclone Procedures ..................................................................... 113


    Rainstorm-warning Procedures ................................................................. 114


    Follow-up Action........................................................................................ 118


    Fire Procedures......................................................................................... 118

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    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.6 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    10.7 Flooding Procedures ................................................................................. 119


    Emergency Procedures Release of hazardous materials ....................... 119

    10.9 Traffic Accident / Incident Reporting Procedures ....................................... 120

    10.10 Emergency Procedures Damage to Underground Utilities ...................... 120


    Accident Emergency Procedures .............................................................. 121


    Emergency-procedures Training ............................................................... 123


    Emergency/Rescue Teams ....................................................................... 124

    10.14 Programme for Testing Emergency Procedures ........................................ 126

    10.15 Air Quality Health Index ............................................................................. 126

    10.16 Appendix ................................................................................................... 127

    SECTION 11 SAFETY PROMOTION ........................................................ 128

    11.1 Safety Information Communications .......................................................... 128

    11.2 Safety Award and Incentive Scheme ......................................................... 129

    11.3 Site Safety Cycle ....................................................................................... 131

    11.4 New Comer / Probation Workers Management System ............................. 132

    SECTION 12 HEALTH-ASSURANCE PROGRAMME .............................. 135


    Noise Monitoring and Control .................................................................... 135


    Dust Monitoring and Control ...................................................................... 135

    12.3 Control of Hazardous Substances ............................................................. 136

    12.4 Pre-job and Regular Medical Examinations ............................................... 137

    12.5 Display-screen-equipment Health and Safety Measures ........................... 137

    12.6 Implementation of Control Measures ......................................................... 137


    Housekeeping ........................................................................................... 138

    12.8 Lighting ..................................................................................................... 138

    12.9 Welfare Facilities ....................................................................................... 139

    12.10 Management of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Atypical

    Pneumonia) ............................................................................................... 140

    12.11 Management of Avian Flu and Swine Flu ................................................ 142

    12.12 Prevention of Mosquito Breeding/Dengue Fever ..................................... 144

    12.13 Prevention of Heat Stroke ........................................................................ 147


    Alcohol, Drug and Smoking Control .......................................................... 147

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    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.7 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    12.15 Rodents Control ....................................................................................... 148

    12.16 Red Imported Fire Ants ............................................................................ 148

    12.17 Work Rehabilitation Program ................................................................... 149


    SUBCONTRACTORS ................................................................................... 150

    13.1 General Subcontractor Assessment ......................................................... 150

    13.2 Policy ....................................................................................................... 150

    13.3 Evaluation and Selection Procedure ......................................................... 150


    Pre-contracting Meeting ........................................................................... 151

    13.5 Subcontract Agreement ............................................................................ 152


    Control of Subcontractors ......................................................................... 152


    Weekly Coordination Meeting ................................................................... 153

    13.8 Subcontractors Listing ............................................................................. 153

    SECTION 14 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAMME ................................ 154

    14.1 Traffic Control and Transportation ............................................................ 155


    Fire-prevention Measures and Fire-fighting Equipment ............................ 160

    14.3 Excavation ............................................................................................... 161

    14.4 Working in Confined Spaces .................................................................... 167

    14.5 Hot Work .................................................................................................. 170

    14.6 Electrical Equipment and Installations ...................................................... 171

    14.7 Welding/Cutting Operations ..................................................................... 172

    14.8 Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................ 176


    Lifting Operations Involving Cranes and Hoists, etc ................................. 176


    Manual Handling ...................................................................................... 184

    14.11 Scaffolding and Working Platforms........................................................... 187

    14.12 Ladders and Accesses .............................................................................. 189

    14.13 Hand Tools and Portable Power-driven Tools .......................................... 190

    14.14 Use and Storage of Hazardous Substances, including Chemicals ............ 204

    14.15 Working Over Water or Adjacent to Water................................................. 207

    14.16 Working at Height .................................................................................... 209

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    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.8 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    14.17 Floor and Wall Openings and Stairways ................................................... 210


    Lighting ................................................................................................... 210

    14.19 Protection Against Falling Objects ............................................................ 211

    14.20 Protection Against Lightning ..................................................................... 212


    Sheet Piling .............................................................................................. 212


    Working in Vicinity of Utilities ................................................................... 213


    Housekeeping ......................................................................................... 215

    14.24 Occupational Health and Safety in Offices ............................................... 219

    14.25 Temporary Works ..................................................................................... 220

    14.26 Electrical Power Supplies ......................................................................... 220

    14.27 Plant and Equipment ................................................................................ 222

    14.28 Wood-working Machinery ......................................................................... 223

    14.29 Noise at Work .......................................................................................... 224

    14.30 Structural Steel Erection ........................................................................... 224

    14.31 Demolition ................................................................................................ 225

    14.32 Pipe Pile ................................................................................................... 227

    14.33 Diaphragm Wall ........................................................................................ 228

    14.34 Bridge Deck Construction ......................................................................... 230

    14.35 Cut and Cover Tunnel .............................................................................. 230

    14.36 Substructure, Basement and Foundations ................................................ 231

    14.37 Drainage/ Sewerage Works ...................................................................... 232

    14.38 Landscaping Works include Transplanting ................................................ 233

    SECTION 15 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS ................................ 235

    15.1 Site Security ............................................................................................ 235

    15.2 Construction Design Management (CDM) ............................................... 236

    APPENDIX .................................................................................................... 239

    1.5.1 Definition of Project Health and Safety Objectives ..................................... 239

    2.6.1 Contact list of members in Safety Organization ......................................... 241

    3.18.1 Structure of Induction Training Course ...................................................... 242

    4.9.1 Applicable Regulations .............................................................................. 244

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.9 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    7.6.1 Summary of Risk Assessment ................................................................... 248

    10.6 Site Layout Plan ........................................................................................ 253

    10.13 Typhoon and Rainstorm Checklist ............................................................. 254

    10.16.1 Summary of Emergency Procedures ........................................................ 256

    10.16.2 Emergency Contact List ............................................................................ 258

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.10 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    Project Description

    The Central Interchange is part of the 4.5km Central-Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) trunk

    road project linking the Rumsey Street Flyover in Central to the Island East Corridor

    (IEC) in North Point. The works comprise mainly a cut and cover tunnel starting from

    the west portal to connect the section East of Man Yiu Street under the Central

    Reclamation contract, an approach structure with a series of retaining walls, linking

    the tunnel portal with surface level and elevated roadways towards the west.

    Scope of work

    Cut and cover tunnel between the CWB west portal and the limit of tunnel to be

    completed under the CRIII contract 224 kilometres

    Approach ramp leading to the CWB west portal 116 kilometres

    Bridge deck for westbound carriageway of Rumsey Street flyover extension 190


    Bridge for eastbound slip road of Rumsey Street flyover extension 115kilometres

    At grade roads between bridges and approach ramp

    Realignment / reconstruction of adjacent existing roads and services

    Precast concrete roof panels to form ventilation ducts in the tunnel 1120

    kilometres Landscaping

    The Central Interchange project site is located within a busy business district in

    Central. Comprehensive traffic diversion schemes and utility diversions / protection

    measures are required at various stages to facilitate the construction of the

    interchange tunnel, viaduct and roads.

    A Community Liaison Centre (CLC) will need to be established at early stage of the

    contract to interface with various stakeholders and mange public issues. Detailed

    planning in site logistics is required to tackle the restrictions due to limited compound

    space and room around the works areas, especially during the construction of

    diaphragm walls and excavation of tunnel structures.

    The work is commenced in September 2010 and is anticipated to be completed by thethird quarter of 2016.

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.11 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    Sect ion 1 Health and Safety Policy

    1.1 Health and Safety Policy Statement

    Class 1 Incident refer an incident with potential to permanently alters a

    persons future e.g. death, paraplegia, amputation, permanent back damage.

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.12 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    1.2 Project Health and Safety Objectives

    The objective of the implementation of this Project Safety Plan is to create

    a safe working environment which will give a measurable deliverable of:


    Output objectives


    a) Accident Frequency Rate

    b) Incident Rate

    c) Severity Rate

    d) Average Loss Time Rate

    e) Loss Time Injury Frequency Rate

    f) Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate

    g) Total Fatalities

    h) Class 1 Damage Frequency Rate









    Input objectives

    i) Safe Working Cycle

    j) Near Miss Reporting Frequency Rate per

    1,000,000 MH

    k) % Close out of Incident Alerts

    l) % Close out of Investigation Report

    m) No. of uncontrolled Class 1 risk being identified

    n) Staff / Workers engagement in the SFL walk

    o) % Toolbox Meeting conducted to schedule

    p) % Strive for LIFE Walk conducted to schedule

    q) % of H&S Management System Compliance

    Audits conducted to schedule

    r) % of Staff complete the Strive for LIFE Safety

    Leadership Training schedule

    20.8 day per











    The management of Leighton Contractors (Asia) Limited will work to

    achieve these objectives by: Developing safe work system and methods

    Use of appropriate plant and equipment

    The provision of personal protective equipment

    Adequate training

    Requiring all accidents to be reported

    Maintaining a high standard of occupational health and hygiene

    Maintaining a high level of security to the project

    Provide appropriate training and equipment to minimize fire hazards

    Comply with safety responsibilities and loss performance standard set

    for individuals

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.13 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    The management will actively seek support of all operatives engaged onthe project to look after their own health and safety, as well as that of their

    colleagues, by working within the spirit of this plan.

    The Management will also actively seek the support of all subcontractor

    engaged on the project to abide by the plan, site rule and regulations.

    1.3 Distribution and Display of Policy Statement

    The health and safety policy statement shall be displayed at a prominent

    place on safety notice boards within the site office and

    worker/subcontractor facilities areas. Such policy statement shall be

    notified to all staff through safety newsletters, safety handbooks, tool-box-

    meetings and induction training.

    1.4 Review Procedure

    The policy statement will be reviewed at least yearly according to the

    following procedures:

    1) The Leightons Safety Management Committee will issue amemorandum to the project requesting ideas and opinions for a

    review of the safety policy.

    2) On receipt of that memorandum, the project will discuss the content

    of the existing Health and Safety Policy Statement with personnel on

    site, including subcontractors, via a Site Safety Committee meeting

    and tool-box meetings to collect feedback.

    3) The Project Director will then collate the feedback received and

    report any recommendations to the Safety Management Committee.

    4) The Safety Management Committee will decide whether to revise

    the Health and Safety Policy Statement at a formal Safety

    Management Committee meeting. The draft revised policy statement

    shall then be distributed to all sites for further comment.

    5) The finalized Health and Safety Policy Statement will be signed by

    the managing director and adopted by the project.

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  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)


  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.16 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    General Manager (Human Resource);

    General Manager (Operation); Project Managers;

    Business Partner - Safety;

    Corporate Safety Manager (secretary);

    Construction Managers;

    Plant Manager;

    Works agents (who act as the employees representative), and

    Other staff members as appointed by the chairman of Safety

    Management Committee

    It is noted that as required by the Factories & Industrial Undertakings(Safety Management) Regulation, at least 50 per cent of the members

    shall represent employees interest in health and safety issues.

    2.2.2 Terms of Reference

    The functions of the Safety Management Committee include:

    the development of a Health and Safety Policy and the monitoring of its


    on-going evaluations of hazards and arrangements to implement safety


    studies of accident/incident statistics and trends so that reports can be

    made to senior management on unsafe conditions and practices and

    recommendations made for corrective actions;

    studies of safety audit reports;

    scrutiny of health and safety reports and direction on appropriate


    monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of employee health and

    safety training;

    monitoring the adequacy of health and safety communication andpublicity in the workplace;

    organizing health and safety promotion activities;

    providing links with external sources for health and safety advice;

    evaluating health and safety performance, ie, health and safety

    performance indicators;

    reviewing/revising Safety Management Procedures, and

    arranging for Safety Management Committee members to monitor

    project health and safety performance by conducting Strive for LIFE


  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)


  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.18 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    Significant contributions to health and safety are key elements in thesuccessful implementation of this Project Safety Plan.

    2.4.1 Director / Executive General Manager

    The Director / Executive General Manager shall:

    establish a Health and Safety Policy;

    make sure that the Health and Safety Policy is implemented;

    promote awareness of relevant legislation;

    incorporate safety objectives and targets into Leightons Business


    report to their managing directors on safety matters, and

    coordinate management reviews of safety management system.

    2.4.2 Project Director / Manager

    The Project Director / Manager shall:

    implement the Project Safety Plan;

    understand Leightons policy and appreciate the responsibility

    allocated to each level of project management and make sure thatthose responsibilities are clearly defined in writing;

    determine at the planning stage:

    - the most appropriate order and method of working;

    - the allocation of responsibilities with subcontractors and others;

    - those hazards that may arise on this project (from overhead or

    underground power lines, geological features, tunnelling, etc) that

    may lead to unnecessary improvisations on site; and

    - facilities for welfare and sanitation.

    check working methods and precautions before work starts and

    approve method statement prepared by the site agents; make sure that work, once started, is carried out as planned and that

    the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations and other legislation on

    safety, health and welfare are observed;

    make sure that all project management staff understand that injuries,

    equipment damage and material wastage are taken into consideration

    when deciding the overall performance of the site personnel


    establish and maintain a direct line of communication between himself

    and the Project Safety Manager and appoint adequate Safety Officers

    and safety supervisors;

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.19 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    chair Site Safety Committee meetings, and

    set a good personal example.

    2.4.3 Site Agent/Deputy Site Agent/Construction Manager

    The Site Agent/Deputy Site Agent/Construction Manager shall:

    understand Leightons Safety Policy and appreciate the responsibility

    allocated to each grade of staff;

    organize work so that it is carried out to the required standard with

    minimum risk to personnel, equipment and material and, if required,

    issue work method instructions in written form;

    know the requirements of the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations

    and other relevant legislation;

    implement arrangements with subcontractors on site to avoid any

    confusion about areas of responsibility;

    investigate any accident that occurs in their area and remind

    subordinates/colleagues to take all necessary steps to prevent


    accompany the Labour Departments Occupational Safety Officer on

    site visits and respond to his recommendations;

    release supervisors and operatives, when necessary, for on- or off-site

    safety training;

    cooperate with safety personnel and act on their recommendations;

    liaise with the Fire Services Department on fire prevention; particular

    in tunnel;

    consider safe-working methods at the planning stage, and review the

    method statement prepared by sub agents;

    attend the Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee;

    act as the emergency coordinator;

    report any safety related issues to his superior;

    provide necessary facilities and resources to carry out daily cleaningand weekly tidying according to contract,

    Check and inspect the overall cleanliness and tidiness of the site with

    Engineers Representative on the day following the Cleaning Week


    Attend or assign a senior staff on his behalf to lead the pre-work

    exercise and safety meeting,

    Carry out daily safety inspection in person or by his appointed

    representatives, record any unsafe act or unsafe conditions observed

    in dairy and arrange for rectification,

    Chair or assign a senior staff on his behalf to chair the daily and

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.20 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    weekly safety coordination meeting, and

    set a good personal example.

    2.4.4 Business Partner Safety

    Business Partner Safety shall:

    reporting to Leightons Executive General Manager on the

    implementation and effectiveness of the Safety Management System

    at the Project;

    ensuring that the Safety Management System requirements are

    established, implemented and maintained across the Project;

    reporting on the performance of the Safety Management System tosenior management;

    promoting awareness of relevant legislation;

    coordinating safety management activities;

    giving advice and assistance to the project on safety management

    issues; and

    Coordinating reviews of the operations and effectiveness of the Safety

    Management System and providing feedback to senior staff

    2.4.5 Corporate Safety Manager

    Corporate Safety Manager shall:

    reporting to the Head of Health, Safety and Environmental on the

    implementation and effectiveness of the Safety Management System

    at the Project level;

    ensuring that Safety Management System requirements are

    established, implemented and maintained across the Project

    reporting on the performance of the project with regards to Health,

    Safety and Environmental management

    reporting on the performance of the project with regards to Health,

    Safety and Environmental management

    promote awareness of relevant legislation;

    coordinate safety-management activities;

    giving advice and assistance to the Project team on safety

    management give advice and assistance on safety management to


    training personnel in the use of the Safety Management System; and

    conducting safety compliance audits

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.21 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014

    2.4.6 Project Safety Manager/Safety Officers/Safety Officer

    TraineesIn compliance with the requirements of the Factories and Industrial

    Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors) Regulations and

    contractual requirements, Leighton will appoint one full-time Safety

    Manager and an appropriate number of registered Safety Officers.

    For Contracts HY/2009/18, Leighton will employ fulltime through out the

    duration of the project a Project Safety Manager and at least one Safety

    Officer. The Project Safety Manager will supervise the works of Safety

    Officers and the safety team. Additional Safety Officers will be employed

    as the workforce increases, as shown in the following table:

    Average Workforce on Site Number of Safety Of ficers

    201 - 700 2

    701 1200 3

    1200 or above 4

    The Project Safety Manager, Safety Officers, Safety Officer Trainees and

    Safety Supervisors are empowered to order any person working on the

    Site to suspend any unsafe operation or to take urgent action to make

    safe the Site or the Works or to disallow any practice which mat infringe

    the Safety Plan or any statutory safety requirement.

    The Project Safety Manager shall:

    coordinate with the Engineers Representatives, Contractor

    Representative at management level and other government

    department on occupational safety and health matters;

    prepare and submit for approval, supervise and monitor

    implementation of the Project Safety Plan; supervise the works of Safety Officers and their team;

    attend the Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee,

    Site Safety and Environmental Committee Meetings and other meeting

    as required by the Engineer;

    participate in Weekly Safety Walks with Engineers Representative;

    carry out internal safety audits for the Project Safety Plan at intervals

    of not less than once every three months;

    advise management on:

    - preventing injury to personnel and damage to plant and equipment;

    - legal requirements related to safety, health and environmental

  • 8/10/2019 Safety Plan for CWB_Rev.49 (Oct 2014)




    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.22 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014


    - changes in legislation and safe codes of practice, and- further improvement to existing sound-working methods;

    carry out site inspections, liaise with the person in charge of the works

    and superintendents to see that safe methods of working are in

    operation, and that all statutory regulations and Leightons rules are

    being observed;

    carry out accident investigations, determine the causes of any serious

    accident or dangerous occurrence and recommend corrective or

    preventive measures;

    review the overall safety performance of subcontractors and analyze

    information on injuries and damage to identify any particular hazard ortrend;

    determine and design safety training for all levels of employee;

    keep contact with official and professional bodies;

    promote safety to all levels of employee by holding safety promotion

    activities, safety campaigns, etc;

    notify the Highway Departments Representative, either directly or by

    telephone, immediately on becoming aware of any serious accident

    likely to result in, or actually resulting in, the death or hospitalization of

    any personnel on site;

    promptly, and in any event within 24 hours, notify the Highway

    Departments Representative of any incident that has occurred on site

    in which any personnel on site has been injured;

    prepare a monthly safety report to project management and, among

    other things, include:

    - a report of all accidents/dangerous occurrences during the reporting


    - the results of Labour Department or other bodies inspections;

    - a training summary for the reporting period and training proposals

    for the next period;

    - a list of all competent persons;

    - a summary of all examination and test certificates required by

    legislation or the Contract, and

    - a report on follow-up action taken on irregularities identified during

    safety inspections and weekly safety walks and safety audit reports

    on the implementation of the Project Safety Plan;

    review and update the Project Safety Plan on a monthly basis

    according to the progress of construction;

    suspend the works with the consent from the agent if work either

    violates legislative requirements or could cause severe loss to

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    arrange and attend mandatory safety audits not less than every sixmonths; and

    set a good personal example.

    The Safety Officer(s) shall:

    carry out comprehensive safety inspections on all activities on the site

    at weekly intervals and prepare inspection reports;

    supervise and monitor implementation the Project Safety Plan;

    ensure that subcontractors and all persons working on the site are

    made aware of and comply with the Project Safety Plan; carry out internal safety audits for the Project Safety Plan at intervals

    of not less than once every six months;

    advise management on:

    - preventing injury to personnel and damage to plant and equipment;

    - legal requirements related to safety, health and environmental


    - changes in legislation and safe codes of practice, and

    - further improvement to existing sound-working methods;

    participate in Weekly Safety Walks, liaise with the person in charge of

    the works and superintendents to see that safe methods of working

    are in operation, and that all statutory regulations and Leightons rules

    are being observed;

    carry out accident investigations, determine the causes of any serious

    accident or dangerous occurrence and recommend corrective or

    preventive measures;

    review the overall safety performance of subcontractors and analyze

    information on injuries and damage to identify any particular hazard or


    conduct safety training for all levels of employee, and keep records of

    such training for reference;

    keep contact with official and professional bodies;

    promote safety to all levels of employee by holding safety promotion

    activities, safety campaigns, etc;

    keep up-to-date with recommended codes of practice and new safety

    literature and circulate information applicable to all levels of employee;

    notify the Highway Departments Representative, either directly or by

    telephone, immediately on becoming aware of any serious accident

    likely to result in, or actually resulting in, the death or hospitalization of

    any personnel on site;

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    assist the Safety Officer in carrying out his duties; supervise worker observance of safety standards;

    advise management or the Safety Officer as to worker observance of

    safety standards;

    promote the safe carrying out of work on site;

    prepare and submit prescribed Form 3A in accordance with the

    Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety

    Supervisors) Regulations to management or the Safety Officer at the

    end of each week,

    report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and

    set a good personal example.

    2.4.8 Engineering Manager

    The engineering manager shall:

    overviewing the safety and constructability matters of the project;

    establish, review and update of Safety and Constructability Plan;

    establish, review and update of Temporary Works Management Plan;

    administer traffic management and geotechnical matter;

    administer internal system assurance audits and report results to

    project management, and coordinate method statement audits.

    2.4.9 Risk Manager

    The risk manager shall:

    establish project risk committee;

    coordinate develop, review and maintain of project risk register;

    organise regular risk review meeting with respective parties and follow

    up recommendations; and

    review and endorse method statement of site operations.

    2.4.10 Qualit y and Administration Manager

    The quality and administration manager shall:

    administer registration and distribution of project safety plan; and

    administer document control and record keeping of safety related plan

    and documentation (controlled copy).

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    2.4.11 Commercial Manager

    The commercial manager shall:

    administer budgeting and cost monitoring for safety related matter;

    administer purchase of safety equipment and services;

    implement the subcontractor evaluation and selection procedure in

    tendering stage; and

    notify bidders the Leightons safety requirements during the tendering


    2.4.12 Sub Agents

    The sub agents shall:

    prepare method statements and carried out the work in accordance

    with the approved method statements;

    organize work so that it is carried out to the required standard with

    minimum risk to personnel, equipment and material and, if required,

    issue work method instructions in written form;

    know the requirements of the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations

    and other relevant legislation;

    give all trade foremen and gangers precise instructions on theirresponsibilities for proper working methods so that they do not require

    or permit personnel to take unnecessary risks;

    implement arrangements with subcontractors and other contractors on

    site to avoid any confusion about areas of responsibility;

    investigate any accident that occurs in their area and remind

    subordinates/colleagues to take all necessary steps to prevent


    accompany the Labour Departments Occupational Safety Officer on

    site visits and respond to his recommendations;

    cooperate with the safety personnel and act on his recommendations; liaise with the Fire Services Department on fire prevention,

    conduct group communication meetings to discuss safety issues with

    all employees of their areas and management representatives from

    each subcontractors at least twice a years;

    act as the team leader under the Team Management Program and set

    a good personal example;

    report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and

    be familiar with emergency procedures

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    develop a personal concern for safety for themselves and for others,

    particularly newcomers and younger people; avoid improvising which entails unnecessary risk;

    warn new personnel of known hazards;

    refrain from horseplay and the abuse of welfare facilities;

    report any safety related issues to his / her superior; and

    suggest ways of eliminating hazards.

    2.4.17 Safety Representative / Subcontractor Safety


    The safety representative/subcontractor safety representative shall:

    make sure work is carried out in a safe manner and that all safety

    regulations are adhered to;

    make sure work is carried out in accordance with the approved

    method statement and safe system of work;

    attend Site Safety and Environmental Committee meetings so as to

    discuss and review safety aspects or future improvements;

    arrange for all newcomers to attend safety-induction training on their

    arrival on site;

    immediately respond to all shortcomings identified by supervisory staffso as to maintain a healthy and safe working environment for the

    workers, and

    set a good personal example.

    Safety representatives shall be appointed from subcontractors, labour

    groups, etc. They shall be responsible for ensuring that the directives from

    project management, Safety Officer and safety supervisors on safety and

    health matters are duly carried out, safety practices are adopted and

    protective clothing and equipment provided are at the relevant time.

    Safety representatives shall attend monthly Site Safety and Environmental

    Committee meetings, which serve as the major communication channel

    with the site management team and other subcontractors. A subcontractor

    that does not send its safety representative to a Site Safety and

    Environmental Committee Meeting without a valid reason may be


    2.4.18 Healthcare Officer

    Healthcare officer shall:

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    Ensure you carry your site security pass, closed area permit and Green

    Card at all times when on site; and Actively participate in the sites safety promotional activities.

    2.5 Lines of Communication

    The line of communication between safety personnel, construction

    personnel, subcontractors and others are identified in the project safety

    organization chart.

    On site communication between construction personnel and/or

    supervisory staff shall be provided by means of mobile telephone, pager

    and radio facilities.

    Safety bulletin boards will be erected that will carry as a minimum

    appropriate safety information, such as the Safety Policy, emergency

    telephone list and first-aid facilities.

    Feedback from workers or others in relation to safety will be collected

    during tool-box talks and from a suggestion box that shall be fixed at the

    entrance of the site office.

    The importance of good communication will also be discussed at:

    weekly safety coordination meetings;

    Site Safety and Environmental Committee meetings, and

    pre-work activity meetings.

    Each month, the site agent and the Safety Officer shall meet to discuss

    the Safety Officers report (Form 2A).

    A register of competent persons, such as competent person and certified

    workers for confined spaces, will be kept and updated regularly by theSafety Officer.

    2.6 Appendix

    2.6.1 Contact list of members in Safety Organization

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    relevant to trade and hazards arising out of the construction of the works

    are disseminated to all levels of site personnel. Competent trainers, i.e.Safety Officer, Safety Supervisors or gangers, who have received training

    on safety training techniques organized by the Hong Kong Construction

    Association Ltd., CICTA OSHC or other approved training organizations,

    will hold weekly tool-box meetings to be attended by all workers on site.

    After each meeting, the presenter will complete the Tool-box Meeting Record

    and send it to the Safety Office for records. The Safety Officer will prepare a

    Summary Record of Tool Box Meetings on a monthly basis.

    The topics of Tool Box Meetings will be included in monthly trainingprogramme to be submitted for Highway Departments Representative,

    which include but not limited to the followings:

    1. Housekeeping2. Falling objects3. Fire prevention4. Electricity5. Lighting, Ventilation, Welfare6. Pre-work check7. Hand Protection

    8. PPE9. Manual Handling10. Lifting Appliances11. Lifting Gear12. Rigging Safety13. Prestressing Safety14. Loadshifting machinery15. Temporary work16. Boring rig17. Power handtools18. Woodworking machinery19. Abrasive wheel

    20. Air compressor & vessel21. Other machinery22. Material storage23. Inflammable liquid & gas

    24. Hazardous substances25. Excavation26. Work near public facilities27. Working platform28. Ladder29. Scaffolding30. Aerial Platform

    31. Confined spaces32. Public work33. Work over or near water34. Demolition35. Arc welding36. Gas welding & flame cutting37. Ground drilling38. Piling39. Metal formwork40. Site transport41. Tree felling42. Accident news

    43. Strive for LIFE Safe


    44. Heat Stoke

    The content of Tool Box Meetings will be based on the training kits

    published by Hong Kong Construction Association, Occupational Safety

    and Health Council or developed by the project to a similar standard.

    For workers undertaking scaffolding work including truss-out scaffolds,

    demolition work and work in confined spaces, suitable Tool Box Meetings

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    will be conducted prior to their commencement of these works on site.

    Tool Box Meeting on Prevention of Dengue Fever will be provided to the

    frontline workforce and site supervisory staff on monthly basis.

    3.7 Safety-management Training

    Such training is aimed at equipping site personnel with supervisory and

    managerial responsibilities with the necessary knowledge and skill to

    tackle safety-management situations likely to arise on site.

    It is important that senior site-management staff possess adequate safety

    knowledge and have a high degree of safety awareness so that they are

    able to:

    recognize the importance of safety and assign sufficient resources to

    handle it;

    give proper consideration to safety during planning and design stages

    to eliminate/reduce safety problems during later stages of the project;

    take into account potential safety problems during preparation/vetting

    of method statements;

    avoid performing unsafe acts;

    avoid creating unsafe conditions, and

    identify unsafe acts/conditions and arrange for rectification.

    The Project Manager will identify appropriate management and

    supervisory staff to receive safety training commensurate with their duties,

    which include but not limited to follows:

    Managerial posts such as project manager, site agent, sub agent,

    superintendent and engineer

    - Occupational Safety Management Course- Basic Accident Prevention Course

    Supervisory staff such as foreman and ganger including subcontractors of

    all tiers

    - Foreman Safety Training Course or Construction Safety Supervisor


    3.8 Green Card

    All workers on site shall hold a valid Green Card, which can be obtained

    from the Construction Industrial Training Authority or any other Labour

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    3.18 Training Records

    Records of all safety training given to all direct or indirect employees,

    including those on a re-induction course, will be kept by the Safety Officer.

    A monthly summary of all training (safety induction, specific training, tool-

    box meetings, etc) held in that particular month will be included in the

    Monthly Safety Report and submitted to the Highway Departments

    Representative for information.

    3.19 Appointment of Competent Persons / Designated


    Records of all safety training given to all direct or indirect employees,including those on a re-induction course, will be kept by the Safety Officer.

    A monthly summary of all training (safety induction, specific training, tool-

    box meetings, etc.) held in that particular month will be included in the

    Monthly Safety Report and submitted to the Highway Departments

    Representative for information.

    3.20 Appendix

    3.20.1 General Structure of Induct ion Training Course

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    designated smoking areas. Employees, when asked to take an alcohol breath

    test, are required to comply.

    6. Persons performing any activities requiring specific (specialised)

    competencies, such as rigging, lifting, scaffolding, plant operation, electrical

    works etc, shall have a valid recognised qualification / certificate and obtain

    authorisation from the site staff or from their direct employer (in the case of a

    sub-contractor) before commencing such activities.

    7. All plant operators are responsible for carrying out daily Pre-Use Checks of

    their equipment and shall be responsible for displaying the valid statutory

    certificates in a prominent location on the item of plant in use.

    8. Persons driving vehicles on site shall hold a valid driving licence, which shall

    be carried with them at all times and observe all traffic control measures and

    speed limits.

    9. The site shall be kept clean and tidy: unobstructed access ways must also be

    maintained. A high standard of personal hygiene shall be maintained and site

    amenities shall be respected.

    10. Appropriate, correctly functioning equipment and tools shall be used for each

    task: seek guidance from your immediate supervisor, or the employer (in thecase of a subcontractor), on how each task is to be performed safely.

    11. Working platforms and means of access & egress shall be constructed to meet

    statutory requirements. The use of ladders should be restricted and used only

    for access purposes.

    12. All incidents must be reported to your immediate supervisor without delay.

    Resulting injuries, damage and defects shall be recorded in the Incident/Injury

    Book. For minor injuries seek assistance and go to the health care officer/first

    aid station for initial treatment. You must advise your immediate supervisor

    prior to leaving site for any treatment related to an injury sustained on site.

    Employees are encouraged to report any Near Miss events and

    Opportunities for Improvement.

    13. No employee shall undertake specialised work for which a Permit-to-Work

    system applies, without the required Permit-to-Work being in place, e.g.

    Electrical Works, Confined Space, Arc & Gas Welding, Excavation Works,

    Lifting, etc.

    14. When working at height, and where there is a potential risk of falling from

    height, a full body safety harness, fitted with double lanyards, shall be worn,

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    the system shall include a risk assessment, the gas detection result

    of toxic or explosive gases or oxygen deficiency, the provision ofnecessary personal protective equipment and rescue equipment, a

    checklist of recommended safety measures and checking on training

    received by workers entering the confined space. The periods of time

    that the Certified Workers are allowed to stay and work in a confined

    space will be specified in the permit. The permit-to-work system will

    be communicated to all personnel involved in a confined-space

    activity. Implementation of the system will be closely monitored by

    the responsible supervisor, with regular reviews to ensure


    c) Permit to Dig

    Permit to dig is a system to ensure that the excavation work carried

    out on site complies with the requirements concerning protection of

    underground services prescribed by the Electricity Supply Lines

    (Protection) Regulation, Code of Practice on Working near Electricity

    Supply Lines and other relevant codes of practice.

    Only Leighton authorized competent persons are delegated the

    power to issue the permit to dig for excavation work on site. Thedirect or subcontractor supervisor who is required to carry out

    excavation work on site must identify and demarcate all underground

    utilities that may be affected by excavation work. Furthermore, the

    direct or subcontractor supervisor is required to conduct a pre-work

    briefing to all workers involved by using the Toolbox meeting record

    and obtain the permit from Leightons authorized person before

    commencing any excavation work on site.

    The procedures in applying the Permit to Digare:

    1. Prior to the excavation works, the applicant shall obtain a Permit

    No. from the project office and complete PART A - Application

    for Dig with the drawings showing the details of the excavation

    area to the construction manager. The excavation works shall not

    be commenced until the permit is approved by the construction


    2. If the application is accepted, the construction manager shall

    appoint a competent person approved by Electrical and

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    1. The area foreman or subcontractors supervisor shall notify the

    Lifting Supervisor the location of cranes or piling rigs to beoperated in high risk area.

    2. The Lifting Supervisor, area foreman/ subcontractors supervisor

    and operators of piling rig and/or crane shall conduct joint

    inspection to the proposed location and complete the specified

    Permit to Operate.

    3. If all parties have agreed that the requirements listed on the

    Permit to Operate have been satisfied, they shall sign on the


    4. A copy of Permit shall be kept in driving cab of the crane or piling

    rig for inspection and shall be retained for at least 7 days followingthe operation.

    5. The validity period of the Permit shall not over 2 working days.

    6. If the Permit is intended to cover a number of operations within a

    shift, all the crane or piling rig operations shall be separately

    assessed and details of each operation clearly stated on the


    7. All Permits shall be cancelled automatically upon a tropical

    cyclone signal No. 8 or above, a red/black rainstorm signal, or

    heavy rainfall for a long period of the site. A re-assessment shall

    be made and new Permit shall be issued after all the requirements

    are met.

    The Permit to Operate system will be communicated to all crane and

    piling rig operators by special Tool Box Meetings.

    4.3 Construct ion Method Statement

    The Construction Method Statement (CMS) is the main document that will

    describe how the works will actually be carried out. The development of

    the methodology and the method statement should be carried out with theinvolvement of the specified participants. It is essential that the

    participants (especially subcontractors) fully involve themselves in order to

    bring their expertise, experience and competency to managing the Class 1

    risks associated with the works activities and tasks.

    Refer to Appendix 1 of Class 1 Risk Management & Control

    Procedurefor further information on Work activities considerations.

    Refer to Appendix 2 of Class 1 Risk Management & Control

    Procedure for further information on Considerations: Hazard

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    pre-determined to be produced by the project.

    - Working under inclement weather

    - Prevention of dengue fever

    Those site activity safety rules will be displayed on site where related

    tasks are being undertaken for the attention of those involved. Each of the

    items listed above is depicted on adhesive labels to promote awareness of

    the rules governing the use of the equipment involved or the activity.

    4.5 Safety Standard

    Safety standards were issued to ensure that the safety features required

    for critical activities across all Leightons projects are consistent and well

    defined. Total 37 standards had been issued to cover following items and

    the company will continuously review and issue new standards as


    Requirements for Signalmen & Banksmen

    Safety Harnesses & Double Lanyards

    Control of Slewing Plant & Equipment

    Control of Reversing Plant & Site Vehicles

    Electrical Distribution Boards Electrical Tools and Equipment Inspection & Tagging

    Edge & Slope Protection

    Covering / Protection of Floor Openings

    Safe Access to Tower Cranes

    Scaffold & Working Platforms

    Tagline & Push-sticks for Lifting Operations

    Excavators / Backhoes

    Tracking / Slewing Cranes

    Access Gondolas

    Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWPS)

    Bench Saws Safe Stacking of Materials

    Aquasep Equipment

    Protection to Lift Shaft Openings

    ARC Welding Works

    Pedestrian and Vehicle Demarcation

    Lifting Gear

    Fire Prevention


    Crane Lorries

    Mobile Cranes

    Working with Re-bar

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    a lightning strike (e.g. radio towers, steel sheds etc.).

    13. Overhead cable is eliminated wherever possible, especially over routes of vehicularor pedestrian access.

    14. All underground and overhead cables are located or arranged so they are not in theway of activities on site (i.e. redirected, buried with sufficient ground clearance).

    15. Where cables are buried, they are at a safe depth (at least 0.5m below final groundlevel).

    16. Underground cables are adequately protected and insulated (warningsigns/pegs/maker tape, and also clear symbols so that anyone who cannot read willunderstand the danger below, compacted sand/indicator material, PVC / conduit,etc.) and their routes surveyed, clearly marked on site (marker posts) with siteservice plans updated.

    17. All cables are suitably designed for the duty and expected load.

    18. Cables are sufficiently insulated, sheathed, or armoured, have protection fromchemical damage and where necessary additional protection, e.g. guarding, toprevent mechanical damage.

    19. Socket outlets for distribution cables are located as close to the working point aspossible to prevent the need for long trailing wires.

    20. Power and lighting circuits are keeping separated.

    21. Cables are hanged up at work stations whenever practicable to reduce trip hazardsand damage to cables.

    22. All temporary electrical leads are secured off the ground by insulated hooks and/orlead stands.

    23. Joints in cables are made in purpose-built housing.

    24. No handheld breaker is used within 500mm in any direction from any undergroundpower cable or other services installation, e.g. gas lines, telecom or other datainstallations except when breaking out paved concrete where a horizontal clearanceis required.

    25. All welding machines are installed with voltage reducing devices.

    26. Welding machines are connected to the power supply by heavy-duty cables, and anefficient isolating switch, together with protective fuses or circuit breaker.

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    any electrical installation, testing, commissioning, repair or maintenance work isdone; when working with high voltage switching or in proximity to power sources e.g.inside electrical switch-rooms; where digging / breaking of excavation works arecarried out in close proximity to underground electrical cables.

    41. Permit-to-Dig / Excavation Permit includes requirement for verification of electricalservices.

    42. All services are accurately located by a designated competent person using therelevant services drawings and the location verified by a secondary means such as,

    but not limited to electronic detection of horizontal and vertical location; groundpenetrating radar or trial hole.

    43. When working near live Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) or live electrical parts,regulated safe working distances/exclusion zones are maintained.

    44. Appropriate type of fire extinguisher (non-water/foam type) is provided at theworkplace with electrical works.

    45. Site services plans, schematics, distribution diagrams and other appropriate recordsare kept for all electrical installations and are updated when alterations are made.

    46. The location and type of all electrical installations and services are visibly markedand identified in compliance with statutory requirements, for example, via signage,markers and / or line marking, including on walls, floors and ceilings.

    47. Height markers, signs, sacrifice cables, floating markers, goal posts etc. isinstalled/provided for vehicle crossings under overhead power lines.

    48. Floor and wall demarcation are in place to prevent obstruction to main DBs andpanels.

    49. All electrical panels, enclosures, control centres, substations, electrical circuits,breakers and equipment are provided with statutory signage, equipment/location

    identification numbers, and wiring diagrams kept on file.

    50. Isolation points for electrical equipment and power outlets are clearly labelled.

    51. All circuit boards have RCDs or RCBOs labelled and listed on a locationmap/diagram placed in the panel door or nearby for easy reference when faultfinding or isolating circuits.

    52. All outlets and switches are labelled to correlate to distribution panels and whererequired specific voltage indicated (e.g. 110V in all circumstances).

    53. Power generation sets (Gensets) and other temporary power supplies are inspected

    before use and as per the agreed schedule, such as weekly or quarterly, by a

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    competent person with records kept of inspections on all sites.

    54. All RCBOs, RCDs and MCBs are tested every three months with records kept oftesting (amperage and trip out time).

    55. For portable RCDs, push button tests are conducted prior to use and recorded everythree months.

    56. Earth continuity of all circuits, apparatus and where required earth grounding forstructures are tested and results recorded (measured resistance level not exceeding

    1 ohm)

    57. Portable electric tools and extension cables are inspected and tagged every threemonths by a competent person in compliance with colour coding requirements.

    58. Pre-use checks (PUC) are conducted for the power generation set and weldingmachine.

    59. All testing equipment are properly selected, inspected, tested and calibrated atregular intervals as recommended by the manufacturer.

    60. Power outlets or extension cables/cords are not overloaded.

    61. The electrical tools and extension cables are checked for damage before use.

    62. All repairs are carried out by suitably qualified / competent persons.

    63. Faulty electrical equipment or equipment without a tag are taken out of service andlabelled with an out of service tag and reported to a supervisor and where possibleput into quarantine.

    64. No person use or operate a piece of portable electrical equipment if it shows visiblesigns of being unsafe due to damage, has been put into quarantine or if it does nothave a valid inspection tag.

    65. Electrical appliances are kept away from water or moisture.

    66. Electrical workers wear correct PPE when doing electrical works. For example, theappropriate insulated footwear, eye protection and gloves where required.

    67. Adequate lightning protection is provided to structures (earthing) and lighting surgeprotection to structures and cranes (mobile and tower types so as to protect theonboard sensitive electronic detection and warning systems.

    68. Weather data and warning and alarms systems are used to anticipate heightenedelectrical storm activity.

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    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.58 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014


    69. During heightened electrical storms, workers seek shelter in an enclosed building orvehicle and keep away from high ground.

    70. All plant with booms is lowered where possible.

    71. Crane operators and operators of other equipment with extendable booms orplatforms stand down during electrical storm activity and remain in the cabin until thethreat has passed.

    72. Mobile equipment operators park away from high and open ground (e.g. away from

    dumps) and remain in cabins. No person exits a cabin or hides under equipmentduring electrical storms.

    73. If caught out in the open, all person keep in a low crouched position away from otherpeople or tall objects (e.g. keep away from trees).

    4.7.2 Driving Safety Standards

    The following standards will be applied where specified tasks associated

    with driver Safety and the risks associated with speeding are identified as



    1. GPS shall be fitted to all vehicles working within the Scope Location and identifiedwithin the Scope Vehicles section of this standard and risk based assessments.

    2. Road designs, which include traffic calming measures such as lane dividers on fastbends, speed bumps etc shall be considered and risk assessed for necessity on allsite and haulage roads at locations specified within the Scope Location of thisdocument.

    3. Fingerprint recognition systems shall be assessed for necessity for all vehicles,which are required to be driven in 24hr shifts so as to ensure drivers are not loggingexcessive working hours.

    4. All vehicles will be subject to comprehensive maintenance programs, to include as aminimum the checking of all braking, steering, vehicle lighting, directional indicatorsand rear view systems.

    5. All projects, facilities and mines will actively support, implement and promote theLAIO Speed Kills campaign, which will include an approved LAIO promotionalposter and require driver focused toolbox talks, which will cover the main messages

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    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.60 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014


    4.Only LA and LG that are designed and fit for purpose are to be used. All LA and LGare used / operated as per the designer and / or manufacturers requirements,inclusive of all aspects relating to SWL.

    5.All relevant LA are fitted with performance limiting devices

    6.Automatic Safe Load Indicator (ASLI) is installed to prevent overloading.

    7.Over Hoist Limiting Device is installed to prevent lifting of hook into jib.

    8.All crawler cranes with jibs are fitted with back-stops or other devices to prevent

    over hoisting of jib.9.

    Over Hoist of Jib Limiting Device is present to prevent jib pulling back beyond safeoperating radius.

    10.Independently Acting Brake Systems (emergency) based on relevant cranespecification is in place to hold the load in cases of main brake or other failure.

    11. Overspeed Cut-out Devices based on relevant crane specification is in place toprevent uncontrolled overspeed lowering.

    12. Anti-collision is present to prevent the jibs of tower cranes coming into contact witheach other.

    13. Anti-free fall is present to prevent uncontrolled lowering of load. All loads are loweredby means of power lowering or positively engaged drive down system.

    14. Manual Emergency Stops are fitted and functioning in relation to assessed andrequired controls systems.

    15. Stability Control is fitted on cranes where feasible, to prevent overturning moments.

    16. Counterweights are fitted with finger warning probes.

    17. To avoid collisions when multiple cranes are working in overlapping zones;

    - Tower crane jibs are set higher than ground based crane jibs,

    - Ground based crane jibs are shortened / retracted and set lower than the towercrane jibs,- Tower cranes are locked out to prevent its use when mobile crane is operatingwithin the area.

    18. Tower crane masts are designed with landing platforms at a height of no greaterthan 9m apart. Each section of the ladder has safety hoops and is offset horizontallyfrom adjacent sections or the landing platforms have trap doors.

    19. Other plant used for lifting, e.g. excavator, is by design being suitable for thepurpose. In addition, a designated and designed lifting point is available from theoriginal manufacturer on its arm or boom for attaching LG.

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    (Asia) Limited

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    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.63 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014


    45. For all non-standard lifts:

    - All specific actions required for Basic / Standard Lift are conducted.

    - Permit to Lift conducted by Lifting Supervisor

    46. For all complex / criti cal lift:

    - All specific actions required for non-standard lift are conducted.

    - Lifting plan is prepared to determine and verify the following by a designatedcompetent person: verify the accuracy of lift calculations, confirm weight of load to

    be lifted, centre of gravity and sling positions, survey / set out crane position, marout radius / radii, ground bearing capacity and pads, know wind parameters andmonitor wind, taglines / restraint system, test load gauges and computer.

    - The lift is approved by Project Leader or delegated person in writing.

    47. Specific lifting plans, method statements and, where required, permit are developedincluding coverage for LA erection, alternation and dismantling operations.

    48. No lift is undertaken where a required lifting permit / plan are not present or wherethe necessary competent persons, lifting supervisors or signalmen are not present.

    49. Operators or other relevant designated competent persons have conducted pre-start/ pre-use checks of equipment before starting work and conduct any other relevantlegally required inspections.

    50. Load charts, procedures and operation manuals specific for LA being used are keptin the machine.

    51. Unless expressly designed for the purpose, cranes are not telescope in or out withloads under suspension.

    52. Calibrated test weights are conducted to verify the accuracy of crane load indicatorsfor all critical / complex lifts or calibrated load cell.

    53. Assessment of the materials being handled and the weights for all loads are knownand determined by competent persons.

    54. Self-weights of loads which are regularly lifted (concrete skips, drill rods, etc.) areclearly marked to be easily visible using reliable methods (stamping / welding etc.).Loads which cannot have markings applied are recorded and this information isreadily accessible to those involved within their lifting.

    55. All loads are secured and loose loads are strapped before any lifts, e.g. use ofratchet straps or other devices.

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    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/2009/18

    Central Wan Chai Bypass Central Interchange

    Project Safety Plan

    Copyright Leighton. 2010 P.66 H2540-SAF-PLN-001-49; 31 Oct 2014


    threat has passed.

    85. Tower cranes are left in rotation mode e.g. free swing, when not being operated toprevent damage due to wind.

    86. In the absence of specific information from the crane manufacturer or agent,personnel did not operate a crane in wind speeds in excess of 10 meters persecond.

    87. LA are parked in a safe condition, brakes fully applied and, as necessary, the wheels

    or tracks are blocked when not in use, in line with manufacturers and Leightonrequirements.

    88. No loads, including LG, is left suspended from any hooks whilst unattended and jibsare retracted / directed away from potential locations of risk, roads, public accessways, building, etc.

    89. All parts of crane and equipment, jibs, hooks, LG, are stowed and secured whentravelling unless as part of a planned travelling lift.

    90. As relevant to crane type, slew locking pins are in place when travelling with loadsand where LA is itself required to be lifted.

    91. All cranes used to lift man-cages / rescue cages are:

    - fitted with a double acting or positively locking safety catch on the crane hook;- equipped with drive up and down controls for hoisting and luffing motions (no free-fall); and- equipped with controls that return to the neutral position when released and this

    action cause the motion to stop.

    92. Cranes have a SWL capacity of at least two times the rated requirement for theradius that man-cage is used.

    93. Working speed for lifting / lowering is limited to 0.5m/s.

    94. Man-cages and rescue cages are fitted with an LG back-up / redundancy device,which is separately attached to the main hook of the crane, should failure in the mainLG occur.

    95. Access and egress from a man-cage / rescue cage is prohibited except whereapproved by the Project Leader.

    96. Moving the crane with personnel in the man-cages is prohibited.

    97. Personnel working in a suspended man-cage are trained and wear a safety harness,

    which is connected to a fixed anchor point at all times.

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    (Asia) Limited

    Contract No. HY/

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