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Quotation for Services

Melbourne Girls Grammar School

Powerhouse Learning Management System

Staff Online Staff Induction

Doc Version 1.20: 20th August 2011

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12th May 2011 Mediasphere Holdings Pty Ltd 43 Metroplex Ave Murarrie, 4172 Queensland, AUSTRALIA

Dear XXX, I am pleased to provide you with a proposal to deliver the Powerhouse online staff induction program for your school that can be used for new staff or to train existing staff to update their workplace compliance. Mediasphere’s School Online Induction software is built on the award-winning Powerhouse platform. The Powerhouse LMS platform is GITC government approved and has been deployed by State Government departments, major companies and Registered Training Organisations. Mediasphere now provides the same enterprise platform for schools with affordable school licensing. The Powerhouse School Staff Induction Platform gives you total flexibility to:

1. Build and publish your own courses 2. Provide secure access to your new staff to complete online induction programs 3. Generate instant staff compliance reports

In addition to building, publishing and reporting on your own courses, Mediasphere provides the ability for you to license our pre-existing workplace compliance and customise these for your school. The Powerhouse School Staff Induction Platform is delivered as a customised secure training website that can be linked to your school website or operate as a standalone website. Your solution is hosted and supported at our secure tier 1 data-centre. We can launch your site in less than 4 weeks if required.

Please review the proposal and contact our School Induction Coordinator, Marg McKenzie on 1300 787 611 or [email protected] if you have any questions on the project.

Kind regards,

Tony Carrucan CEO

A snapshot of our e-Learning / online training clients

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1.0 Project Overview 4

1.1 School Staff Induction and Student Orientation Programs 4

The Powerhouse Online Induction Tools 4

The Powerhouse LMS Staff Induction Testing Tools 4

1.2 Project Overview 5

1.2 Creating New Training Accounts for Your Staff 5

1.3 Free Trial to Create Your Own Courses on the Powerhouse LMS 6

1.4 Sample Screenshots of Your School Staff Induction Portal 7

1.6 School Online Induction: Inclusions and Deliverables 10

2.0 Project Stages 12

2.1 Website Development Cycle 12

3.0 Project Management and Project Workflow 13

3.1 Navigation Set-Up 13

3.2 Build of the Site Map 13

3.3 Sign-Off 13

3.4 Design Phase 13

3.5 Programming and Build of the Site 13

3.6 Launch, Training and Initial Support 13

3.7 Indicative Timeline 14

3.8 Unlimited Annual Support 14

3.9 Annual Hosting 14

3.10 Back-Up 14

4.0 Powerhouse Learning Management System 15

5.0 Workplace Compliance Courses 17

HHR Learn Online Compliance Induction Course 17

Objectives 18

Duration 18

Course Cost 18

Additional Topics 18

6.0 Quotation for the School Online Induction Portal 19

School Online Induction Platform – Annual License Fee 19

About Mediasphere 20

7.0 Terms and Conditions 23

8.0 Client Authority to Proceed 24

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1.0 Project Overview

1.1 School Staff Induction and Student Orientation Programs

The Powerhouse LMS provides your school with the hosted e-Learning platform to deliver online induction and workplace compliance programs for your staff and contractors.

The Powerhouse LMS is your complete school training solution. You can:

Build unlimited courses with basic word processing skills Deliver these courses for up to 500 staff and contractors at your school Import and edit existing compliant OHS courses Add or bulk import the details of your staff or contractors Paste content from Microsoft documents directly onto your course pages Upload existing school documents, videos and sound files to courses Add voice-over to all course pages Drag and drop the order of course pages Add custom certificates to courses Build custom tests to provide compliance reports

The Powerhouse Online Induction Tools

The Powerhouse LMS intuitive tools include:

1. The Course Editor – Build your own courses or import existing courses

2. The Assessment Editor – Add tests to courses to validate your compliance

3. Report Module – Export test results as Excel files or link to other school databases

4. User Module – Add your staff/contractors – assign courses to individuals or groups

5. Event Editor – Add specific training dates to your employee login page

6. News Editor – Add news relating to your training to your login page

The Powerhouse LMS Staff Induction Testing Tools

When building your online courses, you use the Assessment Editor to create your course tests. The assessments include pre-, post- and section tests for summative and formative modes. The assessment settings include:

Question Bank: allows you to build banks of questions so that each test will draw from selections in your bank to present a structured set of new questions.

Question Order: gives you the option to show all of the questions in a random order. Question Attempts: allows you to control the number of attempts a user can make to pass an assessment

before they are locked out of the assessment. Question Marks: allows you to assign individual marks to a question or select to assess the questions on a

percentage basis. Pass Rate: allows you set the pass rate for the new assessment. Test Status: allows you can set a test to Publish or Draft. If you choose Publish, the new test will appear

on the course menus.

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1.2 Project Overview

Mediasphere is pleased to provide a quotation for the development of a new online induction and employee

compliance website for your school. The new training website will be interactive, self-managed, self-authoring

and allow you and your team to administer all aspects of the sites. Mediasphere would provide total support

hosting and support services to meet the current and changing needs of the website.

The online induction website is based on the Powerhouse Learning Management System platform. The following

screenshot displays the administration functionality of the LMS.

The LMS will enable your staff to add / delete pages, add news and publish training events (if this functionality is


Your courses will be developed on the Powerhouse Learning Management System (LMS). Your staff will be

trained on how to use the Powerhouse LMS to create or update courses, add employees, access staff compliance

reporting and manage all areas that relate to the development and delivery of your online courses.

Mediasphere will take a lead position to provide advice and consultancy on effective web designs and functions.

At all times, we are responsive to the business imperatives of the site and look forward to the possibility of

working with your organisation to improve web-based marketing initiatives and client support.

1.2 Creating New Training Accounts for Your Staff The Powerhouse LMS User Module provides automation in the generation of training accounts for your staff. You have the option to generate individual accounts and provide username and passwords for your new staff. In addition, you can generate a bank of activation keys to distribute to your existing staff that they can use to create their own password accounts (i.e. they can enter their existing usernames and passwords and these will be saved in the Powerhouse to ensure that staff do not need to remember new passwords)

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1.3 Free Trial to Create Your Own Courses on the Powerhouse LMS To assist you assess the Powerhouse Online Staff Induction platform, we are pleased to provide you with a free trial to logon and use the platform to build sample courses, add staff and staff groups. You can also generate real-time reporting data by selecting the reporting module to create your reports. To assist your trial, book a free training webinar by contacting Mediasphere on 1300 787 611 or email [email protected]

The Powerhouse School Staff Induction Platform Trial provides you access to two websites. The first website is the front-end for your online courses – this is where your new and existing staff will logon to access their courses.

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To logon as a new employee or existing staff member to complete your online training visit:


Log on with the following account:

Username: employee

Password: employee

The second website is the administration portal for your school. You log onto the backend of your online training platform to create new courses, set up your users and generate reports.

To logon as a HR officer or course writer visit:


Username: trial

Password: lms2010

1.4 Sample Screenshots of Your School Staff Induction Portal

Course Dashboard with access to your courses and (below) screen shot of how your courses appear onscreen

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Staff view of their progress with the ability to launch the course or section

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Report Module to export employee compliance reports as Excel files

Web content editor with drag and drop reorder capability

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1.6 School Online Induction: Inclusions and Deliverables

Your online induction website includes the following deliverables:

1. The design and development of a new site that will show the required menus and navigation processes.

2. The design and development of your staff online induction Home Page that includes your school logo. Please provide a high quality jpg version of your school logo.

3. The design of the image slideshow to feature on the staff login Home Page.

4. The use JavaScript to improve the dynamic presentation of images on the site in photo galleries.

5. Development of unique templates that reflect the design elements and your school’s corporate colours.

6. Please provide Mediasphere will the exact colour codes to ensure the colours are consistent.

7. The redirection of your staff online induction Home Page to your website. Please provide Mediasphere with the destination URL.

8. Integration of new template designs into the Powerhouse LMS to enable your staff to add new content, courses and users post project for the website.

9. The upload of headings, text and images (from our image library) to the login page for your new site.

10. Your school will have licensed access to Mediasphere image stock library and may select unlimited images for use on the new website (refer to www.photostogo.com.au for access).

11. Alternatively, please provide Mediasphere with an image for your Home Page that will be uploaded to your showcase.

12. The website would have cross-browser compatibility and compliance with W3C standards and be tested accordingly prior to the launch.

13. The quotation is based on Mediasphere establishing the full functionality of the website and the provision of training for nominated school staff to import text and images on set pages post delivery.

14. Mediasphere will provide a Project Manager to coordinate all stages and all communication in the web development project.

15. The cost includes up to 200 annual training accounts. Additional accounts can be ordered if required.

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16. The Home Page will feature your own banner with school crest and corporate colours; staff login box; support workflow for staff that forget their passwords – i.e. resets passwords automatically and emails them the new details; provides a range of text boxes to provide staff with information; the option to feature news and events on the Home Page.

17. The website will be hosted on the Powerhouse CMS/LMS that will allow ease of integration of content, self authoring of courses, user management and reporting. The modules include:

a. Course Editor

b. Test Editor

c. Question Make Editor

d. Reports Editor

e. Enrolment Editor

f. Administration Portal

18. The cost includes unlimited email support and annual hosting.

19. The cost includes a comprehensive data back-up scheme.

20. There is the option to pre-purchase phone support in 5 hour blocks.

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2.0 Project Stages

2.1 Website Development Cycle

Mediasphere applies a structured approach and Best Practice workflow in the development of our training

websites. The single most important stage of the cycle is developing a clear understanding of the business

requirements of the website and articulating these requirements in a Needs Analysis document.

The development cycle in the design of your website involves a coordinated approach that involves our web

designers, graphic artists, programmers, server engineers, animators and server and web hosting staff. The cycle

is managed by our Project Manager who liaises with your staff throughout the process and coordinates the

different web teams.

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3.0 Project Management and Project Workflow

3.1 Navigation Set-Up

In this stage our technical team builds the site navigation and menus. The navigation includes the tabs or buttons

at the top of the page (including menus such as Course Dashboard | My Details | My Messages| News | View My

Results), and the secondary navigation at the base of the page.

If you plan to add the privacy and terms and conditions we suggest that you provide us with the legal

documentation or you can upload this to the relevant pages.

3.2 Build of the Site Map

Mediasphere builds the complete site map for the LMS website and it is coded into the Powerhouse Learning

Management System. During this phase, your schools send through instructions on colours for the login page, the

image to be used on the page and the school crest in JPG web ready format.

3.3 Sign-Off

Your School will sign-off or revise the following:

Site Map

Navigation structure for the site

Design of the landing login page

3.4 Design Phase Mediasphere creates the Login Page and the course page template designs that will be integrated on the site. The style-sheet informs the font theme, size, headings and design elements.

3.5 Programming and Build of the Site

The programming stage commences at the same time as the design stage. The programming involves the build of

the entire website. The integration of all Powerhouse editors is included in this phase. Once complete the design

templates are applied to the site and the site is launched internally on the Mediasphere production server.

3.6 Launch, Training and Initial Support

At the completion of the design and programming stages, the site will be launched in beta mode. This will allow

you to test all site features and start creating new courses with the inbuilt authoring tools. We suggest that you

add the content as part of the training program. As part of the beta website internal launch, Mediasphere’s

trainers will deliver Powerhouse - LMS training to assist with the publishing of content. A Powerhouse LMS User

Guide is also provided to you as part of this training.

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When the beta site is launched, Mediasphere’s initial support schedule commences. The support involves email

and phone support for a period of 30 continuous days. During this time, you are encouraged to report any issues

to the project manager for registration, resolution and response.

3.7 Indicative Timeline

Based on Mediasphere’s extensive experience in building many website solutions, the design, development and launch of the website will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to complete. The timeline can be negotiated to meet the needs and requirements of your school.

3.8 Unlimited Annual Support

Mediasphere is pleased to provide unlimited annual email support to ensure that the website as scoped continues to meet the needs and requirements of your school.

If required, you school can purchase a pre paid 5 hour block of phone support. The 5 hour block is AUD$800 inc GST, otherwise phone support is charged at $45 per quarter hour or part thereof.

3.9 Annual Hosting This proposal includes a license for the Powerhouse LMS which is hosted at Mediasphere data warehouse facility. The facility provides 24/7 support with industry standard response times and a high-end climate controlled data centre. The switched backbone uses 100Mbps Ethernet ensuring fast data transit for the staff induction portal. This proposal includes an annual hosting pack which provides 4GB storage and up to 40GB of uploads and downloads per month. Annual hosting fees may be subject to change or increase.

3.10 Back-Up

This proposal includes the following back-up protocols:

1. Your staff data backups are automated and are performed every night at midnight.

2. A backup is kept for each day of the week, Monday through to Sunday

3. A weekly backup is made each week and kept for the last previous 4 weeks.

4. A monthly backup is made each month and kept for the last 3 months.

5. Database is backed up every 3 hours and is included in the above backup scheme.

6. Backup server in on its own dedicated server.

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4.0 Powerhouse Learning Management System

The online training website will be built on the Powerhouse Learning Management System (LMS). The platform delivers

a series of inbuilt editors to manage the design, development and delivery of your online courses.

Powerhouse Dashboard

The Powerhouse Dashboard is your Administration

Home Page with shortcuts to manage your training

website. The left hand menu is always visible and the

dashboard also features inbuilt training videos with

voiceover to guide you through the range of functions

on the portal. There are a range of training videos on

the dashboard to assist with the ongoing management

of your site.

The Course Editor

The Course Content Editor enables you to start building

a new course with the click of a button. You upload an

image for your course and this is displayed on your

Course Dashboard for your employees. Use the Editor

to create unlimited courses with unlimited course

content pages. After creating your course content use

the Test Editor to add your assessment to generate

employee reports.

Test Editor

The Test Editor adds pre-tests, practice, topic and post tests. The Test Editor automatically adds tests to your content pages in your selected location. The formative tests allow employees to assess knowledge without writing results to the database while the summative tests automatically generate the employee compliance reports. There is also the option to weight questions and use percentages or raw marks for assessment.

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Question Maker Editor The Question Maker Editor is a specialist tool to generate and add multiple-choice, true and false and short answer questions to your courses. Innovative technologies allow you to add questions and answers quickly with inbuilt automation to assist your editors. There also the inbuilt option to add images, video and audio files to your questions.

Reports Publisher

The Reports Publisher enables you to generate specific employee compliance reports from your inbuilt employee database. You can set start and end dates for your reports and the reports are exported as Excel files. You can generate reports on average or aggregate results, employee compliance, employee progress and status reports

Enrolment Editor

The Enrolment Editor is the central portal to add single new employees, import an employee list and search your employee database. When setting up the employee account, you create user profiles, apply username and passwords and allocate the employee to specific courses. The Group Function, allows you to create employee group profiles and assign a specific set of courses to the group and then import employees to the group.

Web Content Editor

The Web Content Editor enables you to easily create new pages in your website. When creating new pages you can apply a template design and start authoring immediately. In addition there is the option to add key terms or metadata to each page to assist with search engine optimisation.

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5.0 Workplace Compliance Courses

The Powerhouse LMS School Induction platform is designed to allow you to build and deliver unlimited courses to your staff and contractors for an annual fee.

Some of our school’s have requested the option to include pre-made workplace compliance courses that meet Australian standards. We are pleased to advise that Mediasphere has developed a partnership with HHRLearn to develop a compliance induction course that is imported directly onto your Powerhouse LMS Platform.

Once the course is installed you will have the license to modify these courses and add your own content, new pages, your documents etc to customise the course specifically for your school. The customisation is completed with the Powerhouse Course Editor in the same way you can build and customise your own courses

If you license the HHR course, you can continue to build and upload your own courses alongside the commercial course.

HHR Learn Online Compliance Induction Course


Our basic compliance induction course is beneficial for general awareness in all industries and across all organisational levels. It is written in easy-to-understand language, and provides a solid foundation for improved risk management across any organisation. Our basic compliance induction course is designed to provide employees and contractors with vital knowledge about: - Legislative requirements. - Minimum standards of behaviour. - The benefits of complying with these standards. - Real-life scenarios and workplace case studies demonstrating breaches of compliance. - What to do if they are involved Due to the compliance nature of this course, a formal assessment is included at the end of the course to test knowledge. There are also examples and knowledge checks throughout the course.


Workplace Safety - Risk Management Model - Safety Hazards - Risk Assessment - Control Measures - Manual Handling - Practical Safety

Discrimination - Discrimination - Sexual Harassment - Workplace Harrassment/Bullying

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- Victimisation - Vilification - Resolution and Complaints

Objectives At the successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: Workplace Safety: - Define your WHS responsibilities and obligation as worker in the work environment - Identify hazards which you may encounter in a work environment - Consult and communicate about workplace safety issues - Undertake remedial action you can take when affected by workplace hazards

Discrimination: - Able to identify unlawful behaviours in the workplace - Aware of their own responsibilities regarding workplace behaviour - Able to identify what to do if they encounter sexual harassment, discrimination or workplace harassment


120 minutes (nominal)

Course Cost

Number of employees/ contractors

Up to 100 101 to 250 251 to 500 501 to 1,000 More than


Cost $4,400 $8,250 $12,375 $16,500 $16,500

Cost for additional accounts

$44 each $33 each $25 each $16.5 each $8.25 for additional accounts

over 1,000

GST included (Schools qualify for a base price of $33 per employee for up to 100 employees)

Additional Topics

Additional topics are available to be added to the Compliance Induction Course, including but not limited to: - Ethics and Conduct - Recruitment and Selection - Performance Development and Review - Trade Practices Act - Fraud - Whistleblower - Green Office - Fair Work Act

- Manager Responsibilities

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6.0 Quotation for the School Online Induction Portal

School Online Induction Platform – Annual License Fee

Mediasphere is pleased to offer schools preferential pricing on the award winning Powerhouse LMS platform.

The Powerhouse School Induction Program includes the following base package

Cost GST Total

Initial Powerhouse Set-up and customisation FREE FREE NA

Annual Licensing, Hosting, Data back-up and support

Up to 200 Training Accounts per annum

$2,500 $250 $2,750 inc. GST

Establishment of your School Online Induction Portal


1. Project Management 2. Build of the Staff Induction Portal 3. Customisation of the Staff Induction with your school banner and logo 4. Upload of a school image on the landing login page 5. Build of the database and backend portal for your Staff Induction Portal 6. Powerhouse modules set-up for the website deployment 7. LMS and Server Set Up 8. Webinar Training to use LMS 9. Hosting and database back-up 10. Powerhouse LMS License and support


Integration of school staff data into the Powerhouse database (service fee $132 inc GST)

Provision of the domain name for the induction portal (service fee $132 inc GST)

Phone Support: pre-purchased 5 hour phone tutorial packs ($800 inc GST)

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About Mediasphere


Mediasphere Holdings Pty Ltd

43 Metroplex Avenue, Brisbane

Queensland 4172

Ph: +61 7 3906 3286

Fax: +61 7 3906 3262

Vision and Objectives

Mediasphere Holdings Pty Ltd (ACN 120 008 924) is a leading Australian web design, web programming and digital content publishing company committed to the development of integrated custom web solutions for the government, corporate and education sectors.

Mediasphere has developed its own award winning web management platforms and provides a total solution with e-commerce, e-marketing, custom programming, webs services, hosting and support services. It has also developed a library of interactive products for the education and corporate sector which is exported globally.

Mediasphere Services

Mediasphere’s services include:

Government, commercial and educational web and graphic design services Self-managed web solutions based on Mediasphere’s Powerhouse platforms Web programming and web services Digital content multimedia design and development Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and e-Marketing services Logo design and paper based marketing design Online assessment, tracking and reporting modules Online Corporate Induction and certification programs Best Practice instructional design and curriculum creation

Mediasphere Web Platform Product Suite Mediasphere’s Web Platforms

Websites: Powerhouse Content Management System

e-Training: Powerhouse Learning Management System

e-Directory: Powerhouse e-Directory Management System Intranet websites: Powerhouse Campus

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6.1 Mediasphere’s School Clients

The following are a sample of Australian and independent school websites:

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6.2 Client Snapshot

The following are a cross section of our clients in the government, corporate and education sectors:

Government Corporate Education

For more information visit:

Mediasphere website www.mediasphere.com.au

School Virtual Learning Environments www.powerhousecampus.com.au

School Staff online Induction www.powerhouselms.com.au

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7.0 Terms and Conditions

Before commencing the project as referenced above and outlined in the quotation, an authorised signature on

the order form is required giving authority to proceed and as acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

(a) Quoted prices are only valid for 30 days of the date of this quotation.

(b) After the project commences, the client has the right to request project variations to cover out-of-project-

scope changes to the project. Project variations requested by the client and not described in the referenced

quotation/specification document will be managed with separate quotations that the client can accept or reject.

Project variations may have an impact on delivery dates.

(c) The client agrees to take full responsibility for the final proofing of material produced for inclusion in the

completed project. Whilst every effort is made to avoid such occurrences, Mediasphere cannot accept any liability

for errors or omissions not detected by the client.

(d) Mediasphere is not liable for delays in project completion caused by equipment breakdown, mutually agreed

project variations, delays caused by outside suppliers or by failure of the client to comply with negotiated


(e) Additional changes or modifications are charged at a rate of $120+GST per hour and apply to changes made

after the client has provided written approval of the completed project (either by way of signed document or

email) and has authorised the completed work for release.

(f) GST, where applicable, is payable by the client unless a current exemption certificate is provided.

(g) Mediasphere provides training and consulting services on the basis that the client will undertake their own

independent assessment of the commerciality of any recommendation or proposal.

(h) © 2011 Copyright of all programmes, applications, software or any other material produced in relation to the

project remains with Mediasphere and cannot be reproduced in any form without the written permission of


Mediasphere grants the client an annual license to use any programmes, applications or software for the

purposes originally provided only upon receipt of full payment for the specified work.

(i) Postponed or cancelled bookings less than fourteen (14) days from the date of installation will incur a

cancellation fee. This fee is the equivalent of installation and training days purchased plus any travel cancellation


(j) Full payment is required no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of the invoice.

(k) A service fee of 14% per annum may be charged on all outstanding accounts.

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8.0 Client Authority to Proceed

Please complete and fax return to Mediasphere Fax: +61 7 3906 3262

I authorise Mediasphere to proceed with the development of Powerhouse School Staff Induction Portal.

Project Number: MS060544

Date: 20th August 2011

Date of Project Activation: Immediate (or to be advised by the client)

Project Description: Powerhouse School Staff Induction Program

Project Cost (pls tick and total the required services):

1. Staff Induction Portal1 $2500 $250 GST $2750 inc GST

2. Employee data integration2 $120 $12 GST $132 inc GST

3. Domain Name and Set-Up $120 $12 GST $132 inc GST

4. Online Compliance Course $30 $3 GST $33 inc GST

o $33 x _________ of employees (minimum order 30) $___________

TOTAL $______________

Date: _______________ Authorised by: (please print) _______________________________________

School: _________________________________________________________________________

Title/position: ____________________________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________________________________

Mediasphere Holdings Pty Ltd (ACN 120 008 924)

Australian Head Office 43 Metroplex Ave Murarrie Brisbane 4172 Attention: Margaret McKenzie [email protected] Ph; 3906 3286 Fax: 3906 3262

1 Includes license, hosting, daily data back-ups and email support – annual cost. Phone support can be purchased pro-rata.

2 Includes converting an Excel list of staff and emails and creating accounts on the Powerhouse LMS

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