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  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    Paradigm breaking. Epoch making. Liberating.



    The SIGMA SD1For ultimate image qualityThe real revolution starts here

  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    Unwavering in the quest or photographic truth. For a camera that mirrors the landscape o

    the heart in images o impeccable quality.

    Know that your restless yearning or the ideal camerais ar rom a utile chase a ter an impossible dream.

    We have entered the fnal stretch . More innovations and refnements lie ahead,

    but the fnish line is be ore our eyes.

    Entranced by the photographs endless possibilities.

    Inspired by the cameras untapped potential. In humble allegiance to the path o pure photography.

    To all seekers a ter artistic truth, everywhere. Let the revolution begin.

    Paradigm breaking. Epoch making. Liberating.

    Camera : SIGMA SD1 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/125s, Aperture Value : F9 Focal Length: 85 mm | Lens : SIGMA 85mm F1.4 EX DG HSM2

  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    A masterpiece in the making.A agship is born

    Have digital camerasbecome boring?

    Has digital camera technologyreached maturity? Or is it just thatno real innovations have appearedin so long. Certainly, the digitalcamera ront has o ered little to getexcited about in recent years.

    This observation, shared by mostphotography enthusiasts, is a air,i harsh, judgment on the currentstate o the digital camera industry.At Sigma, we have taken thiscriticism to heart.

    During the burst o digital cameramarket growth in the second hal othe 1990s, innovations appeared ata rapid pace in the areas o pixel

    count and image processingtechnology, including whitebalance and noise reduction, notto mention auxiliary unctions likeace recognition. Real progress wasbeing made and there was plentyto talk about.

    More recently, digital cameras havegained still higher pixel counts,video capability, and other unctionsthat provide practical bene ts andconvenience. These advances were

    o ered with the best o intentions people desired them. But i thissame progress is also behind theeeling that cameras have gottenboring, perhaps it is time to rethinkwhat a digital camera should be.

    Technology in turmoil

    The rst electronic still cameraappeared about 30 years ago, andmass-market digital cameras havebeen around or about 15 years.Looking back on the many stages ophotographic innovation since the19th century, you can see just howyoung the digital camera really is.

    Considering the digital camera's

    rapid popularization and theaccompanying innovations inper ormance and convenience,you would be excused or gettingthe impression that nothingremains to be accomplished.

    Appearances to the contrary,digital cameras and imaging arein a period o turmoil.Measured against the long spano photographic history, digitalphotography is still in its ormativeyears. In Sigma's view, thereis still considerable room ordevelopment.

    The idea that digital imagingtechnology is already mature is,in Sigma's opinion, open to debate.

    Radical technology or real quality

    With the huge popularity o digitalcameras, people are using themin new ways. Digital images areplaying ever more important rolesin our daily lives.

    As in the past, photography isan ideal medium or preservingmemories and expressing creativevisions. What is new is the useo photos as communication,

    particularly through photo sharingsites and social media. In this newdomain, photos are part oa person's online presence, a wayto share interests and a catalyst orrelationships.

    Technology and unctionalitycontinue to evolve to support thesenew applications. Today's digitalcameras are designed to makeit easy to per orm many tasks,thereby encouraging more peopleto enjoy photography withouthesitation. This is a good thing.

    But when it comes to the criticalcore o digital photography the image capture system that

    determines image quality the overwhelming majority odigital cameras are still on the samewell-worn road. Their undamentaltechnology has not changed sincethe digital camera's babyhood.

    It is precisely here in this key areao the capture system and imagegeneration process that Sigma ischarting a new course.

    With a single-minded ocus ongenerating true, high qualityimages, Sigma is the only digitalcamera maker dedicated todeveloping direct image sensortechnology and cameras thatincorporate it.

    Irreplaceable moments,


    Moving scenes, candid shots,breathtaking scenery .To preserve these momentstruth ully with all their evocativepower, the image capture systemis o overarching importance.As the bedrock o photographicveracity, the capture system shouldbe the primary target o research,development and innovatione orts. A ter all, photography exists

    to refect truth, and cameras existto take photographs.

    We are not denying the successo developments aimed at makingcameras easier to use.We simply believe in going to theheart o the matter by ocusing oninnovation that actually improvesthe quality o photographs.

    Just as lm ollowed anevolutionary path o incrementalimprovement, so the digitalcamera's image capture systemmust steadily and resolutely evolveto realize its ull potential.There is much to be done and weare set on doing it.


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras

    6/24Camera : SIGMA SD1 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/125s, Aperture Value : F5 Focal Length: 85 mm | Lens : SIGMA 85mm F1.4 EX DG HSM6

  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras

    7/24Camera : SIGMA SD1 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/125s, Aperture Value : F5 Focal Length: 85 mm | Lens : SIGMA 85mm F1.4 EX DG HSM 07

  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    An image capture system you can believe in.Now, more than ever

    Direct image sensor Color ilter array (CFA) sensor

    R: 100% G: 100% B: 100% Full color capture system hasthree layers o photo detectors,enabling it to capture 100% oRGB color in ormation directly.

    With a conventional digital camera's sensor,50% o the photosites are dedicated to green,and 25% each gather red and blue colorin ormation via a color ilter array.

    R: 25% G: 50% B: 25%


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    Not another monochrome sensorwith color flters

    The image sensor in almost all digitalcameras, with the exception o Sigma's, isa color lter array (CFA) sensor. The imagesensor itsel is monochrome; it detects lightintensity, but not color. The CFA overlaying

    the sensor's light-sensitive photodiodes is amosaic o red, green and blue (RGB) ltersin a checkerboard-like grid. Thereore,each photosite, corresponding to a singlepixel, receives just one o the three primarycolors.

    In this kind o system, a 15MP CFA sensorallots 7,500,000 pixels to green light and3,750,000 each to red and blue light,respectively. Let as is, this checkerboardpattern would create a strange image,so a process called color interpolation isused to blend in neighboring pixel colorinormation. For example, a green pixelgets color in ormation rom adjacent blueand red pixels, and so on.

    CFA sensor relieson eye's sensitivity to green

    Why does a CFA sensor assign twice asmany pixels to green as to red or blue?Because the eye is most sensitive to greenlight ( gure 1). Human vision dependsmostly on wavelengths in the green rangeto perceive ne detail and luminance


    The three charts in gure 2 all have thesame contrast. Notice how the greenbackground lets you detect ne detailmore easily. Most digital cameras takeadvantage o this act o human vision.By capturing relatively moregreen inormation, they canget by with much less blueand red inormation. Thanksto this clever solution, a meremonochrome image sensorcan be used to deliver colorimages o high quality.

    So, what's the problem?Though it is true that our eyesare most sensitive to greenluminance (sharpness andcontrast) inormation, we

    also see blue and red chrominance (color)inormation. But the unequal treatmenta orded these colors by a CFA sensorcauses a disparity between the luminanceresolution and chrominance resolution othe photographic images it generates.

    Unique, innovative direct image sensor

    Unlike CFA sensors, the image sensor inSigma digital cameras uses three layerso photodiodes to gather the entire red,green and blue color inormation o light,orming the world's one and only ullcolor capture system. Since introducingits rst-generation digital camera in 2002,Sigma has maintained an unwaveringcommitment to this unique technology.

    The image sensor is made o silicon. Whenstruck by light, silicon absorbs shorterwavelengths (blue) near its surace andlonger wavelengths (green, then red) atdeeper levels. The direct image sensortakes advantage o this act, using threelayers o photodiodes to capture all colorso light at each pixel location. Like colorlm in essence, this vertical structurebypasses the need to gather di erentcolors at di erent horizontal locations.

    All pixels capture ull RGB color

    This means that a direct image sensorhaving 15,000,000 pixel locations is able

    to capture ull red, green and blue colorinormation, as is, at each pixel location. Inother words, all 15,000,000 pixel locationscan respond to all three primary RGB colorstransmitted by the lens. There is no need toassign red, green and blue to separate pixellocations, nor is it necessary to abricate oreliminate color inormation during imageprocessing. This ull color capture systemis, in principle, capable o providing equallyhigh luminance resolution and chrominanceresolution.

    Since typical photographic subjects docontain an enormous amount o colorinormation, Sigma is convinced thatremoving any discrepancy betweenluminance resolution and chrominance

    resolution is an important key tophotographic naturalism.

    Unencumbered by a low-pass flter

    Another thing: color lter arrays areprone to alse color patterns (moir).This problem is caused by intererence

    between repeating patterns o ne lines inthe subject and the mosaic pattern o thecolor lter array itsel . Moir is typicallyprevented by installing a low-pass lter inront o the image sensor.

    A low-pass lter works by removing thehigher requencies o light that carry nedetail. This does prevent intererenceand, thereore moir. But it also adverselya ects resolution and image sharpness.Facing this tradeo , some cameras useCFA sensors without a low-pass lter,accepting the inevitable color moirpatterns as the price to pay or a sharperimage.

    Sigma's direct image sensor designdoesn't use color lters, so it doesn'tneed a low-pass lter to prevent the alsecolors o moir. The direct image sensorcaptures the sharp image ormed by thelens without losing any in ormation. As aleading lens maker with uncompromisingstandards o photographic image quality,Sigma believes the ideal capture systemis one that receives ull color inormation

    at each and every pixel location.

    Pure color and light: nothing added,nothing lost

    In CFA sensor-equipped digital cameras,only one color is captured per pixellocation. Color interpolation is requiredto generate a ull color image rom thesesingle-color pixels. Over the past decades,color interpolation algorithms havegreatly improved, so that interpolationerrors are rarely a cause or concern in

    today's digital cameras.

    Nevertheless, light inormation lost in thecapture process can never be perectlyreconstructed. This standard approachcannot ul ll the promise o truly naturalimages. In sharp contrast, Sigma'sdirect image sensor has no use or colorinterpolation and doesn't su er rom itsassociated problems.

    Sigma's technology generates naturallyaith ul color images without needing toadd inormation. This is why the ambienceo the scene is so vividly captured inphotos taken with a Sigma digital camera.This refects Sigma's policy o protectingthe integrity o image in ormation keeping the image pure.


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras

    11/24Camera : SIGMA SD1 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/125s, Aperture Value : F5, Focal Length: 70mm | Lens : SIGMA MACRO 70mm F2.8 EX DG 11

  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras

    12/24Camera : SIGMA SD1 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/125s, Aperture Value : F5, Focal Length: 70mm | Lens : SIGMA MACRO 70mm F2.8 EX DG2

  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras

    14/24Camera : SIGMA SD1 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/125s, Aperture Value : F6.3, Focal Length: 85mm | Lens : SIGMA 85mm F1.4 EX DG HSM4

  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras

    15/24Camera : SIGMA SD1 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/6s, Aperture Value : F8, Focal Length: 50mm | Lens : SIGMA 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM 15

  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    Dedicated Dual TRUE II imageprocessing engine

    A dual con guration o Sigma'srenowned TRUE* II image processingengine powers the SD1, bringingout the ull potential o in ormationcaptured by the ull color sensor.Using Sigma's proprietary algorithm,the Dual TRUE II processes vastvolumes o data at blazing speed,generating crisp, high-de nitionimages, scrupulously renderedwith immersive spatial realism andpro use color detail.* TRUE: Three-layer Responsive Ultimate Engine

    JPEG convenience withthe Sigma touch

    When you want the convenience oJPEG, the SD1 delivers print-readyimages nished to Sigma's ownhigh standards. For purposes oconnectivity, photo sharing, socialmedia, and other casual applications,you may nd that JPEG meets yourneeds.

    On the other hand, the compact lesize o JPEG depends on irreversiblelossy compression that leaves littleroom or post-processing creativity.When you want to explore the ullartistic potential o the SD1, simplychoose the RAW image ormat.This preserves 100% o capturedin ormation in all its 46-million-pixelglory, ready or you to give ree reinto your creativity.

    RAW mode reveals creative realms

    Sigma believes that shootingphotos is just one stage o creatingphotographs. The creative processdepends on care ully drawing out

    the latent power o the raw imageto aith ully realize your vision in awork o photographic art.

    Sigma's .x3 RAW image ormatles are your creative canvas. Theylet you work with the ull dynamicrange, broad color spectrum anddelicate gradations o shadow

    and light that are gathered bythe ull color capture system.All the in ormation recorded bythe amazing X3 sensor is at yourcommand.

    Inspired by the virtually boundlesspotential o SD1 RAW ormat data,you embark on a voyage o artisticdiscovery with the exhilaratingreedom to ollow your creativemuse in any direction.

    From image to masterpiece withSIGMA Photo Pro 5.0

    In SIGMA Photo Pro 5.0 you will ndprecisely the unctions you reallyneed no more, no less to nishyour photos with pro essionalismand artistry. With its intuitive anduncluttered inter ace, this digital

    darkroom application isunexcelled in RAW dataprocessing per ormance.Even i you are new toRAW le ormats, youwill nd it easy to use.

    The redesignedinter ace o ers greaterunctionality andconvenience to giveull expression to yourcreative ideas andbring out the awesomepotential o 46MPimages generated bythe SD1's X3 technology.It also handles SD1color mode setting data

    which optimizes colortone, contrast and otheradjustments or variousshooting conditions.These settings can besaved inRAW data les.

    For image correction, theAdjustment Controls Palette o ersseven parameters: exposure,contrast, shadows, highlights, colorsaturation, sharpness, and the X3 FillLight eature. Together with the twonoise reduction parameters anda color wheel, these controlsgive you the artistic latitude andprecision to create the masterpiecesthat express your artistic vision.

    Masterpiece in the making.Image quality that inspires creativity


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    BODYMagnesium bodyThe SD1 is the rst in the SD series toadopt a magnesium alloy body.This rigid, tough yet lightweight bodysecurely protects the interior romshock and electromagnetic inter erence,while adding strength and durability towithstand challenging conditions.

    Weather and dust resistanceControls and joints are sealed to blockdust and moisture rom entering the cardslot, battery room and other parts o thecamera interior. This enhances reliabilityin harsh pro essional usage situations.

    DRIVE MODETwo-motor system prevents vibrationUsing a two-motor system with dedicatedmotors or mirror-drive and shutter chargereduces the vibration o mirror movement,thereby preventing camera shake. A mirrorlock-up mechanism prevents urthervibration when the shutter is released.Preventing camera shake is especiallyimportant or macro photography andwhen using ultra-telephoto lenses.

    VIEWFINDERBright, wide-coverage viewfnderwith integral pentaprismThe SD1 eatures a pentaprism view nderwith 98% (vertical and horizontal)

    Rugged new body. Unbending policy. Built like a true agship

    At Sigma, camera design has alwaysbeen guided by one principle: a camera isa precision instrument that should respondaith ully and directly to the photographer'sintention. The SD1 takes this to newheights o per ection, o ering even greaterpossibilities o sophisticated, nuancedexpression, while serving the artistas a career partner.

    The SD1 is the rst Sigma camera to havea magnesium alloy body or rugged

    durability and resistance to water and dust.This represents a comprehensive approachto maximizing camera per ormance,

    just as the internal circuitry is optimizedor processing high-resolution data.

    The redesigned user inter ace isergonomically engineered to provideintuitive control with extendedoperational convenience to help thephotographer concentrate on thephotographic task at hand.

    More than any words or speci cations, it isonly by taking the SD1 in your hands that youcan understand how this camera representsthe latest evolution o Sigma's dedicationto pushing digital camera design into newdimensions o practical per ormance.

    Redesigned or enhanced per ormance


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    coverage, 0.95x magni cation andan 18mm eye point. Diopter adjustment isprovided over a range o -3 to +1.5 dpt.

    AUTOFOCUSPrecise ocus with 11-point twin cross sensorThe auto ocus system eatures an 11-pointtwin cross sensor. This shi ted twin crosstype sensor improves AF accuracy.Selecting the AF point can be donemanually or automatically.

    77-segment AE sensor or accurate exposure The SD1 eatures a new 77-segment AE sensorusing advanced AE algorithms to improveexposure accuracy. Exact control coordinatedwith the 11 AF points achieves accurateexposure even in di cult lightning conditions.

    MEMORYUses ast, high-capacity CF cards The SD1 acceptsTYPE I CF cards.UDMA mode6compatibilityenables astprocessing o largeamounts o data.*It is not possibleto use TYPE IICF cards ormicrodrives.

    ISOISO100 - 6400;Noiseless image processing The SD1 captures light e ectively andensures noiseless image processing.The image sensor provides high de nitionwith rich, graduated tones.

    EXPOSUREExposure management withmanual control and auto bracketingExposure can be manually adjusted tosuit your needs. When di cult lighting

    conditions make appropriate exposureunclear, auto bracketing lets you takea sequence o shots o the same subjectat three or ve di erent exposure levels.Bracketing can be set in 1/3EV incrementsup to +-3EV(3levels) or +-1.7EV(5 levels).

    METERINGFlexible control over metering,The SD1 eatures our metering modes


    The camera willmeasure the luminanceo 1% o the entirepicture area. This modeis suitable when youwish to set the exposure

    or a small portion o the scene and ignore theinfuence o the rest o the area.


    Evaluative meteringis suitable or generalphotography. Even in

    strong back lighting situations, the camera willgive you the correct exposure.


    The camera will measurethe luminance o 10% othe entire picture area.

    This is ideal or metering backlit subjects.


    The camera will measurethe average luminance

    o the entire picture area with additional emphasison the center area. This is ideal when usingoptional exposure compensation.


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    SHUTTERFocal Plane shutterThe durable ocal plane shutter mechanismhas a li e cycle o over 100,000 exposuresand dramatically reduces generation o dust.The photographer can enjoy taking pictureswith con dence that the image sensor is cleanand protected rom dust or dirt originatinginside or outside the camera.

    DISPLAY3.0" TFT Color LCD MonitorThe SD1 camera eatures a 3.0 inch TFTcolor monitor. This 460,000 pixel resolutionLCD monitor bene ts rom a wide viewingangle, making it easy to check ocusing andcomposition.

    ENGINEDual TRUE II image processing engineThe SD1 incorporates a dual TRUE (Three-layerResponsive Ultimate Engine) II image processingengine which improves processing speed andoverall image quality.The unique image-processing algorithmprovides high resolving power and reproduceshigh de nition images with richly graduatedtones. In addition, the SD1 can record both

    RAW and JPEG les simultaneously.

    Advanced DDR III bu er or high-speed,high-volume data processing To handle large volumes o color data athigh speed, the SD1 uses DDR III bu ermemory technology, which deliversclass-leading per ormance.The SD1 eatures a continuous shootingspeed o 5 rames per second and cancapture up to 7 RAW images per sequencein continuous shooting mode.

    DUST PROTECTORImage sensor protected rom dustMost digital SLR cameras are vulnerableto dust entering the body. I dust anddirt adhere to the image sensor, it mayappear in the photos. The lens mount othe SD1 is equippedwith a dustprotector and thearea around it issealed to preventdust rom enteringthe body. Even inthe unlikely event odust adhering to theimage sensor, the dust protector can beremoved easily or sensor cleaning.

    USER INTERFACENew, intuitive user inter aceThe improved user inter ace provides asterand more convenient operation. Apertureand shutter speed can be set by their owndials. The exposure compensation buttonand exposure mode button are on top othe body or quick access. A Quick Set (QS)menu lets you easily change commonlyused unctions. To display the QS menu,simply press the QS button. QS menu 1 is

    or ISO setting, fash mode, metering mode

    and AF mode; QS menu 2 o ers whitebalance, image quality, image size and colormode.

    OK Button settingYou can allocate certain unctions to theOK button or added convenience. Theseunctions include Review Image, RotateImage and Mark Image.

    BUILT-IN FLASHBuilt-in ash with17mm angle o coverageThe Sigma SD1 cameras built-in fash hasa guide number o 11 to cover a 17mmlens angle (equivalent to 25.5mm with a35mm camera). The built-in fash can besynchronized to a shutter speed o up to1/180 sec. The S-TTL automatic exposuresystem enables control o advanced fashphotography.

    BATTERYDedicated BP-21 lithium-ion batteryThe dedicated BP-21 lithium-ion batteryis supplied as standard with the SD1.It takes about 150 minutes to ully chargewith the supplied BC-21 battery charger.The optional SAC-4 AC adapter letsthe Sigma SD1 run on AC power roma wall socket.


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    Remote ControllerRS-31The remote control allows thephotographer to take sel -portraits or get into groupshots. Used with the mirror lock-up unction, it can reduce thepossibility o image-blurringcaused by camera shake, makingit particularly use ul or macro ortelephoto shooting.

    Cable Release SwitchCR-21The CR-21 cable release switchhelps prevent camera shake,making it ideal when shootinglong exposures. It is also possibleto lock the release button.

    AC AdapterSAC-4This provides a constantelectricity supply whenshooting in the studioor taking pictures indoors.

    It is also recommendedwhen connecting thecamera to your computerto trans er data.


    accessoryoptionsSigma's precision accessories expand yourcreative horizons while giving you more controland convenience to achieve the results you desirein a wide range o shooting situations.

    ELECTRONIC FLASHEF-610 DG SUPERThe high power EF-610 DGSuper fash enables S-TTLautomatic fash metering. It haswireless fash connectivity anda high-speed synchronizationunction which can be used athigh shutter speeds.

    ELECTRONIC FLASH EF-610 DG STThis is a high-powered auto zoomfash eaturing automatic fashmetering using S-TTL operation.The fashgun e ortlessly allowsper ect fash shots and includes anautomatic zoom and bounce-headunction.


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras


    The lens makes the image

    Your choice o lens depends on yoursubject and how you want to depict

    it. One o the attractions o a DSLRwith interchangeable lenses is theability to adapt fexibly to everysituation and style o expression.

    When you have a variety o lenses tochoose rom, you can make the mosto the DSLR as a creative instrumentor trans orming a photo opportunityinto a work o art.

    Full lens line ouncompromising quality

    For state-o -the-art per ormance,Sigma's SA mount lenses eaturea fare and ghost reducing SuperMulti-Layer Coating; HSM (HyperSonic Motor); OS (Optical Stabilizer)

    anti-shake unction; FLD (F' LowDispersion), ELD (Extraordinary LowDispersion) and SLD (Special LowDispersion) glass; aspheric elements;

    and other cutting-edge technology.

    All Sigma standard ocal length,wide-angle, telephoto, macro, sheye,and other lenses are designed towork in synergy with the SD1 tomaximize the ull color capturesystem's exceptional image quality.

    Sigma lenses are designed with oneaim: to help you take better photos.Sigma o ers more than 40 di erentlens types, distinguished by their

    exacting optics, smooth ocusing anddurable stability.

    Developed and manu actured to meetthe highest standards in the industry,Sigma's SA mount lenses have the

    variety, reliability, and per ormancethat creative photography requires.

    Cra ted by masters o

    lens technology

    Sigma has a strict policy odeveloping essential coretechnology in-house.For its interchangeable lenses,this encompasses optical design,mechanism design, rmwaredevelopment, electronic circuit andsystem design, and mold design.

    By making almost all parts in its ownintegrated manu acturing system,

    Sigma can assure peerless qualityat an accessible price. Every lensthat proudly bears the Sigma nameis a valuable piece o cra tsmanshipthat brings the spark o li e to thephotographic images you create.

    Sublime and sophisticated.A lens system that turns light into art


  • 8/3/2019 SD1 Catalog_Shetala Cameras




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    SIGMA CORPORATION 2 4 16 K iki A k K ki hi K g 215 8530 J T l +81 44 989 7437 F +81 44 989 7448 ig h t j

    The appearance and speci ications are subject to change without notice.

    Li- ion Battery BP-21, Battery Charger BC-21, USB Cable, Video Cable, Neck Strap Eye Cap, Body Cap, Eyepiece Cap, SIGMA Photo Pro Disc, SD1 Instruction Manual



    145.5mm/5.7"(W) x 113.5mm/4.4"(H) x 80.0mm/3.1"(D)700g/24.7oz. (without battery and card)



    USB(USB2.0)Video Out (NTSC/PAL)


    LCD Monitor Language English / Japanese / German / French / Spanish / Italian / Chinese (Simpli ed) / Korean / Russian


    TypeMonitor SizeLCD PixelsCoverage

    TFT color LCD monitor3.0"Approx. 460,000100%


    AC Adapter : SAC-4, Remote Controller : RS-31, Cable Release Switch : CR-21, Electronic Flash : EF-610 DG SUPER, EF-610 DG ST, EM-140 DG


    Power Li-ion Battery Pack BP-21, Batterry Chager BC-21,AC Adapter SAC-4 (optional)


    Image SensorImage SizeNumber o Pixels

    Aspect Ratio

    Foveon X3 direct image sensor (CMOS)23.5 x 15.7mm (0.9inch x 0.6inch)Total Pixel 48 MPE ective Pixel 46 MP (4,800 x 3,200 x 3 layers)3 : 2


    Metering Systems

    Metering RangeExposure Control System

    ISO SensitivityExposure CompensationAE Lock

    Auto Bracketing

    77 segment Evaluative Metering, Spot Metering,Center Area Metering, Center-Weighted AverageMeteringEV 1 to 20 (50mm F1.4 : ISO100)[P] Program AE (Program Shi t is possible),[S ] Shutter Speed Priority AE,[A] Aperture Priority AE, [M] ManualISO 100-6400+-

    3 EV (in 1/3 stop increments)AE lock button is pressed or shutter release buttonis pressed halwayThree or Five rames (in 1/3 steps, AppropriateExposure-Under Exposure-Over Exposure)


    Auto Focus TypeAF PointAF Operating RangeFocus Mode

    AF Point SelectionActive AF point indicatorAF Assist LightFocus Lock

    TTL phase di erence detection system11 points twin cross sensorEV -1 to +18 (ISO100)Single AF, Continuous AF (with AF motion predictionunction), ManualAutomatic Selection, Manual SelectionSuperimposed in view nderOrange Color AF Assist LightAF button is pressed or shutter release buttonis pressed halway.


    Settings 8 types (Auto, Daylight, Shade, Overcast, Incandescent,Fluorescent, Flash and Custom)


    FormatCompatible LensesLens MountAngle o View

    Interchangeable lens SLR cameraSIGMA SA mount interchangeable lensesSIGMA SA bayonet mountEquivalent to approx. 1.5 times the ocal length o thelens ( or 35mm cameras)


    TypeViewfnder Frame CoverageViewfnder MagnifcationEye pointDiopter Adjustment RangeFocusing ScreenMirrorDepth o Field Preview

    Pentaprism SLR view nder98% vertical, 98% horizontal0.95x (50mmF1.4 - oo)18mm-3.0 dpt ~ +1.5 dptFixed, all matt screenQuick returnDepth o eld preview button


    Operating TemperatureOperating Hunidity Range

    0 - +40 oC85% or lower


    CompactFlash (Type I,UDMA compatible)Exi 2.3, DCF 2.0Lossless compression RAW data(12-bit, High, Medium,Low), JPEG(High, Medium, Low)7 types (Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Portrait, Landscape,B&W, Sepia)

    Storage MediaStill Image FormatRecording Mode

    Color Mode


    File Size

    JPEG High 4,7044,7044,704



    10 MB5.6 MB4.2 MB






    Medium 3,2643,2643,264




    2.7 MB2 MB






    Low 2,3362,3362,336



    2.5 MB1.4 MB

    1 MB






    RAW HighMediumLow

    45 MB24 MB12 MB










    Drive Modes

    Continuous shooting speed

    Continuous bu er

    [1] Single, [2] Continuous,[3] Sel -Timer (2sec./10 sec.), [4] Mirror Lock-up




    5 rames/sec.6 rames/sec.6 rames/sec.Max. 7 ramesMax. 14 ramesMax. 14 rames

    Shutter TypeShutter Speed

    External Flash Sync.

    Electronically Controlled Focal Plane Shutter1/8000 30 sec.,Bulb (up to 30 sec. With Extended Mode: 2 min.)X-Sync (1/180)


    TypeBuilt-in Flash Guide No.Built-in Flash CoverageFlash Metering SystemFlash CompensationCompatible FlashgunsSync TerminalConnectivity

    Manual Pop-up Built-in fashGN1117mm lens angle coveredS-TTL Auto Flash+- 3EV (1/3 stop increments)EF-610DG SUPER, EF-610DG ST, EM-140 DGAvailableHot shoe (contact X synchronization at 1/180 sec.or less, with dedicated fash linking contact)


    Reviewing Images

    Highlight DisplayHistogram

    Single rame display, Multi display [9 rames],Zoom, Slide ShowAvailableAvailable


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