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Page 1: Section Quiz - Wikispaces · Section Quiz A. Reviewing Key ... Section Quiz equal. L0. During become Name Section 3: The End of Reconstruction ... Supreme Court ruled that the separation

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Section 1: Rebuilding the NationReconstruction and the Ner.t, South

Section QuizA. Reviewing Key Terms and PeopleDirections: Match each description it'r Column I with the correct terrn or person in Column llWrite the letter of the answer next to the correct number. You will not use all the answers.

Column I Column ll1. men and women who had a.

been slaves2. a government pardon3. person who assassinated

Abraham Lincoln

john Wilkes BoothWalt WhitmanamnestyAbraham LincolnFreedmen's BureauReconstructionAndrew ]ohnsonfreedmen



B. Key ConceptsDirection s: Read the following statements nnd mark thent true (T) or fatse G ). lf thestatement is false, replnce the underlirted word(s) to ntake it true. Write your nnsrDers on aseparate sheet of paper.

Congress set up the Freedmen's Bureau to help former enslaved people findjobs.

Abraham Lincoln's Ten Perceni Plan meant that ten percent of AfricanAmericans were allowed to become full citizens.The Wade-Davis Bill required 50 percent of voiers sign a loyalty oath beforea state could return to the Union.Most freedmen were uneducated and Door.

8. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln dashed hopes for a harsh plan forReconstruction.

C. Critical ThinkingDirections: Answer t

9. \t\rhat problems did the Freedmen's Bureau help solve?

O Peorson Iducotion, lni., publishing cs Peorson Prenliie Holl. All rights reserved






Page 2: Section Quiz - Wikispaces · Section Quiz A. Reviewing Key ... Section Quiz equal. L0. During become Name Section 3: The End of Reconstruction ... Supreme Court ruled that the separation

Name Date Class

Section 2: The Battle Over ReconstructicrnReconstruction and ihe New South

Section QurzA. Reviewing Key Terms and PeopleDirection s: Mntch each description in Column I with the correct term or person in Column Il.Write the letter of the answer next to the correct number. You will not use all the ansTaers.

Column I





the bringing of formal chargesagainst a public officiallaws used by southern statesto control African Americansterm for white southernRepublicans who opposedsecession

second African Americansenatorterm used by souihernDemocrats to describenortherners who moved to theSouthfirst African American senatortook over as President after thedeath of Abraham Lincoln

Column lla. Charles Sumnerb. carpetbaggersc. Andrew Johnsond. black codese. Civil Rights Act of 1866

Blanche BruceimpeachmentUlysses S. CrantscalawagsHiram RevelsReconstructionThomas Jefferson






B. Key ConceptsDirections: Read the following statements and mark them true (T) or false (F). lf thestatement is false, replace the underlined word(s) to make it true. Write yl1tr answers on nseparate sheet of paper.

8. To outlaw the black codes, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1866.

9. The Fourteenth Amendment banned slavery in the United States.

10. The Radical Republicans used violence to keep African Americans out ofpolitical office.

C. Critical Thinkinqo.f "-t-rD o F

Di rec ti o n s : A nsw e r t l&lell€stlif+4++esh

11. What were the key differences between the Radical Republicans and PresidentAndrew Johnson over Reconstruction?

O Peorson Iducotion, lnc , publishing os Peonon Prenlice Holl. All rights reserved.


Page 3: Section Quiz - Wikispaces · Section Quiz A. Reviewing Key ... Section Quiz equal. L0. During become Name Section 3: The End of Reconstruction ... Supreme Court ruled that the separation

I Section Quiz

equal.L0. During



Section 3: The End of ReconstructionReconstruction and the New South

Date Class

way to ensure that only white men could vote.for blacks and whites in the South were usuallv

A. Reviewing Key TermsDirections: Match each description in Column I with the correct term in Column II. Write theIetter of the atlsu)er next to the correct number. You will not use all the terms,

Column I Column lla. segregationb. sharecroppersc. scalawagsd. literacy teste. poll taxf. luxury taxB. Jim Crow iawsh. grandfather clausesi. Fourteenth Amendment


vote.B. Key GonceptsDirectionsz Read the following statements and mark them true (T) or fatse (F). If thestatement is false, replace the underlined word(s) to make it true.

5. Democrats lost power in congress because both northerners andsoutherners believed it was time to let southerners run their owngovernments.

6. Republicans were hurt by widespread corruption in the administration of

The election of 1870led to the end of Reconstruction.



In Plessy v. Ferguson, theSupreme Court ruled that theseparation of people of


different races was Jegal.

In the late 1800s, southernstates imposed a personal taxto be paid before voting.The people who farmed rentedland in return for a share ofcrop profits were mostlv


freedmen and poor whites.Voters had to take a test thatshowed that thev could readand explain part of the


Constitution before they could

Crandfather clauses were aThe separate facilities set up





Reconstruction, the south began to develop its industry in order tomore self-sufficient.

C. Critical Thinkipg6.,t€ rr. eFDirections: Answer

1,1. What happened to the rights of African Americans after Reconstruction? Explain.O Peorson [ducotion, lnc., publishing os Peorson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.


Page 4: Section Quiz - Wikispaces · Section Quiz A. Reviewing Key ... Section Quiz equal. L0. During become Name Section 3: The End of Reconstruction ... Supreme Court ruled that the separation

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