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  • 1. See you at the bottom (?)Matt Lane NPSC Conference 2011 2 September 2011

2. 1. Cargo cults 2. When social media can be a cargo cult 3. Values and quality 3. Cargo cults 4.

  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2178435371/sizes/o/in/photostream/

Cargo cults 5. Cargo cults 6. Cargo cults 7. Cargo cults 8.

    • a religious practice appearing inpre-industrial societies in the wake of interaction with technologically advanced ones

Cargo cults 9. Mistaking the observableas the cause Cargo cults 10. 11.

    • Why

12. Explanation for those not laughing From Wikipedia: "Milkshake" is a song by American recording artist Kelis and the lead single from her third studio album, Tasty. The song was released in the United States on August 25, 2003, by Star Trak and Arista Records, and internationally on November 24. 13.

    • Why

(Pop-culture reference / humour) 14.

    • Why


    • Why


    • Why

No, it isn't (that's a good thing) The government is a set of political institutions that constitute the state 17.

    • Why


    • Why

19. When did the 2011 Australian Census feel the need to become a funny guy? 20. Is this the expectation of citizens in 2011? Are pop culture references what theyre looking for? 21. 22. Drivers of satisfaction

  • 1. Met my expectations
  • 2. Public servant did a good job
  • 3. Staff competent
  • 4. Needs met
  • 5. Staff kept promises
  • 6. Treated fairly
  • 7. Individual circumstances taken into acount
  • 8. Takes responsibility for mistakes
  • 9. Example of good value

23. Drivers of satisfaction

  • Witty pop culture reference
  • ...is not currently in there

24. Any publicity is good publicity, right? 25. Social media = The democratisation of the ability to communicate to everyone Social media cargo cults 26.

  • Social media
  • =
    • All people and organisations are now media organisations

Social media cargo cults 27.

  • Social media
  • =
    • All people and organisations are now media organisations
    • Competing with each other for our attention

Social media cargo cults 28. So you see,we're a media organisationcompeting for your attention 29.

    • Socialmedia are for thevoices of people
    • But, organisations dont really havepersonalvoices
    • (organisations are constructs)

The confusion 30.

    • We see other organisations with quality products
    • demostrating their engagement with customers via social media
    • And one could easily confuse regular hilarious tweets as success

The confusion 31.

    • Social media is not just a tool for improving engagement
    • It is also (maybe more accurately) a thermometerfor measuringengagement

The confusion 32. Mistaking the observableas the cause Cargo cults 33.

    • We risk mistaking using:
    • As actual engagement, and a substitute for delivering a quality product

The risk 34.

    • No, Im not saying dont use Twitter

So hang on, hes saying dont use Twitter? 35. The point is, FORGET YOUR BRAND.You dont own it because it is literally nothing.You can spend all sorts of time and money trying to manufacture public opinion, but ultimately, thats up to the public, now isnt it? You know the best way to get the public to respect your brand ?Have a respectable brand.Offer a great, innovative product and make responsible, ethical business decisions .-Leroy Stick 36. There's only one way to go from here 37. So my advice to Public Sector Communicators: 38. Continue to deliver a high quality product

    • (not a comms issue)
    • Ensure that this is paramount

1. 39. Empower your staff to engage 2. 40. Empower your staff to engage 2. 41.

    • State servants might use social media as either the representative of their agency making official comment or in their private capacity as a citizen []Good practice is to disclose your position and that you are representing your agency . "


    • Why

43. 44. Allow the faceless bureaucracy to remain a faceless bureaucracywhile enabling the characters in your organisation to shine 2. (cont.) 45. Great examples: 46. Great examples:

    • Real people!

47. Great examples:

    • Real people!

48. Great examples:

    • Real people!

49. Great examples:

    • Real people!


    • The paramount element of a successful brand is having a quality product
    • The NZ public sector is already has a quality product
    • Social media is for people

Takeaway points 51. See you at the bottom (?)Matt Lane NPSC Conference 2011 2 September 2011 52. More... In John They Trust By Paul Raffaele Cargo Cult / Mondo Cane By Paolo Cavara the man behind @BPGlobalPR By Leroy Stick Rate this article By Chris Colin Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance By Robert Pirsig

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