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SEO optimizationHow to rank better and faster

1.RelevancyContent should be relevant

●if a blog is written , content should be interesting. Solve a particular problem.

> If you are writing a blog , solve one problem in one post.

●If you are running ecommerce , display product information correctly.

●For Forums , contents should be highly relevant, expert notes.

2. Quality of your content●Well written ( formatting , grammar , well connected points)

●Content improvement by addition of supplementary media : images, gifs, videos ,presentations

●Interlink relevant sources , citations

3. User experienceVisitors could find all pages easily

●Well structured navigation

●Responsive ( work on desktop, tablet , phablet , smartphones)

●Readability ( font size, font color )

●Keyboard shortcuts

●Color combinations

●Image Gallery, Video gallery , Shopping carts

●Effortless sign-in option ( Social authentications)

●Privacy , Security

4. Website and Apps Speed“According to surveys done by Akamai and Gomez.com, nearly half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a site that isn’t loaded within 3 seconds. 79% of web shoppers who have trouble with website performance say they won’t return to the site to buy again and around 44% of them would tell a friend if they had a poor experience shopping online.”

●improve website speed

●implementation of web cache

●use of Ajax to load content dynamically

●resume session on connected devices

●use of content delivery network (CDN)

5. Cross-device Functionality●people browse content on mobile,desktop,tablet

●mobiles are mostly used for research purpose

●desktop is still leading in conversions compared to tablet and mobile phone

●most of consumer have all 3 types of devices - desktop, mobile,tablet

●Induction of new breed of devices - Internet of things and Smart wearables

●Consumer expects the availability of service across all device types

●Ensure you service is always on from any device

●Uniform user experience across all types of devices

6.Internal linking●Internal linking relate similar content.

●Internal linking or sitewide help could be implemented in two ways: direct linking and popup

●Internal links gives link-juice to other pages

●Carefully interlinked content help to find relevant content for users as well as crawlers

7. Content AuthorityContent authority denotes expertise in related domain.

●This reflect unique expertize in specific work domain

●This help to emerge as category leader

●Require quality research

●Require trusted mentions and recommendation from beneficiaries

●Develop over passage of time

●This require continuity of quality maintainance

8. Meta Description and Title Tag●meta title and meta description help to present SERP snippet.

●by optimized meta tags, anyone can present suitable description in front of users so they could understand the summary

●this is similar of cover of books which tells about overall content

●length of meta description should be 155

●length of title tags should be 65

●present important keywords in initial part of meta title and meta description

●avoid duplicate meta title and meta descriptions

9. Schema Markup●Schema markup defines the structure of page and types of page


●This help to identify the piece of content, its type, its content in a predefined way.

●If there is a video or image or article or event, we can tag this with schema.

●Schema help the robots to understand page content. Very useful when Internet of things and Voice based search , Digital Assistant ( Apple Siri , Google Siri , Microsoft Cortana) release information from a webpage to users.

●You can define scheme in RDF, JSON/LD, Schema tags format

10. Properly Tagged ImagesImage optimization is also important aspects of digital marketing

Images are fastest way to convey important messages quickly.

Any image on website must have a “alt” , “title”.

Filename of images should be descriptive in nature.

Size of images should be optimized for sharing in social media.

Other properties like EXIF data, geotags.

Also submit image sitemap to index images faster.

Apply schema to tag images within page.

11. Evergreen ContentEvergreen content means high quality content that is relevant to user for all time.

To produce evergreen content , update it regularly.

Example : Any information about best CRM software reviews that always updates latest features in competing CRMs.

Evergreen contents are specific to problem sets and they provide solution in real context.

Always put strong emphasis on producing high quality content ( text, images, videos, infographics)

12. Domain NamesIf you see SERP ( search Engine result page), domain name get highlighted and this is a good PR(page rank factor)

Domain name should match name of business.

Domain name should relate to popular tld( .com,.net..org,.edu)

Domain name should easier to remember. ( smaller in size )

After getting domain name, it should be protected ( longer validity , hosted on Non-spammy hosts , Verified)

13. Headlines and Permalink●If you see any piece of information , first decision criterion is its


●Headline is important for all type of content : blogs, articles, videos, infographics,ppt

●Headlines provides quick information about the content inside

●Its resembles to name of chapter in books.

●Headlines should be appropriate and relevant to consumer’s interests.

14. Comments and Discussions●Social media is current most active commenting and discussion


●expert opinions matters a lot in forums.

●domain specific forum is nice place to interact,engage and educate prospective consumers

●most blogs also use discussion to get opinion from users. Amount of discussion relate directly to the participation

●protect your discussion forum from spammy posts ( We recommended application of captcha, Anti-spam services - Akismet)

●Provide “nofollow” links to outbound resources

15. Local SEOIf your business deal with local customers , Local SEO is important.

Verify your business and get listed in local yellow pages, Google Business, Bing Places etc

Provide all business related information like opening hours, area of business, list of services , places etc

Additional Press media and digital advertisements ,targeting on local consumers will provide benefits.

16. Social SignalsSocial signal contribute a major portion of traffic for blogs and news-media.

Social signal also indicate the actual interest in information broadcasted.

Social platforms are good source to advertise and get feedback from consumers.

Connect with people with some good concept , contest ,fun

Resolve queries over social media if arised on social media.

Get reviews on social media.

Deploy a social media team. PR is essential for brand .

Keyword Stuffing - Over Optimization●Keyword ratio in content is not a ranking factor.

●Uses of Natural language analysis, text and sentiment analysis provided better way to identify the purpose of content.

●Excessive use of keyword stuffing is poisonous for digital marketing.

●Instead of keyword stuffing, use long tail keyword that are less competitive and prepare good content around them.

●Use all media types to convey better.

●Do not use black hat SEO techniques.

Link Buying- Link Scam - Spam These are highly negative SEO strategies

●linking buying ( link selling and link buying banned)

●If you buy such links, Search Engine Penalty will be applied

●Do not participate in hijacking website.

●Do not post links frequently everywhere

●Do not mail spam

●Bulk amount of link posting in social media or forums

Annoying AdsWhen a reader reach to your blog or website and found irritating pop-out , lots of advertisement spilled all over pages, automatic downloads etc,

the user will not return in future.

To monetize your work, follow a quality content strategy and place relevant advertisements aside so everyone can enjoy the content and optionally interact to advertise.

You can offer some other digital product ,service, affiliate links without deteriorating reading experience.

Mobile App interstitialsWhen a user visits a website and a pop-up forcing user to download a particular apps is annoying.

In recent updates, Search Engine put this strategy into negative so such App interstitials will be counted as negative SEO.

Instead of using App interstitials , You can deploy a better UI design inspiring users to download and use apps to make reading and sharing experience much better.

Duplicate Content●Search engines are expert in finding duplicate content. Duplicate

content conflict the authority so less authorized source get penalized.

●Do not duplicate content ( including content wheel , paraphrasing )

●Prepare original content around common queries , user manuals and new age stories.

●Do not published scrapped content

●Do not spread duplicated content. Do not get links from spammy source ( links from bad source is a bad link)

Hidden text and linksGenerally hacker use this technology. It is anti-SEO

Cloaking: Serving different version of page content. ( providing good content to search-bots ) and serving different content to visitors.

Search engine see text version and rich text version ( javascript enabled ) to detect changes. Search engine also get information by mimicking different browser use-agent to detect this.

Want to learn SEO ?


●web design

●App design


●Advert copy

Want to grow business online?


●Web development

●Mobile App development

●Ecommerce store setup

●Wordpress custom development


●Search engine optimization

●Social media marketing

●Digital ads


●Basic SEO

●Advanced SEO

●Social Media

●Web DesignAMICI Global Solutions PVT. LTD.

A-11 (THIRD FLOOR), Street No. 2, Sewak Park, Block A, Uttam Nagar, Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi 110059 https://www.amicicorp.net/

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