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Skyping interviewing 101

If you’re applying for a job in another city, you might be asked to interview via skype. But before you log on, here are some things you need to consider.

Be preparedTake the time to test the equipment you’ll be using and ensure you have a strong internet connection; you don’t want to cut out half way through your interview.

Frame it rightMake sure your webcam is set up to capture you from the shoulders up. During the interview remember to maintain eye contact just as you would if you were in the same room as the interviewer.

Look behind youAn interview isn’t the place to air your dirty laundry and you’ll do just that if you leave it sitting behind you while you are talking!

Don’t forget your pants

Just because the interviewer can only see you from the shoulders up is not excuse not to be dressed as you would if you were meeting them in person. Eliminate any risk of being caught with your pants down if the camera shifts.

Remove distractionsTurn off all other devices and make sure if anyone else is home that they are aware of your call and that they keep the noise down. Barking dogs should be kept well away from earshot.

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