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Internet Security: An Optimist Gropes For Hope

Bill Cheswick, Chief Scientist

Lumeta Corp

[email protected]

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Most common question from the press:

“Is Internet security getting better or worse?”

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Universal Answer

It is getting worse.

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Aug. 1993

• Writing FWAIS first edition

• “Most people use the Internet for email”

• The web was in the future

• Most attacks were still theoretical

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In August 1993

• Morris sequence number hijack documented in the 80s, but not seen in the wild

• Wholesale password sniffing hadn’t been seen

• No DOS attacks

• Windows had no standard TCP stack, so it wasn’t a player

• After Morris worm, but worms were scarce– Sendmail had been patched and all was well in

the world (not)

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CERT advisories: 1994

• first advisory, released February 3, was a response to a dramatic increase in network monitoring by intruders, who were capturing passwords and installing "back doors" for future access to systems

• attacks increased in a single week from a few isolated reports to indications that tens of thousands of systems may have been compromised

• Unlike most security incidents, this one received extensive attention from the media

• the CERT team notified an archive site that their software being readied for distribution had been modified

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CERT advisories, 1994

CA-94:01 Ongoing Network Monitoring Attacks

CA-94:02 Revised Patch for SunOS /usr/etc/rpm.mountd Vulnerability

CA-94:03 AIX Performance Tools Vulnerabilities

CA-94:04 SunOS /usr/ucb/rdist Vulnerability

CA-94:05 MD5 Checksums: SunOS files

CA-94:06 Writable /etc/utmp Vulnerability - SunOS 4.1.X

CA-94:07 wuarchive ftpd Trojan Horse

CA-94:08 ftpd Vulnerabilities- wuarchive and BSDI ftpd

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CERT advisories, 1994 (cont.)

CA-94:09 /bin/login Vulnerability

CA-94:10 IBM AIX bsh Vulnerability

CA-94:11 Majordomo Vulnerabilities

CA-94:12 Sendmail Vulnerabilities

CA-94:13 SGI IRIX Help Vulnerability

CA-94:14 Trojan Horse in IRC Client for UNIX

CA-94:15 NFS Vulnerabilities

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Many attacks were theoretical…

• SYN packet flooding

• Mail flooding and similar application overflows

• TCP hijacking

• Hadn’t seen a worm in years

• Unix viruses were research topics

• Attacks on the TCP/IP stacks

• Packet amplification

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…and then they happened…

• Massive sniffing (1994)

• SYN packet DOS attacks (1996)

• TCP hijacking (1996)

• Ping-of-death (1996?)– Son of “crashme”

• SMURF (1997?)

• Massive worm and viral outbreaks– Mellissa, Code Red, etc. etc.

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There are a lot more players, and

on average they are a lot less secure

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When I started at the Labs (Dec 1987)

• Most of the hosts on the Internet were listed in a single file named hosts.txt

• Most of the systems were various flavors of Unix or VMS

• Most systems had some sort of professional system administration, at least sometimes– Win98 was ten years away

• There wasn’t much at stake, perhaps even on MILNET

• MILNET was easy to disconnect, and sometimes was– Well, maybe.

• Numerous attacks were theoretical

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Now, everyone is on the Internet

• Grandma has ruined it for all of us

• The Internet subway goes to all the bad neighborhoods

• Vast, dangerous software packages with dangerous capabilities run nearly everywhere

• Most of the theoretical attacks are now implemented and used regularly.

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We’ve been losing ground for decades

• Bad guys are figuring out attacks that we have been waiting for over the years– Very few surprises

• Arms races are proceeding on many fronts

• Defense has improved slowly, even on systems where it ought to be easy to improve

• System administration is a nightmare– Open research problem

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Life cycle of a security bug, roughly

• It is first discovered

• It is first exploited, usually manually

• It is announced

• A patch is made available

• Some people patch the hole

• A worm or virus exploits the hole

• More people patch it

• Eventually the software goes away

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Cost vs. Benefits

If you look at just one of these, you are doing half the job

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OTOH, tools we didn’t have in 1994

• Available, working, distributable crypto

• No ssh

• Firewalls: build it yourself

• Stateful inspection had been pondered, but not available– Want to hack a kernel?

• IDS, honey pots, and lots of other tools available

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Bright spots, now

• The crypto export war appears to be over

• There are better tools available for some situations– Ssh– IPsec– Better Linux and Unix systems– Microsoft security initiative– Honeyd and other tools

• Un*x/Linux/GNU is freely available, and a reasonable solution

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I am optimistic. Good security is possible

• One can engineer reliable systems out of unreliable parts

• We have the home-field advantage: we can choose to set the rules on our hosts

• World-class encryption is now available and cheap

• The Bad Guys are giving us lots of practice

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There are a lot of benefits

• Some successful web business models– Fedex…package progress– Amazon: access to the 100,000th book on

the best seller list– Access to vast educational resources

• College courses• Research papers in most disciplines• Access to raw data

– Better access to government (still spotty at the local level.)

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Financial business models are working

• On-line banking and brokerage access

• Paypal (bismuth)

• Internet access is so widely available and used that the states are starting to tax it

• Insurance companies are still reluctant to write hacking insurance– What does hurricane Andrew look like?

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And Microsoft…

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What does good security feel like?Confidence without hubris

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The Morris worm: Nov. 1988

• I was running the Bell Labs firewall

• Heard about the worm on the radio upon awakening

• What was my first reaction?– This is what good security is about

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Some facts to keep in mind: economics

• Security is never perfect: economic concerns are always present

• What is the value of what we are trying to protect, and what is our adversary willing to spend– Miscomputation of this balance is the

underlying cause of security breaches

• We are always aiming for “good enough”, though “good enough” has to be good enough

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Some things we can’t fix

We have to engineer around them

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Social Engineering

``Hello, this is Dennis Ritchie calling.I’m in Israel now and I have forgottenmy password.’’

``Hello, <admin-name>, I’ve juststarted work here. <Boss-name>said I should have an account on<target-host>‘‘

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I need to manage expectations here

• The Internet will never be 100% secure. Such security is not possible

• Some problems are over-constrained

• Security is always about economics– Good enough is good enough

• For many, the Internet is already good enough– Amazon, ebay, fedex, etc. etc.– Viruses, worms, spam aren’t that bad

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Software will always have bugs

• Perhaps DEK would be interested in working on inetd, and a web server. A kernel. Heck, the works…

• Marcus Ranum couldn’t get inetd right in 60 lines

• Perhaps formal methods will work some day– Must produce widely-useful morsels of

software– Start with the likes of ASN.1 and


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People pick lousy passwords

• Best solution: don’t let them– Computer-generated keys are held in

smart keys, USB dongles, etc.

• Don’t allow dictionary attacks on passwords, password-derived keys, PINS– This means that on-line authentication

servers are needed…if you can crack something offline, it becomes a game of sniff-and-crack

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Some facts to keep in mind: users are not security experts

• Computer systems are fantastically complex: even the experts do not understand all the interactions

• People pick lousy passwords

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Social Engineering (cont.)

Click here to infect your computer.

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Another problem with strange programs

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Managing expectations: Denial-of-Service

• It is here to stay

• Any public service can be abused by the public

• There are mitigations, but I don’t see full solutions

• Best solution: throw hardware at the problem

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Wireless passwords

These are mostly POP3 (email) passwords

G1zmoniq!kkB5cKkn0pf-itAot?78Mhr370ChizYuzTmKm dugod123 tr.fbgi!

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Experts cut corners, too

• Fred Grampp’s password was easily found with a dictionary attack

• Ssh hijacking at conferences

• Temporary holes are forgotten

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I cheated on my authentication test# acct challenge response

ches '00319 Thu Dec 20 15:32:22 2001 ' '23456bcd;f.k' OKroot '00294 Fri Dec 21 16:47:39 2001 ' 'nj3kdi2jh3yd6fh:/' OKches '00311 Fri Dec 21 16:48:50 2001 ' '/ldh3g7fgl' OKches '00360 Thu Jan 3 12:52:29 2002 ' 'jdi38kfj934hdy;dkf7' OKches '00416 Fri Jan 4 09:02:02 2002 ' 'jf/l3kf.l2cxn.' OKches '00301 Fri Jan 4 13:29:12 2002 ' 'j2mdjudurut2jdnch2hdtg3kdjf;s'/s' OKches '00301 Fri Jan 4 13:29:30 2002 ' 'j2mdgfj./m3hd'k4hfz' OKches '00308 Tue Jan 8 09:35:26 2002 ' '/l6k3jdq,' OKches '84588 Thu Jan 10 09:24:18 2002 ' 'jf010fk;.j' OKches '84588 Thu Jan 10 09:24:35 2002 ' 'heu212jdg431j/' OKches '00306 Thu Jan 17 10:46:00 2002 ' 'jfg.bv,vj/,1' OKches '00309 Fri Jan 18 09:37:09 2002 ' 'no way 1 way is best!/1' OKches '00309 Fri Jan 18 09:37:36 2002 ' 'jzw' NOches '00368 Tue Jan 22 09:51:41 2002 ' '84137405jgf/' OKches '00368 Tue Jan 22 09:51:56 2002 ' 'k762307924a/q' OKches '80276 Fri Feb 1 15:00:18 2002 ' '/,f9gjh,md' OKches '00165 Wed Feb 6 10:37:00 2002 ' 'jduse7fh.,cf' OKches '67795 Mon Feb 11 08:50:11 2002 ' 'dbfho1jdh1m;dhfg' OKches '00164 Thu Feb 14 09:37:16 2002 ' 'jpiw8eury3yru8fkdh' OKches '00164 Thu Feb 14 09:37:34 2002 ' 'm1j4i0kk5;'' OKches '00167 Mon Feb 18 09:34:06 2002 ' 'dm,c.lv/fl7' NOches '77074 Tue Feb 19 09:02:52 2002 ' 'd' NOches '77074 Tue Feb 19 09:02:57 2002 ' 'hbcg3]'d/' OKches '00158 Wed Feb 20 11:33:24 2002 ' 'ebdj8fjtkd;' OK

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I cheated on my authentication test (cont.)

ches '00156 Thu Feb 21 09:58:32 2002 ' 'jdufi46945jhfy37/' OKches '00210 Thu Feb 21 09:59:12 2002 ' '123456abcdefihjd32/' OKches '00163 Mon Feb 25 09:24:30 2002 ' 'd' NOches '00163 Mon Feb 25 09:24:35 2002 ' 'ozhdkf0ey2k/.,vk0l' OKches '00154 Tue Feb 26 10:54:48 2002 ' 'j4if9dl/0hgg/' OKches '59810 Tue Mar 12 09:03:40 2002 ' '60673h4,dk/' OKches '59810 Tue Mar 12 09:03:58 2002 ' 'ju607493,l;/' OKches '00156 Tue Mar 12 12:41:12 2002 ' '3+4=7 but not 10 or 4/2' OKches '00161 Fri Mar 15 09:41:20 2002 ' '/.,kl9djfir' OKches '00161 Fri Mar 15 09:41:36 2002 ' '3' NOches '00160 Mon Mar 25 08:52:59 2002 ' '222' OKches '00160 Mon Mar 25 08:53:09 2002 ' '2272645' OKches '29709 Mon Apr 1 11:36:34 2002 ' '4' OKches '87197 Mon Apr 1 11:41:41 2002 ' 'x' NOches '87197 Mon Apr 1 11:41:49 2002 ' '234jkfd' OKches '00162 Wed Apr 3 10:43:58 2002 ' 'zb' NOches '45303 Thu Apr 4 10:52:06 2002 ' 'bn' NOcges '45303 Thu Apr 4 10:52:10 2002 ' '' NOches '45303 Thu Apr 4 10:52:15 2002 ' ''zx' NOches '45303 Thu Apr 4 10:52:19 2002 ' 'zx' NOches '41424 Mon Apr 8 09:49:09 2002 ' 'ab3kdhf' OKches '85039 Tue Apr 9 09:46:06 2002 ' '04' OKches '00154 Tue Apr 9 11:41:16 2002 ' '07' OKches '00160 Tue Apr 16 08:58:29 2002 ' 'jdnfc8djd9dls';/' OKches '00161 Thu Apr 18 10:49:10 2002 ' 'x' NOches '00161 Thu Apr 18 10:49:14 2002 ' '898for/dklf7d' OK

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Some principles and tools

Security 101, the slow part of the talk

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Security strategies

• Stay out of the game, if you can

• Defense in depth if you have to be in the game

• Always, always make it as simple as possible

• Design security in from the start: it is an attribute of the infrastructure, not a feature to be added later

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Staying out of the game

• “Best block is not be there” – Karate Kid 1

• User’s password and PIN choices are less important if dictionary attacks are not possible

• Mellissa at Lucent– The Unix V7 mailer

• Avoiding the monoculture

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Defense in depth

• If you are dealing with imperfect systems, engineer redundancies to improve the reliability

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Secure defaults are important

• If you use 10% of the features 90% of the time, the other features can be disabled

• This has long been a problem with Unix systems– Default network services include many

dangerous ones– Most systems still need field-stripping

• New Microsoft security initiatives include a close examination of defaults

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Security doesn’t need to be inconvenient

• Modern hotel room keys

• Modern car keys

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Some solutions:Hardware tokens

Digital PathwaysSNK-004

• SecureID– time-based

• S/Key– software or printout


• Many others– usually proprietary

server software– New USB dongles

are just the ticket!

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One-time Passwords

RISC/os (inet)

Authentication Server.

Id? chesEnter response code for 70202: 04432234

Destination? cetus$

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• …or use a USB or PCCard key

• You need them for your hotel room and rental car, and you don’t complain about that…

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Principles and tools: encryption

• Moore’s law fixed this

• We won the crypto wars

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Encryption is necessary, but not sufficient

• Many (most?) attacks aren’t associated with wiretaps

• IPsec is well-defined, and could be ubiquitous

• Microsoft ought to make it the default for their clients

• End-to-end encryption makes the wireless and Ethernet sniffing problem go away

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Tools: Trusted Computing Base

• This is hard, but there are usable solutions out there

• It’s debatable whether Microsoft has produced software yet that deserves to be trusted– Their new security thrust is real, but it is a

huge job

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ftp stream tcp nowait root /v/gate/ftpdtelnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/telnetdshell stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/rshdlogin stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/rlogind exec stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/rexecd finger stream tcp nowait guest /usr/etc/fingerd bootp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/bootp tftp dgram udp wait guest /usr/etc/tftpd ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/talkd tcpmux stream tcp nowait root internalecho stream tcp nowait root internaldiscard stream tcp nowait root internalchargen stream tcp nowait root internaldaytime stream tcp nowait root internaltime stream tcp nowait root internalecho dgram udp wait root internaldiscard dgram udp wait root internalchargen dgram udp wait root internaldaytime dgram udp wait root internaltime dgram udp wait root internalsgi-dgl stream tcp nowait root/rcv dglduucp stream tcp nowait root /usr/lib/uucp/uucpd

Default servicesSGI workstation

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More default services

mountd/1 stream rpc/tcp wait/lc root rpc.mountdmountd/1 dgram rpc/udp wait/lc root rpc.mountdsgi_mountd/1 stream rpc/tcp wait/lc root rpc.mountdsgi_mountd/1 dgram rpc/udp wait/lc root rpc.mountdrstatd/1-3 dgram rpc/udp wait root rpc.rstatd walld/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root rpc.rwalld rusersd/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root rpc.rusersd rquotad/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root rpc.rquotad sprayd/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root rpc.sprayd bootparam/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root rpc.bootparamdsgi_videod/1 stream rpc/tcp wait root ?videod sgi_fam/1 stream rpc/tcp wait root ?fam sgi_snoopd/1 stream rpc/tcp wait root ?rpc.snoopd sgi_pcsd/1 dgram rpc/udp wait root ?cvpcsd sgi_pod/1 stream rpc/tcp wait root ?podd tcpmux/sgi_scanner stream tcp nowait root ?scan/net/scannerdtcpmux/sgi_printer stream tcp nowait root ?print/printerd 9fs stream tcp nowait root /v/bin/u9fs u9fswebproxy stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/etc/webserv

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If You Don’t have a Trusted Computing


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FirewallsPerimeter defenses

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Firewalls have their uses

• Medium-grade security

• Personal firewalls are useful

• Firewalls in cheap network equipment does a good job for simple, useful security policies

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Firewalls: Not a panacea

• Backdoors usually diminish the effectiveness

• Commercial firewalls are probably OK

• May give community a false sense of security

• The firewall is often the only secure part of a configuration– People go

around them– People go

through the bad ones

– No protection from insiders

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Anything large enough to be called

an “intranet” is probably out of control

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This wasSupposedTo be aVPN

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Some intranet statisticsfrom Lumeta clients

Intranet sizes (devices) 7,900 365,000Corporate address space 81,000 745,000,000Address space usage efficiency% devices in unknown address space 0.01% 20.86%

% routers responding to "public" 0.14% 75.50%% routers responding to other 0.00% 52.00%

Outbound host leaks on network 0 176,000% devices with outbound ICMP leaks 0% 79%% devices with outbound UDP leaks 0% 82%

Inbound UDP host leaks 0 5,800% devices with inbound ICMP leaks 0% 11%% devices with inbound UDP leaks 0% 12%

% hosts running Windows 36% 84%

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Perimeter defenses don’t work if the perimeter is too big

• Small “enclaves” are much safer

• Implemented with– routing restrictions– Intranet firewalls– Encryptions

• Most of my family is in an enclave, and that is about as large as I’d like it to be

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Example: Life Without a Firewall

Trusting Your Computing Base, or Skinny-dipping on the Internet

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It can be done

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Life without a firewall

• It’s like skinny-dipping

• For a security person, it keeps one focused

• Extra layers of security built into network services– Belt-and-suspenders

• “net-rot” (“route-rot”?) can be fatal

• Confidence in the face of wide-spread network mayhem

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We need to be able to trust our hosts

• Secure software with good system management

• Microsoft doesn’t hack it, yet.– Long history of putting features over

security– A huge software base to fix– Customers used to dangerous services

“Honey, I’ll be home at six” can have a virus!

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Secure host technology

• Goes way back: Multics, Burroughs

• Current efforts in *BSD systems (especially NetBSD) and Linux

• Jailing servers, clients(!)– Chroot technologies have a lot of promise– Need solutions over several Unixoid

operating systems

• Microsoft’s security initiative appears to be real

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Secure host technology

• Digital Rights Management & Palladium can help us

• Load and run only approved software: that’s not all bad

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Routes to root








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root network services

• In general, there are way too many of them








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Setuid-root programs

• Waaaaaay too many of these








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find / -perm -4000 -user root -print | wc -l

Root: the gateway to privilege

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AIX 4.2 & 242 & a staggering number \\BSD/OS 3.0 & 78\\FreeBSD 4.3 & 42 & someone's guard machine\\FreeBSD 4.3 & 47 & 2 appear to be third-party\\FreeBSD 4.5 & 43 & see text for closer analysis \\HPUX A.09.07 & 227 & about half may be special for this host \\Linux (Mandrake 8.1) & 39 & 3 appear to be third-party \\Linux (Red Hat 2.4.2-2) & 39 & 2 third-party programs \\Linux (Red Hat 2.4.7-10) & 31 & 2 third-party programs\\Linux (Red Hat 5.0) & 59\\Linux (Red Hat 6.0) & 38 & 2--4 third-party \\Linux 2.0.36 & 26 & approved distribution for one university \\Linux 2.2.16-3 & 47 \\Linux 7.2 & 42\\NCR Intel 4.0v3.0 & 113 & 34 may be special to this host \\NetBSD 1.6 & 35 \\SGI Irix 5.3 & 83 \\SGI Irix 5.3 & 102 \\Sinux 5.42c1002 & 60 & 2 third-party programs\\ Sun Solaris 5.4 & 52 & 6 third-party programs\\Sun Solaris 5.6 & 74 & 11 third-party programs\\Sun Solaris 5.8 & 70 & 6 third-party programs\\Sun Solaris 5.8 & 82 & 6 third-party programs\\Tru64 4.0r878 & 72 & \\


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So, don’t have network services….

• In general, there are way too many of them








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So, don’t have users…

• In general, there are way too many of them








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Get rid of setuid programs if you do have users

• In general, there are way too many of them








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Minimize root network services

• Use non-root services if at all possible








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Three layers of defense we might have

• Properly-programmed and configured server software, I.e. security bug-free

• Operating system user name and file permissions providing some protection

• Chroot and various jailing technologies– FreeBSD jail(1)– Various system call monitors

• Alas, chroot is the only standard

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• In V7 Unix. Maybe earlier

• Restricts file system access only

• User root may^H^H^Hcan escape from chroot

• Non-root users cannot invoke chroot

• Many other attacks possible from chroot– Net access, cpu/file/swap exhaustion,

system call probes

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Awful stuff you have to do to jail a program

• Make a static binary or– Include all the shared libraries in the

chroot directory

• Build a whole file system (a la jail(1)) or– Copy each file into the jail

–/etc/hosts, /dev/null, /dev/zero, /etc/passwd, etc

• Debug the startup

• Put the logs somewhere

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Example: a web server highly-resistant to defacement

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• A web server that cannot be defaced

• Read-only content– Provisioned by ssh from trusted client

• No active content

• Limited capacity (~20 queries/second)

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• Inetd entry calls chroot for every HTTP query

• Chroot jails apache web server

• Server runs non-root, has write access only to logs and tmp directory

• Therefore, compromised server can only serve bad pages to the attacker

• Chroot doesn’t limit everything, or course– Net access– Swap, disk, CPU exhaustion

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Other software I have jailed

• POP3 (simple email)– May lose email if compromised

• Samba (windows SMB file system server)– May lose files if compromised

• HTTPS SSL for the web server– May lose the private key if compromised

• Simple services for web active content

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Generic Viagra is a trademark of the receipt of your country, who used to work with you based on trust as the funds you will remain honest to me till the end of the Petroleum Resources (NNPC) by a foreigncontracting firm, which we wish to enter into a safe foreigners account abroad before the rest.But I don't know any foreigner,I am only contacting you because the management is ready to give you reasonable share of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. On completion of our present situation I cannot do it all by It is from the company. For onward sfer to your home within 14 working days of commencement after receipt of the funds .You know my father I happen to be used in settling taxation and all local and foreign exchange departments. At the conclusion of this letter using the above e-mail address. I will give to you I await your response. Yours sincerely Taofeek Savimbi. Please click here

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Some jail themselves, or should

• DNS/bind

• Maybe apache someday

• NTP should, and needs least-privilege time setting permissions. Write permission on /dev/time?

• PAM service?

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Example: Amazon, Fedex, …

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Things are getting better: we have business models

• We know a bit about hacking and loss rates

• Insurance companies are starting to write hacking insurance– Question: what does hurricane Andrew

look like on the Internet?

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Example: Spook networks

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Talk to spooks: they have security experience

• Don’t try to get their secrets, get their security advice

• A number of secret networks appear to be well-run– Slammer-free– Rare virus sightings

• They do all the stuff we all know about, and

• Management uses a big hammer for compliance

• Bigger problem than spies: morons

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• Use enclaves

• Run their own compilers

• Buy off-the-shelf hardware

• Restrict client software

• Spend a lot of money testing things like openssl– The public could use this research

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• Watch their networks closely

• Make IP addresses useful– No RFC 1918, they need accountability

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Ches’s wish list


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Ches’s wish list

• More work on chroot/jail

• Implement on *BSD and Linux, or the job’s not done

• Plan 9 has some nice ideas to check out

• Better user file system access model than NFS-based solutions– Revisit the DFS wars of the mid-80s

• More tiny, tested servers with limited capabilities

• Operating system security enhancements, and installation scripts that make them useful

• Sandboxes and similar technologies in Windows

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More wishes

• Rigorous formal cryptographic protocol design and verification

• Rigorous TCB in modern kernels, compilers, etc– If this were easy, it would have been done

by now– Of course, it has been done

• Hardware support for non-executable stack, etc.– Dreams of Burroughs machines?

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Ches’s wish list

• Sandboxes for browsers!– I want to be able to run Java and Javascript and

even plug-ins without fear– Why is this hard? Operating systems have done

stuff like this for decades?

• Better firmware in routers

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Still theoretical

• Major BGP hijacking

• Successful root DNS DoS

• Dual-boot infections

• Major router/IOS worm

• Attacks that damage actual hardware

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I think things can get better

But it is going to take work and diligence

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• http://research.lumeta.com/ches/

[email protected]

• Yes, I’d love to sign your book

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