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Page 1: St Liborius Parish · 4/1/2015  · The Word Today Apostles 2:14, 22 -33 St Peter 1:1721 Luke 24:1335 SHARING THE STORY changed but goes on. It is even intensified for a time. But

St Liborius Parish

VISION: We, the St Liborius parish Community, seek to support each other in growing together in faith and sharing this faith with the wider community.

St Augustine’s (Myers Flat), St Stephen’s (Raywood) Communities Growing Together

30th april, 2017 - third Sunday of Easter, year a

Next Week’s Readings Apostles 2:14, 36-41 St Peter 2:20-25 John 10:1-10

Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! Lord Jesus, make your word plain to us: make our hearts burn with love when you speak. Alleluia!

Responsorial Psalm Lord, you will show us the path of life.

Papal Prayer Intentions for April 2017 Young People That young people may respond generously to their vocations and seriously consider offering themselves to God in the priesthood or consecrated life.

He died, He was buried, He rose and He appeared. Jesus is alive! This is the heart of the Christian message. 25th April

The Word Today Apostles 2:14, 22-33 St Peter 1:17-21 Luke 24:13-35

SHARING THE STORY After every death our relationship with the one who has died is changed but goes on. It is even intensified for a time. But it is now one-sided. This is illustrated in the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. As they made their way homewards, they were talking about Jesus. He had filled their lives with meaning, hope and joy. And now that he was dead they were haunted by his absence. They had believed that he was the long awaited Messiah. But the crucifixion had reduced that dream to rubble. So now they were going away from Jerusalem. Peoples’ lives are shattered by the death of someone they love, especially if that death was sudden or tragic. Life comes to a standstill on the day the loved one dies. The bereaved stay fixed there, without plans or interests. They may even feel guilty about living, especially about enjoying themselves. After the death of Jesus his disciples experienced all of this - and more. But help came to them from outside. The risen Jesus joined them, only they didn't recognise him. This is a feature common to all the resurrection stories - Jesus is not immediately recognisable. This is a way of making the point that resurrection is not a return to earthly life as before. The raising of Jesus was not like the raising of Lazarus. Lazarus returned to ordinary human existence; there is no suggestion that he was glorified, or that he would not have to die again. Jesus, on the other hand, is portrayed as conquering death, as returning immortal and glorified. With a simple, direct question, asked in a kindly manner, Jesus got the two disciples to open up. And they began to pour out their sad story to him. He listened patiently as all that was damned up inside them poured out. Only when they had finished did he begin to talk. He took up the story where they had left off. He opened their minds to a new way of looking at the Scriptures. He showed them how all the prophets had foretold that the Messiah would suffer and die, and thus enter into glory. Later, when they were having supper, he took the cake of bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave each of them a piece - just as Jesus had done at the Last Supper. Suddenly their eyes were opened and they recognised the stranger. He was none other than Jesus! But at that moment he disappeared from their sight. So their beloved Jesus was alive, and had entered into glory! And what was that glory? It was his triumph over evil and death. So his death, far from being the end of the dream, was precisely the way it was realised. This encounter with the risen Jesus enabled the disciples to turn their lives around. They returned to Jerusalem and resumed their

discipleship and their ties with the community. The life of each of us can be looked on as a series of stories that coalesce over time to form one story. However; the sad fact is, all our stories end in death. We do not like stories that end like that. We want our stories to end happily. The resurrection of Christ opens all our stories to the prospect, not just of a good ending, but also of glorious ending. Death seems to be the destruction of every relationship. But this is not so. The ties we had with the deceased in life are not ended in death. Our loved ones have gone from us. But they have not disappeared into nothingness. The first and last words in each of our stories belong to God. STORY There is a story about a dying Buddhist monk who asked a Catholic priest to instruct him in the truths of the faith. The priest did his best to comply with the monk’s wishes. Afterwards the monk thanked him, but added, “You filled my mind with beautiful thoughts, but you left my heart empty.” Emptiness of heart is a sorry state. Beautiful thoughts can nourish the mind. But they can’t nourish the heart. Only an experience of love can nourish the heart. What did Jesus do for those two forlorn disciples on the road to Emmaus? He certainly illuminated their minds. But he did something better. He set their hearts on fire. “Were not our hearts burning within us as he explained the scriptures to us?” Christian faith is concerned with the mind in so far as it has to do with doctrines. But it is even more concerned with the heart. It consists essentially in a relationship of love with the God who first loved us. Without this, faith is like a fireplace without a fire.


In accordance with the original engineers report surveyors have installed 40 marking points on the front and sides of the Steeple to give indications of vertical and horizontal possible movements. Big thanks to Wilson Tree Services for the hire of the Cherry Picker. 26/4/2017

Page 2: St Liborius Parish · 4/1/2015  · The Word Today Apostles 2:14, 22 -33 St Peter 1:1721 Luke 24:1335 SHARING THE STORY changed but goes on. It is even intensified for a time. But

With St Liborius, St Stephen & St Augustine, let us be a spiritual benefactor to each other in prayer, especially for the health and well-being of:

Pray for our seminarians: Dean Klayford Bongat, Adi Indra, Jackson Saunders, Nathan Zerallo & DJ Suguitan.

May they rest in the peace of Christ. Amen.

In faith and hope let us pray for those who have gone before us and those whose anniversaries occur around this time.

Ray Shea, John Singe, Christopher Coyne, Morris Stewart, Annie Osbrough, Donald Moffat, Maysmore Christie,

Robert Snudden, David Taylor, Leslie Doran, Heather Taylor, Marlene Bennett, Lydia O’Halloran,


Recently Deceased: John Kilmartin, Rhonda Carter Eileen Meldrum (Patrick Holden


As we gather to worship, we acknowledge the Traditional owners and custodians of this land- the Jaara Country we are standing on- the Jaara people of the Dja Dja Wurrung community and their forebears who have been custodians of this land for centuries.

Ted Verryt, Mary Furlong, Russell Milikins, Bryan Keogh, Zoey Lovejoy, Gerald Smith, Len Fitzgerald

Patricia Schultz, Brendan Irwin, Marie Casey, Teresa Brandreth, Marianne Cuskelly, Mary McAdam, John Haugh

Kevin Tobias, Maureen O’Keefe, Josefina Wilson, Christine Longmire Bert Youla Marie Manning, Patricia Ennor


of Your Son has given us new life and

renewed hope. Help us to live as new people

in pursuit of the Christian ideal. Grant us wisdom to know what

we must do, the will to want to do it,

the courage to undertake it, the perseverance to

continue to do it, and the strength to complete it.

Amen. source: New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book

PARISH PASTORAL TEAM UPDATE Fr Antony has appointed the following people Margaret

Watson, John Pallotta & Michael Nolan to scrutinise the votes and oversea the election of the 3 parishioners required to

complete the PPT, as per the constitution. Voting will be held 6 & 7th May.

BRUNCH KITCHEN Brunch kitchen will return on this week on

Tuesday 2nd May.

PROJECT COMPASSION BOXES Project Compassion boxes can still be left at the back of the Church or dropped in at the Parish Centre.


The Knights of the Southern Cross will be selling raffle tickets at all Masses over the next few weeks. When: 30th April & 1st May and the 7th & 8th May. Proceeds will be used in supporting the Gianna Family Support and Education Centre.

REQUEST Last year the wonderful singing Priests of the Philippine's

(Jeduthun - The Singing Boholano Priests) were in the parish. We were wondering if anyone had a copy of the CD available for sale

or loan, please drop into the Parish Office or call Tracy on 54468235.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY From all the parishioners at St Liborius we wish Fr Jake Mudge a very happy birthday.

MOTHERS DAY CUPPA 14th May is Mothers Day. After Sunday Mass we will have cuppa together to celebrate all mothers. All are welcome.

PARISH PASTORAL TEAM ELECTION The Election for the Parish Pastoral Team will be held on the weekend of the 6-7th May. If you are going to be away or not attending Mass you can vote absentee/postal at the Parish Office. If homebound a representative from the parish can visit to assist with your voting. Your vote is very important as you are a member of the St Liborius Parish. All who can vote should vote! Please contact the Parish Centre to organise a representative to bring you a voting form.

Nomination Accepted

Nominations NOT accepted

A: 20-45 years old

Chris O'Brien Denise Webb

Daniel O'Brien Trish Duanne

Alyson Aitken

B: 46-70 years old

Anne Maree Holden Anne O'Brien

Claire Flood Francis McGowan

Julie Neale Jenny Chirgwin

Kathy Waters Laurie Fitzgerald

Margaret Watson Marilyn Tangey

Tracey Cole Sharon McGowan

Trish Blanks Kathy Taylor

Trish Mudge Michael Nolan

Paul Power

C: 71 and above

Brendan Keogh Aylene Kirkwood

Brian Bourke Dave Trewarne

Terry Westaway Mary Boyd

Terry McDermott

Page 3: St Liborius Parish · 4/1/2015  · The Word Today Apostles 2:14, 22 -33 St Peter 1:1721 Luke 24:1335 SHARING THE STORY changed but goes on. It is even intensified for a time. But


ST LIBORIUS SCHOOL Dear Parents and Friends of St Liborius, Anzac Day - Yesterday the school captains did a tremendous job in representing St Liborius at the ANZAC Day Service at Eaglehawk. In front of a large crowd they were very reverent and respectful when laying the wreath. Well done Santa Fe Study Tour - On Fr iday, through the great suppor t and sponsorship of the CEO, I was able to offer Louise Trewhella to also attend the Santa Fe Study Tour due to a last minute withdrawal from another school. Now we have 4 representatives on the tour which is fantastic. We wish the team a safe journey and know that they will be presented with many experiences that will in turn enhance our St Liborius community. Graduation - Congratulations to Chelsie Haebich who is attending her graduation today after many years of study at La Trobe University. Chelsie has made a fantastic start to her teaching career at St Liborius this year. Enjoy the day and all the best Chelsie. 5/6 Camp - Congratulations to all the Year 5/6 students and staff for the way they engaged in their camp last week at Cave Hill Creek Camp. The weather held out over the 3 days to enable the group to participate in all of the outdoor adventure activities. Everyone needs to be commended for the way they welcomed the students from St Mary’s Inglewood on the camp. Work Experience - Next Monday we welcome Ella Holden, a past St Liborius student, who will be completing her CCB work experience for a week. Community Grant Program - St Libor ius has been successful in receiving funding from City of Greater Bendigo’s 2016/2017 Community Grant Program. The funding will be utilised to install fitness equipment on the soon to be developed running track which will weave down amongst the lower playground. This grant was to the value of $5000. Tomorrow work will begin on our running track and hopefully it is ready for our Cross Country on Monday, rain permitting. Exciting times for our playground redesign. Have a lovely week Frank Dullard - Principal

MARIST COLLEGE Dear Parents/Guardians, Australian Girls’ Choir - We are hoping to billet the 56 gir ls with 28 of our families. Unfortunately, we have had a only a very small number of families offer to have a pair of students board with them. I ask each of our families to please consider being a host family. The requirements of the host family are to provide breakfast and tea and transport the students to and from Marist each day. If you are able to help out please contact Ms Johnson-Jean Year 9 Camp - After heading off at 6:00am Monday, our Year 9 students and staff are currently on course in the Snowy Mountains enjoying their Outward Bound experience. We look forward to their return on Friday at 4:00pm. Year 10 Camp - I was amused to read the Odd Spot in the Saturday Age last weekend. It recounted a message from a passenger on the 3:15 train to Bendigo on Friday who had written in to express her delight in VLine enforcing the silent carriage to a large group of school students. What the brief article did not mention was that the conduct of these Marist students was so pleasing that, as the train approached Bendigo, the conductor made a public announcement over the train PA congratulating our students on their excellent behavior. This was a strong finish to a very positive camp. ANZAC Day - On ANZAC Day, four of our Year 10 leaders, James Nelson, Lachlan Allison, Danielle O’Toole and Eliza Chisholm represented the College at one of two ANZAC services in Pall Mall and Kangaroo Flat. At the main Pall Mall service, Danielle O’Toole and Eliza Chisholm played significant roles in the service. EXPLORE Marist - On Monday evening we shall open our learning community to all those who wish to visit us and see what is involved in our learning experience at Marist. Thank you to the students who have accepted invitations to come along and help us showcase our Marist way of learning. It gives me great pride to watch our students conduct themselves so maturely and to explain to people why they enjoy being Marists students. Learning Walks - We are cur rently near ing the end of the second week of daily learning walks. In each of these I am accompanied by three students who answer questions and discuss various elements of school life as we walk along. Darren McGregor - Principal

YOUNG ADULT 18+ BIBLE STUDY GROUP "A Young Adult 18+ Bible Study Group is being held on When: Wednesday 24th May Fr Rob Galea - St Kilian's Youth Centre at 7pm. This is a great opportunity to deepen your faith. For further information please email: [email protected] Second meeting is 14th June."

MEDITATION AT THE LIBRARY LEARNING CENTRE All welcome to “Meditation at the Library Learning Centre”, 181 McCrae Street, Bendigo. We meditate between 12:45 – 1:15 each Wednesday of the school term. Newcomers very welcome.

DIVINE WILL MEETING AT HOLY ROSARY CHURCH Divine Will Meeting at Holy Rosary Church, Hamelin Street, White Hills commencing with Mass at 9am, When: Thursday May the 11th. The day will conclude with Divine Mercy Chaplet 3pm to 3:30pm. B.Y.O. Lunch. Tea and coffee are provided


When: Saturday 13th May 20017 Where: Holy Rosary Church, White Hills, Bendigo. Father Peter Dell’Avo, Chaplain of Bendigo Apostolate of Fatima will offer Mass at 9.00am, followed by The Rosary, procession, information and spiritual talks, concluding around lunch time. BYO lunch, tea and coffee provided. Also, on this day Pope Francis, in Fatima, will declare Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta saints of the Church. These are two of the three young shepherds to whom Our Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima for the first time on 13th May 1917. In our present times the Fatima message of hope is more important than ever, and you are invited to attend for all or part of this celebration of the wonderful Fatima events.


Bishop Robert McElroy, Bishop of San Diego US. A seminar exploring the current trends and the contribution of Catholic Social Teaching. Saturday 24 June 2017, 10 am – 1 pm, Newman College, Melbourne University, 887 Swanson St, Parkville. Free event. RSVP for catering purposes: Br Mark O’Connor FMS (Pope Francis Fellow) on 0429694707 or [email protected]


IN TECHNOLOGY”, Bishop Robert McElroy, Bishop of San Diego US. Friday 23 June 2017, 5 pm – 6.30 m, Newman College, Melbourne University 887 Swanson St, Parkville. Free event. RSVP for catering purposes: Br Mark O’Connor FMS (Pope Francis Fellow) on 0429694707 or [email protected]


The Society of St Vincent de Paul would like to thank all for their continued support that allowed the society to help those seeking assistance in March to the amount of $47,000. This took the 12-monthly figure to $609,500. All this money is from the efforts of the Vinnies stores, these funds came from the Conferences including all the Bendigo Parishes, Heathcote and Castlemaine combined.


The St John of God Hospital Auxiliary is holding a Mother’s Day Trading Table. When: Thursday May 11th from 10am -3pm Where: The Atrium area of the Hospital in Lily Street. Delicious cakes, slices, jams etc. and handicraft will be on sale. For enquiries please phone Alison on 5439 7401.

God bless the lone tunnellers; those rare individuals whose joy and passion it is to dig mysterious tunnels

beneath the surface of the earth; who share the soulful purpose of moles and worms; who labour gleefully

beneath our feet while we bask in the sun or gaze at the stars; whose pockets and cuffs are full of soil; who dig

faithfully in darkness, turning left and turning right, not knowing why or where, but absorbed and fulfilled

nevertheless. Under houses’; under roads and statues; beneath and amongst the roots of trees; on elbows and knees; carefully, steadily pawing at their beloved earth;

sniffing and savouring the rich odour of the dirt; dreaming and delighting in the blackness; onwards and onwards, not knowing day or night; unsung, unadorned, unassuming, unrestrained. Grimy fingernailed angels of the underworld; we praise them and give thanks for their

constant, unseen presence and the vast labyrinth they have created beneath our existence. We praise them and

give thanks. AMEN.

your voting. Your vote is very important as you are a member of the St Liborius Parish. All who can vote should vote! Please contact the

Page 4: St Liborius Parish · 4/1/2015  · The Word Today Apostles 2:14, 22 -33 St Peter 1:1721 Luke 24:1335 SHARING THE STORY changed but goes on. It is even intensified for a time. But

CONTACT US Office Hours: Tue 10.30am-1.00pm Wed/Thu 10.30am-2.30pm Fri 10.00am-3.00pm

Phone: 5446 8235 (Parish Office) Address: 50 Panton Street Eaglehawk 3556 Email: [email protected]

Web: stliboriuscatholicparish.wordpress.com

Parish Priest: Fr. Antony Joseph Mobile: 0407 708 895 Email [email protected] Parish Secretary: Tracy Rober ts Pastoral Assistant: Michael Nolan After Hours (7pm—7am) Emergency Catholic Clergy Contact: 0429 371 253 SCHOOL Phone: 5446 9172 Principal: Frank Dullard Deputy: Alistair Stewart Secretary: Louise O’Connor Chaplain: Louise Trewhella PARISH ORGANISATIONS Parish Pastoral Council

Ex-Officio: Fr Antony Joseph, Frank Dullard. Members:

Parish Finance Committee

Planned Giving David Trewarne

Parish Liturgy Team Mary Haugh, Elizabeth McDermott, Sandie Westaway, Maureen Bourke, Terry Westaway

Parish Loss & Grief Team

Elizabeth McDermott, Jane Bretherton, Patricia Angelini, Joan Noonan, Cathy Mitchell, Tricia Blanks, Eilis Whelan

Parish Sacramental Team Denise Webb, Jenny Chirgwin, Holly Webster, Claire Flood & Trish Blanks

Catholic Women’s League

Mary Haugh, Maureen Bourke

Legion of Mary Anne O’Brien

RCIA Team Tricia Blanks, Brian Bourke, Maureen Bourke, Anne-Maree McDonell

Tuesday Communion Round Co-ordinator: Sandie Westaway

Friday Communion Round Co-ordinator: Anne Trewarne

KSC Community Welfare Project Brian Bourke: 5446 8821

R.S.J. Margaret Tobias

Caritas Project Compassion Brian Bourke

Children’s Liturgy Denise Webb & Natalie Duane (1st and 3rd Sunday of month)

God Start Anne O’Brien

Piety Stall Michael O’Dea, Anne O’Brien

Child Safety Brian Bourke, Terry McDermott



$2298.10 TOTAL:

$871.50 $302.60 $163.00

$30.00 $931.00

Mass Welcomers Lectors Extraordinary

Ministers of Holy Communion

This Weekend 6.00pm

M Weston M Bourke

1st: 2nd:

S McGowan T Westaway

A Trewarne S Westaway

10.30am D & P Power 1st:2nd:

N Duane D Duane

K Taylor M Smith

Next Weekend 6.00pm

K Fitzpatrick B Bourke

1st: 2nd:

M Bourke L Fitzgerald

A O’Brien J Chirgwin

10.30am M Dole D Purden


M Smith M Tangey

N Wright E McDermott



Wise Eaters

Every Monday at 9.30am.

Walk N Talk

Every Tuesday at 9.30am.

Brunch Kitchen

Every Tuesday at 11.30am (exc school holidays)


Every Thursday at 7.30pm (exc school holidays)

Parish Sacramental Team

Every Tuesday at 7.00pm

Mothers Prayer

Every Friday 10.00am till 11.00


Secular Franciscans Every 2nd Mon of the month at 7.30pm. Liturgy Meeting Every 1st Tue of the month at 1.30pm. Parish Finance Committee Meeting Every 4th Tue of the month at 7.30pm. Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Every 2nd Wed of the month at 6.30pm. Card making Every 2nd Wed of the month at 1.30pm. Catholic Women’s League Every 4th Wed of the month at 1.30pm. BEC Meeting - Group D Every 1st Fri of the month at 1.30pm. R.S.J. Meeting 3rd Wed of every 2nd month at 10.30am. Bendigo Textile Group Every 2nd Sun of the month at 10.00am. Contact: Barbara Lomas 0417313760 Knights of the Southern Cross Every 2nd Thu of the month. Contact: Brian Bourke 5446 8821


Mon 6pm Mass Tues - Friday 9:15am Mass

P.S. Funeral Mass replaces the Mass of the day

Saturday 9.15am Mass (St Augustine’s Myers Flat- followed by brunch) 6.00pm (Parish) Sunday 9.00am (Raywood) 10.30am (Parish) 4.00pm Sunday School

5.30pm Syro Malabar Rite Mass at St Francis Xavier’s Church, 24 Strickland Road



Everyday of the week 40mins prior to Mass except on Sunday.

Anointing of the sick

Please ring parish office.


Please call in to the parish office for a Baptism kit ($30).

Baptism preparation is conducted on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at St Kilian’s Parish Centre.

Bookings required. Phone 5441 6244.


Bookings must be made at least six months prior.

Please ring parish office.


What a Life! A minister parked his car in a no-parking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldn't find a space with a meter. So he put a note

under the windshield wiper that read: "I have circled the block 100 times. If I don't park here, I'll miss my appointment.


When he returned, he found a citation from a police officer along with this note. "I've circled this block for 10 years. If I don't give you a

ticket, I'll lose my job.


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