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St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Seek God. Serve Others . Share L i fe.

December 2015 Newsletter

Message from the Pastor ................... 1

Message from the Council ................ 2

Official Notice of Congregational

Meeting ................................................. 2

Update from the Property

Committee ........................................... 3

Advent and Christmas Eve ................ 3

Angel Tree ............................................ 3

Nativity Play .......................................... 3

Parish Talk .............................................. 4

Baptism: Coraline Howerton ............. 4

A New Email ......................................... 4

Good Stewards.................................... 4

Warm Hands, Warm Hearts ............... 4

SLY News ............................................... 5

Thanksgiving Baskets .......................... 6

Breakfast in Bethlehem ...................... 6

Year-End Contributions ...................... 6

Offering Envelopes for 2016 .............. 6

Can Collection .................................... 7

Save the Date: Caroling .................... 7

St. Luke Food Pantry ........................... 7

Stephen Ministry .................................. 7

Thank You From the Stewardship

Team...................................................... 8

From the ELCA: A Message From

Bishop Gordy ....................................... 8

ELCA Statement on the US Response

to Refugee Resettlement ................. 9

Photos! ................................................ 10

Upcoming Events .............................. 11

Recurring Events ................................ 12

December Birthdays ......................... 13

December Anniversaries ................. 13

Financial Tables ................................. 13

A Message From Our Pastor Our Advent theme this year comes from James Moore’s book, Finding

Bethlehem in the Midst of Bedlam. Several Sunday School classes are using this

book for discussion and daily devotions during Advent. The author asks us to

consider ways Christ is found in the “bedlam” of our lives.

This takes me back to a memory long ago. Lisa and I were recently

married and serving with A Christian Ministry in the National Parks. During this time in our lives, we worked in

National Parks and led Sunday worship services in the campgrounds or indoor meeting places. At this time we

were living in Stove Pipe Wells, Death Valley, CA. We were living in an employee dorm in the park, and our

housing was one room and a bath, which we shared with our cat. A very dark and dusty room as I remember!

We had a hot plate, and our refrigerator was an ice chest. The nearest grocery store was more than an hour


As Christmas approached, a dear friend of Lisa's sent us a wonderful gift; a box with a tiny artificial tree,

ornaments, and strings of lights far too long for the tree! We strung lights and placed the 12-inch Christmas tree

in the window. I don’t remember any shopping or presents that year, any special favorite treats or comfort

foods. It felt to us that we were without a home, nomads wandering in the desert.

Like most of the park employees, we were scheduled to work on all of the holidays, Christmas

included. So Lisa and I organized a Christmas Eve Service after the work day for all the park employees and

guests. To our great surprise the entire park staff came out for the Christmas Eve Service. From the hotel

manager to the District Park Ranger, those who worked as maids in the hotel to the bus boy in the restaurant.

The room was full as we began, without musical accompaniment, to sing Christmas carols that night. Though it

was a Christmas Eve Service stripped clean of glitter, candles, banners or stars, Christ’s Spirit was very much

evident. A simple service, for simple people of faith, longing for God's presence. Christ came and met us

where we were.

I learned that Christmas does not need to be a fancy production. But then we knew that, didn't we,

from the first Christmas, when a poor couple took refuge in a stable because there was no room for them in

the inn. They nestled their newborn son in a manger. Christ found his home on earth among us.

And so, as we prepare this Advent, I am reminded to simply open my heart to the true gift of

Christmas. God coming as a child, innocent and defenseless into the bedlam of our world. Whether we

celebrate Christmas grandly or simply is not the point. Our focus is directed to Christ, who comes to us where

we are, as suburban or city dwellers, as nomads or kings. That Christmas in the desert was special, not for the

gifts or celebration, but because Christ was present.

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Cliff

Table of Contents


A Message from Our Council President “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s

grace in its various forms.” - 1Peter 4:10a

Greetings, Saints.

I love Christmas. When I was young, it was as Paul wrote: “when I was a child I thought like a

child.” It was all about the getting of presents. My passion was my electric train and whatever

accessory I could add to my display. After the kids came it was more about the giving. Now it is all

about the pure delight in getting caught up in my children’s children’s excitement.

Christmas is the only time that our whole family gets together. Pat and I cherish going to

church and almost filling a whole row; having to add a card table in the dining room so that we can

all sit down together at dinner; and listening to the young ones negotiate with Grammy to open just

one present on Christmas Eve, and when successful, negotiating with me, Grampy, to open a

second one.

While I love Christmas, I do not like this time of year. I wouldn’t do too well in Scandinavia. I

used to go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. However since I have retired it is better

because I can get outside during the daylight hours. Jesus is the “light of the world’ so it is

appropriate that we celebrate His birth during this bleakest of seasons. His coming illuminated the

darkness of His day and has ever since.

How could a baby, born not of power and privilege but of the most humble beginnings, have

such a profound impact upon humanity? I think that above all the birth of Jesus brought hope to a

world that had lost its way. That hope is just as needed now as it was then. Let the birth of the Christ

child fill your home with light, hope and peace and have a blessed Christmas.

Peace of Christ be with you,

Gary Conway

Official Notice: Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting - Dec 6

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Following 2nd service,

approximately at 12:15PM Light lunch will be served

Childcare is available

Items on the agenda include:

2016 Budget Approval

Council Elections and Ratifications

Stewardship & Capital Campaign Updates

Property Updates

Election of Synod Assembly Delegates

Your vote is needed! Please plan to attend.


Angel Tree Be an Angel this Christmas by choosing a colored tag on our Angel Tree, located in the Narthex,

and purchasing a gift. The green ornaments are for our Outreach Families; blue ornaments are for

Musa, Angela, and girls; and red ornaments are for the children at Peace. Please bring your

wrapped gifts, with the tag attached to the outside of the packages, and place under the Angel

Tree by Wednesday, Dec 16. Thank you for sharing the spirit of Christmas!

Nativity Play Adults and children are needed… Join in a Nativity Play during the Family Caroling Service at 5P on

Dec 24.

Priscilla Hughes and Pastor Cliff are asking for volunteers to be in a short play as a part of the

service on Christmas Eve. A couple of short practices will be held on Wednesdays from 5:30—6:00P

before choir practice. Contact Priscilla at [email protected] or Pastor Cliff at

[email protected] for more information.

Property Update A comprehensive inspection has been conducted by

certified roofing contractors and an independent insurance


Results of the Inspection:

Sanctuary roof and south wing: Re-shingled 19 years ago

as a result of storm damage. Current condition of roof: 3

tab shingles missing, ridge line shingles deteriorated,

valleys are leaking, soffit and fascia boards are bad.

CFC wing, original roof: Now 20 years old, 3 tab shingles

missing, water leaks in CFC and class room 142. Valleys in

need of repair.

West face of Admin wing: Re-shingled 19 years ago.

Fascia board rotted out, roof sheeting deteriorated at

junction of Sanctuary and Mechanical room. Shingles also


Narthex and East face of Admin wing: Roof is in good

shape; roof installed in 2007.

A full report of our findings will be presented at the

December Congregational meeting.

Christmas Eve Music You are invited to share your musical

talent on Christmas Eve between

the 5:30 service and 7:30. Sign-ups

for this opportunity are also on the

windows of the narthex. All of us are

blessed when we enter church on

this special night listening to the

music of Christmas.

Good Stewards Please sign up in the Narthex to fill

Good Steward positions in the three

Christmas Eve services at 5:00P,

7:30P, 11:00P.

Check out the wonderful Advent

video on our website!


Parish Talk Many thanks for all those who made our wonderful

Thanksgiving feast possible! The food and fellowship

were wonderful and some of us were full until

Thanksgiving day!

Blessings also to all those who helped

decorate the church for Christmas. A big task

became a joy for all those involved and the church

looks great. Many thanks!

All Saints was celebrated in fine style with the

Christ’s Kids on the chimes, performing “Amazing

Grace.” Wonderful job by the children and the

leaders. What an amazing music department we

have, at St. Luke. Aren’t we so lucky?!

Cliff Notes: Speaking of All Saints, this was a

time to celebrate death; a passing into a nearness

to God. He will bring to an end the reign of death,

which will not have the last word. How would you

react, knowing your life was going to end sooner,

rather than later? We can look death in the eye and

not blink! Christ has paved the way for all of us who

have been baptized in the faith. We are God’s children, given God’s kingdom. We may be sinners,

but at the same time, we’re saints. We will eventually die into a new life.

Eric McKinney: Good stewardship equips God’s people to do God’s work. It takes not only

treasure, but time and talent. God loves a cheerful giver and, to go forward, we need purpose and

mission. All we have is given by God. We need to keep worship and ministry at the center of our

focus. Welcome visitors and practice hospitality, serving, and sharing.

Reverend Dr. Ben Moravitz: A message from Atlanta. Dr. Moravitz thanked us for sharing

Pastor Cliff with other congregations in the area and for our partnership in ministry. Dr. Moravitz also

reminded us of the nature of apostles (those who are sent forth), prophets (those who proclaim

God’s judgement), and evangelists (those who bring folks to church by spreading the Word). Our

mission is to carry on as those who have passed before us. If we practice sharing our faith amongst

ourselves, we will be equipped to go out and share with the world. Pastors are gifts from God for

leading us in ministry with others. The church is in our care; God has given it as a gift to us.

Baptism On November 22, Coraline Tymina

Howerton was baptized. Her parents are

William and Tymina Howerton. Her

godparents are Natalie Kenny and Hunter


Pictures & Videos Do you have any pictures or videos from a St.

Luke service or event? Email them to our new

email [email protected].

Good Stewards—Youth A great way to teach your children to serve

God is as a Good Steward on Sunday. We are

in desperate need of additional youth for

Acolytes, Crucifers and Nursery helpers.

Acolytes are grades 2 through 6;

Crucifers are grades 6 through 10; and Nursery

helpers are any Mid and Senior SLY members. If

you wish to sign up your youth, please e-mail

Jennifer Wright at [email protected].

Good Stewards—Adults We are also in need of Multimedia Operators,

the people who are in the back during the

service advancing the slides. You will be trained

on the program in order to run it. If you wish to

sign up, please e-mail Jennifer Wright at

[email protected].

Warm Hands, Warm Hearts We are collecting hats, gloves, socks, and

scarves for More Than a Meal. We're hoping to

collect at least one hundred to help. Please

bring them by December 20. Contact Dave

(351 1453) or Susie Carlson (486 9972) with any

questions. Thank you, Saints!


SLY News Christmas Pies On Sale! - Nov 29-Dec 16 SLY will be taking orders for pies and candy

before and after all services to help fund

their 2016 S.O.S. trip. We will be offering

pumpkin and pecan pies as well as 1lb. of

chocolates all for $10 each. Be sure to get

your order in soon to help this great cause!

All orders will be baked fresh on Saturday,

Dec 19, and will be available for pick up

during the Sunday School hour at our

Breakfast in Bethlehem on Sunday, Dec 20.

ALL SLY Christmas Event - Dec 6 All SLY groups are invited to attend our SLY

Christmas Event on Dec 6 from 3P—5P. We

will have an ugly sweater contest,

Christmas photo booth, decorate

Christmas cookies, eat good food, and

play some games. You won't want to miss

our last All SLY event of the year. Please

RSVP to Jennifer Wright.

Youth Quake Remaining balance for registration is due

by Dec 6 for all Mid SLY who are attending

Youth Quake.

Confirmation Class - Dec 9 Last Confirmation Class before Christmas Break. Classes will resume on Jan 6th.

Sr SLY Pie Baking - Dec 19 Sr Sly will meet on Dec 19 at 10A to bake all of the Christmas Pies that were ordered. Pies will be

handed out during Breakfast in Bethlehem. All youth attending S.O.S. must attend. If you have any

questions please contact Jennifer Wright.

More Than a Meal - Dec 20 On Dec 20, Sr SLY will be serving at More Than a Meal. We will meet at church at 2:00P then head to

Grace St. Luke's to serve. We will also be handing out all of the items that we have collected for our

Warm Hands, Warm Heart Project. When we are finished we will try to have dinner at Huey's or Fox

Ridge Pizza in Cordova depending on the crowds. Please bring enough money for dinner. If you

would like to chaperon, please let Jennifer know.

No Children's Sunday School Classes - Dec 27 There will be no children's Sunday School Classes on Dec 27th. We will have activities set up in the

CFC for children whose parents will still be attending adult classes. If you have any questions please

contact Jennifer Wright.


Thanksgiving Baskets Thank you once again for your generous response in

donating food items for the Thanksgiving baskets. You

not only gave 40 families a bountiful meal, but more

importantly you showed God's love through your gifts

of kindness. We cooperated again this year with Tonie

Robinson and Peace Lutheran, along with our former

Family Promise families.

Special thanks to Vikki Ernst, Jim and Esther

Allay, Tammy and Kent Anderson, the deliverers of the

baskets, the St. Luke Youth for sharing part of their

Lock-In evening with preparing the baskets, and Bob

Zimmerman and Thrivent with their donation.

Even though this special event may be behind

us, the need for food goes on. Please remember our

"Food First" ministry the first Sunday of each month.

Thank you!

Breakfast in Bethlehem Everyone is invited to join us on Dec

20 from 9:45A—10:45A for our 3rd

Annual Breakfast in Bethlehem. Stroll

t h r o u g h t h e B e t h l e h e m

marketplace. Stop at different stores

and observe the activities that are

going on. Make crafts, have

breakfast, and visit Mary, Joseph,

and baby Jesus. Have your picture

taken as either an angel or

shepherd. We will also have some

new activities this year. On your way

out of town don't forget to stop by

the Bethlehem Bakery. We hope to

see you in Bethlehem, where there is

room for everyone.

Year-End Contributions It's hard to believe that 2015 is coming to a

close! For any contributions you wish to have

applied to 2015, please remember they must be

received in the church office by 4P Thursday,

Dec 31, or postmarked no later than Dec 31.

Thank you!

Offering Envelopes for 2016 Your offering envelopes for 2016 will be

available Sunday, Dec 13. Attached to your

box will be a printout of your contact

information that we have in our Shelby Systems

church database.

We are attempting to verify all of your

information. Please make any changes and

add any numbers or email addresses we do not

have, since the office needs all your numbers

and email addresses in case of an emergency.

However, if there is information you do not want

published in the directory, we will ask you to

indicate that. As always, we will not publish the

year of your birth, place of employment or

position, or business/fax phone numbers.

We will have instructions on the printouts,

and ask you to initial and turn the forms in even

if there are no changes so we will know if

everything is correct. We appreciate you taking


St. Luke Food Pantry Today I was able to go to my own pantry at home and take out the necessary items to make

dinner. Not everyone can do that.

I am Priscilla Hughes. I am the new caretaker of the St. Luke Food Pantry. My family and I

joined St. Luke a little over a year ago. I began volunteering in the office a few months ago. One of

my duties is to put bags of groceries together for those in need who come to the office requesting


I have found, over the last few months, that I have developed a passion for the food pantry.

There are times when the pantry is full and we are able to give several meals per bag. But there

have been times where we could only donate one meal per bag.

I am asking that you prayerfully consider adding some items to your shopping list to donate to

the St. Luke Food Pantry. There is a shopping cart in the narthex for just this purpose. All you need to

do is bring them to church and put them in the shopping cart. I will happily take care of the rest.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at

[email protected] or you may find me at church before the 8:30A service or after

Sunday School. I teach 5th—6th grade Sunday School.

Save the Date! Christmas Caroling -

Dec 23 In the same way, let your light shine before

others, so that they may see your good works

and give glory to your Father in heaven.—

Matthew 5:15

Greetings, St. Luke Saints!

Christmas is one of my favorite times of

the year, not least because of the amount of

voices I hear of people singing Christmas carols.

This year we will have that opportunity to bring

the spirit of Christmas throughout Cordova. On

Wednesday, Dec 23, instead of having an

advent service, we will be gathering at the

church at 7P and walking through the local

neighborhoods singing Christmas carols. We will

also be passing out small treasures to people in

the neighborhoods and wishing them the

happiest of Christmases. Afterwards we will

meet in the gymnasium for food and fellowship.

Please come and join us as we bring the joy of

St. Luke into our community.

God bless,

David Potter

the time to do this! We will publish a new and

improved directory after the first of the year.

Merry Christmas to you and all those you


Can Collection New Amount: $207.97

This is the amount we now have from

taking crushed cans (soda, etc.) to recycling.

We have been doing this for a number of years.

The money received goes to things needed

here at St. Luke.

For our next project with this money, I

hope that we can do some things to improve

and make things more accessible in the old


Please bring your empty cans to the

church. Place them in the old kitchen or in the

dumpster area (but not in the dumpster). I am

always checking to see if there are any bags of

cans to be found. We hope that by spring we

will have enough money to work on some of

these improvements.

- Jane Johnson

Stephen Ministry Are you experiencing the Christmas Blues? The joy of Christmas can turn into a time of painful

loneliness and emptiness for those who have suffered a loss or who are going through a difficult

time. But help is available. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide confidential, one-to-one

Christian care. They will listen, care, encourage, pray with and for you, and support you through the

holidays and as long as your need persists. If you or someone you know is hurting, find out more

about Stephen Ministry by talking to Pastor Cliff. Our Stephen Ministers are there to care!


From the ELCA: A Message From Bishop Gordy As a Tennessean and a bishop in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, I was deeply

disappointed by Governor Haslam's decision to ask the federal government not to send Syrian

refugees to our state and hope he will reverse his position immediately.

As we mourn for the lives lost in Paris, it is a time to be more mindful than ever of those who

have suffered the senseless brutality and terror of ISIS for far too long. Ordinary Syrians have suffered

persecution, first by their own government and now by a merciless terrorist organization. Imagine

trying to raise your children in such an environment. Imagine trying to move them to safety, only to

be told that you yourself were now considered suspect.

Tennessee has long welcomed refugees from a diversity of countries. Their presence has

strengthened and enriched the fabric of our state. Over the years, Lutherans across this nation have

welcomed more than a half million people fleeing violence and persecution, and they have

become valued members of our communities.

The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program has been a highly respected part of our humanitarian

and diplomatic response to global crises for decades. It is a secure, effective, public-private

partnership that has proven effective at saving the lives of vulnerable people, integrating them in

their new communities, and helping them thrive and give back to the United States. Thanks to a

robust security screening process implemented by the State Department, the Department of

Homeland Security and related entities, we have done so with confidence and with very positive

results. It breaks my heart that we would abandon that proud tradition now, when the need is so


H. Julian Gordy, Franklin, TN 37064

Thank You from the Stewardship Team Dear Saints of Saint Luke Lutheran Church,

Throughout 2015, your Stewardship Team has worked to inspire our congregation to generously and

joyfully offer their time, talents and resources to the Lord for the ministries of Saint Luke Lutheran

Church. We see Christian Stewardship as a natural extension of the Lutheran Doctrine of the

priesthood of all believers. During the month of November we showed how Stewardship is

“Stewardship: Our Service For All”. Which was inspired by “[Their responsibility is] to equip God’s

people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ”—Ephesians 4:12. St. Luke has

grown, not because of a few people in the church. It is God working through all of the St. Luke saints

because it is because of Him that we are here today!

We would like to thank all of the Saints who turned in a pledge card or signed up for “Simply

Giving”. Our Stewardship Program culminated on Celebration Sunday, November 22, with Pastor

Moravitz and a Turkey Dinner. It is faithful support from Saints like you that help St. Luke continue to

grow and reach out to those in need. If you have not turned in a pledge, you still have time. You

can pick a pledge card up in the Narthex and turn it in to the office. You can also register for

“Simply Giving” via the internet at https://www.vancoservices.com. The link can also be found on

our website, http://www.stlukelutheran.org/. This will allow you to monitor and set-up your Simply

Giving at your leisure.

There are so many ways that you have shown your Trust in God’s Generosity through Time,

Treasures and Talents. We are striving to find new and better ways to help you give your Time, Treas-

ures and Talents for St. Luke. We want to encourage you to take advantage of these programs and

also let us know how Stewardship can improve.

We are deeply grateful to the members and for the ministries of our church family, all to the

glory of God!

Sincerely, with the Love of Christ,

Your Stewardship Team


ELCA Statement on the U.S. Response

to Refugee Resettlement We are shocked and dismayed by the terrorist

attacks in Paris, Beirut, Egypt, and elsewhere in

the Middle East, but also in Nigeria, Kenya,

Bangladesh, and the Philippines. Senseless acts

of terror will maim and forever have an impact

on innocent victims and their families. Our hearts

and prayers go out to all whose lives have been

shattered and are grieving the loss of loved ones.

We know all too well the frightening memories of

terrorist attacks in the U.S. and the uncertainties

of possible future attacks.

Yet, we Christians and all others of good

will cannot let fear rule the day. Fear paralyzes,

divides people, fosters distrust and clouds

judgments. We also stand shoulder to shoulder

with people of faith who are firmly opposed to

vengeful reprisals and prejudice. In particular, we

are concerned for and committed to standing

with our Muslim neighbors who are facing threats

and acts of discrimination and hate by those

who conflate Islam with terrorism.

Even in the face of evil, we remain

confident that the good news of Jesus Christ

liberates us and gives us the freedom and

courage to discover and boldly participate in

what God is up to in this world. "The Gospel also

frees 'us from fear to see others as brothers and

sisters for whom Christ died and lives'" (ELCA

Social Message on Terrorism, 2004).

We are not naive about possible new

threats of terrorism, but denying refuge to

thousands of desperate people is not who we

are as Christians, nor will it guarantee our security.

The United States is a welcoming country with a

religiously diverse society, and our refugee

resettlement program should continue to reflect

this. We must redouble our efforts to work for a

more secure world - one with less hate and more

understanding. Doing less than that only feeds

into the terrorist propaganda.

The thousands of courageous Syrian

refugees fleeing their homeland go through a

rigorous security screening involving the

Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the

Department of Defense and multiple intelligence

agencies. Refugees are the most scrutinized and

screened individuals to enter the U.S. Intensive

security screening by the government of all

refugees prior to admission to the U.S. is and

should continue to be a detailed and thorough


Lutherans have a long history in this

country of settling refugees, including those

fleeing from dangerous situations like the war in

Syria. We draw on both biblical witness as well as

the best of our nation's traditions as a refuge and

haven for the persecuted and destitute. We

support "a generous policy of welcome for

refugees and immigrants" and "will advocate for

just immigration policies, in visa regulations and in

admitting and protecting refugees. We will work

for policies that cause neither undue

repercussions within immigrant communities nor

bias against them" (ELCA Social Message on

Immigration, 1997).

Currently, more than 25 governors are

opposed to allowing Syrian refugees into their

states. While the states do not have the legal

authority to prevent resettlement, it is distressing

that these governments could make refugee

resettlement for Syrians and those from other

war-torn areas more difficult. Of the Syrian

refugees being referred by the U.N. for

settlement, more than half are children and a

majority are women or elderly men.

I urge the members of our church to call

upon our elected officials to be leaders in

speaking up for refugees already persecuted

and traumatized and ensuring that our country

continues to reflect the principles and values of a

nation committed to freedom. The legacy of our

welcome to refugees is that our economy, social

fabric, communities and nation as a whole are

stronger. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee

Service (LIRS) has developed many resources on

this topic for your congregations. You can also

contact your elected officials through the ELCA

Advocacy action alert.

Let us recommit ourselves to sharing

encouragement to those persecuted as we seek

to be a disturbing, reconciling, serving and

deliberating presence in God's world. This will

demand difficult, courageous work from each of

us. "As shoes for your feet put on whatever will

make you ready to proclaim the gospel of

peace" (Ephesians 6:15).

The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton

Presiding Bishop

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


Baptism—On page 4 you read

that on November 22, Coraline

Tymina Howerton was baptized.

Here are two more pictures

from that wonderful service!

Congratulations to Coraline

and her family.

Habitat Dedication Ceremony—On Nov 14, the houses we

worked on in September and October with Habitat for

Humanity were dedicated. Congratulations to the new

homeowners and thank you to everyone who has helped out!

Alex Wadovick—Alex Wadovick had his

Eagle Ceremony on Nov 28.




Upcoming Church Events in December

Advent Evening Services December 2, 9, 16: 7:05P—8:05P

The services will be following the Holden

Evening Prayer book, written by Marty Haugen.

The Cherub and Christ’s Kids Choirs will be

performing on the 9th as well.

Second Sunday of Advent/St. Nicholas Day December 6

Forerunners and messengers advance the

advent of our God. While John the Baptizer's

voice in the wilderness may be the principal

focus of the day, Malachi's prophesy could as

easily herald the coming Lord Jesus as

forerunner of the Lord of hosts. Finally all the

baptized are called to participate in the sharing

of the gospel. In so doing we prepare the way

for the coming of the Lord and assist all flesh in

capturing a vision of the "salvation of God."

Little is known about Nicholas, except

that he was a bishop in present-day Turkey.

According to legend, he was famous for his

giving to the poor, and so has become a

symbol of anonymous gift-giving.

Look for St. Nicholas to make an

appearance during the children's sermon on St.

Nicholas Day!

Congregational Meeting December 6: 12:15P—1:15P St. Luke CFC

Read more on Page 2.

ALL SLY Christmas Event December 6: 3P—5P St. Luke

Read more on Page 5.

Food First Sunday December 6

Matthew 25:37 asks “Lord, when was it that we

saw you hungry and gave you food?” When we

bring non-perishable food items for “Food First

Sunday”! Thank you for your generosity.

Third Sunday of Advent/Santa Lucia Sunday December 13

The presence of the Lord "in your midst" in the

wonder of the holy supper is cause for singing.

The nearness of the Lord in prayer, in every

circumstance, is cause for rejoicing. The coming

of one "more powerful" than John, even with his

winnowing fork in his hand, is good news—and

cause for exultation—for us who are being

saved. Great joy is the tone for the third Sunday

of Advent.

Lucy was a young Christian of Sicily who

was martyred during the persecutions under

Emperor Diocletian. Her celebration became

particularly important in Sweden and Norway,

perhaps because the feast of Lucia (whose

name means "light") originally fell on the shortest

day of the year.

Look for Santa Lucia to make an

appearance during the children's sermon this


Cantata December 13: 8:30A St. Luke

Discipleship Meeting December 13: 12:15P St. Luke

Grace HealthCare Party December 14: 10:00A Grace HealthCare

SLY Pie Baking December 19 St. Luke

Read more on Page 5.

More Than a Meal December 20

Cantata December 20: 11:00A St. Luke


Upcoming Church Events in December, continued

Recurring Events in December

Sunday 8:30A—Contemporary Service

9:45A—Handbell Rehearsal

9:45A—Sunday School (All Ages)—Cancelled

Dec 27

11:00A—Traditional Service

Monday 5:15P—Jazzercise

Tuesday 10:00A—Ladies Bible Study


Wednesday 5:00P—WeB Meal—Cancelled Dec 16, 23, & 30

5:30P—Praise Team

6:00P—Cherub & Christ’s Kids Choirs—

Cancelled Dec 16, 23, & 30

6:30P—Confirmation Class—Cancelled Dec 16,

23, & 30

7:00P—Adult Choir

Thursday 10:00A—Moms Group


1:30P—Women’s Bible Study



Friday 6:30A—Men’s Bible Study

Breakfast in Bethlehem December 20: 9:45A—10:45A St. Luke CFC

Fourth Sunday of Advent December 20

Cradle and cross are inextricably connected on

the fourth Sunday of Advent. Between a lovely

tribute to the little town of Bethlehem and the

blessed virgin Mary's magnificent song of praise,

the letter to the Hebrews reminds us in no

uncertain terms that Christ's advent is for "the

offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

It is the kind of tension in which the church

always lives as when in the holy communion—

with high delight—"we proclaim the Lord's


Christmas Caroling December 23

Read more on Page 8.

Christmas Eve Services December 24

5:00P—Family Caroling Service

7:30P & 11:00P—Candlelight Service

Christmas Day December 25

Merry Christmas! The office is closed today.

Have a great holiday!

First Sunday of Christmas/Lessons & Carols December 27

Last year’s visit from St. Nicholas


December Birthdays

Brendon Fordyce .............................................. 12/1

Milton Craft ........................................................ 12/1

Jenny White ....................................................... 12/3

Dutch Schroer ................................................... 12/3

Nancy Lange .................................................... 12/4

Kelley Romero ................................................... 12/4

Isabell Lievens .................................................... 12/4

Lynne Greenwald ............................................. 12/4

Johnnie Cagle .................................................. 12/4

Jeanne Burns-Schwabelmeier ........................ 12/5

Mark Berghel ..................................................... 12/5

Courtney Vasquez ............................................ 12/6

Hailee Clayton .................................................. 12/6

Maddy Segars ................................................... 12/7

Jarret Joyner ...................................................... 12/8

Nancy Roman ................................................... 12/8

Joshua Sampson ............................................. 12/10

Leslie Robinson ................................................ 12/11

Noelle Oleartchick ......................................... 12/11

Pete Hall ........................................................... 12/12

Chris Nordby .................................................... 12/13

Lukas Vidican .................................................. 12/14

Maggie Carlson .............................................. 12/14

Emma Wadovick ............................................ 12/14

Lyne Duncan ................................................... 12/15

Emma Sedlacek ..............................................12/15

Nicky Vacante .................................................12/16

Megan Pentecost ...........................................12/17

Jake Anderson.................................................12/17

Olivia Smith-Olsen ...........................................12/17

Payton Wallace ...............................................12/18

Allen Miskowiec ...............................................12/18

Jack Muhs ........................................................12/18

Dane Duncan ..................................................12/19

Tyrel Witcher .....................................................12/19

Zachary Craft ...................................................12/20

Milo Brock .........................................................12/22

Johnny Cowan ................................................12/23

Nancy Lendman .............................................12/23

John Oleartchick .............................................12/23

Christina Oleartchick ......................................12/24

Connie Carkeet ...............................................12/24

Caroline Segars ...............................................12/25

Chris Galbraith .................................................12/27

Sheila Rochette ...............................................12/28

Abbi Duke ........................................................12/28

June Morgan ...................................................12/30

Lorre Pietenpol .................................................12/30

Lauren Carlson ................................................12/31

Carol Rankin.....................................................12/31

December Anniversaries

Paul & Johnnie Cagle ......................... 12/6/1952

Justin & Cindy Metz ............................. 12/7/1997

Phillip & Sammie Blackburn .............. 12/10/2000

Michael & Mary Ann Brand .............. 12/13/1969

Dan & Tanya Bolkcom ...................... 12/19/1976

George & Sue Malone ...................... 12/22/1969

Jeff & Mary Grace Summers ........... 12/26/1992

Rony & Mary Lou Todd ..................... 12/27/1992

Lynn & Susie Alford ............................ 12/29/1973

Harry & Jane Johnson ...................... 12/29/1962

Jess & Michelle Feuerborn ............... 12/21/2005

St. Luke Lutheran Church Phone 901-756-8850

2000 N. Germantown Pkwy Fax 901-753-0800

Cordova, TN 38016 Email [email protected]

Website www.stlukememphis.org

Financials through Nov 30 Income

General Fund $ 436,520

Other $ 21,006

Total $ 457,526

Expenses $ 451,107

Surplus/Deficit $ 6,419

Nov 29 Contributions to General Fund This Week $ 5,065

Budget per Week $ 9,615

This Year YTD $ 436,520

Budget YTD $ 461,538

Last Year YTD $ 469,302

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