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  • STARGATE SG-1 "Paradise Lost" EPISODE #P666


    RUNNING TIME: 45:55:00

    October 9, 2002

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  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 1




    01:00:00:20 TEAL'C AS ANNOUNCER: Previously on Stargate SG-1...

    01:00:03:07 MAYBOURNE: Colonel Maybourne, sir, NID.

    01:00:04:20 O'NEILL: General Hammond, request permission to beat the crap out of this man.

    01:00:08:06 O'NEILL: I'm not going to hit you, Maybourne. I'm going to shoot you.

    01:00:11:19 O'NEILL: Why didn't you try to escape when you were with me?

    01:00:13:23 MAYBOURNE (O/S FILTERED): Oh, come on, Jack.

    01:00:15:23 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): You trusted me.

    01:00:17:24 O'NEILL: You rat bastard.

    01:00:18:24 MAYBOURNE: Hey, hey, hey.

    01:00:21:20 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): Take it easy.

    01:00:22:21 O'NEILL: I'm so going to kick your ass.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 2

    01:00:24:00 MAYBOURNE: Going to turn me in?

    01:00:25:07 O'NEILL: Actually, that overwhelming desire to shoot you has come back.


  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 3


    01:00:52:16 MAYBOURNE: I helped myself. I hope you don't mind.

    01:00:55:07 O'NEILL: You're eating my dog.

    01:00:57:23 MAYBOURNE: You want it back?

    01:01:00:19 O'NEILL: Would you like a beer to wash it down?

    01:01:03:11 MAYBOURNE: Already got one.

    01:01:06:00 O'NEILL: What are you doing here?

    01:01:08:07 MAYBOURNE: I can't drop by an old friend's house for a little barbecue?

    01:01:11:21 O'NEILL: Well, there's that little treason thing.

    01:01:14:26 MAYBOURNE: Have me arrested. That's why I'm here.

    01:01:21:09 O'NEILL: This is going to be good, isn't it?

    01:01:23:04 MAYBOURNE: The current administration is coming to the end of its second term.

    01:01:26:23 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): I was hoping the President might consider one of...

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 4

    01:01:29:12 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): those special little pardons they often do when one

    doesn't care about re-election anymore.

    01:01:34:14 O'NEILL: Really good.

    01:01:36:16 MAYBOURNE: I heard about what happened with Prometheus.

    01:01:39:24 O'NEILL: I don't know what you're talking about.

    01:01:41:14 MAYBOURNE: Oh, nice delivery.

    01:01:42:20 O'NEILL: Yeah, I've got to work on that a little.

    01:01:44:19 MAYBOURNE (O/S): Simmons used the Goa'uld in Adrian Conrad to hijack...

    01:01:47:23 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): the X-303. He intended to fly to a planet with a cache of

    advanced alien weaponry. I was really broken up when I heard Simmons

    died, by the way.

    01:01:56:20 O'NEILL: Yeah, we all shed a tear.

    01:01:59:18 MAYBOURNE: What you don't know is that the planet Simmons was intending to

    fly to has a Stargate.

    01:02:08:00 O'NEILL: Simmons knew?

    01:02:08:29 MAYBOURNE (O/S): Sure.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 5

    01:02:09:23 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): Ultimately, it proved easier to grab the x-303 than take


    01:02:13:18 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): hold the SGC just to use the gate.

    01:02:16:22 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): The NID's known about this planet for a while. I don't

    have to explain why they didn't tell you.

    01:02:22:00 O'NEILL: So instead, they're hoarding a secret that could save the planet.

    01:02:26:01 MAYBOURNE: Oh, I'm sure they would have come clean if push came to shove,

    but the address can be yours right now for what's behind door number


    01:02:36:27 O'NEILL: A presidential pardon.

    01:02:38:23 MAYBOURNE: This is the full prize package, Jack. I want to go with you on this


    01:02:45:20 O'NEILL: You must have had a few before you came over.

    01:02:48:21 MAYBOURNE: Look, I know you've questioned my methods in the past, but we've

    always been fighting for the same thing. I just want to help make the

    world safe from the Goa'uld.

    01:02:57:16 O'NEILL: Nice delivery.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 6

    01:02:59:16 MAYBOURNE: Well, thanks for the beer.

    01:03:05:06 MAYBOURNE: Nothing I like more than a good wiener.

    01:03:07:28 O'NEILL: Yes, you are what you eat.

    01:03:13:27 MAYBOURNE: Guess I won't be needing this anymore.

    01:03:17:03 O'NEILL: What is it?

    01:03:20:01 MAYBOURNE: The address to the planet with the Ancient weapons.

    01:03:24:02 O'NEILL: For God's sake.

    01:03:28:12 MAYBOURNE (O/S): It won't do you much good...

    01:03:29:27 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): without me.

    01:03:30:27 O'NEILL: Why not?

    01:03:32:00 MAYBOURNE: Simmons also didn't know...

    01:03:34:14 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): that there's an impenetrable doorway protecting

    the weapon storage facility...

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 7

    01:03:39:14 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): and I have the key.


  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 8


    01:05:13:01 JONAS (V/O): Did he say how he came across this key?

    01:05:15:10 O'NEILL: No.

    01:05:17:19 HAMMOND (O/S): You were correct when you said it's doubtful...

    01:05:19:20 HAMMOND (CONT'D): the Pentagon would authorize Colonel Maybourne's

    presence on...

    01:05:22:21 HAMMOND (CONT'D O/S): an offworld mission.

    01:05:23:18 TEAL'C (O/S): Should we not at least...

    01:05:24:11 TEAL'C (CONT'D): explore the planet to which he has provided the address?

    01:05:26:26 O'NEILL: He did risk his butt just to make the proposition.

    01:05:29:17 CARTER (O/S): Maybe we can get through...

    01:05:31:11 CARTER (CONT'D): the door without him. If Maybourne thinks it's worth a pardon,

    what's on the other side must be good.

    01:05:37:22 HAMMOND: Do it.

    01:06:03:07 JONAS: Nobody home.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 9

    01:06:13:28 TEAL'C: Are you able to translate any of this, Jonas Quinn?

    01:06:16:04 JONAS: It's not Ancient, but it's definitely a language belonging to one the races

    of the Ancient alliance.

    01:06:20:06 O'NEILL: Nox? Asgard?

    01:06:21:26 JONAS: Furlings.

    01:06:23:12 O'NEILL: No. No, not those guys.

    01:06:26:10 JONAS: Why?

    01:06:27:22 O'NEILL (O/S): Oh, I don't know, I just can't imagine...

    01:06:29:29 O'NEILL (CONT'D): cute little furry things making big, powerful weapons, that's all.

    01:06:34:16 JONAS: I don't even know what they looked like.

    01:06:37:09 O'NEILL: "Furling." Sounds cute and fuzzy to me.

    01:06:43:07 JONAS: This section says something like...

    01:06:46:23 JONAS (CONT'D O/S): "Only the righteous may pass."

    01:06:49:21 CARTER: Well, this looks like where Maybourne's key would go.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 10

    01:06:52:07 CARTER (CONT'D): I'm getting energy readings. There's a power source in this


    01:07:03:07 CARTER: Here.

    01:07:15:00 CARTER (O/S): Sir, this is definitely...

    01:07:16:18 CARTER (CONT'D): something.

    01:07:18:04 O'NEILL: What?

    01:07:19:06 CARTER: I don't know. I don't recognize the technology.

    01:07:22:11 O'NEILL: But can you make it work?

    01:07:32:03 O'NEILL: Well, General, Maybourne's story checks out so far. There's a doorway

    there that Carter thinks might be a transporter, but she can't get it to

    work without Maybourne's key.

    01:07:43:12 HAMMOND: What do you recommend, Colonel?

    01:07:47:27 MAYBOURNE: Jack...

    01:07:48:23 O'NEILL: Harry...

    01:07:50:16 MAYBOURNE: I'm trusting you.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 11

    01:07:51:22 O'NEILL: You turned yourself in. What happens from here on out is up to you.

    01:08:03:05 HAMMOND: You can remove the cuffs, Airman.

    01:08:05:12 MAYBOURNE: General, nice to see you again.

    01:08:08:04 HAMMOND: Despite your prior transgressions, you've shown a willingness to help

    us out of some serious situations recently...

    01:08:14:06 HAMMOND (CONT'D): and that is why the President is willing to proceed in this


    01:08:17:25 MAYBOURNE: You're welcome.

    01:08:19:03 O'NEILL: Let's see what you brought.

    01:08:43:05 MAYBOURNE: When do we leave?

    01:08:44:09 O'NEILL: I leave right now. We'll let you know how it turns out.

    01:08:48:07 MAYBOURNE: Jack...

    01:08:49:24 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): I thought I was pretty clear.

    01:08:52:10 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): I go with you, or no deal.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 12

    01:08:54:22 O'NEILL: Harry, you're under arrest, I've got the stone, and I'm walking out that

    door. You're not in a strong bargaining position.

    01:09:01:06 MAYBOURNE: The only way this mission will be successful is if I'm on it. That

    stone is useless without the combination.

    01:09:08:18 O'NEILL: How's that?

    01:09:09:28 MAYBOURNE: It was originally found over 80 years ago in a Pharaoh's tomb in

    Egypt. The stone was wrapped in a scroll with writing on it that no Earth

    linguist could decipher.

    01:09:18:23 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): I was recently able to get it translated, though.

    01:09:24:19 O'NEILL: By whom?

    01:09:25:11 MAYBOURNE: The scroll contained instructions for how to use the stone to

    access the power of the Gods. That information exists in one place--right

    here. A deal's a deal.

    01:09:37:03 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): You want to go through the door?

    01:09:39:27 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): I'm going to be the one who opens it.

    01:09:48:09 HAMMOND: There's got to be something more going on here than he'll admit to.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 13

    01:09:50:29 O'NEILL: Of that I have no doubt, sir, but if he's not willing to tell us, we can't force

    him, as much as I'd like to try.

    01:09:59:00 MAYBOURNE: Now, this is more like it.

    01:10:04:11 O'NEILL: Shall we?

    01:10:15:13 O'NEILL: Yes?

    01:10:17:08 MAYBOURNE: You know the real reason I want to do this?

    01:10:19:27 MAYBOURNE: I've never actually been through this thing before.

    01:10:24:04 O'NEILL: Really?

    01:10:24:29 MAYBOURNE: I ran the off-world operation from Earth, using a Goa'uld


    01:10:31:01 O'NEILL: Nervous?

    01:10:31:20 MAYBOURNE: Me? Nah. I'm just taking a moment.

    01:10:39:15 O'NEILL: Done?

    01:10:40:02 MAYBOURNE: Yeah.

    01:10:40:20 O'NEILL: Good.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 14

    01:10:55:26 O'NEILL: Carter.

    01:10:56:21 CARTER: Colonels.

    01:10:57:20 MAYBOURNE: Major.

    01:10:58:21 O'NEILL: Jonas?

    01:10:59:15 CARTER: He finished cataloging the writing and went to do a wider sweep of the

    surrounding area with Teal'c.

    01:11:03:23 MAYBOURNE: He translated everything?

    01:11:05:10 CARTER: No...

    01:11:06:11 CARTER (CONT'D): he still needs to get some reference from the SGC. Says it'll

    take a while.

    01:11:09:06 O'NEILL: Harry...

    01:11:11:29 MAYBOURNE: Right.

    01:11:36:18 O'NEILL: What?

    01:11:37:21 MAYBOURNE: I'm sure I've got it right.

    01:11:39:13 O'NEILL: Harry...

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 15

    01:11:41:13 MAYBOURNE: It should have worked.

    01:11:45:10 CARTER: Let me take a look.

    01:12:02:09 O'NEILL: Harry...

    01:12:14:24 O'NEILL: You rotten, no-good-for-nothing--

    01:12:16:27 MAYBOURNE: Jack...

    01:12:17:17 O'NEILL: You son-of-a--

    01:12:18:20 MAYBOURNE (SHOUTING): Jack!

    01:12:19:15 O'NEILL: Yes?


  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 16


    01:13:19:25 JONAS: Major Carter...

    01:13:24:26 JONAS: What happened?

    01:13:32:05 O'NEILL: Where the hell are we?

    01:13:33:29 MAYBOURNE: Damn it, Jack, why did you have to do that?

    01:13:41:13 O'NEILL: Where's the Zat?

    01:13:42:12 MAYBOURNE: I don't know. I don't have it.

    01:13:45:09 O'NEILL: Where is it?

    01:13:46:00 MAYBOURNE : It's not here.

    01:13:47:13 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): I guess it didn't come through with us.

    01:13:49:23 O'NEILL: Why not?

    01:13:50:17 MAYBOURNE: How should I know? Maybe the doorway filters out weapons.

    01:13:55:03 MAYBOURNE: Goa'uld weapons.

    01:13:56:21 O'NEILL: All right, you listen to me. I want a straight answer from you.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 17

    01:14:02:04 MAYBOURNE: Well, since you're here, I might as well just show you.

    01:14:08:05 O'NEILL: Hey.

    01:14:09:23 MAYBOURNE (CALLING): Come on.

    01:14:14:03 CARTER: I'm getting nowhere here. Jonas, head back to the SGC. Ask General

    Hammond to send up a UAV. If Colonel O'Neill has activated his tracking

    device, we should be able to pinpoint his location.

    01:14:29:28 MAYBOURNE (O/S): You couldn't just let me go.

    01:14:32:08 O'NEILL: You shot me.

    01:14:34:04 MAYBOURNE: Zatted.

    01:14:35:05 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): You're not going back, you know.

    01:14:37:28 O'NEILL: Where?

    01:14:38:21 MAYBOURNE: Anywhere. To the Stargate, or Earth...

    01:14:42:02 O'NEILL: What are you talking about?

    01:14:44:13 MAYBOURNE: Oh, I don't know. Maybe they've got a way to send you back. I

    don't think anyone's supposed to leave. That's part of the deal.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 18

    01:14:49:27 O'NEILL: Who are you talking about? What deal?

    01:14:51:26 MAYBOURNE: The people at the place we're going.

    01:14:54:05 O'NEILL: Maybourne, have you completely lost your mind? Because if you're

    suffering, I'll gladly put you out of your misery.

    01:14:59:08 MAYBOURNE: It's an alien utopia. According to the scroll, it's supposed to be


    01:15:03:20 O'NEILL: What?

    01:15:05:23 MAYBOURNE: A long time ago, some people from an advanced alien society,

    well, they chucked it all, and they formed this small, isolated utopian


    01:15:14:08 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): They sent out representatives to meet and

    evaluate people...

    01:15:17:17 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): from all over the galaxy and offer them a chance to join

    them. The scroll and the stone were the invitations.

    01:15:25:01 O'NEILL: And there's nothing to do with the weapons Simmons was after.

    01:15:29:00 MAYBOURNE: I just figured it was my only way of getting through the gate.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 19

    01:15:32:06 O'NEILL: You know, Harry, it's not that I can't believe you lied to me again. It's that

    you lied to me again.

    01:15:39:14 MAYBOURNE: Now, come on, Jack, no one would have let me through the gate

    for this. Would you have even believed me?

    01:15:44:10 O'NEILL: And you're sure this is all worth it.

    01:15:47:01 MAYBOURNE: It couldn't be much worse than where I've been forced to hide out

    lately. They were closing in on me. It was only a matter of time.

    01:15:53:15 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): Besides, I've got nothing left on Earth anymore. The

    money I was supposed to get for selling the Russian symbiote to Adrian

    Conrad was my last shot at making a life on Earth.

    01:16:03:10 MAYBOURNE: Do something good, and it turned into a disaster.

    01:16:08:03 O'NEILL: Of massive proportions.

    01:16:10:20 MAYBOURNE: I'm tired of running, Jack. Why should I when I could have a

    chance at retiring in paradise?

    01:16:16:29 O'NEILL: I see trees, Harry. You get that in Colorado.

    01:16:26:07 SILER: Ready for launch, sir.

    01:16:27:15 HAMMOND: Thank you, Sergeant.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 20

    01:16:31:02 CARTER: Still nothing from Colonel O'Neill and Colonel Maybourne, sir. They've

    been gone over two hours now.

    01:16:38:13 HAMMOND: We're ready to go.

    01:16:40:16 CARTER: Sir, I'd like to apologize.

    01:16:41:27 HAMMOND: What for?

    01:16:42:29 CARTER: This is my fault. I allowed Colonel Maybourne to take my weapon.

    01:16:46:06 HAMMOND: Major, let's just focus on finding them right now.

    01:16:49:12 CARTER: Yes, sir.

    01:16:58:03 O'NEILL: You are so lost.

    01:16:59:25 MAYBOURNE: No. I'm sure this is the right way.

    01:17:02:00 O'NEILL: How's that?

    01:17:03:07 MAYBOURNE: It's in this valley. What's strange is there's supposed to be a

    greeting party.

    01:17:08:08 O'NEILL: And, you know, that's all that's strange about this.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 21

    01:17:11:12 MAYBOURNE: They're supposed to know when someone uses the doorway. I

    was expecting some sort of welcome.

    01:17:16:10 O'NEILL: Mai-tai's, leis?

    01:17:18:00 MAYBOURNE: Well, something.

    01:17:19:09 O'NEILL: Cabana boys. I'll tell you, Maybourne, I don't hear any steel drums...

    01:17:29:04 O'NEILL: How old was that invitation?

    01:17:51:21 MAYBOURNE: There's no one here.

    01:17:53:08 O'NEILL: I noticed that.

    01:18:25:09 O'NEILL (CALLING): Harry...

    01:18:42:19 O'NEILL: This in the brochure?


  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 22


    01:19:27:13 DR. LEE: Major, this technology is unlike anything we've come across before.

    01:19:30:24 CARTER: I know.

    01:19:31:26 DR. LEE: We have no reference, no way to interface.

    01:19:33:20 CARTER (SNAPPING): I'm working on it, Doctor.

    01:19:34:27 CARTER (CONT'D): As you should be.

    01:19:39:18 DR. LEE: Right.

    01:20:02:16 O'NEILL: I guess I can see why you'd want to retire here, given your choices.

    01:20:12:20 MAYBOURNE: Find anything that might be a doorway back?

    01:20:16:13 O'NEILL: No.

    01:20:18:27 MAYBOURNE: You going to kill me?

    01:20:26:28 O'NEILL: I'll sleep on it.

    01:21:13:22 O'NEILL: Well, I don't think we're walking out of here.

    01:21:16:00 MAYBOURNE: No way of knowing how far we were transported.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 23

    01:21:18:00 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): We could be on the other side of the planet.

    01:21:20:23 O'NEILL: Which is why we survive here until we're rescued.

    01:21:24:17 MAYBOURNE: "Until we're rescued." Jack, this place is supposed to be a secret.

    01:21:27:26 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): The doorway was designed to keep it that way.

    01:21:30:29 O'NEILL: Of course, we have the only key known to man.

    01:21:36:10 MAYBOURNE: The least you could have done is eat that before you got here.

    01:21:51:19 O'NEILL: We're going to need food and drinkable water.

    01:21:53:25 MAYBOURNE: I've been drinking the lake straight up.

    01:21:56:11 O'NEILL: Well, that's smart.

    01:21:57:23 MAYBOURNE: I'm not dead yet.

    01:21:59:17 O'NEILL: It's early.

    01:22:03:21 MAYBOURNE: Jack, they're never going to find us.

    01:22:18:09 CARTER: They've covered as much territory...

    01:22:19:18 CARTER (CONT'D): as the range of the UAV will allow.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 24

    01:22:21:27 TEAL'C: Have you received word from the Tok'ra?

    01:22:23:23 CARTER: Yeah, they responded and said they didn't know when one of their

    operatives with access to a ship would be able to help us. What are they


    01:22:29:20 TEAL'C: I believe they have completed their analyses.

    01:22:33:21 CARTER: Excuse me, where's Colonel O'Neill? I don't see him. Do you? Did you

    guys find him while I was gone?

    01:22:40:12 DR. LEE: We've been here for a week. Now, I'm not sure, but I'm pretty certain

    that we could all spend the rest of our natural lives trying to figure out

    exactly how this thing works...

    01:22:49:15 DR. LEE (CONT'D O/S): but you know what? Even if I could snap my fingers and

    turn it on right now...

    01:22:53:04 DR. LEE (CONT'D): I'm beginning to doubt whether it would determine where it

    sent Colonel O'Neill.

    01:22:56:26 DR. LEE (CONT'D O/S): I'd bet almost anything...

    01:22:59:21 DR. LEE (CONT'D): that the targeting data is in the artifact that Colonel

    Maybourne used to open that doorway.

    01:23:05:16 CARTER: I say when we're done here.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 25

    01:23:12:19 DR. LEE: With all due respect, Major...

    01:23:14:26 DR. LEE (CONT'D O/S): I will submit my report...

    01:23:16:29 DR. LEE (CONT'D): to General Hammond. If he's prepared to commit to a long-

    term analysis project, I'm happy to come back with my big suitcase...

    01:23:24:09 DR. LEE (CONT'D O/S): but until then...

    01:23:25:23 DR. LEE (CONT'D): if you'll excuse me...

    01:23:43:11 MAYBOURNE: Anything?

    01:23:45:03 O'NEILL: Couple of nibbles. They're down there, though.

    01:23:51:12 MAYBOURNE: Sleep okay?

    01:23:52:26 O'NEILL: No. You?

    01:23:55:03 MAYBOURNE: When we first came here, I thought it was quiet. Now it's like I

    can't keep the noise out. Insects, animals, I don't know. I keep hearing


    01:24:03:10 O'NEILL: They're called birds.

    01:24:05:29 MAYBOURNE: No, no, no, these are weird sounds.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 26

    01:24:07:23 O'NEILL: We're on an alien planet.

    01:24:10:08 MAYBOURNE: Yeah. Jack, I can't live on this stuff. It tastes like arugula.

    01:24:19:13 MAYBOURNE: I hate arugula.

    01:24:21:14 O'NEILL: Don't eat it.

    01:24:23:08 MAYBOURNE: We have to eat.

    01:24:26:09 O'NEILL: You know, if you keep standing there, yakking away...

    01:24:28:22 O'NEILL (CONT'D O/S): I'm not going to catch anything.

    01:24:33:27 O'NEILL: What was that?

    01:24:46:02 O'NEILL: That is just wrong on so many levels.

    01:24:57:26 O'NEILL: Don't ever do that again.

    01:25:04:20 MAYBOURNE: Are you saying you don't hear things?

    01:25:07:01 O'NEILL: No.

    01:25:10:05 MAYBOURNE: Last night, I swear I heard someone running around out here.

    Spent an hour wandering around, trying to spot him.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 27

    01:25:17:06 O'NEILL: Animals.

    01:25:18:20 MAYBOURNE: No tracks.

    01:25:20:27 O'NEILL: You're losing your mind.

    01:25:22:18 MAYBOURNE: You don't find things a little spooky around here?

    01:25:26:08 O'NEILL: Made so only by your presence.

    01:25:28:12 MAYBOURNE: Yeah, well, I'm beginning to wonder if some of the utopians might

    still be alive.

    01:25:35:01 O'NEILL: There's no evidence of that.

    01:25:37:01 MAYBOURNE: Well, maybe they're here in another way.

    01:25:40:04 O'NEILL: All right, now you are getting spooky.

    01:25:41:21 MAYBOURNE: Come on, Jack, you've seen stranger things...other dimensions,

    planes of existence. You said it yourself--this is an alien planet.

    01:25:50:08 O'NEILL: So what do you want me to do?

    01:25:52:11 MAYBOURNE: Give me a nine mil.

    01:25:56:19 O'NEILL: No.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 28

    01:25:57:21 MAYBOURNE: Oh, come on. You've got the P-90. You sleep with it beside you,

    for God's sake.

    01:26:02:12 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): I just want to be able to protect myself.

    01:26:04:09 O'NEILL: Forget it.

    01:26:04:29 MAYBOURNE: Jack, I want that gun.

    01:26:10:04 O'NEILL (SNAPPING): Forget it! You don't like it here, deal with it. It's your own

    damn fault.

    02:26:14:21 MAYBOURNE: You wouldn't care if I died, would you?

    01:26:17:14 O'NEILL: What are you talking about?

    01:26:19:13 MAYBOURNE: Some alien creature comes in and attacks me in the middle of the

    night, hauls me out while you're sleeping...

    01:26:24:12 O'NEILL: You and I are the only ones here. Trust me, the only thing you have to

    be afraid of around here is me.

    01:26:30:03 MAYBOURNE: Yeah.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 29

    01:27:31:29 CARTER: Sir, a satellite capable of pinpointing Colonel O'Neill's tracking device

    would be able to cover a much greater range. The Tok'ra could retrieve it

    later by ship when one became available, so the actual cost would be


    01:27:42:08 HAMMOND: Compared to what?

    01:27:43:15 CARTER: To not getting the satellite back.

    01:27:46:23 HAMMOND: What about the cost of the delivery system? Never mind the

    manpower required to get it through the gate and then reassemble it...

    01:27:52:26 HAMMOND (CONT'D O/S): on the other side.

    01:27:53:29 CARTER: Sir, I don't think you can place a value on Colonel O'Neill's life.

    01:27:57:24 HAMMOND: Of course not, but--

    01:27:58:29 TECHNICIAN (O/S FILTERED): Unscheduled off-world activation.

    01:28:00:09 HAMMOND: We'll continue this later.

    01:28:11:18 TECHNICIAN: We're receiving a transmission. Audio only.

    01:28:13:29 TOK'RA VOICE (FILTERED): This is Jalrow of the Tok'ra. To whom am I


  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 30

    01:28:17:27 HAMMOND: General Hammond. Major Carter, Teal'c, and Jonas Quinn are also


    01:28:22:23 TOK'RA VOICE (FILTERED): Major, I just received your message regarding the

    disappearance of Colonel O'Neill.

    01:28:26:28 CARTER: Do you have a ship capable of scanning a planet?

    01:28:29:13 TOK'RA VOICE (FILTERED): Yes. In fact, I have already taken the opportunity to

    fly over the planet in question. There were no detectable human life


    01:28:36:29 CARTER: Are you sure?

    01:28:38:25 TOK'RA VOICE (FILTERED): Quite sure. I'm very sorry.

    01:28:41:04 HAMMOND: Thank you. Hammond out.

    01:28:44:26 TOK'RA VOICE (FILTERED): Jalrow out.


  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 31


    01:30:08:04 (EERIE WAILING)

    01:32:47:27 (TWIG SNAPPING)

    01:32:56:03 O'NEILL (SHOUTING): Maybourne!

    01:32:58:04 (LEAVES RUSTLING)

    01:34:45:18 TEAL'C: Major Carter...

    01:34:46:18 CARTER: Teal'c, this is the women's locker room.

    01:34:49:22 TEAL'C: It appears there is no one else here but you, and you are fully clothed.

    01:34:54:28 CARTER (VOICE CRACKING): True.

    01:35:05:27 TEAL'C: Are you all right, Major Carter?

    01:35:08:12 CARTER: I'm fine, yeah.

    01:35:10:29 TEAL'C: Have you given up hope of finding O'Neill?

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 32

    01:35:15:07 CARTER (SOBBING): Hope? No, but I'm starting to think Dr. Lee is right. I don't

    think the doorway is the answer. It's been almost a month, Teal'c. If there

    were a way back...It just...It feels like we just lost Daniel, and I don't

    know if I can...

    01:36:18:04 O'NEILL: Ah, God...

    01:36:19:27 (SQUEALING)

    01:36:27:21 MAYBOURNE: Aah!

    01:36:38:13 (MOANING)


  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 33


    01:37:25:20 MAYBOURNE: You shot me.

    01:37:27:00 O'NEILL: I didn't know you were there.

    01:37:32:02 MAYBOURNE: Stay back.

    01:37:35:10 O'NEILL: Put that down.

    01:37:41:19 MAYBOURNE: You've wanted to kill me from the start.

    01:37:42:25 O'NEILL: Oh, screw you, Maybourne. I was joking. Look what you did to my leg.

    01:37:48:21 MAYBOURNE: I set the trap for the pig.

    01:37:51:00 O'NEILL: With a grenade?

    01:37:56:12 O'NEILL: Where are you going?

    01:37:58:08 O'NEILL: Harry...

    01:38:01:20 O'NEILL (YELLING): I found something.

    01:38:06:21 O'NEILL (CONT'D YELLING): Stop eating that plant! It's messing with your head,


  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 34

    01:38:15:00 O'NEILL: Ah, screw you.

    01:38:51:14 JONAS: General Hammond says he's considering new SG-1 leaders. You

    included, Major.

    01:38:56:21 CARTER: We know. Do you have anything?

    01:38:58:22 JONAS: Yeah. Yeah, I was finally able to come up with some photos of that


    01:39:03:23 JONAS (CONT'D O/S): that Maybourne got his hands on. It's quite old, making

    the scroll a bit difficult to read, and I'm pretty sure that the markings on

    the stone are just decoration, but...

    01:39:16:19 CARTER: Teal'c, wind back that tape.

    01:39:21:06 CARTER (O/S): Stop. There.

    01:39:24:25 JONAS (O/S): That was the first day we were there.

    01:39:26:10 CARTER: I don't believe it. It wasn't visible after that. I forgot it was even there.

    01:39:29:26 JONAS: What?

    01:39:31:07 CARTER: The moon. The doorway device doesn't use wormhole technology.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 35

    01:39:36:06 CARTER (CONT'D): It wasn't designed to send you across the galaxy. We

    thought they'd been sent somewhere else on the planet, but they


    01:39:42:29 CARTER (CONT'D O/S): They've been sent to that moon.

    01:39:46:00 JONAS: How do you know that?

    01:39:49:09 CARTER: The big circle...

    01:39:50:04 CARTER (CONT'D O/S): is the planet. The little circle is the moon. The line

    between them...

    01:39:54:15 CARTER (CONT'D): is the path of transportation.

    01:40:09:00 (TWIG SNAPPING)

    01:40:27:05 O'NEILL (O/S CALLING): Harry! Harry! It was a Goa'uld.

    01:40:33:06 O'NEILL (CONT'D CALLING): He couldn't bring a weapon through that door, so

    he brought a plant.

    01:40:38:14 O'NEILL (CONT'D O/S CALLING): It's some kind of drug or something.

    01:40:42:20 O'NEILL (CONT'D CALLING): Maybe it was an experiment, maybe it was

    supposed to get the people to serve him.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 36

    01:40:48:17 O'NEILL (CONT'D O/S CALLING): I don't know, but it backfired. These people...

    01:40:54:14 O'NEILL (CONT'D CALLING): they all killed each other because of that plant.

    01:40:59:07 O'NEILL (CONT'D O/S CALLING): You're paranoid. It's messing with your head.

    I'm not trying to kill you.

    01:41:41:26 O'NEILL: Drop it.

    01:41:48:17 O'NEILL: Drop it now, or I will shoot you.

    01:42:12:25 O'NEILL: I'm not trying to kill you, Harry. You're losing a lot of blood. If I don't do

    something right now, you're going to die.

    01:42:51:26 MAYBOURNE: Some retirement this turned out to be.

    01:42:54:09 O'NEILL: How are you doing?

    01:42:56:25 MAYBOURNE: Oh, my head's a little clearer. How long have I been out?

    01:43:02:11 O'NEILL: I don't know. A day or so.

    01:43:09:29 MAYBOURNE: Really screwed up, didn't I?

    01:43:11:11 O'NEILL: It's not your fault. None of the people here could stop themselves.

    01:43:16:04 MAYBOURNE: Right from the beginning.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 37

    01:43:19:21 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D O/S): Sorry, Jack.

    01:43:22:08 MAYBOURNE (CONT'D): I never should have dragged you into this.

    01:43:25:00 O'NEILL: Yes, Harry, you've been a very bad boy.

    01:43:34:01 O'NEILL (O/S): Hey.

    01:43:35:09 O'NEILL (CONT'D): Don't you die on me now.

    01:43:44:12 MAYBOURNE: What difference would it make?

    01:43:51:01 O'NEILL: Because we're about to be rescued.

    01:43:58:10 MAYBOURNE: Oh, that's nice.

    01:43:59:22 O'NEILL: Isn't it?

    01:44:02:06 MAYBOURNE: I can't go back. I'd rather die here than spend the rest of my life in


    01:44:08:09 O'NEILL: Yeah, um...I've been giving that some thought.

    01:44:16:13 O'NEILL (CONT'D): I think you've suffered enough. Hell, I even got to shoot you.

    01:44:20:20 MAYBOURNE: Twice.

  • STARGATE SG-1--“PARADISE LOST” Episode#P666 38

    01:44:24:14 O'NEILL: I think the Tok'ra should be able to find a nice planet for you.

    01:44:30:14 MAYBOURNE: Thanks, Jack.

    01:44:35:07 O'NEILL: Sure, Harry. Sure.




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