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STUDY SKILLS September 28, 2011 1. Organizational Skills 2. Time Management Skills 3. Active Listening Skills 4. Note Taking Skills 5. Test Taking Skills Organization Skills Have the supplies you need: notebooks, binders, folders, paper and pencils. Update often. Have the supplies you need: notebooks, binders, folders, paper and pencils. Update often. Color Code your papers or folders by subjects. Color Code your papers or folders by subjects. Use a student planner to write everything you have to do. Due Dates of projects, Tests, and assignments. Use a student planner to write everything you have to do. Due Dates of projects, Tests, and assignments. Organizational Skills Tips Make sure you have all your supplies: Make sure you have all your supplies: Sort out your folders every night, handouts and papers to be signed. Sort out your folders every night, handouts and papers to be signed. Pack your backpack at night and avoid last-minute morning scrambles. Pack your backpack at night and avoid last-minute morning scrambles. Have the phone numbers of two friends that you can call when you are sick to catch up with school work. Have the phone numbers of two friends that you can call when you are sick to catch up with school work. Keep your locker neat and clean. Keep your locker neat and clean. Take out of your locker what you need in the order of your subject periods at school. Take out of your locker what you need in the order of your subject periods at school. Time Management Skills Figure out realistic times for how long things take you. Figure out realistic times for how long things take you. Make a schedule that works for you, including free time activities. Make a schedule that works for you, including free time activities. Keep a monthly calendar so you can make long-range plans. Keep a monthly calendar so you can make long-range plans. Make a to-do list and cross out when you are done. Make a to-do list and cross out when you are done. Active Listening Skills Pay attention Pay attention Look at the speaker/teacher Look at the speaker/teacher Avoid distractions Avoid distractions Dont interrupt Dont interrupt Ask questions Ask questions Repeat what the person said to make sure you understood. Repeat what the person said to make sure you understood. Note Taking Skills Copy information the teacher writes on the board. Copy information the teacher writes on the board. Listen for clue words that signal important information Listen for clue words that signal important information Put a question mark in the margin if you dont understand and go back to check it out. Put a question mark in the margin if you dont understand and go back to check it out. Use abbreviations to help you write faster, Make up your own. Use abbreviations to help you write faster, Make up your own. Review your notes as soon as you can. Review your notes as soon as you can. Test Taking Skills Study in a comfortable place where you wont be distracted. Study in a comfortable place where you wont be distracted. Schedule review time. Dont leave it to the last minute. Schedule review time. Dont leave it to the last minute. Write a study sheet using your notes, homework and class materials. Write a study sheet using your notes, homework and class materials. Check off information you know Check off information you know Circle information you dont understand. Circle information you dont understand. Ask the teacher for help. Ask the teacher for help. Where Do You Study? Is there a place you call it My Study Area ? If not, make one! Is there a place you call it My Study Area ? If not, make one! Choose a place: Choose a place: With least distractions (away from TV, music, family discussions) With least distractions (away from TV, music, family discussions) With bright light With bright light Keep your supplies in the same area within ease of reach. Keep your supplies in the same area within ease of reach. Chart Your Grades Subjects Q1- Midterm Q1Q2 Midterm Q2Q3 Midterm Q3Q4 Midterm Q4 Social Studies Reading Math Science English Grades by Subject: _____________________ Quarter ____ HomeworkClass Assignments QuizzesUnit TestsProjects HAVE A SUCCESSFUL YEAR! Remember the habits you establish today, will become life time part of your life that lead to success or destruction which one are you aiming at?

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