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Page 1: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,


Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a furtherdiscussion of this phenomenon, already introduced with examples derived from the verb "sprechen".

Long-Lasting Hair Removal

Using the Suffix "-e" to Derive Feminine Nouns from Verbs:

Certain verbs add "-e" to the present or past verb stem (with or without an umlaut) to create a feminine noun.The plural is "-n".

Verb Noun Plural Meaning

ehren die Ehre die Ehren honor

haben die Habe die Haben belongings; chattels

lieben die Liebe [no plural] love

waschen die Wäsche [no plural] laundry; linens

lügen die Lüge die Lügen lie

nehmen die Einnahme die Einnahmen revenue

schrauben die Schraube die Schrauben screw

sprechen die Sprache die Sprachen language

Here are some others that are also (mostly) feminine after adding the suffix "-t" or "-st":

ankommen die Ankunft die Ankünfte arrival

dienen der [!] Dienst die Dienste service

fahren die Fahrt die Fahrten drive; trip

können die Kunst die Künste art; craft

laden die Last die Lasten burden


Page 2: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

machen [!] die Macht die Mächte power; might

tun die Tat die Taten deed

Using "-e" to Derive Nouns from Adjectives (in addition to Adjectival Nouns )

Most adjectives that take an umlaut in the comparative also form feminine nouns that have umlauts and endin "-e":

Adjective Noun Meaning

flach die Fläche surface

glatt die Glätte smoothness; slickness

groß die Größe size; greatness

gut die Güte goodness; benevolence

hard die Härte hardness

heiß die Hitze heat

kalt die Kälte cold

kurz die Kürze brevity

lang die Länge length

nah die Nähe vicinity

nass die Nässe wetness

rot die Röte redness

scharf die Schärfe sharpness

stark die Stärke strength

warm die Wärme warmth

This list also contains some that are ineligible for umlauts:

breit die Breite breadth

tief die Tiefe depth


Page 3: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

The Diminutives "-chen" and "-lein"

Beginning students of German may be tempted to employ the diminutive when unsure of a noun'sgender or plural. When forgetting the gender or plural of "der Stuhl; die Stühle," they find certitude in"das Stühlchen". But they need to be aware that diminutives are accompanied by a particular affect.They are often used in saccharine fashion with small children or to convey belittlement:

Was für ein süßes Hütchen hat dein Püppchen!

What a sweet little hat your dolly has!

Der Fußballer hat es nur zu einem harmlosen Schüsschen gebracht.

The soccer-player only managed to come up with a harmless, dinky littleshot.

"Früher oder später werden unnützliche Sprächlein und Kultürchen imSumpf der Realität versinken, und das ist gut so."1

Sooner or later, useless little languages and cultures will sink into theswamp of reality, and that is all to the good.

At the same time, a number of diminutives have become established in their own right, e.g.:

"das Brötchen" (bread roll), "das Fräulein" ( Miss; young unmarried woman); "das Frühchen"(premature baby); "das Grübchen" (dimple); "das Männchen und das Weibchen" (male andfemale [of a species]); "das Märchen" ( fairy tale); "das Schläfchen" (nap); "das Schnäppchen" ( abargain); "das Schnäpschen" (a quick drink); "das Kaninchen" ( rabbit [note the lack of umlaut]);and "das Mädchen" (girl).

The Suffixes "-heit" and "-keit":

The Suffix "-i":

"-i" is used to form terms of endearment, usually tackedonto a person's name (e.g. "Hansi"), a designated familyrelationship ("Mutti", "Vati", "Omi", "Opi"), and the shortenednames of cute animals ("Hasi" [bunny]) - or, in the case ofthe East-German Trabant, even a car ("der Trabi"). Thegender normally remains the same as that of the unadornednoun: "Der Rudi kommt!" But some people, on the analogyof "-chen" and "-lein", prefer the neuter: "Du bist meinkleines Mausi":

"Mausi" (little mouse); "Schatzi" ( little treasure); "Spatzi"(little sparrow).


Page 4: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

der Trabi

The Suffix "-ie":

"-ie", cognate with English "-y", tends to be attached to foreign words to form scientific terms or todesignate groups or states of being:

"die Anarchie" (anarchy); "die Biologie" (biology"); "die Bourgeoisie" (bourgeoisie); "die Chemie(chemistry); "die Pedanterie" ( pedantry); "die Philosophie" (philosophy"); "die Psychologie"(psychology); "die Theorie" ( theory).

The Suffix "-ik":

"-ik", cognate with English "-ics", tends to be attached to foreign words to form scientific terms orwords for methodologies:

"die Akrobatik" (acrobatics); "die Logik" ( logic); "die Logistik" ( logistics"; "die Mathematik"(mathematics); die Musik (music); "die Physik (physics); "die Romantik" ( romanticism").

The Suffix "-ismus":

"-ismus", like the English "-ism", denotes an action or its result; a system or ideological movement; apeculiarity in language; or a pathological condition. The resulting noun is masculine, and its plural is "-ismen":

"der Alkoholismus" (alcoholism); "der Antisemitismus" ( anti-Semitism); "der Kubismus" (cubism);"der Faschimus" (fascism); "der Kapitalismus" (capitalism); "der Kommunismus" (communism);"der Naturalismus" (naturalism); "der Tourismus" (tourism).

The Suffix "-ist":


Page 5: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

The Suffix "-nis":

"-nis", cognate with the English "-ness", can be affixed to most parts of speech, creating nouns thatcan denote an act, an activity, a condition, a function, an active force, or something that results fromthese. It is almost always neuter and has the plural form "-nisse":

"das Ärgernis" (annoyance; offense); "die Bedürfnis" (need); "das Begräbnis" (burial); "die [!]Besorgnis" (anxiety; apprehension); "das Ereignis" ( event; occurrence); "das Erzeugnis"(product); "die [!] Finsternis" ( darkness; gloom); "das Gedächtnis" ( memory); "das Gefängnis"(prison); "das Geheimnis" (secret); "das Geständnis" ( confession); "das Hindernis" (barrier;hindrance); "das Verhängnis" ( fate; doom); "das Verständnis" (understanding; comprehension);"das Verzeichnis" (catalogue; list); "die [!] Wildnis" ( wilderness).

The Suffixes "-ologie" and "kunde":

"-ologie" and "-kunde" denote the study of something:

"die Astrologie" (astrology); "die Biologie" (biology); "die Erdkunde" (geography); "die Heilkunde"(alternative medicine); "die Ökologie" (ecology); "die Theologie" ( theologie).

The Suffix "-tät" (or "-ität"):

"-tät" and "-ität" are cognate with the English "-ty" and "-ity". They are normally attached to adjectiveswith foreign origin to form feminine nouns (with an "-en" plural):

"die Agressivität" (aggressiveness); "die Aktivität" ( activity); "die Brutalitäat" (brutality); "dieNationalität" (nationality); "die Objektivität" (objectivity); "die Qualität" (quality); "die Solidarität"(solidarity); "die Subjektivität" (subjectivity).

General Use of the Suffix "-ung":

The suffix "-ung" is frequently used to create a noun (always feminine) by attaching it to a verb stem.The effect is similar to the English gerund created with "-ing" or the noun formed with the suffix "-tion".

Tailor Shop for Alterations Alterations of Every Kind

The resulting noun can dennote an activity, an instance of that activity, a state of being or a thing that isbrought about by that activity, or an entity within which that activity takes place:

Verb Noun Meaning


Page 6: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

aufregen die Aufregung excitement

befreien die Befreiung liberation

begegnen die Begegnung encounter

behandeln die Behandlung treatment

entdecken die Entdeckung discovery

erfahren die Erfahrung experience

erziehen die Erziehung education

kleiden die Kleidung clothing

öffnen die Öffnung opening

Winter Opening Hours

ordnen die Ordnung order

regieren die Regierung government

revidieren die Revidierung revision

straffen die Straffung tightening

verdauen die Verdauung digestion

verfälschen die Verfälschung counterfeiting/counterfeit

verfremden die Verfremdung alienation


Page 7: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

verwerten die Verwertung reclamation; recycling

wohnen die Wohnung dwelling, apartment

bilden die Wortbildung word-formation

Recycling of raw materials

Other Nouns Created from Verbs with Suffixes:

The Suffixes "-er" and "-erin":

As noted in the example of "sprechen", adding an "-er" or an "-erin" to a verb's stem denotes a maleor female who performs the action (speaker): "der Sprecher / die Sprecherin." The plural of these "-er"nouns is the same as the singular, e.g. "die Sprecher". The plural of the feminine form is of course "-erinnen": "die Sprecherinnen." Some of the many examples:

"der/die Arbeiter/in" ( worker); "der/die Besitzer/in" (owner; "der/die Fahrer/in" (driver; "der/dieHeuchler/in" (hypocrite); "der/die Leser/in" ( reader; "der/die Maler/in" (painter; "der/dieRichter/in" (judge; "der/die Schneider/in" ( taylor; "der/die Sieger/in" (victor); "der/die Spieler"(player; gambler); "der/die Trainer/in" (coach; "der/die Trinker/in (drinker).

While this category of "-er" (or "-erin") nouns ordinarily derives from a verb, there are exceptions,e.g.:

"der/die Botschafter/in" (ambassador); "der Eisenbahner" ( railwayman), "der/die Schüler/in"(pupil; schoolboy/schoolgirl).

Of course, such designations can derive from compounded words:

"der/die Angeber/in" (blowhard; show-off); "der/die Arbeitgeber/in" ( employer; "der/dieKorinthenkacker/in" (nit-picker); "der/die Lastkraftwagenfahrer/in" ( truckdriver); "der/die Nichtstuer/in"(do-nothing); "der/die Tennisspieler/in" ( tennis player); "der/die Weltverbesser/in" (do-gooder); "der/dieWichtigtuer/in" (pompous ass).


Page 8: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

"-er" (or "-erin") nouns that are derived from verbs can often take an umlaut:

"der/die Bäcker/in" (baker); "der/die Gärtner/in (gardener); "der/die Färber/in" (dyer); "der/dieLäufer/in" (runner); "der/die Sänger/in" (singer); "der/die Schriftsteller/in" (writer); "der/dieTänzer/in" (dancer); "der/die Überläufer/in" (defector); "der/die Verkäufer/in"(salesman/saleslady); "der/die Verräter/in" ( traitor)

Sometimes the suffix "-er" denotes a noun that is the result of the action:

"der Abstecher" (side-trip); "der Fehler" (error); "der Seufzer" (sigh); "der Schnitzer" (blunder;howler); "der Treffer" (strike, hit, success [something that hits the mark])

Nouns formed with "-er" or "-erin" can also indicate someone's city or, in many cases, country oforigin:

"der/die Berliner/in"; "der/die Münchner/in"; "der/die New Yorker/in"; "der/die Kanadier/in";"der/die Engländer/in"; "der/die Norweger/in"; "der/die Österreicher/in"; "der/die Schweizer/in".

A number of nationalities can also be created with "-e" or "-in". The masculine form of these nouns is"weak" (i.e. it takes a "-n" in all cases but the nominative)

"der Franzose/die Französin"; "der Schwede/die Schwedin"; "der Türke/die Türkin".

"-er" can also indicate an inanimate instrument:

"der Bagger" (power shovel); "der Fernseher" ( television set); "der Fernsprecher" (telephone);"der Kopierer" (copier); "der Kugelschreiber" (ballpoint pen); "der Lautsprecher" ( loudspeaker);"der Lichtschalter" (light switch); "der Rasenmäher" ( lawn-mower; "der Scheibenwischer"(windshield-wiper); "der Schläger" (racquet; bat; club); "der Schraubenzieher" (screwdriver; "derStaubsauger" (vacuum-cleaner); "der Wecker" (alarm-clock); "der Zahnstocher" ( toothpick).

An alternative suffix for denoting an instrument is "-el": "der Deckel" ( lid); "der Gürtel" (belt);"der Hebel" (lever; crank).

"-er" can produce a shortened name of certain instruments:

"der Aschenbecher" (ashtray) becomes "der Ascher"; "der Lastkraftwagen" ( truck, lorry) - "derLaster"; "das Frachtschiff" (freighter) - "der Frachter"; "der Fußballspieler" soccer player - "derFußballer".

"-erei" is often an extension of an occupational designation formed by "-er" (or "-or"):

"die Bäckerei" (bakery); "die Brauerei" (brewery); "die Färberei (dye works); "die Gärtnerei(botanical nursery); "die Gerberei" ( tannery); "die Konditorei" (confectionery; pastry shop); "dieMetzgerei" (butcher shop).

But "-erei" can also designate a negative situation or activity:

"die Barbarei" (barbarism); "die Heuchelei" (hypocrisy); "die Schlägerei" (brawl); "dieSchweinerei" (mess; swinishness)

"-erei" can also be appended to most verbs to denote an activity taken to extremes, e.g. "dieFahrerei" (a tedious amount of driving).

Note also: "die Datei" ( data file); "die Kartei" ( card file).8/22

Page 9: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

Further examples of suffixes that create nouns denoting people ("-ant"; "-antin"; "-är"; "-ärin";"-ent"; "-entin"; "-eur"; "-eurin"; "-euse"; "-ling"; "-öse"; "-or"; "-orin"):

"-ant" and "-antin" or "-ent" and "-entin" tend to be attached to verbs that end in "-ieren":

absolvieren der/die Absolvent/in alumnus/alumna; graduate

assistieren der/die Assistent/in assistant

demonstrieren der/die Demonstrant/in demonstrator; protester

dozieren der/die Dozent/in university lecturer

konkurrieren der/die Konkurrent/in competitor; rival

liefern [!] der/die Lieferant/in delivery person

spekulieren der/die Spekulant/in delivery person

studieren der/die Student/in student

Deliverymen, please turn off your engines!

Other such suffixes include "-ator" (-atorin); "-är" ("-ärin"), "-eur" ("-eurin" or "-euse" or "-öse"), "-or" (and, where appropriate "-orin):

"der/die Diktator/in" (dictator)"der/die Sekretär/in" (secretary); "der/die Volontär/in" ( intern)"der Frisör / die Friseuse [or: Frisöse]" ( barber; hairdresser);"der/die Ingenieur/in" (engineer);"der/die Regisseur/in" ( [film or theater] director);"der/die Direktor/in" (director [business or other organization]); "der/die Lektor/in" (editor);"der Traktor" (tractor); "der Ventilator" (fan)


Page 10: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

Berlin Memorial Plaque Here lived from 1931 to 1933 and from 1945 to 1946

Ernst Busch Actor and director, singer of political songs ("Barricades-Tauber"). Emigrated 1933. From1943 to 1945 imprisoned by the Gestapo. Member of the Berliner Ensemble from 1950.

[In reference to Richard Tauber, a famous opera singer in the 1920s, and to Busch'spolitical engagement, he was called "the Tauber of the barricades"]

Yet another suffix for persons: "-ling" (plus an umlaut). It always masculine, even when afemale is meant. The plural is "-e". Often - but not always - the person is in some wayvulnerable; sometimes the term is meant disparagingly:

"der Ankömmling" (newcomer); der Emporkömmling (parvenue); "der Flüchtling"(refugee; fugitive); "der Fremdling" (stranger); "der Günstling" (minion); "der Häftling"(prisoner); "der Häuptling" (chieftain); "der Lehrling" (apprentice); "der Säugling"(nursling; infant); "der Schwächling" (weakling).

The Suffix "-at":

The suffix "-at" can be added to foreign words to create (usually) neuter nouns with variousmeanings. The plural is "-e" (except for "die Akrobaten")

"der [!] Akrobat" (acrobat); "das Antiquariat" ( second-hand bookstore); "das Dikat"(dictation; diktat); "das Konsulat" (consulate); "das Proletariat" ( proletariat); "das Referat"(seminar paper); "das Telefonat" ( telephone call); "das Traktat" ( treatise).

The Suffix "-schaft":


Page 11: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

The Suffix "-tum":

The suffix "-tum" (cognate with the English "-dom") can be added to nouns, adjectives, andverbs to denote a condition (or result of that condition), an action, or a collective idea (or resultof that idea). With two exceptions, the resulting nouns are always neuter. The plural is "-tümer".

"das Christentum" (Christianity); "das Eigentum" (property; possession"; "das Heldentum"(heroism) "der [!] Irrtum" (state of error; error); "das Judentum" (Jewry; Judaism); "dasKönigtum" (kingdom); "der [!] Reichtum" ( riches); "das Volkstum" ( folklore); "dasWachstum" (growth; increase).

The Suffixes "-art" and "-sorte":

Since "die Art" and "die Sorte" exist as nouns in their own right, they can be considered as partof compound nouns, as well as suffixes. "Die Art" (kind; species) can appear in threestructures: "diese Art von Vogel," "diese Art Vogel," and "diese Vogelart". Each means "this kindof bird," although "Vogelart" is, of the three, most likely to be translated as "bird-species." Otherexamples of "-art":

"die Redensart" (saying; idiom; expression; colloquialism); "die Sportart" ( [a particular]sport)

"-sorte" (kind; sort) is similar, but it "is limited to two uses. (a) It is applied to things,particularly food, in so far as they are bought and sold. (b) It is a term of contemptapplied particularly to persons."2

"die Menschensorte" ( type of person); "die Obstsorte" ( kind of fruit); "die Weinsorte" (kindof wine).

The Suffixes "-sal" and "-sel":

The suffix "-sal" normally denotes the subject, object, or result of an activity:

"das Labsal" (refreshment); "die Mühsal" (hardship; plight); "das Scheusal" ( monster);"das Schicksal" ([imposed] fate); "die Trübsal" ( affliction; tribulation)

"-sel" denotes a thing, sometimes with the connotation of insignificance:"das Mitbringsel" (a small gift [e.g. a hostess gift] ; "das Überbleibsel" ( remnant; left-overobject) But also: "das Blutgerinnsel" ( blood clot); "der Stöpsel" (stopper; cork; bung).

The Suffix "-wesen":

"-wesen" indicates a field of study or a system, an area of intellectual activity:

"das Bildungswesen" (field of education; system of education ); "das Gesundheitswesen"(health care); "das Ingenieurwesen" ( engineering); "das Rechnungswesen" (accounting).

The Suffix "-zeug":

Since "das Zeug" ("stuff") exists as a noun in its own right, albeit an informal one, it can beconsidered as part of compound noun, as well as a suffix. In the form of "-zeug" appended to averb, it indicates an instrument for carrying out that activity:

"das Fahrzeug" (vehicle); "das Flugzeug" ( airplane); ; "das Schreibzeug" ( writing11/22

Page 12: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

Fire-extinguisher box under camera surveillance. Misuse punishable by law!

utensils); "das Spielzeug" ( toy); "das Werkzeug" ( tool).

Suffixes for the Creation of Adjectives and Adverbs

The Suffix "-artig":

"-artig" can be added to a noun or adjective to indicate manner or resemblance:

"affenartig" (ape-like); "fremdartig" (strange); "großartig" (grand); "turmartig" (tower-like).

The Suffix "-bar":

"-bar" can be affixed to nouns or verbsto denote "-ability" or a possession ofthe implied quality:

"bespielbar" (playable); "dankbar"(grateful); "fruchtbar" (fruitful; fertile);"lesbar" (legible); "schiffbar"(navigable); "unsichtbar" (invisible;"sonderbar" (peculiar); "strafbar"(punishable by law); "trinkbar"(potable); "unfehlbar" (infallible)

The Suffix "-en"

Attached to the word for a kind ofmaterial, "-en" (or, when the stem isplural and ends in "-r", "-n") can forman adjective indicating that themodified noun is made of that material(or has one or more of itscharacteristics):

"gläsern" (of glass); "golden" (golden);"hölzern" (wooden); "silbern" (silver);"wächsern" (waxen); "wollen" (woolen).

The Adjectival Suffix "-er"

Attached to the name of a city (or ofSwitzerland), "-er" creates the

adjectival form, whichremains capitalized anddoes not take any furtherendings:

"die BerlinerOpernhäuser" theBerlin operahouses


Page 13: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

Viennese Chic

"der Mainzer Dom" the MainzCatherdral

"das MünchnerBier" Munich beer

"ein SchweizerDialekt" a Swissdialect

"die WeimarerRepublik" theWeimar Republic

The Suffix "-erlei":

"-erlei" has themeaning"kind(s) of". It isnot inflected:

"allerlei" (all kindsof)

Es gibt allerleiMenschen in derWelt.

There are all kindsof people in theworld

"einerlei" (of onekind)


Page 14: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

Es ist mir einerlei,ob du mitkommstoder nicht, .

It's all the same tome whether or notyou come along .

"beiderlei" (ofboth)

Kinder beiderleiGeschlechtskönnen mitspielen.

Children of bothsexes can join inthe game.

"zweierlei" (twokinds of)

Es gibt zweierleiMenschen in derWelt: die, die reichsind, und die, diewünschten, siewären es.

There are twokinds of people inthe world: thosewho are rich, andthose who wishthey were.

The Suffixes "-fach", "-fältig", "-mal", and "-malig":

"-fach"; "-fältig", "-mal" and "-malig" add the meanings of "-fold" or "times" to numbers. Theadjectives "-fach", "-fältig", and "-malig" are inflected; "-mal" is always an adverb:


Page 15: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

"einmal" (once); "zweimal" (twice); "vielfältig" (manifold; multifaceted; varied); "zweifach"(two-fold).

Sometimes the word takes on a figurative meaning: "einfach" (single; simple); "einfältig"(simple-minded); "einmalig" (unique).

The Suffix "-haft":

"-haft" can be affixed to a great many adjectives and nouns to indicate having the qualities ofthe stem word.

"boshaft" (malicious); "dauerhaft" ( long-lasting); "ehrenhaft" (honorable); "ekelhaft"(nauseating); "glaubhaft" (credible); "krankhaft" (morbid); "lebhaft" ( lively);"schmeichelhaft" (flattering); "schwatzhaft" (chatty; loquacious); "tugendhaft" (virtuous);"wohnhaft" (domiciled)

Note: an older form, "-haftig" (e.g. "leibhaftig" [incarnate]), is much less frequent, but itreplaces "-haft" if the adjective is then to become an abstract noun using "-keit": e.g. "dieTugendhaftigkeit" (virtuousness).

Independent of eyeglasses and contact lenses.


Page 16: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

The Suffix "-ig":

"-ig" is somewhat similar in function to "-haft":

1) When affixed to a noun (sometimes adding an umlaut), it denotes the presence of thatthing or quality:

Unauthorized parked vehicles will be towed with charges

"fleißig" (industrious); "fettig" (greasy); "freudig" ( joyous; glad); "sandig (sandy); "sonnig"(sunny); "traurig" (sad); "unabhängig" ( independent); "verdächtig" (suspicious).

"-ig" can also turn a span or unit of time into an adjective:

2) "ein fünfjähriger Junge" (a five-year-old boy); "eine zweitägige Autofahrt" ( a two-daydrive); "eine mehrwöchige Reise" (a journey of several weeks ); "die heutige Jugend"(today's youth).

3) "-ig" also adds the sense of "inclined to":


Page 17: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

Beware of the biting dog.

"bissig" (inclined to bite); "ergiebig" (productive"); "freigiebig" (generous, lavish);"feinfühlig" (sensitive; of delicate feeling); "gefällig" (agreeable; anxious to please);"gläubig" (believing; religious); "hartherzig" (hard-hearted); "schwerhörig" (hard ofhearing)

The Suffix "-isch":

"-isch", cognate with English "-ish", hasa number of the same functions:

When affixed to a noun (often onethat is derived from a verb using"-er"), "-isch" can denote itsassociated qualities:

"allergisch" (allergic);"demokratisch" (democratic);"dichterisch" (poetic);"erfindersich" (inventive);"fachmännisch" (expert;craftsmanlike); "höllisch"(infernal); "irdisch" (earthly);"kriegerisch" (warlike);"malerisch" (picturesque);"phobisch" (phobic); "tierisch"(animalistic; bestial);"träumerisch" (dreamy);"verschwenderisch" (extravagant;


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Other kinds of associations with"-isch":

"biologisch" (biological),"historisch" (historical);"hysterisch" (hysterical);"kindisch" (childish - compare"kindlich" [childlike]);"künstlerisch" (artistic];- compare"künstlich" [artificial]); "linkisch"(awkward; bumbling);"regnerisch" (rainy); "städtisch"(municipal); "mürrisch" (crabby);"zänkisch" (quarrelsome).

"-isch" can create the adjectivalform of a city, region, country, orpeople:3

"amerikanisch" (American);"badisch" (from or of Baden);"berlinerisch" (of or from Berlin);"englisch" (English); "französisch"(French); "italienisch" (Italian);"jüdisch" (Jewish);"niederländisch" (Dutch);"norwegisch" (Norwegian);"russisch" (Russian); "spanisch"(Spanish).

The same word can also usually,when appropriate, become aneuter noun that designates thelanguage:

"(das) Englisch" (English; the English language); "(das) Französisch" (French; the Frenchlanguage); "(das) Schwedisch" (Swedish; the Swedish language).

The same word can also usually, when appropriate, become a neuter noun thatdesignates the language:

"(das) Englisch" (English; the English language); "(das) Französisch" (French; the Frenchlanguage); "(das) Schwedisch" (Swedish; the Swedish language).

The Suffix "-iv":

"-iv" is cognate with English "-ive" and forms adjectives or adverbs that need no translation:

"aggressiv", "aktiv", "alternativ", "argumentativ", "attraktiv", "dekorativ", "effektiv", "fiktiv",18/22

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Smoking can be deadly.

"impulsiv", "instinctiv", "intensiv", "primitiv", etc.

The Suffix "-lich":

"-lich" is cognate with English "-ly" (e.g. friendly), but it cannot be used to differentiate anadverb from an adjective the way that "-ly" can (e.g. quick - quickly). "-lich" is affixed to nouns,verbs, or adjectives to create an adjective or an adverb indicating qualities implied by the stem.

Often the stem vowel is umlauted:

"ängstlich" (timid; anxious; fearful);"ärmlich" (squalid; impoverished);"brüderlich" (brotherly);"gebräuchlich" (common;customary); "jährlich" (annual);"jämmerlich" (wretched); "käuflich"(purchasable; corrupt); "kränklich"(sickly); "kürzlich" (recently);"männlich" (masculine; manly);"mütterlich" (maternal; motherly);"nebensächlich" (secondary;negligible); "täglich" (daily);"tödlich" (deadly; fatal);"unmissverständlich"(unequivocal); "väterlich"(paternal; fatherly); "verlässlich"(reliable); "völlig" (completely);"zärtlich" (tender).

But often it is not:"behaglich" (comfortable; cozy);"fraglich" (questionable);"sachlich" (objective; to the point);"sportlich" (athletic; sporty);"sprachlich" (linguistic); "stattlich"(stately; grand); "tauglich"(capable; qualified);"unerforschlich" (inscrutable);"unglaublich" (unbelievable);"verdaulich" (digestible).

Occasionally, "-lich" is extendedto "-erlich":"fürchterlich" (frightful; appalling); "lächerlich" (ridiculous); "leserlich" (readable).

When the stem ends in "-en", a so-called excrescent "-t-" is interjected before the suffix:"hoffentlich" (hopefully; it is to be hoped ); "gelegentlich" (occasional); "tunlich" (feasible);"wissentlich" (knowingly); "wöchentlich" (weekly).

Further examples of "-lich:"bekanntlich" (as is well known); "bestechlich" (bribable; corruptible); "friedlich"


Page 20: Suffixes - rbvtaylor.weebly.com€¦ · Like English, German often employs suffixes to add meaning or to produce other parts of speech. Here is a further discussion of this phenomenon,

(peaceful); "glücklich" (happy; fortunate); "kindlich" (childlike - compare "kindisch"[childish]); "kleinlich" (petty); "künstlich" (artificial - compare "künstlerisch" [artistic]);"polizeilich" (of or by the police); "schriftlich" (written); "sinnlich" (sensual); "unentbehrlich"(indispensable); "unerklärlich" (inexplicable); "unnachahmlich" ( inimitable);"unzertrennlich" (inseparable); "weiblich" ( feminine).

Nothing is impossible.

The Suffixes "-los", "-leer", "-arm", and "-frei":

"-los", "-leer", "-arm", and "-frei" all indicate a lack or scarcity.

"-los" is cognate with the English "-less" and has the same function:"arbeitslos" (unemployed); "ärmellos" (sleeveless); "bewegungslos" (motionless);"endlos" (never-ending; "gefühllos" (unfeeling); "humorlos" (humorless); "mitleidslos"(unpitying); "regungslos" (motionless; "sprachlos" (speechless); "verantwortungslos"(irresponsible).

"-leer" means empty of, indicating that something used to be there that is now gone:"luftleer" (void of air ); "menschenleer" (empty of people; deserted).

"-arm" means low in:"fettarm" (low-fat); "kalorienarm" ( low in calories).

"-frei" means free of and implies something positive:20/22

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"eisfrei" (clear of ice); "sorgenfrei" (carefree).

The Suffixes "-mäßig" and "-gemäß":

"-mäßig" and "-gemäß" establish an abstract connection to the stem word. Modern usagesometimes goes overboard in their application:

"berufsmäßig" (professional; related to the profession)

Diese Arbeit bringt mit sich wenig berufsmäßige Erfahrung.

This work provides little professional experience.

"gesetzmäßig" (lawful; legal)

Sein Prozess war gesetzmäßig verlaufen.

His trial had proceded legally.

"zahlenmäßig" (in terms of numbers); "leistungsmäßig" (in terms of accomplishment)

Nicht zahlenmäßig, aber leistungsmäßig war der Verein gutrepräsentiert.

The club was well-represented in terms of accomplishment, if not innumbers.

"sprachmäßig" (in terms of language)

Die ausländische Studentin hat es sprachmäßig sehr weit gebracht.

The foreign student has achieved a lot in terms of language.

"verfassungssmäßig" (constitutional")


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Das Gericht hat noch nicht entschieden, ob dieses Gesetzverfassungssmäßig ist.

The court hasn't yet decided if this law is constitutional.

"wettergemäß" (weatherwise)

Wettergemäß ist der Tag schön.

Weatherwise it's a beautiful day.

The Suffixes "-reich", and "-voll":

"-reich" and "-voll" indicate having a significant amount of something desirable: "kalorienreich"(rich in calories); "segensreich" (beneficial); "traditionsreich" (full of tradition).

The Suffix "-sam":

"-sam", cognate with the English "-some" (e.g. "handsome") denotes an inclination toward thequality implied by the stem:

"biegsam" (flexible); "einsam" ( lonely; solitary); "empfindsam" (sensitive; sentimental);"enthaltsam" (abstemious); "erholsam" (restorative); "folgsam" (obedient); "furchtsam"(timid); "gewaltsam" (violent); "langsam" (slow); "mühsam" ( laborius; tedious); "ratsam"(advisable); schweigsam (taciturn); "seltsam" (strange; peculiar); "sparsam" ( thrifty);"unaufhaltsam" (inexorable); "wirksam" (efficacious).

The Suffixes "-wert" and "-würdig":

"-wert" and "-würdig" denote that something is worth doing:

"fragwürdig" (questionable); "glaubwürdig" (believable); "hörenswert" (worth listen to");"lesenswert" (worth reading); "liebenswert" ( lovable; adorable); "liebenswürdig" ( lovable;kind; agreeable); "merkwürdig" (strange); "sehenswert" or "sehenswürdig" (worth seeing);"vertrauenswürdig" (trustworthy); "wissenswert" (worth knowing).


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