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L a r é f é re n c e a é ro n a u t i q u e

Advanced Master (MS) Airport Management



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Spécialisé MS

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The “Mastère Spécialisé” (MS) in Airport Management was set up in 1989 by ENAC in response to requests from professionals in this fi eld.

The role played by today’s airports has become particularly important after the liberalisation of air transport and the privatisation of airport services, which impact directly on the national economy.

Our internationally recognised programme refl ects the changing needs of our industry and covers all areas of aviation.

As such emphasis is laid on conception, design and operations, safety and security contents, environmental issues, quality of service and the strategic management of airports.

As a leading provider of global aviation solutions and professional development programmes, ENAC develops human capital for tomorrow’s air transport industry. Thus the (MS) Airport Management aims precisely at training and preparing these specialists.


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Spécialisé MS


ADVANCED MASTER (MS) Airport Management



The (MS) Airport Management is a one-year full time programme organised into 2 parts:

Academical and Theoretical: six-months of intensive in-class lectures

• Throughout this period, case studies will be treated • Weekly exams will be conducted to validate each module• Airport visits will be organised

Practical training in a professional environment: six-months internship in a professional environment, either in France or abroad.

• A tutor from the host organisation supervises this training.

It gives rise to a fi nal written report, which must be defended in front of a coeducational jury composed of instructors, the company delegate and professionals.

P r o g r a m m e

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Academic Part (From October to March)

The academical and theoretical part is composed of 16 modules (1 - 2 weeks each).

Module Director Hr

AM01 Aircraft and Air Transport System Pascal DUVAL ENAC 30h

AM02 International and European Civil Aviation Law Yves LAVIGNEWAT– World

Assets Transition


AM03 Air Transport Economics and Management Nathalie LENOIR,Louis THWAITES

ENAC/Université Concordia (Montréal)


AM04 Air Transport Security Mathieu GUALINO ENAC 30h

AM05 Sustainable Development Didier VERGEZ ENAC 30h

AM06 Conception and Operation of Aerodrome – Master Plan


AM07 Airport Certifi cation and Safety Patrick DISSET DSAC/SUD 30h

AM08 Passenger and Freight Terminals Management Dominique CHAVANNE ADP-i 30h

AM09 Development of Extra-Aeronautical Airport Activities Christophe GIRARD Aéroports

de Lyon 30h

AM10 Team Management Anne Marie SCHAAL / Marc RAYNAL



AM11 Human Resource Management in airports Marc RAYNAL MR International 30h

AM12 Airport Financial Management Jean-François VERDIE/Jean Michel VERNHES

ESCT / Aéroport de

Toulouse Blagnac


AM13 Airport Operations and Service Quality Valérie SENENTZ Aéroports de Paris 60h

AM14 Ground Handling Michel RAGOT Consultant 34h

AM15 Communication and Crisis Management Martine DEL BONO BEA 30h

AM16 Airport Strategy Jean-François GUITARD

Aéroports de Nice 60h

Total 20 weeks 604h

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Spécialisé MS

MS Airport


Droit de l’Aviation Civile et du Transport Aérien


PresentationIntroduction to the Aircraft and the Air Transport System.

Pedagogical objectives:The student will acquire basic knowledge about the aircraft, fl ight techniques, and meteorological incidents, aircraft construction and current aspects that concern the economics of air transportation.

Content: • Air Transport System• Importance of aeronautical meteorology• Aircraft and fl ight principles• Air traffi c control• Aircraft performances• Aircraft manufacturing• Introduction to the airport environment• Introduction to regional aviation• The airlines in daily operation

Methods: • Lectures• Case study

Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:7 until 11 October 2013

Common with the MS-MTA, Air Transport Management

Lecturers:• Experts from

ENAC Air Transport Department and practicing professionals

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

Aircraft and Air Transport SystemAM01

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Spécialisé MS

Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:7 until 11 October 2013

Common with the MS-AM, Airport Management

Lecturers:• Experts from

ENAC Air Transport Department and practicing professionals

Chair:Pascal DUVAL

Academic reference: Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

MS Airport


Droit de l’Aviation Civile et du Transport Aérien

www.enac.fr 5

PresentationOverview of the principal actors and juridicial processes governing International and European Civil Aviation.

Pedagogical objectives:To discover who are the governing institutions and actors, plus the juridical structure of civil aviation.To be knowledgeable of the effects of community policy on air transport and its repercussions on the main actors.

Content: •ICAO: Chicago Convention: Sources and fundamental

rules of civil aviation laws• Regulation of the French civil aviation• French Airports: creation, status, decentralisation,

operating charges, ground handling, state aids.• International Airport.• EU Regulation, overview & applicability.• Protection of air passenger• Traffi c law, bilateral agreements, «OPEN SKIES» and

aircraft «Leasing» agreement• “Cape Town” Convention

Methods: • Lectures• Case study

International and European Civil Aviation Law

Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:14 until 18 October 2013

Common with the MS-MTA, Air Transport Management

Lecturers:• Experts from

the French Civil Aviation Authority and practicing professionals

Chair: M. Yves LAVIGNE, WAT– World Assets Transition

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)


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Spécialisé MS

MS Airport


Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:7 until 11 October 2013

Common with the MS-AM, Airport Management

Lecturers:• Experts from

ENAC Air Transport Department and practicing professionals

Chair:Pascal DUVAL

Academic reference: Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

Droit de l’Aviation Civile et du Transport Aérien


PresentationThe Air Transport Economics and Management module is to enable students to recognise key economic concepts and how they are used in the air transport business for decision making, in the short, medium or long term.

Pedagogical objectives:To appreciate the key economic factors of provision and demand for Air Transport, in relation to these theories.To recognise the cost and price structure of airports and airlines in activities such as pricing and revenue management and route economics.To understand how economic fundamentals have a strong infl uence on industry structure and profi tability.

Content: • Introduction to Air Transport Economics• Demand for Air Transport• Airline Planning and Organisation• Airline Cost Structures• Provision of fi nance• Airline Regulation• The trend towards Alliances and Consolidation• Introduction to Airline Marketing• Pricing and Revenue Management• International Economics and Aviation• Air Transport Forecasting• Cost benefi t analysis

Methods: • Lectures• Case study

Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:21 until 25 October 2013

Common with the MS-MTA, Air Transport Management

Lecturers:• Experts from

the French Civil Aviation Authority and practicing professionals

Chair: M. Louis THWAITES (University Concordia - Montréal)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

Air Transport Economics

and ManagementAM03

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Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:4 until 8 November 2013

Common with the MS-MTA, Air Transport Management

Lecturers:• Experts from

the French Civil Aviation Authority and practicing professionals

Chair: M. Matthieu GUALINO (ENAC)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationProtection of aircraft and airports against acts of unlawful interference.

Pedagogical objectives:Become aware of and sensitive to security problems specifi c to airlines and airports.

Content: • Legislative framework• Airport and airline company security management• Human Resource Management • Management of response to acts of unlawful

interference• Financial resource management• Material resource management • Quality Control management• Emergency plans; a counter to against acts of unlawful


Methods: • Lectures

Air Transport SecurityAM04

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Spécialisé MS

MS Airport



PresentationThe adaptation of air transport system to issues concerning sustainable development.

Pedagogical objectives:Focusing on sustainable development of air transport issues:In an international context, being aware of global policy about air transport sustainable development.Being able to identify the environmental impact of air transport activities.Being able to defi ne and put into practice appropriate solutions to control pollution due to air transport activities.

Content: • International Environmental Protection Policies in

context of Air Transport• Air Transport and Global Climate Change • Local Air Quality• Aircraft noise impact • Aircraft Eco-Effi ciency• Operative measures to Reducing Nuisances• Economic Instruments• Challenges of «alternative» fuels• Development and sustainable operation of an airline• Development and sustainable operation of an airport

Methods: • Lectures• Practical work• Case study

Sustainable DevelopmentAM05

Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:12 until 15 November 2013

Common with the MS-MTA, Transport Management

Lecturers:• Experts and


Chair: M. Didier VERGEZ (ENAC)

Academic reference:M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

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MS Airport


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Duration: 2 weeks (60 hours)

Dates:18 until 29 November 2013

Lecturers:• Experts from

the French civil aviation Authority and practicing professionals.


Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationIntegrating concerns of operating an aircraft safely within the conception of an aerodrome.

Pedagogical objectives:To acquire the knowledge of aeronautical notions of safety, accessibility and air traffi c operations.To identify different infrastructural means, systems and aero-nautical and radio-electric constraints on the airside.To be in a position to manage these infrastructures.To be able to conceive a Master Plan with the help of traffi c and capacity forecast.

Content: • Aircraft characteristics and performances: Runway

design and operations• Taxiways, Air Traffi c areas• Traffi c axes, movement areas• Aeronautical surface pavements• Access roads – Network – Building concept • Aeronautical meteorology• Traffi c Forecasts• Airport capacity• Airport ATM services • Listing of the operational safety policies • Ground Handling and safety practices• Work and task management• Master Plan and Zoning• Environmental Impact statements for aerodromes• Costs and maintenance

Methods: • Lectures• Practical work• Case study• Airport Visit

Conception and Operation of an Aerodrome – Master Plan


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Spécialisé MS

MS Airport


Droit de l’Aviation Civile et du Transport Aérien


Duration: 1 week (30 hours)


2 until

6 December 2013

Lecturers:• Experts from

French Civil Aviation Authority and practicing professionals

Chair: M. Patrick DISSET (DSAC/SUD)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationThis module presents theoretical aspects related to Safety and Airport Certifi cation

Pedagogical objectives:In this module the student will learn the basic concepts of safety in airport operations as well as the necessary procedures to obtain the “Airport ICAO Certifi cation”.The European and International regulatory context will be analysed and the management tools such as Safety Management System will be studied (SMS).

Content: • Safety concepts in terms of Accidents Analysis • International Policy and European Safety• Safety operations on the movement area• Management and Safety on the runway and apron

areas• Establishing a standard operating procedures (SOP)• Safety Management System (SMS) and feedback• Impact assessments on safety • Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS)• Wildlife Hazard Management Unit (WHM)• Aerodrome Emergency Plan (AEP) and Event• Notifi cation• Safety on worksites

Methods: • Lectures • Debate

Airport Certification and SafetyAM07

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MS Airport


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Duration: 1 week (30 hours)


9 until 13 December 2013

Lecturers:•Experts from

ENAC Air Transport Department and practicing professionals

Chair:M. Dominique CHAVANNE (ADP-i)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationIntroduction to the passengers and freight terminals, its conception, processes and evolution.

Pedagogical objectives:To understand the problems and issues of air passenger and freight terminals, taking into account the treatment of passen-gers, baggage and cargo.To develop creative solutions and designs in the conception of terminals.To sketch out the solutions for the future.

Content: • Panorama of world terminals• Concept of terminals• Effi cient & iconic terminals• Terminal planning• Schedule, cost & organisation of terminal project• Specifi c equipment in terminals• New terminal technologies• Terminal architecture• Sustainable terminals

Methods: • Lectures• Case study

Passengers and Freight Terminals Management


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Spécialisé MS

MS Airport



Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:16 until 20 December 2013

Lecturers:• Experts from

ENAC Air Transport Department and practicing professionals

Chair: Christophe GIRARD(Aéroports de Lyon)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationDeveloping extra aeronautical activities on platforms to fi nance airport development.

Pedagogical objectives:To become aware of the importance of extra aeronautical activities for the economy of the airport and the quality of passenger services.

Content: • Management of commercial activities and real states.• Development of commercial areas and advertisement• Car parks and public transport facilities• Food and Beverages• Car Rental Business

Methods: • Lectures• Case study

Development of Extra Aeronautical Airport Activities


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Duration: 1 weeks (30 hours)

Dates:6 to 10 January 2014

Lecturer:• Marc RAYNAL,

former Director HR of Airbus China, HR and talents task force coordina-tor (American Chamber of Commerce in France) and Expert of Toulouse Business School.

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationThe team manager’s role and management approaches in a cross-cultural environment.

Pedagogical objectives:To get to know one’s own defi nition of manager’s role, open up to others.To understand and perceive the business culture of others (EU, USA, Asia)To communicate in an adapted way with people of different cultures.To take into account the expectations from the future team members having a different culture and adapt the required profi le to the aspirations of the candidates.To anticipate and/or manage the communication problems caused by cross-cultural differences.

Content: • Perception of the role of leaders and managers• Basic knowledge of cultural differentiations and trans-

lation into business practices• Connection with participants’ own values at work• Ways of communicating with others in the most diffi -

cult situations for a manager.• Recruitment interviews in a cross cultural context• Performance appraisal interviews in a cross cultural


Methods: • Lectures• Interactive animation• Brainstorming• Simulations

Team ManagementAM10

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MS Airport



Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:13 until 17 January 2014

Lecturers:• Experts and

practicing professionals.

Chair:• Marc RAYNAL

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationThis module presents the current trends of Human Resource Management (HRM) and the airports environment specifi cities from the point of view of the Manager and the candidate.

Pedagogical objectives:To know the different career prospects on a airport.To give methods of effective people management (internal communication, training process, skills management, etc.)To understand the relation between “Social actors” and their impact on Air Transport System.To be able to prepare oneself to the process of integration in professional life according to geographical and cultural variations.

Content: •HRM systems: ADP “Aéroports de Paris” & Schiphol

Airport • Social and Societal responsibility• Real-time HRM in Airports• People management: internal communication, training

process, skills management and GPEC (Workforce, Competency Planning and Development approach)

• The “Social Actors and Partners” in Airports environment

• People management “dashboards” and their monitoring

• Internal and international mobility policy management• Jobs pertaining to the airport sector• Preparing and conducting an HR interview

Methods: • Lectures• Case study• Role play

Human Resource Managementin Airports


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Duration: 2 week (60 hours)

Dates:20 until 31 January 2014

Lecturers:• Practitioners from

DGAC and other institutions (ACI, Airports), Faculty from Toulouse Business School

Chair: M. Jean-Michel VERNHES (CEO, Toulouse-Blagnac Airport) M. Jean-François VERDIE, (Lecturer, TBS, Toulouse)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationIntroduction of the fi nancial aspects in aviation industry.

Pedagogical objectives:The key objective is to provide the students a set of concepts and tools to enable them to understand the economic and fi nancial aspects of airport management.

Content: • International economic situation of Airports.• Accounting and Taxation for Airports.• Airports Financial Statements Analysis.• Airports revenues and operating expenses: detailed

analysis of an Airport’s income statement.• Capital Budgeting in Airport Industry.• The Business Plan of an Airport.• Financing Airports: from private equity to structured

fi nance.• Management Accounting: Balanced Scorecards and

short-term management.

Methods: • Lectures• Case study

Airport Financial ManagementAM12

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MS Airport



PresentationOperating an airport platform in view of attaining a high level of customer satisfaction.

Pedagogical objectives:To understand the operating modes of the various stakeholders on airport platform.To know the organisational structure and relations between the different services and/or actors. To understand the main procedures, ensure the continuity of operations and meet the challenges of customer satisfaction.

Content: • Operation of passenger terminals• Relationship between Airports / Airlines• Principal axes of customer satisfaction• The airport security• Airfi eld Information System• The case of a regional airport • Performance and reliability of equipment• Resource Management• Police at border control in airport• International Operations• Customer Relationship• Collaborative Decision Making (CDM)• Terminal operations and passenger Flow Management

Methods: • Lectures• Airport visit • Case study

Airport Operation and Service QualityAM13

Duration: 2 week (60 hours)

Dates:3 until 14 February 2014

Lecturers:• Experts from

ENAC Air Transport Department and practicing professionals

Chair: Mme. Valérie SENENTZ(Aéroports de Paris)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

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MS Airport


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Duration: 1 week (30 hours)

Dates:17 until 21 February 2014

Common with the MS-MTA, Air Transport Management

Lecturers:• Experts and


Chair: M. Michel RAGOT (Consultant)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationIntroduction to the functions and activities of ground handlers.

Pedagogical objectives:To give students a complete knowledge of the services provided by ground handlers, its socio-economic issues, problems and relationship with the airport authorities.To understand the dimension of competition in this fi eld.

Content: • General information on ground handling• IATA documents, the contract support SGHA. (Standard

Ground Handling Agreement)• The ground cargo handling• Handling and safety aspects for stopover passengers• Socio-economic management of ground handlers• The fl ight track processing

Methods: • Lectures• Airport visit • Case study

Ground HandlingAM14

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Spécialisé MS

MS Airport



Communication and Crisis ManagementAM15

PresentationCommunication and crisis management.

Pedagogical objectives:Learn how to respond to a crisis linked to a major event involving stakeholders of the international aviation community. Students will focus on communication strategy to be developed in the fi rst hours and days following a major aircraft accident.

Content: • Introduction to crisis management• The role of the aircraft manufacturer• The airline company and the Family assistance Plan• Communication with the Victims’ Families • The Airport and the Crisis management plan• The media and the air crash• The Air safety investigation

Methods: • Lectures• Visit to a crisis management center• Case study

Duration: 1 weeks (30 hours)


3 until

7 March 2014

Common with the MS-MTA Air Transport Management

Lecturers:•Experts of the

Offi ce Bureau of Investigations and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA), practicing professionals and journalists

Chair:• Mme. Martine


Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

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Duration: 2 week (60 hours)

Dates:10 until 21 March 2014Some courses are common with the MS-MTA, Air Transport Management

Lecturers:• Experts and


Chair:M. Jean-François GUITARD(Aéroport de Nice)

Academic reference: M. Pascal DUVAL (ENAC)

PresentationThis module provides a strategic overview in the way airports are operated.

Pedagogical objectives:To identify the key success factors for an airport and acquire the methodology for the implementation of a strategic approach.

Content: • Strategic approach of a major airline company• Strategic approach of an airport• Marketing as the key development factor for an airport• CRM• Positioning of a regional platform• SNC Lavalin’s market position• Low Cost model• COHOR- allocation of slots• Airport evolutions: roles and changes at Brussels• Airport service quality• Future of cargo airports (Châteauroux case)• Business plan as the key factor for airport strategy• Relationship of the airports and its neighbourhood

Methods: • Lectures• Case study• Airport Visit

Airport StrategyAM16

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MS Airport



Professional Openings

Training given through the “Mastère Spécialisé” (MS) in Airport Management prepares students to hold the full range of positions of responsibility within airport management:

• Operations

• Marketing

• Management

• Finance

• Human resources.

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Generally, candidates for admission into a “Mastère Spécialisé” (MS) programme, must already hold a degree at the college entry level of [Bac + 5] or [Bac + 4 & 3 years of professional experience after Bac + 4].

However, it is possible to apply with a Bac + 4 level, despite having no professional experience, but the number of places for candidates in this (exceptional) category is very limited.

For the “Mastère Spécialisé” (MS) in Airport Management, the following are considered, among others:- Masters’ degree from an engineering or business school- Other university degree (Master 2, DESS, DEA or non-French MSc equivalents) in law, economics or business.

Particular consideration will be given to candidates who have completed work placements with airports, airlines, travel agents or aircraft construction companies

Note: A French BAC is comparable to a High School diploma. + 3 are the numbers of years of extra studies, usually a college

or university environment.

Conditions for admission











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Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation CivileDirection des Etudes

7 avenue Edouard BelinBP 54005

31055 Toulouse cedex 4Tél. + 33 (0) 5 62 17 40 00

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