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System Migration AssistantDeployment GuideVersion 6.0Updated: September 29, 2009

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Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in Appendix D, “Notices,” on page141.

Maintenance Edition (October 2009)

© Copyright Lenovo 2008, 2009.

LENOVO products, data, computer software, and services have been developed exclusively at private expense andare sold to governmental entities as commercial items as defined by 48 C.F.R. 2.101 with limited and restrictedrights to use, reproduction and disclosure.

LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If products, data, computer software, or services are deliveredpursuant a General Services Administration ″GSA″ contract, use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictionsset forth in Contract No. GS-35F-05925.

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Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Chapter 1. Introducing System MigrationAssistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1How SMA works . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Typical migration . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Custom Migration . . . . . . . . . . . 2

SMA components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2System requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Hardware requirements. . . . . . . . . . 3Operating systems supported . . . . . . . . 3

New features in SMA 6.0 . . . . . . . . . . 5Upgrading from previous releases . . . . . . . 5User account requirements. . . . . . . . . . 6Migrating multiuser profiles . . . . . . . . . 7Migration methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

PC to PC migration . . . . . . . . . . . 8File transfer migration . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 2. Firewall management . . . . 11Disabling the Windows Firewall . . . . . . . 11Disabling BlackICE PC Protection . . . . . . . 12Disabling McAfee Personal Firewall Plus . . . . 12Disabling Norton Personal Firewall . . . . . . 12Disabling Check Point Integrity Client . . . . . 13

Chapter 3. System Migration AssistantCustomization . . . . . . . . . . . 15Customizing the standard migration . . . . . . 15

Global options . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Show Page Options. . . . . . . . . . . 16Window Title Options . . . . . . . . . . 17Guidance Text Options . . . . . . . . . 17Splash Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Begin Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18TopOptions Page . . . . . . . . . . . 18Install Method Page . . . . . . . . . . 19Choice options . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Other options. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Chapter 4. Performing a migration inbatch mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Compatibility with SMA 4.x . . . . . . . . . 21Syntax of the smabat command. . . . . . . . 21Creating a command file . . . . . . . . . . 23

Commands that can be used in the command file 23File-migration commands. . . . . . . . . 30Printer migration . . . . . . . . . . . 34Examples of file-migration commands . . . . 36Creating a command file template . . . . . . 38

Applying a migration file in batch mode . . . . 39Migrating background local users in batch mode . . 39Migrating background domain users in batch mode 40

SMABAT return codes . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Chapter 5. Best practices . . . . . . . 43Scenario 1: Migrating a single user . . . . . . 43

Example of a config.ini file . . . . . . . . 45Example of a GUI_default_commands.xml file . . 48Example of a Capture.bat file . . . . . . . 50Example of an Apply.bat file. . . . . . . . 50

Scenario 2: Migrating a single domain user . . . . 50Example of the capture CD contents . . . . . 52Example of the apply CD contents. . . . . . 54

Scenario 3: Migrating multiple users in batch mode 56Example of a commands.xml file . . . . . . 58Examples of .bat files . . . . . . . . . . 61

Scenario 4: Migrating multiple users in batch mode 61Example of the capture CD contents . . . . . 64Example of the apply CD contents. . . . . . 67

Scenario 5: Migrating multiple users . . . . . . 73Example of a config.ini file . . . . . . . . 75Example of a GUI_default_commands .xml file 78Examples of .bat files . . . . . . . . . . 80

Scenario 6: Migrating multiple users . . . . . . 81Example of a commands .xml file . . . . . . 83Example of a Capture.bat file . . . . . . . 85Example of a config.ini file . . . . . . . . 85Example of a GUI_default_commands .xml file 88Example of an Apply.bat file. . . . . . . . 90

Chapter 6. Application settingsavailable for migration . . . . . . . . 91Migrating general application settings . . . . . 91Migrating additional application settings . . . . 108

Creating an application file . . . . . . . . 114Example of an application.XML file for AdobeReader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Appendix A. File and registryexclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . 129File and directory exclusions . . . . . . . . 129Registry exclusions . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Appendix B. Migration of user profilessupported in SMA 6.0 . . . . . . . . 131

Appendix C. Compatibility with earlierversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135Command file . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135Application file . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138Translation of application file . . . . . . . . 139

Appendix D. Notices . . . . . . . . 141Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

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Information presented in this guide supports ThinkVantage programs and does notsupport Lenovo 3000 technology. For information regarding Lenovo 3000technology, refer to the Lenovo Web site located at:http://www.lenovo.com/thinkvantage

This book provides information about installing and using ThinkVantage SystemMigration Assistant (SMA) 6.0.

This guide is intended for IT administrators, or those responsible for deployingnew computers throughout their organizations. SMA is a software tool system thatadministrators can use to migrate a user’s work environment from one computerto another.

There are two types of migration: custom and typical. A custom migration can berun either from the GUI or from a command line prompt. It requires advancedknowledge of the SMA, and is recommended for such users as IT administrators.A typical migration can be run from the graphic user interface (GUI). It is hiddenby default, and IT administrators can reveal the typical migration for all users bychanging the SMA configurations.

This deployment guide mainly describes the command line interface, and presentsuseful migration scenarios that are good examples for IT administrators in largeorganizations.

This deployment guide is developed for IT professionals and the unique challengesthat they encounter. If you have suggestions or comments, communicate with yourLenovo authorized representative. Periodically, these guides are updated, so checkthe following Web site for future publications:http://www.lenovo.com/thinkvantage

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Chapter 1. Introducing System Migration Assistant

System Migration Assistant (SMA) is a software tool with which you can migrate awork environment such as the following:v Operating system preferences, such as desktop and network connectivity settingsv Files and foldersv Customized application settings, such as bookmarks in a Web browser or editing

preferences in Microsoft® Wordv User accounts

System administrators can use SMA either to set up a standard work environmentfor a company or to upgrade an individual user’s computer. Individual users canuse SMA to either back up a computer or to migrate settings and files from onecomputer system to another—for example, from a desktop computer to a mobilecomputer.

How SMA worksSMA begins by taking a snapshot of the work environment of a computer. It thenuses the snapshot as a blueprint and duplicates the work environment on anothercomputer. The computer that SMA takes a snapshot of is the source computer. Thecomputer on which the snapshot is duplicated is the target computer. The sourceand target computers can be in different physical locations and even in differenttime zones.

SMA migrates the work environment of one computer to another computer inthree phases: the capture phase for all users, the apply phase for the user logged onto the computer as a local administrator, and the delayed apply phase for local ordomain users who are not logged on during the initial apply phase.

There are two possible migration methods: custom and typical migration. Thetypical migration automatically selects recommended settings and files formigration. The custom migration provides a user interface for selecting ordeselecting migration settings. Custom migration is recommended for advancedusers. All migration options are available including the creation of a migration fileand the ability to begin the migration from the source computer.

By default, the typical migration is hidden on the SMA GUI, and can be activatedby configuring the config.ini file. For more information on configuring config.inifile, see Table 3 on page 15.

Typical migrationIn the capture phase of a typical migration for a single user, the following items arecopied from the source computer:v Desktop settingsv Printer settingsv Network settingsv Application settingsv Files and folders

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These settings and files are transferred directly to the target computer during aPC-to-PC migration.

During the apply phase, SMA applies captured settings and files to the targetcomputer.

Custom MigrationIn the capture phase of a custom migration for a user logged on as an administratorand other background users not logged at the time of migration, the followingitems can be selected and copied from the source computer:v Desktop settingsv Printer settingsv Network settingsv Application settingsv Files and directoriesv User profiles for background users

These settings and files are either stored in an SMA migration file or transferreddirectly to the target computer during a PC-to-PC migration.

During the apply phase of a custom migration for a user logged on as anadministrator and other background users not logged at the time of migration,SMA performs two tasks:v The migration file is applied to the administrator user of the target computer.

You can apply the entire migration file, or you can specify the components ofthe migration file that you want to apply.

v The delayed apply tasks are prepared for other users.

When other background users log on to the computer for the first time, the settingsfor their profiles are applied automatically.

SMA componentsSMA has the following components:1. Executable components:

sma.exeA GUI executable file that captures settings and files from a sourcecomputer and copies them to a migration file. This executable file alsoapplies the migration file to a target computer.

smabat.exeAn executable file that provides a command-line interface for use inbatch mode.

2. DLL libraries:v SMA 5 DLLv System plug-in DLLsv Capture/Apply plug-in DLLs

3. Control files:

GUI_default_commands.XMLA command file used to drive the capture and apply process.

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config.iniA configuration file used to customize SMA.EXE.

<Application name>.xmlAn application file used to define how to capture and apply aapplication by SMA.

System requirementsThis section presents information about the requirements for hardware and useraccounts, and the operating systems supported. It also presents scenarios formigrations.

Hardware requirementsThe source computer must meet the following conditions:v The hard disk drive must have 60 MB of free space for the SMA installation

files.v There must be free hard disk space required for the temporary files that are

created during the capture phase. The size of the temporary files depends on thesize of the files that are being migrated.

The target computer must meet the following conditions:v The hard disk drive must have 60 MB of free space for the SMA installation

files.v There must be free hard disk space required for the temporary files that are

created during the apply phase. The size of the temporary files depends on thesize of the files that are being migrated.

v The target computer must be able to access the SMA migration files. You can usea local area network (LAN), a removable medium (such as a USB removablestorage device), or an Ethernet crossover cable.

v For a PC-to-PC migration, the target computer must have free space on the harddisk equal to the total size of the migration files.

Operating systems supportedYou can install SMA 6.0 on any of the following operating systems:v Microsoft Windows® 2000 Professionalv Windows XP Homev Windows XP Professionalv Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005v Windows Vista® Home Basic 32-bit and 64-bitv Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit and 64-bitv Windows Vista Business 32-bit and 64-bitv Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit and 64-bitv Windows 7 Home Basic 32-bitv Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit and 64-bitv Windows 7 Professional 32-bit and 64-bitv Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit and 64-bitv Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit and 64-bit

Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home, and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition2005 are all sometimes referred to as Windows XP; all versions of Windows Vista

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are referred to as Windows Vista; all versions of Windows 7 are referred to asWindows 7 unless a distinction must be made.

Note: Migration of user profiles is supported on Windows 2000 Professional,Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

Supported migration scenariosSMA can migrate a user’s work environment within and across operating systems.Table 1 shows valid migration scenarios for each operating system. Yes indicatesvalid migration scenarios; No indicates invalid migration scenarios.

Table 1. Introducing SMA: Supported migration scenarios

Operatingsystemrunning onthe sourcecomputer

Operating system running on the target computer




























































































Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

WindowsXP Home

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

WindowsXP TabletPC Edition2005

No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

WindowsVista HomeBasic

No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

WindowsVista HomePremium

No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes


No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes


No No No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes

Windows 7Home Basic

No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Windows 7HomePremium

No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Windows 7Professional

No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes

Windows 7Enterprise

No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes

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Table 1. Introducing SMA: Supported migration scenarios (continued)

Operatingsystemrunning onthe sourcecomputer

Operating system running on the target computer



























































































Windows 7Ultimate

No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes


1. You can migrate your work environment from a 32-bit operating system to a64-bit operating system. However, you cannot migrate your work environmentfrom a 64-bit operating system to a 32-bit operating system.

2. The source and target computers must run the same language version ofWindows.

New features in SMA 6.0SMA 6.0 has the following new features and improvements:v Supports the Microsoft Windows 7 operating systems:

– Windows 7 Home Basic 32-bit– Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit and 64-bit– Windows 7 Professional 32-bit and 64-bit– Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit and 64-bit– Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit and 64-bit

v Supports the following applications:– Adobe Illustrator CS4– Adobe Photoshop CS4– AOL Instant Messenger 7.0– Apple iTunes 8.1– Firefox 3.5– Google Picasa 3.1– Internet Explorer® 8– Lotus Notes® 8.5– Microsoft Windows Media® Player 12– Skype 4.0

v Supports new versions of the ThinkVantage Technologies applications:– Access Connections 5.4– Password Manager for Client Security Solution 8.3– Rescue and Recovery® 4.3

Upgrading from previous releasesYou can upgrade to SMA 6.0 from SMA 5.x. You do not have to uninstall theearlier version of SMA before installing SMA 6.0.

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The data format of an SMA 6.0 or 5.x migration file is not compatible with SMA4.x or earlier versions. An SMA profile that is captured by SMA 4.x cannot beapplied by SMA 6.0 or 5.x, and vice versa.

An SMA 5.x migration file can be applied by SMA 6.0; however, an SMA 6.0migration file can not be applied by SMA 5.x.

User account requirementsTo migrate all settings supported by SMA, log on to an account withadministrative privileges on both source and target computers. For moreinformation on user account requirements, see Appendix B, “Migration of userprofiles supported in SMA 6.0,” on page 131.

Table 2 shows the types of migration possible and the settings that can be migratedfor each type of user accounts.

Table 2. Valid types of migration and settings to be migrated for each type of user accounts

Type of useraccount on both

source andtarget computers

Type of migration Settings


PC to PCmigration System settings


Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes

Power user No Yes Yes1 Yes

Standard User No Yes No Yes

Limited user No No No Yes

1The following Network settings cannot be migrated by a user logged on to apower user account:v TCP/IP Configurationv Network Identificationv Shared Folders and Drives

A user logged on as power user in Windows Vista or Windows 7 cannot migratethe file in the user profile folder and the HKLM registration file.

To migrate profiles of multiple users simultaneously or system settings, log on toan account with administrative privileges on both source and target computers. Forthe detailed description of multiuser migration, see “Migrating multiuser profiles”on page 7.

To perform PC to PC migration you may log on to an account with eitheradministrative or power users privileges.

To migrate personal settings, such as Desktop settings, or files in the user profilepath—for example, C:\Documents and Settings\username, you can log on to anaccount with limited user privileges.

At the delayed apply phase, the user whose profile is being migrated may belogged on to the target computer using a local administrator account, a locallimited user account, or a domain client user account.

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Migrating multiuser profilesThree kinds of user accounts are involved in multiuser migration:1. Foreground logon user

A user who is logged on to the computer during the migration. This user musthave administrative privileges. SMA must be launched from this user account.This user name appears as one of the Local Users in the GUI User Profilespanel; its check box is always selected and cannot be cleared.

2. Background local usersUser accounts in the local computer, which are not currently logged on to thelocal computer. They can be generic user privilege accounts.These users are listed as Local Users in the GUI User Profiles panel.

3. Background domain usersUser accounts in the network domain, which are not currently logged on to thedomain. The domain controller controls their account information, and the localclient PC owns their profile information.These users are listed as Network Users in the GUI User Profiles panel of thelocal computer and as Local Users in the GUI User Profiles panel in the domaincontroller, if the local policy of the controller PC allows users to log on to thecontroller PC locally.

For information on how to migrate a foreground logon user who is logged on toboth source and target computers, see the ThinkVantage System Migration Assistant6.0 User’s Guide.

For information on how to migrate background local users in batch mode, see“Migrating background local users in batch mode” on page 39.

For information on how to migrate background domain users in batch mode, see“Migrating background domain users in batch mode” on page 40.

The following restrictions apply to the migration of multiuser profiles:v If the logon user names of on the source computer and target computers do not

match, the settings for the background user are not migrated. Only the settingsfor the logon user are migrated.

v To apply the settings, the domain controller must be visible over the network.For a lookup, a domain user must be found in the PDC.

v Crossover cable can be used for PC to PC migration of local users, but not formigration of domain users.

v To apply domain user profiles, you must first migrate the network domainsettings. For more information about migrating network domain settings, seeThinkVantage System Migration Assistant 6.0 User’s Guide.

v If you are migrating some but not all settings of a domain user profile, youshould not select a roaming user profile. If you do, all settings will be migratedby default, and your selections will be overridden.

v If you are migrating background users whose account names use Double ByteCharacter Set (DBCS) characters, the logon passwords for the newly created useraccounts at the target computer are set to Passw0rd and are case-sensitive.

Note: The migration file must be placed on the local hard disk drive of the targetcomputer. Otherwise the settings for the background local users or the backgrounddomain users cannot be applied successfully in the delayed apply phase. If the

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migration file is on the network drive or on a removable media drive, SMA maybe unable to find it, because such drives may not be ready to use right after theuser logs on to the computer.

Migration methodsYou can migrate by directly connecting source and target computers over a LAN orby an Ethernet cable, or by use of a removable storage device.

PC to PC migrationYou can use a PC-to-PC migration to migrate a work environment directly fromthe source computer to the target computer. PC-to-PC migration is useful when thesource computer does not have enough disk drive space to save the SMAmigration file.

Setting up a PC to PC connectionTo perform a PC to PC migration, both the source computer and the targetcomputer must have a network interface card (NIC). The TCP/IP protocol must beenabled, and both computers must be nodes in the same LAN.

An Ethernet cable enables you to establish a network connection between thesource and target computers by the following means:


v Directly using a crossover cable: A crossover cable creates a network connectionbetween two computers by enabling the network interface card (NIC) adaptersto connect together in such a manner that the transmit pair from one adaptertransmits to the receive pair of the other adapter. This necessary crossover isaccomplished through the cable.

v Directly using straight-through cable: Some computer models are able to createa network connection using a normal Ethernet cable because the necessarycrossover can be accomplished through an updated network interface card (NIC)adapter that supports internal crossovers. This internal crossover enables thecomputers to establish a direct connection without the need of a network or acrossover cable. Make sure that the IP addresses of both computers specify thesame network. On Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows7, the IP addresses are issued automatically.


v Indirectly using a Local Area Network (LAN): A LAN creates a networkconnection by acting as the bridge between the various computers. The networkenables the computers to establish a direct connection without the need of acrossover cable.

You can use an Ethernet connection to migrate your data and settings directly tothe target computer. However, a small removable memory device, such as amemory key, might still be needed to install the System Migration Assistantapplication onto the source computer.

Determining connectivityComplete the following procedure to determine whether a connection is possiblebetween the source and target computers using the current configuration:1. On the source computer, complete the following procedure:

a. Click Start → Run, and type cmd.

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b. At the command prompt, type IPCONFIG and press Enter. This displays thecurrent IP address of the computer.

c. Record the IP address of the computer.2. Repeat the above procedure on the target computer.3. At the command prompt on the source computer, type PING xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

(where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the target computer).4. Verify that the source computer receives a reply from the target computer and

not a Request timed out.5. At the command prompt on the target computer, type PING xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

(where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the source computer).6. Verify that the target computer receives a reply from the source computer and

not a Request timed out.

If the above procedure is successful, then the two computers can communicatesuccessfully over the network. If the procedure is unsuccessful, verify that allfirewalls have been temporarily turned off or configured to allow SMA to make anetwork connection. For information about managing the firewall, see Chapter 2,“Firewall management,” on page 11.

File transfer migrationFile transfer migration enables you to perform a migration without establishing thenetwork connection. You will need a removable media, such as USB hard diskdrive with enough free space on it to save a migration file. File transfer migrationis useful when the source computer and the target computer are in differentlocations and a network connection between them cannot be established.

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Chapter 2. Firewall management

When the System Migration Assistant (SMA) attempts to perform a PC-to-PCmigration, a network connection must be established between the source and targetcomputers. Firewall applications are security systems that regulate networkconnections between computers. In order for SMA to establish a connection, anyfirewall software on the computers must be either disabled or configured to allowSMA network access.


1. If you are experiencing problems establishing a PC-to-PC connection, a firewallapplication might be blocking the connections. Disabling firewalls might solvethe issue. Read this section for information about disabling firewallapplications.

2. If you are using VPN connections (such as AT&T Network Client, etc), failingto disable the firewalls on both source and target computers may disable thedelay migration function.

Perform one of the following actions to allow the source and target computers toestablish a network connection:

Disable the firewallBy turning off the firewall, the computers can accept a network connection.Typically, the firewall can be turned off by opening the firewall’s utilitypanel and selecting either Off or Disabled. Both computers must have theirfirewalls disabled.

Configure the firewall to allow SMA accessA firewall application keeps a list of approved applications for which thefirewall will accept an incoming network connection. By adding SMA tothis list, the computer can accept the network connection from the othercomputer. Both the source and target computers must have SMA added totheir approved application list. Refer to the specific firewall application’sdocumentation for instructions about adding applications to the approvedapplication list. For information about configuring Windows Firewall, referto the Microsoft Windows Help.

The following procedures are examples of how to disable some popular firewallapplications.

Note: These procedures are only examples of how to disable the firewallapplications. For complete instructions, refer to the documentation of your firewallapplication.

Disabling the Windows FirewallThe following procedure is an example of how to disable the Windows firewallapplication. Actual procedures might vary. For more specific procedures, refer tothe Microsoft Windows documentation.1. Log on to Windows using a user that is a member of the Administrators group.2. Open the Network Connections folder, right-click the desired connection, and

select Properties.

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3. Select the Advanced tab.4. Click Settings for Windows Firewall.5. Click Off (not recommended).

Disabling BlackICE PC ProtectionThe following procedure is an example of how to disable the BlackICE(TM) PCProtection firewall application. Actual procedures might vary based on the versionof the application installed on your computer. For more specific procedures, referto the BlackICE(TM) PC Protection documentation.1. Right-click the BlackICE icon in the system tray.2. Select Stop BlackICE Engine. BlackICE stops monitoring incoming traffic and a

red diagonal line appears over the BlackICE icon.3. Right-click the BlackICE icon again.4. Select Stop BlackICE Application Protection. BlackICE stops monitoring the

system for unauthorized applications and applications connecting to thenetwork.

Disabling McAfee Personal Firewall PlusThe following procedure is an example of how to disable the McAfee PersonalFirewall Plus firewall application. Actual procedures might vary based on theversion of the application installed on your computer. For more specificprocedures, refer to the McAfee Personal Firewall Plus documentation.1. Double-click the McAfee SecurityCenter icon in the system tray. The McAfee

SecurityCenter opens.2. On the left side of the window, click Personal firewall plus.3. On the top-right side of the window, click Disable personal firewall plus. An

alert window opens4. Click Yes.

Note: You can also disable the McAfee Personal Firewall Plus application byright-clicking on the McAfee SecurityCenter icon in the system tray and selectingPersonal Firewall > Disable.

Disabling Norton Personal FirewallThe following procedure is an example of how to disable the Norton PersonalFirewall application. Actual procedures might vary based on the version of theapplication installed on your computer. For more specific procedures, refer to theNorton Personal Firewall documentation.1. Double-click the Norton Internet Security icon in the system tray.2. On the left side of the window, click Norton Internet Security and click Status

& Settings.3. On the right side of the window, click Personal Firewall, then Turn Off. The

Protection Alert window opens.4. Click OK.

Note: You can also disable the Norton Personal Firewall application byright-clicking on the Norton Internet Security icon in the system tray and selectingDisable Norton Internet Security.

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Disabling Check Point Integrity ClientThe following procedure is an example of how to disable the Check Point IntegrityClient firewall application. Actual procedures might vary based on the version ofthe application installed on your computer. For more specific procedures, refer tothe Check Point Integrity Client documentation.1. Double-click the Check Point Integrity Client icon in the system tray.2. On the left side of the screen, click Firewall.3. On the right side of the window, set Internet Zone Security to Low.

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Chapter 3. System Migration Assistant Customization

This chapter describes the customization options available for the SystemMigration Assistant Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Customizing the standard migration

Global optionsTable 3 presents information about the settings of the Global options.

Table 3. Config.ini file: Global options settings

Variable Values What it does

Import_Command_File Fully qualified filename

Specifies the name and path of the command fileused for capture. All the default selections in thesource computer, except the password protectionsetting, can be customized in the command file. Toprotect the migration file with a password bydefault, set Enable_Password_protection to Yes.

Import_Command_File_For_Apply Fully qualified filename

Specifies the name and path of the command fileused for apply. All the default selections, exceptthe password protection setting, can be customizedin the command file.

Export_Command_File Fully qualified filename

Specifies the name and path of the command fileto be generated. It is set to (installdirectory)\commands.xml

Just_Create_Command_File Yes or No Specifies whether a migration file is to be created.To create a command file template withoutcreating a migration file, setJust_Create_Command_File to Yes. The commandfile will then be generated as specified byExport_Command_File.

Enable_4GFat32_warning Yes or No To warn the user that a migration file cannot bewritten to a FAT32 partition if the migration file islarger than 4 GB, set this variable to Yes.

Preprocess_Executable Fully qualified filename

Specifies the name and path of the executable filewith options. The executable can be run aspreprocess before SMA starts.

Begin_Page_Show_Page Yes or No To reveal the page for selecting from typicalmigration and custom migration, set this variableto Yes.

Show_Previous_File_Selection_Dialog Yes or No To prompt the user to pick up a previouslyselected file, set this variable to Yes.

Show_P2P_Messagebox Yes or No To prompt the user to type the P2P keyword onsource computer, set this variable to Yes.

Show_File_Dialog Yes or No To prompt user to specify the migration filelocation, set this variable to Yes

Show_Start_Processing_Dialog Yes or No To prompt the user to start the process of creatingor applying the settings from the SMA migrationfile, set this variable to Yes.

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Table 3. Config.ini file: Global options settings (continued)

Variable Values What it does

Show_Reboot_Dialog Yes or No To prompt the user to restart the machine, set thisvariable to Yes.

Show_All_Progressbar_Dialogs Yes or No To display dialogs to user during processing inprogress, set this variable to Yes.

Show_All_Warning_Dialogs Yes or No To show all warning messages to the user, set thisvariable to Yes.

Enable_Password_Protection Yes or No To make the check box for password option active,set this variable to Yes. This option applies only tothe source computer.

ATTFW_Auto_Disabled Yes or No To disable the AT&T Net firewall automatically, setthis variable to Yes.

Show Page OptionsThe Show/Not Show Window Options section contains the following variable:SpecificPage_Page_Show_Page

where SpecificPage is one of the following:v Splashv Welcomev Beginv TopOptionsv MigOptionsv Profilesv Desktopv Applicationsv Networkv Printersv Selectionv AutoManualv P2P_Logonv P2P_Auto_SRCv P2P_Manual_TGTv P2P_Manual_SRCv P2P_SourceIniv P2P_Keywordv Receive_Datav Logv SummaryTypical

Note: The Begin page is the Which computer are you using? window. TheTopOptions page is the Select a migration type window. The “AutoManual page isthe Install System Migration Assistant window. The pages with P2P_ are theEstablishing a connection windows.

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If you don’t want the window to open when you run SMA, set this variable to No.Otherwise, set it to Yes or leave it unspecified. When a window is not displayed,SMA captures or applies the default settings specified in the imported commandfile.

Window Title OptionsThe Window Title Options section contains the following variable:SpecificPage_Page__Title

where SpecificPage is one of the following:v Welcomev Beginv TopOptionsv MigOptionsv Profilesv Desktopv Applicationsv Networkv Printersv Selectionv AutoManualv P2P_Logonv P2P_Auto_SRCv P2P_Manual_TGTv P2P_Manual_SRCv P2P_SourceIniv P2P_Keywordv Receive_Datav Logv SummaryTypical

Note: The Begin page is the Which computer are you using? window. TheTopOptions page is the Select a migration type window. The AutoManual” page isthe Install System Migration Assistant window. The pages with P2P_ is theEstablishing a connection windows.

This variable specifies the alternative text that will be displayed as a page title.

Guidance Text OptionsThe Guidance Text Options section contains the following variable:SpecificPagePage_Guidance_Text

where SpecificPage is one of the following:v Welcomev Beginv TopOptionsv MigOptionsv Profiles

Chapter 3. System Migration Assistant Customization 17

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v Desktopv Applicationsv Networkv Printersv Selectionv AutoManualv P2P_Logonv P2P_Auto_SRCv P2P_Manual_TGTv P2P_Manual_SRCv P2P_SourceIniv P2P_Keywordv Receive_Datav Logv SummaryTypical


The Begin page is the Which computer are you using? window. The TopOptions pageis the Select a migration type window. The AutoManual” page is the Install SystemMigration Assistant window. The pages with P2P_ is the Establishing a connectionwindows.

This variable specifies the alternative text that will be displayed as the guidancetext.

Splash PageSplash Page section contains the following variable:v Splash_Page_Display_Time

This variable specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the splash screen isdisplayed. By default, Splash_Page_Display_Time is set to 2.

Begin PageThe Begin Page section contains the following variable:Begine_Page_Choice_Type

This variable specifies the migration type, either Typical or Custom.

TopOptions PageTopOptions Page section contains the following variables:v TopOptions_Page_Choice_Modev TopOptions_Page_Choice_TransferModev TopOptions_Page_Target_Initiated_Migration

TopOptions_Page_Choice_Mode specifies the migration mode. If this is the PC youwant to move to, set Target. If this is the PC you want to move from, set Source.

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TopOptions_Page_Choice_TransferMode specifies the way to migrate. To sendcaptured files and settings directly to the target computer, set it to P2P. To copyfiles and settings by use of a removable storage device, set it to FileTransfer.

TopOptions_Page_Target_Initiated_Migration specifies the Target Initiatedmigration. This variable is effective only when TopOptions_Page_Choice_Mode isTarget and TopOptions_Page_Choice_TransferMode is P2P. If you set this variableto Yes, you can choose target initiated migration.

Install Method PageThe Install Method Page section contains the following variable:InstallMethod_Page_Choice_Method

Select Auto for network installation or Manual to copy the install to removablemedia.

Choice optionsThis section provides information about variables that contain the following string:_Choice

These variables are in the Migration Options Page, Desktop Page, and NetworkPage sections of the config.ini file. They control whether check boxes are displayedor hidden, active or not available, or selected by default.

ValuesEach such variable takes the following value:OptionDisplay, OptionActive, OptionSelected

wherev OptionDisplay is one of the following values:

– HIDE hides the check box.– DISPLAY displays the check box.

v OptionActive is one of the following values:– ENABLED specifies that the check box is active.– DISABLED specifies that the check box is not available.

If OptionDisplay is set to HIDE, SMA ignores this variable.v OptionSelected is one of the following values:

– CHECKED specifies that the radio button or the check box is selected bydefault.

– UNCHECKED specifies that the radio button or check box is cleared bydefault.

OptionSelected is available only for the Migration Options page section.

ExamplesConsider the following examples:v The Colors check box on the Desktop Settings page is displayed, but the user

cannot clear the check box.Desktop_Page_Choice_Colors = Display, Disabled

v The Files and Folders check box on the Migration Options page is displayed,and the check box is cleared but cannot be selected.Options_Page_Choice_Files = Display, Disabled, Unchecked

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v The Task Bar check box is not displayed on the Desktop settings page. However,if the task bar settings are selected by default, they are selected and capturedautomatically .Desktop_Page_Choice_ Task_Bar = Hide, Checked.

v The Printers check box is not displayed on the Options page. However, it isselected and captured automatically.Options_Page_Choice_Printers = Hide, Checked.

Other optionsTable 4 presents information about additional variables in the config.ini file.

Table 4. Config.ini file: Other options

Variable Value What it does

Applications_Page_Show_Registry_Button Yes or No Specifies whether the registry button is to bedisplayed on the Application Settingswindow. The default is No.

Profiles_Page_Show_GlobalPassword_Dialog Yes or No To prompt the user to set a new password forall user profiles to migrate, set this variable toYes. The default value is No. This optionapplies only to the target computer.

Selection_Page_File_Quota Number (MB) Specifies the maximum amount ofuncompressed data (in MB) that can becaptured.

Selection_Page_File_Warning_Message A text string Specifies an alternative warning message thatis displayed when the user selects files withcertain extensions.

Selection_Page_Warning_Extensions File extensions Specifies file extensions that will cause awarning message to be issued when the userselects files with such extensions.

You must specify each extension on a separateline—for example:


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Chapter 4. Performing a migration in batch mode

This chapter presents information about performing a migration in batch mode.

ImportantBe sure to close all applications before you start the migration.

You can use GUI or batch mode migration interchangeably. File migrationfunctions the same in both modes; the difference is that in batch mode you selectfiles and folders by including and excluding characteristics.

The migration files produced in the GUI and batch mode are the same. If youcreate a migration file in batch mode, you can open it and examine the contents byuse of the user interface. You can also use the GUI to create a command-filetemplate, although you must add file migration criteria manually.


1. The following migration files will be created at the specified directoryv *.sma : Base migration filev *.sma.DriveC : Migration files for Drive C:v *.sma.DriveX : Migration files for Drive X: (in case user selects migrating

files in drive X)2. Do not select the d:\_SMA directory, where d: is the drive on which SMA has

been installed. This directory is a temporary folder used by SMA.

Compatibility with SMA 4.xSMA 6.0 and SMA 5.x use XML technology to describe the data captured formigration. The command file has been changed to the XML file format. However,for compatibility with version 4.2, SMA 6.0 and 5.x have been designed to handleearlier command file formats as well. For detailed information about thecompatibility of the two versions, refer to Appendix C, “Compatibility with earlierversions,” on page 135.

Syntax of the smabat commandThe SMA executable file is smabat.exe. It is started from the command prompt. Ifyou installed SMA in the default location, it is in the d:\ProgramFiles\ThinkVantage\SMA directory, where d is the drive letter of the hard diskdrive.

The syntax of the smabat command is as follows:smabat /c :cmdfile [/n smafile] | /a [cmdfile] /n smafile [options]


1. If a fully qualified file name includes any spaces, as in c:\ProgramFiles\ThinkVantage\SMA\Commandfile.xml, you must enclose the file name inquotation marks, as follows: "c:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\Commandfile.xml"

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2. Specified smabat commands override the settings in the command file. Forexample, if you specify the location of a log file in the command file, thatspecification is always overridden by the command /o logfile.

3. In order to show the smabat command syntax help on Windows Vista, youneed to open the command prompt with the Run as Administrator option.

The primary parameters of the SMABAT command are described in Table 5.

Table 5. Primary SMABAT parameters

Function Syntax What it does

Capture /c cmdfile /n smafile


v cmdfile is the fully qualified file name of the commandfile.

v /n smafile is an optional parameter that specifies analternative migration file, and smafile is the fullyqualified name of the migration file.

Captures the files and settingsspecified in the command file, andcreates a migration file. By default,the migration file is written to thedirectory that is specified in thecommand file. If you wish, you canwrite the migration file to someother directory.

Apply /a cmdfile /n smafile


v cmdfile is an optional parameter that specifies acommand file.

v smafile is the fully qualified name of the migration file.

Applies the files and settingsspecified in the migration file. Youcan also choose to run a commandfile against the migration file beforeit is applied to the target computer.

Log file /o logfile

where logfile is the fully qualified file name of the log file.

Specifies the location of the log file.


/t tmpdir

where tmpdir is the fully qualified name of the temporarySMA directory.

Specifies the location of thetemporary SMA directory.

Password /p smapwd

where smapwd is one of the following values:

v The password used to password-protect a migrationfile during the capture phase

v The password used to access a password-protectedmigration file during the apply phase

Each password must meet the following criteria:

v It must contain from 6 characters to 16 characters.

v Neither the first nor the last one may be a numeral.

v It must have no two consecutive identical characters.

Specifies the password for an SMAmigration file.

Apply by PC toPC migration

/a /p2p keyword /n smafile


v keyword is used to establish PC-to-PC connection.

v smafile is used to specify the migration file to be saved;it is the fully qualified name of the migration file.

Optional command used to apply thefiles and settings by PC-to-PCmigration. smafile is used to save thereceived migration file.

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Creating a command fileDuring the capture phase, smabat.exe reads the contents of the command file andcreates a migration file. This section explains command files and the statementsthey can contain.

SMA provides an example of a command file, GUI_default_commands.xml, thatyou can use as a template to create a customized command file. If you installedSMA in the default location, this file is in the d:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA directory, where d is the drive letter of the hard disk drive.

Note: SMA 6.0 uses XML technology to describe the commands in the commandfile. SMA 6.0 is designed to handle the command files of version 4.2. If you wantto use an older command file, and need detailed information about thecompatibility of versions 6.0 and 5.2, see Appendix C, “Compatibility with earlierversions,” on page 135.

Consider the following points concerning SMA 6.0 command files:v They use the syntax of XML version 1.0.v The command file is case-sensitive.v Each command and parameter section must start with <TagName> and end with

</TagName>, and its value must be specified between those tags.v Syntax errors might cause an error when you run SMA. If SMA encounters an

error, it writes an error message to the log file and continues the operation. If theerror is severe, the end results might be flawed.

Commands that can be used in the command fileTable 6 presents information about the commands that can be used in a commandfile, except for those related to file migration or the registry.

Windows Environment Variables can be used to specify a specific folder and itssubfolders for the current logon user, such as %windir%, %USERPROFILE%, or%ProgramFiles%.

Table 6. Commands that can be used in the command file

Command Parameters Parameter values and examples

<Password> <PlainPassword> To encrypt the migration file with a password, set<PlainPassword> to an alphanumeric string,containing from 6 to 16 characters.

If you issue the /p parameter from the commandline prompt with smabat.exe, the password youspecify overwrites any password set in the commandfile.

In a PC-to-PC migration, a password option willwork only if you set it to create the SMA migrationfile.

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Table 6. Commands that can be used in the command file (continued)

Command Parameters Parameter values and examples

<TransferMode> <mode> To perform a PC-to-PC migration, set the parameterto P2P. Otherwise, leave it unspecified.

For example:

To migrate via a PC-to-PC connection



To migrate by migration file:



<P2P> <connection_id> To establish a PC-to-PC connection between thesource computer and the target computer, specify analphanumeric string.

For example:



<FilesAndFolders> <run> To enable File-migration commands, set thisparameter to True. Otherwise set it to False or leaveit unspecified.

<ArchiveFile> <filename> To specify the path and file name of the migrationfile, set <filename> to the path and file name of themigration file.

For example:



You can also specify the location of the migration fileby using the following notation:

\\my computer\temp\MyData.sma

In default, the migration files include the followingfiles:

v *.sma :

Base migration file

v *.sma.DriveC :

Migration files for Drive C:

v *.sma.DriveX :

Migration files for Drive X: (in the event that theuser selects some migrating files in drive X)

To have the same migration file format as SMA5.0 orSMA5.1, refer to the quick_zip_mode option in theMISC section in this table.

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Table 6. Commands that can be used in the command file (continued)

Command Parameters Parameter values and examples

<Desktop> v <desktop_settings>

v <accessibility>

v <active_desktop>

v <colors>

v <desktop_icons>

v <display>

v <icon_metrics>

v <keyboard>

v <mouse>

v <pattern>

v <screen_saver>

v <sendto_menu>

v <shell>

v <sound>

v <start_menu>

v <taskbar>

v <time.zone>

v <wallpaper>

v <window_metrics>

To select a desktop setting, set this parameter toTrue. Otherwise set it to False or leave it unspecified.

For example:



<Network> v <ip_subnet_gateway_configuration>

v <dns_configuration>

v <wins_configuration>

v <computer_name>

v <computer_description>

v <domain_workgroup>

v <mapped_drives>

v <dialup_networking>

v <microsoft_networking>

v <odbc_datasources>

To select a network setting, set this parameter toTrue. Otherwise set it to False or leave it unspecified.

For example:



<Applications> <Application>

For a list of the applicationssupported, see Chapter 6,“Application settings available formigration,” on page 91.

To capture or apply the application settingssupported, specify the application name as aparameter in the command file.

For example:

<Applications><Application>Lotus Notes</Application><Application>Microsoft Office</Application>





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Table 6. Commands that can be used in the command file (continued)

Command Parameters Parameter values and examples

<IncUsers> <UserName> To capture all user profiles, set (all) or use * as awildcard for all users. Otherwise specify usersindividually. The following wildcards are available:v * for a variable-length wildcardv % for a fixed-length wildcard (1 character)

For example:



<ExcUsers> <UserName> To exclude a user from the migration process, specifythe domain and user name of that user. Thefollowing wildcards are available:v * for a variable-length wildcardv % for a fixed-length wildcard (1 character)

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Table 6. Commands that can be used in the command file (continued)

Command Parameters Parameter values and examples

<Printers> <Printer>









This control statement is effective for both sourceand target computers.

To capture all printers, set the parameter to $(all).Otherwise specify each printer individually. Tocapture the default printer only, set the parameter to$(DefaultPrinter).

For example,



<Printers><Printer><PrinterName>IBM 5589-L36</PrinterName>




You can capture either All, Default, or you canspecify an individual printer by name. If you specifymultiple printers, only the first one you specify willbe processed; the rest will be ignored, and a warningmessage will be issued.

For more information about migrating printersettings, see “Printer migration” on page 34.To addnew printers, use the <AddPrinter> tag. This controlstatement is effective only for the target computer.

For example,

<!-- for OS built-in printer--><Printers><AddPrinter><PrinterType>OS built-in</PrinterType><PrinterName>IBM 4029 LaserPrinter</Printer

Name><PortName>LPT1:</PortName><DriverName>Parallel</DriverName><InstallExePath /><InfFilePath />


Chapter 4. Performing a migration in batch mode 27

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Table 6. Commands that can be used in the command file (continued)

Command Parameters Parameter values and examples

<Printers> (continued) <!--for Network printer--><Printers><AddPrinter><PrinterType>Network</PrinterType><PrinterName>\\Server\IBM 5589-L36

</PrinterName><PortName /><DriverName /><InstallExePath /><InfFilePath />


<!-- for UserProvided printer for SetupInstall-->


<PrinterType>UserProvided</PrinterType><PrinterName>My Private Printer

</PrinterName><PortName /><DriverName /><InstallExePath>c:\SMA5\temp\printer\

install.exe</InstallExePath><InfFilePath />


<!-- for UserProvided printer forInf Install (1)--><Printers><AddPrinter><PrinterType>UserProvided</PrinterType><PrinterName>My Canon Printer</PrinterName><PortName>USB</PortName><DriverName>Canon i320</DriverName><InstallExePath /><InfFilePath>c:\myprinter\i320.inf</InfFile



<!-- for UserProvided printer forInf Install (2)--><Printers><AddPrinter><PrinterType>UserProvided</PrinterType><PrinterName>My HP Printer</PrinterName><PortName>USB</PortName><DriverName>hp deskjet 995c series

</DriverName><InstallExePath /><InfFilePath>c:\HP995C\hpf995k.inf</InfFile



For more information about migrating printersettings, see “Printer migration” on page 34.

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Table 6. Commands that can be used in the command file (continued)

Command Parameters Parameter values and examples

<MISC> <bypass_registry> To deselect all registry settings, set this parameter to“true.” Otherwise set it to False or leave itunspecified.

<overwrite existing files> To overwrite existing files, set this parameter to“true.” Otherwise, set it to False or leave itunspecified.

<resolve_icon_links> To copy only icons that have active links, set thisparameter to “true.” Otherwise, set it to False orleave it unspecified.

<autoreboot> To restart the computer automatically after atarget-side migration is completed, set this parameterto 1. To display a pop-up window asking whetherthe user wants to reboot the computer, set it to 2.Otherwise set it to 0 or leave it unspecified.

<PromptBeforeDelayedApply> To display the dialog message that SMA is migratinguser data at the delayed apply phase, set thisparameter to True. Otherwise set it to False or leaveit unspecified.

<quota/> To specify the maximum amount of uncompresseddata (in MB) that can be captured, set this parameterto a valid value.

<log_file_location> To specify the directory to which SMA writes logfiles, enter a fully qualified directory name. You canspecify a shared directory on another computer.

If you do not set this parameter, SMA writes log filesto d:\SMA_Installed_Directory, where d is the driveletter of the hard disk drive, and\SMA_Installed_Directory is the directory in whichSMA is installed.

<file_span_size> Specify a size in KB. When a migration file reachesthis size, it will be spanned.

<user_exit_after_apply> To launch an application after migration iscompleted, set this parameter to the fully qualifiedname of an executable file.

<user_exit_after_capture> To launch an application after create migration files,set this parameter to the fully qualified name of anexecutable file.

<cancel_logon_user> In order not to apply the source PC logon usersettings to the target PC logon user, set thisparameter to True. Otherwise, set it to False orunspecified.

<P2PArchiveFile > To save the migration file at target computer via aPC to PC connection, set this parameter to True.Otherwise set it to False or leave it unspecified.

<compression_level> To compress the migration file, set this parameter to1. Otherwise, set it to 0 or leave it unspecified.

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Table 6. Commands that can be used in the command file (continued)

Command Parameters Parameter values and examples

<MISC> (continued) <quick_zip_mode> To create migration files in faster mode, set thisparameter to True or leave it unspecified. Otherwise,set it to False.

In default, the migration files include the followingfiles:

v *.sma :

Base migration file

v *.sma.DriveC :

Migration files for Drive C:

v *.sma.DriveX :

Migration files for Drive X: (in the event that theuser selects some migrating files in drive X)

To get the same migration file format as SMA5.0/5.1,set this parameter to false

<temp_file_location> To specify the directory to which SMA writestemporary files, enter a fully qualified directoryname. You can specify a shared directory on anothercomputer.

If you do not set this parameter, SMA writestemporary files to d:\SMA_Installed_Directory\etc\data, where d is the drive letter of the hard diskdrive, and \SMA_Installed_Directory is the directoryin which SMA is installed.

<Registries> <Registry>




To capture or apply the registry settings, specify thehive, keyname, and value as the parameters in thecommand file.

For example,


File-migration commandsWhen SMA processes file-migration commands, it processes the file inclusioncommands first, and then the file exclusion commands for the inclusion files. Youno longer have to specify the order in which inclusion and exclusion commandsare to be processed, as was necessary in SMA 4.2.

SMA selects and deselects files on the basis of the original location of files andfolders on the source computer. File redirection statements are stored in themigration file and are interpreted during the apply phase.

The processing of file and directory names is not case-sensitive.

Table 7 on page 31 presents descriptions of the file-migration commands. Allfile-migration commands are optional.

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Table 7. File-migration commands

Command Parameter What it does

<FilesAndFolders> <run> To capture or apply file migration, set this parameter toTrue. Otherwise set it to False or leave it unspecified.

For example:



<ExcludeDrives> <Drive> Specify the drive letter of each drive you want to excludefrom being scanned.

For example:



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Table 7. File-migration commands (continued)

Command Parameter What it does

<Inclusions> <IncDescription>











<Description> is the fullyqualified filename. You canuse wildcard characters forboth the file name and thefolder name.

<DateCompare> is anoptional parameter thatspecifies files according tothe date when they werecreated.

– <Operand> is eitherNEWER or OLDER.

– <Date> is the baselinedate, in mm/dd/yyyyformat.

<SizeCompare> is anoptional parameter that canbe used to select files bysize.

– <Operand> is eitherLARGER or SMALLER.

– <Size> is the file size inMB.

<Dest> is an optionalparameter that specifies thename of the destinationfolder on the targetcomputer in which the fileswill be written.

Searches for all matching files in the directories specified.

Example 1

<IncDescription><Description>c:\MyWorkFolder\ /s</Description>


Note: To specify the folder name, add \ at the end of thedescription

Example 2



Example 3



Example 4



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Table 7. File-migration commands (continued)

Command Parameter What it does


v <Operation> is an optionalparameter that specifies howthe file path is to be handled.Specify either of thefollowing:

– P preserves the path of thefile and recreates the fileon the target computer,starting at the locationspecified by the <Dest>parameter.

– R removes the path of thefile and places the filedirectly in the locationspecified by the <Dest>parameter.

<Exclusions> <ExcDescription>









v <Description> is a fullyqualified file name or foldername. It can contain wildcardcharacters for both the filename and the folder name.

v <DateCompare> is anoptional command that youcan use to select files by thedate when they were created:

– <Operand> is eitherNEWER or OLDER.

– <Date> is the baselinedate, in mm/dd/yyyyformat.

v <SizeCompare> Optionalparameter to select files bysize.

– <Operand> is eitherLARGER or SMALLER.

– <Size> is the file size inMB.

Deselects all matching files in a specified directory.

Example 1



Example 2



Example 3



Chapter 4. Performing a migration in batch mode 33

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In the file-migration command XML file, all the <IncDescription></IncDescription> and <ExcDescription></ExcDescription> tags in the<Inclusions></Inclusions> and <Exclusions></Exclusions> sections should havethe same sub-tag structure even though there are no real values for the sub-tags.

For example:<IncDescription><Description>E:\TempBox\src\test.fm</Description><Dest></Dest><Operation></Operation></IncDescription><IncDescription><Description>E:\TempBox\src\test.fm</Description><Dest>E:\TempBox\tar</Dest><Operation>r</Operation></IncDescription><IncDescription><Description>E:\TempBox\src\test.fm</Description><Dest></Dest><Operation></Operation></IncDescription>

Printer migrationThere are two ways to specify printer settings for the target computer. You canmigrate printer settings from the source computer by use of the <Printer> tag, orinstall new printers by use of the <AddPrinter> tag.

A printer can be any of the following:

OS built-in printerThe printer name is in the ntprint.inf file.

Network printerThe printer name is in the list of visible network printers.

User-provided printerAny printer other than the two mentioned above.


1. Printers that can not be migrated by SMA are not displayed in the printer liston the SMA GUI.

2. All printers must be visible over the network from both source and targetcomputers.

3. To migrate an LPR port printer, Printer Services must be installed on the targetPC:v For Windows 2000 or XP:

Click Start, select Control Panel. Double-click Add or Remove Programs,then select Add/Remove Windows components. Select the Other NetworkFile and Print Services checkbox, and click Properties then select the PrintServices for UNIX checkbox and click OK..

v For Windows Vista or Windows 7:Open Control Panel, select Programs. Click Turn Windows Features on oroff, expand Printer Services, select the LPR Port Monitor checkbox and clickOK.

Table 8 on page 35 presents the tag combinations for printer migration.

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Table 8. Tag combinations for printer migration

Tag name <Printer> tag

<AddPrinter> tag

OS built-inprinter Network printer

User-provided printer

Setup install Inf install

<PrinterName> O * O - *

<PrinterType> X O O O O

<InstallExePath> X - - O -

<InfFilePath> X - - - O

<PortName> X O - - O

<DriveName> X O - - O


O must be specified.

* is optional. If no value is specified, a null tag, such as <PrinterName />,must be added.

- is not necessary for migration, but there must be a null tag. Even if a valueis specified, it will be ignored during the migration.

X must not be specified.

If the captured printer is set as the default printer on the source PC, it should beset as the default printer for the target PC as well. If the default printer for thesource PC is not migrated to the target PC, the OS will determine which of theprinters will be set as the default printer.

Only common printer settings can be migrated by use of SMA. Settings unique toa printer vendor cannot be migrated.

If you have manually installed a revised version of a printer driver built into theOS on the source computer, the original version of that driver will be installed onthe target PC. To install the revised version of the OS built-in printer driver on thetarget PC, specify it by use of the <AddPrinter> tag.

Migration of a printer provided by the userIf the printer you specify is not one of those built into the OS, SMA will install itby use of the install package you provide. The function is then available only onthe target PC. Information captured from the source PC will be ignored. You mustprovide the installation package, specifying the full path to the package on thetarget computer, and also you must specify the installer program in the package.The following example illustrates how to specify a user-provided printer in thecommands.xml file:<Printers>

<!-- For Setup Install --><AddPrinter><PrinterType>UserProvided</PrinterType><PrinterName>My Private Printer</PrinterName>

<InstallExePath>c:\SMA5\temp\printer\install.exe</InstallExePath><InfFilePath /><PortName /><DriverName /></AddPrinter>

Chapter 4. Performing a migration in batch mode 35

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<!-- For Inf Install --><AddPrinter><PrinterType>UserProvided</PrinterType><PrinterName>My Private Printer</PrinterName>

<InstallExePath /><InfFilePath>c:\Windows\inf\myprinter.inf</InfFilePath><PortName>USB</PortName><DriverName>IBM Generic USB Printer</DriverName></AddPrinter>


Migration of the network printerTo identify network printers, the following key information is captured:v The printer namev The server name

During the capture phase, if the printer whose name is enclosed by the<PrinterName> tags in the <Printer> section is found in the list of networkprinters, it will be captured. If you specify $(all), all listed printers are captured.

During the apply phase, if the printer whose name is enclosed by the<PrinterName> tags in the <Printer> section is found in the network printer list ofthe migration file, it will be installed. If you specify $(all), all captured printers areinstalled.

Only a printer that is visible over the network can be installed as a network printeron the target PC.

Migration of the OS built-in printerTo identify OS built-in printers, the following key information is captured:v The printer namev Monitor settingsv The port namev Driver settings

During the capture phase, if the printer whose name is enclosed by the<PrinterName> tags in the <Printer> section is found on the OS built-in printer listof the ntprint.inf file, it will be captured. If you specify $(all), all listed printers arecaptured.

During the apply phase, if the printer whose name is enclosed by the<PrinterName> tags in the <Printer> section is listed in the ntprint.inf file as oneof the OS built-in printers, it will be installed.

Examples of file-migration commandsThis section presents examples of file-migration commands. These examplesdemonstrate how to combine file-inclusion and file-exclusion commands to refineyour file selection. Only the file-handling sections of the command file are shown.

Selecting files during the capture phaseThis section presents four examples of code used to select files during the capturephase.

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Example 1: The following code selects all files with extension .doc (MicrosoftWord documents) and moves them into the d:\My Documents directory. It thenexcludes all files that are in the d:\No_Longer_Used directory.<Inclusions><IncDescription><Description>*:\*.doc /s</Description><Dest>d:\My Documents</Dest><Operation>r</Operation>


Example 2: The following code selects the contents of the d drive, excluding allfiles that are in the root of the d drive and all files that have extension .tmp.<Inclusions><IncDescription><Description<d:\*.* /s</Description></IncDescription></Inclusions><Exclusions><ExcDescription><Description>d:\*.*</Description></ExcDescription><ExcDescription><Description>*:\*.tmp /s</Description></ExcDescription></Exclusions>

Example 3: The following code selects the entire contents of the c: drive,excluding all files that are under %windir%, which specifies a Windows directory.<Inclusions><IncDescription>

<Description>C:\*.* /s</Description></IncDescription></Inclusions><Exclusions><ExcDescription><Description>%windir%\</Description></ExcDescription></Exclusions>

Example 4: The following code selects the entire contents of the%USERPROFILE% folder that is the User Profile Path of the current logon user,excluding all files that have extension .dat and are in the “Local Settings”subfolder.<Inclusions><IncDescription><Description>%USERPROFILE%\</Description></IncDescription></Inclusions><Exclusions><ExcDescription><Description>%USERPROFILE%\*.dat</Description></EcxDescription><ExcDesctription><Description>%USREPROFILE%\Local Settings\</Description></ExcDescription></Exclusions>

Chapter 4. Performing a migration in batch mode 37

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Note: When describing files or subfolders, be sure to add a backslash \immediately after each environment variable.

Auto RebootThis option is specified in the Commands.xml file by use of theautorebootkeyword in the <MISC></MISC> section.

Possible values are as follows:

0 (default)At the end of the batch apply process, do not reboot the computerautomatically. In order for the settings to take effect, you must later rebootthe computer manually.

1 At the end of the batch apply process, the computer restarts automatically.

2 SMA prompts you to choose whether to reboot immediately or not. Apop-up window appears, even in a batch process. You always have tointervene.<MISC><autoreboot>2</autoreboot></MISC>

Creating a command file templateYou can use the GUI to create a command file template. Then, instead of creatingan actual migration file, SMA captures the types of settings that you want tocapture. This information is written to a command file, which you can use tocapture a migration file in batch mode.

Note: Because file migration is handled differently in the two modes, you cannotuse the GUI to add file-migration commands to the command file template.

To create a command file template, do as follows:1. Open the config.ini file in an ASCII text editor. If you installed SMA in the

default location, this file is in the d:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMAdirectory, where d is the drive letter of the hard disk drive.

2. To ensure that SMA does not create a migration file, change theJust_Create_Command_File option to the following string:Just_Create_Command_File = Yes

3. Change the Export_Command_File option to specify the name and path of thetemplate file. By default, the Export_Command_File is set to d:\ProgramFIles\ThinkVantage\SMA\etc\data\commands.xml file, where d is the driveletter of the hard disk drive.

4. Start SMA and run the capture phase. The “Migration file Location” window isused to capture the location and name of the migration file in the template file,although no actual migration file will be created.

5. (Optional) If you want to add file migration commands, edit the template fileand make the appropriate changes. For more information, see “File-migrationcommands” on page 30.

6. Reopen the config.ini file in an ASCII text editor, and change theCommand_File and the Just_Create_Command_File options back to the defaultsettings.

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Applying a migration file in batch modeDuring the apply phase, the smabat.exe file copies the contents of the migrationfile to the target computer. You can modify the migration file before it is applied.The following two examples demonstrate the use of smabat command to apply amigration file.

In the first example, the selected migration file (receptionist.sma) is applied to thetarget computer:smabat /a /n "c:\sma_migration files\receptionist.sma"

In the second example, the selected migration file is modified before it is appliedto the target computer. The modifications are specified in the EntryLevel.xmlcommand file:smabat /a c:\EntryLevel.xml /n "c:\sma_migration files\receptionist.sma"

When you apply a migration file in batch mode, bear the following points in mind:v You cannot add settings or files to a specified migration file.v When SMA processes file exclusion commands during the apply phase, it uses

the original location of the files and folders on the source computer, not theredirected location specified during the capture phase.

v The <ExcludeDrives> command is ignored.

If a file is moved to a directory that already contains a file that has the same name,and if the <overwrite_existing_files> parameter in the command file is set to zeroor left unspecified, a numeric string is appended to the name of the relocated file.For example, if the target directory already contains a readme.txt file, the relocatedfile is renamed readme_01.txt. If additional files named readme.txt are moved tothe directory, the appended numeric string is incremented, so that the renamedfiles have names such as readme_02.txt and readme_03.txt.

Migrating background local users in batch modeTo migrate background local users in batch mode, do as follows:1. Log on to the source computer, using a local administrator account.2. Launch SMABAT.EXE with option /c, where local users to be migrated are

specified in the commands.xml file as follows:<IncUsers><UserName>localuser1</UserName><UserName>localuser2</UserName><UserName>localuser3</UserName></IncUsers>

When specifying users, you can use a wildcard. To migrate all local users, usean asterisk (*) as follows:<IncUsers><UserName>*</UserName></IncUsers>

3. Log on to the target computer, using a local administrator account.4. Launch the SMABAT.EXE file with option /a, where the SMA migration file is

specified.5. Restart the computer.

Chapter 4. Performing a migration in batch mode 39

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SMA will apply the settings to the local user account on the target computer. Theprocess will be launched automatically when the local user logs on to the targetcomputer.6. The local user logs on.7. The SMA delayed apply task starts automatically.

Note: When migrating local user account(s) at step 4, if you save the SMAmigration file to a network drive or a removable drive, after reboot SMA may notbe able to get access to it for the delayed apply task. If you have to use a sharednetwork drive, add the following statement to the commands.xml file:<PromptBeforeDelayedApply>true</PromptBeforeDelayedApply>

If you do this, a prompt will appear before the start of a delayed apply phase;while the prompt is displayed, you can establish a network connection.

Migrating background domain users in batch modeTo migrate background domain users in batch mode, do as follows:1. Make sure that the domain controller is visible from the migration source

computer via a network (there is no need to log on to the domain controller).2. Log on to the source computer, using a local administrator account.3. Launch SMABAT.EXE with option /c, where the domain users to be migrated

are specified in the commands.xml file as follows:<IncUsers><UserName>ourdomain\domainuser1</UserName><UserName>ourdomain\domainuser2</UserName><UserName>ourdomain\domainuser3</UserName></IncUsers>

When specifying users, you can use a wildcard. To migrate all domain users,use an asterisk (*) as follows:<IncUsers><UserName>*\*</UserName></IncUsers>

4. Make sure that the domain controller is visible from the target computer via anetwork (there is no need to log on to the domain controller).

5. Make sure that the target computer is a member of the domain. To confirm thatit is, open the Computer Name tab of System Properties, and check theDomain: settings on the panel. If the domain name is displayed, the targetcomputer is the member of the domain. If the domain name is not displayed,press the Change button and follow the directions in the Computer NameChanges panel to enter the computer as a member of the domain.

6. Log on to the target computer, using a local administrator account (there is noneed to log on to the domain controller).

7. Launch SMABAT.EXE with option /a, where the SMA Migration file isspecified.

8. Restart the computer.

SMA will apply the settings to the domain user account on the target computer.The process will be launched automatically when the domain user logs on to thetarget computer.9. The domain user logs on. If this is the first time the domain user has logged

on, the Windows operating system automatically creates a new user profile. Itmay take a few minutes.

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10. The SMA delayed apply task starts running automatically.

Note: When migrating one or more domain user accounts in step 8 on page 40, ifyou save the SMA migration file to a network drive or a removable drive, SMAmay not be able to get access to the network or the removable drive for thedelayed apply task immediately after restart. If you have to use a shared networkdrive, add the following statement to the commands.xml file:<PromptBeforeDelayedApply>true</PromptBeforeDelayedApply>

If you do this, a prompt will appear before the start of a delayed apply phase;while the prompt is displayed, you can establish a network connection.

SMABAT return codesTable 9. SMABAT return codes

Return Code Description

0 Success.

901 Error is found in loading the lang.dll file.

902 No parameter is specified.

903 Display the on-line help file.

904 Profile is missing.

905 Password is required.

906 More than one migration mode is specified.

907 Invalid command file is specified.

908 Invalid user name is specified.

909 Invalid profile file is specified.

910 Temp file location is required.

911 Log file location is required.

912 TSM password is required.

913 Domain User Account Name is required.

914 Domain User Account Password is required.

915 Domain User Account Password is specified.

916 The input parameters are invalid.

917 Required disk size is larger than free diskspace.

918 Fail to import command file.

919 It’s not IBM machine.

920 Fail to initialize Framework.

921 Error is found in Expand Environmentstrings of P2P keyword.

922 P2P setup fails.

923 Error is found in TSM mode.

924 Another smabat.exe is running.

925 Extract command only.

926 Fail to extract the archived file.

927 Error is found in getting the user list.

Chapter 4. Performing a migration in batch mode 41

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Table 9. SMABAT return codes (continued)

Return Code Description

928 Error is found in getting the application list.

929 Error is found in getting the printer list.

931 Fail to create CSmaBat framework.

932 Fail to create CSmaLangResource.

933 Check the BIOS settings to identify thehardware failure.

934 Fail to create CArrayPrinterGuiInfo.

999 The causes of returning an error code 999can be:

v A failure of creating SMA batch occurs.

v An unknown error in the languageresource of SMA batch occurs.

v The current machine is not an IBM orLenovo machine.

v An unknown error in the printer occurs.

v A failure of executing (using Capture orApply button) one or more plug-ins. Forexample, when the desktop icon plug-infails, the failure will not influence theother plug-ins. However, if theFileAndFolder plug-in fails, the detailserverity can be decided by viewing detaillog.

v Any unhandled exception occurs.

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Chapter 5. Best practices

This chapter presents scenarios to illustrate the best practices of System MigrationAssistant. The scenarios are:v Migrating a single userv Migrating a single domain userv Migrating multiple users in batch modev Migrating multiple users in batch modev Migrating multiple usersv Migrating multiple users

Scenario 1: Migrating a single userOperation overview

To start automatic SMA installation, the end user double-clicks the batchcommand file on the shared drive. After the installation is complete, themigration in GUI mode starts automatically. To start the capture operation,the end user selects Source PC on the source PC when prompted. WhenSMA completes its capture operation on the source PC, the migration file iscreated on the shared folder of the server. Next, the end user on the targetPC starts the apply phase by selecting Target PC when prompted. SMAfinds and reads the migration file on the shared folder, and starts applyingthe profile.

Migration conditionsThe conditions for migrating a single user are summarized in Table 10.

Table 10. Conditions for migrating a single user

Item Source PC Target PC

Operator End user End user

Windows OS version Windows2000Professional

Windows XP, Windows Vista,or Windows 7(When the Target OS isWindows Vista or Windows7, System Migration Assistantcan only migrate files andfolders.)

Type of the logon user’s account (Default) Local administrators


Connectivity (File or PC-to-PC) File located on the mapped drive,


© Copyright Lenovo 2008, 2009 43

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Table 10. Conditions for migrating a single user (continued)

Item Source PC Target PC

Settings to bemigrated

Desktop settings Desktop iconsTaskbarWallpaper

Network settings Mapped drivesODBC data source

Application settings Microsoft AccessMicrosoft WordMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft PowerPointMicrosoft Internet ExplorerMicrosoft Outlook

Printer settings

Files and folders tobe migrated

C:/My Documents*.mp3

Files and folders tobe excluded frommigration

IE CookiesIE Temp FilesIE History

Actions required of the administrator before the migration

1. Prepare the following two shared folders on the server:SMA_Inst for SMA setupSMA_Files to place SMA migration files

2. Prepare the following files in the SMA_Inst folder.config.ini to customize SMA GUI.GUI_default_commands.xml to customize migration commands.SMASetup.exe to install SMACapture.bat and Apply.bat to set up the above files

Actions required of the end user before the migrationMap the SMA_Inst shared folder as the Y: drive from both the source andthe target PCs.Map the SMA_Files shared folder as the X: drive from both the source andthe target PCs.

Actions required of the administrator during the migrationNone

Actions required of the end user during the migration

On the source PC

1. Start the SMA setup by double-clicking the Capture.bat file on the Y:drive.

2. When the migration in the GUI mode starts, select the applications forwhich the settings will be migrated; then select the files and folders tobe migrated.

3. When the Save As dialog window opens, specify the migration filename on the X: drive.

4. When the capture operation is finished, the migration file will becreated on the X:\ drive.

5. Go to the target PC.

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On the target PC

1. Start the SMA setup by double-clicking the Apply.bat file on the Y:drive. When the OS is Windows Vista or Windows 7 and logged on toan Administrators account, start the SMA setup using Apply.bat withthe runas administrator option.

2. When the migration in the GUI mode starts, select Custom, Target,Migration File when prompted.

3. When the Open dialog window opens, select the migration file on theX:\ drive. Then confirm that the settings for all desired applications,files, and folders have been captured.

4. When the migration is completed, reboot the computer and confirmthat all the selected settings have been migrated properly.

Example of a config.ini file;******************************************************************************;; CONFIG.INI;; This file is intended for use with SMA version 6.0. It is used to override; default settings within SMA.;; Important: Any text that appears after a semicolon ";" will be treated as a; comment. The semicolon must appear at the beginning of the text; and must not be preceded by other characters. Also, the text; in this file is not case sensitive.; For example: C:\COMMANDS.XML is treated exactly the same as; c:\commands.xml.;;******************************************************************************;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; GLOBAL OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Configuration_File_Show_Configuration_Messages = noImport_Command_File = GUI_default_commands.xmlImport_Command_File_For_Apply = GUI_default_commands_apply.xmlExport_Command_File =Just_Create_Command_File =Verbose_Logging = yesEnable_4GFat32_warning = yesPreprocess Executable =; Set YES/NO to display/hide the previous file selection dialogShow_Previous_File_Selection_Dialog = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the message for P2P migrationShow_P2P_Messagebox = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the file dialog to open and save migration fileShow_File_Dialog = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the start processing message dialogShow_Start_Processing_Dialog = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the reboot message dialogShow_Reboot_Dialog = yes; Set YES/NO to display/hide the progress dialogsShow_All_Progressbar_Dialogs = yes; Set YES/NO to display/hide the all warning message dialogsShow_All_Warning_Dialogs = yes; Set YES/NO to enable/disable password protectionEnable_Password_Protection = no

;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; SHOW/NOT SHOW PAGE OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Splash_Page_Show_Page = no

Chapter 5. Best practices 45

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Welcome_Page_Show_Page = noBegin_Page_Show_Page = noTopOptions_Page_Show_Page = noMigOptions_Page_Show_Page = noProfiles_Page_Show_Page = noDesktop_Page_Show_Page = noApplications_Page_Show_Page = yesNetwork_Page_Show_Page = noPrinters_Page_Show_Page = noSelection_Page_Show_Page = yesAutoManual_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Logon_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_SourceIni_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Keyword_Page_Show_Page = noReceive_Data_Page_Show_Page = noLog_Page_Show_Page = yesSummaryTypical_Page_Show_Page = yes;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; WINDOW TITLE OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome_Page_Title =Begin_Page_Title =TopOptions_Page_Title =MigOptions_Page_Title =Profiles_Page_Title =Desktop_Page_Title =Applications_Page_Title =Network_Page_Title =Printers_Page_Title =Selection_Page_Title =AutoManual_Page_Title =P2P_Logon_Page_Title =P2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Title =P2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Title =P2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Title =P2P_SourceIni_Page_Title =P2P_Keyword_Page_Title =Receive_Data_Page_Title =Log_Page_Title =SummaryTypical_Page_Title =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; GUIDANCE TEXT OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome_Page_Guidance_Text =Begin_Page_Guidance_Text =TopOptions_Page_Guidance_Text =MigOptions_Page_Guidance_Text =Profiles_Page_Guidance_Text =Desktop_Page_Guidance_Text =Applications_Page_Guidance_Text =Network_Page_Guidance_Text =Printers_Page_Guidance_Text =Selection_Page_Guidance_Text =AutoManual_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Logon_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_SourceIni_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Keyword_Page_Guidance_Text =Receive_Data_Page_Guidance_Text =Log_Page_Guidance_Text =SummaryTypical_Page_Guidance_Text =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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; SPLASH PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Splash_Page_Display_Time =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; BEGIN PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Set Typical/Custom to perform a Typical/Custom migration.Begin_Page_Choice_Type =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; TOP OPTIONS PAGE; Note: When you set Begin_Page_Choice_Type = Typical,; TopOptions_Page_xxxx options are unavailable.;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; If this is the PC you want to move to, set Target.; If this is the PC you want to move from, set Source.TopOptions_Page_Choice_Mode =; Choose the type of migration you want to perform below.; FileTransfer : Copy files and settings using a removable media; P2P : PCs are directly connected by an ethernet cableTopOptions_Page_Choice_TransferMode =; Set yes to perform a Target-Initiated migration,; or set no to perform a standard migration.TopOptions_Page_Target_Initiated_Migration =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; INSTALL METHOD PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Set Network/Media to perform a Auto/Manual migration.InstallMethod_Page_Choice_Method =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; MIGRATION OPTIONS PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Options_Page_Choice_Profiles = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Desktop = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Applications = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Printers = hide,enabled,uncheckedOptions_Page_Choice_Network = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Files = display,enabled,checked;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; DESKTOP PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Desktop_Page_Choice_Desktop_Settings = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Accessibility = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Active_Desktop = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Colors = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Desktop_Icons = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Display = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Icon_Font = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Keyboard = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Mouse = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Pattern = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Screen_Saver = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Send_To_Menu = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Shell = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Sound = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Start_Menu = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Task_Bar = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Time_Zone = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Wallpaper = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Window_Metrics = display,enabled;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; APPLICATIONS PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Applications_Page_Show_Registry_Button = no;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; NETWORK PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Network_Page_Choice_TCP_IP_Configuration = display

Chapter 5. Best practices 47

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Network_Page_Choice_IP_Subnet_Gateway = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_DNS_Configuration = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_WINS_Configuration = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Network_Identification = displayNetwork_Page_Choice_Computer_Name = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Computer_Description = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Domain_Workgroup = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Other = displayNetwork_Page_Choice_Mapped_Drives = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Dial_Up_Networking = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Shared_Folders_Drives = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_ODBC_DataSources = display,enabled;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; FILE AND FOLDER SELECTION PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Selection_Page_File_Quota =Selection_Page_File_Warning_Message =; Warnings[Selection_Page_Warning_Extensions_Start]execomdll[Selection_Page_Warning_Extensions_End]

Example of a GUI_default_commands.xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#1</comment><comment>Migration from Win2000 to Win XP by File Migration</comment>













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<Applications><Application>Microsoft Access</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Word</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Excel</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Power Point</Application><Application>Microsoft Internet Explorer</Application><Application>Microsoft Outlook</Application>



<Description>C:\My Documents\ /s</Description><Dest>%USERPROFILE%\My Documents</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>





<Description>*:\*.mp3 /s</Description><Dest>%USERPROFILE%\My Documents</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>







<Description>%WINDIR%\Temporary Internet Files\</Description><DateCompare>



Chapter 5. Best practices 49

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Example of a Capture.bat file@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...

start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"

copy config.ini "C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\config.ini" /ycopy GUI_default_commands.xml "C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\GUI_default_commands.xml" /y

"C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\sma.exe"

Example of an Apply.bat file@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...

start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"

copy GUI_default_commands.xml "C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\GUI_default_commands.xml" /y

"C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\sma.exe" "\\ServerName\Folder\FileName.sma"

Scenario 2: Migrating a single domain userOperation overview

SMA is installed automatically by means of a software distribution toolbecause the user does not have administrator privileges. The end usershould save the credentials, and create the user profile on the target PC,which should join the domain. The end user connects the source PC andthe target PC using Ethernet, and is given two CDs. One CD is set to runthe Capture.bat file on the source PC, and the other is set to run theApply.bat file on the target PC.

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Migration conditionsThe conditions for migrating a single domain user are summarized inTable 11.

Table 11. Conditions for migrating a single domain user

Items Source PC Target PC

Operator End user End user

Windows OS version Windows 2000Professional

Windows XPProfessional

Type of logon user account Domain power user Domain power user


Connectivity: file or PC-to-PC PC to PC (peer-to-peer) via Ethernet

Settings to bemigrated

Desktop settings Display of desktop icons (the Resolve iconslink option is not used in this case)

Network settings Mapped drives

Application settings Lotus Sametime®

Lotus Notes

Printer settings No

Files and folders tobe migrated

All files in the user’s My Documents folder

Files and folders tobe excluded frommigration

All .mp3 files. Any files migrated by desktopicons cannot be excluded.

Actions required of the administrator before the migrationPrepare the migration CDs.

capture CD

Prepare the following files in the root directory of the capture CD .v Commands.xml to customize migration commands.

When the user privilege is “limited users” (except Administrator), don’tadd the user name to the <IncUsers> selection of the Commands.xmlfile.

v Capture.bat to start the SMA capture process.v autorun.inf to run Capture.bat automatically.

apply CD

Prepare the following files in the root directory of the Apply CD.v Apply.bat to start SMA apply process.v autorun.inf to run Apply.bat automatically.

Actions required of the end user before the migrationNone

Actions required of the administrator during the migrationNone

Actions required of the end user during the migration

On the source PC

1. Log on as the domain user.2. Confirm that SMA has been installed.

Chapter 5. Best practices 51

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3. Insert the capture CD in the source PC. The Capture.bat file is launchedautomatically, and the capture process starts.

On the target PC

1. Log on as the domain user. The logon user name should be the same ason the source PC.

2. Confirm that SMA has been installed.3. Insert the apply CD in the target PC. The Apply.bat file is launched

automatically, and the apply process starts.4. When the prompt to restart the computer is displayed, the migration is

complete.5. Restart the target PC.

Example of the capture CD contents

Example of a Capture.bat file@echo offmd C:\SMAWORKcopy /y commands.xml C:\SMAWORK\:startset connectionID=set /p connectionID="type connection id >"if /i "%connectionID%"=="" goto startif /i "%connectionID%"=="exit" goto endecho Start Capture operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /c "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml" /p2p %connectionID%:endset connectionID=

Example of a commands.xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#2</comment><comment>Migration single domain user from Win2000 to Win XP by PC to PC Migration</comment>












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<Applications><Application>Lotus Notes</Application><Application>Lotus Sametime</Application>



<Description>%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\ /s</Description><Dest></Dest><Operation></Operation><DateCompare>







<Description>*:\*.mp3 /s</Description><DateCompare>







Chapter 5. Best practices 53

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Example of the apply CD contents

Example of an Apply.bat file@echo offmd C:\SMAWORKcopy /y commands.xml C:\SMAWORK\

:startset connectionID=set /p connectionID="type connection id >"if /i "%connectionID%"=="" goto startif /i "%connectionID%"=="exit" goto endecho Start Apply operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /a "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml" /p2p %connectionID%:endset connectionID=

Example of a commands.xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#2</comment><comment>Migration single domain user from Win2000 to Win XP by PC to PC Migration</comment>









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<Applications><Application>Lotus Notes</Application><Application>Lotus Sametime</Application>



<Description>%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\ /s</Description><Dest></Dest><Operation></Operation><DateCompare>







<Description>*:\*.mp3 /s</Description><DateCompare>


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Scenario 3: Migrating multiple users in batch modeOperation overview

On the source PC, the administrator starts the SMA installation bydouble-clicking the Capture.bat file, which is in the shared folder. After theinstallation is finished, migration in batch mode starts automatically. Onthe target PC, the administrator starts the SMA installation bydouble-clicking Apply.bat; then the migration enters the apply phase.

Migration conditionsThe conditions for migrating multiple users in the batch mode aresummarized in Table 12.

Table 12. Conditions for migrating multiple users in the batch mode

Items Source PC Target PC

Operator Administrator Administrator

Windows OS version Windows XPProfessional

Windows XPProfessional orWindows Vista orWindows 7

Type of the logon user account Domainadministrators



Connectivity: file or PC-to-PC File on the server \\Server\folder\FileName

56 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Table 12. Conditions for migrating multiple users in the batch mode (continued)

Items Source PC Target PC

Settings to bemigrated

Desktop settings Display of desktop icons (the Resolve iconslink option is used in this case)Screen saverWallpaper

Network settings Mapped drive

Application settings Microsoft Access 2000 to 2003Microsoft Word 2000 to 2003Microsoft Excel 2000 to 2003Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 to 2003Microsoft Outlook 2000 to 2003

Printer settings No

Files and folders tobe included

All users’ files in the My Documents folder(Documents and Settings\*\My Documents)All .doc files on the PCAll .ppt files on the PCAll .xls files on the PC

Files and folders tobe excluded frommigration

Documents and Settings\Administratorfolder and Documents and Settings\AllUsers folder

Actions required of the administrator before the migration

1. Prepare two shared folders on the server:v SMA_Inst for SMA setupv SMA_Files to locate the migration file

2. Prepare the following files in the SMA_Inst folder:v SMASetup.exe to install SMAv Commands.xml to customize migration commands on the source PCv Capture.bat to setup and invoke SMA on the source PCv Apply.bat to setup and invoke SMA on the target PC

3. Ask end users to move or copy migrating files into the My Documentsfolder.

Actions required of the end user before the migrationMove or copy migrating files in the My Documents folder.

Actions required of the administrator during the migration

On the source PC

1. Log on to the computer, using the domain administrator account.2. Map the SMA_Inst shared folder as the Y:\ drive.3. Double-click the Capture.bat file to start the SMA installation.4. When the SMABAT operation has been completed, confirm that the

migration file will be created at\\Server\Folder

where \\Server\Folder is the SMA_Files shared folder in UNC format.5. Shut down the source PC, then go to the target PC.

On the target PC

1. Map the SMA_Inst shared folder as the Y: drive.

Chapter 5. Best practices 57

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2. Double-click the Apply.bat file to start the application of the migrationfile.

3. Migration finishes, and the prompt to restart the computer is displayed.4. Restart the target PC.5. Ask the migrated users to log on to the target PC to complete the

delayed apply process.

Actions required of the end user after the migration

1. Log on to the target PC and confirm that the delayed apply processstarts.

2. When the delayed apply process has been completed, reboot thecomputer.

Example of a commands.xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#3</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from WinXP to Win XP by Domain Administrator via File













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<Applications><Application>Microsoft Access</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Word</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Excel</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Power Point</Application><Application>Microsoft Outlook</Application>



<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\*\My Documents\ /s</Description></IncDescription><IncDescription>

<Description>*:\*.doc /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>





<Description>*:\*.xls /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>





<Description>*:\*.ppt /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>





Chapter 5. Best practices 59

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<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ /s</Description><DateCompare>





<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\ /s</Description><DateCompare>

















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Examples of .bat filesExample 1: Capture.bat

@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"md C:\SMAWORKcopy commands.xml "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml" /y@echo Start Capture operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /c "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml"

Example 2: Apply.bat@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"md C:\SMAWORKcopy commands.xml "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml" /y@echo Start Apply operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /a "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml"

Scenario 4: Migrating multiple users in batch modeOperation overview:

The end user connects the target and the source PC via Ethernet and isgiven two CDs. One CD launches the Capture.bat file automatically, andthe other launches the Apply.bat file. On the source PC, the Capture.bat filestarts the installation of SMA, and, when the installation is finished, startsmigration in the batch mode. On the target PC, the Apply.bat file installsSMA, and then starts the apply phase in the batch mode. The TCP/IPsetting of the source PC should be static IP; the TCP/IP, DNS, WINSsettings, the computer name, and the network name must also migrate. Forthe migration of these settings, the apply process is separated into foursteps.

Migration conditionsThe conditions for migrating multiple users in the batch mode aresummarized in Table 13. When the target OS is Windows Vista or Windows7, the DNS configuration setting of the source PC must have the propervalue to access the Primary Domain Controller (PDC)

Table 13. Conditions for migrating multiple users in the batch mode

Items Source PC Target PC

Operator Administrator Administrator

Windows OS version Windows 2000Professional

Windows XPProfessional orWindows Vista orWindows 7

Type of logon user account Local administrators Local administrators


Connectivity: file or PC-to-PC PC to PC (peer-to-peer) via Ethernet

Chapter 5. Best practices 61

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Table 13. Conditions for migrating multiple users in the batch mode (continued)

Items Source PC Target PC

Settings to bemigrated

Desktop settings Display of desktop icons (the Resolve iconslink option is used in this case)Screen saverWallpaper

Network settings IP / Subnet / gatewayDNS configurationWINS configurationComputer NameDomain / WorkgroupMapped drives

Application settings Microsoft Access 2000 to 2003Microsoft Word 2000 to 2003Microsoft Excel 2000 to 2003Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 to 2003Microsoft Outlook 2000 to 2003

Printer settings No

Files and folders tobe migrated

All users’ files in the My Documents folder(Documents and Settings\*\My Documents)All .doc files on the PCAll .ppt files on the PCAll .xls files on the PC

Files and folders tobe excluded frommigration

Documents and Settings\Administratorfolderand Documents and Settings\All Usersfolder

Actions required of the administrator before the migration

1. Prepare the migration CDs.capture CD

Prepare the following files in the root directory of the capture CD:v Commands.xml to customize the migration commandsv Capture.bat to start the capture processv autorun.inf to run Capture.bat automaticallyv SMASetup.exe to install SMAapply CD

Prepare the following files in the root directory of the apply CD:v Step1_Commands.xml to create a migration file on the target PC.v Step2_Commands.xml to apply TCP/IP, DNS, WINS settings, and the

computer name.v Step3_Commands.xml to apply network group settings.v Step4_Commands.xml to apply all other settings.v APPLY1.BAT to start the apply process by use of

Step1_Commands.xml.v APPLY2.BAT to start the apply process by use of

Step2_Commands.xml.v APPLY3.BAT to start the apply process by use of


62 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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v APPLY4.BAT to start the apply process by use ofStep4_Commands.xml.

v autorun.inf to run APPLY1.BAT automatically.v SMASetup.exe to install SMA.

2. Ask each end user to put the files being migrated into his or her MyDocuments folder.

Actions required of the end user during the migrationMove or copy the migrating files to the My Documents folder.

Actions required of the administrator during the migration

On the source PC

1. Connect to the network using Ethernet.2. Log on using the local administrator account.3. Insert the capture CD in the optical drive of the source PC. SMA setup

starts automatically, and then the capture process starts.4. When the SMABAT operation completes, power off the source PC, then

go to the target PC.

On the target PC

1. Connect to the network using Ethernet.2. Log on to the computer using the local administrator account. The

logon account name should be the same as on the source PC.3. Insert the apply CD in the optical drive of the target PC. SMA setup

and the initial apply process launch automatically.4. When the SMABAT operation has been completed, confirm that the

SMA migration file (.sma) will be created at the C:\SMAWORK folderof the target PC.

5. When the prompt is displayed, restart the target PC.6. Log on again, using the local administrator account.7. Double-click the CD_DRIVE:\APPLY2.BAT file to start the second

stage of the apply process, when TCP/IP, DNS, WINS, and computername is migrated.

8. When the prompt is displayed, restart the target PC.9. Log on again, using the local administrator account.

10. Confirm that TCP/IP, DNS, WINS settings, and the computer namehave been migrated.

11. Double-click the CD_DRIVE:\APPLY3.BAT file to start the third stageof the apply process, in which the network group is migrated.

12. When the prompt is displayed, restart the target PC.13. Log on again, using the local administrator account.14. Confirm that the network group has been migrated.15. Double-click the CD_DRIVE:\APPLY4.BAT file to start the fourth

stage16. When the prompt is displayed, restart the target PC.17. Log on again, using the local administrator account.18. Ask all the migrated users to log on to the target PC once, to complete

the delayed apply process.

Actions required of the end user after the migration

Chapter 5. Best practices 63

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1. Log on to the target PC to confirm that the delayed apply process startsautomatically.

2. When the delayed apply process completes, reboot the computer.

Example of the capture CD contents

Example of a Capture.bat file@echo offecho SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"md C:\SMAWORKcopy commands.xml "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml" /y:startset connectionID=set /p connectionID="type connection id >"if /i "%connectionID%"=="" goto startif /i "%connectionID%"=="exit" goto endecho Start Capture operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /c C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml /p2p %connectionID%:endset connectionID=

Example of a commands.xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#4</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from WinXP to Win XP by Domain Administrator via PC to PC












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<Applications><Application>Microsoft Access</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Word</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Excel</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Power Point</Application><Application>Microsoft Outlook</Application>



<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\*\My Documents\ /s</Description><Dest></Dest><Operation></Operation><DateCompare>





<Description>*:\*.doc /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>





<Description>*:\*.xls /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>




Chapter 5. Best practices 65

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<Description>*:\*.ppt /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>







<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ /s</Description><DateCompare>





<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\ /s</Description><DateCompare>















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Example of the apply CD contents

Examples of .bat filesExample 1: Apply1.bat file

@echo offecho SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"md C:\SMAWORKcopy /y Step1_commands.xml C:\SMAWORK\:startset connectionID=set /p connectionID="type connection id >"if /i "%connectionID%"=="" goto startif /i "%connectionID%"=="exit" goto endecho Start Migration file creation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /a C:\SMAWORK\Step1_commands.xml /p2p %connectionID%:endset connectionID=

Example 2: Apply2.bat file@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...copy Step2_commands.xml "C:\SMAWORK\Step2_commands.xml" /y@echo Start Apply operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /a "C:\SMAWORK\Step2_commands.xml"

Example 3: Apply3.bat file@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...copy Step3_commands.xml "C:\SMAWORK\Step3_commands.xml" /y@echo Start Apply operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /a "C:\SMAWORK\Step3_commands.xml"

Example 4: Apply4.bat file@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...copy Step4_commands.xml "C:\SMAWORK\Step4_commands.xml" /y@echo Start Apply operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /a "C:\SMAWORK\Step4_commands.xml"

Examples of .xml filesExample 1: Step1_commands.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#4</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from WinXP to Win XP by Domain Administrator via PC to PC






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Example 2: Step2_commands.xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#4</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from WinXP to Win XP by Domain Administrator via PC to PC














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Example 3: Step3_commands.xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#4</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from WinXP to Win XP by Domain Administrator via PC to PC












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Example 4: Step4_commands.xml file

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<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#4</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from WinXP to Win XP by Domain Administrator via PC to PC

















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Scenario 5: Migrating multiple usersOperation overview

On the source PC, the administrator starts the SMA installation bydouble-clicking the Capture.bat file on the shared drive. Migration in theGUI mode starts automatically. A migration file is created in the sharedfolder of the server. On the target PC, the administrator starts the SMAinstallation by double-clicking the Apply.bat file. Migration in the GUImode starts, enabling the administrator to reselect the settings beingmigrated in the GUI selection windows on the target PC.

Migration conditionsThe conditions for migrating multiple users are summarized in Table 14.

Table 14. Conditions for migrating multiple users

Items Source PC Target PC

Operator Administrator Administrator

Windows OS version Windows 2000Professional

Windows XP orWindows Vista orWindows 7

Type of logon user account Local administrators Local administrators


Connectivity: file or PC-to-PC File on the shared drive of the server“\\Server\folder\FileName”

Chapter 5. Best practices 73

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Table 14. Conditions for migrating multiple users (continued)

Items Source PC Target PC

Settings to bemigrated

Desktop settings Desktop iconsScreen saverWallpaper

Network settings Mapped drives

Application settings Microsoft AccessMicrosoft WordMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft Power PointMicrosoft Outlook

Printer settings

Files and folders to bemigrated

All users’ files in the “My Documents” folder(Documents and Settings\*\My Documents)

Files and folders to beexcluded frommigration

Documents and Settings\AdministratorDocuments and Settings\All Users

Other settings Resolve_icon_links = YES

Actions required of the administrator before the migration

1. Prepare two shared folders on the server:v “SMA_Inst” for SMA setupv “SMA_Files” to locate the migration file

2. Prepare the following files in the “SMA_Inst” folder:v config.ini to customize the GUIv GUI_default_commands.xml to customize migration commandsv SMASetup.exe to install SMAv Capture.bat to setup and invoke SMA on the source PCv Apply.bat to setup and invoke SMA on the target PC

3. Ask end users to place migrating files in the My Documents folder.

Actions required of the end user before the migrationMove or copy the migrating files to the My Documents folder.

Actions required of the administrator during the migration

On the source PC

1. Map the SMA_Inst shared folder as the Y:\ drive2. Double-click Capture.bat to start the installation of SMA.3. When the capture operation in the GUI mode has been completed,

confirm that the SMA migration file will be created at\\Server\folder

where \\Server\folder is the SMA_Files shared folder in UNC format.4. Shut down the source PC, and go to the target PC.

On the target PC

1. Map the SMA_Inst shared folder as the Y: drive2. Double-click the Apply.bat file to start SMA.3. When the User Profile window opens, clear the check boxes for

accounts that will not be migrated.

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4. Proceed according to the instructions on the screen.5. Ask the migrated users to log on to the target PC to complete the

delayed apply process.

Actions required of the end user after the migration

1. Log on to the target PC and confirm that the delayed apply processstarts.

2. When the delayed apply process has been completed, reboot thecomputer.

Example of a config.ini file;******************************************************************************; CONFIG.INI;; This file is intended for use with SMA version 6.0. It is used to override; default settings within SMA.;; Important: Any text that appears after a semicolon ";" will be treated as a; comment. The semicolon must appear at the beginning of the text; and must not be preceded by other characters. Also, the text; in this file is not case sensitive.; For example: C:\COMMANDS.XML is treated exactly the same as; c:\commands.xml.;;******************************************************************************;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; GLOBAL OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Configuration_File_Show_Configuration_Messages = noImport_Command_File = GUI_default_commands.xmlImport_Command_File_For_Apply = GUI_default_commands_apply.xmlExport_Command_File =Just_Create_Command_File =Verbose_Logging = yesEnable_4GFat32_warning = yesPreprocess_Executable =; Set YES/NO to display/hide the previous file selection dialogShow_Previous_File_Selection_Dialog = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the message for P2P migrationShow_P2P_Messagebox = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the file dialog to open and save migration fileShow_File_Dialog = noSet YES/NO to display/hide the start processing message dialogShow_Start_Processing_Dialog = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the reboot message dialogShow_Reboot_Dialog = yes; Set YES/NO to display/hide the progress dialogsShow_All_Progressbar_Dialogs = yes; Set YES/NO to display/hide the all warning message dialogsShow_All_Warning_Dialogs = yes; Set YES/NO to enable/disable password protectionEnable_Password_Protection = no;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; SHOW/NOT SHOW PAGE OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Splash_Page_Show_Page = noWelcome_Page_Show_Page = noBegin_Page_Show_Page = noTopOptions_Page_Show_Page = noMigOptions_Page_Show_Page = noProfiles_Page_Show_Page = noDesktop_Page_Show_Page = noApplications_Page_Show_Page = noNetwork_Page_Show_Page = no

Chapter 5. Best practices 75

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Printers_Page_Show_Page = noSelection_Page_Show_Page = yes ; Show F&F viewAutoManual_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Logon_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_SourceIni_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Keyword_Page_Show_Page = noReceive_Data_Page_Show_Page = noLog_Page_Show_Page = yesSummaryTypical_Page_Show_Page = yes;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; WINDOW TITLE OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome_Page_Title =Begin_Page_Title =TopOptions_Page_Title =MigOptions_Page_Title =Profiles_Page_Title =Desktop_Page_Title =Applications_Page_Title =Network_Page_Title =Printers_Page_Title =Selection_Page_Title =AutoManual_Page_Title =P2P_Logon_Page_Title =P2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Title =P2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Title =P2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Title =P2P_SourceIni_Page_Title =P2P_Keyword_Page_Title =Receive_Data_Page_Title =Log_Page_Title =SummaryTypical_Page_Title =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; GUIDANCE TEXT OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome_Page_Guidance_Text =Begin_Page_Guidance_Text =TopOptions_Page_Guidance_Text =MigOptions_Page_Guidance_Text =Profiles_Page_Guidance_Text =Desktop_Page_Guidance_Text =Applications_Page_Guidance_Text =Network_Page_Guidance_Text =Printers_Page_Guidance_Text =Selection_Page_Guidance_Text =AutoManual_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Logon_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_SourceIni_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Keyword_Page_Guidance_Text =Receive_Data_Page_Guidance_Text =Log_Page_Guidance_Text =SummaryTypical_Page_Guidance_Text =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; SPLASH PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Splash_Page_Display_Time =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; BEGIN PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Set Typical/Custom to perform a Typical/Custom migration.Begin_Page_Choice_Type =

76 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; TOP OPTIONS PAGE; Note: When you set Begin_Page_Choice_Type = Typical,; TopOptions_Page_xxxx options are unavailable.;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; If this is the PC you want to move to, set Target.; If this is the PC you want to move from, set Source.TopOptions_Page_Choice_Mode =; Choose the type of migration you want to perform below.; FileTransfer : Copy files and settings using a removable media; P2P : PCs are directly connected by an ethernet cableTopOptions_Page_Choice_TransferMode =; Set yes to perform a Target-Initiated migration,; or set no to perform a standard migration.TopOptions_Page_Target_Initiated_Migration =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; INSTALL METHOD PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Set Network/Media to perform a Auto/Manual migration.InstallMethod_Page_Choice_Method =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; MIGRATION OPTIONS PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Options_Page_Choice_Profiles = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Desktop = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Applications = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Printers = hide,enabled,uncheckedOptions_Page_Choice_Network = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Files = display,enabled,checked;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; DESKTOP PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Desktop_Page_Choice_Desktop_Settings = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Accessibility = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Active_Desktop = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Colors = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Desktop_Icons = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Display = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Icon_Font = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Keyboard = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Mouse = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Pattern = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Screen_Saver = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Send_To_Menu = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Shell = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Sound = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Start_Menu = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Task_Bar = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Time_Zone = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Wallpaper = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Window_Metrics = display,enabled;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; APPLICATIONS PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Applications_Page_Show_Registry_Button = no;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; NETWORK PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Network_Page_Choice_TCP_IP_Configuration = displayNetwork_Page_Choice_IP_Subnet_Gateway = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_DNS_Configuration = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_WINS_Configuration = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Network_Identification = displayNetwork_Page_Choice_Computer_Name = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Computer_Description = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Domain_Workgroup = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Other = display

Chapter 5. Best practices 77

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Network_Page_Choice_Mapped_Drives = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Dial_Up_Networking = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Shared_Folders_Drives = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_ODBC_DataSources = display,enabled;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; FILE AND FOLDER SELECTION PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Selection_Page_File_Quota =Selection_Page_File_Warning_Message =; Warnings[Selection_Page_Warning_Extensions_Start]execomdll[Selection_Page_Warning_Extensions_End]

Example of a GUI_default_commands .xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#5</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from WinXP to Win XP by Domain Administrator via File













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<Applications><Application>Microsoft Access</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Word</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Excel</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Power Point</Application><Application>Microsoft Outlook</Application>



<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\*\My Documents\ /s</Description><Dest></Dest><Operation></Operation><DateCompare>





<Description>*:\*.doc /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>





<Description>*:\*.xls /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation><DateCompare>





<Description>*:\*.ppt /s</Description><Dest>C:\other_office_files</Dest><Operation>P</Operation>

Chapter 5. Best practices 79

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<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ /s</Description><DateCompare>





<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\ /s</Description><DateCompare>

















Examples of .bat filesExample 1: Capture.bat file

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@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"copy config.ini "C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\config.ini" /ycopy GUI_default_commands.xml "C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\GUI_default_commands.xml" /y@echo Start Capture operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\sma.exe"

Example 2: Apply.bat file@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"copy GUI_default_commands.xml "C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\GUI_default_commands.xml" /y@echo Start Apply operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\sma.exe" "\\ServerName\Folder\FileName.sma"

Scenario 6: Migrating multiple usersOperation overview

On the source PC, the administrator starts the installation of SMA bydouble-clicking the Capture.bat file on the shared drive. When theinstallation has been completed, migration in the batch mode startsautomatically. The migration file is created in the shared folder of theserver. On the target PC, the administrator starts the installation of SMA bydouble-clicking the Apply.bat file located on the shared drive. When theinstallation has been completed, migration in the GUI mode startsautomatically, enabling the administrator to reselect migration settings inthe GUI selection views on the target PC. The difference from Scenario 5:Migrating multiple users is that on the source PC migration is executed inthe batch mode.

Migration conditionsThe conditions for migrating multiple users in batch mode are summarizedin Table 15.

Table 15. Conditions for migrating multiple users in batch mode

Item Source PC Target PC

Operator Administrator Administrator

Windows OS version Windows 2000Professional

Windows XP orWindows Vista orWindows 7

Type of logon user account Local administrators Local administrators


Connectivity: file or PC-to-PC File at Server \\Server\folder\FileName

Chapter 5. Best practices 81

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Table 15. Conditions for migrating multiple users in batch mode (continued)

Item Source PC Target PC

Settings to bemigrated

Desktop settings Desktop iconsScreen saverWallpaper

Network settings Mapped drives

Application settings Microsoft AccessMicrosoft WordMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft Power PointMicrosoft Outlook

Printer settings

Files and folders to bemigrated

All users’ files in the My Documents folder(Documents and Settings\*\My Documents)

Files and folders to beexcluded frommigration

Documents and Settings\AdministratorDocuments and Settings\All Users

Other miscellaneoussettings

Resolve_icon_links = YES

Actions required of the administrator before the migration

1. Prepare two shared folders on the server:v SMA_Inst to setup SMAv SMA_Files to locate SMA migration files

2. Prepare the following files in the “SMA_Inst” folder:v config.ini to customize the GUI on the target PCv GUI_default_commands.xml to customize migration commands on

the target PCv commands.xml to customize migration commands on the source PCv SMASetup.exe to install SMAv Capture.bat to set up and invoke SMA on the source PCv Apply.bat to set up and invoke SMA on the target PC

3. Ask end users to place the files to be migrated into the My Documentsfolder.

Actions required from the end user before the migrationMove or copy the migrating files to the My Documents folder.

Actions required from the administrator during the migration

On the source PC

1. Map the SMA_Inst shared folder as the Y: drive2. Double-click the Capture.bat file to start the installation of SMA.3. When SMABAT operation has been completed, confirm that the SMA

migration file will be created at\\Server\folder

where \\Server\folder is the SMA_Files shared folder in UNC format.4. Shut down the source PC, and go to the target PC.

On the target PC

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1. Map the SMA_Inst shared folder as the Y: drive.2. Double-click the Apply.bat file to start SMA.3. When the User Profile window opens, clear the check boxes for the

accounts that will not be migrated.4. Proceed according to the instructions on the screen.5. Ask the migrated users to log on to the target PC to complete the

delayed apply process.

Actions required from the end user after the migration

1. Log on to the target PC, and confirm that the delayed apply processstarts.

2. When the delayed apply process has been completed, reboot thecomputer.

Example of a commands .xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#6</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from Win2000 to WinXP by Local Administrator by File












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<Applications><Application>Microsoft Access</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Word</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Excel</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Power Point</Application><Application>Microsoft Outlook</Application>



<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\*\My Documents\ /s</Description><Dest></Dest><Operation></Operation><DateCompare>







<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ /s</Description><DateCompare>





<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\ /s</Description><DateCompare>







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Example of a Capture.bat file@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"md C:\SMAWORKcopy commands.xml "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml" /y@echo Start Capture operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\smabat.exe" /c "C:\SMAWORK\commands.xml"

Example of a config.ini file;******************************************************************************; CONFIG.INI;; This file is intended for use with SMA version 6.0. It is used to override; default settings within SMA.;; Important: Any text that appears after a semicolon ";" will be treated as a; comment. The semicolon must appear at the beginning of the text; and must not be preceded by other characters. Also, the text; in this file is not case sensitive.; For example: C:\COMMANDS.XML is treated exactly the same as; c:\commands.xml.;;******************************************************************************;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; GLOBAL OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Configuration_File_Show_Configuration_Messages = noImport_Command_File = GUI_default_commands.xmlImport_Command_File_For_Apply = GUI_default_commands_apply.xmlExport_Command_File =Just_Create_Command_File =Verbose_Logging = yesEnable_4GFat32_warning = yesPreprocess_Executable =; Set YES/NO to display/hide the previous file selection dialogShow_Previous_File_Selection_Dialog = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the message for P2P migrationShow_P2P_Messagebox = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the file dialog to open and save migration file

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Show_File_Dialog = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the start processing message dialogShow_Start_Processing_Dialog = no; Set YES/NO to display/hide the reboot message dialogShow_Reboot_Dialog = yes; Set YES/NO to display/hide the progress dialogsShow_All_Progressbar_Dialogs = yes; Set YES/NO to display/hide the all warning message dialogsShow_All_Warning_Dialogs = yes; Set YES/NO to enable/disable password protectionEnable_Password_Protection = no;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; SHOW/NOT SHOW PAGE OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Splash_Page_Show_Page = noWelcome_Page_Show_Page = noBegin_Page_Show_Page = noTopOptions_Page_Show_Page = noMigOptions_Page_Show_Page = noProfiles_Page_Show_Page = noDesktop_Page_Show_Page = noApplications_Page_Show_Page = noNetwork_Page_Show_Page = noPrinters_Page_Show_Page = noSelection_Page_Show_Page = yes ; Show F&F viewAutoManual_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Logon_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_SourceIni_Page_Show_Page = noP2P_Keyword_Page_Show_Page = noReceive_Data_Page_Show_Page = noLog_Page_Show_Page = yesSummaryTypical_Page_Show_Page = yes;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; WINDOW TITLE OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome_Page_Title =Begin_Page_Title =TopOptions_Page_Title =MigOptions_Page_Title =Profiles_Page_Title =Desktop_Page_Title =Applications_Page_Title =Network_Page_Title =Printers_Page_Title =Selection_Page_Title =AutoManual_Page_Title =P2P_Logon_Page_Title =P2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Title =P2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Title =P2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Title =P2P_SourceIni_Page_Title =P2P_Keyword_Page_Title =Receive_Data_Page_Title =Log_Page_Title =SummaryTypical_Page_Title =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; GUIDANCE TEXT OPTIONS;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome_Page_Guidance_Text =Begin_Page_Guidance_Text =TopOptions_Page_Guidance_Text =MigOptions_Page_Guidance_Text =Profiles_Page_Guidance_Text =Desktop_Page_Guidance_Text =

86 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Applications_Page_Guidance_Text =Network_Page_Guidance_Text =Printers_Page_Guidance_Text =Selection_Page_Guidance_Text =AutoManual_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Logon_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Auto_SRC_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Manual_TGT_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Manual_SRC_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_SourceIni_Page_Guidance_Text =P2P_Keyword_Page_Guidance_Text =Receive_Data_Page_Guidance_Text =Log_Page_Guidance_Text =SummaryTypical_Page_Guidance_Text =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; SPLASH PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Splash_Page_Display_Time =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; BEGIN PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Set Typical/Custom to perform a Typical/Custom migration.Begin_Page_Choice_Type =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; TOP OPTIONS PAGE; Note: When you set Begin_Page_Choice_Type = Typical,; TopOptions_Page_xxxx options are unavailable.;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; If this is the PC you want to move to, set Target.; If this is the PC you want to move from, set Source.TopOptions_Page_Choice_Mode =; Choose the type of migration you want to perform below.; FileTransfer : Copy files and settings using a removable media; P2P : PCs are directly connected by an ethernet cableTopOptions_Page_Choice_TransferMode =; Set yes to perform a Target-Initiated migration,; or set no to perform a standard migration.TopOptions_Page_Target_Initiated_Migration =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; INSTALL METHOD PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Set Network/Media to perform a Auto/Manual migration.InstallMethod_Page_Choice_Method =;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; MIGRATION OPTIONS PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Options_Page_Choice_Profiles = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Desktop = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Applications = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Printers = hide,enabled,uncheckedOptions_Page_Choice_Network = display,enabled,checkedOptions_Page_Choice_Files = display,enabled,checked;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; DESKTOP PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Desktop_Page_Choice_Desktop_Settings = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Accessibility = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Active_Desktop = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Colors = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Desktop_Icons = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Display = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Icon_Font = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Keyboard = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Mouse = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Pattern = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Screen_Saver = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Send_To_Menu = display,enabled

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Desktop_Page_Choice_Shell = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Sound = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Start_Menu = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Task_Bar = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Time_Zone = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Wallpaper = display,enabledDesktop_Page_Choice_Window_Metrics = display,enabled;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; APPLICATIONS PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Applications_Page_Show_Registry_Button = no;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; NETWORK PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Network_Page_Choice_TCP_IP_Configuration = displayNetwork_Page_Choice_IP_Subnet_Gateway = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_DNS_Configuration = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_WINS_Configuration = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Network_Identification = displayNetwork_Page_Choice_Computer_Name = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Computer_Description = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Domain_Workgroup = display, enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Other = displayNetwork_Page_Choice_Mapped_Drives = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Dial_Up_Networking = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_Shared_Folders_Drives = display,enabledNetwork_Page_Choice_ODBC_DataSources = display,enabled;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; FILE AND FOLDER SELECTION PAGE;------------------------------------------------------------------------------Selection_Page_File_Quota =Selection_Page_File_Warning_Message =; Warnings[Selection_Page_Warning_Extensions_Start]execomdll[Selection_Page_Warning_Extensions_End]

Example of a GUI_default_commands .xml file<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="6.0" ?><controlcard>

<!--<comment>SMA6.0 Deployment Guide Sample Senario#6</comment><comment>MultiUsers Migration from Win2000 to WinXP by Local Administrator by File










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<Applications><Application>Microsoft Access</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Word</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Excel</Application><Application>Microsoft Office Power Point</Application><Application>Microsoft Outlook</Application>



<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\*\My Documents\ /s</Description><Dest></Dest><Operation></Operation><DateCompare>







<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ /s</Description><DateCompare>


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<Description>%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\ /s</Description><DateCompare>

















Example of an Apply.bat file@echo SMA6.0 Installation is in progress...start /WAIT SMAsetup.exe /s /v"/qn"copy GUI_default_commands.xml "C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\GUI_default_commands.xml" /y@echo Start Apply operation..."C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\sma.exe" "\\ServerName\Folder\FileName"

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Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration

This appendix lists the applications and settings that SMA can migrate. Resultsmight differ depending on the operating system, the migration scenario, and anydifferences between the application versions on the source machine and the targetmachine. If the file that contains user settings is saved anywhere other than in thedefault folder, the application settings might not migrate properly. In this case, firstedit the application file according to your environment, and then migrate theapplication settings.

If different versions of an application are installed on the source PC and the targetPC, the target PC should contain the newer version.

Migrating general application settingsThe following table provides information on migrating general application settings.

Table 16. Application settings available for migration

Application Settings Note


version 3.x, 4.x,5.12 and 5.2

Location profile

ThinkVantageClient SecuritySolution version7.0, 8.0, 8.2, 8.21,and 8.3

v security policy settings

v authentication mode

v passphrase

Only Private Disk files of the system drive can migrate.

Migration by use of SMA cannot be performed if thePrivate Disk has been mounted. Before you beginmigration, unmount all Private Disks. For informationabout how to unmount a Private Disk, see the Help forThinkVantage Client Security Solution.

If the user name used to log on to the target computerdiffers from the one used to log on to the sourcecomputer, the Private Disk does not migrate correctly.

ThinkVantageFingerprintSoftware (UPEK)version 5.5, 5.6,5.6.1, 5.8, and 5.9

v Passport Data

v General

v Logon

v Security Mode

v Sound

v Bio (version 5.6 or later)

v Power-on security (version 5.6 orlater)

In order to utilize the migrated Fingerprint Softwaredata appropriately, Windows logon password should bereset to be the same as the Windows logon password onthe source computer.

ThinkVantageFingerprintSoftware(Authentec) 3.2

v Authentication

v Additional Security

v User Privileges

© Copyright Lenovo 2008, 2009 91

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

ThinkVantagePasswordManager settingfor Client SecuritySolution 7.0, 8.0,8.1, 8.21, and 8.3

v Preferences

ThinkVantagePresentationDirector version2, 3, and 4.01

v Profiles

v Immediately apply this displayscheme:

v Show Presentation Director icon intask bar system tray

v Options...

v Fn + F7 Settings

ThinkVantageRescue andRecovery version1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1,4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.21,and 4.3

v Including and excluding the list offiles in backups

v Backup preferences

Support migrating settings of version 4.1 and 4.2 whichsettings are same with version 4.0.

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Adobe AcrobatReader version5.x, 6.x, 7.x and8.x

v Accessibility

v Comments

v Identity

v Full screen

v Update

v Web buy

Support migrating most common settings form version6, 7 to 8.

Following common settings can not be migrated from 7to 8:

v Edit / Preferences / Forms / General / Automaticallycalculate field values

v Edit / Preferences / Forms / General / Keep formsdata temporarily available on disk

v Edit / Preferences / Full Screen / Full ScreenAppearance / Default transaction:

v Edit / Preferences / Full Screen / Full ScreenAppearance / Mouse cursor

v Edit / Preferences / Identity

v Edit / Preferences / Internet / Web Options /Display PDF in browser

v Edit / Preferences / Multimedia /

v Edit / Preferences / Spelling / underline color

v Edit / Preferences / Spelling / Dictionaries

Following common settings can not be migrated from 6to 8:

v Edit / Preferences / Forms / General / Automaticallycalculate field values

v Edit / Preferences / Forms / General / Keep formsdata temporarily available on disk

v Edit / Preferences / Full Screen / Full ScreenAppearance / Default transaction

v Edit / Preferences / Identity

v Edit / Preferences / Internet / Web Options /Display PDF in browser

v Edit / Preferences / Multimedia

v Edit / Preferences / Reading / Reading order

v Edit / Preferences / Reading / Dictionaries

v Edit / Preferences / Startup / display splash screen

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 93

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Adobe Illustrator12.0 and CS4

v Color Settings

v Envelope Distort / EnvelopeOptions

v Keyboard shortcuts

v Live Paint / Gap Options

v Live Trace / Tracing Options

v SWF Presets

v Preferences / Appearance of Black

v Preferences / File Handling andClipboard

v Preferences / General

v Preferences / Guides and Grid

v Preferences / Hyphenation

v Preferences / Plug-ins and ScratchDisks

v Preferences / Section & AnchorDisplay

v Preferences / Slices

v Preferences / Smart Guide

v Preferences / Type

v Preferences / Units and DisplayPerformance

v Preferences / User Interface

v Text Wrap / Text Wrap Options

v Tools / Options... / Network

v Tracing presets

v Transparency flattener presets

v Workspace / Manage Workspaces

Adobe Pagemaker7.0

v Document setup

v Preferences

v Polygon settings

v Rounded corners

v Link options

Adobe Photoshop8.0 and CS4

v Color Settings

v Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus

v Preferences

v Proof Setup

v Show / Show Extra Options

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

AOL InstantMessenger 6.0and 7.0

v Edit / Away Messages

v View / Buddy List WindowAlways On Top

v Edit / My Buddy Info

v Edit / Settings / Buddy List

v Edit / Settings / Connection

v Edit / Settings / Enhanced IM

v Edit / Settings / Expressions

v Edit / Settings / General IM

v Edit / Settings / IM Logging

v Edit / Settings / Notifications

v Edit / Settings / Offline IM

v Edit / Settings / Privacy

v Edit / Settings / Sounds

v Edit / Settings / Sign In / SignOut

v Edit / Settings / Style

v View / Offline Buddies

v View / Plugins

v View / Show in Buddy List

v View / Sort Buddy List By

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 95

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Apple iTunes 7and 8.1

v Edit / Preferences / General

v Edit / Preferences / Device(excluding Warning when morethan...of the data on this computerwill be changed)

v Edit / Preferences / Podcasts

v Edit / Preferences / Playback

v Edit / Preferences / Sharing

v Edit / Preferences / Apple TV

v Edit / Preferences / Store

v Edit / Preferences / Advanced

v Edit / Preferences / ParentalControl

v Controls / Shuffle

v Controls / Repeat mode

v View / Visualizer Options

v View / List View

v View / Album View

v View / Cover Flow View

v View / View Options

v View / Visualizer

v View / Show/Hide Browser

v View / Show/Hide ArtworkColumn

v View / Show Equalizer

v View / Switch to Mini Player

AT&T NetworkClient 5.0

v General

v Advanced phone settings

AT&T GlobalNetwork Client7.6

v Login Properties

v Default profiles and user setupprofiles

Avaya IPSoftphone 6.0

v View

v Tools / Program Options

v Settings / Audio / Options

v Audio / Options

v Settings / Font

When the user selects View / Call Bar Style / GenericPhone, the Audio Options menu shows under theSettings menu, and the Audio menu does not display; ifthe user selects View / Call Bar Style / Classic, theAudio Options menu shows under the Audio menu andno Audio Options submenu shows under the Settingmenu.

CorelPresentations 12.0

v Workspace Manager

v Settings

Corel Quattro Pro12.0

v Workspace Manager

v Customize

v Settings

Corel WordPerfect12.0

v Workspace Manager

v Settings

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Google Desktop4.2

v Desktop Use Habit/Local Index

v Desktop Use Habit/Display

v Desktop Use Habit/Others

Google Earth 4.0 v PlaceMark

v Options

v Windows position

Google Picasa 2.2and 3.1

v Tools / Configure Buttons

v View / Folder View

v View / Hidden Pictures

v Tools / Network

v Tools / Options / E-mails

v Tools / Options / File Types

v Tools / Options / General

v Tools / Options / Printing

v Tools / Options / Slideshow

v View / Small Pictures

v View / Small Thumbnails /Normal Thumbnails

v View / Thumbnail Caption

v Tools / Web Albums

Google Talk 1.0 v Account

v View

v Setting / General / Friends list

v Setting / General / Change font

v Setting / Notification

v Setting / Audio

v Setting / Appearance

IBM® GlobalNetwork Dialer4.0

Supports targetcomputersrunning onWindows 2000Professional orWindows 2000Server only.

v Access

v Appearance

v Programs

v Browser

v Mail

v News

v Servers

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 97

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Intuit Quicken2007

v Edit / Costomize Account Bar

v Edit / Customize Toolbar

v Edit / Preferences / QuickenProgram (exclude: Register,Reminders)

v Edit / Preferences / CustomizeOnline Updates (exclude:Connection)

v Tools / Edit Personal Information

v Account List

v Category List (exclude: Display taxinformation)

v Scheduled Transaction List

v Memorized Payee List

v Class List

v Currency List

v Calendar

v Show All Alerts

v Set Up Alerts

v Address Book

v Cash Flow / Reconcile

v Cash Flow / Write Checks

v Cash Flow / Budget

v Cash Flow / Calendar

v Investing / Portfolio

v Investing / Security Detail View

v Investing / Portfolio Analyzer

v Investing / Security List

v Investing / Security Type List

v Investing / Investing Goal List

v Property & Debt / Loan

v Planning / Saving Goals

v Tax / Tax Planner

SMA only migrates the Quicken data and setting files inthe default directory set by Quicken.

After applying on the target computer, Quicken can notautomatically open the data file, which was last openedon the source computer. Therefore, the user needs tomanually open the Quicken data file to access the dataand setting files.

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Intuit QuickBooks2007

v Edit / Preferences

v View / Open Window List

v View / Navigation Bar

v View / Icon Bar

v View / One Window / MultipleWindows

v Company / Company Information

v Company / Set Up Users

v Company / Planning & Budgeting/ Set Up Budgets

v Company / Planning & Budgeting/ Set Up Forecast

v Company / To Do List

v Company / Alerts Manager

v Customers / Customer Center

v Vendors / Vendor Center

v Vendors / Item List

v Employees / Employee Center

SMA only migrates the QuickBooks company data filesin the default directory set by QuickBooks.

Lotus Notes,versions 4.x, 5.x,6.x, 7.x, and 8.5

v Home

v File / Database / Access Control

v File / Replication / Settings

v File / Preferences

v View

v Mail

v ID files

v INI files

v Address book

In a migration between different versions, someapplication settings cannot be migrated.

Lotus Organizer®,version 6.0

v To-do preferences

v Contacts

v Calls

v Planner

v Anniversary

A Lotus application can be migrated only if allapplications are installed in the same directory. LotusNotes is an exception.

Good example:

v C:\Lotus\123\

v C:\Lotus\Wordpro\

v C:\Lotus\Organizer\

Bad example:

v C:\Lotus\123\

v C:\Program files\Wordpro\

v D:\Lotus\Organizer\

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 99

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Lotus SmartSuite®

for Windows,version 9.8

v Approach®

– Show

– Grid

– Show in design

– Maintain default sort for

– Database

– Show

– Navigation

– Data

v Freelance Graphics®

– Grid

– Preferences

– View

v Lotus 1-2-3®

– General

– New workbook defaults

– Recalculation

– Classic keys

– View

– General

– Security

– Show / Hide

v Word Pro®

– General

– Location

– Personal

– General usage

– Performance

– View

– Preferences

v SmartCenter

– Folder options (color and icon)

A Lotus application can be migrated only if allapplications are installed in the same directory. LotusNotes is an exception.

Good example:

v C:\Lotus\123\

v C:\Lotus\Wordpro\

v C:\Lotus\Organizer\

Bad example:

v C:\Lotus\123\

v C:\Program files\Wordpro\

v D:\Lotus\Organizer\

The ″Locations″ settings in ″Preferences″ does notmigrate.

McAfee VirusScanversions 7.0 and8.0

v System scan / Action

v System scan / Report

v System scan / Exclusion

v E-mail scan / Detection

v E-mail scan / Action

v E-mail scan / Alert

v E-mail scan / Report

v Script stopper

Migration from McAfee VirusScan version 7.0 to version8.0 is not supported.

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Microsoft Access®,versions 2000,2003, XP and 2007

v Toolbars

v Options

v View

v General

v Find

v Keyboard

v Data sheet

v Reporting

v Advanced

v Queries

Microsoft InternetExplorer, versions5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0,and 8.0

v Favorites

v Tools / Compatibility View Settings

v View / Encoding

v View / Full Screen

v View / Explorer Bars

v Tools / InPrivate Filtering Settings

v Tools / Internet Options

v View / Text Size

v View / Toolbars

Microsoft Money2007

v Tools / Settings / Account settings

v Tools / Settings / Backup Settings

v Tools / Settings / Bill Settings

v Tools / Settings / Browser Settings

v Tools / Settings / CategorySettings

v Tools / Settings / Home pagedisplay settings

v Tools / Settings / Investmentsettings

v Tools / Settings / Online servicesettings

v Tools / Settings / Planner settings

v Tools / Settings / Print checks

v Tools / Settings / Program settings

SMA only support migrating Microsoft Money files andMicrosoft Money Backup files which in the defaultdirectory set by Microsoft Money. If users change thedirectory to save the Microsoft Money files andMicrosoft Money Backup files, SMA will not capturethose files which are not in the default directory.

After applying on target computer, Microsoft Money cannot automatically open Microsoft Money file which waslast opened on source computer, so users need to openMoney file manually.

MicrosoftNetMeeting,versions 2.x and3.x

v View

v General

v Call

v Advanced calling options

v Security

Microsoft Office,versions 97, 2000,2003, XP, and2007 (Excel,PowerPoint andWord)

v Toolbars

v Options

v Templates

v Save options

v User info (under Tools options)

If the version of Microsoft Office on the source computeris different from that on the target computer, theToolbars and Templates settings of the Word andPowerPoint applications do not migrate.

″Compatibility″ in the ″Options″ settings does notmigrate.

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 101

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Microsoft Office2003 Publisher11.0, MicrosoftOffice 2007Publisher 12.0

v Windows position

v Privacy options

v Printer and paper / pager settings

MicrosoftOutlook®,versions 98, 2000,2003, XP and 2007

v Toolbars

v View

v Customize options

v Address book

v Accounts

v Preferences / E-mail options

v Tracking options

v Calendar options

v Mail delivery

v Resource scheduling

Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer are migratedsimultaneously. Microsoft Outlook and MicrosoftOutlook Express cannot be migrated simultaneously.

If the user name used to log on to the target computerdiffers from the one used to log on to the sourcecomputer, do as follows before starting MicrosoftOutlook on the target computer:

1. Open the Control Panel.

2. Double-click Folder Options.

3. Select the View tab.

4. Select Show hidden files and folders.

5. Click OK, then close the Folder Options window.

6. In the Control Panel, double-click Mail.

7. Click Data Files.

8. Click Settings.

9. When the Outlook.pst is not valid message appears,click OK.

10. Go to the following directory:C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlookand select Outlook.pst(%USERNAME% is the user account name you areusing to log on.)

11. Close Mail Setup.

12. Start Microsoft Outlook.

If you fail to go through this procedure before startingMicrosoft Outlook on the target computer, you will needto migrate Microsoft Outlook again and go through theprocedure.

102 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Microsoft OutlookExpress, versions5.x, and 6.x /MicrosoftWindows Mail

v General

v Mail-sending format

v News-sending format

v Send

v Read

v Security

v Advanced

v Address book

Microsoft Outlook Express and Internet Explorer aremigrated simultaneously. Microsoft Outlook andMicrosoft Outlook Express cannot be migratedsimultaneously.

If Address Book has not migrated, do as follows:

1. Open the Control Panel.

2. Double-click Folder Options.

3. Select the View tab.

4. Select Show hidden files and folders.

5. Click OK; then close the Folder Options window.

6. Start Microsoft Outlook Express 5.x/6.x.

7. On the menu bar, select File.

8. Select Import; then select Address Book.

9. Specify the Address book file (*.wab) as follows:C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Microsoft\addressbook\%SOURCEUSERNAME%.wab(%SOURCEUSERNAME% is the user account nameyou are using to log on to the source computer.)

10. Close the Message Import window.

The folder in Address Book does not migrate. This is arestriction of Outlook Express. For more information, seehttp://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;268716

Microsoft Project,versions 98, 2000and 2002

v Toolbars

v Preferences

v Save options

v File locations

v Most recent documents

Microsoft Visio®,versions 2000 and2002

v View

v Toolbars

v Customize / Options

v General

v Drawing

v Settings

v Advanced

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 103

Page 110: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6

Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

MicrosoftWindows MediaPlayer 9, 10, 11,and 12

v File / Work Offline

v Play / Audio and Language Tracks

v Play / Lyric, captions, and subtitles

v Tools / Options... / Burn

v Tools / Options... / Devices

v Tools / Options... / DVD

v Tools / Options... / Library

v Tools / Options... / Network

v Tools / Options... / Performance

v Tools / Options... / Player

v Tools / Options... / Plug-ins /Properties of Battery

v Tools / Options... / Privacy

v Tools / Options... / Rip Music

v Tools / Options... / Security

v Tools / Plug-ins / Options...

v View / Full Mode

v View / Plug-ins / Options

v View / Skin Chooser

v View / Skin

v View / Show Menu Bar

v View / Video Size

All settings that can be migrated from version 9 areincluded in version 10, 11, and 12, but not all settingsare the same with version 10, 11, and 12. Therefore,when SMA migrates the settings from version 10 to 11and 12, only common settings are migrated, and thesettings under ″Tools/Options.../Performance/Advanced...″ will not be migrated from 10 to 11 and 12.

MicrosoftWindows LiveMessenger 7.5,8.1, 8.5, and 2009

v Tools / Options / Alerts

v Tools / Options / Connection(excluding Advanced Settings /username, password)

v Tools / Options / File Transfer

v Tools / Options / Layout

v Tools / Options / Messages(excluding Message History)

v Tools / Options / Personal

v Tools / Options / Phone

v Tools / Options / Privacy

v Tools / Options / Security

v Tools / Options / Sign In(excluding Automatically runWindows Live Messenger when Ilog on to Windows)

v Tools / Options / Sounds

SMA does not support migrating version 5 to 7.5, 8.1,8.5, and 2009. Also, SMA does not support migrating thefollowing common settings from 7.5 to 8.1, 8.5, and 2009:

v Contacts / view contact by

v Tools / change display picture / don’t show a picture

v Tools / options / tab

v Tools / connection / advanced settings / Save a logof my server connections to help troubleshootconnection problems

v Tools / personal / Show song information fromWindows Media Player as a personal message

SMA only supports migrating received files in thedefault directory set by Live Messenger. If users changethe received files location, SMA will not capture thosefiles, which are not in the default received files directory.

MicrosoftWindows MSN®

Messenger 5.0

v Personal

v Messages

v Privacy

v General

v Accounts

v Connection

104 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Microsoft WorksSuite 2006

v Home / Calendar

v Home / Contacts

v Projects / Saved Projects

SMA does not support migrating the settings of WorksSuite from Windows XP or Windows 2000 to WindowsVista or Windows 7, because Works Suite uses differentsetting files between Windows XP, Windows 2000, andWindows Vista, Windows 7.

Mozilla Firefox1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and3.5

v Tools / Clear Recent History...

v Tools / Options...

v View / Character Encoding

v View / Page Style

v View / Sidebar

v View / Status Bar

v View / Toolbars

v View / Zoom / Zoom Test Only

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 105

Page 112: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6

Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

NetscapeNavigator,versions 6.x and7.x (continued)

If the user name used to log on to the target computerdiffers from the one used to log on to the sourcecomputer, do as follows before starting the migration:

1. Open the Control Panel.

2. Double-click Folder Options.

3. Select the View tab.

4. Select Show hidden files and folders.

5. Click OK; then close the Folder Options window.

6. Before the migration, find the Profiles folder ofMozilla on the target computer; it is inC:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%Application Data\ . (Here %USERNAME%represents the user account name you are using tolog on). Change the name of the folder to SMABACK.

7. Migrate Netscape.

8. Reboot the target computer.

9. Open ″C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME% Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\defaults\xxxxx.slt.″ (For xxxxx, choose the same name as onthe source side).

10. On the Menu bar, select Edit.

11. Select Preferences.

12. Select Advanced from Category.

13. Select Cash.

14. Change Disk Cache Folder to ″C:\Documents andSettings\%USERNAME%\ApplicationData\Mozilla\Profiles\defaults\xxxxx.slt.″ (For xxxxx, choose the same name as onthe source side).

15. Right-click the prefs.js file, and select Edit.

16. Search ″C:\Documents and Settings\%SOURCEUSER%\\″ and replace all%SOURCEUSER% with %USERNAME% (where%SOURCEUSER% is the user account name you areusing to log on to the source computer, and%USERNAME% is the user account name you areusing to log on to the target computer).

17. Start Netscape.

Norton Antivirus,version 7.x andupdates

v Frequency

v When

v Advanced

v Random options

Palm Desktop 4.1 v Window position

v Address book

v ToDo

v Memo

v Expense

In Windows Vista or Windows 7, only window positioncan be migrated.

106 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

Skype 3.2 and 4.0 v Skype / online Status

v Skype / Profile

v Tools / Change Language

v Tools / Options / Advanced /Advanced settings

v Tools / Options / Advanced /Connection

v Tools / Options / Advanced /Hotkeys

v Tools / Options / Calls / CallSettings

v Tools / Options / General /AudioSettings

v Tools / Options / General /General Settings

v Tools / Options / General /Sounds

v Tools / Options / General / Videosettings / Automatically receivevideo from

v Tools / Options / General / Videosettings / Show that I have videoto

v Tools / Options / IM & SMS / IMAppearance

v Tools / Options / IM & SMS / IMSettings

v Tools / Options / Privacy /Privacy Settings

v Tools / Options / Notifications /Notifications Settings

v Tools / Options / Notifications /Alerts & Messages

v Tools / Options / Notifications /Sounds

v View / Character Encoding

v View / Default View or CompactView

SymantecAntivirus 9.x

v Updates

v Frequency

v When

v Advanced

v Random options

Tablet OS settings v Tablet Input window settings

v Tablet Pen settings

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 107

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Table 16. Application settings available for migration (continued)

Application Settings Note

WinZip, version8.x and 11

v Columns

v General

v Section

v Buttons

v System default folder

v Explorer enhancements

v Context menu commands

v Miscellaneous

Support migrating most common settings form version 8to 11, but some common settings can not be migrated asfollowing:

v Options / Configuration / System / Associate Winzipwith archives

v Options / Configuration / System / include winzipin start menu

v Options / Configuration / System / include winzipon desktop

v Options / Configuration / Explorer enhancements /Display context menu items in a submenu

v Options / Configuration / Miscellaneous /

v Options / Configuration / Other / Show commentswhen opening ZIP files

Yahoo Messenger8.1

v Messenger / Preferences / General(exclude: Edit Mobile Device)

v Messenger / Preferences / Alert &Sounds

v Messenger / Preferences /Appearance

v Messenger / Preferences / Archive

v Messenger / Preferences / Chat

v Messenger / Preferences /Connection

v Messenger / Preferences / DisplayImage

v Messenger / Preferences / IgnoreList

v Messenger / Preferences / Yahoo!Music

v Messenger / Preferences /LiveWords

v Messenger / Preferences /Messages

v Messenger / Preferences / Privacy

v Messenger / Preferences / Webcam

v Messenger / Preferences / SuperWebcam

v Contacts / Show Offline Contracts

v Contacts / Show Empty Groups

v Contacts / Show Messenger List

v Contacts / Show Address Book

Migrating additional application settings

Note: To create custom application files, you must have a thorough knowledge ofthe applications, including the locations at which customized settings are stored.

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By default, SMA is preconfigured to migrate settings for several applications. Youcan also create a custom application file to migrate settings for additionalapplications.

This file must be named application.xml or application.smaapp, and must be placedin the d:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\Apps directory, where applicationspecifies the application and d is the drive letter of the hard disk drive. If bothapplication.smaapp and application.xml custom application files of the sameapplication exist, priority is given to the application.smaapp file.

To support a new application, you can copy an existing application file and modifyit.

Bear in mind the following characteristics of application files:v application.xml

– The tag enclosed with <!-- and --> is treated as a comment. For example,<!--Files_From_Folders><Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapi\*.* /s</Files_From_Folder><Files_From_Folder>%Personal Directory%\*.pdf</Files_From_Folder></Files_From_Folders-->

– Each command must be described in a separate section.– Each section begins with a command enclosed by tags; for example,

<AppInfo> or <Install_Directories>. You can enter one or more fields in asection; each field must be on a separate line.

– If the application file contains syntax errors, SMA continues the operation andwrites error messages in the log file.

– The application file is case-sensitive.v application.smaapp

For details about using the application.smaapp file, refer to Appendix C,“Compatibility with earlier versions,” on page 135.

Table 17 on page 110 presents information about application files.

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 109

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Table 17. Migrating additional application settings: Application files

Setting Parameter Description

<Applications> <Family> A text string that specifies thenon-version-specific name of the application.When you run SMA in batch mode, you usethis string in the applications section of thecommand file. Leading spaces are ignored;do not enclose the text string in quotationmarks.

For example:

<Family>AdobeAcrobat Reader</Family>

<SMA_Version> A text string. that specifies the SMA versionnumber.

For example:

<SMA_Version>SMA 6.0</SMA_Version>

<App> ShortName where ShortName is aversion-specific short name for one or moreapplications.

For example:



<Name> A text string that specifies the name of theapplication.

<Version> A numeric version that specifies the versionof the application.


Specifies a registry key. SMA detects anapplication by searching for the specifiedregistry key.

For example:

<Name>ThinkVantageTechnology- Client Security Solution</Name><Version>7.0</Version><Detects><Detect><hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Lenovo

Client Security Solution\</keyname><value>Version</value>


It the <value> tag exists, the specifiedregistry value is used to compare the<version> description to detect the specificversion of the application

110 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Table 17. Migrating additional application settings: Application files (continued)

Setting Parameter Description


For example:







<OS> A text string that specifies the operatingsystem and can be any one of the following:

v Windows 7

v Windows Vista

v Windows XP

v Windows 2000

<Registry> Specifies the installation directory as it islisted in the registry.

hive is either HKLM or HKCU.

keyname is the keyname.

value is an optional command thatspecifies the registry value beingmigrated.

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 111

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Table 17. Migrating additional application settings: Application files (continued)

Setting Parameter Description

<Files_From_Folders> SMAvariable\Location\[File][/s]


v SMAvariable is one of thefollowing variables thatspecify the location of thecustomization files:

– %Windows Directory%(location ofoperating-system files)

– %Install Directory%(location of theapplication as defined inthe Install_Directoriessection)

– %Appdata Directory%(the Application Datadirectory, a subdirectoryof the user profiledirectory)

– %LocalAppdataDirectory% (theApplication Datadirectory in the LocalSettings folder, asubdirectory of the userprofile directory)

– %Cookies Directory%, asubdirectory of the userprofile directory

– %Favorites Directory% ,a subdirectory of theuser profile directory

– %Personal Directory% ,a subdirectory (MyDocuments) of the userprofile. Thisenvironment variablecannot be used byWindows NT4.)

– %UserProfileDirectory%, the UserProfile directory.

Specifies the customization files that youwant to migrate. This setting is optional.

For example:


SMA captures the files in the %AppDataDirectory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapifolder. The files in the subdirectories arenot included.

<Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapi\ /s</Files_From_Folder>

SMA captures the files in the %AppDataDirectory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapifolder. The files in the subdirectories areincluded.

<Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapi\*.*</Files_From_Folder>

SMA captures the files in the %AppDataDirectory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapifolder. The files in the subdirectories arenot included.

<Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapi\*.* /s</Files_From_Folder>

SMA captures the files in the %AppDataDirectory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapifolder. The files in the subdirectories areincluded.

<Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapi</Files_From_Folder>

If “\” does not follow “Whapi,” SMAtreats “Whapi” not as a folder but as afile.

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Table 17. Migrating additional application settings: Application files (continued)

Setting Parameter Description

<Files_From_Folders> (continued) v Location\ specifies a fullyqualified directory. You canuse wildcard characters inthe path. If you specify adirectory, all files arecopied.

v [File] is an optionalparameter that can be usedonly if Location specifies adirectory, and File is thefile to be copied. You canuse wildcard characters inthe file name.

v [/s] is an optionalparameter. If you use [/s],all files in all subdirectoriesare copied.

If you are using SMA 6.0,you can use a Windowsenvironment variable. Theenvironment variable of theuser who started SMA isused as the value of theWindows environmentvariable.

<Registries> hive is either HKLM orHKCU.

keyname is the keyname.

value is an optionalcommand that specifiesthe registry value beingmigrated.

Specifies the registry entries to be migrated.

For example,




<Registry_Excludes> hive is either HKLM orHKCU.

keyname is the keyname.

value is an optionalcommand that specifiesthe registry value beingmigrated.

Specifies the registry keys and values to beexcluded from the selected registry entries.

For example,

<Registry_Excludes><Registry><hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader




Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 113

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Table 17. Migrating additional application settings: Application files (continued)

Setting Parameter Description

<Files_Through_Registries> <OS>

specifies the operating systemand is one of the followingvalues:v Win7v WinVistav WinXPv Win2000

<Registry> specifies theregistry entry and is in theformat hive,keyname,value,where:

v hive is either HKLM orHKCU.

v keyname is the keyname.

v value is an optionalcommand that specifies theregistry value beingmigrated.

File is the file name. You canuse wildcard characters.

Specifies the customization files to bemigrated.

For example,





<SourceBatchProcessing> <SourceBatchProcessing><!CDATA[batch commands]]</SourceBatchProcessing>

<SourceBatchProcessing> performs batchprocessing before <Files_From_Folders> isprocessed by Capture.

For example,

<SourceBatchProcessing><!CDATA[copy /y c:\temp\*.*

c:\migration del c:\migration\*.mp3]]</SourceBatchProcessing>

<PreTargetBatchProcessing> <PreTargetBatchProcessing><!CDATA[batch commands]]</PreTargetBatchProcessing>

<PreTargetBatchProcessing> performs batchprocessing before <Registries> is processedby Apply.

For example,

<PreTargetBatchProcessing><!CDATA[copy /y c:\temp\*.*

c:\migration del c:\migration\*.mp3]]</PreTargetBatchProcessing>

<TargetBatchProcessing> <TargetBatchProcessing><!CDATA[batch commands]]</TargetBatchProcessing>

<TargetBatchProcessing> performs batchprocessing after <Registries> is processed byApply.

For example,

<TargetBatchProcessing><!CDATA[copy /y c:\temp\*.*

c:\migration del c:\migration\*.mp3]]</TargetBatchProcessing>

Creating an application fileTo determine which application settings must be migrated for custom applicationfiles, you must carefully test the applications.

114 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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To create an application file, do the following:1. Use an ASCII text editor to open an existing application.XML file. If you

installed SMA in the default location, the application.XML files are in thed:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\Apps directory, where d is the driveletter of the hard disk drive.

2. Modify this application.XML file for the application and application settingsthat you want to migrate.

3. Modify the information in the <Applications> section.4. Modify the <Name> and <Version> commands in the <Application

ShortName=″ShortName″> section.5. Determine which registry keys must be migrated:

a. Click Start → Run. The Run window opens. In the Open field, typeregedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window opens.

b. In the left pane, expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE node.c. Expand the Software node.d. Expand the vendor-specific node; for example, Adobe.

e. Continue navigating until you find the registry key for the application. Inthis example, the registry key is SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0.

Figure 1. Advanced administrative topics: The “Registry Editor” window

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 115

Page 122: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6

f. Set the value of the Detect field. For example:<Detects><Detect><hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0</keyname></Detect><Detects>

6. Modify the <Install_Directories> section.7. Determine the path to the directory where the application will be installed.

a. From the Registry Editor window, navigate to the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\InstallPath node.

Figure 2. Advanced administrative topics: The Registry Editor window—Finding a registry key

116 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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b. Add the appropriate command to the <Install_Directories> section of theapplication file. For example:<Install_Directory><OS>WinXP</OS><Registry><hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value></Registry>


Note: If you do not find an application-specific directory in theHKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppPaths directory,you must find a directory that contains the installation path elsewhere in theHKLM\Software tree. Then use that key in the <Install_Directories> section.

8. In the <Files_From Folders> section, specify the customization files you wantto migrate.a. Since many applications, by default, save files in the Documents and

settings subdirectory, check the Application data directory for directoriesthat pertain to the application. If there is one, you can use the followingcommand to migrate the directory and files:<Files_From_Folder>SMAvariable\Location\[File][/s] </Files_From_Folder>

where Location/ is a fully qualified file or directory, and [File] is an optionalparameter that can be used only if Location/ specifies a directory.In the Adobe Reader example, the customization files are in thePreferences directory.

Figure 3. Advanced administrative topics: “Registry Editor” window: Finding the installationpath

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 117

Page 124: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6

b. Check all related directories for personal settings that might be storedthere.

c. Check the Local Settings directory.9. Determine registry entries that you want to migrate. They will be in HKCU

(HKEY_CURRENT_USER). In the <Registries> section of the application file,add the appropriate commands.

10. Save the application.XML file in the d:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\Apps directory, where d is the drive letter of the hard disk drive.

11. Test the new application file.

Figure 4. Advanced administrative topics: Customization files in the “Documents and settings”folder

118 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Example of an application.XML file for Adobe ReaderThis section presents an application file for the Adobe Reader program.

<?xml version="1.0"?><Applications><Family>Adobe Acrobat Reader</Family><SMA_Version>SMA 6.0</SMA_Version><APP>Acrobat_Reader_80</APP><APP>Acrobat_Reader_70</APP><APP>Acrobat_Reader_60</APP><APP>Acrobat_Reader_50</APP>

<Application ShortName="Acrobat_Reader_50"><AppInfo><Name>Acrobat_Reader_5.0</Name><Version>5.0</Version><Detects>


<keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0</keyname></Detect>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\InstallPath<keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 119

Page 126: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6

<Files_From_Folders><Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\Acrobat\Whapi\*.*

/s</Files_From_Folder><Files_From_Folder>%Personal Directory%\*.pdf</Files_From_Folder>




<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader</keyname>


<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Persistent Data</keyname>


<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AdobeViewer</keyname>


<Registry><hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AdobeViewer</keyname><value>xRes</value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\Adobe\Viewer</keyname><value>yRes</value>


<![CDATA[if /i "%SourceUserName%" == "SYSTEM" goto Doneif /i "%SourceApp%" == "Acrobat_Reader_50" goto Update50goto Done:Update50regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AdobeViewer"regfix /delete "HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AdobeViewer":Done]]

</PreTargetBatchProcessing><TargetBatchProcessing></TargetBatchProcessing></Application><Application ShortName="Acrobat_Reader_6.0">

<AppInfo><Name>Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0<\Name>







120 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\Acrobat\6.0\*.*/s</Files_From_Folder>

<Files_From_Folder>%Personal Directory%\*.pdf</Files_From_Folder></Files_From_Folders><Files_Through_Registries></Files_Through_Registries><Registries>



<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader</keyname>



<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\AdobeViewer</keyname><value>xRes</value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\Adobe\Viewer</keyname><value>yRes</value>


Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 121

Page 128: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6


<![CDATA[if /i "%SourceApp%" == "Acrobat_Reader_50" goto Update50goto Done:Update50regfix "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0" "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat

Reader\6.0"regfix "HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AdobeViewer" "HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat



</Application><Application ShortName="Acrobat_Reader_7.0">

<AppInfo><Name>Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0<\Name><Version>6.0</Version><Detects>






<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>


122 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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<Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\Acrobat\7.0\*.*/s</Files_From_Folder>

<Files_From_Folder>%Personal Directory%\*.pdf</Files_From_Folder></Files_From_Folders><Files_Through_Registries></Files_Through_Registries><Registries>



<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader</keyname>


<Registry><hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AdobeViewer</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AdobeViewer</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AdobeViewer</keyname><value>xRes</value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AdobeViewer</keyname><value>yRes</value>



<TargetBatchProcessing><![CDATA[if /i "%SourceApp%" == "Acrobat_Reader_50" goto Update50if /i "%SourceApp%" == "Acrobat_Reader_60" goto Update60goto Done:Update50regfix "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0" "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat

Reader\7.0"regfix "HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AdobeViewer"

"HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AdobeViewer"goto Done:Update60regfix "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0" "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat

Reader\7.0"regfix "HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\AdobeViewer"

"HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AdobeViewer":Done]]

</TargetBatchProcessing></Application><Application ShortName="Adobe Acrobat Reader 80">

<AppInfo><Name>Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0</Name><Version>8.0</Version><Detects>


Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 123

Page 130: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6

<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0</keyname></Detect>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>



<hive>HKLM</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\InstallPath</keyname><value>(Default)</value>


</Install_Directories><Files_From_Folders><Files_From_Folder>%AppData Directory%\Adobe\*.* /s</Files_From_Folder><Files_From_Folder>%LocalAppData Directory%\Adobe\Updater5\AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat</Files_From_Folder>


<Registry><hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\3D\</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Access</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Accessibility</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Annots\cPrefs</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Appearance</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVDisplay</keyname><value></value>

124 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVGeneral</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVGenaral\cDockables\cOCGs</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVGenaral\cToolbars</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVTracker</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AutoSaveDocs</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AutoScroll</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\FullScreen</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\FormsPrefs</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\HandTool</keyname><value></value>


<Registry><hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\HostedServices\cProtectPDF</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\HostedServices\cMeeting</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\HostedServices\cMeetingInfo</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Identity</keyname><value></value>

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 125

Page 132: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Intl</keyname><value></value>


<Registry><hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\JSPrefs</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Language</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Measuring</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Measuring3D</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\multimedia</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\multimediaLanguage</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Originals</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\OptionalContent</keyname><value></value>


<Registry><hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\PICommonPrefs</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\PrefsDialog</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\ReadAloud</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\RememberedViews</keyname><value></value>

126 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Search\cOptions</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Security</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Selection</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\SDI</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Spelling</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Tracker</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\TrustManager</keyname><value></value>


<hive>HKCU</hive><keyname>Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Window</keyname><value></value>


<![CDATA[if /i "%SourceUserName%" == "SYSTEM" goto Done

regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Originals"

goto Done



if /i "%SourceUserName%" == "SYSTEM" goto Doneif /i "%SourceApp%" == "Acrobat_Reader_50" goto Doneif /i "%SourceApp%" == "Acrobat_Reader_60" goto Update60if /i "%SourceApp%" == "Acrobat_Reader_70" goto Update70goto Done

:Update60regfix "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0" "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0"regfix "HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\AdobeViewer""HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AdobeViewer"

Chapter 6. Application settings available for migration 127

Page 134: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6

goto Update70

:Update70regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AdslnReader"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\Annots\cAnnots\cAnnot\\tauthor"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\DocumentStatus"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\EBookPlugin"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\FindSearch"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\Installer"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\Identity"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\InstallPath"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\Multimedia"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\TaskButtons"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\Updater"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\Settings"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\Highlight"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\FocusRect"

regfix /rename "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\3D" "b3DShowToolbar" "i3DShowToolbar"

regfix "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\DiskCabs" "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\8.0\DiskCabs"

regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\DiskCabs"

regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Originals"

regfix "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0" "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0"

regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\6.0"regfix /delete "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0"

goto Done



128 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Appendix A. File and registry exclusions

This appendix presents information about files and registry entries that cannot bemigrated by use of SMA.

File and directory exclusionsThe following files and directories are excluded from the scan process and socannot be captured:v pagefile.sysv hal.dllv ntuser.datv ntuser.dat.logv ntuser.dat.iniv system.datv user.datv bootsect.dosv io.sysv msdos.sysv ntdetect.comv ntldrv $ldr$v win386.swpv hiberfil.sysv boot.iniv system.iniv msdos.---v command.comv system.iniv system.1stv config.sysv autoexec.batv systemdir\config, where systemdir is the operating-system directoryv SMA temporary directory

Also, the system volume information is not scanned and so cannot be captured.

Registry exclusionsSMA cannot capture the following registry entries:v HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorerv HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersionv HKLM\\Hardwarev HKLM\\samv HKLM\\security

© Copyright Lenovo 2008, 2009 129

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v HKLM\\system\\ControlSet00Nv HKLM\\system\\currentcontrolset\\enumv HKLM\\system\\currentcontrolset\\services\\Tcpipv HKLM\\system\\currentcontrolset\\hardware profilesv HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptographyv HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Policiesv HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Classv HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Networkv HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\DeviceClassesv HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\RPCv HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Group Policyv HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Syncmgrv HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\CIDv HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\Netv HKCU\\AppEventsv HKCU\\Control Panelv HKCU\\Identitiesv HKCU\\InstallLocationsMRUv HKCU\\Keyboard layoutv HKCU\\Networkv HKLM\\Configv HKLM\\Driverv HKLM\\Enumv HKLM\\Networkv HKLM\\Hardwarev HKLM\\Security

In addition, registry keys are excluded when the final node is one of the followingtext strings:v StreamMRUv Cachev Enum

130 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Appendix B. Migration of user profiles supported in SMA 6.0

SMA 6.0 supports two kinds of migration:v A foreground single-user profilev A multiuser profile

You can migrate a single-user profile as follows:v To a different user namev From local account to domain accountv From domain account to local account

The following tables show valid migration scenarios: Table 18 for a single-usermigration, Table 19 for a multiuser migration.

Table 18. Migration of a single-user profile

User account on thesource computer

User account on the target computer

Source and target accounts have the sameuser name

Source and target accounts have differentuser names

Local account Domain account Local account Domain account

Local account Yes Yes Yes Yes

Domain account Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 19. Multiuser migration

User account on thesource computer

User account on the target computer (migration by delayed apply)

Foreground source and target accountshave the same user name

Foreground source and target accounts havedifferent user names

Local account Domain account Local account Domain account

Local account Yes Yes No1 No1

Domain account Yes Yes No1 No1

1Migration to a different user name account is supported for foreground usermigration only.

Table 20 and Table 21 on page 132 show which users of the source computer willbe migrated to the target computer.

Table 20. Case 1: Same user names on the source and target computers

User name User A User B User C

User A (logon) Yes1

User B Yes2

User C Yes3

1The settings for the foreground user, user A, are correctly migrated to the targetcomputer.2The settings for the background user, user B, are correctly migrated to the targetcomputer if user B’s password is the same as the user name—that is, user B. If the

© Copyright Lenovo 2008, 2009 131

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password is different from the user name, user B will not be migrated.3User C is created on the target computer, and the settings for user C are copiedfrom the source computer.

Table 21. Case 2: Different user names on the source and target computers

User name User A User B (logon) User C User D

User A (logon) No4 Yes5

User B No6

User C No7

User D No8

4The settings for user A of the source computer will not be migrated to user A ofthe target computer. If the logon user names on the source and the targetcomputers are different, only the settings of the logon user are migrated.5The settings for user A will be migrated to user B, because user B is currentlylogged on to the target computer.6The settings for user B on the source PC will not be migrated, because the settingsfor user A of the source PC are applied to user B on the target PC.7User C will not be created on the target PC. If the logon user names on the sourceand the target computers are different, only the settings of the logon user aremigrated.8User D will not be migrated to the target PC. If the logon user names on thesource and the target computers are different, only the settings of the logon userare migrated.

In order to identify user profiles available for migration, do the following:1. Logon to the source PC with administrative privilege.2. Create USRCHK.BAT and USRCHK_CMD.XML files at the SMA installation

directory.3. Run USRCHK.BAT from the command prompt; user accounts available for

migration will be listed.4. If the desired domain user profile is not listed, the user’s cached credentials

may have expired. To update the cached credentials, log on to this account.

Example of a USRECHK.BAT@echo off"%sma%smabat" /c "%sma%USRCHK_CMD.XML" /n "%sma%usrchk.sma"find "I1200" "%sma%sma.log"del /q "%sma%*.log"del /q "%sma%usrchk.sma"pause

Example of a USERCHK_CMD.xml<?xml version="1.0" ?><?sma version="5.0" ?><controlcard>



132 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Appendix B. Migration of user profiles supported in SMA 6.0 133

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134 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Appendix C. Compatibility with earlier versions

This appendix presents information about the compatibility of SMA 6.0 or earlierversions.

The architecture of SMA 6.0 and SMA 5.2 have been redesigned compared to SMA4.2 or earlier versions. Therefore an SMA profile (migration file) created by use ofSMA 4.2 or an earlier version cannot be used by SMA 6.0 or SMA 5.2.

Because SMA 6.0 and 5.2 use the XML file format for its command file andapplication files, command files and application files created by use of SMA 4.2 canbe used with SMA 5.2. If you specify an old SMA 4.2 version command file orapplication files instead of SMA 6.0 or 5.2 XML files, SMA automatically translatesthose files to SMA 6.0 or 5.2 data.

The following commands from SMA 4.2 have become obsolete:v capture_ntfs_attribute in [MISC] sectionv removable_media in [MISC] sectionv createselfextractingexe in [MISC] section

The following commands have been added for SMA 5.x and SMA 6.0:v time_zone in the <Desktop> sectionv desktop_settings (Desktop theme/Color scheme/Visual effect) in the <Desktop>


Command fileThe SMA 4.2 commands that can be handled as SMA 5.2 or SMA 6.0 commandsare briefly described in the Table 22.

Table 22. Commands in the command file

Commands SMA 4.2 SMA 5.2 and SMA 6.0

Password [password_start]plain_password = xxxx[password_end]




[profile_path_and_name_start]output_profile = c:\migrate.sma[profile_path_and_name_end]



PC to PCmigration

[misc_settings_end]using_peer_to_peer_migration = 1[misc_settings_end]




© Copyright Lenovo 2008, 2009 135

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Table 22. Commands in the command file (continued)

Commands SMA 4.2 SMA 5.2 and SMA 6.0


[desktop_start]accessibility = 0active_desktop = 1colors = 1desktop_icons = 1display = 1icon_font = 0keyboard = 0mouse = 0pattern = 0screen_saver = 1sendto_menu = 0shell = 0sound = 0start_menu = 0taskbar = 1wallpaper = 1window_metrics = 0[desktop_end]

<Desktop><accessibility<false</accessibility><active_desktop>true</active_desktop><colors>true</colors><desktop_icons>true</desktop_icons><display>true</display><icon_metrics>false</icon metrics)<keyboard>false</keyboard><mouse>false</mouse><pattern>false</pattern><screen_saver>true</screen_saver><sendto_menu>false</sendto_menu><shell>false</shell><sound>false</sound><start_menu>false</start_menu><taskbar>true</taskbar><wallpaper>true</wallpaper><window_metrics>false</window_metrics><time_zone>true</time_zone><desktop_settings>true</desktop_settings>


Note: Unlike earlier versions, SMA 5.2 and SMA 6.0support the migration of “time_zone” and“desktop_settings (Desktop theme/Color scheme/Visualeffect).”


[network_start]ip_subnet_gateway_configuration = 0dns_configuration = 0wins_configuration = 0computer_name = 0computer_description = 0domain_workgroup = 0shared_folders_drives = 1mapped_drives = 1dialup_networking = 0microsoft_networking = 0odbc_datasources = 0[network_end]





Application [applications_start]Adobe Acrobat ReaderLotus NotesMicrosoft Internet Explorer[applications_end]

<Applications><Application>Adobe Acrobat Reader</Application><Application>Lotus Notes</Application><Application>Microsoft Internet Explorer</Applica


Registry [registry_start]HKLM,"software\microsoft\currentversion","value"[registry_end]








136 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Table 22. Commands in the command file (continued)

Commands SMA 4.2 SMA 5.2 and SMA 6.0

File Inclusion [includefile_start]c:\data\*.cpp[includefile_end]



<IncDescription><Description>c:\data\*.cpp /s</Description><DataCompare><Operand>NEWER</Operand><Date>05/01/2005</Date>









<ExcDescription><Description>c:\data\*.cpp /s</Description><DataCompare><Operand>OLDER</Operand><Date>05/01/2005</Date>




[userprofiles_start]GetAllUserProfiles = 1Administrator[userprofiles_end]







Printer [misc_settings_start]printers = 0defaultprinteronly =[misc_settings_end]

<Printer><PrinterName>IBM Network Printer</PrinterName>


Misc [misc_settings_start]bypass_registry =quota=0stop_if_quota_exceeded = 0capture_ntfs_attribute =user_exit = C:\EXIT.EXEoverwrite_existing_files = 1temp_file_location = c:\templog_file_location = c:\logremovable_media = 0AutoReboot = 2resolve_icon_links = 1createselfextractingexe =0using_peer_to_peer_migration = 1[misc_settings_end]





Note: capture_ntfs_attribute, removable_media, andcreateselfextractingexe are obsolete in SMA 5.1.

Appendix C. Compatibility with earlier versions 137

Page 144: System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide V6

Application fileTo use SMA 4.2 application files with SMA 6.0, copy those files to theSMA6.0_Install_Directory/apps folder (where SMA6.0_Install_Directory is thedirectory in which SMA 6.0 is installed). Table 23 provides the application filecommands and the descriptions on how they are handled in SMA4.2, SMA5.2, andSMA6.0.

Table 23. Appendix: Application file commands

Commands SMA 4.2 SMA 5.2 and SMA 6.0

Application Information [General]Family= Application NameSMA_Version= 4.2APP1= Application_1

(=shortname)APP2= Application_2

<Applications><Family>Application name</Family><SMA_Version>5.0</SMA_Version><APP>Application_1</APP><APP>Application_2</APP>

[App_Info.shortname]Name= Application NameVersion= 5.0Detect_1= hive, "Registry keyname"

<Application ShortName="Application_1"><AppInfo><Name>Application Name</Name><Version>5.0</Version><Detects><Detect>

<hive>hive</hive><keyname>Registry keyname</keyname>



Set %Install Directory%SMAvariable

[Install_Directories.shortname]WinXP= HKLM, "SOFTWARE\SMA ","INSTALLDIR"





File inclusion [Files_From_Folders.shortname]%Install Directory%, Data, *.txt



Registry inclusion [Registry.shortname]HKCU, "Software\Adobe\Acrobat",“(Default)”





Registry exclusion [Registry.shortname]HKCU, "Software\Adobe\Acrobat",“(Default)”




138 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Table 23. Appendix: Application file commands (continued)

Commands SMA 4.2 SMA 5.2 and SMA 6.0

SourceBatchProcessing SMA 4.2 does not support


<SourceBatchProcessing><!CDATA[copy /y c:\temp\*.* c:\migra

tiondel c:\migration\*.mp3]]


PreTargetBatchProcessing [PreTargetBatchProcessing]copy /y c:\temp\*.* c:\migrationdel c:\migration\*.mp3]][/PreTargetBatchProcessing]

<PreTargetBatchProcessing><!CDATA[copy /y c:\temp\*.* c:\migra

tiondel c:\migration\*.mp3]]


TargetBatchProcessing [TargetBatchProcessing]copy /y c:\temp\*.* c:\migrationdel c:\migration\*.mp3]]</TargetBatchProcessing>

<TargetBatchProcessing><!CDATA[copy /y c:\temp\*.* c:\migra

tiondel c:\migration\*.mp3]]


Translation of application fileSMA includes a tool that translates an application file of SMA 4.2 into anapplication file of SMA 5.2 or SMA 6.0.

If you installed SMA in the default location, AppFileTransfer.exe is in thed:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA directory, where d is the drive letter of thehard disk drive.

The AppFileTransfer.exe command uses the following syntax:AppFileTransfer "SMA42ApplicationFile" "SMA51ApplicationFile"

For example, to translate Lotus_Notes.smaapp of SMA 4.2 into Lotus_Notes.xml ofSMA 5.2 or SMA 6.0, type the following string in the command prompt:d:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\SMA\AppFileTransfer C:\Apps\Lotus_Notes.smaapp C:\Apps\Converted\Lotus_Notes.xml

Lotus_Notes.xml is created in the C:\Apps\Converted folder.

Appendix C. Compatibility with earlier versions 139

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140 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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Appendix D. Notices

Lenovo may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in thisdocument in all countries. Consult your local Lenovo representative forinformation on the products and services currently available in your area. Anyreference to an Lenovo product, program, or service is not intended to state orimply that only that Lenovo product, program, or service may be used. Anyfunctionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe anyLenovo intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user’sresponsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any other product, program,or service.

Lenovo may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matterdescribed in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give youany license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

Lenovo (United States), Inc1009 Think PlaceBuilding OneMorrisville, NC 27560USAAttention: Lenovo Director of Licensing


This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will beincorporated in new editions of the publication. Lenovo may make improvementsand/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in thispublication at any time without notice.

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Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlledenvironment. Therefore, the result in other operating environments may varysignificantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-levelsystems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same ongenerally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have beenestimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this documentshould verify the applicable data for their specific environment.

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142 System Migration Assistant Deployment Guide Version 6.0

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