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Task 1Savannah Hardwick

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Hannah Hoch Hannah Hoch was a Dada movement artist in Germany, known

best for the work she did using photomontages. The majority of her pieces were criticizing the mass beauty industry, mass media, she also made strong statements through her work about racial discrimination and from 1926-1935 her work showed same sex couples, having women be the central theme in her work from 1953-1973. Some of her most famous pieces of work were created from cut up newspapers, which she rearranged to create statement pieces about the Dada movement, political failings and more specifically the failures of the Weimar German Government. Her work was very contemporary for the time, using traditional techniques such as paper collage to create work which was very modern and unique. I think that Hannah Hoch’s work is hard to define as either fine art or commercial, because it was both. She created her artwork with the intention to shock people and to show them her opinions in a very unique and loud way, but I don’t think that her work would just be shown in a gallery, I think that certain pieces such as ‘’ Das schöne Mädchen” [The Beautiful Girl], in 1920, could be used commercially to show how the birth of advertising changed the ideals of beauty and how beauty is perceived. I think that in the modern day, Hannah Hoch’s work would be shown in galleries, and I think that some of her work would be shown specifically in feminism galleries around the world. Although I think that when Hannah has originally released these pieces of art, they would've been shown in newspapers as political artwork.

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Raoul Haussmann Raoul Haussmann was one of the key persons in the Dada

movement within Berlin. He worked with experimental photography, specializing in photo collages. He met 3 people who he claims were his main inspirations for wanting to start collaging, these were Hannah Hoch, Otto Gross and Franz Jung. His first experience with seeing a photomontage was when he and Hannah Hoch were holidaying, they saw a painting in their hotel room in which young boys faces had been glued to the faces of soldiers. He claimed that this was ‘like a thunderbolt ‘ he then went back to Berlin and began creating images using newspaper cuttings. One of Haussmann's most famous works was The Mechanical Head (the spirit of our time) and Is the only surviving piece from 1919-1920. His work was very contemporary, creating photomontages was very new for that time, although his work was traditional in the way that it was made from newspapers and collaging, and not from digital editing. Haussmann’s work is fine art, it would be shown in galleries and then would be sold on. Although there is a possibility that it could be used for commercial use, it is much more likely that it would be for artisitc reasons.

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Alice Lipping

Alice Lipping is a contemporary artist who photographs primarily surfaces and structures. She believes in using minimal colours and trying to capture the distressed subject in a unique way. Working in New York City, she attended art school and is now working on her portfolio, using her work for commercial reasons, and she also recently had her work featured in a ‘up and coming new artists’ gallery show. Her work Is very non traditional and contemporary, using digital cameras and Photoshop to edit her images. Her work would be shown in galleries and could also be used for a wide variety of commercial outcomes, such as advertisements or for covers of CD’s due to the contemporary look of them.

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