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Page 1: Technology creates social isolation and neurosis


By: Daniel Maier

Page 2: Technology creates social isolation and neurosis


Definitions Technology & Addiction Technology That Causes Social Isolation and Neurosis Facebook – Good or Bad Video Games – Good or Bad Conclusion References

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Social Isolation – Social Isolation is defined by a lack of contact with people in normal daily living in areas such as work, with friends or in any social environment.

Neurosis – Neurosis is a minor mental illness involving forms of stress such as depression and anxiety.

Addiction – Addiction can be described as a physical and mental dependence on a certain thing.

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Technology has diminished the want for human interaction

In Today’s society you can see a group of friends all together but never really together. This is due to them all being on their cell phones.

In todays Society People are more connected than ever but far less human contact than ever.

This lack of focus or drive to be social can be known as social isolation.

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Many people don’t think about it but technology can be addicting

Addiction can be defined as being physically dependent on something, without that thing you can feel withdrawal.

It is not always easy to notice the effects of an addition until you have to do without the item.

These addictions to technology often cause social isolation and/or neurosis.

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you self conscious seeing how everyone looks and comparing your life to others. (Facebook, Twitter, Pintrist)

Video Games – Takes up massive amount of time without feeling like it. As well as taking focus away from friends, family and even yourself.

Cell Phones – Texting instead of having a real conversation with people.

Technology has advanced so much and so rapidly. These technologies such as video games, computers and smart phones have changed how people live their lives.

Technology can be a good thing if it is controlled, but often people become addicted to technology such as using Facebook or playing video games that they become hermits and are rarely seen outside with people.

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Facebook – Good or Bad Facebook with the right amount of

use can be useful. But many people take it to far and spend many hours on Facebook.

It has been proven that frequent users of Facebook tend to be more lonely, not alone but the mental feeling of being lonely.

“The vast majority (85%) of the 1,000 people polled said they used Facebook as part of their regular routines. About a third said they used Facebook to stay on top of things and two-thirds admitted they used it to kill time. One quarter said they felt “ill at ease” if they can’t log in regularly. Sounds a lot like withdrawal.” (Walton, 2012)

(Walton, 2012)

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Pros Cons Keep in touch with distant

relationships Easy and quick to mass

inform of important situations (such as sick friend or hospitalize person)

Keeps people connected to the other wise unknown

Spread ideas and concerns to mass people

Consumption of time Its an addition to many The more its used the more

unhappy people are Adds to body image issues Easy to Compare people,

decreasing self-esteem and self-image

Changes perception of ourselves

(Forbes, 2012)

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Video Games seem to be a very big topic with social isolation. Many people who play video games a lot generally have very few friend or in some cases the only friends they have are through playing these games. (Not always the case)

Video Games are very easy to get lost in. some people get so lose in the virtual reality that they do not feel the need or get the chance to experience real life.

There have been documented cases of people getting so caught up in a video game that they neglect their on body or children that people have died.

“a boy in Beijing took it to the next level. Apparently having lost himself in the game, World of Warcraft, he “became” a fire mage in his mind, and set his classmate on fire.”(Lam, 2010)

It is not only important to go out and be social, but to remember whats real and whats not.

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Pros Cons

Can teach problem solving and cognitive kills

Increase Decision making skills

Medical research shown to use video games to recover from injuries and gain motor skills and coordination.

Time Consumption Addition Does not promote physical activity Increases violent behavior and

criminal tendencies Can give false expectations of real

life People lost in video games and

believe real life is the game Decreases proactive behavior Have caused deaths (see next slide) Decreased social life

(Rudon, n.d.)

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Many people tend to isolate themselves from social situations. These are some of the ways I have seen this done:

A group that is together but all on their phones. Listening to music on an MP3 player will in a social

atmosphere. Watching the TV at a restaurant instead of talking to your

company. Kids in school playing portable games on lunch. These are just a few but I'm sure you can think of many


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I Believe that new Technology is a problem if we keep heading in the direction we are going.

People need to slow down and get out, you should be able to put down a game or your phone and focus on maintaining relationships and an active life style.

Technology has sadly taken control of man peoples lives everywhere you look. It is hard to walk through a mall without seeing someone or a group of people on their phones.

I strongly believe people need to step back and take a look at how often they use technology and how often they engage in a social setting face to face not by texting or using Facebook

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Walton, Alice. (April, 2012) Forbes. The True Costs of Facebook Addiction. Retrieved From: http://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2012/04/05/the-true-costs-of-facebook-addiction-low-self-esteem-and-poor-body-image/

Rudon, Timothy. (n.d.) Self Growth. 10 Benefits of Video Games. Retrieved From: http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/10_Benefits_Of_Video_Games.html

Lam, Rick. (November, 2010) Listverse. Top 10 Cases of Extreme Game Addition. Retrieved From: http://listverse.com/2010/11/07/top-10-cases-of-extreme-game-addiction/

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