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Page 1: Testimonials with Select

What do our clients think about


Here are a few testimonials that our REAL clients have said to

us over the 15 years of service we have provided…

Select Introductions Inc

Page 2: Testimonials with Select

Joanne 47, Winnipeg

I was extremely nervous when I started back into the dating world after my divorce was finalized. It had been so long since I ever dated and I wasn’t even sure I knew how to anymore ha ha. I am from the country so I read the Western Producer a lot and I came across an ad for Select Introductions. It was for a woman but I still wanted to contact them to see if they could help me out or at least tell me where to go for help. I spoke with one of their representatives and they were so nice and made me feel really comfortable. She had me laughing within minutes and I felt really reassured that lots of people need help, I wasn’t the only one. Which for some reason was stuck in my head so it was nice to hear. They took down my information and told me that I would hear back when they had someone in the area. They got back to me within a week and sent me a few matches. They were very nice guys and they seemed perfect on paper but no chemistry quite yet. We kept going for a month and then they sent me George from Neepawa. We hit it off immediately and we are still going strong 1 year later. The girls still check in every once in a while to see how it’s going. I would highly recommend giving them a try as they helped me when I thought I was a lost case!

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Gerry, 63, Manitoba

I am an old man looking for companionship. I just figured I would be alone forever with my dog! I heard about this company through some gentlemen who had called them so I figured what’s the harm in giving them a call. Everything sounded great and it was something I wanted to try. Well, I am very glad I did because I have already gone on 8 dates and the women are exactly what I am looking for. Any of the women that didn’t work out, I still talk to and some of them have agreed to continue being friends which is great for an old guy like me.

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Deborah, 57, Ottawa

I did the whole online thing and it was a very awkward and dissatisfying experience. I went to a few single dances and didn’t really meet anyone there. I am looking for a companionship, something real and long term and it seemed no one else was looking for that. While having coffee with a friend, I seen the ad to Select Introductions. I called them, joined and now 3 years later I am with Henry and I couldn’t be happier. We just got back from Italy for 10 days and I am not sure I would have ever visited Italy if it wasn’t for meeting him. He is everything I could have hoped for and more. Who knew that one phone call would change my life forever. I encourage all my single friends to try it out. The staff is kind, caring and respectful. They really help you with anything you need and they know what they’re doing.

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Gladys, 75, St Catherine’s

The girls here are lovely. They help me with questions and they are professional. I have met some very nice gentlemen for coffee and I am back socializing again. I thought I would end my days alone but they have now given me a second chance and have changed my life and for that, I will be forever grateful.

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Louis, 38, Toronto

I am a busy guy. I own a business and I had no time to go out and meet people or have them waste my time. I know exactly what I want and what would make me happy. I joined the service, told them what I needed to make me happy and they told me no problem and that they would get it done. Within 2 months I had met many women but one in particular caught my eye and grabbed my attention. Anna was beautiful, smart and funny. She understood my work schedule and she was just downright amazing. I purposed to her at Niagara Falls and she said yes. It was the best day of my life, second to when we got married a year later. I can’t believe I lucked out so much with Anna and I owe it all to Select and their hard work. Thanks guys and keep up the good work.

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Shannon, 33, Burnaby

I started with Select a few years ago. They were helpful and absolutely amazing through the whole process. They took some time to get to know me and they sent profiles right to my email. They were professional and I really liked the way I was handled. I met awesome guys, they were super fun and nice. I am currently dating one of them so I hope it continues and develops into something long term! It’s looking good, thanks Select!

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Allan, 54, Athabasca

I spend a lot of time on my farm and I have grown up my whole life living on a farm. Not many women understand that or know what it takes to live on a farm. I figured I would just die alone here. It took me about 2 years of talking to the company to decide to take the plunge. I was extremely hesitant and worried. I lost my wife 9 years before I called Select. I didn’t know if meeting anyone else was a waste of time or if I could handle it. How do you tell a company that you’re looking for your late wife again? The girls completely understood. They found me a marvelous woman who shared the same interests and had the same personality type that worked well with me. She liked the same things I did and we got along so well. It was silly of me to think because I lost one love of my life that I wouldn’t meet another one. This woman and I have made each other happy and we know now that we will have someone special until the end of our days. I am glad I contacted your company, without you I would still be lonely Allan in the middle of the country. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Heather, 32, Saskatoon

I have never tried anything like this and I really didn’t want to. I didn’t think I needed help finding someone and that eventually I would meet the one. I came across this company online and it took me about a year or so of trying online before I decided to give them a go. I called them and joined. I was sent some men and I was really impressed with the quality. I liked all of them! They took me through them one by one and I had conversations over the phone. It was nerve wracking but I powered through it. I went on a few dates and currently I am with someone through the service. My file is on hold and my fingers are crossed!

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Teresa, 51, North Dakota

I am a country girl, I work on my family farm and I am a busy gal. I don’t have time to go to bars and I don’t want to either. I was always looking for a country man who would suit me well and I just thought I might as well give up. My aunt gave me the ad to Select and I called them up. The girl I spoke to was amazing, she helped me through everything and answered all my questions. I couldn’t be happier. I love this company and so far so good!

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Gerold, 67, Minneapolis

I wasn’t much for online dating. I didn’t want to write up my profile and talk about myself. I barely knew how to use a computer. I am active man and young for my age so I need a lady who is in the same situation. I am a big animal lover and I needed someone who loves dogs. They introduced me to a lady named Pam. She is the light of my life now and I couldn’t imagine my life without her. I am very thankful to Select and will definitely be sending them a Christmas card this year!

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Greg, 38, Regina

I never write testimonials but this company deserves one. They changed my life and brought me so much joy. I went through the process and I met Cindy and we are now married with a baby on the way. I am going to be a dad! I never ever thought this was in my cards but they made it possible. They were my cheerleaders along the way and they can’t even grasp how much appreciation I have for them. Go with Select!

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Mary Anne, 56, Boissevan

I am a simple woman, I lost my husband 10 years ago and life has never been the same. I figured it was time for me to move on with my life and enjoy the last little bit that I have. I never pictured love being in my life again and I was encouraged to try a service. I called around to a few services and I ended up going with Select and they took the most time to get to know me and help me with my questions and hesitations. They called me and gave me many men over the phone and were very encouraging even when I would pass on some gentlemen. I said, “ I am not going to like everyone! I hope that’s okay” they laughed and said no problem and told me I should never settle. Here I am now, with an amazing man in my life. He takes care of me and loves me unconditionally. He is my rock and I love him dearly. I feel very lucky to have love for a 2nd time in my life.

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Terry, 30, Calgary

I work in a dental office and I come from a large family. I was always hearing things about how I am a pretty girl with a good career why don’t I have a man! I went through the terrible blind dates that people would set me up on and I tried dating through POF and Match.com and Eharmony. Nothing seemed to work for me and I started thinking it was something wrong with me. I got in contact with Select and I LOVED how it was all hands on. No one could surf my profile or take my photos or window shop. They would send me men to my email then it was up to me if they saw me. I loved it. The whole process is amazing and it’s truly working for me. I love who I am being introduced to and I am dating. The dates are fantastic and they always have nothing but good things to say about Select. I am very happy they came into my life and I highly recommend trying them.

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Ron, 46, Manitoba

I like to keep to myself and remain a very guarded person. I am a shy man and always have been so calling these matchmakers was really hard for me. I expected them to think there is something wrong with me because I am an old guy calling a dating site. It was the complete opposite and I was quite pleasantly surprised. I have talked to more women then I have in my entire life and I am actually starting to break out of my shell because of them. It’s made me get on the phone and talk to women, meet them and even date a few! This was a life changer for me and it makes me emotional to think about. I no longer spend my days and nights alone in my house, I now can be myself and laugh once again. Thank you.

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Rachel, 28, Vancouver

It’s really hard to date in Vancouver. Everyone has their own cliques and it’s tough to get to know new people. I am still pretty young so I never thought of using a matchmaker. My friend’s Dad went through this same company with success so I thought what the heck! I tried it and I have been dating my boyfriend for 8 months now and he is AMAZING. I love him to death and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. We are both so happy and you just never know when your life can change. Something as simple as signing up with this company has brought me the love of my LIFE. Cam and I absolutely love this company and we tell all our single friends to give it a try! We wanted to write this testimonial to spread the word and give this company the attention it deserves! We love all of you and thank you so much. We will never be able to thank you enough!!!!

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