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The Community Connection The newsletter of Parkway School in Boone, North Carolina

February 22, 2019

Nobody ever promised that parenting would be easy, but we are here to help! Parkway is

excited to share that a generous donor has supplied a lending library with parenting materi-

als from the creators of Love and Logic. Love and Logic is an approach to parenting that is

built around the science of crafting caring and respectful relationships, which empowers

parents to approach discipline and daily difficulties in a new way. Please see Owen Gray in

the library to check out materials or email Tammy Gragg

at [email protected] with the topics or concerns in order to find out what materi-

Upcoming Events

Thurs. Feb. 28 Student Council Officer Meeting 2:30 –3:30

Mon. March 4 EBOB @ ASU

Tue. March 5 MSBOB @ ASU

Thurs. March 7 Student Council Meeting 2:30—3:30

Fri. March 8 Hat Day!

Tue. March 12 PTO– 5:30 in the band room

Wed. March 13 2nd/3rd Grade Field Trip

Fri. March 15 Boone Roundball Tournament

Wed. March 20 7th/8th Grade Field Trip

Fri. March 22 Middle School Spring Dance

Please remember that any food brought to school for a class party or

birthday treat, must be store bought and in its original package. We have

many students with allergies and this policy helps us keep our students

safe and healthy. Please contact our school nurse Ashley Greene if you

have any questions or concerns.

[email protected]

Orientation News!

Orientation for the 2019-2020 kindergarten class will be held on April 18th &

19th this year. Children who will be five years old by August 31, 2019 are eligible

for enrollment and should be registered to attend orientation April 18th or 19th.

Beginning March 1st, Parents/Guardians may stop by the office and pick up a

registration packet. Students will be registered for orientation once a completed

packet has been turned in to Mrs. Jones. Current kindergarten students WILL

NOT attend school on April 18th & 19th. Please help us get the word out in our


If your child rides a school bus, please remember to check the Parkway School Website for

Limited Bus Route information during inclement weather. As conditions change throughout

the day, drop off locations may change. The site is updated by 1:45 each day with afternoon

route information. If you have any questions, please contact

Mrs. Reuben at 264-3032.

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