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Page 1: THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2018-04-28 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 Office: 901-751-2444 Info Line: 901-531-8849 ...

Volume 44 October 10, 2017 Number 41


Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd

Memphis, TN 38125

Office: 901-751-2444 Info Line: 901-531-8849

www.foresthillcofc.org [email protected]

Elders: Anthony D. Callahan

Warren Davenport Gregory D. Mangrum Harold D. Mangrum Keith B. McAlister

Ministers: Barry M. Grider, Pulpit Evangelist Matthew Jones,

Personal Evangelist Garrett Olney, Youth

Sunday: Bible Study………… 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship.… 10:30 A.M. Afternoon Worship….1:30 P.M.

Wednesday: Bible Study ……….. 7:00 P.M.


OF PREACHING www.msop.org

Missions Supported: Far East/World Evangelism

Good News Today Gospel Broadcasting Network

House to House, Heart to Heart Kakinada, India

Murmansk, Russia Four Seas Bible College

Truth for the World

Free Bible Correspondence Course

Email: [email protected]

Ladies Day and Gospel Meeting

November 11, 2017 Kathy Pollard will speak at our Ladies Day. Registration/breakfast begins at 8:30 a.m. We will conclude at noon. Theme: Return to Me

November 12, 2017 Neal Pollard will preach in our Gospel Meeting at 9:30, 10:30, and 1:30. November 13-15 at 7 p.m. Theme: Rise Up and Build

Brother and Sister Pollard live in Denver, Colorado where they work with the Bear Valley Church of Christ and the Bear Valley Bible Institute.

Forest Hill Church of Christ at 3950 Forest Hill Irene Road, Memphis, TN


Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill Irene Road, Memphis, TN 38125

Neal and Kathy Pollard


Page 2: THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2018-04-28 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 Office: 901-751-2444 Info Line: 901-531-8849 ...

As I prepare this article it has been another dark day in America. Over 50 of our fellow citizens were gunned down while attending a country music concert in Las Vegas. Hundreds more were injured, some critically. Just a week before, in Antioch, Tennessee, a gunman opened fire on some of our own brethren just as worship was concluding. Though not as massive a scale as what transpired in Las Vegas, still a sister in Christ was murdered and several others were injured. It appears that in both instances the shootings were the work of lone gunmen. Demented, sick, and evil are words that properly define such behavior. Of course, when these tragedies occur, politicians to the right and left of political center begin blaming the positions and policies of the other. However, the enlightened Bible student has a keen understanding of this world. David wrote, “I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation” (Psa. 119:99). God’s word is clear. Man has an enemy, the Devil. That enemy is a fiend, not a friend. He is motivated by his hatred of God. His mission is murder and his method for accomplishing his destruction is the lie. He is identified as the “god of this world” who has “blinded the minds of them which believe not” (2 Cor. 4:4). Now if the Devil hates everything that God loves, he obviously hates man. God’s word makes it clear that mankind is the very apex of God’s creation. After Satan brought sin into this world, God sent a Savior (Gen. 3:15), which proves His magnificent love for lost man. Therefore, every evil act committed by man and against man comes from the

Devil himself. Unfortunately this diabolical being does not show his true identity but rather tries to conceal it. In the Garden of Eden he appears so friendly and innocuous. Paul wrote,

“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ…For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:3;13-14).

Jesus said this about our enemy when speaking to His Jewish audience, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar; and the father of it” (John 8:44). It pays to know your enemy. If the Bible student will read Job chapters one and two he will find that the mask of the Devil comes off. In that episode his diabolical nature becomes very clear as he tortures Job in every possible way. When innocent people are shot to death, when homes are destroyed, or when churches split, you can be assured Satan laughs at such tragedies. Hence, dear reader, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8).

Page 2 The Forest Hill News October 10, 2017

Mass Shootings…Who’s Responsible? Barry Grider

Page 3: THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2018-04-28 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 Office: 901-751-2444 Info Line: 901-531-8849 ...


TEAM “E” (JIM WOODY) and TEAM “F” (STEVE ALLMOND) will have a covered dish luncheon in the fellowship hall after morning service Sunday, October 15.

TEAM “A” (PAUL CONNELL) will receive assignments the week of October 22.


LADIES AND MEN’S CLASSES will meet each Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. LADIES BIBLE STUDY Tuesday, October 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.

YOUTH RETREAT at Chickasaw State Park October 13-15. Cost is $30 per person/$50 for 2 family members. See Keith McAlister to pay.

NEW STUDY TO BEGIN in the auditorium class Sunday, October 15 taught by Greg Mangrum entitled “Who Is the Lord?” WORLD EVANGELISM SEMINAR October 13 and 14. KIRBY PINES Retirement Community worship service each fourth Sunday 8:00-8:45 a.m., conducted by Forest Hill. Our next service will be Sunday, October 22.

FALL FAMILY NIGHT: Friday, October 27 at 6:30 p.m. The coordinator is April Tomlin. See bulletin board for sign-up sheets.



Page 3 The Forest Hill News October 10, 2017

Eddie Ray Wade Braddock Jagger House Edison Ray


Lawayne House Jack Braddock Cason Grider Caleb Hull



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If you are unable to lead prayer or serve at the Lord’s table, please contact Cedric Huff or Paul Connell.

RECORD, WEEK of October 8, 2017


Last week’s solution: In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; Ephesians 1:7

Joe Baxter Bessie Berry Ann Castleman Virginia Ditto Hazel Eskew Tommy & Nell Herndon


Anita Hopper Albert & Ruth House Clarine Justice Ryan McCullar Helen Palazola Jerry & Betty Robbins

Dennis Woods John Connell Isaac McLaurin Tony Callahan

Page 4: THE FOREST HILL NEWS · 2018-04-28 · THE FOREST HILL NEWS Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Memphis, TN 38125 Office: 901-751-2444 Info Line: 901-531-8849 ...

The Forest Hill News Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Road

Memphis, TN 38125

Address Service Requested

Page 4 The Forest Hill News October 10, 2017

Have You Greeted the Visitors? Joe W. Nichols

Jesus as head of His church sits on the right hand of God; the church which He purchased with His blood is His spiritual body. His spiritual body is composed of many congregations of people, each entrusted with the Gospel, to be used in seeking and saving the lost. Most congregations have some means of seeking the lost: television, radio, evangelistic meetings, visitation programs, etc. Since God designed the church to be evangelistic, every opportunity of reaching out to the lost should be employed. One such opportunity to “reach out” to others presents itself when visitors attend Gospel meetings or worship services of the church. What should be our reaction toward such visitors? Some visitors may be family or friends of church members, while others may attend as a result of an out-reach program of the church. Regardless of what might have brought them, they are present and merit some kind of response on our part. Should we be so wrapped up in our own members that we ignore our visitors? Should we stand and whisper to another member, “I wonder who those people are?” Should we just make a casual observation to see if someone we invited is present, while overlooking other visitors? Or, should our primary concern be to greet every visitor, become personally acquainted with them, learn something of their interest in the church, and assist them in whatever their present need might be? Since our ardent concern should be to make every visitor welcome, a good answer to the above questions might be in a proposed question: What would Jesus do in a similar circumstance? The answer most assuredly is that our Lord would be visitor-conscious — and so should we! Young Christians should seek to make welcome other youth who come into the assembly. Adult Christians should greet and make welcome every visitor, regardless of age. Of course, this take awareness, time and concern — but that’s New Testament Christianity! When concern is shown to visitors first, then brethren can visit among themselves. One purpose of the open worship assembly is to give outsiders and opportunity to observe and participate in first century Christianity in action in the twenty-first century. There is no greater spiritual joy than to exercise some part in the conversion of a lost soul — such could be the outcome of taking time to greet all visitors and in making them feel welcome.

(Joe W. Nichols is a 1970 graduate of the Memphis School of Preaching. He resides in Bastrop, Louisiana.)

(from The Voice of Truth International, Volume Eighty-Five)

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