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  • THE GLASGOW COURIER Paae 7July 2, 1942

    The WHATELY I Leave It To TheBy Lillian M. Jensen I j Kids-They LeaveOFFICIAL U. S. TREASURY WAR BOND QUOTAS FOR JULYCLASSIFIED « Rubber for Show[ Mr. and Mrs. Art Stensland1 J ! called at the Charles Walker home 1 Thursday afternoon.

    I It started with an old bike tire.Callers at the Charles Hall home The pile grew rapidly—everything

    this week were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph from girdles to garden hose. Here Bates of Glasgow and Mr. and Mrs. : and there were jar rubbers, evl- Hans Jensen and daughters. dently taken without mother’s

    Mr. and Mrs. O. R. McCleery knowledge, visited at the Elmer Hake home Sunday evening.

    Lillian and Donna Jean Jensen were guests at a farewell party for Dorothy McElwain at the H. E.Hill home ' in Nashua Friday evening. Dorothy returned to Columbia Falls this week.

    XOTICB TO CKKDITOKSEstate of William Nybakkeu, do-

    oeaH«*d.Notice h Hen*hy Given, by the un

    dersigned adrahitstratrix of the estate of William Nybakken. deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said admlninistratrix at the law office of Jamea T. Shea, in Glasgow. Montana, the same being the place designated for the transaction of the business of the said estate in Valley County, Montana.

    Dated June 13. 1042.LEILA NYRAKKKN Adminstratrix of the Estate of William Nybakken. Deeeas«*d.

    Two year old white face Oliver Shipp. Two miles


    For Sal bulls.

    north Rose Hill school.CourierClassified


    I““®5* Vif-ETViGSS---- —...I ♦22,600 V ' 'JMtti-----T“““ " 1^ ♦ 18,300 1*34000 j


    7 ('~ I *46900 I $85.500 I »57,400 ^ *28,400*28300 II I_.; : One young fellow just about

    I kindergarten age approached slowly, then dropped a huge and brightly colored ball on the heap.

    "That's a real sacrifice,’’ commented Manager Ed Davisen of the Roxy theater

    When the kids had finished filing through the door and it was past 2 Tuesday afternoon, the theater was packed.

    Prank Hanel, local chairman of the rubber drive representing oil industry. loaded the rubber hauled it away for storage. It weighed 850 pounds.

    The rubber was donated to the current campaign, by the theater. Some 600 children saw the show without charge. And everybody was happy—even the little tike who

    I »90,500 L ,5200'

    . M------> '< c—y»ÄlU—»33100 I-U

    ------------ a_J

    r *20,500

    ,u 1 »45,000(J ■HlfCELIANEOUS *44,500Ij Ir I IHvv IS__fa-r^ *15800 "*20900 v

    7 rS—f

    -• V 7 \ I ,♦ 5700 *-

    1 1*149,000 L■vr \

    \ jThe Courier reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy

    Ads received by Wednesday noon will run In the regular classified section and those received later up until 10 a. m. Thursday will run In the “Too Late to Classify" section.

    Errors In advertising should be reported Immediately. The Courier*will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion.

    Advertising orders for Irregular insertions taken at the one-time rate:

    ! *6,500 ,-(♦37,200♦22,500! I 1.Lost or Strayed —15 head of crossbred yearling sheep, 3 bells in the

    outfit and one 5-year-old ewe with Iamb. Howard Haynes, Box r,82. Glasgow.

    Vp: jr * I♦282,100 *70,900V. _i ■I Mrs. William Malunat visited at

    ■ the Howard Beizer home Wednes- • day afternoon.' j Charles Hall was a business call- 5 ! er at the Howard Beizer home last

    ! j Tuesday morning.! Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schindler.Miss Minnie Mae Gouge, Mrs.

    I | Francis Rusher. Mr and Mrs. El- [ mer Hake, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dorr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall.

    I Mr. and Mrs. O. R. McCleery and Mr and Mrs Hans Jensen attended gave up his favorite toy. the quarterly Farmers Union convention at Nashua last Wednesday.

    • *5,000 --*35,300 ',“ 1-r10-3tp■v■»2,000 L. ^ *»i>rv*

    -*I0,40Q_ * 5300

    48,700 I

    l._ .John Barrett Garbage Co.—Authorized garbage collectors. Phone


    .. \ ! befv ■. i♦ 23,200 and♦42400[

    A iLost — One hoop ring with 3 diamonds, one solitäre hoop wedding ring. All were in small chamois bag and wrapped in small red handkerchief. Yellow gold mountings. Lost somewhere between Williston and Glasgow. Return to Courier office for very liberal reward. 8-3tc

    I II• *6 200 1*4,200 jIV I r? ♦ 24.800 rj(-. *38,700 ' A modern American interceptor

    plane can climb to an altitude of 35.000 feet in seven minutes.

    L, I -t\ IClassified Rate I Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Nashua j were business callers at the Charles ; Hall home Monday morning, j Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dorr and family were visitors at the Charles Walker home Saturday evening. Mrs. Dorr and Mrs. Walker celebrated their birthdays.

    i ;fu MONTANA‘.-Aiil ‘One cent per word with » minimum charge of 2i cento. After first Insertion 1 cent per word.

    tino, Calif., arrived Tuesday morning to spend a few days with her niece, Mrs. William Malunat. Mrs. Gang is enroute home from Devil's

    I Lake. N. D.. where she had been Mrs. Mary Gang of San Bernard- I visiting her brother.

    U. S. Treasury Official War Bond Quotas for July

    July Quota tor State, $3,222.000

    SJ ''Wanted—Experienced beautician in

    modem shep. Salary guarantee- percentage over $30.00. Write Viola’s Beatury Shop. Havre, Mont. Phone


    Tk. M.y Quot* to, Monion* Wo. J2 785 300 TK* Moy Soto, to, Montono Wo,o $2.1 SA 000

    NOTICK TO CKKIUTORS Hst a It* of Kdgar I>. Hutton, tleceas-

    FOR SAXE 256 »•, SW > i ISouthw«*st (Juan : Wash Cloths_____3 for 12c

    Gay Plaid Towels_____29c i Gay Kitchen Towels __Pot Holders__________ 5c Mesh Dish CIoths_ 3 for 12c


    Warren S. Clark. Section T«*tt (10. Township T tif y—«•ight (28) North. Bung«* Thirty-nine (.«») K. M. M.

    Lot Four (4)(1ft): Lot One (1» four (24). T Norih. Bang«'M. M.

    Holland Funeral Chapel

    For Sate — 20 room hotel. Large building. 3 in. x 8 in. floor joists,

    double floor. Building 20 ft. x 44 ft.. 2 in. x 6 in. floor joists. Building 12 ft. x 32 ft. Building 14 ft x 28 ft. Building 14 ft. x 20 ft. Heavy duty T and strap hinges up to 14 in. Baylor Trading Co., Wheeler.


    25cof Section Thlrt of Seel it


    TwentyThirty I tint

    cm I 633 First Avenue South Glasgow

    24-hour Ambulance Service Phone 323

    son Paul of Glasgow were Sunday at the B. A. Hovey

    Mrs. E P. Brooks entertained atcoffee party at her home Mon

    day afternoon.Mrs. Martha Hovey spent a few

    days last week visiting at the home cf her son, C. V. Hovey, and family in Glasgow.

    Tire Rev. and Mrs. J. H Jant- zen and children of Ogalala, Neb., and Miss Kathy Williams, a missionary from Africa, left Friday for Nebraska after a few days’ visit at the heme of Mrs. Jantzen's father, P. A. Koslowsky.

    Dorothy Calfee has been visiting at the ranch heme of Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Browning south of Glasgow the past ten days.

    Mlrs. M. A. Lien had as her guests Friday afternoon. Mrs. Chet Haralson of Bremerton. Wash., Mrs Aaron Peters of Emmett, Idaho, Mrs. B. A. Hovey. Mrs. Nick Peters and Mrs J. W. Calfee. A lunch was served.

    Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hovey and daughter, Mrs. Haralson, weredinner guests Friday of Mr. and MTs. H. M. Berge.

    Mrs. Aaron peters Jr., and two daughters left Saturday morning for their home at Emmett, Idaho, after a two weeks visit here.

    Mr. and Mrs, Pay Davis children of Glendive spent Sunday in town visiting many old friends.

    MErs. Ted Dahl and daughter Deanna and Barbara Holtberg returned Tuesday after a two weeks visit at Seattle with relatives.

    The Frazer Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. M. A. Lien as hostess at her home July 7.

    John R. Calfee arrived Tuesday for a two weeks visit at the home of his parents on Tuesday. He was employed as government worker at Washington, D. C„ for the past ten months.

    ,re« inn of Hi«* .said

    and a suited ain the store. , , I

    Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Neil and daughters of Butte are visiting his brother. Mike O’Neil, and friends. Pat was employed at the Etchart ranch before he left for Butte.

    Mrs E. I. Pcrter left Tuesday for Idaho Palis, Idaho, to visit her daughter and to attend a family reunion at Salt Lake City.

    Mrs. Emanuel DeMessemacker was employed at the Motzkau home the past week dcing redecorating and painting in the kitchen.

    Mark Etchart of Helena visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs, John Etchart. from Wednesday until Sunday and returned to Helena to continue his work.

    Mrs. Iver Martin entertained several friends Friday afternoon honor of her mother. Mrs. C. J. Maalerud, and her aunt. Christine collier of Minneapolis. The afternoon was spent visiting and a lunch was served.

    Mass Florence Kenney of Glas- visited at the John Etchart

    •ii, :tn«l a

    Dated this 15lh «lay of June. 1912.H. B. BJOBKLUND Donnfy Clerk and Be- eortler.

    (June 18-25. July 2 ft)

    Fer Sale—25 acres one half mile from Frazer on highway No. 2.

    Win. Brough, FrazerXK'i


    Professional Cards Forty-tw c)She’s a Smart Girl V/,rDr. G. H. Klein

    \V«*sf Half of the Southwest Qnar- f S«M*f Ion Sixteen of the South(*ast

    DENTISTOffice in Klein’s Log Cabin Motel j

    Highway No. 2Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 J

    Phone: Office 479 Residence 209»


    ter ( \V VjSW * j )(16) , East Half Quarter (EU.SEH). Southeast Quarter «>f th«* S«»uthw«*st Quarter (SKH* SIVlil. the West Half of the Southwest Quarter IWV^SWV* ». the Southwest Quarter of the South(*ast Quarter (SWHSEH) of S«H*tlon Seventeen(17) . Township Twenty-nine (2ft) North. Banff«* Forty-five (45) K. M.



    ART KOTAKI, Prop.


    Mlrs. home

    MThe Northwest Quarter (NW1/*) of

    S**ction Thirty five (35). Township Thirty (30) North. Banff«* Forty-one (41) E. M. M.

    The West Half of the Southwest Quarter ( W». the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S*4NW*4). The South Half «>f the Northeast Quarter (SVjNEV^) of S«v*flon Two(2) : the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1, NKH), the North«*ast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NB^BKVj I of S«*etlon Three(3) , Townsiyj) Thirty (3ft) North. Banff«* Thirty-elffht (38) E. M. M.

    Tin* West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W*4JfWH) of Se«,tlou Thro«* (ft), the Northwest Quarter (NWV4), the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N'-jSWVi) of Section Ten (10). Township Thlrtr (.*îft» North. Banff«* Thirty-nine (3ft) E. M. M.

    Lots Que (1» an«l Two (2). Hie East Half of the Northw«*st Quarter (H%NW*i » of Section Klffliteeu (18t. Township Twenty-nine (2ft) North. Banff«* Forty (44)t E. M. M.Witness my hand an«l th«* seal of

    sal«l court this 1st «lay of July. A. D., 1942.

    returnedPrank Kirwan_____ Wednesday from cookingduring shearing at the Cornwell ranch.

    Floyd Nelson Cornwell ranch during shearing.

    Billingsley’s loaded a carload of wool from Tampico Thursday.

    Mrs. Christine Collier of Minneapolis is visiting at the C. F. Maal- erud home. Mrs. Collier is a sister cf Mrs. Maalerud and T. P. Christenson of Glasgow.

    Bert and Edward Dahl and Victor Moen moved from the cooper place and will begin haying at the Etchart heme ranch, Milford Ar- rotta is also employed during the haying season .

    Miss Ardelle Boreson is employed In Glasgow.

    Alex Wilhelm Is visiting his sister. Mrs. J. F. Kirwan,

    George A. Reid cf Vandalia was a caller in Tampico Saturday.

    Alfred Dahl was a caller in tampico Saturday morning. Alfred worked for Andy Tweito. while he was a patient at the hospital.

    People from Tampico Farmers Union local who attended the south Valley county convention at Nashua were Robert cotton Mr. and Mrs. Vem Kolstad. Mrs. Chns Molvig, Mrs. Erven Wagner, Mr. and Mrs, Iver Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boreson and Wilma and Ardelle Boreson. . .

    Richard Motzkau hauled a load of scrap rubber to Glasgow Tuesday.

    Otto M. Christinsonlands, loans, rentals

    and insurance

    First National Bank Building GLASGOW, MONTANA

    andGLASGOWShe knew she couldn't get any new electrical equipment because the

    of metal possible and the skillworked at theFLOWER SHOP

    War industries must have every ouncetrained man if they are to produce enough planes and tanks

    and bullets and guns so our men on the battle line can win this war. But shehad it all worked out---------simple, too.She figured “I can’t get any more______I'll make these last.” So shekeeps every electrical appliance we own right up to snuff by faking care of^thejn.

    Flowers for All Occasions.

    Phene 75We Telegraph Flowers

    of every

    Income For You If You Live. Comfort dentsFor Depenc


    Phone 89Masonic Temple Building GLASGOW, MONTANA

    UPpotNew York Life

    Insurance Co.EZRA N. HILL, Agent

    Phone 261Oea'cT

    CALL FOB BIDSNotire is Hereby

    Board of Trust«*«*** will receive

    Given that the of District No. 9 hid* for <

    of llistrici No.•«•look noon.

    aty°u'Glasgow. Mont.Someone has to pay the price for life insurance. If the man himself doesn’t pay It while he \ives. his wife and children have to pay It after he has gone.

    ml for for


    s«*al«*«l “ Jiaq LCIkmiIsthe1942-194» until 12 as. 1942.

    Bi«Is toth«* i>rl«*** F. Q. filling Hiins before op«*nln •as directe«! by th»* n**cd«‘

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