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Page 1: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about

The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold JUNE/JULY2014JUNE/JULY2014JUNE/JULY2014JUNE/JULY2014



Have a safe and

fun summer giving

thanks to the Lord

through Worship

and Praise.

Peter and Paul Apostles

Sunday, June 29



Page 2: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about

“But Moses said to him, ‘Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the

LORD’s people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit on

them!’” Numbers 11:29

On Sunday June 8th we will celebrate the festival day of Pentecost. The color red will be in

abundance and the church will be filled with music and excitement as we remember the day when

God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost seems to arrive late in the spring season this

year but that is due to the late date for Easter. Pentecost is celebrated 50 days following Easter

and it signifies a major transition in the liturgical church year. Following the vibrant red of Pente-

cost is the much milder green of the “time of the church”. The color green which signifies new

life, growth, and sustenance for the church on earth.

Here in North Texas the summer months tend to be more brown than green due to our ex-

tended drought conditions. Even so the Church is still being nurtured, fed, and watered in hopes

that it will grow and flourish even in the midst of harsh conditions. The Holy Spirit which arrived

on Pentecost continues to lead and guide the Church and its many members as we work together

to proclaim the Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection to a hungry and hurting world. The

conditions where we are located may not seem to be favorable for the proclamation of the Gospel

yet the Spirit continues to nudge, push, pull, and inspire us to do just that. Even though we may

feel as though we are completely surrounded by dry and dying conditions the Spirit continues to

strengthen and encourage us so that we do not lose hope and abandon our mission and ministry.

As we celebrate the time of the church throughout the summer months this year may we

continue to be willing and open to hearing the call of the Holy Spirit as it leads us to new chal-

lenges and opportunities.

In Christ,

Pastor Brad Carroll


Summer Adult Bible classes will begin on June 1 with various topics being dis-

cussed. Grab a cup of coffee and a snack and join in the discussions.

Page 3: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about


A Whole Other Level

It's rare for me to listen to live music that leaves me in awe but last year I had such an ex-

perience with a violinist in Tyler. I had a stupefied smile on my face during the first re-

hearsal and even during the concert I couldn't control a half grin. Techniques that I would

avoid using because they are difficult and dangerous during a performance were just per-

fectly executed. On top of it, he looked completely comfortable. I felt a little better to see

his expression afterwards since the concert night tempo had been a little faster than the re-

hearsals and he looked relieved. He had some moments where he needed to catch up and

the cool demeanor gave way to some actual effort on his part. It was very subtle, and I'm

sure the audience didn't notice the extra energy he expended during the concert. Sitting

there watching something so spectacular made me think of the wide gulf in his playing

compared to the rest of us accompanying him in the orchestra. Even though many of us

have devoted decades to get where we are, we could lock ourselves in a room for another

ten or twenty years and we would never catch up.

It is this exponential gap that is perhaps analogous to our understanding of God's grace. We

think that we understand that God can completely forgive us, but sometimes our con-

science can question God's commitment. Can he really forgive those committing heinous

crimes, people who actively thwart our purpose as Christians, or even simply the same ba-

nal sin over and over again? If you feel some hesitation like we all must feel at times, you

are simply showing your human qualities. Whether we are able to accept them without

question or have just a smidgen of doubt, God's promises and His Grace are there and

available to all.

So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded

Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation

has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to

himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling

the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has com-

mitted to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as

though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be

reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might

become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:16-21)


Page 4: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Women Piecemakers

Our fifty quilts and twenty-five school kits have arrived at the LWR warehouse in Bal-

timore, MD, where they are being processed. Depending on the current need, nearly

all the LWR materials will be shipped within six months. Often materials are shipped almost as

soon as they are processed. On average, materials spend four to six weeks being transported by

ocean freight before reaching LWR’s partner agencies.

This year we will be able to track the shipment of our quilts and school kits from the moment

they are shipped until they reach their final destination! Since this is the first year

this system is being implemented, it will take two to three months for us to be able

to log on and track our materials. We will likely know something by the next issue

of the Fold!

Everyone is welcome to join us in this important ministry! We have transitioned to our summer

schedule of meeting in the quilting room on the first and third Mondays of the month from

10:00 – 1:00. We look forward to seeing you, as your schedule allows!

GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH COUNCIL Officers: Art Schneewind (President), Sharon Josefy (Vice President), Anita Nigrin (Treasurer),

Clarence Stieg (Financial Secretary), Betty Glendye (Secretary)

Members: Marcel Lund (Praising), Janet Smith (Growing), Elsie Kroussakis (Equipping),

Don Falk (Supporting), Sharon Falk (Sharing), John Lukert (Celebrating)


Thomas Jenkins, Fred LaVail, Lola Dean, Mark Fox and Wanda Damstra

Church Phone: 972–790–2121 ● Church Fax: 972-790-4396

Church email: [email protected] ● Church website: www.gslcirving.com

Rev. Bradley T. Carroll, Pastor ● [email protected]

Cathy Gribnitz, Parish Musician ● [email protected]

Mission Statement:Mission Statement:Mission Statement:Mission Statement: Nurtured by God the Father, Son and Holy SpiritNurtured by God the Father, Son and Holy SpiritNurtured by God the Father, Son and Holy SpiritNurtured by God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

we joyfully share God’s Word of love and forgiveness.we joyfully share God’s Word of love and forgiveness.we joyfully share God’s Word of love and forgiveness.we joyfully share God’s Word of love and forgiveness.

Page 5: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about

Ansel Hillmar, grandson Alice Werberig, received his PhD in Medical Physics from the University Wisconsin at Madison and will be doing research at Yale University in New Haven , Connecticut. Emily Harris, granddaughter Steve and BeHy Glendye, graduated with Honors from Oakland High School in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and will be aWending the Uni-versity Tennessee in Knoxville . Sara Stieg, daughter John and Sharon Stieg and granddaughter Clarence and Jean Stieg graduated from Tarrant County Community College and will be aWending the University Noah Texas, Denton in the fall . ———————————————————————————


Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about giving of their Time (coming to Sunday School), Talent (reading Bible verses, crafts, drawings) and Treasures (they contributed $6.10 to Good Shepherd this year). WAY TO GO KIDS!!

Page 6: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about


Another choir year has ended with members taking a summer hiatus before resuming

serving in the fall. Please remember to thank a chorister for his/her dedication to the

Music Ministry at Good Shepherd.

Mark Fox Howard Johnson Janet Smith

Deb Gebhardt Don Josefy Clarence Stieg

Jenni Gebhardt John Mikkelson Emily Stieg

Ed Halter Ardie Schneewind Sara Stieg

Carolyn Halter Art Schneewind Sharon Stieg

Tony Hazelwood Gary Sele

Dixie Carroll, Izumi Lund, Marcel Lund, Jessica Krampitz, Sam Krampitz, and Eliza-

beth White all contributed to our beautiful worship music throughout the year. Please

also express your appreciation to these musicians.

A special thanks to Marcel for his many hours of work transcribing the Bach cantata

we heard for our Sunday services during Lent. And thanks to Dixie, Marcel, Izumi,

and Chris for all the time spent in rehearsals and worship. Thank you also to Mike for

so willingly running the new sound system.

We have a good team of faithful musicians who are willing to serve and I thank God

daily for their dedication, willingness, and the fun times we have together.


EMILY NICOLE STIEG Born: 4-10-2000

Baptized: 5-21-2000 Confirmed: 5-25-2014

Philippians 4:9

Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God I peace will be with you.

Page 7: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about



Donald Falk 6/05

Amanda Jenkins 6/12

Harold Sahs 6/21

Marianne Cannon 6/22

Shirley Sele 6/22

Sue Stewart 6/24

Kimberly McBrayer 6/29


John & Lydia Eckert 6/09

Ron & Amy Senter 6/16

Ed & Carolyn Halter 6/29

Don & Sharon Josefy 6/29

Clarence & Jean Stieg 6/29

Steve & Betty Glendye 6/30



Robyn Rorschach 7/03

Lola Dean 7/10

Dixie Carroll 7/13

Shirley Wheeldon 7/14

Jennifer Gebhardt 7/18

Jonathan Stieg 7/19

Terry Petrick 7/22

Caitlynn Sparkman 7/23

Alberta Sparkman 7/24

Jennifer Jung 7/25

Marcel Lund 7/26

Aaron Willms 7/30

Clarence Stieg 7/31


Dan & Janet Smith 7/30




Page 8: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about

WORSHIP SERVERS JUNE 01 Acolyte: Emily S�eg

Ushers: Sharon Josefy, Tony Hazelwood,

Don Josefy and Robyn Rorschach


Acolyte: April S�eg

Ushers: John Mikkelson, Lydia Eckert,

Don Falk and Sharon Falk


Acolyte: Billy Adams

Ushers: David Krampitz, Janet Smith,

Dan Smith and Lola Dean


Acolyte: Samuel Krampitz

Ushers: Mike Brodowski, Anita Nigrin,

Clarence S�eg and Art Schneewind



Acolyte: Jessica Krampitz

Ushers: Ed Halter, Be,y Glendye,

Bonnie Moore and Elsie Kroussakis


Acolyte: Emily S�eg

Ushers: Sharon Josefy, Tony Hazelwood,

Don Josefy and Robyn Rorschach


Acolyte: April S�eg

Ushers: John Mikkelson, Lydia Eckert,

Don Falk and Sharon Falk


Acolyte: Billy Adams

Ushers: David Krampitz, Janet Smith,

Dan Smith and Lola Dean


Acolyte: Samuel Krampitz

Ushers: Mike Brodowski, Anita Nigrin,

Clarence S�eg and Art Schneewind

Page 9: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about


Beverly Craft Charles McKinney

Thelma Torjan Sue Stewart

Laverne Balusek Mike Brodowski

Andrew Moore Oswald Hoffman

Brian Sele Gary Sele

Jean Stieg Harold Sahs

John Eckert

Gerald Stevens, Sharon Josefy’s brother

Doug Estes, Susie & Mark Fox’s brother-in-law

Michael Walden, son of the Josefys’ friend

Collin and family

Joan Sparks, mother of David Fox

Kathy Norwood, niece of Martha Dane

Doug Endorf, cousin of Lola Dean

Les Harper, friend of Don Heyden

Ron and Amy Senter

Jennifer McCliment, daughter of Lola Dean

Henry Eberwein, brother of Elsie Kroussakis

Alison Evers, daughter of Kay Evers

Service Personnel & their families:

Lcpl. Miller, Cody Kevin Johnson, nephew of Janet Smith

P.O. Box 2006

Havelock, NC 28532-4006

**note new address**

If you would like to add a prayer request to this list please write your request on the forms in the Narthex or Fellow-

ship Hall and place them in the prayer boxes. You may also add prayer requests at any time by calling the church

office or by sending an email to [email protected]

Blessed are those who die in the name of the Lord.

Our sympathy and prayers to

The family of Dolan Miller who entered the Lord’s loving arms on March 22nd.

Oswald and Maxine Hoffman on the passing of Oswald’s sister Albert Sugg on April


Betty Moriak on the passing of her sister, Jessie Berryhill on May 17th.

Martha Schelp on the passing of her cousin, Herb Fisher and her sister-in-law (Elmer’s

sister) Arlene Neely.

Rest eternal grant them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.

Page 10: The Good Shepherd’s FoldThe Good Shepherd’s Fold NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014...Children's Sunday School will take the summer off and resume in the Fall. This year they were taught about

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

2620 West Grauwyler Road

Irving, Texas 75061-4243

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Worship & Study

Communion Service Sunday 9:00 am

Adult Education Sunday 10:30 am

Phone: 972-790-2121

Website: www.gslcirving.com

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