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Blofield News February 2020


The parish magazine for St. Andrew & St. Peter, Blofield; All Saints, Hemblington and St. Andrew, North Burlingham

February 2020 30p

2 Blofield News February 2020

3 Blofield News February 2020

WELCOME Blofield News is the monthly parish magazine for St. Andrew & St. Peter Blofield, All Saints Hemblington and St. Andrew, North Burlingham. It is sold in these churches and in local shops. If you live in one of our parishes and purchase a year’s subscription we can probably deliver it to your home free of charge. If you live outside the parishes you can have copies sent to your home either by post or by email. A large print version is available to anyone who is having difficulty reading our standard publication. For more information please contact the Editor, contact details are on the back page. Last date for submissions is the 15th of the previous month.

PARISH INFORMATION Rector: Revd. Kevin Billson Tel: 01603 712299 Retired Priest: Revd. Canon Paul Oliver Tel: 01603 712124 Retired Priest: Revd. Canon Judith Wilson Tel: 01603 211509 Reader: Sue Shillam 01603 211629 St. Andrew & St. Peter, Blofield Churchwardens: Mrs. Y. Mack Tel: 715213 & Mr. S. Wales Tel: 01603 211931 Website: www.blofieldchurch.org.uk Access: Blofield Church is open every day All Saints, Hemblington Churchwardens: Mr. S. Mutten Tel: 715701 & Mrs. C. Howe Tel: 270360 Website: www.hemblingtonchurch.org.uk Access: Hemblington Church is open every day until dusk St. Andrew & St. Peter, North Burlingham Churchwarden: Pat Ramsdale Tel: 712724 Website: www.northburlinghamchurch.org.uk Access: North Burlingham Church is open every day from 9am to 5pm

FROM THE REGISTERS Funerals Stella Everson aged 83 at St Andrews Church North Burlingham

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LETTER FROM OUR RECTOR It has been sad to hear of the recent tensions in our Royal Family over the decision by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to step back from senior royal duties. One can only imagine how stressful this is for our Queen, who is now an elderly lady well into her 90’s. Thankfully she has the support of other senior members of the Royal Family and together they are seeking to work through this and arrive at a compromise that is good and supportive of Prince Harry and Megan but also a practical and workable solution for the Royal household. We hold them in our prayers. We know, however, that tensions in family life are common among many families and not only those who are in the public eye. Most of us have experienced strained relations with other family members at some stage. Paraphrasing the famous quote by Harper Lee, you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. Yes, family tensions are part of life but it is how we respond to them and hopefully work through them that is really important. Sadly, on occasions these tensions can become so big that they cause a serious breach in family life and close family members can go for years without making contact with one another, perhaps blaming each other for the breach. I always find it deeply saddening when I meet with relatives to prepare for a funeral to hear of such estrangement and a breach that has never been reconciled. Justin Welby, our archbishop, in his New Year message encouraged us all to reach out to just one person from whom we have drifted apart. Pick up a phone, he advised or send them a text and make that reconnection. I took his advice and with a bit of encouragement from my wife I telephoned a close relative of my own. We hadn’t exactly fallen out but we had not spoken for some time. After making the initial contact and leaving a message on his answerphone he returned my call, we had a good chat for over half an hour and I think it did us both good. My prayer is that any of us who feel estranged from family members will take a step to contact them again and perhaps know something of the blessing that such a reconnection will bring. REV KEVIN BILSON

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FEBRUARY SERVICES 2020 Sunday 2nd February 8.00 am Holy Communion (CW) Blofield 9.30 am Holy Communion & Children’s Corner North Burlingham 9.30 am Morning Worship & Children’s Corner Hemblington 11.00 am Service of the Word & Children’s Corner Blofield Wednesday 5th February 9.30 am Benefice Holy Communion Blofield Sunday 9th February 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Blofield 9.30 am Holy Communion & Children’s Corner Hemblington 11.00 am Holy Communion & Children’s Corner Blofield Wednesday 12th February 9.30am Benefice Holy Communion Blofield Sunday 16th February 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Blofield 9.30 am Holy Communion & Children’s Corner Hemblington 11.00 am Holy Communion & Children’s Corner Blofield Wednesday 19th February 9.30am Benefice Holy Communion Blofield Sunday 23rd February 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Blofield 9.30 am Holy Communion & Children’s Corner Hemblington 11.00 am ‘Church Lite’ – A contemporary family service of worship and music Blofield Wednesday 26th February 9.30am Benefice Holy Communion Blofield

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Everyone is welcome at all Prayer Services

Tuesdays 8.30 am Morning Prayer Blofield Church

Thursdays 9.00 am Morning Prayer Hemblington Church

Thursdays 4.15 pm Come to the Stillness Blofield Church




Wednesday 5th February

11.00am Holy Communion Brewster Court

Wednesday 19th February

11.00 am Holy Communion Manor Lodge/House

Thursday 20th February

2.00 pm Holy Communion Burlingham House

The Bible Study group will meet each Tuesday in February

2.00 pm at 3 Church Alley, Blofield

New members always welcome

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BLOFIELD CHURCH ‘PLAY CHURCH’ BABY AND TODDLER GROUP EVERY WEDNESDAY DURING TERM TIME IN BLOFIELD CHURCH – IT’S FUN, FRIENDLY AND FREE! 1 -3 PM Parents, grandparents and carers all welcome to come and join this successful, happy and friendly toddler group where babies and children learn and play in a welcoming, safe and well-resourced setting run by experienced, early years volunteers. Healthy snacks and refreshments are provided. There is no fee for the session but you may leave a donation if you wish. Please contact Yvonne on 715213 or Barbara on 714519 for further information or go to the Blofield Church website www.blofieldchurch.org.uk Play Church Leaflets are available from Blofield Church. Term dates: Wednesday January 8th – Wednesday April 1st NO SESSION ON 19TH FEBRUARY – HALF TERM BLOFIELD CHURCH FOODBANK There is a basket for non perishable food items and toiletries at the back of church for the Norwich Foodbank. These are collected by Joyce and Phillip each week and taken to Norwich for distribution. Joyce and Phillip would like to thank all church members for their for their most generous donations throughout the year. ‘Come to the stillness’ Prayer for all, 45 minutes in God’s presence every Thursday 4.15 pm at Blofield Church. There will not be a Prayer meeting on 30th January and 6th February. Caring for our Church Family Looking after our church family is important to us. We try to keep up with folk who are away from church for a while and don’t want to miss anyone. If you hear of someone who is ill, had a fall or an operation or unable to get to church for some reason, please let Kevin or one of the church wardens know so that we can arrange a visit or phone call. Contact numbers are in the front of the magazine and also on the notice board in church.

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HEMBLINGTON CHURCH Make & Mardle will take place on Tuesday 25th February from 10am to 12noon at Gables Farmhouse, Hemblington. All are welcome with or without craft or knitting!

FRIENDS OF ALL SAINTS CHURCH, HEMBLINGTON The repairs to the church have been successfully completed, with much of the funding supplied by the Friends group, so thank you to all who have become Friends, and who have helped to raise money during the last few years. The committee is keen to organise talks, tours or other events which will bring people into the church and also raise funds for future repairs. If you would like to become a Friend, or have any fund raising suggestions, please let us know tel 01603 715 804 or e-mail: [email protected]

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Panto Returns to Blofield!

Friday 21 – Sunday 23 February

The BAD Players return to Margaret Harker Hall in Blofield with their 2020 show ‘Knight Fever!’. This Arthurian Panto is written by TLC Creative,

by arrangement with Lazy Bee Scripts.

There are performances on Friday 21 February (7pm), Saturday 22 February (2.30 and 7pm) and Sunday 23 February (2.30pm). New for this year is a

licenced bar for the evening shows. Tickets are £8 for adults and £5 for under 14s, available from Mitchells newsagents in Blofield or the BAD Players’

website www.thebadplayers.co.uk. Limited tickets may be available on the door but matinees can sell out.

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Blofield Church

Will be holding a flower festival in September 2020.

We are looking for anyone who would like to

arrange flowers or sponsor an arrangement.

The theme is "Norfolk".

Perhaps you have someone you would like to remember who could

be represented through a flower arrangement at the festival.

It may seem a long way off but these events require a lot of planning.

Please contact Sarah on 07920387655

for more information. We hope to have a workshop for those who are

interested But may feel unsure about their ability.

Christmas Quiz

Thank you to all who tried their hands [and brains] at the quiz on the subject of 'creatures'.

A large number of very clever people handed in completely correct sheets. The winner, after a draw,

is Frances Milliken. Congratulations! For the curious - a list of answers will be pinned up in Blofield Church.

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THE NORFOLK POLISH HERITAGE GROUP We are keen to hear from anyone living in this area who has family connections with Poland or an affinity with hat country. Their website is https://thenphg.wixsite.com/nphg If you have a "Polish connection" or are interested in the contribution that Poles have made to this county since World War II or earlier, you may be interested in a local event that is being considered. This would concentrate on the impact that Polish military personnel and others had locally during the war and afterwards, including describing what is usually known as "the Polish Cemetery". This is in the grounds of the old Thorpe St Andrew Hospital. If you feel this subject might be of interest to you, or you have personal knowledge about this history, please get in touch with Susan Rowe - tel. (01603) 715804 or e mail [email protected]


FROM OUR THREE CHURCHES A curry night (or alternative choice for non-curry addicts!) was a most enjoyable way to celebrate the New Year as a Benefice. A big effort was put in by the Blofield events team members to provide us with an attractive, welcoming dining-space to share the tasty meal together. We were so well cared for, and our own alcohol meant that laughter and chat were there a-plenty! Interestingly, several people said that they had had pleasant conversations with people in the Benefice whom they had never met before. What a good way to get to know and appreciate each other better! Thank you to all concerned! Liz O On Saturday 11th January about 40 guests enjoyed a wonderful Curry Evening at Blofield Church as a New Year Celebration for the Blofield Benefice. The meal was wonderful with a choice of curry and some exceedingly hot side dishes for the brave hearted. So much work had been put into making the evening special and it was round-ed off with an unusual rendering of the 12 Days of Christmas. The evening was an ex-cellent way to brighten up this time of the year and I very much hope that we can get together again soon. Joy Taylor A massive vote of thanks to everyone involved with the Celebration curry. The moment you walked through the door there was a wonderfully warm welcome (not just the tem-perature in the church) but from everyone attending the event. The tables were dressed to perfection and the meal served with all possible speed and professionalism. Everyone I spoke to thoroughly enjoyed the evening rounded off with a jolly Twelve Days of Christmas. Congratulations. Pat R

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Your new Editor – Gill O’Brien

I shall be taking over as Editor of the Blofield News next month from Rosalyn Taylor. She is stepping down from the position after over 3 years dedicated work and everyone expresses their gratitude – Many thanks Rosalyn. I wish to introduce myself. I, together with my hus-band, Tony, moved into Blofield only 2 ½ years ago, so are relatively new to the area. We have come from South Wales - Porthcawl (a seaside town between Cardiff & Swansea). We have lived all our lives in the area of Bridgend, except for my 3-year spell at Aberystwyth University. Being of a certain ‘tender age’, and our health getting somewhat poorer, we moved here to live near our daughter, Lucy, who settled here and married James in Blofield Church back in 2008. They live in Brundall and now have 2 boys, our grandsons. We are enjoying being able to spend time with them now. We have been familiar with the area, as we have come to visit our daughter during the 20 years she has been here, so we knew we were coming to a friendly village. We are very settled now. We have a son living in USA, where, he and his wife have 3 daughters. They will be visiting us this coming Summer. Most of my working life was as a MLSO (Medical Laboratory Scientific Officer) in Pathology, but I had to retire early as I have MS & osteoarthritis which I allow only to limit my mobility. Therefore, I have involved myself in volunteering, particularly where the use of a computer is needed. I was an active member of the local MS Society branch in South Wales for approximately 20 years. I was a committee member producing the newsletter, making posters and tickets for events and anything else that needed designing and printing! When our children were young, I spent several years as a Sunday school teacher and Tony was treasurer to our local church social committee. This is a new chapter in our lives, and I hope I do justice in taking on your Blofield News. I hope I can get to know more of you and learn more about the area to obtain some articles for the publication. GILL O’BRIEN

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Homelessness Weekend 7 February 2020 until 9 February 2020

Norwich Cathedral and Cloisters

The issue of homelessness is being put in the spotlight during a weekend of events at Norwich Cathedral from Friday 7 February to Sunday 9 February. The weekend will begin on Friday 7 February with A Night in the Cloisters - a special fundraiser where people are being challenged to sleep overnight in the Cloisters to raise funds for homelessness charity St Martins.

On Saturday February 8, there will be a day of activities in the Cathedral from 10am until 3pm. Real life stories of homelessness will be told through a ‘living library’, whereby visitors to the Cathedral can spend time with people who have been homeless and find out first-hand about their experience. There will also be an opportunity to meet the different agencies working across the city to address homelessness, and find out how best the public can help. Among the organisations attending will be St Martins, Pathways, Samaritans, The Benjamin Foundation, Soul Church, Norwich Street Aid, Emmaus and The Feed. At 2pm, local author Robert Ashton will talk about his latest book, Any Spare Change?, which documents his quest to understand the issue of homelessness and how the public can help. St Martins’ The Knitted House will also be returning to the Cathedral from February 6 to 24, after making a big impact when it was first built in the Cathedral last October to coincide with World Homelessness Day. A visual representation of homelessness, The Knitted House consists of 4,677 scarves, with each scarf representing a person who slept on the streets in the UK last year. One in eight of the scarves are black, indicating the number of people who died on the streets. As part of the day of activities on Saturday 8 February, there will be a special act of worship around The Knitted House at 3.30pm. On Sunday February 9, Dr Jan Sheldon, CEO of St Martins, will give the address at Norwich Cathedral’s 10.30am Sung Eucharist which will be followed by a community lunch.

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Blafelda (Blofield) Probus Club Provides an enjoyable social meeting point for gentlemen who are retired or about to retire. We meet for lunch on the third Wednesday of every month at The King’s Head, Station Road, Lingwood NR13 4AZ at 12 noon for lunch at 12.30pm. If you are new to the area it is a good way to get to know people. Lunch is followed by a talk, often on a subject of particular local interest. We have vacancies for members so if you are interested contact Alex Mason on 01603 716735 or email [email protected] Blofield Amateur Dramatics Players The BAD Players are a friendly and enthusiastic amateur dramatics group based in Blofield, with members of all ages, backgrounds and interests. If you’re interested in acting, singing, dancing or would like to be involved in any of the other vital off-stage roles (eg directing, technical and stage crew) then they’d love to hear from you. No special training or experience needed! Visit www.thebadplayers.co.uk or email [email protected] for more information. Blofield Parish Council The next meeting will be on Monday 10th February 2020 at Blofield Courthouse. The Parish Council welcomes the public to its meetings. The council has a website at http://parishcouncil.blofield.net. It contains dates and minutes of Parish Council meetings, contact details for your local parish councillors and other parish information. The council also has a Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/blofieldparishcouncil. BADCOG ~ Blofield and District Conservation Group Don't miss a presentation by The Guardian's Naturalist writer, Patrick Barkham. Patrick wrote the critically acclaimed book, 'The Butterfly Isles', a quest to see all 59 species of British butterflies in a year. This meeting will be at 7.30pm on Friday 14th February in the Methodist Chapel rooms, Chapel Road, Lingwood. Visitors are welcome and refreshments are served. Work parties are on Saturday mornings between 10.30 and 1pm and all are welcome. Saturday 8th February - Buckenham woods; 22nd February Jary's Meadow; 7th March Walsham Fen. Any changes will be published on the website www.badcog.co.uk

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NOTICE BOARD Blofield Heath W.I Our next meeting is on Tuesday 11th February at 2 pm at Heathlands when Rob-ert Easton will be talking about Easton’s coach holidays. Visitors are always welcome. Blofield Preschool Playgroup, Margaret Harker Hall A friendly, committee-run playgroup for children aged from 2½ years old. Free ‘Early Education’ funding for 3 and 4 year olds and full access to the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’. Open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during term time. Sessions available 9.10 am – 12.10 pm, 12.10 pm – 3.10 pm or 9.10 am – 3.10 pm. Call us on 712498 for more information or to arrange a visit. Further details follow us on Twitter: @BlofieldPreSch or visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/BlofieldPreSchoolPlaygroup. Brundall & Blofield Good Neighbour Scheme Do you need help with small household jobs, with shopping or library visits, perhaps a lift to a local appointment, or maybe just a chat over a cup of tea? Trained, local volunteers are waiting to help you with all of these tasks and much more. For more information call free: 0800 688 9677. Lingwood & Burlingham Parish Council All meetings are held at the Lingwood Village Hall, Parish Council Meeting Room, Station Road, Lingwood, generally on the 1st TUESDAY of the month starting at 7.30pm (please check notice boards in case of variation). Ten minutes is allocated at the start of all meetings for public participation. Parishioners and the press are welcome to attend any Council meeting. The Council has a website at http://www.lingwood-burlingham.org.uk Blofield and District Gardening Club Our Club meets at the Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Road, Blofield at 7.30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month, except in January, February, August and December. Speakers give talks and demonstrations on various subjects connected with gardening. Visitors are very welcome to attend any meeting for a fee of £2.00 per evening.

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Heathlands Jumble Sale is on Saturday 15th February, jumble from 12 noon please, and doors open at 2.00pm. We will be selling cakes etc, so if anybody can make a cake or scones, your donation would be very welcome. TEA AND CHAT_ - we are back - Date to remember is Tuesday 25th February 2.00pm - 4.00pm Lovely afternoon of tea, cake and chat come and join us, always lovely to see the men as well. We also have another one planned for 17th March. O'FENDERS NIGHT The Ofenders band are celebrating big events in their lives, but havealso offered to give ticket and raffle money to Heath-lands. So come and join us on Saturday March 21st. Tickets are available from Social Club or Jill on 714164. Should be a great night. There will be no food just a few nibbles, so you are welcome to bring your own nibbles. But not your own drink !!! EARLY NOTICE FOR OUR ANNUAL GARAGE SALE. This is planned for Sunday April 26th. More details later. BINGO DATES - February 28th, March 13th and 27th. Extend (Movement to Music for Older People & Disabled Adults) MONDAYS 13.45 Registration 14.00 – 15.00 Class held weekly barring Bank Holidays Brundall Memorial Hall Links Avenue, Brundall NORWICH, NR13 5LL Classes £4.00 For more information please contact Jenny Hall 01508 494443 [email protected] Knitters and Stitchers (and other crafts) At Springdale Residential Home, Cucumber Lane. On the second Friday of each month. From 10 –.12. Please come along and if you have spare needles, hooks or wool please bring them with you. Donations of cakes and biscuits gratefully received. Tea and Coffee will be served. ALL WELCOME FOR DETAILS PLEASE CALL DEBBY 01603 335962 Hemblington Parish Council Parishioners are invited to attend meetings and speak on any parish matter. Agendas will be available on our noticeboards and our website http://hemblingtonparish.org.uk nearer the time. Parish Council meetings take place every two months normally on the last Monday of the month. They start at 7.30 pm and are held at the Heathlands Community Centre in Woodbastwick Road, Blofield Heath, NR13 4PH.

19 Blofield News February 2020

Blofield Library

Accessible to Open registered customers 8am-7pm Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm

Saturdays & 10am-4pm Sundays. Within those times, our staffed times,

when the library is accessible to anyone are:

MONDAYS 1-7PM WEDNESDAYS 10.30AM-7PM: Wednesday Weekly Free Drop in events:

Rhyme Time10.30am,

Just a Cuppa 3pm, Lego Club 3.30pm



Please visit during staffed times with ID including current address details to sign up as a library member and to join our additional

Open access service. It is free to join!

NOTICE BOARD Blofield Court House Village Screen Friday 14th February DOWNTON ABBEY (PG) The hugely popular Crawley family saga comes to the big screen! A royal visit unleashes scandal, romance and intrigue leaving the future of Downton hanging in the balance. Matinee 2.30pm (Tea, cakes and ice cream) Evening 7.30pm (Bar, soft drinks and ice cream). Tickets £5.00 from S & S Mitchell Newsagents, The Street, Blofield. All enquiries to 01603 712306 BINGO! Margaret Harker Hall, Every Thursday, Eyes Down 7.15pm, Cash Prizes Refreshments, Everyone Welcome.

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NOTICE BOARD Hemblington Pre-School Hemblington Pre School operates from Heathlands. A maximum of 26 children may attend at any one time. It is open during term times on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30 am until 12.30 pm and on Wednesday from noon until 3 pm. All children share access to a secure enclosed outdoor play area. If you require further information then please contact Fiona Trimble 07716 869506 or email [email protected] Brundall Local History Group THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, Bergh Apton farmer Kevin Parfitt's insight into life in his village and on his own farm, in the family for 108 years. Tickets for our evening events are available on the door, free to members, £2.50 to non-members. All events take place at Brundall Memorial Hall, Links Avenue, at 7.30pm www.brundallvillagehistory.org.uk Village Voices "I find it a fun and friendly group and we don't take ourselves too seriously". Singing together can be beneficial and joyful. Our Village Voices community choir in Blofield is looking for new members. Why not come and give us a try? We meet most Wednesdays from 7.30 pm to 9 pm at the Blofield Scout Hut on Yarmouth Road, just by Margaret Harker Hall. We sing a range of songs and they are taught by ear, often supplemented with the music or a recording on CD or the website. For more information, call Suzanne on 716268 or check our website http://villagevoices1.wixsite.com/choir. Blofield and Brundall Pensioners We meet at the Blofield Courthouse on the first Monday afternoon of each month, commencing at 2pm. We have speakers, entertainment and other social activities. Our meetings include refreshments and an update on matters that concern our age group. Visitors are always welcome. Aid for Animals We have some lovely, young rescue dogs looking for good homes. If you are interested and can give a good, loving home then please ring Margaret at Aid for Animals on 716883.

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NOTICE BOARD WEA Blofield WEA Blofield Spring Course 2020 starts on Tuesday, 28th January at Blofield Court House 10:00-12.00noon with "Women Painters of the Norwich School" with tutor Fiona Savage.7 sessions with a half-term break on 18th February. Fee £54. To enrol wea.org.uk or tel: 0300 303 3464. Winter Walking Group October-March Meet at 1.30 pm outside Blofield church every Thursday and at 1.30 pm every Tuesday at: Salhouse church (1st week), Hemblington church (2nd week), N Burlingham church (3rd week) and Acle recreation ground car park (4th week). Walks last about 2 hours (4-5 miles). All welcome 01603 721516 Horning Bridge Club We play Duplicate Bridge every Monday evening at Horning Village Hall; please arrive no later than 6:30pm. We would be delighted to welcome you so contact Sue (Partner Secretary) - 01692 535670 or Ann (Chairman) - 01603 782009 to let them know that you will be joining us as a visitor. We also hold morning Duplicate Bridge sessions on the second Tuesday of each month in The Annexe at Horning Village Hall. Visitors are very welcome with or without a partner but please arrive no later than 9:45am. Further infor-mation can be found on our website: www.bridgewebs.com/horning Keep Blofield Special We are a small group of volunteers who like to keep our villages looking attractive and reasonably free of litter, we meet monthly for about an hour's litter-picking, anyone is welcome to join us, February litter-picks take place on: Monday 3rd February, meet at Heathlands, Blofield Heath at 9.30am Monday 10th February, meet at the Old Court House, Blofield at 9.30am We also occasionally meet in the evening to plan forward litter-picking dates and to discuss ideas that would help Keep Blofield Special. Please feel free to come along, new ideas always welcome! Our next evening meeting is on Monday 10th February at Heathlands at 7pm

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EDITOR: Email: [email protected]

FEBRUARY CALENDAR 2nd SUN 3rd Mon Pensioners Courthouse 8th Sat BADCOG Buckenham Woods 9th SUN 10th Mon Blofield Parish Council Courthouse 11th Tues Blofield Heath WI Heathlands 14th Fri Village Screen Courthouse 15th Sat Jumble Sale Heathlands 16th SUN 20th Thurs Brundall Local History Group Brundall Memorial Hall 22nd Sat BADCOG Jary’s Meadow 23rd SUN 25th Tues Make and Mardle Gables Farmhouse 28th Fri BINGO Heathlands

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