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The Revelation• Revelation = Apocalypse• John = the Apostle John• Probably written in the 60s A.D. or 90s• This is a revelation from Jesus Christ and primarily

about Him• The book is heavily laden with references to the

Church in the first 3 chapters, which then disappear from the book.

• Old Testament/Jewish themes dominate Chaps. 4-22

The Revelation - Outline I. The things which you have seen Ch. 1 II. The things which are Chaps. 2-3III. The things which will take place Chaps. 4-22

The Revelation – 1:1“shortly” = “with swiftness”

When these events occur, they will occur in rapid succession.

The Revelation – 1:1The revelation given to Christ was revealed to John by

an angel, possibly Gabriel.

The Revelation - 1:3Fundamentally, the results of studying the Revelation

and obeying what we learn are intended to be practical.

Those who obey are blessed.

The Revelation - 1:4The number seven occurs 54 times in the book.

It is connected to perfection, completeness, or fulfillment.

The Revelation“Sevens” in Revelation

(churches, spirits, lampstands, stars, seals, horns, eyes of the Lamb, angels, trumpets, thunders, heads of the

dragon, heads of the beast)

The Revelation - 1:4The “seven spirits” could be a reference to the seven

angels who are before the throne of God or the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

The RevelationOne of the key aspects of the Revelation is the various

ways in which Jesus Christ is presented.

The Revelation“Faithful Witness”

The One who consistently and accurately conveyed and bore witness to the truth.

John 3:11; 8:14, 18; 18:37; 1 Tim. 1:16

The Revelation“The First-born of the dead”

“First-born” often means something like “Preeminent One”

The RevelationIt is used of one who receives a double-portion.

It is often connected with inheritance rights.It is frequently applied to Jesus.

The RevelationIt is used in Romans 8:29 of Jesus being …“the firstborn among many brethren”

The RevelationIn Colossians 1:15, Jesus is said to be the

“Firstborn over all creation”.

In 1:18, He is called the “Firstborn from the dead”.

The RevelationHebrews 1:6 simply calls Jesus “the Firstborn” and invokes “all the angels of God” to “worship Him”.

And, in 12:23, the Church is called “the Church of the Firstborn”.

The Revelation“And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things

He may have the preeminence.”Colossians 1:18

The Revelation – 1:5“The Ruler of the Kings of the earth”

Daniel 4:25Notice again the association with His deity here!

The Revelation – 1:5“Loves us”

Fundamental to life!

The Revelation – 1:5“Washed us from our sins in His own blood”

The love of Christ was eternally confirmed by His death for our sins.

No believer can ever rightfully doubt His love following His death.

The Revelation 1:6“Kings and priests”Ex. 19:6; 1 Pet. 2:9

While He rules over the Kings of the earth, He makes us kings and priests!

The Revelation – 1:7Daniel 7:13; Mt. 24:30

The world in general, and Israel in particular, will one day know the truth about Jesus!

Zechariah 12:10!

The Revelation “ I am the Alpha and the Omega,

the Beginning and the End…the Almighty.”

God is not bound by time and possesses all power!

The RevelationIn a book that emphasizes the end of time as we know it, believers need to know that they are in the hands of

the God of time who possesses all power!

The Revelation – 1:10-11“I am the Alpha…Omega…First…Last”Whoever said that claims to be God!

Verses 17-18!

The Revelation – 1:11Jesus addresses His message to the seven churches.

The Revelation – 1:12“Lampstands”

Churches are to be a light to the world.

The Revelation – 1:13-16The vision of the Son of Man is very much like other

visions of the Messiah and of God, the Ancient of Days!Daniel 7:13; Isa. 49:2

They killed Jesus for claiming to be the Son of Man!

The Revelation – 1:18Jesus identified as God!

Jesus has authority over death and the place of the dead!

The Revelation – 1:13-16The closest friend of Jesus on earth now realizes Who it

is talking to Him.

This is not the Babe in the manger!

The Revelation – 1:17“Fell at His feet as dead”

Similar reactions from Isaiah, Daniel, and Paul when they saw God.

The Revelation – 1:17People often start comments today along the lines of…

“I can’t imagine Jesus doing ______________”

The Revelation – 1:17Of course they can’t.

They’re still thinking of the One who was the sweet Baby in the manger.

The Revelation – 1:17Or, they are focused on His teaching concerning the

Church Age…Or, His teaching on conduct as it should be in the


The Revelation – 1:17Now, we see the Son of Man as the Judge, the Ruler of

the kings of the earth!Now, we see the fulfillment of Psalm 2!

The Revelation – 1:17Now, we see the King of Kings and Lord of Lords coming

to take His rightful place as the Son of David.Jesus has not changed, but His role has, His purpose has.

The Revelation – 1:17The first time, He came to save us from our sins!

Now, He comes to save us from our enemies! Now, He comes to judge!Now, He comes to rule!

Hebrews 9:28

The Revelation – 1:19The focus of the book is primarily the 70th Week of Daniel and the events leading to the rule of Christ on the earth!

Lift up your heads! The culmination of history is in this book!

The RevelationThe Purpose of the book of the Revelation is to

disclose the role of the Son of God as the Judge of all the earth who is ultimately victorious!

The RevelationThe rule of man forfeited by Adam is regained through

our Lord Jesus Christ!

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