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Page 1: The Road to War While the Depression was taking place world ...

The Road to WarThe Road to War

Page 2: The Road to War While the Depression was taking place world ...

While the Depression was taking place While the Depression was taking place world wide, so was the prospect of war.world wide, so was the prospect of war.

Dissention in Europe had brought about Dissention in Europe had brought about many changes in the social/political scene. many changes in the social/political scene. Fall out from WWI, the Great Depression, Fall out from WWI, the Great Depression, and the immigrant problem within the and the immigrant problem within the European countries forced the established European countries forced the established governments to deal with these problems or governments to deal with these problems or be voted out.be voted out.

Since WWI, most of the European countries, Since WWI, most of the European countries, except Russia, were some form of except Russia, were some form of Democracy, Germany, France, Spain, Democracy, Germany, France, Spain, England, etc. England, etc.

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There were still ill-feelings within Europe There were still ill-feelings within Europe from the war. from the war.

Many of the countries that were forced to Many of the countries that were forced to pay reparations were unable to due to pay reparations were unable to due to the Depression. This caused many of the the Depression. This caused many of the “loans” given by US banks & private “loans” given by US banks & private citizens to fall through. England & France citizens to fall through. England & France stated they could only pay the US when stated they could only pay the US when they received reparation payments from they received reparation payments from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, etc.Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, etc.

Most of these countries were already Most of these countries were already financially devastated before the financially devastated before the Depression.Depression.

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USAUSA Isolationism – prominent feelings since the Isolationism – prominent feelings since the

1920’s. Deal with the problems in the US & 1920’s. Deal with the problems in the US & not worried about what is happening overseas.not worried about what is happening overseas.

FDR was opposed to the US being in the FDR was opposed to the US being in the League of Nations. League of Nations.

The US tried to maintain trade relations with The US tried to maintain trade relations with many of the “Allied” & “Axis” powers. many of the “Allied” & “Axis” powers.

The Kellogg-Briand Pact – 1928 – delegates The Kellogg-Briand Pact – 1928 – delegates from 62 countries signed the pact to outlaw from 62 countries signed the pact to outlaw war. It was also called the Pact of Paris & war. It was also called the Pact of Paris & followed some of the tenets of the League of followed some of the tenets of the League of Nations.Nations.

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Germany Germany Became a democratic republic (Weimar) in 1918. Became a democratic republic (Weimar) in 1918. Government officials were elected by popular Government officials were elected by popular

vote.vote. A young, WWI veteran, Adolf Hitler, began his A young, WWI veteran, Adolf Hitler, began his

political career in the 1920’s. He was a failed political career in the 1920’s. He was a failed artist, who was caught up in the anti-immigrant artist, who was caught up in the anti-immigrant feelings that were very prominent in Germany. feelings that were very prominent in Germany. He slowly gets a small following of like-minded He slowly gets a small following of like-minded “thugs” that become known as the “Brown “thugs” that become known as the “Brown Shirts” ( later they would be called the SA). This Shirts” ( later they would be called the SA). This is the fore runner of the SS. is the fore runner of the SS.

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The Beer Hall Putsch - Hitler’s 1The Beer Hall Putsch - Hitler’s 1stst real test. real test. The SA led a small revolt that started in a The SA led a small revolt that started in a beer hall. Quickly put down by the police, beer hall. Quickly put down by the police, several SA members were killed. Hitler was several SA members were killed. Hitler was arrested & sent to prison. It is here that he arrested & sent to prison. It is here that he writes his best-selling book writes his best-selling book Mein KampfMein Kampf. .

Upon his release, the National Socialist Party Upon his release, the National Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI) were going to be a of Germany (NAZI) were going to be a dominating factor of German politics.dominating factor of German politics.

Hitler is elected, by popular vote, to the Hitler is elected, by popular vote, to the position of Chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933.position of Chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933.

He soon becomes dictator. The Reichsfuhrer.He soon becomes dictator. The Reichsfuhrer.

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Once Hitler dominates Germany, he Once Hitler dominates Germany, he begins to build up it’s military begins to build up it’s military substantially.substantially.

In direct violation of the Treaty of In direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles & the League of Nations, Hitler Versailles & the League of Nations, Hitler openly builds up the German war machine.openly builds up the German war machine.

The rest of the world is too busy worrying The rest of the world is too busy worrying about the depression, to be concerned about the depression, to be concerned with Hitler. with Hitler.

By 1935, Hitler invades & takes the Saar By 1935, Hitler invades & takes the Saar region, between Germany & France.region, between Germany & France.

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March 1936 – Hitler invades & takes the March 1936 – Hitler invades & takes the Rhineland. Again, between Germany & France.Rhineland. Again, between Germany & France.

Sept. 1938 – Hitler invades & takes Austria and Sept. 1938 – Hitler invades & takes Austria and the Sudetenland. Territory that belonged to the Sudetenland. Territory that belonged to Czechoslovakia.Czechoslovakia.

March 1939 – Hitler takes the rest of March 1939 – Hitler takes the rest of Czechoslovakia.Czechoslovakia.

Aug. 1939 – Hitler signs a non-aggression pact Aug. 1939 – Hitler signs a non-aggression pact with Stalin, saying the Germany will not invade with Stalin, saying the Germany will not invade Russia.Russia.

Why was Germany allowed to invade other Why was Germany allowed to invade other countries? countries?

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Italy Italy The King of Italy – Emanuel III allows The King of Italy – Emanuel III allows

Benito Mussolini to become Premier of Benito Mussolini to become Premier of Italy in 1922. Mussolini, “Il Duce”, the Italy in 1922. Mussolini, “Il Duce”, the Leader, basically becomes dictator of Leader, basically becomes dictator of Italy by 1925.Italy by 1925.

He leads Italy into new prosperity & a He leads Italy into new prosperity & a revival of Italian pride & culture.revival of Italian pride & culture.

He wanted to renew the “glory that was He wanted to renew the “glory that was Rome”, much in the same way that Rome”, much in the same way that Hitler wanted to revive the “Holy Hitler wanted to revive the “Holy Roman Empire”or Prussia.Roman Empire”or Prussia.

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Mussolini was a large, charismatic, Mussolini was a large, charismatic, gregarious man. He enjoyed his wine, gregarious man. He enjoyed his wine, women & song & basically lived the life.women & song & basically lived the life.

Mussolini used the Fascist party to propel Mussolini used the Fascist party to propel him into power, a mixture of nationalism him into power, a mixture of nationalism & socialism, but later did away with all & socialism, but later did away with all political parties. Almost the same way political parties. Almost the same way Hitler came to power.Hitler came to power.

During the later 1920’s, Italy enjoyed During the later 1920’s, Italy enjoyed relative prosperity & growth. Even into relative prosperity & growth. Even into the 1930’s. By Oct. 1935, Italy invades the 1930’s. By Oct. 1935, Italy invades & takes over Ethiopia, & made their way & takes over Ethiopia, & made their way into Libya. into Libya.

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Italy no had a foot hold in North Africa. Italy no had a foot hold in North Africa. Beside England, who had occupied Beside England, who had occupied Egypt, & France who were in Morocco Egypt, & France who were in Morocco & Algeria.& Algeria.

April 1939 – Italy invades Albania. April 1939 – Italy invades Albania. Giving Italy a foot hold in Balkans. Giving Italy a foot hold in Balkans.

Oct. 1940 – Italy invades Greece. Also, Oct. 1940 – Italy invades Greece. Also, they launch an attack on Egypt. But they launch an attack on Egypt. But had to have German help to take these had to have German help to take these countries.countries.

The League of Nations still did nothing. The League of Nations still did nothing.

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Japan Japan A growing power in Asia since the late A growing power in Asia since the late

1800’s.1800’s. Establish a foot hold in Asia by Establish a foot hold in Asia by

obtaining Korea in the Treaty of obtaining Korea in the Treaty of Portsmouth. Slowly working their way Portsmouth. Slowly working their way into the Chinese countryside. Also, into the Chinese countryside. Also, expanding their navy into the south expanding their navy into the south Pacific. Pacific.

During WWI, Japan took a lot of During WWI, Japan took a lot of territory that was Germany’s. territory that was Germany’s.

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Japan also pushed into northern China Japan also pushed into northern China by the end of WWI. Manchuria, which by the end of WWI. Manchuria, which the Japanese would rename – the Japanese would rename – Manchukuo, had vital RR lines the Manchukuo, had vital RR lines the Japanese needed for supplies. Japanese needed for supplies.

Japanese officials met with US officials Japanese officials met with US officials after WWI to discuss & finally agree after WWI to discuss & finally agree that Japan has “special interests” in that Japan has “special interests” in China.China.

Both China & Japan are allies of the US.Both China & Japan are allies of the US. But through the 1920’s & 1930’s that But through the 1920’s & 1930’s that

relationship would deteriorate.relationship would deteriorate.

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Many agreements, pacts, & treaties were Many agreements, pacts, & treaties were signed by the US, Japan, & many European signed by the US, Japan, & many European countries on everything from trade to countries on everything from trade to military build up, to disarmament.military build up, to disarmament.

Tensions were increasing globally, but no Tensions were increasing globally, but no one really wanted to do anything about it.one really wanted to do anything about it.

From 1931 on, Japan & China were at war.From 1931 on, Japan & China were at war. Japan quit the League of Nations & severed Japan quit the League of Nations & severed

most ties with the “Gaijin” foreigners.most ties with the “Gaijin” foreigners. As the Nazi’s took Germany & the Fascists As the Nazi’s took Germany & the Fascists

took Italy, the Militarists (Hirohito) would took Italy, the Militarists (Hirohito) would take Japan. take Japan.

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Spain Spain As Germany & Italy were busy expanding their As Germany & Italy were busy expanding their

borders, the democratic government of Spain borders, the democratic government of Spain was overthrown by a military revolt.was overthrown by a military revolt.

July 1936 – Gen. Francisco Franco led the July 1936 – Gen. Francisco Franco led the revolt against the established (and revolt against the established (and recognized) democratic government of Spain.recognized) democratic government of Spain.

He became known as “El Caudillo” – The He became known as “El Caudillo” – The Leader! Leader!

All of the dictators in Europe sent aid to All of the dictators in Europe sent aid to Franco, Hitler, Mussolini & Stalin, all wanted Franco, Hitler, Mussolini & Stalin, all wanted Franco on their side. The US England & Franco on their side. The US England & France stayed out of it all together. France stayed out of it all together.

By March of 1939 – Franco would control By March of 1939 – Franco would control Spain. Did a great job!Spain. Did a great job!

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The Powers UniteThe Powers Unite Anti-Comintern Pact – 1937 – Germany, Anti-Comintern Pact – 1937 – Germany,

Italy & Japan sign an agreement to fight Italy & Japan sign an agreement to fight against the communist threat. This is against the communist threat. This is actually the foundation for a later treaty actually the foundation for a later treaty making them allies for a common making them allies for a common cause.cause.

As the rest of the world stood by & As the rest of the world stood by & allowed countries to be taken over, with allowed countries to be taken over, with little or no protest. No one tried to stop little or no protest. No one tried to stop any of the invasions or governmental any of the invasions or governmental overthrow, why stop now?overthrow, why stop now?

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Sept. 1, 1939 – Germany invades Poland. Sept. 1, 1939 – Germany invades Poland. This begins the war in Europe, because This begins the war in Europe, because England & France finally own up to their England & France finally own up to their agreement to assist if Poland is invaded.agreement to assist if Poland is invaded.

They had the same agreements with They had the same agreements with Czech., Lithuania, etc., but left them high Czech., Lithuania, etc., but left them high & dry. & dry.

The US had treaties with these nations The US had treaties with these nations also, did nothing about it. Abandoned also, did nothing about it. Abandoned Spain, Czech., etc.Spain, Czech., etc.

But now England & France are in the war, But now England & France are in the war, what does the US do?what does the US do?

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US considered it a “European War” & not US considered it a “European War” & not our problem. Even though the US did our problem. Even though the US did sympathize with the western European sympathize with the western European democracies (those that were left). Plus democracies (those that were left). Plus the fear of the growing dictatorships the fear of the growing dictatorships threatened national security. But not threatened national security. But not enough to get the US actively involved.enough to get the US actively involved.

The Neutrality Act of 1935 – outlawed the The Neutrality Act of 1935 – outlawed the sale of weapons & ammo to countries sale of weapons & ammo to countries that the Pres. deemed a state of war that the Pres. deemed a state of war existed. existed.

The US hoped to remain neutral at all The US hoped to remain neutral at all costs. Increasing isolationist sentiment costs. Increasing isolationist sentiment growing within the USgrowing within the US

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Dec. 12, 1937 – Japanese bombers attack & Dec. 12, 1937 – Japanese bombers attack & sink the USS Panay, an American gunboat, sink the USS Panay, an American gunboat, that was anchored on the Yangtze River. The that was anchored on the Yangtze River. The Japanese apologized, claiming they thought it Japanese apologized, claiming they thought it was a Chinese ship (it had been flying the US was a Chinese ship (it had been flying the US Flag). They made reparations, but animosity Flag). They made reparations, but animosity was growing against Japan & quickly.was growing against Japan & quickly.

The Ludlow Amendment – 1938 – would The Ludlow Amendment – 1938 – would require a public referendum for a declaration require a public referendum for a declaration of war, except when attacked. It did not of war, except when attacked. It did not pass, but came very close. An indication of pass, but came very close. An indication of how much the US wanted to stay out of the how much the US wanted to stay out of the impending war.impending war.

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FDR proposed to deal with England & FDR proposed to deal with England & France on a cash & carry basis, but France on a cash & carry basis, but Congress would not allow it. After Congress would not allow it. After considerable discussion, the Neutrality Act considerable discussion, the Neutrality Act of 1935 was amended.of 1935 was amended.

The Neutrality Act of 1939 – England & The Neutrality Act of 1939 – England & France would be allowed to send ships to France would be allowed to send ships to the US, & purchase any supplies (with the US, & purchase any supplies (with CASH) that they needed. US ships were CASH) that they needed. US ships were not allowed to dock at ports of countries not allowed to dock at ports of countries that were at war. All of this was brought that were at war. All of this was brought on by Germany’s invasion of Poland.on by Germany’s invasion of Poland.

US opinion began to swing in favor of US opinion began to swing in favor of helping the Allies, & less isolationism.helping the Allies, & less isolationism.

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April 9, 1940 – Blitzkrieg “Lightening War” April 9, 1940 – Blitzkrieg “Lightening War” Hitler’s tactic of fast, mobilized warfare. The Hitler’s tactic of fast, mobilized warfare. The German Army invaded Denmark & took the German Army invaded Denmark & took the country in 1 day. They made their way up the country in 1 day. They made their way up the Norwegian coast & taking Norway in a few Norwegian coast & taking Norway in a few weeks.weeks.

May 10 – German troops take Belgium & the May 10 – German troops take Belgium & the Netherlands, who were neutral.Netherlands, who were neutral.

May 21 – German forces now blocked the May 21 – German forces now blocked the English Channel. At Dunkirk, the German English Channel. At Dunkirk, the German Army blocked the retreat of English, French & Army blocked the retreat of English, French & Belgian forces. The English military “drafted” Belgian forces. The English military “drafted” every ship in the area –literally- to try & get every ship in the area –literally- to try & get the men off the beaches. German tanks, the men off the beaches. German tanks, artillery & infantry slaughtered 100,000’s. artillery & infantry slaughtered 100,000’s. Only 388,000 made it to England.Only 388,000 made it to England.

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The French defenses, the Maginot Line, The French defenses, the Maginot Line, a series of forts & bunkers, was by-a series of forts & bunkers, was by-passed & driven over by Hitler’s tanks.passed & driven over by Hitler’s tanks.

June 10, 1940 – Italy “officially” enters June 10, 1940 – Italy “officially” enters the war as Germany’s ally. the war as Germany’s ally.

June 14, 1940 - Paris fell to the June 14, 1940 - Paris fell to the GermansGermans

June 22 – France surrenders to Hitler.June 22 – France surrenders to Hitler. This leaves England to fight all alone in This leaves England to fight all alone in

Europe.Europe. US concern is growing. FDR pushes for US concern is growing. FDR pushes for

increased military production.increased military production.

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FDR orders US military supplies, FDR orders US military supplies, surplus & stocks be given to England. surplus & stocks be given to England. Planes, tanks, weapons, ammo, etc. Planes, tanks, weapons, ammo, etc.

This depletes the already low supplies This depletes the already low supplies for the very small US military.for the very small US military.

June 1940 – FDR sets up the National June 1940 – FDR sets up the National Defense Research Committee to Defense Research Committee to conduct military research & to begin conduct military research & to begin the development of the atomic bomb.the development of the atomic bomb.

With all that was going on, the US With all that was going on, the US population still wanted nothing to do population still wanted nothing to do with the war. with the war.

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The Battle of BritainThe Battle of Britain Summer 1940 – the Royal Air Force (RAF) faced Summer 1940 – the Royal Air Force (RAF) faced

its greatest challenge to date. The German its greatest challenge to date. The German Luftwaffe (Air Force) launched a massive Luftwaffe (Air Force) launched a massive assault on England.assault on England.

German bombers destroyed cities in England, German bombers destroyed cities in England, completely eradicating sections of major cities.completely eradicating sections of major cities.

The Canadian RAF & Australian Air Force, along The Canadian RAF & Australian Air Force, along with US volunteers, fought off the numerically with US volunteers, fought off the numerically & technologically superior Luftwaffe.& technologically superior Luftwaffe.

Had it not been for the new invention, RADAR, Had it not been for the new invention, RADAR, England would have lost.England would have lost.

Germany had to wait before invading England.Germany had to wait before invading England.

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FDR & Winston Churchill had been in secret FDR & Winston Churchill had been in secret negotiations on ships located in the North negotiations on ships located in the North Atlantic. At these meetings, later to be part Atlantic. At these meetings, later to be part of the Atlantic Charter, it was agreed that of the Atlantic Charter, it was agreed that the US would give England destroyers in the US would give England destroyers in exchange for 99 yr. lease on naval & air exchange for 99 yr. lease on naval & air bases in English colonies & territories. The bases in English colonies & territories. The 50 ships they received were pre-WWI 50 ships they received were pre-WWI vintage (some Spanish-American War) vintage (some Spanish-American War) ships.ships.

Sept. 16, 1940 – the 1Sept. 16, 1940 – the 1stst peace-time peace-time conscription. All men aged 21-35 had to conscription. All men aged 21-35 had to register for a year’s military service register for a year’s military service stateside.stateside.

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Factions within the government & Factions within the government & population began to form, according to population began to form, according to their belief in US involvement.their belief in US involvement. Internationalists – felt that the US national Internationalists – felt that the US national

security demanded that we help England. security demanded that we help England. The civilian counterpart were called The The civilian counterpart were called The Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, mainly located on the East & West Allies, mainly located on the East & West coasts & in the South.coasts & in the South.

Isolationists – felt the US was being pulled Isolationists – felt the US was being pulled into another needless war. Their civilian into another needless war. Their civilian counterpart were called The America First counterpart were called The America First Committee. Mainly located in the upper Committee. Mainly located in the upper Mid-West, & had Herbert Hoover & Charles Mid-West, & had Herbert Hoover & Charles Lindbergh in their ranks.Lindbergh in their ranks.

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FDR wins the Pres. Election of 1940 & FDR wins the Pres. Election of 1940 & one of his 1one of his 1stst acts was to increase the acts was to increase the aid going to England.aid going to England.

Lend-Lease Program – Jan. 10, 1941, Lend-Lease Program – Jan. 10, 1941, authorized the Pres. to sell, transfer, authorized the Pres. to sell, transfer, exchange, lend, lease, or otherwise exchange, lend, lease, or otherwise dispose of arms & other equip. & dispose of arms & other equip. & supplies to any country whose defense supplies to any country whose defense the Pres. deems vital to the defense of the Pres. deems vital to the defense of the US.the US.

Hitler was actually doing well, (at this Hitler was actually doing well, (at this point he could have won) until he got a point he could have won) until he got a little too greedy & made a costly little too greedy & made a costly mistake.mistake.

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June 22, 1941 – Germany invades June 22, 1941 – Germany invades Russia. Now he is fighting a 2 front Russia. Now he is fighting a 2 front war, England in the west & Russia in war, England in the west & Russia in the east. US & England offer assistance the east. US & England offer assistance to Russia, reviving old WWI alliances.to Russia, reviving old WWI alliances.

The Russian winter is possibly their The Russian winter is possibly their greatest weapon & causes Hitler to be greatest weapon & causes Hitler to be bogged down in the east.bogged down in the east.

Now England is no longer alone, but the Now England is no longer alone, but the US still will not commit troops to the US still will not commit troops to the fight.fight.

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The Atlantic CharterThe Atlantic Charter Aug. 1941 – Churchill & FDR met Aug. 1941 – Churchill & FDR met

secretly off the coast of secretly off the coast of Newfoundland (have been since Newfoundland (have been since 1940).1940).

This charter called for the self-This charter called for the self-determination of all people, equal determination of all people, equal access to raw materials, economic access to raw materials, economic cooperation, freedom of the seas, & a cooperation, freedom of the seas, & a system of general security. 15 nations system of general security. 15 nations backed the Charter, this will lay the backed the Charter, this will lay the groundwork for the United Nations. groundwork for the United Nations.

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U-Boat AttacksU-Boat Attacks Sept. 4, 1941 – U-Boats attack the USS Sept. 4, 1941 – U-Boats attack the USS

Greer, a destroyer in the North Atlantic. Greer, a destroyer in the North Atlantic. Sept. 11- 18, 1941, FDR issues orders for Sept. 11- 18, 1941, FDR issues orders for

US Naval ships to “shoot on sight” any US Naval ships to “shoot on sight” any German or Italian ships of was in US German or Italian ships of was in US defended waters. Also, that same week, defended waters. Also, that same week, the US Navy began to escort merchant the US Navy began to escort merchant ships to Iceland.ships to Iceland.

Oct. 17, 1941 – the USS Kearny is heavily Oct. 17, 1941 – the USS Kearny is heavily damaged while attacking U-Boats.damaged while attacking U-Boats.

Oct. 31, 1941 – the USS Reuben James is Oct. 31, 1941 – the USS Reuben James is sank, killing 115 men. sank, killing 115 men.

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Nov. 17, 1941 – Congress amends the Nov. 17, 1941 – Congress amends the Neutrality Acts to allow for the arming Neutrality Acts to allow for the arming of merchant vessels that enter combat of merchant vessels that enter combat zones. Also, US Navy Shore Patrol & zones. Also, US Navy Shore Patrol & Men-At-Arms are stationed on several Men-At-Arms are stationed on several Merchant Marine ships to protect them.Merchant Marine ships to protect them.

Slowly the US was being pulled into a Slowly the US was being pulled into a naval war with Germany. naval war with Germany.

But the American population still did But the American population still did not want to go to war. We were just not want to go to war. We were just protecting ourselves.protecting ourselves.

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The Japanese War MachineThe Japanese War Machine The Japanese had moved themselves into The Japanese had moved themselves into

several strategic positions in southeast several strategic positions in southeast Asia over the last 30 years. Rapidly Asia over the last 30 years. Rapidly becoming the dominant force in Asia & the becoming the dominant force in Asia & the Pacific. Pacific.

After the French surrender, the Vichy After the French surrender, the Vichy government, a puppet government of government, a puppet government of French officials who have taken sides with French officials who have taken sides with Germany, Japan forced the Vichy to allow Germany, Japan forced the Vichy to allow Japanese airfields to be built in French-Japanese airfields to be built in French-Indochina, (Vietnam, Laos, & Cambodia).Indochina, (Vietnam, Laos, & Cambodia).

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July 2, 1940 - US responded with the July 2, 1940 - US responded with the Export Control Act of 1940 – this assisted Export Control Act of 1940 – this assisted China by restricting the export of arms & China by restricting the export of arms & other strategic supplies to Japan.other strategic supplies to Japan.

Sept. 27, 1940 – Tripartite Pact – Sept. 27, 1940 – Tripartite Pact – Germany, Italy & Japan sign an Germany, Italy & Japan sign an agreement that each country would agreement that each country would declare war on any country that attacked declare war on any country that attacked any of them.any of them.

Hitler was hoping that Japan would Hitler was hoping that Japan would invade Russia from the east distracting invade Russia from the east distracting them & helping his cause in the west.them & helping his cause in the west.

Japan signed a non-aggression pact with Japan signed a non-aggression pact with Russia & never invaded the country. Russia & never invaded the country.

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July 1941 – Japan declared itself to be the July 1941 – Japan declared itself to be the Protectorate of French-Indochina. Now Protectorate of French-Indochina. Now they posed a real threat to the they posed a real threat to the Philippines, Australia, as well as other US Philippines, Australia, as well as other US & English territories in South Asia & & English territories in South Asia & Pacific.Pacific.

FDR stated that the US would freeze all FDR stated that the US would freeze all Japanese accounts in the US, restrict the Japanese accounts in the US, restrict the oil being exported to Japan, & he placed oil being exported to Japan, & he placed Gen. Douglas MacAthur as Commander Gen. Douglas MacAthur as Commander of All US forces in Asia.of All US forces in Asia.

Sept. 1941 – an oil embargo had started Sept. 1941 – an oil embargo had started against Japan.against Japan.

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The Path to Pearl HarborThe Path to Pearl Harbor Since Aug. 1941, the Japanese Premier, Since Aug. 1941, the Japanese Premier,

Fumimaro Konoye, & his ambassadors Fumimaro Konoye, & his ambassadors had been in talks with the US Sec. Of had been in talks with the US Sec. Of State Cordell Hull, concerning US & State Cordell Hull, concerning US & Japanese relations. Hull demanded the Japanese relations. Hull demanded the Japanese leave China in order to maintain Japanese leave China in order to maintain good relations with the US. The Japanese good relations with the US. The Japanese Militarists were unwilling to do that. Militarists were unwilling to do that. Konoye, wanted peace above all else, had Konoye, wanted peace above all else, had to obey the Emperor & his ruling party, to obey the Emperor & his ruling party, the Militarists. the Militarists.

But he still maintained talks with the US.But he still maintained talks with the US.

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The opposite end of the scale for the The opposite end of the scale for the Japanese government was the Japanese Japanese government was the Japanese War Minister- Hideki Tojo. He felt that War Minister- Hideki Tojo. He felt that the Japanese should go to war & prove the Japanese should go to war & prove their superiority. He, as well as most of their superiority. He, as well as most of the high command, were descendants the high command, were descendants of the Samurai class, or of the of the Samurai class, or of the Gunbatsu warlords that invaded China Gunbatsu warlords that invaded China in the later 1800’s – early 1900’s.in the later 1800’s – early 1900’s.

They had a warrior tradition & felt They had a warrior tradition & felt anything less than battle was anything less than battle was dishonorable.dishonorable.

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Konoye & Tojo had many arguments Konoye & Tojo had many arguments about what Japan should do. Many in the about what Japan should do. Many in the Japanese government felt that while the Japanese government felt that while the US was focused on the Germans in the US was focused on the Germans in the Atlantic, that they should strike & Atlantic, that they should strike & remove the US Naval threat, plus they remove the US Naval threat, plus they would be to secure new resources for oil. would be to secure new resources for oil.

Aug. 1941 – Konoye wanted to meet with Aug. 1941 – Konoye wanted to meet with FDR to try & work out an agreement. FDR to try & work out an agreement. Hull advised FDR not to do so unless Hull advised FDR not to do so unless Japan would meet certain criteria. Japan would meet certain criteria. Therefore, stopping the meeting. Therefore, stopping the meeting.

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Sept. 6, 1941 – the Japanese Imperial Sept. 6, 1941 – the Japanese Imperial Council began preparations for an attack Council began preparations for an attack on Hawaii. They gave Konoye 6 wks. to on Hawaii. They gave Konoye 6 wks. to make a treaty with the US.make a treaty with the US.

Once again, Konoye & Tojo squared off. Once again, Konoye & Tojo squared off. Tojo agreed to remove his troops from Tojo agreed to remove his troops from China over the next 25 years, if the US China over the next 25 years, if the US would stop helping China.would stop helping China.

Konoye knew the US would not accept Konoye knew the US would not accept this. Oct. 15, 1941 – Premier Konoye this. Oct. 15, 1941 – Premier Konoye resigned.resigned.

Oct. 16, 1941 – Tojo is made Premier & Oct. 16, 1941 – Tojo is made Premier & now the Militarists have full control of the now the Militarists have full control of the Japanese CouncilJapanese Council..

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Nov. 20, 1941 – a Japanese envoy met Nov. 20, 1941 – a Japanese envoy met with FDR & Hull with Tojo’s plan. This is with FDR & Hull with Tojo’s plan. This is thought to be part of the attack plan. To thought to be part of the attack plan. To keep the US occupied with peace talks, keep the US occupied with peace talks, while the Japanese prepare to attack. while the Japanese prepare to attack. The Plan stated that Japan would invade The Plan stated that Japan would invade no more territory, if the US would stop no more territory, if the US would stop helping China, restore trade relations & helping China, restore trade relations & help Japan get supplies from the Dutch help Japan get supplies from the Dutch Indies. If so, Japan would pull out of Indies. If so, Japan would pull out of Indochina immediately & slowly Indochina immediately & slowly everywhere else as soon as peace was everywhere else as soon as peace was made with China. made with China.

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Nov. 26, 1941 – Hull demanded once Nov. 26, 1941 – Hull demanded once again that Japan leave China.again that Japan leave China.

That same day, the Japanese Navy That same day, the Japanese Navy left Japan, headed for Hawaii. left Japan, headed for Hawaii. Specifically for the key US Naval base Specifically for the key US Naval base in the Pacific – Pearl Harbor.in the Pacific – Pearl Harbor.

US & British forces in the Pacific & US & British forces in the Pacific & Asia knew the war was close. But Asia knew the war was close. But they had no idea it was already they had no idea it was already headed towards them.headed towards them.

Most felt the Dutch & British Indies Most felt the Dutch & British Indies were the target, not the US. were the target, not the US.

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Dec. 7, 1941 – that Sunday morning, Dec. 7, 1941 – that Sunday morning, Japanese planes were the first of the Japanese planes were the first of the assault to hit Oahu, Hawaii. The Japanese assault to hit Oahu, Hawaii. The Japanese had planned for a 3 pronged attack, hit had planned for a 3 pronged attack, hit the US Naval base at Pearl Harbor, the US the US Naval base at Pearl Harbor, the US Army post at Schofield Barracks, & the US Army post at Schofield Barracks, & the US Army Air Corps Bases at Wheeler & Army Air Corps Bases at Wheeler & Hickham. Japanese bombers hit these Hickham. Japanese bombers hit these targets as planned. Planes flew from the targets as planned. Planes flew from the south & attacked Pearl Harbor & south & attacked Pearl Harbor & Hickham, and to get across the Kahuku Hickham, and to get across the Kahuku mountain range to attack Schofield mountain range to attack Schofield Barracks & Wheeler, the planes flew Barracks & Wheeler, the planes flew through Koli Koli Pass and attacked.through Koli Koli Pass and attacked.

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A majority of the US fleet had already A majority of the US fleet had already sailed for California several days before. sailed for California several days before. Leaving only a small fleet at the island. Leaving only a small fleet at the island.

The Japanese attack, which lasted a The Japanese attack, which lasted a little over 2 hours, sank 3 battleships & little over 2 hours, sank 3 battleships & 16 other ships, but the aircraft carriers 16 other ships, but the aircraft carriers were already out to sea. The Army Air were already out to sea. The Army Air Corps, fearing sabotage, parked all the Corps, fearing sabotage, parked all the planes in small, easily guarded groups. planes in small, easily guarded groups. Making it very easy for the Japanese Making it very easy for the Japanese bombers to destroy most of the planes. bombers to destroy most of the planes.

What did the Japanese forget to What did the Japanese forget to destroy?destroy?

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Japanese bombers did not attack the Japanese bombers did not attack the oil tanks & ammunition storage oil tanks & ammunition storage areas. They were not located near areas. They were not located near the harbor, so the planes did not fly the harbor, so the planes did not fly inland. This allowed the US Navy & inland. This allowed the US Navy & Army Air Corps, to retaliate rather Army Air Corps, to retaliate rather quickly.quickly.

The Japanese lost about 30 planes & The Japanese lost about 30 planes & 3 two man “suicide subs”. The US 3 two man “suicide subs”. The US did not fare so well.did not fare so well.

2,400 KIA & another 1,178 WIA 2,400 KIA & another 1,178 WIA (civilian included)(civilian included)

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Dec. 8 (Dec. 7 – US time), 1941 the Dec. 8 (Dec. 7 – US time), 1941 the Japanese military attacked the Japanese military attacked the Philippines, Guam, Midway, Hong Kong Philippines, Guam, Midway, Hong Kong & Malaysia.& Malaysia.

Dec. 8, 1941 – in Washington, D.C., Dec. 8, 1941 – in Washington, D.C., FDR delivers his “Day that shall last in FDR delivers his “Day that shall last in Infamy” speech as Congress voted to Infamy” speech as Congress voted to declare war on Japan.declare war on Japan.

Dec. 11, 1941 – Germany & Italy Dec. 11, 1941 – Germany & Italy declare war on the US.declare war on the US.

The US has now entered World War II.The US has now entered World War II.

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