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Page 1: THE SPT OF CPETTN Greecefollowodysseus.culture.gr/Portals/54/Material/Telika/...THE SPT OF CPETTN Greece 41 The 12 Labours of Hercules! A sad story… Hercules, a bold hero famous

in Ancient GreeceT




The 12 Labours of Hercules!A sad story…

Hercules, a bold hero famous for his strength, lost his mind at some point. Possessed by destructive madness he reached the point of harming his wife and children. Once he re-alised what he had done, unfortunately it was too late and he was overcome by remorse. He couldn’t continue living if he did not atone for the crimes that he had committed. …gave rise to the 12 great labours!

He consulted Pythia, the Oracle, asking how he could purify himself from his deeds. And she answered that he could only find forgiveness if he served king Eurystheus and completed the 12 labours that he gave him. So the brave hero proved that apart from strength, he also possessed a brave soul and knew how to fight!

► Match the 12 legendary labours of Hercules with the pictures that tell their story.



Page 2: THE SPT OF CPETTN Greecefollowodysseus.culture.gr/Portals/54/Material/Telika/...THE SPT OF CPETTN Greece 41 The 12 Labours of Hercules! A sad story… Hercules, a bold hero famous











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Page 3: THE SPT OF CPETTN Greecefollowodysseus.culture.gr/Portals/54/Material/Telika/...THE SPT OF CPETTN Greece 41 The 12 Labours of Hercules! A sad story… Hercules, a bold hero famous

The leaflet “The 12 Labours of Hercules!” of the theme “The spirit of competition in Ancient Greece” was created and digitised in 2015, within the framework of Act with code no. MIS 339815 “Updating and digitizing educational material to support the educational process, which is implemented by the Directorate of Museums as part of the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” and jointly funded by the European Union (European Social Fund) and national resources.


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1st Labour: The Nemean LionIn the area of Nemea lived a lion that had never been defeated and which terrorised the inhabitants. After a difficult struggle Hercules managed to slay it. Satisfied Hercules took the lion’s hide and placed it on his shoulders.

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2nd Labour: Lernean HydraClose to Tirynth, in the area of Lerna, there was a swamp - where the Lernean Hydra lived. The Hydra was a monstrous serpent with nine heads that terrorized the countryside. With the help of his nephew Iolaus, Hercules managed to destroy the terrible monster and save the inhabitants.

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3rd Labour: The Kerynean hindClose to the area of Kerynea lived the sacred animal of the goddess Artemis, a deer with golden horns and silver hooves. The mission of Hercules was to bring it back alive to Mycenae. Hercules did manage to do so, after first injuring lightly.

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4th Labour: The Erymanthian boarIn Erymanthus mountain lived a huge wild boar that destroyed people’s crops. However, Hercules managed to capture and take the animal to king Eurystheus.

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5th Labour: The Augean StablesAugeus, king of the Peloponnese had not cleaned his filthy stables in years. So Hercules mission was to clean them in a single day. However impossible this might appear, he managed to do so by turning the course of the rivers Pineios and Alpheios, in order to wash the stables.

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6th labour: The Stymphalian birdsTerrible birds with bronze beaks and feathers, the Stymphalian Birds, lived in lake Stymphalia in Arcadia. Hercules managed to shoot them with his bow and arrows and kill them.

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8th labour: The horses of DiomedesIn Thrace king Diomedes allowed his man eating horses to roam free. Hercules defeated the barbarian King and fed him to his horses. Then as if by magic they were tamed and started to wander freely.

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9th labour: The belt of HippolyteThe next challenge of Hercules was to obtain the belt of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons. He travelled far away to their kingdom on the shores of the Black Sea. After a fierce battle Hercules killed the strong Amazon and took her coveted belt.

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10th Labour: The cattle of GeryonGeryon, a human shaped monster with three bodies joined together as one, lived far away in the island of Erytheia. Hercules had to drive his herd of fat red cattle to Tiryns. Finally after a difficult battle he managed to accomplish yet another difficult mission.

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11th Labour: The Golden apples of the Hesperides At the end of the world, in the garden of the gods, there was a tree with golden apples. The Hesperides were nymphs, whose duty was to protect the valuable tree. Hercules travelled there and with the help of Atlas cut the fruit of the sacred apple tree.

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12th Labour: CerberusHercules’ most difficult mission was to face Cerberus, the terrible dog with three heads that guarded the gates of Hades, devouring anyone attempting to pass. Once again the hero accomplished his task, successfully completing all his labours.

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7th labour: The Cretan bull Poseidon, the god, had once sent king Minos a bull to sacrifice. However, king Minos impressed by the animal’s beauty, kept it for himself. Poseidon was furious and made the bull mad. Hercules travelled to Crete and finally managed to catch the frenzied animal.

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