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Page 1: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 2: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

With globalization and increasing workforce diversity, some say we’re “between worlds”

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 3: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

• Linear • Mechanistic • Rational • Parts • Structure • Authority • Rules • Formulas • One way • Black and white • Experts • Authorities • Either/or

• Organic/Constellar • Process • Empirical • Whole • Creativity • Collaboration • Guidelines • Possibilities • Options • Spectrum • Expertise • Resources • Both/and

From this…

..to this?

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 4: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 5: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

You’ve had your turn. It’s my game now

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 6: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 7: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 8: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 9: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

You’ve had your turn. It’s my game now

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 10: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

The values on the left side of the Agilent Manifesto COMPLEMENT

the values on the right side

• Use processes and tools to support individuals and interactions

• Document to the degree needed to support working software

• Negotiate collaboratively

• Plan and adapt

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 11: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 12: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

(such as: planning and processing, tools and relationships, structure and flow)


Dance with




Creatively challenge

…each other

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 13: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 14: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

• Control

• Plan and implement

• Direct

• Decide

• Discern

• Give answers

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 15: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

DO TOO!!! They ALSO…

• Guide

• Iterate

• Listen

• Empower others

• Embrace

• Seek and elicit answers

Page 16: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

…doesn’t mean a complete rejection of what went before.

It DOES mean moderating the excesses and finding a new balance.

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Page 17: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

Between Worlds

Page 18: The Synergy Center: Leading Between Worlds

Meryl Runion Rose Speaker, Trainer and Author and Chief Iteration Officer www.speakstrong.com and, coming soon: The Synergy Center. 719-684-2633

Meryl Runion Rose, The Synergy Center www.thesynergycenter.com

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