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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirement to get Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in Education




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: Ollicial memo

:Nurmilayana:TE. 141021

: English Education: Analysis of Culture Values in the Bngfish Textbook at theEleventh Grade of SMK Taruna Indonesia Jambi

The Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher TrainingThe State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddinInJambi

Assalamualaikum Wr.W.After reading, grving guidance and making necessary correctiorq we agree that thethesis of:Name

Student's IDDepartmentTitle

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam as one of the requirements for theundergraduate degree (Sl) in English Education Program Faculty of Education andTeacher Training the State Islamic University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. So, wesubmit it in order to be examined soon.

We would like to say thanks for attention.Was s a I amu' al a i kum Wr. Wb.

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The Dean Faculty ofEducation and Teacher TrainingThe State Islamic University of Sulthaa Thaha Saifuddinln Jambi

Assalamual aikum Wr.Wb.After reading grving guidance and making necessary correction, we agree that thethesis of:Name

Student's IDDepartmentTitle

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam as one of the requirements for theundergraduate degree (Sl) in English Education Program Faculty of Education andTeacher Training the State Islamic University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. So, wesubmit it in order to be examined soon.

We would like to say thanks for attention.Wa s s a I amu' al a i kum Wr. l{b.

Jambi,lg xtd*r,2019Second Advisor

: Of{icial memo:-

:Nurmilayana:TE.l4l,A21: English Education

: Analysis of Culture Values in the English Textbook at theEleventh Grade of SMK Taruna Indonesia Jambi


r. M. Taridi. M. PdIP: 19640106201 4121 002

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I who signed bellow stated that the thesis which is entitle (Analysis ofCulture Yalues in the English Textbook at the Eleventh Grade of SIIf,KTafuna Indonesia Jambi" is originally and truly my own work as therequirements to obtain the undergraduate Degree (Sl) in English EducationProgram of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic UniversitySultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Any parts of writing of which I quoted from the work of other people havebeen completed with the source in clearly in accordance with the norms, rules,and ethics of academic uniting.

If the letter found that some parts of the thesis'are not my own work oridenticated any element of plagiarism, I am willing to accept the cosenquences inaccordance with rules and regulation previl. Therefore, in writing this statemenl Iam going in good health and mind.

Jambi, 8 ak{obec, 2Al9


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In the name of Allah SWT for the blessing and the merciful, with deep thanks and proud, Shalawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the


Special Thanks to:

My parents, my beloved father M. Jamin and my beloved mother Sriani who always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation and always praying for me.

My sister and brother who always pray and give me support and motivation, especially my beloved brother & sister (Harpinsyah & Wirrupidah) always help

me and spirit as well as wish for my success.

My soulmate (Tina, Lisa, Riana, Nila, Hani, Nur, Juleiha and Annila) when we meet in the first semester until the last semester we always together, thank for your support, motivation, and quality time to share happiness and sadness with me and understand. Although we are sometime different think but you are make me know

that the meaning of true friendship.

All my beloved classmate in the class A of English education program 2014 thanks for your support and your participant. My beloved almamater English

department and education and Kampus Biru UIN STS JAMBI thanks your support and your participant.

May Allah Subhanallahu Wata‘ala bless us


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―You who have believed, when you are told, ―Space yourselves‖ in assemblies, then make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, ―Arise,‖ then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is acquainted with what you do.‖ (Al-Mujaadalah, 11) (Ali, 2004, 654)

―Hai orang-orang beriman apabila dikatakan kepadamu: ―Berlapang-lapanglah dalam majlis‖, maka lapangkanlah niscaya Allah akan memberi kelapangan untukmu. Dan apabila dikatakan: ―Berdirilah kamu‖, maka berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.‖ (Al-Mujaadalah, 11) (Departemen Agama, 2011, 542).

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By saying Alhamdulillahirabbil‘alamin all veneration to Allah SWT. The

beneficence and merciful, who has given us the mercy, and blessing and guidance

to complete writing this thesis. Mat peace and solution always be given to our

prophet Muhammad SAW who has given his life moral improvement and to be

mercy to universe.

The goal of this thesis is a partial requirements for the undergraduate

degree ( S1) in English Education Study Program at The State Islamic University

of Sultan Thaha Sifuddin Jambi which is entitled “Cultural Content Analysis of

an English Textbook at the Eleventh Grade of SMK Taruna Indonesia

Jambi” The researcher would like to express my sincere gratitide to Dr. Rusmini,

S. Ag., M. Pd. I as the first advisor and Dr. M. Taridi, M. Pd as the second advisor

who give me support, guidance for accomplishing this thesis. Then researcher also

would like to express many thanks to the following people who provideed me

helps in finishing this thesis, namely :

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as the rector of The State Islamic University of

Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Prof. Dr. Su‘aidi, M. A., Ph. D, as first vice rector of The State Islamic

University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd, as the second vice rector of The State Islamic

University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Dr. Hj. Fadilah, M.Pd, as the third vice rector of The State Islamic

University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

5. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd. I, as the dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd.I as the vice dean of Academic fair of Faculty

of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of

Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

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7. Dr. Z,awaqi Afdal Jamil, S. Ag, M. Pd. I, as the vice dean of Finance and

administration of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State

Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

8. Dr. H. Kemas Imron Rosadi, M. Pd as the vice dean of students' Affairs

and Cooperative of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The

State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

9. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd, M.Hum as chief of English Education Study

Program of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic

University of SultanThaha Saifuddin Jambi.

10. All lecturers at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in The State

Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jarnbi who gives knowledge

to researcher.

ll. The administration staff at The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha

Saituddin Jambi.

Jambi, l,,o1zt*rb'cr20lg




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Nama : Nurmilayana

Jurusan : Bahasa Inggris

Judul :. Analisis Nilai Nilai Budaya Dalam Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris di

Kelas XI SMK Taruna Indonesia Jambi

Skripsi ini membahas tentang nilai nilai budaya yang diwakili dalam buku teks

bahasa Inggris yang terbitkan oleh Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dalam hal

jenis nilai nilai budaya yang diwakili. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, data yang

dikumpulkan dalam bentuk bacaan-bacaan di buku teks. Ilustrasi yang menyertai teks

yang dianalisa dapat membantu interpretasi makna untuk mengumpulkan data dan

analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis data yang

dilakukan dengan mengungkap nilai nilai budaya apa yang diwakili dalam buku teks, isi

bacaan membaca dikategorikan ke dalam sumber budaya, target budaya, budaya


Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teks bacaan dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris

berjudul Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK yang diterbitkan oleh Yudistira diprediksi cukup

mudah dari 6 teks bacaan mendapatkan rata-rata skor masing-masing 48% bahan budaya

sumber, 35% bahan budaya target dan 17% bahan budaya target internasional. Buku teks

tidak banyak bercerita tentang budaya di mana dari enam teks hanya empat teks yang

bercerita tentang budaya, tetapi teks-teks itu membuat siswa dapat membacanya.

Mereka dapat memahami teks. Oleh karena itu, buku teks ini cocok untuk siswa sebagai

bahan bacaan karena teks tersebut baik untuk latihan membaca pemahaman.

Kata Kunci: konten budaya, buku teks

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Name : Nurmilayana

Study Program : English Department

Title :. Analysis of Culture Values in the English Textbook at the

Eleventh Grade of SMK Taruna Indonesia Jambi

The aim of this study was to investigate the culture values represented in an

English textbook provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture in terms of the type

of culture values represented. This is a qualitative research, the data were collected in the

form of the reading passages in the textbook. The illustrations that accompany the text

analyzed if it assists the interpretation of the meaning to collect data and data analysis in this research was descriptive analysis in order to reveal what cultures values are

represented in the textbook, the contents in the reading passages were categorized into

the source culture, the target culture, the international culture

The result of the study showed that the reading texts in the English textbook

entitled English for SMK was published by Yudistira are predicted to be quite easy from 6

reading texts get the average each score is 48% source culture materials, 35% target

culture materials and 17% international target culture materials. The textbook did not

much tells about the culture where from six texts only four texts have told about the

culture, but the texts made students are able to read them. They can understand the

texts. Therefore, this textbook is suitable to the students as reading material because the

texts are good for practice reading comprehension.

Key words: cultural content, textbook

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PAGE OF TITLE ...................................................................................................... i

OFFICIAL NOTE ..................................................................................................... ii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT .............................................................................. iv

THESIS AGREEMENT ............................................................................................. v

MOTTO ................................................................................................................ vi

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ vii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. viii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... vix

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................ x

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................. xii


A. Background of the Study ............................................................................... 1

B. Research Question ........................................................................................ 5

C. Limitation of the Study .................................................................................. 5

D. Purpose of the Study ..................................................................................... 6


A. Culture .......................................................................................................... 7

1. Definition of Culture .............................................................................. 7

2. Culture and Language ............................................................................. 10

3. Types of Culture ...................................................................................... 11

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4. Dimension of Culture .............................................................................. 12

5. Categories of Culture .............................................................................. 15

B. Textbook ....................................................................................................... 20

1. Definition of Textbook ............................................................................ 20

2. Kinds of Text .......................................................................................... 22

3. Criteria of Good Text .............................................................................. 23

4. The advantage of Textbook ..................................................................... 24

C. The Role of Textbook in Language Teaching Learning .................................. 25

D. Textbook Analysis ......................................................................................... 26

E. Previous Study .............................................................................................. 27


A. Research Design ........................................................................................... 33

B. Setting and Subject of the Research ............................................................. 34

C. Data Collection ............................................................................................. 34

D. Selection of the Text ..................................................................................... 35

E. Data Analysis ................................................................................................ 36

F. Research Schedule......................................................................................... 38


A. Research Finding ........................................................................................... 39

B. The Cultural Content Represented in an English Textbook ........................... 39

1. Source Culture Materials ......................................................................... 39

2. Target Culture Materials ............................................................................. 44

3. International Target Culture Materials ................................................... 48

C. Discussion .................................................................................................... 40


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A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 53

B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................... 53




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A. Background of the Study

Culture and human related to each other since they were born to this world.

They are similar at their birth, what make them different is their own society to set

them up into different cultural group. Society creates different interactions among

persons or groups which lead into different behavior and patterns. All children who

live in this world become the members of cultural communities where they live in

a certain society. It can be concluded that understanding about children can be seen

from their childhood as the part of understanding children development (Faris,

2014, p. 23). They have ability to obtain certain cultural skills without passing the

cultural evaluation process that shapes their own development.

The topic of learning culture has a crucial position in learning English

language because learning a certain language means learning a certain culture. The

relationship between language and culture is highly strong (Salam, 2013, p. 43). In

learning a language, it cannot be separated from its culture because both of them

are bound together not only to indicate how people use language as expressing

facts and ideas but also to reflect their attitudes which are developed through the

way living in their communities. Furthermore, language symbolizes people‘s

cultural reality because it becomes a symbol of cultural identity.

The connection between language and society is highly anchored. Both of

language and society perform various functions in each level. Basically, language

is the primary tool for communication in the society to show authority and power.


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However, society functions to control the language use. Several people may accept

certain language while others offence or insult. It means that social changes

influence changes in language because language incorporate social values to have

some cultures in the society (Kinasih, 2014, p. 37).

In learning language and learning culture, the students have to practice two

items; culture in language and language in culture. Salam (2013, p. 23) claimed

that learning a language is unlike any other subject because there are at least five

competencies to be mastered. In addition to reading, writing, listening, speaking,

and grammar students need to be aware of how to interact using the language

within a new culture that is often very different from their own. These five

competencies belong to how students master language in culture.

Culture in language and language in culture are the two items which are

started to be taught in international class particularly in Indonesia. Kinasih (2014)

argued that when teachers hold such an international class in English language,

they have to pay attention to some items such as characteristics of language,

cultural role in the teaching-learning process, and the role of materials and

methods. These items give the explanation both of differing and important impacts

of language acquisition involving English subject competencies and

comprehending the culture. It means that as an International language, English

contains the cultural values, language and teaching process themselves. This

requires a serious link between English speaking and non-English speaking


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The relationship of language and culture shows the dynamic process

between the situation and the actors in cultural context and prior experience. This

dynamic relationship can be seen from the position of culture at the core of

language education which prepares the students to be culture learners. The students

themselves might know several kinds of culture such as source culture or local

culture which tells cultures from the countries of origin where the learners comes

from, target culture which tells cultures from the English speaking countries such

as USA, UK, Australia, etc. or international target culture which tells cultures from

English speaking countries other than USA, UK, Australia (Faris, 2014, p. 29).

Students obtain cultural materials such as moral and values, custom and

habit, belief, attitude and behaviors from different media such as textbook as the

vital source for the teaching-learning process, from others media such as novel,

short story, legend, movies, television, music videos. In this process, the students

get the cultural knowledge at once, for instance, the students know body painting,

dances around the world to celebrate special occasion, special costumes on the

special occasion, etc. Finally, the students try to accumulate this cultural

knowledge into the process of intercultural development.

One of the resource and reference is textbooks. They become the most

accessible and practical learning materials. Textbook is an almost universal

element of ELT process (Harmer, 2001, p. 285). They provide such the input as the

texts, activities, and explanation. It is also known that textbooks do not require any

special tools and equipment to make it usable. However, teachers have to be more

careful about the selection of textbook which will be used in the classroom.

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Language is the first media to discuss about culture. One of the reasons to make

culture as a part of English subject is because the interaction of the capability with

the native which is not only based on the fluency in using language but also

depend on the comprehend of language and custom. Since the spread of certain

language through textbooks can influence language learners‘ attitude, the decision

on choosing English textbook should take the cultural contents in textbooks into


Textbooks play important role to provide valuable inputs in exposing

students to new cultural expressions and diversity of cultures (Kinasih, 2014, p.

23). Textbooks are ideology in the way reflect a worldview of cultural system and

a social construction to learners and teachers which indirectly influence their view

of culture. In Indonesia, the objective of national education is set based on the

cultural value and ideology of the nation and applied in all school subjects

including English. Considering textbooks play important roles in English language

teaching, English textbooks evaluation needs to be conducted to make sure the

appropriateness of the English textbook. the general objective of national education

is educating Indonesian students to be religious, well-mannered, healthy, clever,

creative, independent, responsible, nationalist, and democratic citizens


The factors influencing the selection process of textbook in Indonesia vary

from financial issue to the visual appearance of the textbooks (Faris, 2014, p. 34).

Then, the tendency that the textbooks chosen are not appropriate in term of cultural

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contents exists since the reasons of choosing the textbook used may not consider

the contents of the textbook.

In terms of English language teaching through textbooks that target culture

should take more proportion in order to bring the cultural context of the native

speakers (Salam, 2013, p. 64). On the contrary, the other scholars argued that the

source, culture should take more proportion in English textbooks due to the status

of English as an international language and familiarity. English teaching should

teach both the target and the source culture in non-judgmental way where the

difficulties between the target and the source culture do not clash with each other.

The balanced proportion of both the source culture and international culture seem

to be the win-win solution in this intense discussion.

The research investigates what cultures are represented in English textbook

used by Taruna vocational High School in Jambi city entitled English for SMK

grade eleven published by Yudistira.

B. The Scope of the Study

Concerning the aims of the study, this research is limited to explain the

culture values presented in the textbook (whether is it source culture, target

culture, or international target culture.

C. Formulation of the Problem

This study sought to find the answer to the following question what sorts of

cultural values (whether it is source culture, target culture, or international target

culture) is prominently presented in Indonesian textbook?

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D. Purpose of Study

The purpose of study is to analyze the cultural values represented in an

English textbook provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture in terms of

the type of cultural content represented.

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A. Culture

1. Definition of Culture

Culture as a whole a system of principles of life, together with the

products of the system. Thus, culture as a whole, can be seen as the design of

opinions, ideas, and beliefs that are used to interpret other people‘s action,

utterances, and patterns of thinking (Ikromah, 2018, p. 43). However, it is very

important for language learner to know the different cultural frameworks,

either their own or those of others so that with their knowledge of different

culture, the language learners can adapt themselves in learning the language as

well as the culture of it.

Clancy (2004, p. 6) definition of culture is that complex whole which

includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities

and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Culture is not one of life‘s

luxuries, it is life itself. Culture is the soil that provides society‘s nourishment

and the basis on which it defines its value system, traditions, and behavior. It

contains morals and ethics of the community, governs society‘s conception of

its own future and selects the means of getting there. The conclusion, culture is

a complex system of behaviors, attitudes, values, beliefs, conventions and

lifestyles of group. Culture developed in a group naturally by their daily



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This definition shows that culture is seen as something which is

acquired or learned, and passed down from one generation to the next. Culture

is seen as having to do with the material productions through which a group of

people represents itself, but the definition focuses on people‘s knowledge,

beliefs, attitudes. In linking culture to ‗a group of people‘. The definition

indicates that culture is shared by the members of a particular community, and

that one community is, somehow, different from another in terms of culture

(Kinasih, 2014, p. 43). Since the language and culture are not two different

teaching subjects, foreign language learning is the same time cultural learning.

Setiono (2016, p. 2) said that culture in language learning is always in

the background in classrooms when language learners are looking for a good

communicative competence and challenging their ability to make sense of the

world around them. Father, Britten & Fahsi in Faris (2014, p. 23) mention four

senses of culture that language teaching may involve, namely the aesthetic

sense, the sociological sense, the semantic sense, and the pragmatics (for

sociolinguistics sense) which further formulated below :

a. The aesthetic sense

Aesthetic sense related to so-called ‘big C‘ which means the culture that

commonly becomes the main reasons for language teaching learning,

including the media, the cinema, music (either serious or popular) and


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b. The sociological sense

Sociological sense includes culture with ‗small c‘ such as the

organization of a family, a home life, interpersonal relations, material

conditions, work and leisure, customs and institution. Culture in this

term is a vast area which only some parts can ever be selected by the


c. The semantic sense

Semantic sense associates with the concepts, perceptions, or thought

towards the culture.

d. The pragmatic sense

Pragmatics sense deals with the background knowledge, social and

paralinguistic skills and language code which are necessary for

successful communication, including

e. The ability to use appropriate exponents of the various communicative


f. The ability to use appropriate intonation patterns;

g. Awareness of conventions governing interpersonal relations – questions

of status, obligation, lisence, where different from learners‘ culture;

h. Familiarity with the man rhetorical conventions in different written

genres, e. g. different types of letters and messages, form-filling,

advertisements (Mayangsari, 2018, p. 23).

Based on the explanations above it can be known that culture is the

surface of the culture. Comparing culture with an iceberg, the part people can

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observe of others‗ culture is usually the tip of the iceberg, which include the

language, architecture, food, population, music, clothing, art and literature,

peace of life, emotional display, gestures, leisure activities, eye contact

2. Culture and Language

Culture and language have related, language is used as main medium

through to expressed culture. Combining the areas of study, language and

culture is seemingly ambiguous phrase language and culture studies (Azkiyah,

2017, p. 3). The example of mutual relation between language and culture the

interaction of language and culture has long been a settled issue thanks to the

writings of prominent philosophers (Faris, 2014, 33). It means that culture are

essential to be included in the English language teaching process. However

which culture should be taught is still in debate amongst different scholars. To

deepen those understanding, some definition of culture, topics for teaching

culture, and its goals should be stated first.

Although many researchers sure and believe that there is a relationship

between language and culture, there are a few who remain unconvinced of

this. Learning another language as the foreign or second language means

having to learn the culture from the language. The statement calls into question

traditional teaching techniques as most of these focused purely on the linguistic

side of language learning, not on the cultural (Af‘idaturrohmawati, 2018, p. 9).

In briefly, language and culture are not two different teaching subjects

because foreign language learning is at the same time cultural learning. So,

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language and culture cannot be separated because when learn a language, the

culture will be learned automatically.

3. Types of Culture

The notion of two types of culture in the present study is based on many

researchers‘ idea in that culture in language teaching and learning should.

Culture can be in general divided into two types: Big ―C‖ culture and little ―c‖

culture refers to Big ―C‖ culture as ―the culture which represents a set of facts

and statistics relating to the arts, history, geography, business, education,

festivals and customs of a target speech society. ‖ For Peterson (2004, p. 23)

the culture relating to grand themes, is classified under Big ―C‖ culture which

includes the following themes such as geography, architecture, classical music,

literature, political issues, society‘s norms, legal foundation, core values,

history, and cognitive processes.

Regarding little ―c‖ culture, it involves the routine aspects of life and

encompasses everything as a total way of life. This type of culture is ―the

invisible and deeper sense of a target culture‖ including attitudes or beliefs and

assumptions. Af‘idaturrohmawati (2018, p. 13) defines little ―c‖ culture as the

culture focusing on common or minor themes. It includes themes such as

opinions, viewpoints, preferences or tastes, gestures, body posture, use of

space, clothing styles, food, hobbies, popular music, and popular issues, and

certain knowledge (trivia, facts). Students possessing both big ―C‖ and little

―c‖ culture can effectively take part in intercultural settings.

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While the domain of big ―C‖ culture (arts, history, geography,

education, business, etc. is for the highly educated, little ―c‖ cultural

knowledge is essential for intercultural communication because it affects ways

of thinking, behaving and using a language. The socio-cultural values, norms,

beliefs and assumptions entailed in small ―c‖ culture assists members of a

particular culture to use ―appropriate and polite‖ language within the target

society. However, it can also possibly result in, as Mulfianti (2013) put it

―pragmatic failure‖ when attempting to communicate with other cultural


Therefore, if EFL learners know about small ―c‖ culture in the target

culture, they will better comprehend how those in that culture communicate

with each other. Corresponding with the concepts of big ―C‖ and little ―c‖

culture, many cultural frameworks regarding specific aspects of cultural

learning in EFL classroom were proposed in relevant research for example,

carried out a survey to examine Chinese student (Mayangsari, 2018, p. 42).

4. Dimension of Culture

Moran has initiated to define dimensions of culture. Azkiyah (2017)

defined culture as the interplay of products, practices, perspectives,

communities and persons. However, Gunantar (2017) simplifies the category

into four Ps by eliminating communities dimension. It means that cultural

dimensions can be conceptualized as a system of code (products) used, to

signify thoughts (perspectives), for communication (practices), by different

people (persons) (Mayangsari, 2018, p. 41).

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a. Products

Products in Moran definition are all artefacts produced or adopted

by members of the culture as well as environmental issues are considered to

be products of the culture. They reflect a culture‗s perspectives. The

products range from tangible objects such as written documents, clothing,

and buildings to spoken language, music and institutions as family,

education, politics, religion. Products, both tangible and intangible, are

located and organized on physical places.

Mayangsari (2018) defined products as a system of code that

measures a cultural dimension in four broad aspects: artefacts, place,

institution and art forms. Artefacts include cultural issues such as foods,

language, and money. Place refers to building or cities associated with

particular cultures. Institutions refer to family, law, economy, religion,

education, and politics. Art forms include cultural topics dealing with

music, dancing, or painting.

b. Practices

Practices are actions carried out by members of the culture

individually or with other members. ‗Practices‗ characterizes another

cultural dimension that measurers various aspects such as customs, daily

life and society. Language and other forms of communication and self-

expression are forms of these practices as well as actions associated with

social groups and use of products. Practices are both verbal and nonverbal,

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including interpretations of time, space, and the context of communications

in social situations relating also to appropriateness and taboos.

They represent the knowledge of ―what to do when and where‖

and how to interact within a particular culture. Example of practice are rites

of passage, the use of forms of discourse (e.g., use of formal vs. informal

forms of address), the use of space (norms of respect in social interactions),

the social ―pecking order‖ meal times, table manners, gestures and other

nonverbal forms of communication, turn-taking (in conversation or in

games), playing behaviours, traditions related to holiday celebrations,

shopping behaviours, socially appropriate behaviours for interviewing,

dating, weddings, funerals, (Mayangsari, 2018, p. 62).

c. Perspectives

Perspectives provide meaning and constitute worldview, they are

often implicit. They cover ―perceptions, beliefs, values, and attitudes that

underlie the product and that guide persons and communities in the

practices of the culture.‖ They represent a culture‗s view of the world.

Examples of Perspectives: youth valued over age or vice versa, importance

of individual freedom; independence, importance of family, the belief that

bigger is better, valuing of sports/entertainment over education, values

attached to bilingualism, multilingualism, monolingualism, value of having

(ownership), belief that humans are part of the natural world and must

respect and care for it, value associated with personal privacy.

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d. Person

Person refer to the individual members who represent the particular

cultures and communities. Personal identity and life history play key roles

in the development of a cultural person A story about Martin Luther King,

Jr. described in an English textbook can be a good example of the cultural

aspect of persons.

5. Categories of Culture

The three categories of culture presented in textbook in this study are

based on the idea of Cortazzi & Lix in Af‘idaturrohmawati (2018, p. 7). They

distinguish three categories of cultural information that can be used in language

textbooks and materials.

a. Source culture materials

Refers to the textbooks which present language learners‘ own

culture. usually, these are the textbooks that are produced a national level

for a particular country. The main purpose of this category of textbook is to

enable learners to talk about their own culture to foreign visitors to their

country rather than be prepared to encounter other cultures. Source culture

is aimed at enabling learners to talk about their own culture to foreign

visitors instead of preparing the students encounter other culture. Bram‘s

cultural content category used to specify the Indonesian cultural materials

as follow: First, social identity and Social group.

Second, social interaction (Example of the passage: text about how

people having conversation with elder people. Third, belief and behavior

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(Example of the passage: text about politeness of Indonesian people).

Fourth, social and political instruction (Example of the passage: text about

political party). Fifth, socialization and the life cycle (Example of the

passage: text about schooling system is). Sixth, national history (Example

of the passage: text about Independence). Seventh, national geography

(Example of passage: text about sea). Eighth, stereotype and national

(Example of the passage: text about Monumen).

b. Target culture materials

Usually focus on one or two target cultures, such as the United

Kingdom materials in the EFL context. Though widely used all over the

world, they are often citizen for their commercial nature and seen as

publishers‘ promotional materials. target culture materials usually focus on

the culture of United Kingdom or United States. This type of culture refers

to the culture country where the language being learned is used as first

language (English native countries) (Af‘idaturrohmawati, 2018, p. 33).

Simply, it can said that target culture means any kind of information related

to the culture owned by the native countries. It is referring to materials

presenting the culture of the Inner Circle countries which are the United

States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

The aim of the target culture usually is exposing users to the

cultural contexts of the target language. Byram‘s cultural content category

will be used to specify the inner circle countries cultural materials as

follow: Social identity and Social group (Example of the passage: text

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about American tribe, Aborigin tribe). Social interaction (Example of the

passage: text about how British people having conversation with people).

Belief and behavior (Example of the passage: text about Christmas Eve

celebration in America). Social and political instruction (Example of the

passage: text about Australian political party).

Socialization and the life cycle (Example of the passage: text about

British family system is). National history (Example of the passage: text

about British royal family biography). National geography (Example of

passage: text about Australian sea). Stereotype and national (Example of

the passage: text about monument of Liberty). Target culture is presented

by history of the secret of Stonehenge which is placed in English. Target

culture also present history of USA, British culture, USA culture, and such

c. International target culture materials

Involve textbook that include a wide variety of cultures set in

English-speaking countries or in countries where English is not first or a

second language, but it used as an international language. Cortazzi & Jin in

Fari (2014) maintains that the rationale for this category is that speakers

who do not speak it as their first language frequently use English in

international situations. International target culture materials involve the

culture of English speaking countries where English is their international

language, such as some African countries, some Asian countries, and

European countries. It is mirrors the culture that does not belong to the

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source or the target culture; it is variety of culture around the world, where

the target language is spoken as an international language

The aims of the international culture materials are raising users

―intercultural awareness and making users familiar with various

sociocultural contexts. By this, the learners could be more aware of cross

cultural understanding while learning English. Byram‘s cultural content

category used to specify the outer circle countries cultural materials as

follow: Social identity and Social group (Example of the passage: text

about Middle East tribe).

Social interaction (Example of the passage: text about how Arabian

people having conversation with people). Belief and behavior (Example of

the passage: text about Ied Mubarok celebration in Saudi Arabia). Social

and political instruction (Example of the passage: text about Arabia

kingdom). Socialization and the life cycle (Example of the passage: text

about Thailand family system is). National history (Example of the

passage: text about Egypt civilization history). National geography

(Example of passage: text about Japansea). Stereotype and national

(Af‘idaturrohmawati, 2018, p. 14).

In seeking to learn a foreign language, learners generally expect that

they will need to become familiar with the culture of those who speak this

language as a mother tongue. In the case of English, learners of the

language living in the countries where English is spoken as the dominant

language naturally link the notion of the ‗target culture‘ of the English

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speakers, English teaching materials written for a purpose of global use

usually adopt English names and try to present target culture. They also

comment on the textbooks written bgy native speakers for particular

countries as ―there is no attempt to understand other cultures‖.

Setiono (2016, p. 11) had focused on the use of the target language

culture as a vehicle for teaching the language in textbooks and suggest that

is not really possible to teach a language without embedding it in its

cultural base. To demonstrate the current sociolinguistics profile of English

language on a world scale, Kachru in Setiono (2016) provides a model of

English users below:

Figure 2. 1 : Kachru’s categories of countries in which English

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B. Textbook

1. Definition of Textbook

Textbook is one of the medium instructions. It has an important role in

educational program, because it can facilitate either the teachers or the students

in teaching learning process. Moreover, the term of textbook is not only as a

course book but also as a set of teaching and learning guideline, as Salam

(2013, p. 34) says that textbook for a coherent body of teaching materials

which may consist of either just the course book(s), but also of a learning

package consisting of several parts. The importance of the textbook in an

English as a Second Language (ESL)/English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

class makes the selection process crucial.

Sometimes, it is the responsibility of the teachers to select the textbook

they will use in a given class. Textbook is used both by the teachers and the

students to determine the activities in the classroom. By using textbook, the

teachers can decide what and how to teach the materials based on curriculum

and syllabus. The text is defined as the core of the reading process, the means

by which the message is transmitted from writer to reader. It means that the

text is a mean to transfer a message from the writer to reader. Alderson (2000,

p. 6) added when you speak or write to communicate a message, you are

constructing a text. In can be understood that a text according to them is what

we speak and write to communicate a message. Moreover, other explanation of

a text is that a text is usually longer than just a word or a sentence contains a

series of sentences, as in a letter or postcard, in which the sentences are

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connected to one another by grammar and vocabulary and/or knowledge of the


The researcher agrees with that statement. We can find a text

surrounding our life like in a novel, letter, or announcement, etc. Sentences in

them are put together to communicate a meaning in a text form, so a text

consists of some words and sentences. Furthermore, Hughes specifies in Salam

(2013, p. 36) a number of the parameters of the texts as follow:

a. Text types include: textbooks, handouts, articles (in newspapers,

journals or magazines), poems/verse, letters, advertisements, reviews,

notices, signs, etc.

b. Text forms include: description, exposition, argumentation, narration,


c. Graphic features include: tables, charts, diagrams, etc.

d. Topics may be listed or defined in general way or in relation to a set of

candidates whose background is known. Style may be specified terms

of formality.

e. Intended readership can be quite specific (e. g. native speaking science

undergraduate students) or more general (e. g. young native speakers)

f. Length is usually expressed in number of words.

g. Readability which measure difficulty of texts.

h. Range of vocabulary may be indicated by a complete list of words

i. Range of grammar may be a list of sentences.

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From the explanations above, it could be concluded that text is

everything we hear or say in spoken language, and what we read or write in

written language. A textbook serves as a single repository of information

on a subject, allowing both the teacher and the learner to use a single

common source for acquiring the desired content. By using a textbook, the

teacher and learners are expected obtain subject material are needed in the

textbook. To sum up, that a textbook is one of a primary instructional

medium which provide teaching materials and facilitate teachers and

students about what and how to teach in the classroom in teaching learning


2. Kinds of Text

Text has different kinds. Students may have known a kind of texts

when they learn in the school or read a book. Anderson and Anderson write

category of text below: There are two main categories of texts literary and

factual. Literary texts include aboriginal dreaming stories, movie scripts,

limericks, fairy tales, plays, novels, song lyrics, mimes, and soap operas. There

are three main text types on this category: narrative, poetic, and dramatic.

Media text such as films, videos, television show, and CD can also be told in

this category (Mulfianti, 2013, p. 54).

Factual texts include advertisements, announcements, internet web

sites, current affairs shows, debates, recipes, reports, and instructions. The

main text types in these categories are recount, response, explanation,

discussion, information report, exposition, and procedure (Alderson, 2000, p.

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13). From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that literary texts

include literatures such as fairy tales, novels, etc. It can be fiction or non-

fiction to amuse the readers, even make them laugh or cry as they record that

its aim is to express their feelings or experience. While factual texts is

according to factual phenomenon happening in surround us to show and tell the


3. Criteria of Good Text

The number of textbooks has increased dramatically. Reading text is

one of important aspects in an English textbook. Since in the reading activities

always involve the reading passages therefore the selection of a good passage

become an important thing. Selecting a good passage is not an easy matter.

Since reading texts plays an important role in the reading activities, therefore it

is better to find out the criteria of good text. Budiarti (2014, p. 6) mentions

three points of view in selecting a text as follow:

a. Readability, namely the combination of structural and lexical (i. e.

vocabulary) difficulty,

b. Suitability of content that a text should be able to interest the greatest

number of students and will not actually bore them,

c. Exploitability, it means facilitation of learning. When a teacher exploits

a text, s/he makes use of it to develop the students‘ competence as

readers (Fahriah and Rahayu, 2016, p. 42).

It can be synthesized that criteria of good text can be seen from the

readability, not only structural and lexical difficulty but also on the

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interestingness of the text for the readers. An exciting text will carry the

readers to read it more and more than a dull text that is not likely to

contribute them to the development of reading competence.

4. The advantage of Textbook

There are many advantages in using a textbook to teach in the class,

even if the textbook is suitable to the whole students. According to Harmer

(2001), the advantages of the textbook are as follow:

a. Good textbooks often contain lively and interesting material; they

provide a sensible progression of language items, clearly showing what

has to be learnt and in some cases summarizing what has been studied

so that students can revise the grammatical and functional points that

they have been concentrating on.

b. Textbooks can be systematic about the amount of vocabulary presented

to the students and allow them to study on their own outside the class.

c. Good textbooks relieve the teacher from the pressure of having to think.

of original material for every class.

d. There is a greater variety of published material for teaching and

learning English than ever before.

It can be concluded that textbook has some advantages not only for

the teacher but also for the students. By using textbook, the teacher get

facilitation in teaching the material in the class, while the students can

concentrate to certain material that they want to learn.

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C. The Role of Textbook in Language Teaching Learning

The textbooks and instruction materials are often used by language

instructors for they are considered essential constituents in EFL classrooms. As

Mulfianti (2013, p. 32) suggests the textbook is an almost universal element of

English language teaching. Millions of copies are old every countries. No teaching

learning situation, it seems, is complete until it has its relevant textbook. It means

that textbooks do not only represented the visible heart of any English teaching and

learning program but also offer considerable advantages for both students and

teachers in ESL/EFL classroom. He also points out our students offer have

expectations about using textbook and belief that published materials are more

synthetic and credible than teacher-planned materials.

According to Kinasih (2014, p. 7) in China many English learners and

students approach textbooks are teachers and authorities. They expect the teacher

to help their knowledge expound based on contents presented in the textbooks.

Many Chinese English teachers takes the English textbooks as the only or

indispensable resource for their everyday teaching. Students are made to spend a

huge amount of time on textbook-related work in classroom. It is not difficult to

see that many teachers and students expect to cover everything in the textbook.

The textbooks probably thus viewed and accepted as facts, as authority documents

both in linguistic and cultural contents. Therefore, when cultural learning is

presumed, the role of textbooks in English teaching and learning is the most

primary and significant in China.

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It can be concluded that the textbooks indeed play a very important role in

English and learning. The use of textbook can be beneficial and effective for

learners and the special features of textbooks used in China, the cultural contents

of textbook have a great influence on learners. Cultural content refers to the

cultural information represented in the teaching material, including the textbook. It

means that analysis of textbook is a process to examine a textbook that involves a

description process in order to understand what assumptions and beliefs lie beneath

the surface.

D. Textbook Analysis

Textbook is an organized and pre-package set of teaching/learning.

Aliakbari (2004, p. 14) investigated the way culture is addressed in ELT in Iran in

general and the place of culture in ELT at the high school level of education in

particular. Throughout the study, the issue was examined with reference to the

relevant theoretical background and the content analysis of the prescribed English

textbook. The textbook analysis was done based on modified version of model

with a concentration on the presentation given to various target language speaking

countries or groups in the textbook. With a similar purpose, two researchers,

Fahriah and Rahayu, (2016, p. 23) conducted a study on content analysis related to

intercultural elements used in EFL course books in Turkey.

This study aimed to examine some course books of English as a foreign

language to see whether they involve any intercultural topics belonging to different

countries i the world as well as to what extend teaching materials used EFL setting

involve intercultural elements five EFL course books was selected which were all

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published by worldwide well-known publishing house.

E. Content Analysis

Content analysis is a method for summarizing any form of content by

knowing various aspects of the content. This enables a more objective evaluation

than comparing content based on the impressions of a listener. For example, an

impressionistic summary of a TV program, is not content analysis. Nor is a book

review: it‘s an evaluation. Content analysis, though it often analyses written words

(Kinasih, 2014, p. 42). The content that is analyzed can be in any form to begin

with, but is often converted into written words before it is analyzed. The original

source can be printed publications, broadcast programs, other recordings, the

internet, or live situations. All this content is something that people have created.

All this is content such as print media newspaper items, magazine articles, books,


If we are also doing book research, the main reason for also doing content

analysis is to be able to make links between causes (e.g. book content) and content

analysis has six main stages, selecting content for analysis, where, deciding sample

size, the need for a focus, units of content, units of media content, units of audience

content, large units are harder to analyze, and dealing with several units at once

(Faris, 2014, p. 4).

F. Previous Study

In this research, the researcher also has found some relevant studies. At

first, Kurnia Citra Dewi (2012) ―A Cultural Content Analysis of a Senior High

School English Textbook for Grade X. Consultant‖. This research is aimed at

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investigating the existence of cultural contents in an English textbook used by

Senior High School students grade X in Indonesia, entitled Bahasa Inggris. To this

purpose, the media of cultural presentation, categories of culture, and aspects of

culture were investigated. The method used in this study was content analysis.

Some underlying models proposed by Kinasih (2014). were used as the main

framework for analyzing the textbook. The investigation revealed that: (1) cultural

contents were mostly presented through pictures and reading texts (61%), (2) the

dominant aspect of culture is products (44%), and (3) the presented culture were

mostly about source culture (45%). In summary, the exposures of visible cultural

aspects of Indonesian culture which were presented through pictures and texts

dominated the exposures of culture in Bahasa Inggris. Based on the findings, it is a

need for textbook developers and teachers to provide a more balanced proportion

of cultural contents in terms of the dimensions (products, practices, persons,

perspectives) and categories of culture (source, target, and international target

cultures) to help learners develop their intercultural understanding. Keywords:

language and culture, cultural contents, English textbook.

In addition. The previous research by Ihsan Nur Iman Faris (2014). The

cultural content in an English textbook for Senior High School grade three in

Cianjur, West Java. The data of this study were collected from reading passages in

the English textbook for Senior High School entitled look Ahead‖ published by

Erlangga publisher. This study uses both culture theories; Cortazzi & Jin and

Adaskou, Britten & Fahsi. The study shows that the target culture is predominant

in the textbook. The investigation found that 77. 05 % cultural contents refer to the

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target culture, 13. 11% cultural contents refer to the source culture, and 09. 84%

cultural contents refer to the international culture. Regarding how cultures are

represented in the textbook, generally culture is represented by the aesthetic sense

(37. 70%), the sociological sense (31. 15%), the pragmatic sense (19. 67%) and the

semantic sense (11. 48%). Based on the findings it is recommended that more

source culture and international culture be included in the textbook.

Another previous research by Dian Ekawati and Fakry Hamdani (2012)

investigated the role of culture in the textbooks and methods used in the

classrooms. With the documentation and the observation as the center of data, this

investigation also tries to arose students‘ awareness of the target culture. The result

of the study found that some EFL (English as Foreign Language) textbooks and

EFL methods did not reflect not only the target culture, but also source and

international culture. However, this study also try to explain that cultural mismatch

aroused from different culture of learning between teacher and students or between

students and textbooks can be handled by ethnographic stance and explicit

teaching. Despite this study discussed the students‘ awareness of the target culture,

the writers use the specific way to explain how this study conducted. Therefore, it

looks to be overgeneralizing.

The previous research by Riska Purnawati Salam (2013) from English

Education Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Indonesia

University of Education Bandung. This study attempts to analyze the

representation of culture in two English textbooks for senior high school in

Indonesia: Developing English Competencies and Interlanguage. The reading

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passages from the two textbooks and how the cultural content is represented. The

cultural content was described qualitatively by employing the framework theory of

culture in four senses adapted from Adaskou, Britten, & Fahsi (1990) and types of

culture theory proposed by Cortazzi & Jinn (1999). The findings explained that the

three types of culture (source culture, target culture, and international target

culture) are all presented with the target culture as the prominent well as the other

two types of culture varied from literature to gesture. Nevertheless, the cultural

content representedin the two textbooks is not thoroughly explored. Even so, the

textbooks are relatively suitable to introduce the target culture as well as other

cultures to the learner without neglecting the learner‟s source culture

Another previous research related with this research is written by Ika

Aprilia Mulfianti (2013) ―The Cultural Content on English Textbook used by

Second Grade of Junior High School Students from English Dapartment of faculty

of Language and Literature of Satya Wacana Christian University of Salatiga‖.

This study was conducted to investigate the existence of cultural content in

English textbook used by second grade junior high school. The study analyzed an

English textbook entitled English in Focus which currently used by public junior

high school in I ndonesia. English in Focus was published by Pusat Perbukuan

Departemen Pendidikan Indonesia in 2008 and written by Wardiman, Jahur, and

Djusma (2008). The book was designed based on standard of KTSP 2006. This

study focused on analyzing the cultural conten ts in reading, listening and

speaking texts. The data was analyzed quantitatively and elaborated qualitatively.

The result of this study revealed that English in Focus tended to represent local

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culture. It was important to note that the two other cultures were also being

represented through the texts such as the English diversity and Western culture.

Another previous research related with this research is written by Agni

Kusti Kinasih (2013) ―A Content Analysis on English Textbooks for the Tenth

Graders: Look Ahead an English Course for Senior High School Students Year X

and Pathway to English for Senior High School Student Grade X from English

Language‖ Education Study Programmed from Faculty of Languages and Arts of

State University Yogyakarta. This research which was a content analysis

contained the stages: referring t o criteria for English textbook evaluation issued

by Pusbuk in 2007 and making some modification to suit the 2013 Curriculum ;

deciding on the subjects, that were English textbooks entitled Look Ahead: An

English Course for Senior High School Student for Grade X Pathway to English

for Senior high School for Grade X; applying the criteria for evaluating

the textbooks using a simple tick and cross system as judgments; analyzing the

textbook; and interpreting the findings and stating conclusions. The result is Look

Ahead was not relevant to the 2013 Curriculum in terms of content due to the

absence of presentational texts and activities and character building. Pathwayto

English was relevant to the 2013 Curriculum due to the presentational activities

and activities for character building. It was recommended that teachers modify the

textbooks to suit 2013 curriculum and adapt the difficulties to suit learners‟

cognitive development.

Another previous research related with this research is written by Dede puji

Setiono (2016) ―An Investigation of Cultural Content on English National

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Examination Item Test (A Content Analysis Study on Reading Passages of English

National Examination Academic Year 2013/ 2014, 2014/ 2015 and 2015/ 2016).

Written by from English Education at the Faculty of Tarbiya‟ and T‟achers‟

Training of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2016. This study

aimed to find and describe how cultural content is presented in the reading

passages of English national examintion and what culture is contained on those

item test. This study employed qualitative method with content analysis design,

where documents of national examination from the latest three academic years are

used. To collect the data, Byram‟s cultural criteria and Cortazzi and Jin‟s cultural

type material rubrics are used as the instruments. The result showed that cultural

information in English national Examination mostly potrayed trough behavior,

social and daily life context.

Another previous research related with this research is written by

Af‘idaturrohmawati (2018), ‟Cultural Content Analysis of English on Target (An

English Textbook Published by Erlangga in the year of 2016 for Tenth Grade of

Senior High School)‖ written by from Education And Teacher Training Faculty

Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang. The background of the study was

based on the cultural content in the English on Target textbook. Actually,

understanding of cultural content for students is important because it will influence

students‘ behavior in their daily. The students have to understand which the

appropriate culture for them. The problem of this research are what types of

cultural content (whether it is source culture, target culture, or international target

culture) are presented in the English on Target and how is the cultural content in

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the English on Target represented in four sense of culture. This research was

descriptive qualitative by which the writer interprets of text contain the types of

culture and senses of culture. The result of this study showed that 60 texts were

succesfully identified. There are source culture (18 data or 30%), target culture (16

data or 26. 7%), international target culture (9 data or 15%) and free culture (17

data or 28. 3%). The sense of culture, there are aesthetic sense (10 data or 16.

67%), sociological sense (43 data or 71. 67%), semantic sense (5data or 8. 3%) and

pragmatic sense (2 data or 3. 3%). So it can be concluded that the dominant of

types culture is source culture and for the senses of culture is sociological sense.

Furthermore, for the further researchers who are interested in doing similar

research, this research will give contribution to comprehend the types of culture

and senses of culture. Moreover, they should give more attention and careful in

analyzing and use some sources to get good analysis.

Form previous above it can be known that the same points this research

with the researchers above is in finding cultural contents in the textbook. The

different point this research with them are in taking the texts, where the researcher

took six texts in the English for SMK grade eleven published by Yudistira.

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A. Research Design

Qualitative research is employed as the approach to this research. It is

defined as the type of research study that ―investigates the quality of relationships,

activities, situations, or materials. Furthermore, according to Creswell (2003 p.

45) qualitative research is defined as in the following definition the type of

educational research in which the researcher relies on the views of participants;

asks broad, general questions; collects data consisting largely of words (or

text) from participants; describes and analyzes these words for themes; and

conducts the inquiry in a subjective, biased manner.

Content analysis is a research method for making replicable and valid

inferences from data to their context, with the purpose of providing knowledge,

new insights, a representation of facts and a practical guide to action (Salam,,

2013, P. 53). As this study employs systematic technique to analyze and

describe how the cultural content is represented in the selected textbooks and the

data collected are in the form of reading passages, thus qualitative approach is

seen as the most suitable approach for this study. In addition, this study is

descriptive in nature as it is thoroughly describing a specific and the data were

analyzed by using the tipes of culture in language materials of.

This research involved selecting text, determining the unit to be coded,

developing content categories, and analyzing data. The data were categorized

based on the types of culture in language materials by Cortazzi & Lix in


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Af‘idaturrohmawati (2018, p. 7).

B. Setting and Subject of the Research

Setting is where the research will take place, in this case, the research will

do at the English Textbook entitled ― English for SMK‖ used by Taruna vocational

High School Jambi.

C. Data Collection

The data were collected from an English textbook for Taruna vocational

High school. The textbook entitled is English for SMK was published by Yudistira.

The textbooks were selected as the source of the data as the textbooks were

claimed to fulfill with the requirements set by Badan Standar Nasional

pendidikan the textbooks are recommended by the government to be used in

Indonesian public schools (Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, 2012). In addition,

the source of the data was not difficult to find since the digital version of

the books can be obtained on the ministry's website and it can be

downloaded for free.

The data were collected in the form of the reading passages in the textbook.

The illustrations that accompany the text analyzed if it assists the interpretation of

the meaning. The reading passages were examined carefully to see how the culture

is represented in the text. The following table presents detailed information about

the textbooks.

Table 3. 1 Detailed Information about the Textbooks

No Books Author Publisher/Year Page ISBN 1 English for

SMK Sularto Yudistira/2008 979-676-750-


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D. Selection of the Text

The texts were selected from the textbooks: English for SMK from the

textbook, the analysis was specified into the reading passages presented in each

unit. The illustrations just a posed with the reading passages were analyzed only

when it constitutes the meaning of the reading passages. English for SMK comprises

seven units. Each unit consists sections: section one to four are related to four

language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), and each section is

focused on one skill; section five is Chapter Summary: this section sum up the core

material that have been learned in the unit; and last section is Learning Reflection

which is provided for the students so that they can reflect on what have been

learned and what they are expected to be able to do after learning the unit.

The reading passages are presented mostly in reading section, but in a

certain unit they are also presented in writing and speaking section. Therefore,

the reading passages were taken from those sections.

Table 3. 2 The Distribution of the Reading Passages in Textbook


English for SMK 1 1 1 1 1 1 6

From table 3. 2 it can be seen that the number of the reading passages

increasing gradually from one unit to the next unit. English for SMK provides

the students with a few reading passages in one unit, but plenty of it can be found

in another unit. Moreover, the arrangement of the topic in each unit is generally

alike, for instance unit 1 in both textbooks focused on descriptive text in this

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research, the writer will choose unit 1 -7. In order to make the data display more

accurate and the news items were found in the last unit in the textbooks.

Apparently, descriptive text is given more attention than the other types of text. The

detailed information related to the topic in the textbooks can be found in the


E. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data of the research, the writer adapted the scheme of

interactive model analysis from Huberman and Sladana, 2004 in Sugiyono, (2009,

p. 186). The model analysis consists of four steps; data collection, data reduction,

data display and conclusion from all data.

Table 3. 3 The Scheme of Interactive Model Analysis

Figure E. 1 The Scheme of Interactive Model Analysis

(Source: Huberman & Sladana in Sugiyono, 2009, pp. 186-193)

Data analysis are divided into two main steps. First, in order to reveal what

cultures are represented in the textbook, the contents in the reading passages were

categorized into the source culture, the target culture, the international culture, or

culture neutral (Cortazzi & Lix in Af‘idaturrohmawati 2018, p. 7). The source

culture refers to Indonesian culture. The target culture refers to British, American,

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Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand cultures or the culture belong to The Inner

Circle countries and the international culture refers to cultures which do not belong

to the source culture and the target culture. Culture neutral contents are contents in

the textbook which do not refer to any culture, such as scientific explanation.

Then, in order to reveal how the cultures are represented in the textbook,

the cultural contents found in the reading passages were categorized into the

aesthetic sense, the sociological sense, the semantic sense, or the pragmatic sense

(Father, Britten & Fahsi in Faris, 2014, p. 23). The data is also presented in the

following tables in order to see the cultural representation more clearly and to

see the prominent culture represented in the textbooks.

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F. Research Schedule

Schedule of the study can be seen in the following table:

NO Activities

Month 2018-2019

October 2018

January 2019

February 2019

June 2019

July 2019

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Preparation of proposal

2 Improvement of proposal

3 Seminar of proposal

4 Improvement of seminar

5 Research permit

6 Research preparation

7 Research improvement

8 Scrip arrange

9 Scrip improvement

10 Final report

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A. Research Finding

The textbook which is analyzed by the researcher is an English

textbook entitled English for SMK was published by Yudistira in 2012. This

textbook is compiled by Sularto and Istiqomah. This textbook is dedicated for

the eleventh grade students of Senior High Schools and it is claimed to be

based on School-Based Curriculum 2013. This textbook consists of 135 pages

and 7 chapters. In each chapter presents four language skills; listening, talking,

reading, and writing. This textbook also contains three genres of the texts.

1. The Cultural Content Represented in an English Textbook

a. Source Culture Materials

Refers to the textbooks which present language learners‘ own

culture. usually, these are the textbooks that are produced a national level

for a particular country. The main purpose of this category of textbook is to

enable learners to talk about their own culture to foreign visitors to their

country rather than be prepared to encounter other cultures. It can be seen

the examples below:

(1) A teacher from a Western country recently visited an elementary in an Asian country

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity


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in a country where the is a teacher from Western country will visit the

Asian country and it is used to enable learners to talk about their own

culture to foreign visitors to their country. The quotation from the text with

the title method of education: east and west and it is in the first paragraph

and page 72.

(2) in her own country produced a room full of unique pictures, each one completely different from the others

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

while teaching activities where the teacher watched the lesson and was

surprised. The teaching methods were very different from the way of

teaching in her own country a children‘s art lesson in her own country

produced a room full of unique pictures, each one completely different

from the others and it is used to enable learners to talk about their own

culture to foreign visitors to their country. The quotation from the text with

the title method of education: east and west and it is in the third paragraph

and page 72.

(3) she teaches culture (the ideas and beliefs of that country).

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

where it showed that the people would reflected their activities because of

their education system and it is used to enable learners to talk about their

own culture to foreign visitors to their country. The quotation from the text

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with the title method of education: east and west and it is in the third

paragraph and page 72.

(4) Each educational system is a mirror that reflects the culture of the society

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

where it showed that every system education has roles and that roles could

make the students get what they want to, the students should learn based on

the regulation in there. The quotation from the text with the title method of

education: east and west and it is in the third paragraph and page 72.

(5) The educational systems in these countries show these values

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

where it showed about the educational systems where the students do not

memorize information. Instead, they work individually and find answers

themselves. There is Often discussion in the classroom. At an early age,

students learn to form their own ideas and Opinions and it is used to enable

learners to talk about their own culture to foreign visitors to their country.

The quotation from the text with the title method of education: east and

west and it is in the first paragraph and page 72.

(6) Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools

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From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

where it showed about the educational system in Japanese schools, yet

many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information

that they have memorized. It is used to enable learners to talk about their

own culture to foreign visitors to their country. The quotation from the text

with the title method of education: east and west and it is in the fourth

paragraph and page 72.

(7) Many children collect stamps, stickers, coins erasers and cards

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

where it showed about the educational system in every country would like

to collect stamps, stickers, coins erasers and cards, they have understood

about the material that they have to bring in learning. It is used to enable

learners to talk about their own culture to foreign visitors to their country.

The quotation from the text with the title collecting stickers and it is in the

first paragraph and page 28.

(8) She bought them from different countries around the world

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

where it showed about the the unique ones were from the airline that she is

working for, because during me free time, she will bring out all her lovely

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collections, lay them on the ground and admire them. She is really enjoy

doing this as it will help me recall who gave them, where and when she got

them. It is used to enable learners to talk about their own culture to foreign

visitors to their country. The quotation from the text with the title collecting

stickers and it is in the third paragraph and page 28.

(9) I would love to share my collections with him. I must really thank Wilfred for his little gift which started my hobby

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about pragmatic activity

where it showed about the friends are jealous of her collections as she will

not exchange her unique stickers with them. Unfortunately, Wilfred shifted

away a few years ago and they had lost contact with each other. It is used to

enable learners to talk about their own culture to foreign visitors to their

country. The quotation from the text with the title collecting stickers and it

is in the fifth paragraph and page 28.

(10) I started collecting stickers since I was four years old. My hobby began through the influence of my neighbor, Wilfred.

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about pragmatic activity

where it showed about the daily activities, it is the activities that happen to

the character who love with the stickers, the stickers could be the collection

for him. It is used to enable learners to talk about their own culture to

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foreign visitors to their country. The quotation from the text with the title

collecting stickers and it is in the fifth paragraph and page 28.

(11) My interest in language, especially, foreign languages begin after I joining a tourist escort course.

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

source culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

where it showed about the hobby, he had the hobby and he had to join with

the students who have many languages. After joining the music class in his

school, he began enjoying in playing guitar. It adds his hobbies. Before

loving in playing guitar, he makes himself interested in writing reading

novel, singing, dancing and traveling. By developing his hobbies, he

already earn some money from it. And actually, he had his interest in

language and biology too because there are many students from different

culture. It is used to enable learners to talk about their own culture to

foreign visitors to their country. The quotation from the text with the title

music class and it is in the fifth paragraph and page 6.

b. Target Culture Materials

Usually focus on one or two target cultures, such as the United

Kingdom materials in the EFL context. Though widely used all over the

world, they are often critized for their commercial nature and seen as

publishers‘ promotional materials. It can be seen the examples below:

(1) In a society such as the United States or Canada

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

target culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

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while teaching activities where a society such as the United States or

Canada. The educational systems in these countries show these values.

Students do not memorize information. Instead, they work individually and

find answers themselve and it is used to show the people about their

commercial nature. The quotation from the text with the title method of

education: east and west and it is in the fourth paragraph and page 72.

(2) In most Asian societies, by contrast, the people have the same language, history, and culture

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

target culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

in Asian societies the educational system in much of the orient reflects

society's belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism.

Children in China, Japan and Korea often work together and help one

another on assignments. and it is used to show the people about their

commercial nature. The quotation from the text with the title method of

education: east and west and it is in the fifth paragraph and page 72.

(3) Children in China, Japan and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments.

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

target culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

in students activities, where they in the classroom, the teaching methods are

often very formal. The teacher lectures, and the students listen. There is not

much discussion. Instead, the students recite rules or information that they

have memorized and it is used to show the people about their commercial

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nature. The quotation from the text with the title method of education: east

and west and it is in the fifth paragraph and page 72.

(4) which has many national, religious, and cultural differences, people highly value individualism the differences among people.

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

target culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

while teaching activities where a society such as the United States or

Canada, which has many national, religious, and cultural differences,

people and it used for the teacher to show the students that there are many

place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student special.

and it is used to show the people about their commercial nature. The

quotation from the text with the title method of education: east and west

and it is in the fourth paragraph and page 72.

(5) One advantage to the system in Japan is' that students there learn much more math

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

target culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

about the one advantage education system in Japan, they also study more

hours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The

system is difficult, but it prepares students for a society that values

discipline and self-control and it is used to show the people about their

commercial nature. The quotation from the text with the title method of

education: east and west and it is in the fifth paragraph and page 72.

(6) science than American students learn by the end of high school.

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From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

target culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

about the one advantage education system and the sentence used to tell to

the reader if the students has learn it. The good system could make the

students get many knowledge also. The quotation from the text with the

title method of education: east and west and it is in the fifth paragraph and

page 72.

(7) The advantage of the educational System in North America, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves.

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

target culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

about the advantage of the educational System in North America, on the

other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves. The system

prepares them for a society that values creative ideas. There is, however, a

disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they haven't

memorized as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries have

and it is used to show the people about their commercial nature. The

quotation from the text with the title method of education: east and west

and it is in the fifth paragraph and page 72.

(8) According to World Health Organization's web site at least 227 people have died worldwide from the virus.

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

target culture materials because the quotation is about sociological activity

about the according to World Health Organization's web site at least 227

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people have died worldwide from the virus and it is used to show the

people about their commercial nature. The quotation from the text with the

title Bird flu kills 16-year-old boy in Indonesia, bringing nation's toll from

illness to 104 and west and it is in the fifth paragraph and page 52.

c. International Target Culture Materials

Involve textbook that include a wide variety of cultures set in

English-speaking countries or in countries where English is not first or a

second language, but it used as an international language. The rationale for

this category is that speakers who do not speak it as their first language

frequently use English in international situations.

(1) Indonesia has regularly recorded human deaths from bird flu since the virus began ravaging poultry stocks across Asia in 2003

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

international target culture materials target culture materials because the

quotation is about sociological activity about the Indonesia has regularly

recorded human deaths from bird flu since the virus began ravaging poultry

stocks across Asia in 2003. Bird flu remains hard for people to catch, but

health experts worry the virus could mutate into a form that passes easily

among humans, sparking a pandemic. So far, most human cases have been

linked to contact with infected birds and it is used to show the international

target culture materials from the text with the title Bird flu kills 16-year-old

boy in Indonesia, bringing nation's toll from illness to 104 and west and it

is in the fifth paragraph and page 52.

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(2) The Health Ministry said on Saturday that a 16-year-old Indonesian boy

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

international target culture materials because the quotation is about

sociological activity about the Health Ministry said on Saturday that a 16-

year-old Indonesian boy from Central Java province has died of bird flu,

bringing the nation's death toll from the illness to 104. The boy became ill

on Feb. 3 with a cough and other respiratory symptoms, according to the

Health Ministry's Web site. Sumardi, a ministry spokesman, said that the

boy died a week later in a hospital in the city of Solo, about 450 kilometers

(280 miles) southeast of the capital, Jakarta. and it is used to show the

international target culture materials from the text with the title Bird flu

kills 16-year-old boy in Indonesia, bringing nation's toll from illness to 104

and west and it is in the fifth paragraph and page 52.

(3) Central Java province has died of bird flu, bringing the nation's death toll from the illness to 104

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

international target culture materials because the quotation is about

sociological activity about the Health Ministry, this is about the Indonesian

culture in Solo and it is used to show the international target culture

materials from the text with the title Bird flu kills 16-year-old boy in

Indonesia, bringing nation's toll from illness to 104 and west and it is in the

fifth paragraph and page 52.

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(4) the boy died a week later in a hospital in the city of Solo, about 450 kilometers (280 miles) southeast of the capital, Jakarta

From the data above it can be known that the quotation referred to

international target culture materials because the quotation is about

sociological activity about the boy became ill on Feb. 3 with a cough and

other respiratory symptoms, according to the Health Ministry's Web site.

Sumardi, a ministry spokesman, said that the boy died a week later in a

hospital in the city of Solo, about 450 kilometers (280 miles) southeast of

the capital, Jakarta and it is used to show the international target culture

materials from the text with the title Bird flu kills 16-year-old boy in

Indonesia, bringing nation's toll from illness to 104 and west and it is in the

fifth paragraph and page 52.

B. Discussion

After doing the analysis of the data, the researcher would like to interpret

the data. The result shows that based on reading texts which found in English for

SMK was published by Yudistira, the researcher got eleven data from three texts

with the title method of education: east and west, collecting stickers and music

class. It means that eleven data were divided with twenty three data and multiplied

100% got 48% source culture materials. The researcher also found in target culture

there were eight data from two texts with the title method of education: east and

west and Bird flu kills 16-year-old boy in Indonesia, bringing nation's toll from

illness to 104. It means that eight data were divided with twenty three data and

multiplied 100% got 35% target culture.

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The researcher found in international target culture materials there were

four data from one text with the title Bird flu kills 16-year-old boy in Indonesia,

bringing nation's toll from illness to 104. It means that four data were divided with

twenty three data and multiplied 100% got 17% international target culture

materials. It can be interpreted that these reading texts are good enough to be

understood by the students since they can understand other culture and

representation their culture. The results of the present study are related with the

results of (Kurnia Citra Dewi, 2012, and Dian Ekawati and Fakry Hamdani, 2012)

they found that 77. 05 % cultural contents refer to the target culture, 13. 11%

cultural contents refer to the source culture, and 09. 84% cultural contents refer to

the international culture. Regarding how cultures are represented in the textbook,

generally culture is represented by the aesthetic sense (37. 70%), the sociological

sense (31. 15%), the pragmatic sense (19. 67%) and the semantic sense (11. 48%).

Based on the findings it is recommended that more source culture and international

culture be included in the textbook.

These reading texts are suitable to be used by the students and the teacher

in the class. It is also supported by Kramsch (1993:1) emphasizes that culture in

language learning is always in the background in classrooms when language

learners are looking for a good communicative competence and challenging their

ability to make sense of the world around them. An exciting text will carry the

readers to read it more and more than a dull text that is not likely to contribute

them to the development of reading competence and also the students can

understand the texts but still need the teacher‘s guidance.

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Target culture materials on English textbook entitled English for SMK was

not much tells about the culture, from six texts which related to enable learners to

talk about their own culture to foreign visitors to their country only in two texts it

cause the average was 48% in source culture materials. Target culture materials

was also not much tells about the culture, from six texts which related to is used to

show the people about their commercial nature and only in one text it cause the

average was 35% in target culture materials. International target culture materials

was also not much tells about the culture, from six texts which related to is used to

show the international target culture materials and only in one text it cause the

average was 17% in international target culture materials.

From the explanation above, the researcher can interpret that the reading

texts in the English textbook entitled English for SMK was published by Yudistira

are predicted to be quite easy and also did not much tells about the culture where

from six texts only four texts have told about the culture, but the texts made

students are able to read them. They can understand the texts. Therefore, this

textbook is suitable to the students as reading material because the texts are good

for practice reading comprehension.

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A. Conclusion

The finding indicated that the reading texts in the English textbook entitled

English for SMK was published by Yudistira are predicted to be quite easy from 6

reading texts get the average each score is 48% source culture materials, 35%

target culture materials and 17% international target culture materials. The

textbook did not much tells about the culture where from six texts only four texts

have told about the culture, but the texts made students are able to read them. They

can understand the texts. Therefore, this textbook is suitable to the students as

reading material because the texts are good for practice reading comprehension.

B. Suggestion

From the foregoing discussions, some suggestions are offered. The

suggestions are intended to principals, to English teachers, to the publishers and

authors, and to other researchers.

1. To principals

The principals have to be able to decide which the textbook is good to

support in improving the potential of every learners and the quality of


2. To English teachers

Classroom reading activities will be interesting with various reading

materials. The teachers have to select a suitable textbook to their students


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which are readable, understandable and interesting. Particularly, the

textbook must be suitable to the level of students‘ ability so they won‘t be

bored to read it.

3. To Publishers and authors

The publishers and the authors are expected to pay attention in producing

the better textbooks which match with the culture and also with level of the

students‘ ability as the good textbook can help both the teacher and the

students to reach the goal of teaching and learning English.

4. To Other Researchers

There are still so many textbooks offered by other publishers. The other

researchers can use them as the subject of the research. For those interested

in studying about the culture, you can use one of the categories of culture.

The researcher hopes that this research can give more information for

further research.

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Fahriah and Rahayu, P. S. (2016). Readability Level of ―Bahasa Inggris‖ Textbook for the Seventh Grade Students. Journal English Education Department, Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin.

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Method of Education: East and West

A teacher from a Western country recently visited an elementary in an

Asian country. In one class, she watched sixty young children as they learned to

draw a cat the class teacher drew a big circle on the blackboard, and sixty children

copied it on their papers. The teacher drew a. smaller circle on top of the first and

then put two triangles on top of it. The children drew in the same way. The lesson

continued until there were sixty-one identical cats in the classroom. Each student's

cat looked exactly like the one on the board.

The visiting teacher watched the lesson and was surprised. The teaching

methods "were very different from the way of teaching in her own country A

children's art lesson in her own country produced a room full of unique pictures,

each one completely different from the others. Why? What causes this difference

in educational methods? In a classroom.

In any country, the instructor teaches more than art or history or language.

He or she teaches culture (the ideas and beliefs of that country). Each educational

system is a mirror that reflects the culture of the society.

In a society such as the United States or Canada, which has many national,

religious, and cultural differences, people highly value individualism — the

differences among people. Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that

make each student special. The educational systems in these countries show these

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values. Students do not memorize information. Instead, they work individually and

find answers themselves. There is Often discussion in the classroom. At an early

age, students learn to form their own ideas and Opinions.

In most Asian societies, by contrast, the people have the same language,

history, and culture. Perhaps for this reasons, the educational system in much Of

the Orient reflects society's belief in group goals and purposes rather than

individualism. Children in China, Japan and Korea often work together and help

one another on assignments. In the classroom, the teaching methods are often very

formal. The teacher lectures, and the students listen. There is not much discussion.

Instead, the students recite rules or information that they have memorized.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of

education. For example, one advantage to the system in Japan is' that students there

learn much more math and science than American students learn by the end of high

school. They also study more hours each day and more days each year than North

Americans do. The system is difficult, but it prepares students for a society that

values discipline and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage.

Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, yet many

students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information that they have


The advantage of the educational System in North America, on the other

hand, is that students learn to think for themselves. The system prepares them for a

society that values creative ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When

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students graduate from high school, they haven't memorized as many basic rules

and facts as students in other countries have

Bird flu kills 16-year-old boy in Indonesia, bringing nation's toll from illness to 104

The Health Ministry said on Saturday that a 16-year-old Indonesian boy

from Central Java province has died of bird flu, bringing the nation's death toll

from the illness to 104. The boy became ill on Feb. 3 with a cough and other

respiratory symptoms, according to the Health Ministry's Web site. Sumardi, a

ministry spokesman, said that the boy died a week later in a hospital in the city of

Solo, about 450 kilometers (280 miles) southeast of the capital, Jakarta.

Tests confirmed the boy had been infected with the dangerous H5NI strain

of the bird flu virus. The ministry said that the victim's neighbors had sick chickens

on their property and the boy apparently slaughtered some of them before he


Indonesia has regularly recorded human deaths from bird flu since the virus

began ravaging poultry stocks across Asia in 2003. Bird flu remains hard for

people to catch, but health experts worry the virus could mutate into a form that

passes easily among humans, sparking a pandemic. So far, most human cases have

been linked to contact with infected birds.

Scientists have warned that Indonesia, which has millions of backyard

chickens and poor medical facilities, is a potential hot spot for a global bird flu

pandemic. According to World Health Organization's web site at least 227 people

have died worldwide from the virus.

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Collecting Stickers

Most of us have the collecting instinct. That is why we have to keep certain

just for the fun of it. Many children collect stamps, stickers, coins erasers and


My hobby is collecting stickers. It is also one of the most popular hobbies

among children. Children can enjoy this pastime because it is not an expensive

hobby. I started collecting stickers since I was four years old. My hobby began

through the influence of my neighbor, Wilfred. One day when I was playing in his

house, he showed me his stacks of sticker albums. I was amazed to see so many

colorful stickers of all shapes and sizes He gave me a few pieces from his

collection. My interest in stickers started from that day

I kept my first set of stickers in a scrapbook but my subsequent collections

were kept in beautiful boxes. I was quite reluctant to paste them on sticker albums

which mv mother has bought for me because I think some of the stickers could not

be removed easily when pasted onto the albums. By keeping the stickers in boxes,

I can exchange some of my stickers with my friends conveniently without

damaging them.

Ever since my family members came to know of my interest in stickers,

they will buy stickers for me whenever they come across nice ones. I love those

stickers from my auntie who is an air-hostess. She bought them from different

countries around the world. Some of the unique ones were from the airline that she

is working for.

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During me free time, I will bring out all my lovely collections, lay them on

the ground and admire them. I really enjoy doing this as it will help me recall who

gave them, where and when I got them.

Some of my friends are jealous of my collections as I will not exchange my

unique stickers with them. Unfortunately, Wilfred shifted away a few years ago

and we had lost contact with each other. Otherwise, I would love to share my

collections with him. I must really thank Wilfred for his little gift which started my


Voice is All You’ve Got

When you talk to someone in a face-to-face setting, how much of the

communication message do you think is conveyed just by what you say — the

words that you use? Do you think 50 percent of the message is conveyed through

your words? Eighty percent? Thirty percent? Studies show that only 7 percent of a

message is conveyed through the words that you use. Another 38 percent is carried

by your tone of voice. The remaining 55 percent is conveyed through body


Guess what's not available when you're on the telephone: body language,

and that accounts for more than half of the communication message that's

conveyed. You have to make up that missing 55 percent when you're on the

telephone, through your voice. How do you do that?

For one, when the phone rings, be ready. Be prepared to talk. Give your

attention to the caller — the customer. Set aside whatever you are doing and focus

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on what the caller is saying. Ask clarifying questions: "Do you want the dean or

the assistant dean?" Paraphrase their comments so you understand what the caller

means. Interact and verbally encourage the caller. Summarize the conversation to

clear up any areas of misunderstanding. Although the caller can't see them use

body gestures body language. Gestures allow you to be more expressive, more

animated in your conversation.

Also pay attention to your vocal quality, consisting of rate, pitch, volume,

clarity, and tone. Is your voice rate too fast or too slow? The average speech rate is

140 words per minute. Fast talkers come across as untrustworthy or too busy to

talk. Callers may think of slow talkers as mentally slow. Pitch is the highness or

lowness of your voice. High-pitched talkers tend to grate on people's nerves, while

low-pitched talkers sound mechanical, almost robotic. Volume is how loud or soft

you talk. Loud people are perceived as brash, overbearing; soft speakers are seen

as shy, wimpy. Clarity takes in how your words are understood. Do you articulate

your words, or do you slur them together? A problem in South is dropping end

consonants ("droppin"' for "dropping") or mispronouncing some words ("git' for

"get'). Lastly, tone is the expressiveness in your voice. It makes up 38 percent of

the communication message, so make it count. Be expressive.

Joining The Music

After joining the music class in my school, I began enjoying in playing

guitar. It adds my hobbies. Before loving in playing guitar, I make myself

interested in writing reading novel, singing, dancing and traveling. By developing

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my hobbies, I already earn some money from it. And actually, I have my interest in

language and biology too. My interest in language, especially, foreign languages

begin after I joining a tourist escort course. But my interest in biology is behind my

back right now, because I don't have much time to develop it. Actually, I plan to

study and learn more about it as soon as time permits me.

Playing guitar now becomes my new hobby. By playing it, I can develop

my other hobby too, that is singing. Besides I can make melodies and music with it

when I am bored with my job, as a corporate secretary, I can ease my tiredness by

playing guitar and get my energy back. I plan to learn more and more and I try

getting new techniques in playing guitar. I hope I can develop my ability and

master on playing guitar one day. I also hope I can play other music instruments


My English Teacher's Daily Activities

Every day he leaves his house at about a quarter past six in the morning and

he goes to school by his old motorcycle. Sometimes he goes by bus when it rains.

At about two thirty, he usually gets home and meets his wife and his children. He

doesn't have lunch at home once a while. After taking a nap for some minutes, he

comes back to his school again to teach his students to prepare for the English

national test until five thirty.

At about six thirty in the evening he has dinner with his family at home.

While having dinner, he always asks his children what they have studied at school

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and what they are going to do for the next day. Before going to bed, he usually

watches "the world news" program on television.

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NameStudent IDAdvisor IITitle



SULTHAN TEAHA SAMUDI}IN JAMBIJl.Jambi-MuaroBulian KM. I 6 Simp. Sei.Duren Kab.MuaroJambi 36363

Telp.ff ax: (074 I )583 I 83 -5 84 I I 8 website: iainjambi. ac. id

:Nurmilayana: TE. 141021: Dr. M. Taridi, M. Pd

: Analysis of Culture Values in the English Textbook at the Eleventh Grade ofSMK Taruna Indonesia Jambi: Faculty of Education and Teacher Training





IKamis,26 juli2018 1

Sistematis penulisan


Kamis,09Agustus 2018 2

Proposal draft /"-tr,J

Selasa,2lAgustus 2018

Correction BAB I,II & III .J[^4

Senin"17September 2018 4

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Kamis,20Oktober 2018 5

Correction & ACC Seminar a-.-0/6

Rabu,23 Januari2'019 6

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Rabu 20Februari 7

Acc riset r\gI Senin,06 Mei

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9Selasa,l3 Mei2019 9

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NameStudent IDAdvisor ITitle



SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBIJl.Jambi-MuaroBulian KM. I 6 Simp. Sei.Duren Kab.MuaroJambi 36363

Telp./Fax;(074 I )5S3 I 83-5841 I B website:iainjambi.ac-id

:Nurmilayana:TE. 141021

: Dr. Rusminl. S. Aq." M. Pd. I: Analysis of Culture Values in the English Textbook at the Eleventh Grade ofSMK Taruna Indonesia Jambi: Faculty of Education and Teacher Training





Senin,22Oktober 2018 1

Proposal draft VA


Rabu,24Oktober 2018 2

Correction BAB I,II & III I ,j/J

Itxrt'at,26Oktober 2018 J



Selasa,30Oktober 2018 4

Correction & ACC Seminar 'L5

Rabu,20Februari 2019 5

Revision BAB II & m M/6

Selasa,26Februari 2019 6

Acc riset }r/7

Rabu,26 juni2019 7

Revisi All BAB v8

Jum'at 28 juni2019 8

Revisi BAB fV w9

Senin,0l juli2019 9

Revisi references ilzt0

Rabu,03 juli20t9 10

Acc munaqasah u:/

Page 85: THESIS - uinjambi.ac.idrepository.uinjambi.ac.id/1579/1/NURMILAYANA-TE141021... · 2020. 4. 14. · Nilai Nilai Budaya Dalam Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris di Kelas XI SMK Taruna Indonesia

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