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Thought Leadership From the Inside Out

LoyaltyExpo 2014 Stacey King Gordon, Suite Seven @staceykgordon #loyaltyexpo #TLIO

1.  Understand what thought leadership is, what it isn’t, and what it looks like when it’s right

2.  Develop an action plan for how to start (or improve) your thought leadership communications efforts

3.  Get tools to take back to your team to lay the groundwork for thought leadership communications

4.  Exercise: DIY thought leadership content strategy for a !ctional software company

Goals for Today

Who we are

Suite Seven is a content strategy and brand consultancy in Oakland, California.

Thought leadership: ??????

60% consider their brands to be thought leaders

27% have some kind of thought leadership communication program in place

69% believe their company could do a better job at communicating their thought leadership in a way that earns long-term loyalty

What we heard from loyalty marketers

Efforts are fragmented. Different departments are doing different things.

Leaders and experts aren’t involved. Executives and subject matter experts don’t have time to participate or interest in participating.

No sense of what’s most important or impactful. Teams have dif!culty prioritizing projects.

What we heard from loyalty marketers

How do you define thought leadership?

My reasons for selecting the people who appear here were straightforward. In each instance, I was looking for an individual who was addressing the big questions with which today’s most senior executives are wrestling. These questions relate to issues of business strategy, growth, and human resources, as well as the new social contract that is taking shape among companies, employees, and shareholders, and the ways in which society itself is changing.

“Thought Leadership” c. 1994

Thought leadership is getting a bad rap.

“To become a thought leader, hire a virtual assistant to blog for you twice a week”

“Thought Leadership” c. 2013

The !rst rule of thought leadership is that you don’t talk about

“thought leadership.”

It’s time for cute kid pictures.

We listen to the people with the best ideas, and we follow them.

Address the big questions ?

Embrace change

Establish a point of view

Innovate to prepare for change

Guide their community to adapt & succeed

Things thought leaders do:

Why thought leadership matters

Long-term benefits of thought leadership

More inbound inquiries More short listing

Faster sales cycles Higher close rates Bigger deal sizes

Increased customer loyalty Higher lifetime value

Early stage Middle stage Later stage

Source: Laura Ramos, Forrester

Brand value and thought leadership

Apple: #1 in brand value

“That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” - Steve Jobs

Google: #2 in brand value

“I think Google should be like a Swiss Army knife: clean, simple, the tool you want to take everywhere.” - Marissa Mayer

Coca-Cola: #3 in brand value

IBM: #4 in brand value

Microso: #5 in brand value

Defining thought leadership communication

•   Starts at the top with a commitment and belief among leaders

•   Becomes an integral part of the brand

•   Permeates and becomes part of the discourse

Thought leadership is ingrained in the culture.

It shouldn’t be:

•   Something that originates in the marketing or PR department (though it might ultimately live there)

•   Another lead generation or PR tactic

•   Invests in original, unbiased, research-driven content

•   Offers authoritative insight based on experience and leadership

•   Provides focused, provocative thinking on relevant issues

Thought leadership offers an unique, informed perspective.

It shouldn’t be:

•   Exclusively repackaging ideas or information published by others

•   Focuses on the success of the customer or community

•   Strives for long-term loyalty, retention and brand af!nity

•   Can be packaged to support sales conversations and marketing strategies, but should be pervasive part of brand communications

Thought leadership is a long-term commitment to delivering high-value thinking and guidance.

It shouldn’t be:

•   Measured exclusively through page views or follows

•   Dependent on short-term gains

•   An occasional marketing or business development tactic

“With true thought leadership, there’s nothing in it for me. It’s public service. It’s doing something helpful for the client.”

•   Packaged for both quick consumption and in-depth engagement

•   Written/voiced in a way that speaks to audiences

•   Delivered and organized in a user-focused way

•   Practical enough to speak to audience’s day-to-day reality

Thought leadership should be useful, relevant and accessible for targeted audiences.

It shouldn’t be:

•   Locked inside a dense publication

•   Esoteric, inaccessible or too theoretical for busy audiences to care about

•   Buried in an overstuffed resource library without a way to surface it

Layered Content DO: •   Provide a succinct summary

with the ability to dig deeper

•   Provide layers that people can extract, digest and share

•   Get maximum mileage with complementary content

DON’T: •   Publish a link to a dense,

40-page PDF report

•   Publish the exact same content in umpteen different formats

Video commentary

Short summary article

Slide show





Themes and topics Channels

Frequency Curation

What you uniquely know

What your audience

cares about

Where You

Credibly Play

Themes and topics Channels


What you uniquely know

1. Define your point of view

•   What does your brand stand for?

•   What do you want to be known for?

•   What do you and your people believe?

•   What do you choose to care about?

•   Where do your people have exceptional expertise?

•   Where can you credibly lead the conversation?

•   What perspective do you bring?

Your point of view creates a framework for focused content

“In  the  Networked  Society,  connec3vity  will  be  the  star3ng  points  for  new  ways  of  innova3ng,  collabora3ng  and  socializing.    It’s  about  crea3ng  freedom,  empowerment  and  opportunity,  transforming  industries  and  socie3es  while  helping  find  solu3ons  to  some  of  the  greatest  challenges  facing  our  planet.    We  are  on  the  brink  of  an  extraordinary  revolu3on.  A  world  connected  in  real  3me  will  place  many  new  requirements  on  all  of  us  while  opening  up  opportuni3es  beyond  our  imagina3on.”    

The implications on workplace culture

How communication technology can create more sustainable, affordable, innovative cities

The evolution of education and networked technology

Getting to the POV

•   Brand positioning

•   Existing content

•   Company strategy

•   Leaders’ vision for the future

•   Competitive landscape

What your audience

cares about

2. Define your audience “personas”

•   Demographics: age, gender, lifestyle, income

•   Psychographics: beliefs, personality

•   Motivations

•   Challenges (what keeps them up at night)

•   Goals

•   Barriers

Sample Persona: IT Senior Leader

David Wu Age 52 B.S. in Computer Science and MBA CIO for large ($500M/year) enterprise software company

Motivation: Professional growth. He was recruited from his last company that went IPO, and was brought in to overhaul the architecture of his current company’s software platform. His day: He’s responsible for an established network of apps and may have to answer user questions. However, his strong suit is programming, not marketing or customer service. Challenges: Budget, resources, outdated infrastructure, relatively junior team, internal politics (including tension among departmental IT departments) Goals: Deliver on an aggressive plan to rewrite and deploy updated software to 10 pilot customer sites by end of fiscal year Barriers: Significant code challenges; winning support from senior leadership; finding the right vendor

Awareness Research Consideration Purchase Relationship

WHAT THE CUSTOMER IS DOING Deciding to buy; beginning to plan

Researching online; educating himself about the basics

Comparing products in store to what he saw online; narrowing down choices; consulting others

Making his final decision and deciding on a purchase

Implementation, thinking about growing the solution

CUSTOMER MINDSET Excited, anxious/nervous, overwhelmed with options, discouraged about cost

Interested, engaged, tentative

Hopeful, careful

Satisfied, relieved, happy, proud

Excited and relieved, then overwhelmed

CONTENT GOALS Help consumer overcome sense of being overwhelmed or discouraged; give him a logical starting point to understand options and decisions.

Help consumer explore options, understand tradeoffs and factors, embrace variety and choice

Answer more advanced questions and help consumer make his final decision

Help consumer make his final decision and feel good about it

Bring consumer back for “what’s next” and continue to serve him through the next stage

CONTENT THEMES, TOPICS, TYPES 101-level basics, answers to basic questions, checklists, primer videos, easy infographics and “maps”

Basic overviews, comparison charts, decision guides, answers to basic concerns that arise during early research

Answers to more advanced concerns that come up during research, tips for weighing choices

Emotion-driven content (testimonials, proposal stories), confidence-building content (post-purchase issues)

Guidance on processes, issues, getting most mileage out of product

3. Map your content for personas

The “status quo shift” — prospects begin to become aware that something needs to change. They become more aware of the challenges they have and begin to explore how they might go about solving those problems

Prospects begin to research their options for solving their issues. They talk to others, look for trusted guidance, read, compare directions, and put together an exploratory committee or RFP to begin investigating options.

Once they’ve narrowed down which path to take, prospects begin to weigh who to work with on their solution, how to design the solution they need, how much they want to spend, timing, requirements and other organizational considerations. They also make decisions about what not to do and who not to work with — so overcoming objections becomes a hurdle for sales at this stage.  

Prospects decide on a solution, negotiate pricing, create schedules, design implementation plans, choose features, and make other purchase decisions. They may need to get committee buy-in and go through a careful consideration process. Once the deal is signed, they kick off the project or begin adopting, training on, implementing the solution. The vendor and customer begin putting the structure in place for a long-term, successful relationship.  

The vendor and customer engage in a relationship through marketing communications, sales representatives or account managers. The relationship is focused on retaining the customer, maintaining satisfaction, and promoting incremental sales over time.

The customer relationship lifecycle

Content can support the customer relationship from the very first moment prospects become aware of your brand, through long-term retention and loyalty. We like to think about what our target personas need at different stages in this lifecycle. The stages include:

Confiden3al-­‐For  Internal  Use  Only   63  

What you uniquely know

What your audience

cares about

Where You

Credibly Play

Our playground for today: Digher Straights Tech

About the company

•   Digher Straights Tech (DST) is a software company, established in 2003, that creates products for wealth management professionals.

•   Still run by one of the two original founders, Matt Knowles; the other founder left to start a competing company, which was later acquired by a large enterprise company.

•   Matt is well-known in the industry, mostly because he has aligned himself with regional associations and conferences for independent wealth managers. He speaks frequently at conferences, mostly about business practices, business ethics, and new standards for technology in the industry. He is good friends with many other industry leaders and a visible personality at industry conferences.

•   The company is on the NASDAQ and is growing steadily year over year, but is focused on driving new revenue by moving into new markets

About the products

•   Products are geared toward the wealth management profession. Their two best-known products include:

•   Money4Nothing: Financial planning software

•   Swing Sultan: Hedge fund software

•   They also offer an integrated suite of software packages that are newer on the market and not as well known.

•   They’ve pioneered moving wealth management software into the cloud, and believe their products are the easiest to use and most accessible for self-employed wealth management professionals and small !rms.

•   They want to extend into being able to serve larger !rms as they grow or get acquired, and to cater to more mid-market customers.

About the market

DST’s biggest competitors have always been two other software !rms focused on small wealth management customers:

•   WealthSoft is a long-established company that got acquired by a large enterprise company but still operates as a subsidiary. They are more corporate in their communications, and have a big presence at trade shows and conferences, but don’t publish much beyond some occasional white papers about their products.

•   FutureMind is a more recent startup. They are a SaaS product; they have a blog and use social media a lot, and are trying to reach out to a new generation of wealth managers who want something fun to use and easy. They tend to publish commentary on news stories about what’s happening in the !nancial world and trends in the market.

DST persona: Decision-maker at mid-sized wealth management firm Sheila Jones Age 50 B.S. in Economics, Certified Financial Planner (CFP) COO for $10M wealth management/investment firm in Hartford, CT

Motivation: Watching the company grow; solving clients’ problems; work-life balance; running a streamlined practice with good people Her day: She spends about 30% of her day on client service and account management, and the rest on HR, systems and processes, operational infrastructure, and growth strategy for the firm Challenges: Finding good people; working efficiently; profitability; staying abreast of technology and the latest practices in the field Goals: Grow the firm 10% year over year; become a visible and reputable brand for wealth management in the Hartford region Barriers: Outdated and cumbersome technology; poor recordkeeping; legacy staff with low productivity

Exercise: 1.  Write a point of view statement for Digher

Straights Tech’s thought leadership efforts

2.  Map the kinds of content DST’s target persona might want and need as she aims to solve for goals and challenges





Accuracy & Timeliness

Clarity, Readability & Focus

Findability & Organization

Tone & Style

Overall Experience & Effectiveness

The quality umbrella




Accuracy & Timeliness

Clarity, Readability & Focus

Findability & Organization

Tone & Style

Overall Experience & Effectiveness

The quality umbrella

•   Image

•   Professionalism

•   Clarity

•   Effectiveness

Setting standards helps you meet your goals

•   Set business goals for what your thought leadership content should help you accomplish

•   De!nes what quality means to your brand

•   Gives you a set of guidelines to use as your efforts expand and more people get involved

•   Provides a benchmark for evaluating and measuring success

Sample content goals

Build loyalty and trust Give consumers an informative, accessible, pressure-free way to learn about your product, helping to reduce anxiety and build confidence in a way that will support customer loyalty to your brand. Provide information in the way customers want to consume it Create a mix of written, visual and video content, and package information in a clear way, with the right balance of emotion and detail. Give consumers an easy place to start — and the ability to go deeper Content will be architected in a way that allows users to start with basic questions and information, then will lead them to more in-depth information as they move deeper into the sales funnel.

Sample voice guidelines

Trusted We’re here to help, not sell; give advice, not a pitch.

Human Language is conversational, friendly and encouraging. We speak in the second person (“you”) and use plain English. Business and industry jargon is OUT.

Genuine We don’t use unauthentic slang to sound trendy. Smart We’re informal but informed, intelligent but not overly clever.

Empathetic We know this purchase is a big deal. Our positive, descriptive language shows it.

Sample content quality standards

Credible   Accurate, impartial, high-quality and authoritative Valuable   Supports customers’ decision-making: educates, inspires,

enhances their shopping experience  User-Friendly  

Clear, easy to find, easy to consume  

Relevant   Matters to jewelry consumers, gives them the right amount of information relevant to what they need to make decisions


Style Guides


Thought leadership publishing is a commitment.

You have to prepare for it to be hard. It takes awhile to settle into the groove. There’s a lot of trial and error involved. If you stick with it, you’ll start to see results.

Boiling the ocean

Hamster’s nest

Content graveyards

Lean teams

Limited time

Little to no budget

Sustaining thought leadership success

Ownership & Communication

Publishing Strategy & Prioritization

Processes & Planning

Organization & Lifecycle

Ownership & communication

•   Roles

•   Responsibilities

•   Ownership

•   How we communicate

Roles in a sample governance model

Editorial management Who owns the process and makes the !nal call

Content owners Who own the content or topic

Contributors Subject matter experts, writers, interviewees

Reviewers Who needs to weigh in or sign off (including Legal)

Editorial/steering committee

Who can guide the strategic direction of the efforts

Publishing strategy & prioritization

•   What goes where and when

•   Frequency

•   Resource allocation

•   Responsibilities

Sample: Three Tiers of Content

Premium/Proprietary Content

Best Practices/Solution Content

Current Awareness/Expertise

Sample: content priorities/production guidelines

Tier 1: Premium/ Proprietary Content

Criteria: Original research, first-time publication, data-driven but with a narrative, fostering external credibility Tone: Educational, more formal, smart and incisive, upbeat Frequency: Quarterly/semi-annual Creators: Professional writers/marketing, or subject matter experts with support of professional editors Extending the Value: Complementary content to support sharing at every level: social content, video, PPT decks, infographics, blog posts

Tier 2: Current Events / Awareness Content

Criteria: Smaller bites of thought-provoking content, highlighting individual expertise, conveys unique POV, timely Tone: Smart, conversational, upbeat, succinct, humorous (when appropriate) Frequency: Regularly (a few times a week) Creators: Subject matter experts, salespeople, marketing Extending the Value: Sharing on social channels, curating and packaging “best of” content into more premium publications

Sample: content guidelines by channel BLOG EBOOKS/GUIDES WHITE PAPERS /


PURPOSE Become central repository for all content relevant to our audiences

Add value with credible, relevant content

Add value with credible, relevant content that's more specific and educates about product

Engage and entertain, add credibility

Engage, educate, add credibility

Engage, educate, entertain, add credibility

Engage Engage, educate

GOALS Become a customer-focused small business resource melding business, technology and culture relevant to personas; serve both customers and prospects

Generate and nurture leads and add value for existing customers by offering valuable, helpful, educational content packaged for a specific audience. Help prospects feel confident.

Generate and nurture leads and add value by offering specific, timely and detailed information. Help prospects and customers feel confident. Show how software works with other experts on the pulse.

Generate and nurture leads and add value to existing customers with inspirational, informative, thought-provoking videos

Generate and nurture leads and add value to existing customers with informative, educational webinars that offer different voices/points of view on specific topics

Distill key insights or more complex subjects in a visual format for social sharing

Generate and nurture leads and add value to existing customers

Generate and nurture leads and add value to existing customers

CONTENT Good mix of product vs. business, basic (making the case, 101 education) vs. advanced (playbooks and detailed advice from experts and peers.

Focused on a topic that personas really care about; answers common questions; should be issue-focused instead of product-focused; writing at basic to intermediate level.

Like a issue paper or longer article vs. an ebook; topics can be more specific and written for more targeted audiences. Technical product information more appropriate here. Briefs showcasing data, research, case studies by external experts. Writing at intermediate to advanced level.

Interviews with customers, panels, use cases (how Desk is used to solve for specific issues), meet the team/internal expertise (helps with community-building)

Customer panels, guest speakers, Desk experts speaking on customer service and experience topics, some product-specific content

Quantifiable information, e.g., results from studies, surveys; insights from white papers; presented in a way that makes people say “I never thought about it like that before”

Topic specific (not sure what this means)


Open; ability to sign up for RSS and email updates; promoted through email newsletter, Twitter, Facebook

Sent with offer (lead gen/nurture), form required to download; later posted in online library as free (no sign-up) content and promoted through email/social media.

Sent with offer (lead gen/nurture), form required to download; later posted in online library as free (no sign-up) content and promoted through email/social media.

On the blog and on YouTube (need a tagging system for SEO); could be sent with offers / short form for access.

Sent with offer (lead gen/nurture), form required to register; later posted in online library but form required to access recording

On the blog, FB, Twitter; could be sent with offers / short form for access.

Emailed 1x/month

Processes & planning a.k.a. how to get ’er done

•   Setting expectations

•   Accountability

•   Regular cadence

•   Planning the content mix

•   Getting the most mileage out of efforts

Sample: editorial calendar

Sample: process definition eBook: 5 week process

Topic  genera3on  

Vet  with  content  

review  board  (op3onal)  

Research  and  wri3ng  

First    review  

Second    draS  

Director  review  

Final    draS  

Design  and  


Blog: 2 week process

Managing  editor  assigns  

topics  Write  draS  


First  round  edits/back  to  

writer  if  needed  

Editor  edits/finalizes    

Director  approval   Publish  

3  days            2  weeks          2  days          3  days                    2  days                  2  days                    1  week    

1  week    3  days                                2  days                                    2  days                                  1  day    

Sample: content mileage decision tree


blog posts, white paper

Webinar Video Email offer Infographic

Twitter, FB

Create other content if:

•   Appeals to multiple audiences •   Can be useful at different levels of expertise •   Can be broken down into multiple topics

•   Can create a case study •   Can create a video interview •   Can create slides •   Can get an expert to speak

Organization & lifecycle

•   Where content is stored

•   How content is categorized and tagged

•   How content is made search-ready

•   How content can be leveraged across departments/roles

•   Cross-referencing related content

•   Regularly auditing content for freshness and accuracy

•   Archiving policy, processes and timing

Measuring success

Benchmark where you are today Engagement •   Website visits, bounce rate, time on site, user paths •   Email opens and click-through rate •   Downloads (of documents) or views (of videos) •   Social engagement Relevance •   Feedback from customers (surveys, sales conversations, etc.) •   Syndication, shares, inbound links Quality •   Evaluate existing content against goals and standards •   Use scorecards to quantify the quality of content against these standards

Brand Perception •   Voice of the Customer (VOC) research •   Surveys •   Social listening, media coverage

Define goals


pecific easurable





We want to foster 30% more repeat business among existing customers in the next 2 years.





We want to grow brand awareness.

We want to grow our online followers by 50% this year.

We want to increase sales.

Start small and stay focused

•   Choose 3-5 KPIs related to goals •   Focus on long-term, brand-level results •   Software and processes in place to measure regularly •   Make a commitment for the long haul

Resources Thought leadership tools, templates, articles and more: http://info.suiteseven.com/TLIO Slides at: http://www.slideshare.net/staceykinggordon


Stacey King Gordon Suite Seven [email protected] #loyaltyexpo #TLIO

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