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  • 7/31/2019 Tidings for May 2012


    A Note to you:

    Camp started on June 4 week with 97 campers from Sugar Creek Baptist in Ohio. On June 11 week, Ewing BaptistChurch, Kentucky arrived with 137 campers. Both groups really like the camp and have reserved the two weeks next year.Boys week started this week, June 18, and we are looking forward to a great camping season in our association.

    The second youth hymn sing was held on June 8 at Friendship Baptist in Irvine was a great success. We had 10churches send young people to perform and had 175 in attendance. There are some very talented young people in ourchurches. Due to the success of the youth hymn sing we are planning to increase the number next year.

    Food for Thought:

    This shocking statistic was brought out in the 2001 SBC pastors conference in New Orleans: 95 percent of allSouthern Baptists will live and die without ever sharing their faith in Christ. In that conference, Bobby Moore, pastor ofBroadway Baptist Church of Southaven, MS, told the pastors of the need to keep on going. He noted that 95 percent ofSouthern Baptists have never attempted to win anyone to Christ and that those who have been followers of Christ for a longtime tend to stop witnessing.

    He suggested five motivations for witnessing--the indwelling presence of Christ, the spiritual need of the lost, one'sdevotional life, the nearness of the second coming and an understanding of the glory of God.

    This should have been a wakeup call in 2001 but as you can see below not much has changed. The number ofbaptisms in the Southern Baptist Convention fell in 2010 by 4.98 percent, according to the latest report. Baptisms in theConvention are at their lowest level in 60 years. Southern Baptist churches reported 332,321 baptisms in 2010, down from349,737 in 2009.

    Total membership also declined by 0.15 percent from 2009, making it the fourth straight year of decline. FrankPage, president of the SBC Executive Committee and a former SBC president, is quoted by Baptist Press as saying he issad to see this report and that it seems to indicate a lack of passion for winning our world to the Lord. That will turnaround when we repent of our sins and seek the power of our Lord in our evangelistic efforts.

    Southern Baptist churches baptized 333,341 in 2011, a less than 1 percent increase from the 331,008 reported in theSBC Annual in 2010. Total membership in 2011, reported at 15,978,112, represents a 0.98 percent drop from 16,136,044reported the previous year and is the fifth straight year of decline.

    In the Boones Creek Baptist Association, churches baptized 172 in 2011, a decline of 14.5% from the reported 201baptisms in 2010. Total resident membership in 2011 reported at 6,974, represents a 7.5% drop from 7,534 in 2010.

    Dr. A. W. Tozer said, The impulse to share, to impart, normally accompanies any true encounter with God and

    spiritual things. The woman at the well, after her soul-inspiring meeting with Jesus, left her water pots, hurried into the cityand tried to persuade her friends to come out and meet Him. Come, see a man, she said, which told me all things thatever I did: is not this the Christ? Her spiritual excitement could not be contained within her own heart. She had to tellsomeone.

    Are you in the 95% who have never attempted to win anyone to Jesus? If you are, think of one person you knowthats lost and pray for them and then commit to try to win them to Christ.

    Yours in Christ,

    Bro. John Ryder-Director of Missions

    Angel Kane, Secretary

    Floyd & Gale Holbrook-Camp ManagerOffice (859) 744-0037

    Fax (859) 744-1069

    E-mail: [email protected]


    Printed June, 2012, Volume 45, issue 6

    Deadline for next Issue: July 15, 2012Boones Creek Baptist AssociationServing, Encouraging and Supporting Christs Churches

  • 7/31/2019 Tidings for May 2012


    CAMP REPORTWe have had 2 retreats with a total of 230 campers, 13salvations. Boys week-we had 24. Everything is running smoothly.EX. BOARD REPORTNext Ex. Bd. Meeting is Aug. 13,2012 at BoonesCreek Baptist Camp.ALLANSVILLENo Report

    BEECH GROVENo ReportBOONES CREEKVBS will be July 9-13th-9am-noon for children 3-6thgrade. Everyone is welcome! Our funfest will be Friday night at 6:30 at the

    park. You can register online at www.boonescreekchurch.com/VBSCALVARYOur graduation Banquet had 20+ in attendance, we hosted the

    I Love America Chorus. Bro Brett Benton is now serving as youth minister.VBS is July 15-20, 6-8:30pm each night.CENTRALMay 20th was Senior Recognition Sunday, and Middle SchoolBlast for grades 6-8 was May 30June1 WAM kids (Grades 1-5 canvassedsurrounding Central Baptist Church and handed out VBS flyers. The ChicagoMission trip for Grades 9-12 will be June 24-30. Sunday July 1 at 10:45 am aGod and Country Service will be presented by Centrals Worship Ministry.Student Life camp will be from July 9-13 at Orange Beach, Alabama.CLAY CITYWe had a good VBS with 2 profession of Faith.CORINTHNo ReportCOW CREEKJust finished John 3:16 Bible study and looking forward toVBS July 8-13.EMMANUELOur childrens Sunday School recited a small Mothers Day

    program for the church on Mothers Day. The children presented each Mothera live flower in a pot they had decorated. The children are working earnestly

    on learning the books of the Bible. We are planning a trip for the SundaySchool and other members of the church to a Legends Ballgame. We had aluncheon and special singing. The Fishers, on Memorial Weekend. It wasenjoyed by all who were able to attend.EPHESUS-Held 3 cottage prayer meetings in members homes in preparationfor Revival. Spring Revival was held June 8-10 with messages by Bro. TonyCecil. Celebrated Fathers Day by giving gifts to ll men in attendance. TNT(Tuesday Night in Town) on June 19 at Golden Corral. Bro. Todd will beattending MissionFest in Memphis, TN, July 7-13. Baby shower and luncheonfor Gary and Amy Riddell on July 15. Sunday School leader retreat at ShakerVillage on July 21. VBS July 29-Aug. 3 from 6-8pm.FAITHHad a great Mothers Day with Pastor and Bro. Mike preparing

    breakfast for the Ladies. Enjoyed Youth Hymn Sing at Friendship BC. Faithwent to Harlan Co. for a great Church Service. Revival coming up in Aug.Please everyone pray for revival starting within each Christians heart.Special singing July 27 at 7PM.FRIENDSHIPChurch purchased a bus. Held Spring Revival. Will celebrateFathers Day presenting caps for Dads. Outdoor service on June 24th with acook-out and special musicGREENBRIARGave gifts to Mothers at Church on Mothers Day. Willgive gifts out to Fathers Day. Birthday: Keileigh Richardson 7-24HEIDELBERGNo ReportHERITAGEPraise the Lord! Our steeple is now standing proudly upon ournew church and it can be seen from US 60 as well as I-64. We want to thankCarpenters for Christ once again for coming all the way up from Alabama andinstalling the steeple for us. There have been so many people who gave oftheir talents, to help us complete Heritage. We thank each of them from the

    bottom of our hearts and praise God for all of their efforts. Even greaterthings are still yet to come. God has a plan for each of us and Im filled with

    excitement to see what God is going to do next through Heritage. Thank YouLord, for loving us unconditionally even when we fail to follow Youobediently. You truly are an amazing Father. Bro Timothy Christopher.HOWARDS MILLNo ReportIRVINE FIRSTHat Sunday and Wild Tie Day, was celebrated on Derbyweekend, All graduates were honored. Mothers were presented flowers onMothers Day.IVORY HILL-We had Friends Day on May 6th passing out 9 packetswelcoming them. We gave special gifts of hanging flowers on Mothers Day tothe oldest mother present, the youngest mother present and the mother withthe most kids present with her. Also flowers were passed out to reach eachmother present. On May 20th, 13 graduates were presented with new Bibles.Our quarterly Birthday Singing will be June 24th at 6pm with special singer,Jennifer Webb.

    JEFFERSONVILLEThe men had Special Singing for the Motheron Mothers Day. Mothers Day celebration-Brunch, excellent turn ouMothers had a great time of fellowship, with lots of laughter. Ourvisitation program had been very prosperous. Youth Car wash/bakesale-saw many dirty vehicles washed. 2 members Larry Esteppe, andDavid Ballard and 1 friend Robert Reed have recently gone to be witthe Lord. On June 2nd: We had a Fish Fry-with proceeds going to seYouth to Boones Creek Baptist Camp. RAs & GAs had a nature hikand picnic at Red River George on June 9th. June 17-Fathers Day,Message and Dinner (pot luck). Church going to Natural Bridge for tday on June 23rd, leave the Church at 11 am. Come join us-food gamlots of love and fellowship, bring some chips/sodas have a wonderfuday. June 30we will celebrate 4th of July with a cook-out 7pm andfireworks to follow 9 pm. You wont be disappointed. All are invitedcome join us. July 13th: Relay for Life. July 14:Movie night withMexican Dinner-(bring your favorite dish of food) 6pm and movie at7pm with pop-corn. July 16-20 VBS Adventures on Promise Land-Island Theme. We would love to have you come and be a part of theBible Study. Not attending church anywhere, we invite you to come jus in fellowship and Worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. Paul Hubbour Interim Pastor.KIDDVILLE-No Report

    MACEDONIAOn May 6th, Gideon -Dr. Daniel Freeman spokeregarding the work they are doing. We had a reviving revival with BrDarin Thomas on May 19th and 20th. We honored our mothers withangels handmade by one of our members, Riva Skidmore. Our MilesPennies program is off to a great start with over 10,000 pennies. Our

    WMU ladies are collecting coupons for the His Hands Ministry. Ouryouth is having a softball tournament fundraiser at our grounds on Ju9th. We will have our VBS kick-off on June 24th at 5:30pm. VBS w

    be June 25-27th, 6-8 pm each night.

    MEANSNo ReportMT. OLIVE-No Report

    NEW COVENANT REFORMED-No ReportNEW HOPEHad graduation celebration for 2 graduates. Our Pastowill be away, due to him being Camp Director at Boones Creek BaptCamp.NORTHSIDEIt is always a blessing to honor our Mothers. What agreat service. Looking forward to VBS June 10-15.PANOLAZack Romans graduated from High School. Our best to in the next phase of his life. Fathers Day Meal-Men to prepare a desto be judged on the best. Still working on our 200th Birthday in

    September.POWELLS VALLEYMothers Day Breakfast. Will have work daythe New Property on May 19th. Working on lap quilts for the nursinghome. Had 200 meal ministry. VBS on June 18-22.PROVIDENCE, C.C.Youth will participate in the Assoc. YouthHymn Sing, June 8th. VBS June 11th-15th.

    PROVIDENCE, E.C.We honored our high school graduatewith a new bible and our college graduates with a concordancEach Mother was resented a flower for Mothers Day. Plans arunderway for VBS. Ended the month of May with an in churcsinging, nothing like singing praises to our Lord.REID VILLAGE-Our youth choir and childrens choir sang the Youth Hymn Sing at Friendship BC. We had our annualWMU Mothers/Daughters/ Friend Banquet May 12. with Sud

    Banks from the Dessie Scott Children Center as the guestspeaker. 20 people attended a Legends game on Sat. May 17thThe youth had a lock-in and the Kids Worship group had a coout. We have a relay For Life with 20 members registered. Ware still selling candy bars, t-shirts and luminarias andaccepting donations. So far we have raised over $1200. for theAmerican Cancer Society. We kicked off our VBS with a tripthe airport where the children saw a plane and enjoyed a picniVBS is Monday, June 18th-Friday 25th from 6-8pm. The themis Amazing Wonders. Transportation is available-call859-858-6183. We are having a 4th of July cookout on Fri. Ju29th at 6pm and afterwards will show the movie Faith Like Potatoes.

    Continued on Next Page

  • 7/31/2019 Tidings for May 2012


    In This Issue look for:

    1-DOM (A note to you)2-Disaster/Emergency Relief

    3-To all Churches in the Association

    4-Building Fund


    6-July Birthdays and Anniversaries

    7-Mission Opportunities

    8-New Beginning Pregnancy Center

    9-Clark County Community Center

    10-2012 SBC Annual Meeting

    REID VILLAGE-Our relay for Life Team will participate in the July 13thevent at Easy Walker Park. Come and support the American Cancer Societyfundraising event. We have 4 girls signed up to attend camp. Our next 5thSunday Hymn Sing is July 29th. Everyone welcome to attend. Our WMU/CIA is sponsoring a Pure Water/Pure Love project. Well collect waterbottles filled with dimes and use the money to help purchase water filters forforeign missionaries. Our Fall Revival is scheduled for Oct. 28-Nov.2.

    SPEARS MILLSenior Day trip May 19th to Casey County, visiting theGalilean Home, was enjoyed by 15 members. This is always a blessing tovisit and witness Gods work there. Offering to Annie Armstrong totaled$472.77. Baby dedication was hold Sunday Morning Mothers Day with fourbabies being dedicated. Mothers were given a potted plant. VBS is set for July

    15 thru 19th Adventures on Promise Island is the program this year. Soundslike lots of fun! The choir is practicing on July 4th Cantata with the youthgoing in too. This is always good and its fun practicing for it. Senior Day tripplanned June 22nd to KY Mountain Arts Center. This is also a good trip withlots of entertainment art talent. Also keeping in mind with collections forSamaritans Purse Christmas shoe boxes. New offering for this month isSunrise Children Services. Spears Mill wishes everyone a great and blessed


    SALEMHad a successful Revival with Bro. John Ryder. Had 4decisions, with one for Salvation. Gave Bibles to 8 High SchoolGraduates and one College Graduate. Gave each Mother a potted

    plant for Mothers Day.SPRING STREETHomecoming with Special Music and EarlWaugh as guest Speaker. Planning for 20th anniversary in

    August. More details at a later date.THOMASWe are planning a Fish Fry to honor the Dads in ourcongregation Sunday June 17th. VBS is scheduled for July 9th-13th.

    VALLEY VIEWNo ReportWM. MEMORIALWe honored our Mothers and otherwomen on Mothers Day. Our revival was May 20-23.

    II Corinthians 8:20-21

    20-Avoiding this, that noman should blame us in thisabundance which is admin-istered by us:

    21-Providing for honestthings, not only in the sightof the Lord, but also in thesight of men.

    Donation in Memory Rev. Leon Greer- given by Ca


    Don Sharp -given by Margare


    Mitch Baber-given by Irvine F

    Baptist Church

    Donation in Honor ofKirby Rich-given by Ronald




    The Disaster Emergency Relief

    Committee is available to the

    churches for projects that

    require manpower.

    Call the Association Office

    859/744-0037 if you need help.

    Building Fund For The


    You can donate to the Boones

    Creek Baptist Association in

    MEMORY or in HONOR of

    a Love One. Please write on

    your check memo: Building


  • 7/31/2019 Tidings for May 2012



    Web Site: www.calltohelp.orgFEIN# 31-1005844

    Judy Crowe, Executive Director Phone 859-744-5034E-MAIL:[email protected] Fax 859-737-1910





    By now, most of you have heard that Rankin Paynter purchased and do-nated theclearance merchandise from Kmart to our agency. Most of this is winterclothing and will be given away at Operation Happiness. It is the first timwe have had coats to give to the older children and teenagers for Christ-mas. It was a very generous donation!

    Community Services had fourteen families in attendance at the May 21stbudgeting class.The next class is 6 p.m. June 25 at the Extension Office on Fortune DriveThere will also be a class at the Public Library on June 20.

    Clark County Community Services has been successful in the 100 Cars foGood Program.Thank you to everyone who voted for us on Face Book. We received amaing support from the local community as well as many votes across theUnited States.We will receive a new Toyota Tundra truck sometime in the next few wee

    Best Wishes to July Birthdays:

    27-Jessie Kline-Pastor-Northside

    27-Todd Rader-Pastor-Ephesus

    Best Wishes July Anniversaries:

    1-Jim and Vida Rediford-Corinth

    7-Rick and Brenda Kirby-Thomas

    7-Ricky and Loretta Powell-Valley View

    13-Earl and Mary Jo Waugh-Retired

    15-John and Mildred Ryder-DOM

    23-Randy And Sherry Stone-New Hope24-Dale and Angel Kane-Sect. BCBA


    1. Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Neede

    2. Go Metro USA and Find It Here 2012. Contactthe association office for more information

    2012 SBC ANNUAL MEETINGJUNE 19-20, 2012



    3 more weeks of camp

    Girls week June 25-29 ages 7-14

    Senior Co-Ed-July 9-13 ages 14-17

    Junior Co-Ed July 16-20 ages 7-14

    Come and have a great time

    learning about Jesus. Alone

    with games, swimming, campfire,

    crafts and much more.

    You can go to

    www.boonescreekbaptistassoc.com and

    download the campers application.

    New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Winchester has anongoing need for baby wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6) and

    formula (Good Start in green and orange cans), as well ascontinued financial support. Churches are encouraged tosupport local Pregnancy Centers in honor of Sanctity ofHuman Life Sunday, Jan. 16, as well as throughout the year.

    Please call 859-744-5988 with any questions or to arrangedrop-offs.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 Tidings for May 2012


    2 3 4

    Independence Day

    5 6 7

    Memphis M




    Sr. Co-Ed Camp



    10 11 12 13 14

    5 16

    Jr. Co-Ed Camp


    Ages 7-14

    17 18 19

    Pastors Prayer





    20 21


    arents Day

    23 24 25 26 27




    9 30 31

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