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  • Titles in This Serie s

    9 Willia m T. Trotter, Editor, Plana r Graph s 8 Simo n Gindikin, Editor, Mathematica l Method s of Analysis of Biopolymer Sequence s 7 Lyl e A. McGeoch and Daniel D. Sleator, Editors, On-Lin e Algorithms 6 Jaco b E . Goodman , Richar d Pollack , an d Willia m Steiger , Editors , Discret e

    and Computational Geometry : Paper s from th e DIMACS Special Year 5 Fran k Hwang, Clyde Monma, and Fred Roberts, Editors , Reliabilit y o f Compute r an d

    Communication Network s 4 Pete r Gritzman n an d Bern d Sturmfels , Editors , Applie d Geometr y an d Discret e

    Mathematics, The Victor Klee Festschrif t 3 E . M. Clarke and R. P. Kurshan, Editors, Computer-Aide d Verificatio n '9 0 2 Joa n Feigenbaum and Michael Merritt, Editors, Distribute d Computin g and Cryptograph y 1 Willia m Cook and Paul D. Seymour, Editors, Polyhedra l Combinatoric s

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  • Planar Graph s

  • DIMACS Series i n Discret e Mathematic s

    and Theoretica l Compute r Scienc e

    Volume 9

    Planar Graph s William T . Trotte r


    NSF Scienc e an d Technolog y Cente r in Discret e Mathematic s an d Theoretica l Compute r Scienc e A consortiu m o f Rutger s University , Princeto n University ,

    AT&T Bell Labs , Bellcor e

    American Mathematica l Societ y


  • This DIMAC S volum e resultin g fro m th e Specia l Yea r o n Grap h Theor y an d Algo -rithms contain s researc h article s an d extende d abstract s fro m participant s a t th e Pla -nar Graph s Worksho p hel d a t DIMAC S fro m Novembe r 18 , 199 1 throug h Novembe r 21, 1991 .

    1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primar y 05C10 , 05C35 , 05C38, 05C75 , 05C85 .

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Dat a

    Planar graphs/William T . Trotter, editor . p. cm.—(DIMAC S series in discrete mathematics and theoretica l compute r science;

    v. 9) "Research article s and extended abstract s of participants a t the Planar Graphs Worksho p

    held at DIMACS from Novembe r 18 , 1991 through November 21 , 1991"—Fwd. Includes bibliographical references . ISBN 0-8218-6600- 1 1. Graph theory—Congresses . I . Trotter, William T. II . Series.

    QA166.P56 199 3 93-2233 9 511/.5-dc20 CI P

    Copying an d reprinting . Individua l reader s o f thi s publication , an d nonprofi t librarie s actin g for them , ar e permitte d t o mak e fai r us e o f th e material , suc h a s t o cop y a n articl e fo r us e in teaching or research . Permissio n i s granted t o quote brief passage s from thi s publication i n reviews, provided the customary acknowledgmen t o f the source is given.

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    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 97 96 95 94 93

  • Contents

    Foreword i x

    Preface x i

    Cycles, Cocycle s an d Diagonals : A Characterizatio n o f Plana r Graph s DAN ARCHDEACON , C . P . BONNINGTO N AN D C . H . C . LITTL E 1

    Stack an d Queu e Layout s o f Directed Plana r Graph s LENWOOD S . HEATH , SRIRA M V . PEMMARAJ U AN D

    ANN TREN K 5

    Enumeration o f Degree Restricte d Roote d Map s o n th e Spher e E. A . BENDE R AN D E . R . CANFIEL D 1 3

    A Generalisatio n o f MacLane' s Theore m t o 3-graph s C. PAU L BONNINGTO N AN D CHARLE S H . C . LITTL E 1 7

    Chordal Completion s o f Grid s an d Plana r Graph s F. R . K . CHUN G AN D DAVI D MUMFOR D 3 7

    Upward Plana r Drawin g o f Singl e Sourc e Acycli c Digraph s MICHAEL D . HUTTO N AN D ANN A LUBI W 4 1

    Flow i n Plana r Graphs : A Survey o f Result s SAMIR KHULLE R AN D JOSEP H (SEFFI ) NAO R 5 9

    Planar Grap h Colorin g wit h a n Uncooperativ e Partne r H. A . KlERSTEA D AN D W . T . TROTTE R 8 5

    Partitioning a Rectangl e int o Man y Sub-rectangle s so that a Line ca n Mee t onl y a Fe w


    Disjoint Essentia l Circuit s i n Toroida l Map s BOJAN MOHA R AN D NEI L ROBERTSO N 10 9


    Layout o f Rooted Tree s JANOS PAC H AN D JEN O TOROCSI K 13 1

    Vertex Degree s i n Plana r Graph s

    DOUGLAS B . W E S T AN D T O D D WIL L 13 9

    List o f Participant s 151

  • Foreword

    This DIMAC S volum e resultin g fro m th e Specia l Year o n Grap h Theor y an d Algorithms contain s researc h article s an d extende d abstract s o f participant s a t the Plana r Graph s Workshop held a t DIMAC S from Novembe r 18 , 1991 through November 21 , 1991. We especially than k th e Worksho p organizer , To m Trotter , for organizin g a n activit y tha t brough t togethe r s o man y outstandin g speaker s and participant s dealin g wit h thi s importan t field.

    Fred Roberts , Actin g Directo r

    Robert Tarjan , Co-Directo r

    Diane Souvaine , Associat e Directo r

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  • Preface

    During th e 1991/9 2 academi c year , Fa n R . K . Chun g an d I serve d a s Co -Directors of the Specia l Year on Graph Theor y an d Algorithm s sponsore d b y th e Center fo r Discret e Mathematics an d Theoretica l Compute r Scienc e (DIMACS) . Based o n informa l feedbac k fro m som e o f th e mor e tha n 30 0 researcher s wh o traveled t o Ne w Jerse y thi s pas t yea r t o participat e i n DIMAC S activities , th e Special Yea r wa s a grea t success . Thi s admittedl y biase d vie w i s supporte d by th e growin g lis t o f accomplishment s i n whic h researcher s recogniz e th e rol e played b y DIMAC S i n initiating , fosterin g an d facilitatin g thei r work .

    The Specia l Year o n Grap h Theor y an d Algorithm s feature d fou r workshops :

    • Rando m Graph s an d Randomize d Algorithm s Milena Mihai l Joel Spence r

    • Plana r Graphs : Structure s an d Algorithm s Tom Trotte r

    • Grap h Embedding s an d Paralle l Architecture s Tom Leighto n Bruce Magg s Amy Rosenber g

    • Expande r graphs : Theor y an d Application s Persi Diaconi s Joel Friedma n

    This monograp h consist s o f researc h article s an d extende d abstract s submit -ted b y participant s i n th e Worksho p o n Plana r Graphs . Mor e tha n 7 0 person s attended thi s Workshop, an d thes e papers cove r a wide range of topics including : enumeration, characterizatio n problems , algorithms , extremal problems, networ k flows and geometry .

    I would lik e to expres s m y appreciatio n t o th e person s wh o attende d th e Pla -nar Graph s Worksho p an d contribute d t o it s success . Also , specia l thank s t o the author s o f the article s appearing i n this volume an d t o the man y anonymou s


  • X l l PREFACE

    referees fo r thei r assistanc e wit h th e compositio n o f a volum e whic h wil l (hope -fully) hav e lasting scientific value . Finally , thanks to Christine Thivierge , Donn a Harmon an d Nanc y Gerst l fo r thei r editoria l an d secretaria l assistance .

    Tom Trotte r

    Director, Combinatoric s an d Optimizatio n Bell Communication s Researc h

    Regents Professo r Arizona Stat e Universit y

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  • List o f

    Mike Albertso n Noga Alo n Dan Archdeaco n Jorgen Bang-Jense n Lowell Beinek e Dan Bienstoc k Endre Boro s Rod Canfiel d Guantao Che n Kiran Chilakamarr i Peter Christophe r Marek Chroba k Fan R . K . Chun g Vasek Chvata l Nate Dea n Guoli Din g Dwight Duffu s Genghua Fa n Martin Farac h Mike Fellow s Zoltan Fiired i Ron Graha m Jerry Grigg s Ruth Haa s Glenn Hurlber t David Johnso n Jeff Kah n Howard Karlof f Mark Kayl l


    [email protected]

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    Suh-Ryung Ki m Daniel J . Kleitma n Tom Leighto n Charles Littl e Anna Lubi w Joe Malkevitc h Gary Mille r Bohan Moha r Seffi Nao r Jarik Nesetfi l Laszlo Pybe r Vijaya Ramachandra n Bruce Ree d Fred Robert s Neil Robertso n Bruce Rothschil d Mike Sak s Ed Scheinerma n Dick Schel p Walter Schnyde r Lex Schrijve r Paul Seymou r Greg Shanno n Alistair Sinclai r Diane Souvain e Gabor Tardo s Bob Tarja n Prasad Tetal i Robin Thoma s Ann Tren k Tom Trotte r Dirk Vertiga n Chi Wan g Doug Wes t Gill Williamso n Peter Winkle r C. Q . Zhan g

    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] bojan.mohar@uni-lj .ac.mail.s i [email protected] nesetril@cspugl 1 .bit net [email protected]

    [email protected] breed@muff. cs. mcgill. ca frobert s@dimacs. rut gers. edu [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] schelpr @hermes. msci. memst. edu wschny der @eagle. wesleyan. edu [email protected] pds@bellcore. com shannon@luap. cs. indiana. edu sinclair@icsi .berkeley. edu [email protected] [email protected] ret @pr incet on. edu [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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