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Unicorn For Writers

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Unicorn For WritersYou’re a writer, and you’ve written something

wonderful, but what do you do next? Here at Unicorn for Writers, LLC we can help you navigate the confusing and complicated road to publishing.

Perhaps you need your query letter created or reviewed, a hot marketing plan created, contracts negotiated, copyrights registered, self publishing recommendations, customized agent(s) recommendations, permissions cleared, subsidiary rights sold, reversion of rights requested and obtained, or your manuscript evaluated or edited, Unicorn for Writers is the publishing expert for you.

Unicorn for Writers is uniquely designed to arm writers with the practical know-how to get their manuscript through or around the gatekeepers of the publishing world. Today, between multinational media corporations and global entertainment conglomerates, getting a publisher's attention takes more than a great idea and a flair for the written word. Whether you like it or not, publishers view your manuscript as much as a business proposition as a work of art.

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Unicorn For WritersJan Kardys’ diverse book publishing career included executive positions at ten of the major book publishers - Doubleday, St. Martin's Press, Scholastic, Macmillan, Scribner's, Little, Brown & Company, Warner Books, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Lippincott & Crowell, Publishers, Simon & Schuster/Prentice Hall. Her experiences are in editorial, art/production, subsidiary rights, contracts, copyrights, permissions, book agenting, editing, writers conferences, --and now as a freelance editor and publishing consultant. Jan also worked for Google for three years and has Internet sales/marketing training.

Jeanne E. Rogers is a self-published author who has successfully plotted a course through the difficult and sometimes frustrating world of writing, and publishing. She is familiar with all aspects of social media necessary to successfully self-publish and market a book. She is active on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads, and others. Her experience with self-publishing via CreateSpace, both in book and eBook format, has provided her with invaluable experience that she enjoys sharing with her fellow writers. Jeanne is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, the ALA, AIA, CAPA, IBPA, IWC, and SCBWI."

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Unicorn For Writers

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Unicorn For Writers

BOOK PUBLISHING CLASSES Greenwich Cont. Ed. Greenwich, CT (Link to Greenwich Continuing Education)Monday, Sept. 16, 2013- October 28, 2013

Norwalk Community College (Link to Norwalk Community College)Saturday, October 19, 2013 – November 9, 2013 9:30-11:30 am

LIBRARY EVENTSBethel Library, CT(Link to Bethel Library) Thursday: October 31, 2013 6-8 pm January 30, 2014 10am - 12 April 10, 2014 6-8 pm


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"Nothing stinks like a pile of unpublished writing." Sylvia Plath.

You have finally finished your book, and you are delighted with the results. You have rewritten it at least a dozen times. The characters are alive in your head, or your nonfiction book conveys the facts just as you hoped, and you long to get published.

But, is your manuscript ready? Too often writers crash through the gates without really preparing their final manuscript. They assume that an agent or editor will handle the editing and revisions. Too many times, a writer will email submissions and enclose material, which truly isn't ready for an agent, and certainly, not for a book editor. Not every writer has the appropriate connections necessary to obtain practical and editorial suggestions. They may not be able to cover all of the following important issues: Characters (major and minor character development), descriptions, plots, subplots, action, scene development and setup, suggestions for revisions, climaxes, book proposal reviews (nonfiction), and other items. Unicorn for Writers LLC, will provide 10-20 pages (depending upon the length of your book) of detailed comments on the above areas, and provide you with invaluable assistance with our professional manuscript evaluations.

See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers

MANUSCRIPT EDITING After completing your novel or nonfiction book the next step is to find an excellent book editor who can carefully and accurately protect the integrity of your book. Our purpose is to enhance your final version by offering editorial suggestions and changes. Once we offer suggestions, we will help you revise, modify or adapt your manuscript so it is suitable for submission. For fiction, Unicorn for Writers will help you consider the following important factors: Characterization (fully developed main and secondary characters), Plot structure and subplots, Climaxes, Conflicts, Dialogue, Point of view, and much more. For nonfiction book projects we focus on the structure, outline and direction of your idea, and how you implemented it. Also, we carefully study your writing style and give you detailed feedback on how to improve your book. At Unicorn for Writers LLC, we are concerned with the integrity of your words, and most importantly, all the great details that are necessary in order to make your fiction, or nonfiction book ready for publication. See Price List.

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If you are a new writer or a seasoned professional, you need a review of the first chapter (or several chapters) of your book before you proceed to publication, or querying a literary agent. As a writer, you need sound and honest advice about all aspects of these early chapters in order to gain insights on how to proceed with your book. In the changing world of publishing, it is wise to hook your reader from the early pages for your novel, and paint the messages of any nonfiction project. Unicorn for Writers will provide 10 pages (depending upon the length of your book) of detailed comments, and provide you with invaluable assistance with our professional manuscript evaluations. See Price List

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Unicorn For Writers

FIRST FIVE PAGES The First Five Pages of your manuscript should speak volumes about you as a writer. In addition, they should be sterling and hook the reader. If you want to get the attention of a literary agent, book editor or publisher, you need to focus on these five pages. In order to stay out of the rejection pile, it is important to learn how to master the art of enticing your readers with your opening pages. If you hook them emotionally and intellectually with these early pages your reader won't be able to put your book down! It’s all about what you write, and how you write those pages that will make this happen. How many times have you gone to a bookstore or read the beginning of a novel or nonfiction book and thought the writer was brilliant in capturing your imagination, while other books didn't heat up until the end of chapter four? Unicorn for Writers is not only concerned about the craft of writing, but we will offer practical, structured, and meaningful suggestions for your first five pages that will give you the direction you need in order to capture the imagination of your audience. See fee sheet.

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Unicorn For Writers


Traditionally, a copyeditor and a proofreader held separate functions in a publishing company. However, at Unicorn for Writers we have combined these services in order to assist you with your book. What does a great copyeditor and proofreader do for you? Unicorn for Writers will help you with the following: Mechanical editing, which is grammar,Usage,Spelling, Punctuation, Logic, Syntax, Structure, Fact-checking, andQueries. Creativity and critical thinking are involved in copyediting and proofreading your book. We’ll help you get it into the best condition prior to your submitting it to an agent, editor, or book publisher. If you should decide to self-publish your work, you’ll want it to be in the best possible form. Unicorn for Writers is delighted to help you produce a well-crafted manuscript. We’ll help you create it. See Price List.

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A book summary is a comprehensive and concise description of the plot, main points of the book, and major characters. A well-written synopsis succeeds in doing more than just summarizing your book. It attracts and holds the interest of your readers, which includes potential agents and publishers. The main purpose is to write an enticing summary that will compel the reader to want more. Unicorn for Writers will create a one-page summary for you, or review and rewrite your existing piece. We will prepare a concise and delightful book summary to tantalize any reader, especially a literary agent, book editor and publisher. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers


A book summary is a comprehensive and concise description of the plot, main points of the book, and major characters, of a nonfiction book. A well-written synopsis succeeds in doing more than just summarizing your book. It attracts and holds the interest of your readers, which includes potential agents and publishers. The main purpose is to write an enticing summary that will compel the reader to want more. Unicorn for Writers will review and/or rewrite your one-page summary for you. You will receive a concise and delightful book summary to tantalize any reader, especially a literary agent, book editor and publisher. See Price List.

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The purpose of an outline is to describe each chapter as its own entity. It is also a great way to organize your thoughts and feelings, and any research you may have gathered for your book. Organizing your book this way, helps you to work out plotting problems and develop character arcs. Some literary agents and editors may request chapter-by-chapter outlines for novels, as well as a full synopsis. However, with nonfiction proposals, a chapter-by-chapter outline is essential. Unicorn for Writers will review your existing outline and provide helpful comments, or create a chapter-by-chapter outline using a range from a few paragraphs to two page per chapter.

See Price List

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Unicorn For Writers

GHOSTWRITERS A ghostwriter is a writer who writes books, reports, textbooks, or other materials without getting official or legal credit for the work. For some projects a ghostwriter will completely write the book without any input from the official author. This type of work is owned and copyrighted by another person or corporation. An excellent ghostwriter will spend a great deal of time researching, writing, and editing, and the fees vary depending on the project. Unicorn for Writers will consider all types of ghostwriting projects - for example, a consultant may pay a ghostwriter to write a book on a topic for them in their professional field, a medical company needs a ghostwriter for a booklet or pamphlet, or a company or organization may need our assistance behind the scenes for a book, website, or other material. At Unicorn for Writers we offer various degrees of involvement in the production of your finished book or written material in any form - print or electronic version. See Price List.

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Before you write your book, you should research your competition. Literary Agents, Book Editors, Book Publishers, and Bookstores need this vital information in order to make a key decision on whether or not to sell and/or publish your book. Whether you self publish or sell your book to a traditional book publisher, you need to know the competing books, (what is currently published and in print). After all, a book is a product in the marketplace, and you must understand your book’s position in the book world. Unicorn for Writers will provide a list of at least twenty top competing books that are in print. This information will be provided to you in the below listed format. We will also provide a brief description outlining the similarities and differences from your proposed book. TitleAuthorPublisherCopyright date and year of publicationPriceISBN (all versions)Number of pagesNumber of illustrations/photographsSpecial features of the book

The important question is: “How will my book compete in the market with similar books?” See price list.

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Unicorn For WritersTITLE CREATION

What’s in a name, or should we ask, ‘What’s in a title?’The answer: EVERYTHING! A title can attract and hold a reader’s attention. It can ‘speak’ to you, and beckon you. It can intrigue you to the point where you will not be able to ignore it - you must read on. Titles name a book, and names are important. A good name can make or break you. A title conveys the essence of the story to the casual looker, and it can also brand your book. Examples of some great titles:HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER, GONE WITH THE WIND, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE, ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE It is true that your traditional book publisher may wish to change your selected title, but you should present your book to agents and editors with the best title possible. Selecting the perfect title for your book is the beginning of marketing your product. Your title sets the tone, and draws the readers into your world, and it targets your readers. Unicorn for Writers can help you "market" your book and make someone want to read it. . See Price List.

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A good character analysis should describe a character's actions, ethics, motivations, and emotions. It should also describe your major character's behavior and effect on other characters in your story. At Unicorn for Writers LLC, we will create a concise, thoughtful and useful character analysis for one or more of your characters. In addition, we will give you a brief assessment for each character and offer suggestions for how you can improve them in your book. See Price List

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A query letter should leave the reader hungry to read more! A query letter to a literary agent, publisher or editor should be concise, intriguing and well crafted. It should contain information about you, and information describing your book. This one page letter is crucial in providing a positive first impression, and is the first step in obtaining a literary agent. It therefore needs to include certain required elements, and your personal sales pitch.

There are guidelines and professional rules to follow for query letters. These guidelines and rules are different depending on the whether or not your book is fiction or nonfiction. In addition, there are different letters required for children’s books, novels, magazine articles, and more. You must be familiar with the submission guidelines of the agents, editors, and publishers, prior to composing your query letter. A creative and fascinating query letter will grab their attention and help you stand out in the crowd.

As a writer, you need a comprehensive strategy for presenting your ideas in a way that will increase your chances of publication. Unicorn for Writers LLC has the publishing experience and skills to review your query letter and provide comments to improve it. Let us help you create an impressive query letter customized for your book.

See Price List

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BOOK PROPOSAL REVIEWFor writers of nonfiction, the book proposal is the key to publication. In many cases, the book proposal is written before the book itself, and will determine whether or not the author is contracted with a publisher or agent. The unique publishing experience of the Unicorn for Writers staff allows us to evaluate and critique book proposals on wide variety of topics. We will review your written material and your proposal. Is your idea solid? Is your formatting attractive and effective? Is your argument clear? Is your proposal an accurate reflection of your work? We will provide comments and suggestions on your proposal; along with one to two pages of professional critique. We will ensure that the next draft of your proposal is in condition for submission. See Price List

BOOK PROPOSAL CREATIONYou have the knowledge and passion to write your nonfiction book. Ideas abound, inspiration illuminates. The muses speak to you directly. But when it comes to condensing your brilliant idea into a succinct and effective book proposal, you draw a blank. The professionals at Unicorn for Writers are here to help. After a personal consultation to discuss your project, we can create a book proposal for you that will make your project attractive, organized, and formatted to industry specifications. If you have written material for your book, we will review it to make sure your proposal accurately reflects your work. See Price List

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At Unicorn for Writers we will complete the copyright certificate for your self published or unpublished book with the US Copyright Office. Authors, editors, and publishers understand the need for a thorough review of a manuscript in order to prevent legal controversy, libel, and copyright infringement. The copyright page is where an author will note where portions of the book have been previously published, permissions to publish extensive excerpts, quotations from copyrighted works, and photo credits. The copyright notice consists of three parts: the symbol ©, the year the book is published, and the name of the copyright owner. It is a practice of many publishers to use both the word “Copyright” and the symbol ©, but either is acceptable. Example: Copyright © 2014 Deborah SweeneyAll rights reserved. Published 2014.Printed in the United States of America See Price List

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Unicorn For WritersPERMISSIONS

Permissions Evaluation for your BookPermissions Obtained and Cleared for your Book

If you plan on using material from a book, magazine, newspaper, website, lyrics, or any other source material, in your publication, you must obtain written permission from the copyright owner to use that material. The only exception is fair use material, and material that is in the public domain. **Located on the book’s copyright page, and you will find the publisher, title, author’s name, and copyright notice. Unicorn for Writers LLC will clear permissions for you or provide advice on how to clear permissions for your book. For an additional fee, we will obtain the permission licenses for you from the copyright holder, and negotiate the best fees possible so you can use copyright material in your work. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers

eBook FORMATTING The eBook has made an impact on the publishing world. It’s not enough to have a book in print. It is now important to have your book available in eBook format as well. In fact, the experts predict that eventually, there will be more eBook editions sold than print editions. There are various devices for reading an eBook - Amazon's Kindle, Apple's iPad, iPhone and iPod, and others. Formatting a manuscript in preparation for an eBook requires extension work and coding. You can't simply upload a PDF version of your manuscript and create an eBook version, as it won't display well on all digital devices. Unicorn for Writers has the experts to ensure your book is properly coded and formatted for your electronic version. See price list

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AUDIO RECORDINGS According to the Audio Publishers Association the total number of audio books published in the last three years has doubled. This is an additional source of income for self-published and traditional published authors. Many major book publishers wish to obtain audio rights in order to license them to an audio publisher. The split is generally 50% to the Publisher and 50% to the Author, and there are some special exceptions in the splits. The percentage allocated for the author will be paid to the Author or Authors' Agent only after the advance paid for the book has earned out, and at times, an author might never see any income from this sale. If any agent retains these rights on behalf of the author (the agent's client), the agent should attempt to sell these rights to an audio publisher. However, there are only a few literary agencies that have a person devoted to exclusively handle audio book rights for all their authors. Unicorn for Writers will focus on these important rights, and either request a reversion of rights for unlicensed rights from a book publisher, check on the status of your existing audio licenses and check your audio rights royalty statements, contact your literary agent to get the ball moving on licensing these rights, and/or focus on selling these audio rights for you. See Price List.

Unicorn For Writers

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Unicorn For Writers

Publishing Consultation

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Unicorn For WritersPublishing Agreements-Prepared

As a published or self published author you will need to either prepare or review various agreements related to your work. Such agreements might include, publishing agreements, or work for hire agreements with freelance editors, copyeditors, web designers, programmers, artists, and other parties. If you are published you may need a reversion of rights letter (or a partial reversion of rights agreement). You may need to request a cancellation and return of advance documents. You may be considering a subsidiary rights agreement with a foreign publisher, or special sales agreements. Unicorn for Writers has a wealth of experience drafting, negotiating, and revising a comprehensive range of contracts for wide variety of publishing rights. These rights could involve U.S., U.K., and other jurisdictions. They may include adults’ and children’s book agreements, contributor agreements (for illustrators, photographers, translators, and designers), co-edition agreements with museum and galleries, co-publishing arrangements, reprint and other subsidiary rights, electronic and audio agreements. This could be a very difficult area to navigate. It would be a pleasure to assist you. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersAgent-Recommendations

Finding the right agent is one of your main objectives. Many new writers will not do the research necessary in order to find the right agent for their book. Research includes, the agent's background, submission guidelines, and area of interests. The number one reason the aspiring writer gets rejected is because the writer has approached an agent who is inappropriate for his/her book. Understanding the complex publishing world is challenging. Even if you do find the perfect match, you need to know who, when and how to approach each agent. Unicorn for Writers has the contacts, and the experience to provide you with a detailed list of agents that are appropriate for your book. In addition, we document the reasons why we selected these literary agents. We will recommend only those agents who have experience selling books to publishers that are a match to your book's genre/subject matter. See price list

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Unicorn For WritersPublishers-Recommendations

Finding the right publisher is one of your main objectives regardless of whether you use an agent to sell your book to a traditional book publisher, and negotiate a book deal with this publisher, or if you submit to publishers who will consider your book without being represented by a literary agent. Many new writers will not do the research necessary in order to find the right publisher for their book. Research includes the publisher’s list of titles (front and back list), submission guidelines, and area of interests. The number one reason the aspiring writer gets rejected is because the writer has approached a publisher who is inappropriate for his/her book. Understanding the complex publishing world is challenging, and requires time consuming research and consideration. Even if you do find the perfect match, you need to know who, when and how to approach each publisher and the right editor at each publishing house. Unicorn for Writers has the contacts, and the experience to provide you with a detailed list of publishers that are appropriate for your book. In addition, we document the reasons why we selected these publishers. We will recommend only those publishers that are a match to your book's genre/subject matter. See price list.

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Unicorn For Writers

Book Printers-Recommendations

Finding the right printer is important if you self publish. Many new writers will not do the research necessary in order to find the appropriate printer for their book. Research includes the printer's work history, background, printing submission guidelines, bindings, paper samples, and the printer’s minimum print runs. Understanding the complex print world is challenging and can be costly if the wrong printer is used for your book. Unicorn for Writers has the contacts, and the experience to provide you with a detailed list of printers that are appropriate for your book. In addition, we document the reasons why we selected these printers. We will recommend only those printers who have experience printing your type of book - e.g., cookbook, four color children’s book, coffee table book, photo essay book, mass market paperback, trade paperback, or a hardcover book. See price list.

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Unicorn For WritersBook Distributors-Recommendations

Book Distribution is the method of getting your books from the printer to the reader. The key to your success as a published author is finding the right book distributor for your book. A traditional book publisher will not allow you to sell your book in a bookstore without using their sales force, and they have book distributors that they have worked with for years. However, if you self-publish you have many options: personal website, Amazon, Baker & Taylor and many other major and small book distributors. A great book distributor can reach many sales channels - online retailers, bookstores, libraries, academic institutions and other outlets. At Unicorn for Writers we will recommend book distributors that will handle all the hassles of credit card transactions and order fulfillment. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersE-Publishing - Recommendations

An eBook or digital book can be read worldwide without the cost of traditional printing and book distribution. This opens the doors to a new frontier for writers. However, converting a manuscript for an eReader can be difficult and confusing. What company is right for you? E Publishing, eBook, electronic display rights, electronic multimedia rights are new terms for many writers. With all the changes in electronic publishing today, it is important for writers to learn about the definitions, terms and conditions in a publishing agreement related to eBooks and all the new media changes. Before you give everything away in your publishing agreement, you must understand what rights you are giving to your book publisher. You must consider these issues before you sign an agreement. At Unicorn for Writers we can assist you with eBook conversion options as well as protect your assets as you negotiate publishing agreements related to electronic rights and eBooks. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers

Contract Review & Negotiation Whether you need a book publisher’s or literary agent’s contract reviewed, drafted, negotiated, and/or revised, we have over 35 years of experience with publishing agreements. Our experience involves a comprehensive range of contracts for a wide variety of publishing rights involving the United States, United Kingdom, and other jurisdictions, including adults’ and children’s book agreements, contributor agreements (for illustrators, photographers, translators, and designers), co-edition agreements with museums and galleries, co-publishing arrangements, reprint and other subsidiary rights, eBook agreements, work for hire, permission licenses, amendment letters, book club, paperback licenses, electronic and audio agreements.

See Price List

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Unicorn For Writers

Subsidiary Rights

Subsidiary Rights are ancillary rights that are granted by an Author to a traditional book publisher which are licensed to another party or publisher. For example, first serial rights, second serial rights, book club rights, reprint rights, large print rights, audio rights, electronic display rights, electronic multimedia rights, paperback rights, foreign rights, British rights, and other subsidiary rights. Generally, a major publisher has a Subsidiary Rights Department, which controls and licenses these rights for the publisher on behalf of the Author. There are various income splits between the Author and book publisher once the book advance has earned out, and at the next royalty period the author receives their allocated share of the subsidiary rights income. For example, the split for second serial rights are 50% to the Author and 50% to the book publisher. If the serial rights sale to a magazine is $1,000 (after the book advance has earned out), the author will receive $500 and the publisher will receive $500. However, 15% of the Author's share will be allocated to the Author's literary agent. Unicorn for Writers has the experience and knowledge to license these rights for self published Authors, and/or to advise traditionally published Authors on subsidiary rights in their publishing agreements before the contract is signed with the original book publisher. If the original book-publishing contract has been fully executed, Unicorn for Writers can recommend placement of these rights and possible amendments to reacquire any rights not exercised. See Price List

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Unicorn For WritersSpecial Sales

A special sale is selling a book outside the traditional trade book marketplace, such as a bookstore. Special Sales are made up of the following channels of distribution: Specialty Retail, Mail Order (Direct Response), Specialty Wholesale, Educational Wholesale, Display Marketers, Premium & Corporate Sales, and Custom Publishing/Proprietary. A premium is a book or audio that is used for promotional purposes. Premiums are often sold to corporations who are looking to add value to a product or to bring product awareness to consumers. Premiums are used as corporate gifts, promotional giveaways, gift-with-purchases, or as a purchase-with-purchase. Many major book publishers have a Special Sales Department for their front list and backlist titles. However, rarely are self-published authors equipped for selling their books in these markets. In the event you have been published by a traditional publisher and can obtain a reversion of special sales and/or premium rights, these rights and books can be promoted and sold in these non-traditional marketplaces. At Unicorn for Writers we are delighted to license or sell your books in these markets. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersSocial Media Package

The Internet has changed the way people communicate. It has also changed the way people market themselves and their businesses. Selling your book is a business and knowing how to use the Internet to your advantage is absolutely necessary if you are to promote yourself and your book successfully. Your first task is to gain credibility and influence, become known, and create a platform on which to build your business and later, create ancillary products. As Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other social media sites expand with new users daily, more published authors are turning to these sites to build up a book's release, attract a loyal audience and increase sales. Social media lets you connect to your target audience in a way that is quick, easy and often free. At Unicorn for Writers we have the skills and experience to map a strategic plan customized for your book using top social media sites and marketing concepts with instructions for you to expedite your plan. If you wish, we have a more detailed plan that handles these services for you for at an additional fee. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers

Media Training

Readers want to personally know authors. In order to market your book properly, you will need to be able to speak about it and yourself. If you get nervous and fumble when speaking in front of people we can help. If you don’t know how to handle a radio or TV interview, we will show you how. Get valuable insight on how to pitch your book and how to engage and hold the interest of your audience. Our media trainers will teach you how to effectively introduce yourself, and how to pitch your book in two magnetic sentences. Learn how to train yourself to speak clearly and with confidence, flair, focus, and poise. Today’s publishers today demand that a prospective author possess strong presentation skills, and Unicorn for Writers will provide guidance in the art of the broadcast interview as well as a variety of public speaking venues. See Price List.

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Marketing Platform Creation

In general, major book publishers do not have time to market and promote your book. However, your book will appear in their online or print catalog, and on the publisher's website. A publisher’s sales force will attempt to sell your book to various bookstores and chains, but there are many limitations on what each major publisher can do for your book. Unless you are a best selling author, you are facing the marketing world without this assistance. Essentially, your marketing platform or plan should cover these categories: 1. Print 2. Internet (website/blog) 3. Special Appearances and Special Events 4. Radio 5. TV 6. Social media At Unicorn for Writers, we take great pleasure in creating a custom designed marketing platform for your unique book, which will attract readers. For an additional fee, we can implement the marketing platform for you. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersBook Trailers and/or Book Reviews

BOOK TRAILERS A book trailer is an exciting way to advertise your book. A good book trailer will engage and entice your potential readers. In other words, book trailers, or book videos, are a great way to promote you and bring attention to your books. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to reach your target audience. You will be able to use a book trailer to generate book sales through video-sharing sites, websites, social-networking sites, blogs, and any book related sites on the Internet. Unicorn for Writers LLC, works closely with experienced and talented filmmakers who will produce an affordable book trailer for you. We offer various price ranges for your book's promotion efforts. See Price List. BOOK REVIEWSAn excellent review of your book can generate excitement, create fans, and, most importantly, generate sales. Have Unicorn for Writers obtain a review for you, or write a review. Unicorn for Writers will create a review for you. The cost will be based on the length of the book. ($350 - $500). Unicorn for Writers will arrange for a review of your book by one of our experts. Please call us for a quote. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersTag Lines, Jacket Flap Copy

TAG LINES A tag line is a short, simple and tight slogan for your book. Your tag line is important to your brand, genre, and provides essential information about your story. Unicorn for Writers will either review your tag line or create a tag line for your book. See Price List. JACKET FLAP COPY Your jacket flap copy gives potential readers an exciting, brief summary of your story. Its purpose is to hook the reader, and entice them to purchase your book. Flap copy is an important selling tool, and it should be concise, well written and intriguing. If you are considering self-publishing your book as a soft copy only, consider having flap copy written for the back of your book. Unicorn for Writers will either review your flap copy and offer suggested changes, or we will create flap copy for your book. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers

Website LayoutA website is an important component of your author platform. You should be planning a website well in advance of publishing your manuscript. So, what should you be considering? What information, and what message should your website contain? When creating a website, you need to think about the information you want to convey to your potential readers. Should you use images, an author picture, bio information, contact information and/or event pages? How many pages should you have on your site and should you add audio and media? The layout of a web page is usually what people think of when they begin to create web design. If the layout is poorly planned, doesn't work well, or doesn’t convey the right message to your readers, then your readers won't stay on your site. You need to know what web design works; what keeps readers interested and intrigued enough to stay, and return. Authors need some key headers for their website and blog in order to attract readers. At Unicorn for Writers we have the experience with website design and layout which is your logical first step before the website is programmed using a template, free website service, or a professional software package. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersBusiness Cards, Postcards, Bookmarks, Printed Items

One of your first tasks as a writer is to learn how to effectively market your creation. A large part of that marketing task is networking with potential book buyers in order to successfully sell your book. Your key to making a first, and lasting impression must be a strong one. This first impression will become your brand, and it must reflect you and your book. Your business cards, postcards, printed excerpts (first 25 pages), and bookmarks are your calling card. You should consider: Mugs T-ShirtsLens ClothsMouse PadsJournals Key ChainsMagnets, and many more.

Unicorn for Writers will help you to creatively design, according to your written specifications, your special brand. You will be able to collaborate with our team using one of our talented artists and/or graphic designers. In today’s changing publishing world, you need a smart, concise and stylized image for your book and its associated media. This design will become your brand, and will remain with you throughout your writing career. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersStickers, Banners, Brochures, Ads, Promotional Materials

Today it is vital to learn how to effectively promote and sell your book. Therefore, creative and fresh ideas are essential and one way to approach this is to consider your book as a product. If you add stickers with awards on your book or create a image of your cover there are many uses for these stickers. For example, if you have a children's book you could create stickers of some of your characters for a coloring book or sheet. Many nonfiction books or even novels could benefit from printed opening pages or excerpts, which could be placed in a brochure or booklet. These could be given out gratis to potential book buyers. In addition, some books will be ideal for ads placed in the appropriate magazine online or in print. We can also create for you lens cloths, tablecloths, mugs, shirts, calendars, mouse pads, notebooks, bookmarks, etc. Or we can license merchandising/commercial rights for your book. Unicorn for Writers enjoys the creative process of recommending the correct tools and promotional materials for your book. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersLibrary Labels

As a published author, you should be building a platform, which will help you to introduce your book to the public. Part of your platform should include presenting to the public. One of the best ways to introduce yourself, and the material in your book, is via PowerPoint library presentations. These presentations can create interest in the subject matter of your book, and at the same time provide you with a vehicle to sell your book to the public. In order to arrange library presentations, you will need to send a proposal letters to libraries in your state, and surrounding states. Unicorn for Writers already has in stock printed labels for the following states: CT, NY, NJ, VT, NH, RI, MA, ME, DE, and FL. All our addresses for these libraries are current and checked monthly. Our future plans include printed library labels for all fifty (50) states. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers

PowerPoint Designs

A wonderful way to capture your audience is with a PowerPoint presentation for use at a library event, or during your promotional tour for your book. Simply take your laptop and projector on the road and connect with your potential book buyers. Open the show with a stunning presentation, which organizes your message, excerpts your book, and delights you attendees. Unicorn for Writers has a team of talented PowerPoint designers and writers who will capture your topic and book excerpts with fascinating designs, colorful images, text, and sound. See Price List.

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Unicorn For WritersBook Cover Design

You can judge a book by its cover, and most readers do. The book jacket and cover of your book is the first impression that a potential reader sees. It is an important image that should impress your public. You want your readers to be drawn to the book, and it’s your book cover that will help you achieve this goal. You want it to stand out, display your professionalism, convey the message of the story, and clearly express the genre, and age group you want to reach. Your cover must captivate and charm your potential audience. Many authors focus on their manuscript, but forget about having a cover that complements and effectively shares the value of its content. Knowing your intended audience, and what will appeal to them, will guide your decisions for a successful cover design and text. Your title, and any other headlines and content on your cover should speak directly to your potential readers. At Unicorn for Writers we work with a team of talented and experienced book cover designers, and graphic artists who will help us to help you create a stunning cover designed especially for your book and its genre. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers


Some of the most important books in the world are also stunningly beautiful. They have become iconic masterpieces in their own right. The outer and inner make up the whole. Some books, due to their subject matter, require illustrations. Other books are simply enhanced by them. Illustrations help readers associate words with objects, and clarify the author’s message by bringing that message to life, with a drawing. Unicorn for Writers works with talented artists, and graphic designers who will create astonishing illustrations for all types of books - children's, novels, historical, textbook, academic, and many other genres. Let us help you convey the message or enrich the story your book was written to deliver. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers

Artist Recommendations

Whether you are a self published author seeking interior or cover art, or a published author who wishes to enhance your website with illustrations, selecting the appropriate artist is key for your success. Unicorn for Writers has a team of talented people who can connect you with the correct artist for any project - your book, website, brochure, or other online or printed material. See Price List.

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Unicorn For Writers

Picture Book Art Review

You've written a picture book and illustrated it. Now, you need expert comments about your book before you send it off to literary agents, artist agents and publishers. You wish to test the market, to know what it will accept. The rules for creating a picture book are very specific, and you will need to learn the format for a thirty-two page children's book, as well as what you can expect relative to submitting a picture book with art to potential publishers and/or agents. Unicorn for Writers will appraise your picture book and provide a detailed two-page review of what you can do to create a book that is ready to submit to publishers, or agents. See Price List.

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