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Page 1: Unit 1 The planet Earth moves...Planet Earth and beyond 1.2 Earth turns around its own axis Earth turns around its own axis, which is just an imaginary line through its centre. This

Doc Scientia - Natural Sciences and Technology - Grade 5 101

Unit 1


Planet Earth AnD BEYOND

The planetEarth moves

Surface of the Earth

Orbits the sun

Spins around its own axis

Sedimentary rocks

The planet Earth moves Fossils

Planet Earth and beyond

The planet Earth moves

Page 2: Unit 1 The planet Earth moves...Planet Earth and beyond 1.2 Earth turns around its own axis Earth turns around its own axis, which is just an imaginary line through its centre. This

Doc Scientia - Natural Sciences and Technology - Grade 5102

Planet Earth and beyond

Earth is a planet. A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. A planet does not emit its own light, but reflects the light of the sun.

There are eight planets in our solar system. The names of the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Earth has an atmosphere which makes life possible. There are other planets that also have an atmosphere, but they are not suitable for life.

Mercury NeptuneMars

Earth JupiterVenus

Uranus Saturn

Page 3: Unit 1 The planet Earth moves...Planet Earth and beyond 1.2 Earth turns around its own axis Earth turns around its own axis, which is just an imaginary line through its centre. This

Doc Scientia - Natural Sciences and Technology - Grade 5 103

Planet Earth and beyond

The planets movearound the sun. This action is called orbiting or revolving.

The paths on whichthey move around the sun, are called orbits.

Order of planets from the sun


















Jupiter is the

largest planet.

1 300 Earths

can fit into Jupiter.

Page 4: Unit 1 The planet Earth moves...Planet Earth and beyond 1.2 Earth turns around its own axis Earth turns around its own axis, which is just an imaginary line through its centre. This

Doc Scientia - Natural Sciences and Technology - Grade 5104

Planet Earth and beyond

When looking at Earth from space, it is a bright shiny ball. About 70% of Earth’s surface is covered with water. Therefore, Earth is referred to as the blue planet.

Earth looks smaller

than Venus. The reason:

Venus has a thick layer

of gas around it that

makes it look larger

than Earth.

What is the matter?

You look a

little blue.

Oh , y o u k n ow . . . mo s t p

e o pl e

k n ow

m e a s t h e b l u e p la ne t .

1.1 Earth orbits the sun

The planets revolve around the sun.The paths on which they movearound the sun, are called orbits.These orbits are elliptic – a bit like a squashed circle.These orbits always remain the same.

Earth moves around the sun very fast,approximately 30 kilometres each second. If we could move that fast, it would take 3 seconds to complete the Comrades Marathon of about 90 km.

Despite how fast Earth moves, it still takes 365¼ days to go around the sun once. The time for one orbit around the sun is called a year.

The moving of theplanets around the sun is called orbiting or revolving.

Page 5: Unit 1 The planet Earth moves...Planet Earth and beyond 1.2 Earth turns around its own axis Earth turns around its own axis, which is just an imaginary line through its centre. This

Doc Scientia - Natural Sciences and Technology - Grade 5 105

Planet Earth and beyond

Every fourth year, the quarters are added together.This is called a leap year and consists of 366 days.

The length of a year is different for different planets. The further away the planet is from the sun, the larger itsorbit is, and the longer it takes to orbitthe sun. Jupiter’s year is 4 332 Earth days.

The following table shows how the length of the yeardiffers for the different planets:

Bbbb r r m mm m ! !


Bbbb r m m mm m ! !


W e l l , c l ea r ly it is s p e ed t h at

ma k e s o ur o ld Ea rt h h ap p y .

30 km p e r s e c o nd?

PlanetTime of one orbit around thesun (measured in Earth days)

Mercury 88 Earth days

Venus 225 Earth days

Mars 687 Earth days

Jupiter 4 332 Earth days

Page 6: Unit 1 The planet Earth moves...Planet Earth and beyond 1.2 Earth turns around its own axis Earth turns around its own axis, which is just an imaginary line through its centre. This

Doc Scientia - Natural Sciences and Technology - Grade 5106

Planet Earth and beyond

PlanetTime of one orbit around thesun (measured in Earth days):

Saturn 10 756 Earth days

Uranus 30 687 Earth days

Neptune 60 190 Earth days

Note: You do not have to remember the lengths of the years of the different planets.

On your 11th birthday, you are

11 x 365 days old = 4 015 days

plus about 3 extra leap year

days = 4 018 days.

On Jupiter you would

not even be one

year old yet.


When is it

my turn?

Sorry Jupiter, but your turn is not TOO far off!

Page 7: Unit 1 The planet Earth moves...Planet Earth and beyond 1.2 Earth turns around its own axis Earth turns around its own axis, which is just an imaginary line through its centre. This

Doc Scientia - Natural Sciences and Technology - Grade 5 107

Planet Earth and beyond

1.2 Earth turns around its own axis

Earth turns around its own axis, which is just an imaginary line through its centre. This is illustrated in the sketch.

North Pole

South Pole

When an object

spins around an

axis, we say it is


Earth takes approximately 24 hours to spin around its own axis once. This is called a day.

The side of Earth turned to the sun has daytime. The side of Earth turned away from the sun has nighttime.

Practical task 6 Date: ..............................

Aim: To demonstrate the rotation of Earth around its own axis.


• A soccer ball or similar ball• A flashlight• Adhesive tape• A 10 cm × 10 cm coloured piece of paper

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