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Page 1: United Way of Norman 2014 Campaign Coordinator Guide


United Way of Normanunitedwaynorman.org

ONEMoreONE More DonorONE More DollarONE More Life Changed

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THANK YOU FOR BEING A CAMPAIGN COORDINATORWelcome to our 2014 Campaign Coordinator Training Guide – the guide you’ll need to learn about your role with United Way of Norman. Inside, you will learn a number of useful tips and ideas to plan your organization’s campaign.

Yours is a truly critical volunteer position with our United Way. Without successful workplace campaigns, we would have no power to impact lives and would lose our ability to help people in need. Your efforts to plan and implement an educational, fun campaign will inspire and motivate your co-workers to give as generously as they can.

Every year, we get more requests from organizations than we can fund. That means homeless families might not have a place to stay, abused children might not be able to get the counseling they need and homebound seniors might go hungry or have to leave their homes.

We’ve taken a hard look at the programs requesting funding and figured out that we only need $500,000 more to fulfill all the critical needs. That’s why we’re asking everyone to donate one more dollar or ask a friend or co-worker who hasn’t given before to consider donating. Together we can reach our goals and make a difference!


Thank you for your service,

ONE MORE2 0 1 4 G O A L :An increase of One More Donor or One More Dollar Means One More Life Changed.

Leslie Keller-Kenton VP, Development

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BENEFITS OF BEING A CAMPAIGN COORDINATORThere are many advantages to being a Campaign Coordinator, for you, your company and our community.

COORDINATOR BENEFITS• Visibility• Leadership Growth• Career Development• Credit for Campaign Participation• Internal & External Recognition• Impacting Community through Monies Raised• Educated About Critical Community Issues & Opportunities• Informed About Area Support & Solutions

COMPANY BENEFITS• Community Leadership• Corporate Recognition• Improved Customer Relations & Loyalty• PR Opportunities About Company Accomplishments• Brand Visibility & Reputation Building

COMMUNITY BENEFITS• Corporate Expertise• Expanded Outreach• Increased Partnership• More Resources• Impact on Goals for Education, Income, Health & Safety and

Independence• Improving Lives

LEADERSHIP GIVINGUnited Way of Norman recognizes the following leadership giving levels:



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1. LEARN • Learn the facts about your United Way o • Meet with your United Way representative o • Review the toolkit for additional ideas o

2. PLAN • Involve your CEO o • Review last year’s campaign results and set a goal o • Recruit a campaign team o • Establish a timeline/schedule o • Develop a campaign theme o • Plan special events o • Identify incentives o • Schedule group meetings, promotions and publicity o • Schedule tours and agency speakers o • Personalize pledge cards o

3. EDUCATE • Promote your campaign early and often o • Conduct group employee meetings and/or One-on-One Asks o • Sample Meeting Agenda o

4. FOLLOW-UP…FOLLOW-UP…FOLLOW-UP! • Pledge Card Management o • Report back to United Way o • Winning back lapsed donors o • Say thank you and report final results back to employees o

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LEARNUnited Way doesn’t shelter abused women, help children with disabilities or feed and care for seniors. You do - because you run a campaign, and you rally co-workers to make our community a better place to live.

United Way of Norman was founded in 1957 and since then has helped millions of our neighbors and friends. Help comes in many different forms... from a simple one time service, such as providing school supplies to low income families, to more in-depth assistance, such as providing support and therapy for abused and neglected children. As a Company Coordinator, you are directly responsible for providing that compassionate help, and you should feel very good about that!

There’s no one cause for the issues we face and no single solution. But, when we reach out a hand to one; we can influence the condition of all.

The major issues we face as a community are too complex for any one person, or one organization, to unravel. However, it is our mission to be Norman’s leader in mobilizing the caring power of our community. And together, we can create lasting, positive change.

HOW DOES UNITED WAY WORK?United Way combines your gift with the gifts of your friends and neighbors to distribute to the community through our Community Action Fund.

OUR MISSIONT o u n i t e a n d s t r e n g t h e n o u r c o m m u n i t y b y e m p o w e r i n g e a c h p e r s o n t o c h a n g e l i v e s .

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COMMUNITY ACTION FUNDThink of it as a network of giving. The money you help raise as a Campaign Coordinator goes into programs helping people with a wide array of needs. It’s rare for someone receiving help from an agency to need only one specific program to resolve the problems they may face. Often, they get help from several programs, all working together. That’s why it’s so important to give to the Community Action Fund. Your efforts are a real solution as the funds you help raise are spread out between 43 programs at 27 organizations, addressing the ‘big picture’ for many people.

Community volunteers review local programs that have requested funding during our annual Community Impact process. These volunteers determine where your gifts can do the most good. Agencies report results to remain accountable.

PRIORITY ISSUESEDUCATIONIncrease the successful transition of children and youth from cradle to career. All children can succeed and contribute to the community. And they all deserve that opportunity. Investing in children early provides greater long- term returns and is less costly than retraining later in life.

INCOMEIncrease the number of financially stable individuals and families. Financial education and supports help at-risk families break the cycle of poverty and reduce dependence on community services, becoming employed, tax-paying citizens that are critical to our economy.

HEALTH & SAFETYIncrease the number of children and adults that are mentally and physically healthy and living in a safe environment. The uninsured are less likely to access preventive care or seek early treatment of illness and therefore may miss more time at work or school. Untreated mental health problems are a dimension of homelessness, school success and independence. Children who grow up in homes with violence or neglect are more likely to pass on those behaviors to their own children. Those affected by disasters risk job loss and homelessness without relief organizations to get them quickly back on their feet.

INDEPENDENCESeniors and people with disabilities are able to stay in their homes. People live longer, happier lives when they are able to remain in their home. Seniors and people with disabilities can make great contributions to our community when they remain independent.

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INVOLVE YOUR CEO• Set up a meeting with your CEO to review your overall campaign plan

and ask for his/her support with: • allowing you adequate time to plan and execute a successful campaign • providing a campaign budget for food at meetings, incentives, and thank you events • announcing your role as Campaign Coordinator • appointing next year’s Campaign Coordinator to work with you- this will ensure smooth transitions each year • sending a letter/email of support (see samples online at www.unitedwaynorman.org) • endorsing a plan for leadership solicitation (consider a Leadership Level coordinator) • speaking at employee meetings in support of the campaign and leading by example by sharing that they have already made their pledge • granting permission to take employees on agency tours • attending and participating in campaign events

SET A GOALA great way to increase your campaign is to focus on increasing the number of people who give or encouraging people to consider giving a little more. The following will help you set your goal and communicate how you can achieve it.

Desired Participation _____%

(______ x _____%) X $________ = $___________ # employees Participation Last year’s avg gift Potential goal

Desired Per Capita Gift $ _______

______ X $ _______ = $ ____________ # employees per capita gift Potential goal



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RECRUIT A CAMPAIGN TEAM• Try to include representatives from all departments• Talk with your team about strategies and events that have worked/will work in

your company• Clearly define roles and responsibilities

CREATE A TIMELINE• Short, quick campaigns work best. Aim for no more than two weeks!

MAKE YOUR CAMPAIGN FUN• Decide on a theme, incentives and thank you events such as Mexican Fiestas and

Hawaiian Luaus. See the online toolkit for more cool ideas!

PLAN SPECIAL EVENTS• Bake sales, car washes, raffles or rummage sales are a great way to get the

whole organization involved and motivated.• Special events that raise money can be used as a final boost to get your

company to its goal, but don’t lose sight of the real impact of payroll deduction as the main source of investing in our community.

USE INCENTIVESIncentives are a great way to increase employee participation! Give everyone who turns in a pledge card fun, inexpensive prizes such as: • Entry into a drawing for a paid day off• Lunch with the boss• Special parking space• See the end of this guide for more cool ideas!

SCHEDULE YOUR MEETINGS• Try to add the United Way “ask” to an existing meeting

SCHEDULE TOURS OR AGENCY SPEAKER• This is one of the most effective “BEST Practices” you can

do to make your campaign a success!! Visiting an agency to see the need firsthand or the personal touch of an agency speaker is very powerful!

PERSONALIZE PLEDGE CARDS• Print each employee’s name and employee number on the

pledge card. It makes it a lot easier for you and your payroll to track and manage the cards.

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GROUP MEETINGS AND/OR THE ONE-ON-ONE ASKEveryone has their own special style of speaking to a group. The most important thing to remember is to be yourself. Take a personal approach. If you’ve been involved in United Way for any length of time, share your own experience about why you are involved. If you know someone on your staff who has been helped and is willing to speak, enlist their support.

SAMPLE MEETING AGENDA (Don’t forget the pens for signing the pledge forms!)

Minutes • Coordinator and/or CEO welcomes and endorses the campaign. 1

• Coordinator explains how the pledge cards will be distributed and collected and then introduces UW rep. 2 • Coordinator shares a personal story or one of the following speaks: United Way rep, partner agency rep or client. 8 • Show United Way video. 5 • United Way rep and Coordinator extend invitation to give and ask for employees’ support. 2 • Coordinator collects pledge cards and thanks employees. 2 Total 20

SAMPLE EMAILTO: All StaffSUBJECT: United Way Campaign

Dear <employee name>

Mark your calendars! (Organization’s) United Way campaign begins (date). As Employee Campaign Coordinator, I look forward to the many fun and interesting activities we have planned. This year’s campaign focuses on how we can change what we see in our community when we LIVE UNITED.

Stay tuned for more details. Meanwhile, learn more about United Way at www.unitedwaynorman.org.

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ONE MORET h a n k y o u :It’s important to let people know how much their gift means. Companies that thank their employees have 46% higher participation.


PLEDGE CARD MANAGEMENT - “Try to get all the cards returned”

Getting the pledge card back can be challenging if done incorrectly. Do NOT hand out campaign materials prior to your kick-off. Your co-workers are at their highest level of educational awareness regarding United Way and most likely to give during this meeting. So, make sure employees are given materials at the meeting and you ask them to complete their cards and return them to you before the end of the meeting.

By collecting all cards (or as many as possible) at the end of the meeting, you reduce the amount of time you spend following up and asking your co-workers to participate. For those that don’t turn in their card at the end of the meeting, try to get them to return it to you by the end of the day! You should be able to turn in the majority of our pledge cards within one week of your kick-off.

REPORTING BACK TO UNITED WAYYour Workplace Representative will be calling to pick up the first round of

pledge cards within a week of your kick-off. Even if you have fundraiser money still outstanding, we can begin entering your employee payroll deduction and one time gifts into our database for speedier tracking of campaign results.

Steps to organize reporting: 1. Account for all pledge forms 2. Verify the annual gift from each employee

3. Separate all pledge forms into the following categories: • Payroll Deduction • Fully paid pledges • Charge card pledges 4. Enter your totals onto the United Way campaign summary card

5. Make sure to send the YELLOW COPY pledge forms TO PAYROLL department and submit

WHITE COPIES to United Way with the summary card 6. Contact your Workplace Representative to pick up your pledge cards PLEASE DO NOT MAIL THE ENVELOPE.

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WINNING BACK LAPSED DONORS A lapsed donor is someone who gave the previous year, but did not give during the current fundraising campaign. As you turn in final numbers for your company’s drive you will be given a list of lapsed donors. Once you review the list you will be able to quickly identify whether that person has left your company or was absent on the day of your kick-off.

It is important to follow up with those employees to allow them to participate. This can help your company’s total campaign dollars go up. If the person is no longer employed at your company please let your United Way contact know to help United Way maintain accurate and updated donor information.


New Hires ProgramThrough employment changes, job loss and moving, United Way incurs contribution losses. A New Hires Program can help replace those contributions. Please help your community by making sure your company holds a New Hires Campaign through which new employees are asked to support United Way at the time of hire. Materials are available for your orientation packets. Contact Leslie Keller-Kenton at [email protected] for info!

Retirees Program - Don’t Retire From GivingUnited Way relies on the support of retirees as the needs in the community grow. Many retirees have the support of pensions and benefits; there are many more who live around us who don’t have that security. Ask your CEO and United Way rep to help you get a Retiree Program started.

CONDUCT YOUR THANK YOU CAMPAIGNHow you say thanks isn’t as important as the act of saying it. Just be sure to have fun and acknowledge your co-workers’ hard work and generosity.

• Post “Thank You” flyers in high traffic areas. • Throw a pizza party! • Have a special lunch for your Leadership Givers and campaign team. • Send out “Thank You” emails, notes, cards, or letters. • Give out United Way pins or stickers. • Put a piece of candy on each person’s desk.


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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSAs an Company Coordinator, you encounter some questions about United Way that are hard to answer. We have listed the most frequently asked questions below to help you. Of course if you come across another question that you cannot answer, please don’t hesitate to contact your UW representative. We would rather be asked tough questions than leave people with a misunderstanding or misconception of United Way.

WHAT IS UNITED WAY’S OVERHEAD RATIO?United Way of Norman is committed to responsible stewardship of your donations. Almost 82-cents of every dollar goes directly to those most in need. United Way’s overhead ratio (defined as fundraising and administration expense divided by total revenue) is 18.68%. That is well below the Better Business Bureau standard for nonprofit organizations, which is 35% or less.

ARE ALL UNITED WAYS THE SAME? No. There are over 1,200 separate, autonomous United Ways. UWN is one of more than 20 United Ways in Oklahoma. We have our own local Board of Directors, which establishes policies. We support United Way Worldwide with dues that help provide training and national advertising, but it has no authority over your local United Way.

DOES UNITED WAY FUND ABORTIONS?No. No single United Way anywhere in the country has ever provided funding for abortion services. The abortion issue is a divisive one on which United Way takes no position.

MY FRIEND WASN’T HELPED, SO I’M NOT GIVING!Last year, United Way of Norman helped thousands of people. However, there are still people who will not be served due to the limited funds that our partners have available. That is why it is so important to participate.

CAN I DESIGNATE MY GIFT?We allow designations to any of our four Impact Areas; EDUCATION,

INCOME, HEALTH & SAFETY and INDEPENDENCE. The programs that fall under these areas are listed on the UWN brochure. Designations not meeting requirements will be directed to the Community Action Fund.

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CAN I TITHE TO MY CHURCH, OR GIVE TO MY ALMA MATER THROUGH THE UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN?No, giving to your church or school should be generated in the traditional method for those types of organizations.

IS GIVING TO UNITED WAY VOLUNTARY?Yes! Our United Way has a written policy against coercion.

WHY DO SOME UNITED WAY PARTNERS CHARGE FEES?United Way funds provide only a portion of the money agencies need to provide services. Some agencies charge sliding scale fees so they can help more people.

I NEVER USE AGENCY SERVICES - WHY SHOULD I GIVE?You never know when you, a member of your family or a neighbor may need a United Way service due to job loss, loss of a loved one, illness, disabilities or family problems. Your gift helps ensure that United Way services are available to as many people as possible when they’re needed the most.


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Campaign Team- As a large 24/7 organization, it is difficult to communicate directly to all of our employees. Each year, we recruit a team of department reps who will be the main contact for their areas. This team also helps with fundraisers.

Campaign Theme- In order to add some fun to our campaign, each year we select a theme which is included in all of our materials and emails that are publicized. Some of our themes in the past have been: Love-Peace-United, Everyday Superheroes, Go for the Gold and #1 Fan.

Campaign Kickoff- The campaign is kicked off at the management team meeting at the end of July. Managers are given pledge cards and United Way information to distribute to the departments. Depending on our theme, we may have a big kick-off event. For instance, with our Olympic theme, we asked each department to create a depart-ment flag. We then had a torch run between our campuses. The runner ran into the building with Olympic theme music along a tunnel of all of the flags.

Fundraisers- United Fridays• For $5, jeans day tickets can be purchased allowing the employee to wear jeans each

Friday during the month of August. • Anyone who donates at least $30 receives a Norman Regional T-shirt with the current cam-

paign logo on it. Employees can wear their t-shirts on United Fridays. Raffles• Each year, we raffle off a couple different items. Some items that have been raffled off in

the past have been: iPads, Xbox Connect, basketball goals. • This year, we are challenging our managers to create one auction basket that will compete

with a director’s auction basket. We will have a contest to see which basket raises more money. We will give a little prize, but bragging rights are usually a great incentive.

Giving Level Gifts • We plan to have a raffle for a large auction item. We have been in contact with some local

businesses in the community about donating some items. • Any employee who donates at least $5 per paycheck or $130 will be entered into the draw-

ing. As an incentive to donate a little more, we will increase the number of chances to win the prize by giving additional coupons to those who pledge various levels.

Norman Regional Health System’s vision is to improve the quality of life in our regional com-munity. In order to have a successful campaign and make our vision a reality, we start with the top. We have the support of our executives who help promote our campaign.

Having been through a devastating tornado in 2013, we were so appreciative of the kindness and generosity of people who helped out our community. Our employees look at this cam-paign as way to continue paying it forward.

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Recruit a Campaign Chairperson- To give ownership to the employees, the superinten-dent’s office designates a chairperson who in turn selects team captains to represent each area of the campus (i.e., Administration, Marketing, Finance, HR, Facilities, etc.) The chairperson sets a meeting with all of the team captains and the following goals are established: 1. MNTC Campaign Goal 2. Campaign Kick-off date 3. Theme of event

Campaign Kick-off- MNTC’s kick-off is a breakfast that in-cludes a very creative skit, video, etc. starring the chairperson and all team captains. The United Way Executive Director and Campaign Chairperson are invited to attend and speak to the employees about the funds raised and how they are used to assist various agencies in our community. At the conclusion of the kick-off, each team captain meets with their group of employees and distributes pledge cards. The campaign lasts approximately 5-7 days.

Incentives to participate- MNTC encourages everyone to turn in their pledge card on the first day of the campaign. It has been our experience that the longer an employee holds on to the pledge card; the less likely they are to participate. Employees who turn in their pledge card at the Fair Share level on the first day are eligible to be entered into a drawing for a prize (i.e., OU football signed by Bob Stoops, OU vs. Texas tickets, Bed and Breakfast, etc.). At the end of each day, for several days, those participating are eligible for a prize (i.e., movie tick-ets, dinner for 2, gift certificate from a local vendor, etc.)

Fundraisers- Some fundraising ideas that MNTC has used in the past include:• Skeet shoot- Employees paid $30. You could bring your own gun. (MNTC did this

last year as part of our Duck Dynasty theme.)• Ice Cream Competition- Employees paid $5 to enter their homemade ice cream.

Employees paid $3 to sample the variety of ice creams and then cast their vote for their favorite flavor. The winner of the competition received a gold spray painted ice cream scoop. (This was a lot of fun—especially on a hot day.)

• Silent Auction- Employees are encouraged to donate items, set time to view items, and then bid. (This was very successful for MNTC. We set-up to bid on computers such as a mock eBay.)

Culture of Giving- MNTC has a rich history of participating in the United Way Campaign. We have been a Pacesetter since 1983. The secret to a successful campaign is recruit-ing those individuals that truly support the philosophy of United Way and making it a campaign where everyone can be involved. Last year, our Duck Dynasty theme included all employees dressing as their favorite Duck Dynasty character. We raised over $42,000!

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STAFF CAMPAIGN CONTACTS: Leslie Keller-Kenton Vice President, Development [email protected]

Kristin Collins President [email protected]

Kathy Holder Senior Vice President, Operations [email protected] Jed Dembowski Vice President, Marketing & Communications [email protected]

Laurie Bass Director of Information Services [email protected]

G I V E . A D V O C A T E . V O L U N T E E R .



EMPLOYEE DRIVE CHAIRS: Kevin Hopper, Employee Drives Chair MidFirst Bank 767.7142 [email protected]

Aaron Jaqua, Employee Drives Chair Eide Bailly 292.2900 [email protected]

Susan Grossman, Public Service Chair Pioneer Library System 801.4520 [email protected]

Holly Nevels, Public Service Chair Norman Public Schools 573.3501 [email protected]

Linda Price, Public Service Chair City of Norman 366.5439 [email protected]

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