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University history

- Founded 1971 as Gesamthochschule Kassel - 1980 Gesamthochschule Universität Kassel- 1990 Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel-2000 Universität Kassel-Focus on teaching and research-Middle size-Regionally based-Constitution of state of Hesse:-Free Education

University Today17.000 students2000 international students300 exchange incomers250 out-goer (study, practical training, languages)English taught programsMaster-Programme "Electrical Communication Engineering" Master Programme "International Organic Agriculture" Master Programme "Labour Policies and Globalisation" Master Programme "Global Political Economy" Master Programme "Higher Education" Master of Science

(MSc) International Food Business and Consumer StudiesShort programs IWU, ISU

What is an International Office -Akademisches Auslandsamt? The DAAD homepage says about the AAA:  The International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt – AAA) is your first point of

contact if you want to study in Germany. It's best to contact the International Office at the university of choice direct – by

email, letter or phone. When preparing for your studies in Germany, this is also the office to contact for

information on how to apply. You'll find out about Admissions Requirements (Zulassungsvoraussetzungen),

Selection Processes (Auswahlverfahren) and about any Tuition Fees (Studiengebühren) that you may have to pay.   What is an International Office?  International Offices mainly deal with Internationalisation of education, not

research. They are usually a distinct unit within the institution (95% of institutions in

Europe) In Kassel Student Services

New Year‘s Celebration Tutoring, O. Woche

History of IO or AAA in Germany  1970 

 International offices were estabilshed,,


administer Europaen mobility programmes (ERASMUS) implementation,not policy making  end of 20th century

with Internationalisation becoming a main focus not only in reserch, but education the AAA had a more strategic responsibility:

still administrating mobility, but also establishing new contacts and contracts for more mobility, new programmes, for more funding, setting up joint programmes, double degree prgrammes

advicing departments on internationalisation of their programms, curriculum  now we are facing a new phase

closing of IO, because internationalisation integrated in regular (traditionally organised) units of higher education,as an aspect of general

Policy Internationalisation at home, marketing for new, more, better students has become a necessity even in Germany (no

fees)  The more the IO deals with the entire spectrum of issues related to internationalisation, and the more actors who

become active in the various sub aereas, the more likely it is that their areas of responsibility will be mainstreamed.

International Office of Univ. Kassel 1970 Office: 2 people Cooperation agreements, international delegations stipends for outgoing students, incoming students from partner institutions, incoming

exchange and stipend ERASMUS managed in departments, international fulltime students in student

services end 1980 new department Communication and Internationalisation public relations, international full time students, exchange programmes international relations and new a person for advising international students (Betreuer) 1990 growth of IO: Sokrates Institutional Contract 1997/98 ERASMUS administered in IO centralised, less responsibility in departments, from

consortium to bilateral agreements, institutional contract, growing number of cooperation agreements

end 1990 internationalisation strategy discussed in Germany, Europe, Bologna Process, higher education as a market marketing for more, highly qualified students internationalisation as key qualification mobility and internationalisation at home

International Office

University of Kassel International Office Mönchebergstr. 19 34109 Kassel Tel.: ++49 561/804-2103 Fax: .:++49 561/804-3513 E-Mail: [email protected] http://www.uni-kassel.de/aaa

VII B 1Birgit Felmeden 50%*DirectorEuropean exchange programmes, exchanges with English-speaking partner universities, (staff mobility), DAAD support programmes,Internationalisation of study programmes (Master programmes, ECTS, joint studies, summer universities) Tel: ++49 561 / 804-2215e-mail: [email protected]

VII B 2Katharina Linke 75%*International partnerships, Planning of Board’s business trips abroad,International marketing;internationalisation projects; budget Tel: ++49 561 / 804-3544e-mail: [email protected]

VII B 3Dr. Renate Reglin 50%*Advisor for studies abroad andexchange programmes with partner universities in Romance-language countries. Tel: ++49 561 / 804-3841e-mail: [email protected]

VII B 4Anke Ickler 12.5%*International HouseServices for international academics and guest students at the University of KasselCoordinator for event programmes in the International House Tel.: ++49 561 / 804-2540 Office hours: only Thursday mornings!!e-mail: [email protected]

VII B 1.1Heidi Schulz 50%*Advisor for studies abroad incl. internships and foreign language assistants, and support programmes;exchange with partner universities (placements)Tel: ++49 561 / 804-3757e-mail: [email protected]

VII B 2.1Kristin Gagelmann 50%*Services for visiting academics, Co-ordination of visiting programmes for delegations from abroad;monitoring of financesTel.: ++49 561 / 804-2540e-mail: [email protected]

VII B 5Britta Wöbbeking 25%*Advisor for studies abroad andexchange programmes with English-speaking partner universities. Tel.: ++49 561 / 804-7159e-mail: [email protected] Summer UniversityTel.: ++49 561 / 804-1869e-mail: [email protected]

Special Student AssistantsSandra KlusacekStudy in Anglophone countriesKatrin Gehrich-SchröterStudy in Romance countriesUlrike ReinckeInternational marketing/ Cooperation database Zhenya StanevaIncoming exchange studentsSlav ValchevEnglish web presentationSirko SeidelAdminitratore-mail for all: [email protected]ülay Ates LLP/Erasmus Bilateral Agreemente-mail: [email protected] Antonia EisbrennerLLP/Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobilitye-mail: [email protected] Kahrin CorsiniInternship programme (Leonardo+LLP)Office hours: Monday 13:00 – 15:00 pm Friday 8:30 – 10:00 ame-mail: [email protected]

VII B 1.2Sabine Ernst 25%*Advisor for non-degree seeking exchange students from abroad.Admissions, enrolment and exmatriculation of international students;foreign programme students, scholarship holders; incoming Erasmus-studentsTel.: ++49 561 / 804- 2213 (AAA)Tel.: ++49 561 / 804- 2575 (Abt. II)e-mail: [email protected] (AAA)e-mail: [email protected] (Abt. II)

VII B 1.3 Ines Tobis 75%*LLP-EuropaTel.: ++49 561/ 804-1979e-mail: [email protected] SKSabine Karnowka 50%*SecretariatTel.: ++49 561 / 804-3039e-mail: [email protected]

Information DeskStudent assistants:Gülay AtesElif GündüzLydia BaumannTel: ++49 561 / 804-2103e-mail: [email protected]

For consultation/advising with any of the above listed staff please make an appointment! *Teil der Vollarbeitzplatz

TodayStaff: Consultants (2,125) Director, Exchange with English and

romance-speaking countries, International MarketingAdministrative staff (2,75) Finances, exchange,

ERASMUSSecretary (0,5)Student helps at info point (4)Student helps for specialized tasks (8)High number of staff, but all part time

Need of good coordination, only working and functioning because of good relationship, excellent work atmosphere

Today IIFinances going through IO University budget: 110.000 € DAAD: 2.000.000 € Project money: e.g. fees (Studienbeiträge) 60.000€ 24 Cooperation Agreements University 200 Agreements Department 200 Bilateral Agreements ERASMUS Regional cooperation

Hessen Wisconsin QLD Louisiana Massachusetts

New York Büro GVU: German Vietnamese University

Internationalisation Commission Exchange Advising departments (marketing, funding, internationalisation of curriculum, double

degree programs) …

Bologna Process The Bologna Declaration of 1999 was signed by 29 European

countries. system of easy readable, comparable degrees two main cycles (undergraduate/graduate - BA/MA) credit system (such as ECTS) promote mobility by overcoming obstacles quality assurance European dimension in higher education  Question

Will EU protect “European high education space?” Australia interested in EU EU – third country programme Bologna process in non-EU countries

Impact on IO:  brought internationalisation from peripheral issue to center of

strategic planning

Strategic Orientation (I)First Approach: General Internationalization Goals

Globalization Germany as a feature of the global scientific landscape

(Wissenschaftsstandort), research and transfer of knowledge, education market and GATTS (General Agreement of Tarifs and Trade), job market and occupational images)

General Internationalization goals International high education as a private good or public

responsibility Commercial forces, education industry Enhance research and knowledge capacity, increase achieved

understanding Strategic networking in research, education, and cooperation, assurance of

young scientists, qualifications for international profession and job market, expansion of collaboration

Bologna-Process, European higher education area Third action plan of the DAAD Quality instead of quantity Hessen Ministry Science & Arts

Subdivision international

Strategic Orientation (II)Second Approach: Particular Internationalization GoalsDerivation of specific development goals of the university positioning in the educational market

Decrease in student numbers in Germany - Competition for best students

Strength-Weakness-AnalysisExcellent, small, middle size ,serving region

objectives and priorities and focus in their academic development

renewable energies, KLIMZUG-project potential for the internationalization of the specific higher

education development – renewable energies, KLIMZUG internationalization as an element of profiling

Regionally based – internationally active Specification of subjects

Specific goals have to be linked throughout the entire University Withuniversity development planningresearch development (clustering, focusing)promoting young researchers (Graduate

College) studying (International oriented programs,

I@H)knowledge transfer (regional cooperation)

Internationalisation Phase 1 (2001-2005) Specific problem areas in Kassel

(comprehensive university history, consecutive model, outsider role in Germany)

Top-down approach: Internationalization as an instrument of positioning and profiling: the 3 “Is” (innovative, interdisciplinary, international)

UNI of Kassel as the first German university with a declared internationalization concept

Linking with higher education developmentSenate decision 2001, evaluation 2003/2004Definition of concrete goals and operational steps:


First Phase: Results and experience

Positive Internationalization of the campus Enhancement of the CI and development of the mission statement Internationalization of studies offered Recruitment of students Modularization and ECTS International key qualifications International student center and guest house International Marketing Acquisition of third party funds Senates-Committee Higher internal resource allocation Backing and motivation to internationalizeProblems An important goal failed (Enhancement of the mobility of German

students, internationalizing of teaching staff, and development of infrastructure)

Activation and participation of the departments

Internationalization Phase 2 (2006-2010)

Encouragement through the success of phase 1

Reaffirming the fundamental approach (Educational profile, mission statement, and new adjustment of goals and priorities)

Involvement of the 3. DAAD action planInvolvement of the new implementation and

evaluation toolsBroadening experience and legitimacy

Specific Kassel Goals until 2010

Quantitative stabilization above the rate of international students in the undergraduate segment, while significantly increasing the success rate of performance

Further quantitative progression of the international student rate in the post graduate segment (Masters program), as well as in the number of doctorate students by quality assurance through selection processes, professional standards, and services

Internationalization at home and the progression of international experience of German students

Further development of the infrastructure (International Study Center , Campus Centre for all student services & SW etc).

Further development of the instruments in the second phase until 2010

Evaluation and further development of the incentives through higher internal resource allocation (basic funding, competitive practices, goal-oriented special funding)

Application of further implementation tools (Appellate agreements, goal agreements with the departments and professors)

Ongoing evaluation of the internationalization process through defined key data

And more….The Campus as a “global village”Internationalization at homeStrategic NetworkingInternational Research

The FutureTasks and staff of International Office will be

included in different regular units 2009Marketing, legal department, student

servicesDoes that mean that internationalization is

allready mainstream in Kassel?

Organisations for International Educators

IHH – Internationalisation of Hessen UniversitiesDAADThe German Academic Exchange Service is one of the world's

largest and most respected intermediary organisations in its field, for more than 75 years. (Verein, e.V. registered association)

Scores of students, teachers, researchers and scientists supported by the DAAD have been able to gain valuable experience abroad.

However, there are also many other sides to the work of the DAAD.

The DAAD supports and promotes all areas relating to science, research, language, teaching and very much more.

Making Internationalisation policy (EU, TestDAF, TestASS, German universities abroad, Development centre of excellence,..

Political Influence

EAIEEuropean Association of International Educators  founded ca. 1990 following the model of NAFSA

(Association of International Educators, USA)The EAIE is a non-profit organisation whose main aim is the

stimulation and facilitation of the internationalisation of higher education in Europe and around the world, and to meet the professional needs of individuals active in international education.

The EAIE is a member-led organisation made up of individual members.

It has a committed membership of more than 1800 international education professionals - from rectors to professors to international exchange coordinators.

The EAIE is dedicated to serving and representing this.

Links and Literature Torenbeek, J. (ed.) (2005) Managing an International Office, EAIE

Professional Development Series on International Educators, Amsterdam,  (This book acts as a form of introduction to the series, touching on a range of aspects involved in running an office for international relations at a higher education institution. It provides practical guidelines and basic information on how to handle this complex task. Many useful internet links).

  Hahn, K. (2004) Die Internationalisierung der deutschen

Hochschulen - Kontext, Kernprozesse, Konzepte und Strategien, Wiesbaden

Journal of Studies in International Education, Hanneke Teekens (ed.), e.g. Volume 11: Challenges and Opportunities for the Internationalization of Higher Education in the Coming Decade)

www.anabin.de - Informationssystem zur Anerkennung Ausländischer Bildungsabschlüsse

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