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Page 1: VALIDATIO OF COF ORMAL RADIOTHERAPY TREATMET S I 3D … · thesis various software tools and calibration techniques have been developed to allow comparative analysis between OptCT





Oliver Edwin Holmes

A thesis submitted to the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy

In conformity with the requirements for

the degree of Master of Science

Queen’s University

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

(December, 2008)

Copyright ©Oliver Edwin Holmes, 2008

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Polymer gel dosimeters are a three dimensional (3D) dosimetry system that may be

conveniently applied for verifying highly conformal radiation therapies where standard dosimetry

techniques are insufficient. Polymer gel dosimetry with optical computed tomography (OptCT)

can be used to measure spatial dose distributions with high resolution. While long experience

with MRI has yielded many studies reporting on experiments involving validation of clinical

deliveries using polymer gel dosimeters, there are very few studies of this type where OptCT is

used. OptCT is a relatively new technique and consequently has not yet been adopted into the

clinical environment. As a result, methods and software tools for integrating OptCT

measurements into clinical systems are not available. Previous studies from the Medical Physics

research group at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario (CCSEO) and Queen’s University

have therefore been limited to simple deliveries and two dimensional (2D) comparisons. In this

thesis various software tools and calibration techniques have been developed to allow

comparative analysis between OptCT measurements with dose distributions calculated by

treatment planning software. Further, a modification of the γ-evaluation (Low et al. 1998) is

presented whereby the vector components of γ are used to identify the sources of disagreement

between compared dose distributions. Test simulations of the new γ-tool revealed that individual

vector components of γ, as well as the resulting vector field can be used to identify certain types

of disagreements between dose distributions: especially spatial misalignments caused by

geometric misses. The polymer gel dosimetry tools and analysis software were applied to a

clinical validation mimicking a prostate conformal treatment with patient setup correction using

image guidance. In one experiment greater than 90 % agreement was found between dose

distributions in 4%T 50%C NIPAM/Bis dosimeters (Senden et al. 2006) measured with the Vista

OptCT unit and dose distributions calculated by Eclipse treatment planning software.

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Above all, I would like to express my gratitude towards my supervisor Dr. L. J. Schreiner as well

as Dr. A. Kerr for their guidance and humour throughout my research at Queen’s. My time at the

CCSEO was enlightening and enjoyable, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with

such inspiring and enthusiastic people.

I would also like to thank Chris Peters, Tim Olding, Sandeep Dhanesar, Dr. J. Darko, Chandra

Joshi, Dr. G. Salomons, Laura Drever and Dr. K. McAuley for their assistance with experimental

work and their direction over the course of my studies. Many thanks to the faculty and staff of

the Department of Physics who I have come to know so well since I came to Queen’s in 2001.

Finally, I am especially grateful to my family for their love and helping me to realize my

dreams. I am especially grateful to Kelly for her continuing support and companionship.

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Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ ii

Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... iii

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ iv

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. vi

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... x

Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Motivation and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................ 4

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4

2.2 3D Dosimetry ......................................................................................................................... 4

2.2.1 Gel Dosimeters ................................................................................................................ 5

2.2.2 The NIPAM/Bis gel dosimeter ....................................................................................... 6

2.3 Optical Scanning .................................................................................................................... 8

2.3.1 Development of Scanning Techniques ........................................................................... 8

2.3.2 The Problem of Scatter in Cone Beam OptCT.............................................................. 12

2.4 Dose Comparison Techniques ............................................................................................. 13

2.4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 13

2.4.2 Dose Difference ............................................................................................................ 14

2.4.3 Distance-to-Agreement ................................................................................................. 14

2.4.4 Composite Evaluation ................................................................................................... 16

2.4.5 The Gamma Comparison .............................................................................................. 17

2.4.6 Discretization Artefacts in γ Distributions .................................................................... 24

2.4.7 The Vector Nature of γ ................................................................................................. 27

2.5 Clinical Radiotherapy Validations in 3D ............................................................................. 29

2.6 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................. 30

Chapter 3 Theory ........................................................................................................................... 32

3.1 Radiation Dose ..................................................................................................................... 32

3.1.1 Photon Interactions ....................................................................................................... 33

3.1.2 Generation of Free Radicals .......................................................................................... 37

3.2 Chemical Dosimetry ............................................................................................................ 38

3.3 Polymer Gel Dosimetry ....................................................................................................... 44

3.3.1 Free Radical Polymerization ......................................................................................... 45

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Chapter 4 Materials and Methods .................................................................................................. 49

4.1 Materials and Equipment ..................................................................................................... 49

4.1.1 Preparation of Polymer Gel Dosimeters ....................................................................... 49

4.1.2 Dosimeter Irradiation .................................................................................................... 50

4.1.3 Optical Scanning ........................................................................................................... 54

4.1.4 X-ray Scanning ............................................................................................................. 56

4.2 The γ-Evaluation Algorithm ................................................................................................ 57

4.3 Dose Evaluation Experiments .............................................................................................. 63

4.3.1 Interpreting Dose Distribution Disagreements.............................................................. 63

4.3.2 Calibration..................................................................................................................... 66

4.3.3 Simple Delivery Validations in 3D ............................................................................... 69

4.3.4 Clinical Implementation of Delivery Validation ........................................................... 70

Chapter 5 Results and Discussion .................................................................................................. 76

5.1 The Response of the γ-Vector Field ..................................................................................... 76

5.1.1 Validation of the γ-Algorithm ....................................................................................... 76

5.1.2 γ-Vector Field Response under Dose Perturbation ....................................................... 80

5.1.3 γ-Vector Field Response to Gaussian Noise ................................................................. 83

5.1.4 γ-Vector Field Response under Misalignment .............................................................. 85

5.1.5 Towards Clinical Application ....................................................................................... 88

5.2 Gel Calibration ..................................................................................................................... 90

5.2.1 Intersecting Pencil Beam Method ................................................................................. 91

5.2.2 20 MeV Electron Beam Method ................................................................................... 91

5.2.3 Inter and Intra batch variability ..................................................................................... 93

5.3 Validating Radiation Deliveries in 3D ................................................................................. 96

5.3.1 Cobalt Tomotherapy ..................................................................................................... 96

5.3.2 Prostate Teletherapy / Interpreting Geometric Misses .................................................. 99

Chapter 6 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 119

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 125

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List of Figures

Figure 2.1: A schematic diagram of a 1st generation optical computed tomography scanner used

for scanning polymer gel dosimeters. ...................................................................................... 9

Figure 2.2: Schematic diagrams of various OptCT scanners.. ....................................................... 11

Figure 2.3: Superimposed continuous 1D dose distributions showing dose difference and

distance-to-agreement evaluations. ........................................................................................ 15

Figure 2.4: Superimposed continuous 1D dose distributions showing and the corresponding γ

distribution ............................................................................................................................. 15

Figure 2.5: Geometric representations of the acceptance criteria used to evaluate distributions

with 1 and 2 spatial dimensions respectively. ........................................................................ 20

Figure 2.6: A colour wash image representing a γ-distribution from a 2D dose distribution

comparison ............................................................................................................................. 21

Figure 2.7: Cumulative volume histograms corresponding to a 3D comparison for a conformal

prostate delivery validation with polymer gel dosimetry. ...................................................... 22

Figure 2.8: A one dimensional example demonstrating the discretization artefact of γ ................ 27

Figure 2.9: A diagram showing the γ angle as it was described by Low et al. (1998) and Stock et

al. (2004). ............................................................................................................................... 28

Figure 3.1: A flow diagram showing a simplified version of the process leading to biological

damage from ionizing radiation (adapted from Johns and Cunningham 1983). .................... 34

Figure 3.2: Kinematics of a Compton event. ................................................................................. 36

Figure 3.3: A schematic of a proposed initiation reaction mechanism in free radical

polymerization. ...................................................................................................................... 46

Figure 3.4: Simplified polymer chain diagram. ............................................................................. 48

Figure 3.5: A proposed reaction mechanism for a propagation reaction of free radical

polymerization.. ..................................................................................................................... 48

Figure 3.6: A possible combination termination reaction stopping the growth of a polymer chain..

............................................................................................................................................... 48

Figure 4.1: Monte Carlo (MC) simulated spectra for 10x10 cm2 photon beams of Co-60 and

6 MV photons at the depth of 10 cm in water at the SAD’s. ................................................. 51

Figure 4.2: The Theratron 780C cobalt therapy unit and source. .................................................. 51

Figure 4.3: Benchtop tomotherapy apparatus for the Theratron 780C. ......................................... 53

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Figure 4.4: The Clinac 21iX and corresponding percent-depth-dose (PDD) curves for Co-60 and a

15MV treatment beam ........................................................................................................... 53

Figure 4.5: The Vista OptCT scanner with the protective cover removed .................................... 55

Figure 4.6: The PQ 5000 large bore at the CCSEO and the experimental setup. .......................... 57

Figure 4.7: Pictoral representation of the γ search algorithm. ....................................................... 61

Figure 4.8: Flow diagram showing the software process of our in-house gamma evaluations......62

Figure 4.9: The test distributions provided by the Department of Radiation Oncology,

Washington University School of Medicine .......................................................................... 64

Figure 4.10: Dose distribution that has been perturbed with a double Gaussian dose shift .......... 65

Figure 4.11: Dose distribution that has been perturbed with an inverted double Gaussian dose

shift. ....................................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 4.12: Test dose distribution characteristic of a head and neck cobalt tomotherapy

treatment. ............................................................................................................................... 66

Figure 4.13: Intersecting pencil beam calibration patterns. ........................................................... 67

Figure 4.14: Example calibration curve and OptCT measurement.. .............................................. 68

Figure 4.15: Photographs of the AQUA phantom used for simulating the human torso in

irradiations and CT scans. ...................................................................................................... 71

Figure 4.16: An X-ray CT scan of the AQUA phantom and gel dosimeter insert made using

Eclipse treatment planning software.. .................................................................................... 73

Figure 4.17: 7-field 15 MV conformal prostate treatment plan from Eclipse ............................... 74

Figure 4.18: A photograph of the experimental setup for the 7-field conformal prostate delivery

.............................................................................................................................................. .75

Figure 5.1: Gamma comparisons between test distributions used by Low and Dempsey (2003).

............................................................................................................................................... 77

Figure 5.2: The γ-vector evaluation for Low and Dempsey’s test distribution .............................. 78

Figure 5.3: Vector analysis of double Gaussian dose perturbation errors ..................................... 81

Figure 5.4: Negative divergence in γ-vector fields ........................................................................ 83

Figure 5.5: Plots showing the response of the mean γ-vector components to zero mean Gaussian

noise... .................................................................................................................................... 84

Figure 5.6: The mean component vector response to misalignments along each of 3 distribution

dimensions (dose is the third dimension).. ............................................................................. 87

Figure 5.7: Double Gaussian dose perturbation in Co-60 tomotherapy dose distributions ........... 89

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Figure 5.8: A one dimensional γ-comparison between a reference distribution and an evaluated

distribution showing a γ-vector artefact associated with discretization. ................................ 90

Figure 5.9: An attenuation to dose calibration for the Vista 4%T 50%C NIPAM/Bis dosimeter

system.. .................................................................................................................................. 92

Figure 5.10: 20 MeV electron beam percent-depth-dose (PDD) curves from OptCT and ion

chamber measurements. ......................................................................................................... 92

Figure 5.11: The combined calibration data for the entire series of experiments presented in this

research project.. .................................................................................................................... 94

Figure 5.12: A set of carefully controlled calibration experiments. .............................................. 95

Figure 5.13: A 3D treatment validation using polymer gel dosimetry with OptCT with complete

3D gamma analysis. ............................................................................................................... 97

Figure 5.14: The cumulative gamma volume histograms (GVH)’s for the cobalt tomotherapy

validation ............................................................................................................................... 98

Figure 5.15: A 4 Gy seven field 15 MV conformal prostate treatment plan created for the AQUA

phantom ............................................................................................................................... 101

Figure 5.16: A 3D OptCT measurement of a 4Gy dose distribution preserved in a NIPAM/Bis

polymer gel dosimeter.. ........................................................................................................ 102

Figure 5.17: Dose profiles comparing the polymer gel dose measurement with the planned dose

distribution calculated by Eclipse ........................................................................................ 103

Figure 5.18: 3D gamma comparison between the polymer gel dose measurement and the planned

dose distribution ................................................................................................................... 104

Figure 5.19: The component vector plot for a 2D γ-vector comparison between the sagittal planes

of the polymer gel measurement and Eclipse plan............................................................... 106

Figure 5.20: Dose profiles comparing the polymer gel dosimeter measurement of the dose

distribution with the modified eclipse plan. ......................................................................... 108

Figure 5.21: The retroactively modified Eclipse plan with an error accounted for ..................... 109

Figure 5.22: A 3D γ comparison between the modified Eclipse plan and the OptCT measurement

of the dose distribution ......................................................................................................... 110

Figure 5.23: Cumulative volume histograms comparing the OptCT measurement of the dose

distribution delivered to the polymer gel dosimeter and the modified planned distribution

from Eclipse. ........................................................................................................................ 111

Figure 5.24: The planned 3Gy treatment dose distribution calculated by Eclipse. ...................... 114

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Figure 5.25: A calibrated and registered OptCT measurement of a 3Gy dose distribution

preserved within a polymer gel dosimeter.. ......................................................................... 115

Figure 5.26: Dose profiles comparing the polymer gel dosimeter measurement of the dose

distribution with a 3Gy Eclipse plan. ................................................................................... 116

Figure 5.27: A 3D γ-comparison between the planned 3Gy dose distribution calculated by

Eclipse, and the OptCT measurement .................................................................................. 117

Figure 5.28: he component vector plots corresponding to the 2D γ-vector analysis between the

sagittal planes of the 3Gy planned dose distribution from Eclipse and the OptCT

measurement of the dose distribution.. ................................................................................ 118

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List of Tables

Table 2.1: Definitions of symbols used to describe the γ-index (Low and Dempsey 2003) ......... 19

Table 3.1: Radiolysis of water (adapted from Swallow 1973; Spinks and Woods 1976). ............. 39

Table 3.2: Oxidation of the Fe2+ ion in the Fricke dosimeter ........................................................ 40

Table 3.3: Simplified free radical polymerization reactions of the NIPAM/Bis dosimeter ........... 47

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation and Objectives

This year (2008) an estimated 166,400 new cases of cancer will be reported in Canada.

Roughly one half of people that will be treated for their disease will receive radiation therapy. An

estimated 73,800 will die from their disease (Canadian Cancer Society, 2008). Radiation therapy

involves the use of ionizing radiation (photon, proton, electron, neutron or ion beams) to destroy

diseased tissue by causing damage to its DNA. Ionizing radiation damages DNA either through

direct interactions with DNA molecules or, more commonly, indirectly through interactions with

other biological compounds (especially water) via highly reactive free radicals. The radiation

damage to DNA disrupts its structure and impairs its normal function. Sufficient irreparable

damage will kill or severely weaken the cell and its progeny. Although cancer cells are often

more susceptible to radiation damage because they typically divide much more rapidly than cells

comprising healthy tissue, an unfortunate reality is that ionizing radiation damages all tissue.

Therefore, the goal of radiation therapy is to deliver sufficient dose of ionizing radiation to the

tumour while minimizing dose to the surrounding healthy tissue thereby reducing complications.

With this goal in mind, dose delivery techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated (in

parallel with advancements in computer technology) allowing radiation to be tightly conformed to

the target.

Careful calibration and quality assurance of the radiotherapy equipment before the

irradiation of patients is critical. These tasks constitute some of the major clinical responsibilities

of medical physicists. Recently, the Radiological Physics Center (RPC) (Molineu et al. 2005)

surveyed 104 institutions in their capacity to deliver head and neck Intensity-Modulated-

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Radiation-Therapy (IMRT) to a mailable anthropomorphic IMRT phantom distributed to the

institutions. Each institution irradiated the phantom according to their own IMRT treatment plans

and routine quality assurance (QA) checks. Surprisingly, 30 % of 136 irradiations failed to match

the treatment plans within tolerances in spite of wide margins of error (± 7 % dose, ± 4 mm)

beyond the standard 3% 4mm criteria recommended for photon beams (Van Dyk et al. 1993).

Furthermore, since there are no standardized three dimensional (3D) dosimetry techniques

available to medical physicists, the dose distributions were measured using point detectors and

planar films. It is unclear what failure rate would have been detected had a true 3D dosimeter

been available. The study illustrates the need to improve QA routines in parallel with

developments in conformal techniques. It has also been identified as a compelling argument for

the development of a clinically viable 3D dosimeter system (Oldham 2006).

Polymer gel dosimeters are a very promising group of 3D dosimetry systems that are

currently under investigation. A typical polymer gel dosimeter is a hydrogel with monomer and

crosslinker precursors in solution. Irradiation initiates free radical polymerization reactions that

cause polymer particles to precipitate out of solution in proportion to the radiation dose

(Maryanski et al. 1993; Fuxman et al. 2005; Senden et al. 2006). The gel network suspends the

polymer particles, preserving the dose distribution in the dosimeter. The presence of polymer

particles alters the physical properties of the gel, such as the optical attenuation coefficient,

permitting acquisition of a digital 3D image that provides a direct measure of delivered dose. For

over two years our group has been successfully obtaining 3D dose images of polymer gel

dosimeters through cone beam Optical Computed Tomography (OptCT). However, until now we

have not attempted to use OptCT dose distribution measurements for their ultimate purpose: 3D

dose validations.

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The primary objective of the research reported in this thesis was to develop techniques

for comparing 3D OptCT images of polymer gels to conformal dose plans, establishing necessary

protocols for 3D delivery validation using polymer gel dosimetry. Working towards true 3D

comparisons required careful construction of a number of software tools, including an efficient

3D gamma comparison tool. During the preparation of a new set of gamma tools, it was

recognized that the standard gamma value provides little information into the significance of dose

and spatial disagreements. For this reason, an investigation into the additional information that

the gamma vector field could provide was undertaken. Finally, the polymer gel dosimetry tools

and analysis software were applied to a specific clinical validation mimicking potential setup

correction using image guidance.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This chapter serves as a brief historical background of the state of the art of three

dimensional (3D) dosimetry as it applies to radiation therapy. It includes a discussion of the

development and the obstacles associated with using optical computed tomography (OptCT) for

scanning 3D dosimeters. The techniques currently available to medical physicists for making

comparisons between dose distributions and efficiently evaluating large dose data sets are also

reviewed. The goal is to introduce the research on 3D dose verifications with polymer gel


2.2 3D Dosimetry

The need for accurate, high resolution 3D dosimetry becomes more pressing as

conformal techniques (e.g., Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and tomotherapy)

make it possible to achieve more complicated dose patterns with steeper dose gradients.

Verifying the accuracy of the dose delivery calculation from the treatment planning software

(TPS) is an important aspect of regular clinical quality assurance. Achieving high resolution 3D

measurements with conventional dosimetry techniques such as ionization chambers,

thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD)’s and radiosensitive films, is extremely laborious and may

be insufficient to achieve accurate dosimetry. This underscores the motivation behind the

development of new 3D dosimetry techniques that are capable of obtaining high resolution dose

measurements in three dimensions.

Adamczyk and Skorska (2007) used stacks of radiation sensitive film as a tomographic

3D dosimeter. While they showed that stacked-film 3D dosimetry is feasible with 6 MV photon

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beams; development, digitization, registration, calibration and analysis of an entire stack of films

is not a practical solution under the time constraints typical of a clinical environment.

Alternatively electronic portal imaging devices (EPID)’s, which were designed to verify patient

setup, can be used to verify treatment plans (El-Mohri et al. 1999; McDermott et al. 2006). One

promising technique for performing 3D dosimetry with an EPID involves performing beam

transmission measurements behind a phantom and using these to reconstruct the dose distribution

(Louwe et al. 2003; McDermott et al. 2006; van Zijtveld et al. 2007). One major advantage of

this type of 3D dosimetry is that it is easily performed during delivery and may therefore be used

to verify individual patient treatments. However perturbation of exit field measurements due to

scatter, which is energy, field size, and anatomy dependent, makes accurate dosimetry difficult.

The technique is still under development. Another exciting 3D dosimetry technique involves the

use of chemical dosimeters suspended in a hydrogel. The basic concept is that irradiation initiates

a chemical reaction and the gel matrix provides spatial stability to the reaction product. The

distribution of reactants within the gel dosimeters provides a direct measurement of radiation

dose in a tissue equivalent material, constituting a true 3D dosimeter.

2.2.1 Gel Dosimeters

In their letter to Nature, Day and Stein (1950) were the first to report on radiosensitive

hydrogels for the purpose of 3D dosimetry. They were looking for a system that was “quasi-

solid, [that gave an easily observable chemical change] and [had] the same average atomic

number and electron density as body tissue (that is as water).” Having tested several

formulations, they recommended a Methylene blue dye and agar gel recipe which changed colour

upon irradiation, because of a hypothesized chemical reduction of dye molecules by ions and free

radicals produced by ionizing radiation. Day and Stein (1950) also noted that dissolved oxygen,

if present, competed with the dye for the reducing agents (ions and free radicals). They observed

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a threshold dose in the Methylene blue system which had to be reached (to reduce all the oxygen)

before there was a dose response.

Modern gel dosimetry started when Gore et al. (1984a) used gelatin to provide spatial

stability to the well known Fricke dosimeter (Fricke and Morse 1927) and probed the gels with

MRI (1984b). However, post irradiation, the diffusion of ferric ions caused gradual blurring and

eventual loss of the dose pattern (Olsson et al. 1992; Harris et al. 1996; Kron et al. 1997; Tseng et

al. 2002). Rae et al. (1996) used chelating agents to reduce blurring caused by ion diffusion.

Yet, temporal instability remains a current issue with gel dosimeters based on the Fricke

dosimeter. To avoid the problem altogether, Maryanski et al. (1993) introduced a new type of gel

dosimeter, where the dose pattern is preserved by the formation of polymer particles that

precipitate out of solution. In a polymer gel dosimeter, monomer and crosslinker precursors are

dissolved in the gel matrix such that irradiation of the gel induces a free radical polymerization

reaction. The resulting polymer particles are large and exhibit negligible diffusion through the

gel matrix. The gel formulation presented by Maryanski et al. (1993) contained

N,N’-methylene-bis-acrylamide (Bis) crosslinker, Acrylamide monomer, Nitrous Oxide, ANd

Agarose, and was labeled with the acronym BANANA. Since then various groups have explored

new recipes and improved upon polymer gel dosimeters by introducing anti-oxidants (Fong et al.

2001; De Deene et al. 2002), switching to different gel networks (Maryanski et al. 1994a),

exploring new monomers and crosslinkers (Maryanski et al. 1996; Senden et al. 2006) and using

co-solvents to increase the solubility of the crosslinker (Koeva et al. 2008).

2.2.2 The NIPAM/Bis gel dosimeter

Due to its high dose sensitivity and early establishment, acrylamide is a preferred

monomer in polymer gel dosimeter formulations. Like the methylene blue system, the oxidizing

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power of oxygen is also problematic in gel dosimeters based on acrylamide (Maryanski et al.

1993; Maryanski et al. 1994a; Salomons et al. 2002). Oxygen is a free radical scavenger that

inhibits free radical polymerization (Maryanski et al. 1993; Maryanski et al. 1994ab; Hepworth et

al. 1999; De Deene et al. 2001). As a result, early polymer gel dosimeters had to be prepared in

an oxygen free environment. If acrylamide is the monomer, these are known as PAG dosimeters.

It became possible to prepare polymer gel dosimeters under normoxic (normal atmospheric)

conditions when anti-oxidants, especially tetrakis hydroxymethyl phosphonium chloride (THPC)

(De Deene et al. 2002), were introduced to the dosimeter formulations (Fong et al. 2001).

Acrylamide based gel dosimeters prepared under normoxic conditions are commonly described as

nPAG. However, a concerning practical problem with both PAG and nPAG dosimeters is that

acrylamide is a neurotoxin (Maryanski et al. 1994a; Fong et al. 2001; Murphy et al. 2000;

McAuley et al. 2004, cited by Karlsson et al. 2007). Senden et al. (2006) replaced acrylamide

with a much less toxic yet chemically similar monomer: N-isopropyl acrylamide (NIPAM). The

NIPAM/Bis gel dosimeter introduced by Senden et al. (2006) exhibits good dose sensitivity, and

because it is relatively easy to prepare shows excellent potential for future clinical applications.

Furthermore, THPC can be added to NIPAM based dosimeters so that they can also be prepared

at room temperature under normoxic conditions. Therefore, NIPAM based polymer gel

dosimeters were used in these investigations.

Novel dosimeter systems continue to be developed by various groups for specific

dosimetric purposes (Adamovics and Maryanski 2003; Babic et al. 2008; Jordan 2008). For

example, Adamovics and Maryanski (2003) introduced PRESAGETM, a new class of 3D

dosimeter which does not involve hydrogels. In PRESAGETM the soft gel network of

conventional gel dosimeters is replaced with solid optically clear plastic epoxy (polyurethane).

The solid epoxy matrix allows the dosimeter to be cast and machined into clinically relevant

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shapes and obviates the need for a rigid container (a current requirement for gel dosimeters).

Nevertheless, radiation induced chemical changes that are spatially preserved in a polymer matrix

remains a common feature of 3D dosimeters. The resulting post irradiation changes in the

physical properties of the dosimeters permit interrogating them with a variety of imaging

modalities. The goal is to digitize the 3D dose information so that it can be analyzed and

presented to the physicist in a meaningful way.

2.3 Optical Scanning

2.3.1 Development of Scanning Techniques

Even though the first gel dosimeters exhibited optical changes upon irradiation (Day and

Stein 1950; Andrews et al. 1957; Hoecker and Watkins 1958), NMR has been the historical

method of choice for dose information readout from 3D dosimeters (Gore et al. 1984b;

Maryanski et al. 1993; Schreiner et al. 1994; Ibbott et al. 1997; De Deene et al. 1998; Oldham et

al. 1998; Low et al. 1999; Love et al. 2003; Vergote et al. 2004). There is some interest in using

X-ray CT to probe 3D dosimeters due to its robustness and clinical accessibility (Hilts et al. 2000;

Audet et al. 2002; Baxter and Jirasek 2007). X-ray CT is limited in this application for two

reasons: 1) each X-ray CT scan adds dose to the dosimeter. 2) the achievable dose contrast is low

and only permits dosimetry when the measured dose is relatively high, > 8 Gy (Audet et al.

2002). Currently X-ray CT scanners exhibit limited sensitivity to the density changes caused by

radiation induced polymerization. Mather et al. (2002) used ultrasonic measurements to correlate

absorbed dose in PAG dosimeters, finding a strong relationship between dose and speed of sound

propagation. While ultrasonic imaging devices are portable and relatively cheap, the attainable

image quality is inferior to MRI and optical measurements. Unfortunately, the problem with

using MRI to probe polymer gel dosimeters is access. An initial investment for an MRI device is

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on the order of two million dollars. Although this modality may become more achievable as

cancer centres acquire MRI units for treatment planning in the future (Chen et al. 2004).

Additional operational and maintenance costs are significant, and as a result our health care

system supports a limited number of MRI scanners.

The cloudy white precipitate formed after irradiating a polymer gel dosimeter is easily

visible with the naked eye and provides the potential for optical analysis. Jordan (2001b)

provided an excellent survey of techniques that could be used to probe the optical properties of

gel dosimeters such as attenuation, fluorescence, and index of refraction. Along with the advent

of polymer gel dosimetry, Gore et al. (1996) developed an optical scanner capable of measuring

3D dose distributions with high spatial resolution (see Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1: A schematic diagram of the 1st generation optical computed tomography scanner used for scanning polymer gel dosimeters. The mirrors simultaneously translate back and forth to obtain a complete 1D projection. A stepper motor rotates the gel between acquisition of projections (from Gore et al. 1996).

The first generation device used a He-Ne laser, translating mirrors, a rotating stepper motor, and a

photodiode detector to acquire transmission measurements through cylindrical container for the

gel dosimeter. The authors used a filtered backprojection algorithm to reconstruct 2D images

corresponding to the optical attenuation. The technique is completely analogous to X-ray

computed tomography except that optical photons probe the sample instead of high energy

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X-rays. This type of method is now known as Optical Computed Tomography (OptCT).

Compared with MRI OptCT uses a compact imaging device requires less infrastructure and is

much cheaper. OptCT units are now commercially available for less than $30 000, e.g., the

VistaTM unit from Modus Medical (London, ON) and the OCTOPUSTM from MGS Inc.,

(Newhaven, CT). Furthermore, because of advances in CCD technology driven by the digital

camera industry, photodetectors with exquisite sensitivity and resolution are available at low cost.

One limitation of OptCT systems is that optical effects, such as refraction, lead to

artefacts in reconstructed images. Cylindrically shaped dosimeter containers and tanks filled with

liquid matching the index of refraction of the gel are employed to reduce refraction at the gel-jar

and tank medium-jar interfaces. These adaptations are not required for MRI based polymer gel

dosimetry. Consequently, MRI has some unique advantages over OptCT, for example the ability

to image irregular dosimeter shapes and/or gels containing opaque and irregular structures (e.g.,


A disadvantage of the first generation laser systems, like the one introduced by Gore et

al. (1996), is that data acquisition is limited to one dimension per projection and is relatively

slow. Even when the translational stage was replaced with rotating mirrors, the acquisition of 75

slices of data required ~25 minutes (Van Doorn et al. 2005; Conklin et al. 2006). Various groups

have developed and investigated OptCT scanners with parallel beam, fan beam, and cone beam

geometries (see Figure 2.2) allowing simultaneous acquisition of projection data in 1 and 2

dimensions (e.g., Bero et al. 1999; Wolodzko et al. 1999; Jordan et al. 2001; De Jean et al. 2006;

Olding et al. 2007; Rudko et al. 2008). Both cone beam and parallel beam OptCT systems allow

data acquisition in 2D, but cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) systems have the added

advantage of avoiding expensive optics, which also makes them more compact. Optical

computed tomography based on transmission measurements provides detailed information about

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Figure 2.2: Schematic diagrams of various OptCT scanners. (a) A parallel beam setup (from Krstajic and Doran 2006a). (b) A fan beam system (adapted from Rudko et al. 2008). (c) Cone beam geometry (reproduced with permission from Doran et al. 2006b and Wolodzko et al. 1999).

the spatial variation of the total optical attenuation, µ, which is the sum of the attenuation due to

scatter, µscat, and absorption, µabs. For a pathlength, x, the transmitted photon intensity, I, is given

by Beer’s law

xeII µ−= 0 [Eqn. 2.1]

where I0 is the incident photon intensity. Often the attenuation data is returned in Hounsfield

units (CT#) where the attenuation is normalized to water (see Section 3.2).

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2.3.2 The Problem of Scatter in Cone Beam OptCT

Cone beam CT geometry is now also widely used in X-ray CT, particularly for image

guidance before radiation delivery. As in OptCT, the advantage of an X-ray CBCT system is that

projections are acquired in 2D and a complete 3D volume can be reconstructed from a single scan

over one rotation. However, because of the broad beam geometry, photons associated with

scatter are mixed with the primary beam that reaches the detector (Siewerdsen and Jaffray 2001).

The result is that the projection data usually show a higher photon count than would be the case if

the intensity of light at the detector depended only on Beer’s law. Both X-ray and optical CBCT

systems are known to suffer from artefacts associated with scatter such as cupping, a depression

in measured attenuation, and a reduction in contrast-to-noise (CNR) (Siewerdsen et al. 2006;

Ning et al. 2004).

Maryanski et al. (1996) investigated the optical properties of BANG polymer gel

dosimeters. Noting an absence of absorption bands in the visible absorption spectra of both

acrylamide monomer and polyacrylamide solutions, they postulated that scatter is the primary

mode of optical extinction in irradiated BANG polymer gel dosimeters. Having also measured

the size of the polymer particles, they concluded that the microparticle precipitate constituted an

array of scattering centres consistent with Mie scattering. This is assumed to be the case for other

polymer gel systems where the dose response corresponds to the formation of a precipitate.

Then, the problem of scattered light inherent to cone beam OptCT is compounded in the

application of polymer gel dosimetry (Oldham 2006; Gore et al. 1996). Therefore, managing and

reducing the effects of scatter remains an important challenge for polymer gel dosimetry with

cone beam OptCT.

In our current work, the total concentration of monomer and crosslinker precursors has

been reduced from 6% (Senden et al. 2006), to 4% by mass in order to reduce background

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polymerization in the NIPAM/Bis dosimeter and to minimize scatter related artefacts (Olding et

al. 2007). This approach reduces the base scatter-to-primary ratio (SPR) of the dosimeter.

Unfortunately, it also reduces the inherent dose sensitivity of the dosimeter. Recently, several

groups have implemented scatter correction techniques that have already proven successful in

X-ray CBCT (Ning et al. 2004; Siewerdsen et al. 2006; Wagner et al. 1988; Molloi et al. 1998;

Rinkel et al. 2007) for cone beam OptCT (Holmes et al. 2008; Olding et al. 2008; Jordan and

Battista 2008). It has been further shown by Holmes et al. 2008, that optical techniques (such as

the use of polarizing filters) could be applied to reduce scatter. While, these techniques were not

applied to improve the quality of optical scans for the research presented in this thesis, they may

lead to improved dosimetry in similar investigations.

2.4 Dose Comparison Techniques

2.4.1 Introduction

The technological advance of treatment planning systems, radiotherapy equipment and

therapeutic techniques is thought to improve the standard of care and quality of life through

achieving tighter treatment margins between the target and high dose delivery, thus sparing more

tissue. Clinical implementation of these advances requires careful commissioning and regular

quality assurance checks from medical physicists and technicians. To these ends, comparing

calculated dose distributions to physical measurement is a task frequently faced by radiation

oncology physicists. A comprehensive comparison should involve analysis in both dose and

spatial domains (Harms et al. 1998). One popular and conceptually simple dose comparison

technique involves independently representing the dose information from two distributions with

contours (known as isodose distributions) and superimposing them. This type of analysis allows

a qualitative comparison between distributions considering both dose and spatial dimensions.

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However, analysis of three dimensional data becomes cumbersome and a more quantitative

investigation is necessary (Harms et al. 1998).

2.4.2 Dose Difference

The numerical dose difference between distributions can be determined point by point

between measured and calculated distributions and used to highlight regions of disagreement

(Harms et al. 1998; Mah et al. 1989). Statistical data can be represented with histograms of the

dose difference while colour wash presentations direct the eye towards regions of disagreement

(Fraass 1996; Fraass and McShan 1995; and Fraass et al. 1994). The major shortcoming of the

dose difference technique is that it is inherently oversensitive in regions of high dose gradient

such as at the edge of a target in conformal deliveries. As shown in Figure 2.3, in regions of high

dose gradient a small spatial error results in a large numerical difference between measured and

planned dose distributions. Meaningful analysis of agreement in regions of high dose gradient

must therefore be performed using a separate method. In their evaluation of 2D and 3D electron

beam dose calculation algorithms, Mah et al. (1989) presented isodose curves to accompany their

dose-difference plots, obtaining only qualitative information in high dose regions.

2.4.3 Distance-to-Agreement

The distance-to-agreement (DTA) concept was developed to provide a quantitative

analysis of dose distributions in regions of high dose gradient (Hogstrom et al. 1984; Shiu et al.

1992; Harms et al. 1998; Dahlin et al. 1983; Low et al. 1998). “The DTA is the distance between

a measured dose point, and the nearest point in the calculated distribution with the same dose

value,” (Harms et al. 1998). In an early implementation, Hogstrom et al. (1984) determined each

DTA value manually. With 50-60 TLD measurements superimposed on top of the isodose plot

calculated by the electron beam dose calculation algorithm each DTA was determined by finding

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Figure 2.3: Superimposed continuous 1D dose distributions showing dose difference and distance-to-agreement evaluations. The inherent sensitivities of the dose difference and DTA tool are shown for regions of high and low dose gradient respectively (reproduced with permission from Low et al. 1998).

Figure 2.4: Superimposed continuous 1D dose distributions showing, as shown above. The corresponding 1D γ distribution is also shown. There is no oversensitivity in regions of high or low dose gradient (reproduced with permission from Low et al. 1998).

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the distance between each point measurement and the nearest corresponding isodose curve.

However, manual analysis is not practical when the volume and resolution of the measured data is

high, as is the case for films and 3D dosimeters. The DTA distribution provides an excellent

measure of the calculation quality in regions of high dose gradient, but the converse of the dose

difference comparisons is oversensitive in regions of low dose gradient. Figure 2.3 illustrates

how a small dose shift results in large DTA values in regions with low dose gradient.

2.4.4 Composite Evaluation

Harms et al. (1998) combined the complementary nature of the DTA and dose difference

distributions in a software tool called the composite evaluation. Included in their presentation of

the composite evaluation algorithm was the description of a software tool which measured the

DTA distributions automatically. In the composite evaluation, the dose difference and DTA

distributions are independently evaluated as either meeting or exceeding predefined tolerances.

Harms et al. used the 3 % criteria (i.e., 3 % of the maximum dose) for the dose difference

recommended by Van Dyk et al. (1993) but adopted a 3 mm DTA limit instead of the

recommended 4 mm guideline. The 3 mm criteria was subsequently adopted in many other

studies (Low et al. 1998; Depuydt et al. 2001; Low and Demspey 2003; Bakai et al. 2003; Stock

et al. 2005; Spezi and Lewis 2006; Wendling et al. 2007; Ju et al. 2008). In the composite

evaluation, the tolerance criteria are used to create two binary pass-or-fail distributions,

corresponding to the DTA and dose difference. These are multiplied point by point yielding a

single binary distribution. The combined binary distribution contains an array of 0’s or 1’s for

agreement or failure respectively within 3% and 3mm. The final output shows only regions that

fail to meet both dose difference and DTA tolerance criteria, and therefore it is not overly

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sensitive in regions of low or high dose gradient. Because it is a binary distribution, the

composite distribution does not lend itself to a display that is easily interpreted (Harms et al.

1998; Low et al. 1998). Therefore, by convention, the dose difference is displayed in regions of

failure. This approach heightens the impression of disagreement in regions of high dose gradient.

Furthermore, it is not representative of the significance of agreement in these regions.

2.4.5 The Gamma Comparison

To overcome the limitations of the composite evaluation, Low et al. (1998) developed the

concept of the γ-index, unifying the dose difference and DTA criteria with a single evaluation.

Instead of considering the DTA and dose difference distributions independently, the γ-index

combines them as vectors. Like the composite evaluation, the γ evaluation avoids oversensitivity

to low and high dose gradients (see Figure 2.4). Before a detailed review of the γ concept is

given, an important change of notation, introduced by Low and Dempsey (2003), should be

recognized. Neither the γ tool nor the DTA are symmetric with respect to the two distributions

they evaluate, and either or both distributions could be measured or calculated. For example it

may be necessary to perform comparisons between Monte Carlo computations and calculations

made by planning software, or between film measurements (Dhanesar et al. 2008). To avoid

confusion, the terms reference and evaluated were adopted to correspondingly describe a trusted

dose distribution and a dose distribution under investigtion. In the original change of notation,

the terms evaluated and reference referred to measured and calculated distributions respectively.

These terms are not restrictive however, and other groups have used them to describe other

combinations of dose distributions. The same notation is used in later publications (Ju et al. 2008;

Wendling et al. 2007; Stock et al. 2004). The γ comparison is used to measure the extent to

which an evaluated distribution agrees with a reference distribution, which is treated as the true

distribution (though, strictly speaking, obtaining a true distribution may not be possible). In the

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research presented in this thesis, polymer gel dosimeters are being commissioned as a clinical QA

tool for the process of radiotherapy. Data obtained by probing gel dosimeters therefore comprises

the evaluated distributions while distributions that have been calculated with treatment planning

software are the reference distributions. Thus, compared to the use during the development of the

DTA and dose difference tools (i.e., the evaluation of electron beam dose calculation software),

the scenario is reversed in this thesis.

A γ comparison is only possible when the dose data are coupled with corresponding

spatial information. In their original work, Low et al. (1998) compared continuous distributions

(i.e., described by mathematical functions) having only one spatial dimension. The theoretical

concept also applies to distributions with any higher number of spatial dimensions. The 1D

continuous reference and evaluated distributions used by Low et al. (1998), which represent the

beam edge of a 10x10 cm2 6MV photon beam, provide an excellent visual representation of the

γ-index (see Figure 2.3). Every position in the reference distribution, rrv

, has a corresponding

( )rrvv

γ value which is a measure of agreement with the evaluated distribution. Each rrv

can be

coupled with any point in the evaluated distribution rrv

. For all pairs there exists a value

( )re rrvvv

,Γ , defined by the difference between the dose and physical position. Each ( )re rrvvv

,Γ is

normalized to the dose difference and distance-to-agreement tolerance criteria, ∆DM and ∆dM

respectively. ( )rrvv

γ is defined as the smallest possible value of ( )re rrvvv

,Γ that can be found

considering the entire evaluated distribution. The mathematical formalisms are reviewed in Table

2.1 which has been adapted from Low and Dempsey (2003).

The magnitude of ( )rrvv

γ is a quantitative measure of the agreement between the

distributions at the point, rrv

. When ( ) 1≤rrvv

γ , there is a point in the evaluated distribution which

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lies within the specified acceptance criteria. Conversely, when ( ) 1>rrvv

γ , no point in the

evaluated distribution can be found within dose difference and distance-to-agreement tolerances.

Table 2.1: Definitions of symbols used to describe the γ-index (Low and Dempsey 2003)

Symbol Defining Equation Description

( )rr rDvv

N/A Reference dose rDv

at position rrv

( )ee rDvv

N/A Evaluated dose eDv

at position erv


Dose difference tolerance criterion (e.g., 3%). In the research presented in this thesis, percentages refer to the maximum dose in the reference distribution.

Md∆ N/A Distance-to-agreement tolerance criterion (e.g., 3mm).

Dr∆ ( ) ( )re rDrDD

vvvvv−=∆ Difference between evaluated dose

and reference dose.

d∆ re rrdvvv−=∆ Spatial distance between evaluated

and reference dose points

Xv∆ re XXX


Spatial distance, in the x-dimension, between evaluated and reference dose points

Yv∆ re YYY


Spatial distance, in the y-dimension, between evaluated and reference dose points

Zv∆ re ZZZ


Spatial distance, in the z-dimension, between evaluated and reference dose points

( )re rrvvv

,Γ ( )( ) ( )
















Generalized Γ function, computed

for all evaluated positions erv


reference positions erv


( )rrvv

γ ( ) ( ){ } { }erer rrrrvvvvvv

∀Γ= ,minγ γ function, the minimum generalized Γ function in the set of evaluated points.

N/A ( ) ( )
















Equation of the ellipse or ellipsoid whose surface represents the acceptance criteria

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Alternatively, Low et al. (1998) used a unit surface ellipse or ellipsoid to graphically represent

and describe the simultaneous evaluation of the acceptance criteria (see Figure 2.5). If no

evaluated point can be found within the ellipse (or ellipsoid) surrounding rrv

, then ( )rrvv

γ is larger

than one. In the γ-evaluation it is assumed that the dose difference and DTA have equal

significance when determining the quality of agreement between distributions (Depuydt et al.




Figure 2.5: (a and b) Geometric representations of the acceptance criteria used to evaluate distributions with 1 and 2 spatial dimensions respectively (adapted from Low et al. 1998). In these illustrations the acceptance geometry is shown in green while the γ component vectors are shown in blue. The generalized Γ vector is shown in red.

In the original work only the theoretical basis for the γ comparison was reported. A tool

capable of performing γ analyses between clinical dose distributions such as those obtained from

planning systems or measurements was not presented. Having developed such a tool, Low et al.

(1999) used the γ analysis to compare MRI measurements of dose distributions in BANG®

polymer gels to calculation. Visually appealing color wash images, such as those shown in

Figure 2.6, were used to display 2D γ distributions that represented agreement at the axial x-y

plane. 2D analysis of 3D dosimetry measurements with a tool intended for high data content

seems limited; thus higher dimensional γ-comparison techniques soon became available (Spezi

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and Lewis 2006; Wendling et al. 2007; Ju et al. 2008). Spezi and Lewis (2006) performed

complete γ comparisons between 3D IMRT head and neck dose plans using a γ-tool designed for

Figure 2.6: A colour wash image representing a γ-distribution from a 2D comparison between ion chamber measurements and calculation. The γ distribution was calculated using clinical software accompanying the “I’mRT MatriXX” product (Scanditronix Wellhöfer, Bartlett, TN). The colour bar corresponds to individual γ magnitudes between 0 and 1.28 shown on the plot (reproduced with permission from Mei et al. 2008).

2D comparisons only. This process is known as a 2.5D comparison (Wendling et al. 2008) and

involves performing 2D gamma comparisons between 3D distributions slice-by-slice until the

whole volume is analyzed. 2.5D comparisons will generally yield larger γ-values than a

comparison that considers the entire 3D volume.

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Spezi and Lewis (2006) and Stock et al. (2005) used cumulative volume histograms that

were complementary to their colour wash images to summarize the volumetric γ data in one plot.

Dose volume histograms (DVH)’s (Shipley et al. 1979) are commonly used in planning and

evaluating radiation therapy to summarize volumetric dose information. Cumulative dose volume

histograms show the percentage of a volume of interest receiving up to a specific dose value (for

example see Figure 2.7). Gamma volume histograms (GVH)’s used by Stock et al. (2005) and

described by Spezi and Lewis (2006) are similar to dose volume histograms (DVH)’s, except that

the x-axis represents gamma magnitude instead of dose. In the research presented in this thesis,

where appropriate, cumulative DVH’s and GVH’s will be used to conveniently display statistical

data (of dose and γ respectively) pertaining to volumes of interest within the gel dosimeters.






0 2 4 6

Dose (Gy)







e (

%) Eclipse







0 2 4 6

Gamma Magnitude







e (


Figure 2.7: Cumulative volume histograms corresponding to a 3D comparison for a conformal prostate delivery validation with polymer gel dosimetry. (Left) a dose-volume-histogram corresponding to the prostate volume. (Right) a cumulative gamma-volume-histogram corresponding to the prostate volume. These experimental results are described in greater detail in Chapter 5.

As noted previously, the clinical implementation of polymer gel dosimeters for validating

the process of radiotherapy, like that presented by Low et al. (1999), requires careful

manipulation of large data sets. Meeting the resolution criterion of < 1 mm3 specified for

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(Oldham et al. 2001) means analysis of a 10x10x10 cm3 volume would require examining at least

106 individual data points. Computer assisted analysis is the only way to perform complete

quantitative dosimetric comparisons with this volume of information in a reasonable time frame.

The γ analysis has been developed specifically for this purpose and variations of the γ tool have

been used to compare dose distributions in numerous publications (Boyer et al. 2001; Caccia et

al. 2004; Cernica et al. 2005; Cilla et al. 2006; Kipouros et al. 2003; Dhanesar 2008; Monti and

Frigerio 2006; Petric et al. 2005; Renner 2007; Vedam et al. 2005; Wendling et al. 2006; Oliver

et al. 2008; Babic et al. 2008).

Since it was introduced, the γ-tool has been refined, modified and evaluated by several

authors (Depuydt et al. 2002; Low and Dempsey 2003; Bakai et al. 2003; Stock et al. 2005; Jiang

et al. 2006; Spezi and Lewis 2006; Wendling et al. 2007; Ju et al. 2008; Holmes et al. 2008). In

their clinical assessment of the γ evaluation, Depuydt et al. (2002) identified the importance of

considering the spatial resolution of the distributions under investigation. While Low et al.

(1998) presented a powerful theoretical concept for continuous functions real clinical

comparisons are typically made between discretized representations of dose distributions.

Depuydt et al. (2002) were concerned with overestimations of γ values caused by large grid

spacing in discrete dose distributions, particularly in regions of high dose gradient. To avoid

overestimating individual γ-values they reduced the γ index to a pass/fail metric and introduced a

filter cascade which tested for three geometric scenarios that would falsely lead to γ>1. In

addition, in order to reduce computation time, the search for ( )rrvv

γ only encompassed the

evaluated pixels lying within the spatial radius defined by the DTA criterion. For each reference

point, the search was terminated as soon as a value of ( ) 1<rrvv

γ was found. Effectually, they

reduced the continuous value of γ to a binary test equivalent to the composite evaluation (Ju et al.

2008). Recognizing the importance of the grid resolution and its effect on γ was an important

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new idea. The authors observed that the individual γ values calculated from discrete distributions

will be larger than the true analytical minimum that would be found had the distributions been

presented as continuous functions. Several later studies were directed, in part, towards resolving

this issue (Bakai et al. 2003; Wendling et al. 2007; Ju et al. 2008)

2.4.6 Discretization Artefacts in γ Distributions

Low and Dempsey (2003) partially addressed the issue of sensitivity due to the discrete

nature of the data. They claimed that by re-sampling the distributions to 1x1 mm2 grids, the error

in γ associated with pixelization artefacts was reduced to less than 0.2, even in regions of high

dose gradient. However, the main focus of their investigation was to examine the behaviour of

the γ evaluation in the presence of noise. They used dose distributions that simulated a square 10

x 10 cm2 field from a 6 MV photon beam impingent on a water tank. The evaluated distribution

was obtained by modifying the reference distribution so that there were regions where

disagreement was caused by either an imposed dose difference or misalignment. Pseudorandom

noise was then added to either the reference or the evaluated distribution. Statistical analysis of

the resulting γ distributions revealed that adding noise to the reference distribution had little effect

on the mean value of γ. However, adding noise to the evaluated distribution caused an

underestimate of the mean value of γ compared to the noise free case. The authors stated that the

study was conducted with greater noise than typically found in standard deviations in clinical

measurements. Nevertheless, the noise level in the evaluated distribution must be considered

when interpreting the results of γ analyses. They suggested that some level of noise filtering may

be necessary, but did not indicate at what noise level filtering would be appropriate.

Bakai et al. (2003) proposed a modification to the γ tool where the acceptance

ellipse/ellipsoid is defined solely by the DTA criterion at each reference point. Multiplying the

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dose at each point in the evaluated distribution by the ratio of the DTA and dose difference

criteria modified the dose axis such that it had units of distance (see Equation 2.2).





∆×=′ [Eqn. 2.2]

In the case of a comparison between 1D distributions the ellipses form a tube encompassing the

reference distribution. The thickness of the tube along the dose dimension is dependent on the

local dose gradient. The test of agreement is reduced to determining where the evaluated

distribution lies within the tube. The authors used the tube concept to define a factor, χ, which

quantifies the extent to which the evaluated distribution agrees at any given reference position.

Similar to the γ analysis, the comparison passes when χ≤1. The strengths of this comparison

technique are twofold: 1) it is not sensitive to grid resolution. 2) since there is no search for the

smallest Γ, the calculation time is greatly reduced. The authors reported the χ evaluation to be

~120 faster than the γ analysis. The main limitation with their technique is that the evaluated and

reference distributions must have the same grid spacing (Ju et al. 2008), because the comparison

is made solely in the dose dimension (to gain an advantage in computational time). In a similar

study, Jiang et al. (2005) converted the comparison in the spatial domain to a comparison in the

dose domain using a concept they called the maximum allowable dose difference (MADD). The

acceptance volume (e.g., an ellipsoid) and the dose gradient of the evaluated function are used to

determine MADD. If the dose difference is less than MADD at a particular reference point, the

distributions agree within spatial and dose tolerances. While the technique seems promising, the

authors did not specify whether calculating MADD has any computational advantage over γ.

Wendling et al. (2007) offered a solution to the discretization artefact through

interpolating additional data points in the evaluated grid. The computational speed of the

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algorithm was enhanced by precalculating the interpolation factors, and further by restricting the

search around each reference point. Evaluated points that “do not have a chance” of yielding the

smallest value of Γ are not queried: i.e., as soon as ∆d/∆dM becomes larger than the smallest Γ

found so far, the search is terminated. They also imposed a maximum search distance of 1.0 cm

surrounding each reference point. The concept of limiting the search distance by the smallest Γ

found so far was first proposed by Stock et al. (2004) who used an expanding square search

algorithm to find γ. Wendling et al. (2007) achieved even greater computational speed by

carefully limiting the number of superfluous calculations. Furthermore, by interpolating more

points the γ values approach the analytical minimum of the corresponding continuous

distribution. In theory, interpolating to higher grid resolution would yield γ values approaching

the analytical values for a continuous distribution. However, with this method the computation

time grows cubically with increasing grid resolution (Ju et al. 2008).

Recognizing that the increase in computation time seen by Wendling et al. (2007) was

because the calculation required interpolation, Ju et al. (2008) proposed a geometric approach to

determining the smallest Γ. For 1D dose distributions the smallest Γ will either lie on an

evaluated point, or on the point on the line connecting neighbouring evaluated points where the

normal intersects the reference point (see Figure 2.8). In the case of 2 and 3 dimensional

comparisons, this approach is equivalent to determining the nearest distance to a dose surface or

hyper dose surface connecting adjacent evaluated pixels. Ju et al. (2008) used simplexes to

mathematically represent the dose surfaces and thereby calculate the minimum distance (a

simplex is an array of n+1 points describing a surface in n-dimensional space). Increased

computational speed was achieved by sorting the simplexes by their distance from each reference

point and sequentially calculating each Γ. The geometric approach is an excellent solution to the

discretization artefact. It is insensitive to dose grid resolution and dose gradient, and avoids long

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computation time associated with interpolating large numbers of data points. However, the

method is analogous to linear interpolation as opposed to higher order spline interpolation. The

geometric method as presented by Ju et al. may therefore be sensitive in regions where the

change in gradient is large as linear interpolation leads to discontinuities in the second derivative

(Ju et al. 2008).

Figure 2.8: A one dimensional example demonstrating the discretization artefact of γ. (a) For point to point comparisons, the smallest value of Γ is typically larger than the analytical minimum, particularly in regions of high dose gradient. (b) The geometric method determines the smallest possible distance between the line segment connecting adjacent evaluated points. (reproduced with permission from Ju et al. 2008).

2.4.7 The Vector Nature of γ

Although the γ comparison provides a useful measure of agreement between distributions

when the index is less than one, the scalar gamma value provides little information into the

clinical significance or source of disagreements of failing gamma values (i.e., when γ>1). For

example, a comparison between a distribution calculated by treatment planning software, and an

Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) measurement may show γ>1 over a critical structure

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such as the spinal cord. Using the γ vector information that has been presented so far, it is

impossible to tell with the γ information whether the failure is insignificant or not (i.e., whether it

was caused by an underdose or overdose with respect to the measurement). However, it is

possible that the inherent vector properties of gamma may permit its application as a far more

comprehensive assessment tool than was originally intended.

Even though γ is a vector by definition, only Stock et al. (2004) have reported on the

information or utility of the vector properties of gamma. By convention, only the magnitude of γ

is presented in the γ distribution, the rest of the vector properties are ignored. Low et al. (1998)

called for a graphical analysis of the angle between the dose axis and the vector that defines

( )re rrvvv

,Γ . Stock et al. (2004) used colour wash images of the γ angle to guide the eye towards

regions where deviations were determined mainly by DTA or dose difference. They described

the range of the angle as being from 0 to π. An angle less than π/4 indicated that failure was

predominantly caused by dose difference, while an angle greater than π/4 implicated the DTA

(see Figure 2.9).

Figure 2.9: A diagram showing the γ angle as it was described by Low et al. (1998) and Stock et

al. (2004).

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2.5 Clinical Radiotherapy Validations in 3D

While polymer gel dosimeters have not yet been clinically adopted, there have been a

number of studies for evaluating their application in clinical scenarios (Ibbott et al. 1997; De

Deene et al. 1998; Oldham et al. 1998; De Deene et al. 2000; Novotný et al. 2002; Love et al.

2003; Vergote et al. 2004; Wuu and Xu 2006; Gustavsson et al. 2003; Oldham et al. 2004;

Karlsson et al. 2007). Nearly all of the published works with clinical type deliveries involve

probing the polymer gel dosimeters with MRI. Of those listed above, only Oldham et al. (2004)

and Wuu and Xu (2006) used an optical system to obtain the dose distributions from polymer gel


Oldham et al. (2004) copied a prostate treatment plan consisting of 5 18MV step-and-

shoot IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) beams created using the Pinnacle treatment

planning system. They imposed the plan onto an X-ray CT scan of a phantom containing

polymer gel dosimeter and recalculated the dose distribution. After irradiation, the phantom was

scanned with a linear OptCT system. The attenuation maps were registered to the plan by

aligning three fiducial marks (visible both the optical and X-ray scan) on the bottom of the

phantom. The measurement was subsequently calibrated to dose. A single slice of the

measurement was compared to the treatment plan through gamma, DTA and dose difference

analysis and further by superimposing isodose lines. However, as this study was only intended to

demonstrate the potential for 3D validations, no quantitative analysis was provided. In a similar

study Oldham et al. (2006) used a PRESAGE dosimeter and the OCTOPUSTM linear OptCT

scanner to measure an 11 field 6MV IMRT treatment. Wuu and Xu (2006) used the

OCTOPUSTM scanner and a BANG®3 polymer gel dosimeter to verify the dose from a modified

head and neck IMRT plan made by the Helios IMRT treatment planning system. They used

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superimposed isodose plots as well as dose difference and DTA analysis to compare the measured

distribution with the distribution calculated by the planning software.

2.6 Research Objectives

While long experience with MRI and polymer gel dosimetry has helped to establish

protocols for the future clinical application of this technique, cone beam OptCT devices are

relatively new. To date, there is an absence of studies involving clinical delivery verifications

with cone beam OptCT and polymer gel dosimetry. This study is intended to provide solutions

and establish protocols for performing 3D delivery validations with polymer gel dosimeters and

cone beam OptCT. To this end, various considerations and procedures forming a potential

approach for validating conformal prostate teletherapy deliveries are presented. These techniques

may be applied with modification for the verification of other radiation therapies.

The development of a clinically viable 3D dosimetry technique will constitute an efficient

and high resolution solution to measuring dose distributions in three dimensions. The ability to

quantitatively evaluate the large amount of data that becomes available with 3D dosimetry is at

least as important as the measurements themselves. The γ-evaluation has been developed as a

rapid analysis technique to serve this need. However, it is neither a perfect nor complete solution,

particularly when comparing noisy distributions. An efficient in-house 3D γ-tool was created in

order to compare dose distributions obtained by optically interrogating irradiated polymer gel

dosimeters. Further, in an effort to interpret the significance of failing γ magnitudes (i.e., when

γ≥1) a 2D γ-tool capable of returning the corresponding vector information was developed. The γ

angle as described by Low et al. (1998), and Stock et al. (2005) does not provide a complete

description of the γ-vector. For example, the γ angle does not even identify whether the dose

difference is positive or negative. Therefore, the classic definition of the γ-angle is by no means a

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complete description of the vector nature of gamma. As a part of the research presented in this

thesis, an in-house version of the γ evaluation was written in MATLAB that returns the γ

magnitude information and the complete γ vector information in component form. A series of

investigations were then undertaken to explore the response of the γ vector field under various

scenarios. The goal is to observe trends in the vector field response that may aid other

investigators in interpreting the significance of γ>1. Further, the clinical utility of the γ-vector

algorithm is explored as it is applied for the validation of image guided radiation therapy of

prostate cancer.

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Chapter 3 Theory

This brief chapter gives some theoretical background of the fundamental physical

interactions that lead to biological dose, and how dose can be measured with chemical

dosimeters. The discussion presented in Section 3.1 is based on Attix (1986), Khan (1994) and

Johns and Cunningham (1983). The discussion of chemical dosimetry in Section 3.2 has been

adapted from Attix (1986), and extended to include 3D chemical dosimetry by optical computed

tomography. Finally, a simplified discussion of free radical polymerization as it applies to

polymer gel dosimeters is presented in Section 3.3. Section 3.3 is only intended to provide a

conceptual understanding of polymerization reactions, it is based on theoretical models presented

by Fuxman et al. (2003) and reaction mechanisms from Solomons and Fryhle (2003), but it is not

a complete or rigorous discussion of free radical polymerization reactions in radiation dosimetry.

3.1 Radiation Dose

As a beam of particles (electrons, photons, neutrons, protons, pions, helium nuclei,

fission fragments etc.) with sufficient energy to ionize an atom, passes through biological tissue

some of the beam energy is transferred to the tissue, possibly causing biological damage.

Absorbed dose is defined as the amount of energy deposited per unit mass. In SI units, absorbed

dose is measured in Gray (Gy) which has units of Joules per Kilogram (J/Kg). In terms of

predicting biological outcomes, absorbed dose is a very useful quantity. However, the biological

effect for a given absorbed dose is also dependant on the type of tissue, and the type of radiation.

For example, bone marrow is more sensitive to radiation than skin, and alpha particles have more

biological effect than X-rays. To compare biological effect of radiation between tissues on a

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common scale, the absorbed dose in Gy can be converted to effective dose in Sieverts (Sv)

through the application of radiation and tissue weighting factors. For the research presented in

this thesis, converting to effective dose is an unnecessary and potentially confusing step.

Therefore, absorbed radiation dose is reported in Gy.

The physical interactions and chemical processes leading to biological damage from a

beam of ionizing radiation are complicated and depend on the radiation type. While a complete

description of these processes is beyond the scope of this thesis, for high energy photons passing

through a medium the basic concept involves a chain of photon interactions with electrons in the

medium. Consider a high energy photon from a radiation beam (X-rays or γ-rays) the process

begins with an interaction, where some of the photon energy is transferred to an electron (see

Figure 3.1). The resulting high energy electron, a delta ray (δ-ray), creates a track where

Coulomb interactions occur causing losses in kinetic energy while travelling through the medium.

When tissue is the medium, biological damage may occur as the electron energy loss causes

ionizations, atomic excitations, and the breaking of chemical bonds. However, most of the

kinetic energy is lost as heat, with no biological effect. Both the scattered photon and the high

energy electron may interact to produce additional δ-rays. Further, Bremsstrahlung X-rays are

produced when high energy electrons decelerate in the field of a nucleus.

3.1.1 Photon Interactions

A high energy photon (X-ray or γ) may undergo five types of interactions as it passes through

matter: Compton (incoherent) scattering, the photoelectric effect, pair production, photonuclear

interactions, and Rayleigh (coherent) scattering. The probability of each interaction depends on

the individual reaction cross section. The cross section has units of area and is commonly

expressed in barns (10-24cm2). It is equivalent to the atomic attenuation coefficient

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Figure 3.1: A flow diagram showing a simplified version of the process leading to biological damage from ionizing radiation (adapted from Johns and Cunningham 1983).

(measured in cm2/atom), which can be used to determine the number of photons left in a beam of

radiation as it passes through a medium. Consider a beam containing N photons incident on an

absorber with variable thickness. If all interactions, including scatter, result in photons being

removed from the beam then the number of photons, dN, reaching a detector behind the absorber

is proportional to the thickness of the absorber, dx:

�dxd� ∝ [Eqn. 3.1]


�dxd� µ= [Eqn. 3.2]

Ionizing radiation beam (i.e., photons) enters


Scattered photon

Bremsstrahlung X-rays

Primary interaction, high energy photon ejects an electron

High speed electron loses energy as it moves through the tissue

Photon exits tissue

Heat, ionization, excitation, breaking molecular bonds

Chemical changes

Biological damage



More interactions like (A)

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where the proportionality constant, µ, is the linear attenuation coefficient. Solving the differential

equation, leads to the following equation.

xe�� µ−= 0 [Eqn. 3.3]

where N0 is the number of incident photons, and N is the number of photons at a depth x.

Because the beam intensity is given by the photon flux, the number of photons is interchangeable

with the beam intensity, I, for example.

xeII µ−= 0 [Eqn. 3.4]

The linear attenuation coefficient, µ, has units of cm-1and depends on the energy of the photon

beam and the nature of the absorbing material. For example at the energy of interest, µ mainly

depends on the density of the medium. The mass attenuation coefficient is independent of

density, and can be obtained by dividing the linear attenuation coefficient by the density (i.e.,

µ/ρ). Therefore, the mass attenuation coefficient, µ/ρ, has units of cm2/g. The atomic mass, Aw,

and Avogadro’s number, NA, relate the mass attenuation coefficient to the atomic attenuation

coefficient, µa, or cross section.





µ [Eqn. 3.5]

For a given material, the total mass attenuation coefficient, µ/ρ, for a photon beam of a specific

energy is the sum of the individual mass attenuation coefficients for each of the five possible

interactions. Neglecting photonuclear interactions the mass attenuation coefficient is,















[Eqn. 3.6]

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where, σcoh, τ, σc, and κ, are the linear attenuation coefficients for Rayleigh scattering,

photoelectric effect, Compton interactions and pair production respectively. Of these interactions

only Compton scattering, the photoelectric effect and pair production, involve the transfer of

energy to electrons. Rayleigh scattering can be ignored because it is elastic the photon scatters

through a small angle with no energy loss.

The polymer gel dosimeters used in this research are 90 % water by mass. For photons

energies between 1 and 8 MeV Compton scattering constitutes 99.9 % to 83.1 % of the total

attenuation coefficient in water. In other words, the vast majority of photon interactions in this

energy regime are Compton events. Pair production becomes more important in water with

increasing photon energy, surpassing Compton scattering for photon energies between 20 and 30

MeV. Compton scattering, involves an elastic collision between a photon and an unbound

electron (see Figure 3.2). Some of the photon energy is transferred to the electron, causing a

change in momentum for both the photon and the electron which scatter away from each other at

different angles.

Figure 3.2: Kinematics of a Compton event. A photon with energy Eγ strikes an unbound electron. The electron and photon depart at angles of θ and φ from the horizontal (adapted from Attix 1986).

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The relationships between the photon energies hv and hv’, the electron kinetic energy, T, and the

scattering angles, φ and θ, can be derived assuming a totally elastic collision and applying the

relativistic energy-momentum equation.

( )( )ϕνν

νcos1/1 2 −+




[Eqn. 3.7]

νν ′−= hhT [Eqn. 3.8]

The electron energy therefore depends on the scattering angle as well as the initial photon energy.

The main point of understanding is, that for the range of photon energies used in this thesis

(<15MeV), secondary electrons are primarily produced by Compton scattering and that these

electrons are responsible for most of the absorbed dose.

3.1.2 Generation of Free Radicals

Free radicals are highly reactive uncharged molecules with unpaired electrons. Unlike

ions, which can be produced by heterolytic bond breakage (unequal sharing of electrons), free

radicals result from homolytic cleavage of covalent bonds (equal sharing of electrons). In tissue

biological damage occurs as free radicals interact with biological molecules, especially DNA.

Free radicals are produced by radiation induced radiolysis. The mechanisms of water radiolysis

caused by ionizing radiation are well understood (Swallow 1973; Spinks and Woods 1976) and

proceeds in three stages. The first stage is often called the physical stage and involves the

excitation or ionization of water (e.g., via Compton scattering). During the second stage, called

the physicochemical stage, high energy electrons become thermalized and hydrated. Ionized and

excited water molecules also split into hydronium ions (H30+) and free hydroxide and hydrogen

radicals (OH• and H• respectively) during this stage. The third stage is the chemical stage, where

hydrated electrons ( −.aqe ) free radicals and ions interact with each other and with water molecules

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to produce new ions and radicals, water and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). These reactions are

summarized in Table 3.1. In general, the products of the radiolysis decomposition of pure water

are: OH-, OH•, H•, −.aqe , H2O2 and H3O


3.2 Chemical Dosimetry

Chemical dosimetry involves measuring radiation induced chemical changes in a

dosimeter and relating them to absorbed dose. While chemical dosimeters can be based on any

medium (gas solid or liquid), those based on liquid water are advantageous because their

radiological properties closely approximate biological tissue, which is mostly water (with the

exception of adipose tissue and bone). The Fricke dosimeter (Fricke and Morse 1927) is a

popular aqueous dosimeter based on dilute sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) or

ferrous ammonium sulfate hexahydrate (Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2•H2O). The Fricke dosimeter has

applications in gel dosimetry (see Section 2.2.1 and Section 2.2.2) but the standard composition

does not involve a gel matrix. The relatively simple underlying chemical mechanisms of the

Fricke dosimeter provide a basis for understanding chemical dosimetry with more complex

systems, such as polymer gel dosimeters. The Fricke chemistry involves the oxidation of ferrous

ions (Fe2+) to form ferric (Fe3+) ions through interactions with free radicals. In general, Fricke

solutions are bubbled with oxygen (aerated) to achieve a higher radiation chemical yield of Fe3+

ions. The Fricke reactions are summarized in Table 3.2.

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Table 3.1: Radiolysis of water (adapted from Swallow 1973; Spinks and Woods 1976).

1. Physical stage (10-15 seconds or less)

+− +→ OHeOH 22γ


*22 OHOH →γ (2)

2. Physicochemical stage (10-11 seconds or less)

−− →+ .2 aqeOnHe (3)

•++ +→+ OHOHOHOH 322 (4)

•• +→ HOHOH *2 (5)

3. Chemical stage (10-8 seconds)

−•− +→+ OHHOHeaq 2. (6)

OHHOHeaq 23. +→+ •+− (7)

−− +→+ OHHOHeaq 222 22. (8)

−•− →+ OHOHeaq. (9)

−•− +→++ OHHOHHeaq 22. (10)

OHOHH 2→+ •• (11)

222 OHOH →• (12)

Net reaction

2232 ,,,,, OHHeOHOHOHOH aq

•−•−+→γ (13)

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Table 3.2: Oxidation of the Fe2+ ion in the Fricke dosimeter

1. Reactions with oxygen present in solution

•• →+ 22 HOOH (1)

−++• +→+ OHFeFeOH 32 (2)

−++• +→+ 2

322 HOFeFeHO (3)

222 OHHHO →+ +− (4)

2. Reactions with no oxygen in solution

232 HFeHFeH +→++ +++• (5)

The standard Fricke solution is conventionally used to measure the average dose, D ,

over an entire solution volume. Absolute dosimetry is achieved by relating the change in ferric

ion concentration before and after irradiation, ∆M, to the radiation chemical yield G(Fe3+) of

ferric ions per unit of radiation energy by

( )+∆



ρ [Eqn. 3.9]

where ρ is the density of the solution. The radiation chemical yield G(Fe3+) describes the number

of of Fe3+ ions produced per unit energy of absorbed radiation dose, and has units of mol/J.

∆M can be probed by absorption spectroscopy, because the concentration of ferric ions

affects the optical density of the Fricke solution at specific wavelengths (e.g., 304 nm). Small

samples of the irradiated Fricke solution can be poured into spectrophotometer cells for optical

analysis. The change in optical density, ∆(OD), is related to the ratio of transmitted light

intensity between an irradiated and a non-irradiated sample (i.e., as measured with a


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( )OD


I ∆−= 100

[Eqn. 3.10]

For a given optical wavelength, the optical density and transmitted intensity are dependent on the

path length, l, through the sample and the molar extinction coefficient, ε, for Fe3+ ions.

( ) MlOD ∆=∆ ε [Eqn. 3.11]

When the radiation chemical yield is known, the absolute absorbed dose can therefore be

obtained through optical measurements, combining Equations 3.9 and 3.11.

( )( )+




ρε [Eqn. 3.12]

The radiation chemical yield for the reaction can be determined experimentally, but it is

dependent on a variety of factors, including impurity concentration, reaction temperature and

photon energy. Experimental reproducibility of dose measurements requires careful control of

these factors. Nevertheless, under certain conditions (e.g., dose rate and temperature) the

chemical yield is well known, allowing absolute dosimetry with the Fricke system.

If spatial information related to the dose measurements is required, a gel matrix (e.g.,

agarose or gelatin) can be added to the Fricke solution. After irradiation, the gel temporarily

preserves the physical location of Fe3+ ions allowing measurement of not only the volumetric

average dose, but also the dose pattern. 3D gel dosimetry began when Gore et al. (1984a) used

nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain 3D images from irradiated Fricke solutions

in gelatin (see also Section 2.2.1). Spectrophotometric analysis of optical cells containing gel

dosimeter solution is insufficient to readout the high-resolution spatial information from a

complex dose pattern. However, in 1996 Gore et al. showed that high spatial resolution optical

attenuation measurements can obtained using optical computed tomography (OptCT) (see also

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Section 2.3). In gel dosimetry, the technique involves using a reconstruction algorithm (e.g.,

filtered backprojection) and a set of optical transmission measurements through the dosimeter

volume to calculate a map of the corresponding local optical attenuation coefficients. The optical

attenuation coefficient, µoptical, is the optical wavelength analogue to the linear attenuation

coefficient derived in Eqn.’s 3.2 – 3.4 for X-ray interactions.


µ−= 0 [Eqn. 3.13]

The change in concentration of Fe3+ ions, ∆M, similarly manifests as a change in optical

attenuation coefficient, ∆µoptical. Like ∆(OD), ∆µoptical is related to the molar extinction

coefficient, ε, but it is independent of sample thickness.

Moptical ∆=∆ εµ [Eqn. 3.14]

The change in optical attenuation coefficient is given by,

opticalopticaloptical µµµ −′=∆ [Eqn. 3.15]

where opticalµ and opticalµ ′ correspond to the optical attenuation coefficients before and after

irradiation, respectively. Using Eqn. 3.15 and 3.13, ∆µoptical is related to the incident and

transmitted optical intensity before and after irradiation by











xopticalµ [Eqn. 3.16]

Where I0 and I correspond to the incident and transmitted intensity before irradiation and I0’ and

I’ correspond to the incident and transmitted intensity after irradiation. Assuming that the

pathlength and the incident optical intensity are the same between the two measurements,

00 II ′= [Eqn. 3.17]

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xx ′= [Eqn. 3.18]

the change in optical intensity becomes



xoptical ln

1µ [Eqn. 3.19]

By combining Equations 3.9 and 3.14, the average absorbed dose can be related to ∆µoptical by

( )+∆




µ [Eqn. 3.20]

or more generally, for 3D chemical dosimetry systems,

( )XG



µ∆= [Eqn. 3.21]

However, the quantity, D , is no longer representative of the average dose over the entire

dosimeter volume, but only over the region (i.e., voxel) associated with ∆µoptical. The commercial

reconstruction software for the Vista OptCT unit returns attenuation data in Hounsfield units

(CT#). For a given photon wavelength, the CT# in a medium is related to the linear attenuation

coefficient in the medium, µx, and the linear photon attenuation in air and water, µair and µwater

respectively by,

1000# ×−




[Eqn. 3.22]

The Vista scanner uses red or amber light with optical wavelengths of 633 nm or 590 nm

respectively. The change in CT# after irradiation, ∆CT# is related to the change in linear

attenuation coefficient, ∆µx, by,

1000# ×−




µ [Eqn. 3.23]

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where ∆µx is equivalent to ∆µoptical. Therefore, absorbed radiation dose can also be related to a

change in CT#.

( )( ) 1000




CTD airwater


[Eqn. 3.24]

3.3 Polymer Gel Dosimetry

A confounding problem with the Fricke gelatin dosimeter is that after irradiation the

Fe3+ ions slowly diffuse through gel matrix causing gradual blurring of the dose distribution (see

also Section 2.2.1). Maryanski et al. (1993) introduced a new type of gel dosimeter where the

free radicals from water hydrolysis initiate a polymerization reaction, causing the formation of

tiny polymer particles. The resulting polymer particles do not diffuse through the gel matrix.

While MRI scanners can be used to digitize the dose information in polymer gel dosimeters,

optical scanning techniques may become the preferred method for readout due to reduced cost

(see also Section 2.3). In polymer gel dosimetry, the dose response is due to the formation of

light scattering polymer particles suspended within the gel after irradiation. Scatter is the primary

mode of optical attenuation in polymer gel dosimetry. The amount of scatter depends on the size,

density, and index of refraction of the polymer particles. Therefore, irradiation temperature,

thermal history and the concentration of dissolved impurities affect the measured attenuation.

While in Fricke dosimetry, the dose response is the change in concentration of the Fe3+ ion, in

polymer gel dosimetry there is a vast number of possible chemical configurations of the polymer

reaction products. Consequently constructing theoretical models to predict the chemical yield is

more difficult. Nevertheless, Zhang et al. (2001), Fuxman et al. (2003) and Senden (2006)

developed models to describe the reaction kinetics of the radiation induced free radical

polymerization reactions in polymer gel dosimeters.

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3.3.1 Free Radical Polymerization

Free radicals from the radiolysis of water initiate the free radical polymerization that constitutes

the dose response of polymer gel dosimeters. The actual chemical process of free radical

polymerization is quite complicated (Fuxman et al. 2003) but a simplified version of the possible

reactions is summarized in Table 3.3. There are three basic types of interactions: 1) initiation

reactions which involve the activation of a monomer unit by a free radical. 2) propogation

reactions which cause lengthening of the polymer chain by addition of a monomer or crosslinker

molecule. 3) termination reactions which cause the deactivation of a polymer chain, and can

occur through the formation of covalent bonds, or transfer of an unpaired electron to another

molecule. The reactions shown in

Table 3.3 are only representative chemical equations and some of the molecules shown (i.e., the

polymer chains) are simplified versions of a much more complex structure. In the reaction

diagrams, unpaired electrons are represented by ‘•’.

The free radical addition mechanisms for several typical reactions are illustrated in Figure

3.3 through 3.6. In initiation reactions, a hydroxide or hydrogen radical attacks one of the two

carbons in the sp2 state (the carbons with shared double bonds) homolytically breaking one of the

two bonds and bonding to the carbon. The unpaired electron is transferred to the other sp2 carbon

creating either a primary or secondary carbon radical, depending on which sp2 carbon the primary

radical interacted with. Of the two sp2 carbons, the primary radical preferentially interacts with

the one with the larger number of attached hydrogen atoms (i.e., Markovnicov addition), this is in

part because the resulting secondary carbon radical is more stable than a primary radical (which

would result if the addition occurred on the other carbon). The secondary carbon radical (2˚

radical) is further stabilized by a resonance structure where the unpaired electron is transferred to

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the amide oxygen. The initiation process and resonance stabilization are illustrated for primary

hydroxide radicals in Figure 3.3 (see also Figure 3.4). Propagation interactions proceed by the

same basic mechanism as the initiation reactions, free radical addition to sp2 carbons (shown in

Figure 3.5). The activated polymer chains react with monomer and cross-linker molecules and

other polymer chains causing lengthening and cross-linking of the backbone polymer chain. The

possibility of interaction with monomer and crosslinker molecules, as well as with other polymer

chains results in an enormous range of size and configuration of final the polymer products. But,

the amount of polymer formed is clearly related to the amount of dose deposited (Babic and

Schreiner 2006). Termination reactions result in the deactivation or transfer of the unpaired

electron that allows free radical polymerization (see Figure 3.6). This may occur by interaction

with another unpaired electron forming a covalent bond, and deactivating both free radicals (e.g.,

disproportionation). Sometimes the unpaired electron is transferred to another molecule, such as

gelatin, where it becomes so stable that further interactions effectively stop.

Figure 3.3: A schematic of a proposed initiation reaction mechanism. Paired electrons are shown as blue dots, while unpaired electrons are red dots. In this illustration, a hydroxide radical is the primary radical, but the primary radical may also be a hydrogen atom with an unpaired electron. Further, in this diagram the primary radical attaches to the carbon with the least number of bound hydrogen atoms (because it is the more dominant interaction) though it is also possible for the primary radical to attack the other sp2 carbon.

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Table 3.3: Simplified free radical polymerization reactions of the NIPAM/Bis dosimeter

1. Initiation


2. Propagation

a. Propagation




b. Crosslinking


c. Cyclization


3. Termination Reactions

a. Bimolecular termination (Disproportionation)


b. Transfer to monomer


c. Transfer to Gelatin


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Figure 3.4: For simplicity the body of the polymer chain can be replaced with the symbol P.

Figure 3.5: A proposed reaction mechanism for a propagation interaction involving the addition of a NIPAM monomer molecule. Unpaired electrons are shown as red dots, while paired electrons are represented by blue dots. In this illustration the free radical attacks a sp2 carbon on a NIPAM monomer molecule, however it may also interact with an sp2 carbon from a cross-linker molecule or another polymer chain.

Figure 3.6: A possible combination termination reaction stopping the growth of a polymer chain. In this reaction, the two unpaired electrons interact to form a covalent bond combining a hydrogen radical and the polymer chain. In another set of chain termination reactions, known as disproportionations (or bimolecular termination), the two reactants interact to change their electronic structure forming two new molecules.

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Chapter 4 Materials and Methods

This chapter describes the experiments performed during this work. The materials and

equipment used in these experiments are presented in Section 4.1. The γ algorithm is described in

detail in Section 4.2, while the various dose validation experiments are laid out in section 4.3.

4.1 Materials and Equipment

The equipment used to prepare, irradiate, and probe polymer gel dosimeters is now

described as it pertains to the research presented in this thesis. Detailed explanations of the

operational principals of the equipment are not provided.

4.1.1 Preparation of Polymer Gel Dosimeters

NIPAM/Bis polymer gel dosimeters were prepared by a method similar to that described

by Senden et al. 2006. However, the original formulation was modified in order to reduce

background polymerization and improve optical scanning (Olding et al. 2007). The following

procedure outlines the preparation of 2 L of NIPAM/Bis gel. This provides sufficient active

material to make two 1 L gel dosimeters, one for calibration and the other for measurement.

Two solutions, A and B, were simultaneously prepared in a fume hood. 40 g of NIPAM

and 380 g of de-ionized water were mixed together in a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask (solution A).

The Erlenmeyer flask was covered with parafilm and set in a dark location to allow the NIPAM

to dissolve. In a separate flask, 100 g of 300 bloom gelatin powder was allowed to swell in 1400

g of de-ionized water for 10 minutes (solution B). Solution B was then heated to 50 ºC under

continuous stirring by a magnetic puck. 40 g of N, N’-methylene-bisacrylamide (Bis) was then

added to Flask B. Usually, some of the Bis adheres to the mouth of the flask as it is poured in. A

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small amount of de-ionized water, 36.7 g, was set aside to wash down any dry chemicals stuck to

the mouth of the flask. After the crosslinker had dissolved completely, solution B was cooled to

34 ºC. 3.3 g of THPC was added to solution A. Solution A and B were then combined and

stirred for 1 minute. Finally, the combined solution was evenly divided between two 1 L

polyethylene terephthalate (PET) jars and refrigerated 12 hours prior to irradiation.

4.1.2 Dosimeter Irradiation

The polymer gel dosimeters and phantoms described above were used to measure a

variety of teletherapy (external beam) radiation deliveries. Two therapy units were used for this

purpose; a Theratronics (Kanata ON), Theratron 780C (T780C) cobalt therapy unit and a Clinac

21iX (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) linear accelerator.

The radiation source of the T780C is based on the decay of the radioactive isotope of

cobalt Co-60. Co-60 undergoes beta decay to Ni-60 through the emission of a β- particle (an

electron) and an anti-electron neutrino. The Co-60 beta decay transition energy is approximately

318 keV and has a half life of 5.27 years. The resulting Ni-60 nucleus is in a highly excited state

that rapidly decays to a more stable state through the emission of γ-photons that constitute the

useful part of the treatment beam. The dominant photon energies are 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV.

Conventionally, the average photon energy 1.25 MeV is specified in reference to cobalt therapy

devices and the beam is described as monoenergetic. The actual spectrum of a treatment beam,

shown in Figure 4.1, contains a range of photon energies resulting from photon interactions

within the treatment unit (Joshi et al. 2008). The T780C source shown in Figure 4.2 is a 20 mm

diameter cylindrical capsule of many Co-60 pellets (Joshi et al. 2007), its activity in July 2005

was approximately 426.1 TBq. The T780C has movable components, the gantry, treatment

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bench, and treatment head, which may be translated and rotated in order to effectively target the

treatment volume with the beam.

Figure 4.1: Monte Carlo (MC) simulated spectra for 10x10 cm2 photon beams of Co-60 and X-ray photons from a linac operating at 6 MV at the depth of 10 cm in water at the SAD’s (Joshi 2008).

Figure 4.2: (Left) A photograph of a Cobalt 60 source capsule and pellets (Best Theratronics Ltd. Ottawa ON). The source is 28 mm long and 20 mm in diameter. The pellets are also cylindrical, they are 1 mm long and 1 mm diameter. (Right) A photograph of the T780C Cobalt therapy machine at the CCSEO.

The unit has been modified (Schreiner et al. 2003), in order to perform more modern

conformal deliveries. The couch is shifted out of position, and is replaced with an in-house

benchtop tomotherapy unit. The benchtop apparatus is similar to the prototype device originally

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tested by T.R. Mackie’s group: It consists of a single translational stage, and a rotational stage

upon which the gel phantom sits (Mackie et al. 1993). The entire apparatus sits atop a bench

which allows vertical translation. In-house software written in LabView (National Instruments

Corporation, Austin, TX) controls the vertical, rotational and translation motion of the system.

The T780C gantry is rotated to 90º, such that the target is irradiated laterally. A 1x1 cm2 pencil

beam field at 80 cm source-to-surface distance (SSD) is generated by mounting a cerrobend (lead

alloy) pencil-beam collimator block in the accessory holder and closing the collimator jaws to

their minimum setting. These modifications allow computerized control of pencil beam

placement within a phantom, in a manner analogous to serial tomotherapy, while the beam and

gantry remain stationary. Unlike standard serial tomotherapy units, the system does not use a

multileaf collimator to modulate the Co-60 beam intensity; instead modulation is achieved by

shifting the phantom through the beam and pausing for predetermined dwell times. In this

fashion a closed shutter is achieved by rapid adjustment of the phantom position between pauses,

or by translating the phantom out of the beam. In order to reduce the dose delivered during these

transition periods a lead beam blocker can be included. To achieve the same dose with the beam

blocker is in place, the predetermined dwell times must be increased.

The Clinac 21iX is a linear accelerator which uses high energy electrons (with velocities

that approach the speed of light) to produce a high energy X-ray beam for teletherapy. With the

Clinac 21iX, the electrons themselves can provide radiation beams with a range of treatment

energies. However electrons have a relatively shallow penetration depth, and are appropriate for

treatment of superficial disease. To treat deep seated tumours, the electrons are directed into a

target within the treatment head in order to produce high energy Bremsstrahlung X-rays. The

Clinac 21iX at the CCSEO can provide either 6 MV or 15 MV photon beams. The

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Figure 4.3: (Left)Photograph of the Co-60 tomotherapy setup. The primary components of the setup include: A T780C radiotherapy unit, a cerrobend pencil beam collimator (right) used to define a narrow beam, a gel dosimeter phantom, and a bench-top tomotherapy apparatus to adjust the position of the phantom.






0 5 10 15 20Depth (cm)


tive D

ose (

%) 15MV Photons

20MeV Electrons

Figure 4.4: (Left) A photograph of the Clinac 21iX (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA). (Right) A comparison of the Clinac 21iX percent-depth-dose (PDD) curves for 6x6 cm2 teletherapy beams at 100 cm source to surface distance (SSD). A 15 MV photon beam profile is shown in blue, while the 20 MeV electron beam is shown in red. Both curves were obtained through ion chamber measurements in a water tank.

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Bremsstrahlung X-ray spectrum produced by 15 MeV electrons from an accelerator is called a 15

MV beam. While the beam contains X-ray photons with energies up to 15 MeV, the average

energy of the spectrum is closer to 6 MeV.

The gantry and couch have a wide range of motion allowing radiation delivery from any

angle. The radiation dose to healthy tissue can often be reduced without compromising the

effective treatment by irradiating the target area from several angles. The treatment head of the

Clinac 21iX contains a series of collimators which are used to control the size and shape of the

beam. The final collimation stage consists of an array of individual motor driven tungsten leaves

called a multileaf collimator (MLC). The MLC is used to carefully shape the beam at each angle,

conforming the radiation delivery to the target structure and shielding sensitive organs and

tissues. This is known as conformal radiotherapy. In addition, inverse planning software can be

used to optimize the radiation delivery through the MLC motion such that sensitive structures and

treatment volumes receive dose within predefined tolerances. This is known as Intensity

Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT).

4.1.3 Optical Scanning

Optical scans of gels were performed using a commercial cone beam optical computed

tomography unit, the Vista scanner (Modus Medical, London, ON). The basic components of the

scanner are a light box, a camera, an aquarium, a sample holder, and a stepper motor (see Figure

4.5). The light box contains two arrays of LEDs and provides amber or red illumination with

light wavelengths of 590 nm and 630 nm respectively. A sheet of plastic and a collimator film

diffuses and collimates the light. The sample holder has been specially designed to fit the PET

jars described in Section 4.1.1 coupling them to the stepper motor and firmly supporting them in

the aquarium. The aquarium is filled with liquid, in this case 12 wt.% aqueous propylene glycol

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solution, that matches the index of refraction the NIPAM/Bis gel. Index matching is intended to

reduce refraction which causes artefacts in the reconstructed images. The aquarium glass panels

have a special anti-reflective coating to minimize scattered light. Finally, a 16 bit 1024x768 pixel

monochrome digital camera is firmly secured to a rail opposite the light box.

Figure 4.5: Photographs of the Vista scanner showing the outside features, and with the covers removed. The aquarium has been removed in the bottom image.

Light filters may be attached to the same rail on a wheel ahead of the camera. The scanner

operates as follows: Light originating from the light box (red or amber) is attenuated by

absorption and scatter as it passes through the aquarium and sample. The camera samples the

transmitted light by taking snapshot projection images of the jar. The stepper motor rotates the

sample in 410 increments allowing acquisition of transmission data over 360º. These projection

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images are used to reconstruct the 3D data through the Feldkamp cone beam backprojection

algorithm (Feldkamp et al. 1984).

In order to correct for intensity variations in the light source, and to reduce reflection and

refraction artefacts, two scans are required for each 3D reconstruction. The first scan, the

reference, is performed on the unirradiated gel dosimeter while the second scan is performed after

irradiation. Each scan constitutes a set of matching 2D projection images evenly distributed over

360º. 2D transmission data is generated by comparing each reference projection to the

corresponding data image pixel by pixel according to the relationship shown below (from Beer’s







IIT [Eqn. 4.1]

Where I and I0 are the respective data and reference projection pixel intensity and T is the relative

transmitted intensity used to reconstruct the image. ID and ID0 correspond to dark field snapshots

acquired with the light source off to account for variations in base level pixel response. In this

work, each scan is comprised of 410 projection images (~1.14/º) under red illumination and one

dark field snapshot. The Vista unit is computer controlled by commercial software through a

serial port.

4.1.4 X-ray Scanning

One series of experiments in this thesis involved simulating a prostate cancer treatment

using the gel dosimeter, for this work, two X-ray CT scanners were used. The first was a Picker

PQ 5000 large bore, fan beam CT scanner (see Figure 4.6). This special purpose “CT simulator”

is used clinically at the CCSEO to create X-ray attenuation maps of patients for treatment

planning purposes. The PQ 5000 was designed specifically for this role in treatment planning.

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The second X-ray CT scanner is an integral component of the Clinical 21iX treatment unit known

as an on-board-imaging (OBI) system. The Clinac OBI is a cone-beam-computed-tomography

(CBCT) device. The clinical role of the OBI is to scan patients to ensure that their

posture/position matches that was used to create the plan. The experimental units are shown in

Figure 4.6, the experimental role of these devices is further discussed in Section 4.3.3.

Figure 4.6: (Left) The PQ 5000 large bore at the CCSEO, including the experimental setup. (Right) A photograph of the Clinac 21iX showing the OBI (a cone beam X-ray device).

4.2 The γ-Evaluation Algorithm

The 3D data sets under investigation contain between 1283 and 2563 voxels of dose

information. Manipulating these large data sets within a reasonable timescale requires computer

processing. Whenever possible, large data sets were handled using existing clinical software such

as the treatment planning software Eclipse, and the clinical/research data visualization system,

CERR (the description of these systems is left to the description of the prostate experiment in

Section 4.3.3). Nevertheless, developing software to work with the large amount of data stored in

the 3D images was a key facet of this project. The γ-evaluation permits rapid analysis of

agreement between distributions considering both dose and spatial tolerances. Because the

γ-evaluation is ideally suited for comparing large data sets, it was chosen to compare OptCT

measurements of dose distributions in gel dosimeters with distributions calculated by planning

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software. Since a detailed definition of the γ-evaluation is included in Section 2.2, only the

algorithm used to calculate γ distributions is described here.

The in-house gamma algorithm was written in MATLAB (The Mathworks, Inc., Natick,

MA). The algorithm uses an expanding cube search technique that is similar to the algorithm

presented by Stock et al. (2005). Some of the modifications made by Wendling et al. (2007) are

also included. The present algorithm is similar to that reported by Stock et al. (2005), as γ values

are calculated as a voxel by voxel comparison between the reference and evaluated distributions.

The result is a matrix of γ-values that is dimensionally equivalent to the reference distribution.

Therefore, as discussed in Section 2.4.6, this implementation is sensitive to discretization

artefacts (Depuydt et al. 2002, Low and Dempsey 2003, Jiang et al. 2006). To reduce this failing,

the resolution of the evaluated distribution was set at 0.5 mm/pixel which is twice the grid

resolution recommended by Low and Dempsey (2003), and 6 times finer than the acceptance

criteria. As outlined in Section 2.4.6, the evaluated grid resolution sensitivity of gamma could

have been eliminated using software solutions based on interpolation methods (Wendling et al

2007) or geometric techniques (Ju et al. 2008). At the time of this writing, these techniques have

not been adopted by our group.

The in-house algorithm for a fast evaluation of γ in 3D begins in the same way as that

presented by Stock et al. 2005. First the dose difference between the point, rrv

, and the point with

the same coordinates in the evaluated distribution is calculated. If the dose difference is zero, the

search for the smallest possible value of ( )re rrvvv

,Γ is terminated; ( )rrvvγ is set to zero and the

evaluation proceeds with the next point in the reference image. If a non-zero dose difference is

found, the value ∆D2/∆D2M is saved as the variable 2

minΓ , since so far it corresponds to the

smallest value of ( )re rrvvv

,Γ that has been found.

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The evaluated distribution is then iteratively searched for a smaller value of 2minΓ . The use

of 2minΓ instead of minΓ was adopted by Wendling et al. (2007) because it enhances the

efficiency of the algorithm. Searching for 2minΓ removes multiple computationally costly

evaluations of square roots as they are evaluated only once per reference position at the end of

each search. The speed of the γr

-evaluation is further enhanced by precalculating the distances

between the search origin and the neighbouring grid positions (within the maximum range) and

storing them in memory (Wendling et al. 2007). For each search, the coordinates of the

reference grid position, rrv

, define the search origin. After finding a non-zero dose difference, Г2

is calculated for each bordering voxel forming a hollow cube centred at the search origin with a

side length of 3 voxels, where

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )














ZZYYXX [Eqn. 4.2]

as shown in Table 2.1. If any new value of Г2 is found in the cube that is less than 2minΓ , then this

Г2 value replaces 2minΓ . The cube side length is then expanded by 2 voxels and the process of

calculating each Г2 is repeated, replacing 2minΓ as appropriate. To save computational time Г2 is

not determined for every grid position in the evaluated distribution, rather only for voxels in the

neighbourhood surrounding the search origin are checked. Once the neighbourhood has been

searched, the square root of the current value of 2minΓ is returned for ( )rr

vvγ and the process is

repeated for the next reference grid position until the entire γ-distribution is created. This method

is significantly more efficient than the original implementation, where for each reference point

every possible evaluated position is queried for Γ.

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This implementation of γ uses two neighbourhoods. The dynamic neighbourhood is a sphere

with a shrinking radius, rd, that is defined by


2Md dr ∆×Γ≡ . [Eqn. 4.3]

Both Stock et al. (2005) and Wendling et al. (2007) showed that it is impossible to find a smaller

value of ( )re rrvvv

,Γ beyond this radius no matter what the dose difference is. When the entire

dynamic neighbourhood is checked, the smallest ( )re rrvvv

,Γ value is always found. This is why it

is not necessary to check every voxel in the evaluated distribution in the search for the smallest

( )re rrvvv

,Γ . Since the size of the dynamic neighbourhood for each iteration is defined by 2minΓ , the

number of operations (i.e., the processing time) depends on how well the distributions are in

accordance (Wendling et al. 2007). If the agreement is particularly bad, there may be little value

in performing an exhaustive search for the smallest possible 2minΓ (Wendling et al. 2007). To

avoid exhaustive searches in very poorly agreeing dose distributions a fixed maximum search

radius is set prior to calculation. This second neighbourhood has a fixed size. Employing a

maximum search distance is not a new idea (Harms et al. 1997; Depuydt et al. 2002; Wendling et

al. 2007). The search is terminated when all the evaluated grid positions in one of the

neighbourhoods -whichever is first- have been queried. For the research presented in this thesis,

a maximum neighbourhood (radius) of 9 mm was employed for comparing 3D distributions.

For comparisons between 2D dose distributions, the search neighbourhoods are defined by

circles instead of spheres. Similarly, the search pattern can be described as an expanding square

rather than a cube. A pictorial representation of the search algorithm for γ in 2D is shown in

Figure 4.7. A flow diagram for the gamma evaluation (which does not include a maximum

search limit) is shown in Figure 4.8. As an enhancement of the γ-tool presented by Stock et al.

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(2005), all of the vector components of γ are returned in this implementation of the algorithm

along with the magnitude information. Comparisons between dose distributions with 2 spatial

and one dose dimensions (2+1)D yield a 3D vector field comprised of two distance and one dose

components. Therefore, γ-vectors for (2+1)D comparisons have three components: ∆X, ∆Y and

∆D. Similarly, γ-vectors for comparisons between dose distributions with 3 spatial and 1 dose

dimensions (3+1)D have four components: ∆X, ∆Y, ∆Z and ∆D. In both cases the algorithm

returns components that are normalized to the tolerance criteria (e.g., 3%3mm).

Figure 4.7: The 2D search pattern for the smallest Г in the neighbourhood surrounding the search origin is demonstrated above. When a non-zero dose difference is measured at the search origin, the expanding square search is initialized. New pixels to be queried are shown in dark gray, while previously sampled pixels are shown in light gray.

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Figure 4.8: Flow diagram showing the software process of our in-house gamma evaluations.

Start at new reference grid

Position: rr

Calculate dose difference at search origin: ( ) ( )20






?00 =Γ


( )202min Γ=Γ

Initialize Search Cube Sidelength, 1=b

2+= bb

( ) 2min


2 Γ≤b ? ( )2minΓ=rγ

On cube surface, start at new evaluated grid

Position: re

Find grid distance from search origin,









2 Γ≤d ?

Calculate sample gamma:

( ) ( ) ( ) 22











rrrr All cube surface

voxels checked?

Find smallest sample gamma, 2nΓ


2 Γ≤Γn?

All reference













Yes Yes


22min nΓ=Γ

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4.3 Dose Evaluation Experiments

In this section, the simulations and irradiations used to test the utility of the vector algorithm

are outlined. The procedures for performing and validating three independent radiotherapy

deliveries with gel dosimetry are described. The deliveries simulate cobalt tomotherapy, and two

conformal prostate deliveries Further, more techniques used to calibrate OptCT attenuation

measurements of irradiated gel dosimeters to dose are explained as are experiments to investigate

the calibration reliability.

4.3.1 Interpreting Dose Distribution Disagreements

A series of computer simulations were performed to determine if the vector information

could be used to help identify the sources of clinical dose distribution disagreements. The 2D

γ-vector evaluation tool was assayed on test images under a variety of manipulations. Each test

involved modifying the original distribution and comparing it back to the unmodified image using

the γ-vector algorithm. The modified and unmodified distributions corresponded to the evaluated

and reference images respectively.

First the vector algorithm was tested for consistency with the original implementation

described by Low et al. 1998. The vector algorithm was applied to a pair of test distributions,

shown in Figure 4.9, that were used to evaluate the original gamma comparison (Low and

Demspey, 2003). The two distributions were generously provided by Daniel Low, of the

Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine and are identical

to the data sets in their published work (Low and Dempsey 2003, Ju et al. 2008). The reference

distribution simulates a projection through a 10x10 cm2 field from a 6 MV beam incident on a

water phantom. Low and Dempsey (2003) obtained the evaluated distribution by modifying the

quadrants of the reference image in the following way: Quadrant 1 is unmodified. A spatially

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dependant multiplicative dose shift is applied to quadrant 2 that is governed by the off-axis

distance, x, according to

xDose 012.0=∆ .

Quadrant 3 is space shifted by a function that is similarly governed by the off-axis distance such


xy 12.0=∆ .

Both of these modifications are applied to quadrant 4. Since the grid resolution is 1 mm2/pixel, 3

% dose disagreement and 3 mm distance to agreement occurs at x = ±2.5 mm in quadrants 2 and

3 respectively.

Low and Dempsey’s (2003) square field was also used to explore the effect of dose

perturbation on the resulting vector field. Simulated double Gaussian dose distributions were

created in MATLAB and added or subtracted from the region of uniform dose in the centre of the

square field (see Figure 4.10). In other words, a region of disagreement was imposed onto the

otherwise identical evaluated distribution. The double Gaussians had an amplitude of 15 % of the

Figure 4.9: The test distributions provided by the Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine: (Left) the reference distribution. (Right) the evaluated distribution (Adapted from Low and Dempsey 2003; Ju et al. 2008).

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maximum reference distribution dose (i.e., 0.15 Gy), and standard deviations of 15 and 30 pixels

in the y and x dimensions respectively. In a complementary pair of tests, the reference image was

uniformly shifted by 15 cGy (with additive and subtractive doses in separate tests). A double

Gaussian was the added to the region shifting the dose back towards the original value (see Figure

4.11). In other words, a region tending towards agreement was imposed onto an otherwise dose

shifted evaluated distribution. These double Gaussians also had amplitudes that were 15 % of the

maximum reference dose, but with standard deviations of 5 pixels in the x and y directions.

Figure 4.10: The reference distribution (left) is modified by adding/subtracting a double Gaussian dose distribution (middle) creating an evaluated distribution (right) with a central region of disagreement.

Figure 4.11: The reference distribution (left ) is modified by uniformly shifting the dose by 15cGy and then adding/subtracting a double Gaussian distribution (middle) to bring the central region of the evaluated distribution back towards agreement.

Another set of tests was performed to investigate the vector field response under

disagreements more similar to those that would appear in a clinical scenario. Simulated dose

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errors, in the form of double Gaussians with amplitudes of 45 cGy (15 % of the reference

maximum) were imposed onto a simulated head and neck distribution at separate locations

corresponding to the surrounding tissue, target, avoidance structure, node, and the target

boundary area (see Figure 4.12). The last set of tests involved uniformly translating the head and

neck distribution along each of the three image dimensions one at a time (dose is the third

dimension), and comparing it back to the unmodified reference distribution. Forty misalignments

between -20 and 20 pixels were imposed along each spatial axis. An additional forty

misalignments were imposed along the dose axis between -30 and 30 % of the reference

maximum. For all cases, over a total of 120 trials, the entire γ-distribution was used to calculate a

mean value for each γ-vector component.

Figure 4.12: The head and neck test distribution (Dhanesar 2008). (Left), a geometrical representation of the treatment geometry. The target volume is shown in yellow, the node in green and the avoidance structure in red. (Middle) The planned treatment distribution is used as the reference distribution. (Right) The head and neck distribution (simulated using in-house planning software) has five regions corresponding to the positioning of the double Gaussians.

4.3.2 Calibration

Calibrating Optical CT attenuation maps of gels to dose is an important step in

implementing gel dosimetry as a validation technique. The primary calibration method utilized in

this work is an adaptation to that presented by DeJean et al. (2006b). Three dimensional OptCT

attenuation maps of gels were calibrated to dose using software written in MATLAB for the

purpose of this project. For each polymer gel dosimeter used for treatment validation, a second

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identical dosimeter -a calibration gel- was prepared using the same batch of gel solution. The

calibration gel was irradiated using the Co-60 tomotherapy apparatus described in Section 4.1.1.

A simple calibration pattern of three intersecting pencil beams (see Figure 4.13) was delivered at

the top middle and bottom of a calibration gel. OptCT measurements of these three identical

distributions were compared to 2D treatment plans calculated by in-house treatment planning

software (Gallant 2006). In-house software -written for the purpose of this research- was then

used to select a slice through the central plane of each measured pattern yielding a two

dimensional map of attenuation data corresponding to the planned delivery. Slices were

registered to the 2D dose plan using computer selected point based registration (a tool written in

MATLAB for the purpose of this research). Calibration curves containing approximately 3000

points were obtained by matching data along the 4mm beam centres of the planned and measured


Figure 4.13: (Left) a top view of the three beam calibration pattern plan. (Right) a maximum intensity projection (MIP) image of the planned three pattern delivery.

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R2 = 0.9926





0 25 50 75 100 125

Optical CT Number






σ = 12.3664

Figure 4.14: (Left) a top view of the OptCT measurement of the calibration delivery. The beam centres and low dose regions are shown with red borders. (Right) the regions shown on the left are compared pixel by pixel with the plan to build a calibration curve. A 2nd order polynomial fit to the data is shown in red, along with the corresponding R2 value and the standard error.

Additional data were added to the calibration curve through matching areas within the low dose

regions of the two distributions. A fifth order polynomial fit was generated for each calibration

curve and used to calibrate OptCT numbers to dose. Because each gel dosimeter was prepared by

hand, there was some degree of variation in composition between batches. It follows that there

must also be variation in dose response between individual formulations of the same nominal

composition. Other factors, including thermal history irradiation temperature and time to

irradiation have been shown to affect the dose response of similar polymer gel dosimeters (De

Deene et al. 2007). The reproducibility of the 4%T 50%C formulation was investigated through

21 calibrations in 9 dosimeters. Of the nine dosimeters, two were prepared from the same batch

of gel solution in order to examine the intra batch variations in dosimeter response. In one trial, a

different calibration technique was attempted whereby the dosimeter was irradiated from the top

with a 6x6 cm2 field of 20 MeV electrons. The electron percent-depth-dose (PDD) measurement

was then compared with the OptCT data in order to correspond optical attenuation to dose.

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4.3.3 Simple Delivery Validations in 3D

Polymer gel dosimeters were used to preserve 3D radiation dose distributions created

with the Clinac 21iX and the Theratron 780C. Afterwards, optical attenuation maps of the

irradiated dosimeters were obtained through measurement with the Vista scanner and calibrated

to dose as described above. The process of using the radiation dose response and optical

properties of polymer gel dosimeters for verifying dose distributions calculated by treatment

planning software is described in this section.

The cobalt tomotherapy apparatus described in Section 4.1.1 was used to irradiate the

dosimeters with simple dose patterns, such as the intersecting pencil beam calibration pattern

(Figure 4.13). The beam placement (time, angle and translation) required to produce these

patterns has been used before (Gallant 2006). Forward planning software, using models based on

ion chamber measurements of the pencil-beam profile and depth dose, were used to calculate the

expected dose distribution based on the shape and density of the polymer gel dosimeter as well as

the dwell time, and stepper motor positions (Gallant 2006). So far, ion chamber measurements

and Monte Carlo simulations of the beam profiles have only been completed in 2D. The forward

planning software assumes that the pencil-beam is symmetrical, yet the actual 3D shape is

unknown. Therefore, the forward planning software is known to calculate full 3D cobalt

tomotherapy dose distributions somewhat inaccurately.

Reference scans of each dosimeter were obtained with the Vista scanner prior to

irradiation. Afterwards, 6 fiducial marks were imprinted onto the gel dosimeters with a permanent

red marker. The tomotherapy software and the cross-hairs in the treatment field were used to

record the positions of the fiducial marks so they could later be identified in the 3D treatment

plan. Once the placement and dwell times of the pencil beams were uploaded into the

tomotherapy computer the dosimeters were irradiated using the experimental setup shown in

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Figure 4.3 in Section 4.1.2. 24 hours after irradiation the second optical scan of the gel dosimeter

was obtained with the Vista OptCT system. The two sets of optical scans were used to

reconstruct a 3D optical attenuation image of the dose distribution. Attenuation images were

imported into MATLAB for calibration and comparison with calculated distributions. In-house

registration software written in MATLAB for the purpose of this research was used to align the

measured distribution with the cobalt tomotherapy plans by aligning the measured locations of

the fiducial marks with their recorded positions. After registration and calibration the measured

dose distributions were compared with calculated distributions using dose difference and gamma

comparisons to test the agreement within tolerance criteria (3% 3mm). For these comparisons the

maximum neighbourhood limit was 15 mm.

4.3.4 Clinical Implementation of Delivery Validation

To more closely mimic a clinical treatment of an actual patient with planning, image

guidance and irradiation was performed on gel dosimeters incorporated into the AQUA phantom

(Modus Medical, London, ON) the gel dosimeters. The AQUA phantom was used for two

purposes: 1) to simulate the geometry of a human torso. 2) to facilitate X-ray CT scanning in

order to use clinical planning software. The AQUA phantom, shown in Figure 4.15, is a water

tank consisting of PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate). The radiological properties of tissue (at

therapeutic photon energies) are simulated throughout the tank volume by filling it with water. A

steel arm (outside of the radiation beam) clamps onto the PET dosimeter jar and allows

positioning anywhere within the tank. Horizontal and vertical scores on the PMMA surface allow

alignment with intersecting room lasers such that the setup geometry can be replicated with a

tolerance of 1-2mm. X-ray CT scans and LINAC deliveries are performed in different rooms. To

achieve a treatment matching the plan it is critical to set up the experiment in the exact same

position as in the X-ray CT suite.

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Figure 4.15: Photographs of the AQUA phantom used for simulating the human torso in irradiations and CT scans (Modus Medical, London ON). The tank is filled with water to achieve approximate tissue equivalence, while a steel arm holds the gel dosimeter in place for 3D dose measurements.

In two experiments the phantom was treated as a patient undergoing conformal prostate

therapy with image guidance. Procedurally the phantom underwent the same stages as a cancer

patient receiving radiation therapy. X-ray CT scans were used to develop a treatment plan in

Eclipse (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) and the plan was delivered using the Clinac

21iX. Eclipse is the modern treatment planning system used clinically at the Cancer Centre of

Southeastern Ontario for all patient radiotherapy planning. The conformal prostate experiments

represent an actual 3D treatment validation as 7-field conformal prostate therapy with image

guidance is not yet available at the CCSEO.

To obtain the dose information from the gel dosimeter in these experiments the

procedure was slightly different than described previously for the Co-60 tomotherapy simulation.

Before the polymer gel dosimeters were prepared, the empty jars were filled with distilled water

and imprinted with 6 fiducial marks. Metal beads were fixed over the red fiducial marks with

masking tape. The jars were then placed in the AQUA phantom and scanned with the CT

simulator as shown in Figure 4.6. Intersecting room lasers in the CT simulator suite were

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carefully aligned to the cross shaped score marks on the surface of the AQUA phantom. After

X-ray CT scanning, the water in the jar was replaced with 4%T 50%C NIPAM/Bis polymer gel

dosimeter solution, and the metal beads were removed. Reference scans were performed after the

gelatine matrix set (after ~24 hours in the laboratory refrigerator). The beads were replaced after


With the X-ray CT data set it was possible to clinically plan and deliver conformal

radiation deliveries to the AQUA phantom setup. Eclipse was used to calculate dose distributions

based on the X-ray attenuation data collected by the CT ssimulator. Because the phantom lacks

any real anatomy, anatomical information from an anonymous patient was copied onto the X-ray

CT scan of the AQUA phantom to more closely simulate clinical geometry. An oncologist had

already contoured the prostate, rectum, and bladder based on the patients X-ray CT scan,

allowing these structures to be copied into the experimental delivery plan (see Figure 4.16).

These structures were considered as targets and organs at risk in planning two seven field 15 MV

prostate treatments with the clinical treatment planning software known as Eclipse (see Figure

4.17). In the first plan, the prescribed dose to the prostate is 4 Gy, while in the second it is 3 Gy.

This dose was chosen to establish the best conditions for the gel dosimeter readout. Otherwise

the two plans are identical. Each field is 10x10 cm2 with MLC leaves conforming to the

planning-target-volume (PTV) surrounding the prostate contour (see Section 5.3.2). The PTV has

the same general shape as the prostate, and was derived by defining a surface 1.5 cm distal to the

prostate surface.

After creating the plan, and preparing the gel dosimeter solution, the AQUA phantom and

the dosimeter were setup for irradiation in the Clinac 21iX radiotherapy suite (see Figure 4.18).

Intersecting room lasers were used to setup the phantom as in the X-ray CT suite. However, to

further ensure that the geometry of both setups matched, an X-ray cone beam CT scan was

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Figure 4.16: An X-ray CT image of the AQUA phantom and gel dosimeter insert from Eclipse. (Left) the large image is a transverse view showing the prostate rectum and control volume contours in pink blue brown and blue respectively. (Right top) coronal view of the X-ray CT 3D data. (Right middle) sagittal view of the X-ray CT 3D data. (Right bottom) 3D image showing anatomical structures.

performed with the OBI. The intent of this image guidance step clinically is also to attempt to

correct for potential displacement of the internal target (prostate with margins) relative to the

external landmarks. Superposition of the OBI scan and the original CT scan allowed detection of

inconsistencies between the two setups. Translating the treatment couch and moving the AQUA

phantom into position accordingly eliminated any setup errors unaccounted for by laser

alignment. After carefully setting up the AQUA phantom, the seven field treatment was

delivered according to the plan. The fiducial beads were removed and the dosimeter was left to

develop in a dark place for 24 hours prior to optical scanning.

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Figure 4.17: 7-field 15 MV conformal prostate treatment plan from Eclipse. (Top left) transverse view. (Bottom left and right) coronal view and sagittal view. (Top right) 3D image showing the field and anatomical structures. The prostate is pink, the rectum brown and the bladder light blue.

The reconstructed 3D dose image from the OptCT readout was imported into MATLAB

and calibrated as in the cobalt tomotherapy validation. However, an important difference from

the Co-60 tomotherapy procedure was that the position of the fiducial marks was only known in

the X-ray and OptCT scans. The measured OptCT distribution was therefore registered to the

OBI image, not to known coordinates in the treatment plan. Though it was possible to register the

OptCT measurement to the original CT scan, the OBI image has greater resolution than the Picker

5000 and therefore measures the metal fiducial positions more precisely. The clinical CT

scanners save the scan data in DICOM format. Before the X-ray scans can be used to correlate

fiducial positions in the OptCT image, the DICOM data must be imported into MATLAB. This

was done using the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR) toolkit

(University of Washington, School of Medicine, St. Louis). CERR is a software toolkit written in

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MATLAB that hs been specifically developed for research in radiotherapy. As such it has a

variety of tools that facilitate visualization of radiation dose and anatomical scans. The CERR

toolkit was also used to import the anatomical structures and treatment plans from Eclipse to

MATLAB. In-house software tools were then used to register and calibrate the OptCT

attenuation maps of polymer gel dosimeters to dose. The registered and dose calibrated OptCT

data was then imported into CERR using in-house software tools written in MATLAB. Once in

CERR format, the measured dose data was normalized at isocentre to the planned distribution.

The CERR toolbox also includes a dose-volume-histogram (DVH) tool which permits convenient

non-spatial volume analysis of relatively complex anatomical structures, such as the prostate

bladder and rectum. After performing 3D γ-analysis and uploading the γ-distribution to CERR

with in-house software, the DVH tool was used to create cumulative dose volume histograms and

gamma volume histograms (GVH)’s for every structure.

Figure 4.18: A photograph of the experimental setup for the 7-field conformal prostate delivery. The AQUA phantom, with a polymer gel dosimeter insert, are shown on the Clinac 21iX treatment bench. The OBI apparatus is engaged and in position to perform cone beam X-ray CT scans.

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Chapter 5 Results and Discussion

In this chapter, the results from the experiments described in Chapter 4 are presented

while their implications and importance are discussed. In the first section (Section 5.1), the

results from the performance testing of the in-house γ-vector algorithm developed by the author

for the evaluation of delivered dose distributions are presented. In Section 5.2 the results and

accompanying discussion from the calibration experiments for polymer gel dosimeters are

reported. These dosimeters were used to make high-resolution 3D dose measurements of

clinically relevant dose deliveries, which were compared with distributions calculated by

treatment planning software ( Eclipse). Section 5.3 reports on polymer gel experiments which

were designed to illustrate the clinical utility of the γ-vector algorithm are presented.

5.1 The Response of the γ-Vector Field

5.1.1 Validation of the γ-Algorithm

To compare two dose distributions, the new γ algorithm returns a map of γ magnitude

information that is also accompanied by the corresponding vector data (see also Section 2.4.7;

Section 2.6; Section 4.2). As outlined in Section 4.3.1 the test distributions used by Low and

Dempsey (2003) to evaluate the original γ-tool were compared using the new γ algorithm. A

qualitative comparison of the calculations made by the new in-house γ algorithm and the original

γ-tool is shown for Low and Dempsey’s test distributions in Figure 5.1. The corresponding

vector plot for the new comparison tool is shown in Figure 5.2. The γ-distribution from the

original implementation exhibits a characteristic pattern in each of the four quadrants.

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Reference Evaluated





Figure 5.1: Gamma comparisons between test distributions used by Low and Dempsey (2003). (a) the reference distribution. (b) the evaluated distribution. (c) gamma magnitude distribution calculated with the original γ-tool (reproduced with permission from Ju et al., 2008). (d) gamma magnitude distribution calculated with the new in-house γ-tool.

Although the colour map is slightly different the colour wash plot of the γ-magnitude information

obtained from the new γ-tool shows the same characteristic pattern. A quantitative comparison

between each implementation of γ was not possible because the actual original γ-tool was not

available. However, the qualitative results indicate that the new algorithm returns γ magnitude

information that is comparable to the original γ-tool. The main advantage of the new algorithm is

that it also returns the complete γ-vector information, which, as will be shown later in this

chapter, is useful for identifying the cause of dose disagreements. Because our group at the

CCSEO has been the only group to explore the utility of component vectors of γ, there is no

standard format for presenting γ-vector information. The format of the vector plot shown in

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Figure 5.2 was adopted as a convenient display of the γ-vector information for the purposes of

this research. It is not the only method to display the vector information and future investigators

are encouraged to explore new techniques for visualizing the vector field.

Figure 5.2: The γ-vector evaluation yields the same magnitude plot (Left), as well as the corresponding γ-vector information in component form (Right). The vector information shown on the right corresponds to the rectangular ROI on the top left corner of magnitude plot. The voids in the vector plot occur when the spatial components of γ are zero in magnitude.

The γ-vector plot shown in Figure 5.2 has some characteristics that should be explained so

that subsequent γ-vector plots presented as a part of this research can be properly understood.

First, to avoid confusion, the plot represents only a portion of the total vector field. The γ-vector

information is only shown for the green highlighted region-of-interest (ROI) in Figure 5.2. The

γ-vector information is presented in component form in the plot. The Dr∆ component is

represented by the contours while the arrows show the spatial γ components, Xr∆ and Y

r∆ .

Recall from Section 2.4.5, that Dr∆ represents the difference in dose between the evaluated grid

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position and the reference grid position, e.g., from Table 2.1, ( ) ( )re rDrDDrrrrr

−=∆ . Since err



are not necessarily equal, Dr∆ is not equivalent to the dose difference as defined in Section

2.4.2. It is a common misconception to confuse the distance-to-agreement and dose different

components of γ with the actual dose difference or DTA values for a given point. The γ-

evaluation simultaneously uses both concepts to find the point in the evaluated distribution that is

most in agreement. To avoid confusion between these two seemingly similar definitions Dr∆ is

labelled as ∆D(re,rr) on the plot; it has units of percentage of the reference maximum. For

example, the γ-vectors in the region between the ∆D(re,rr) = 3% and ∆D(re,rr) = 4.5% contour

lines have Dr∆ values between 3.5 and 4 % of the maximum dose in the reference image. Also

recall from Section 2.4.5 that Xr∆ and Y

r∆ give the spatial separations along the X and Y

dimensions between the reference grid position, and the evaluated grid position that minimizes

the search for the smallest Γ. The vector arrows originate from each reference grid search origin

(see Section 4.2) and are indicative of the Xr∆ and Y

r∆ vector components. The arrows point

towards the evaluated grid position that minimizes the Γ search. The length of the arrows is

proportional to the magnitude of the vector sum of Xr∆ and Y

r∆ (i.e, the d

r∆ component, see

Table 2.1), though the actual scale is not given. When no arrows are given for a particular

location in the vector plot, the relative contribution of the spatial γ-vector components is nil.

As outlined in Section 4.2 (see also Section 2.4.6), aside from choosing a fine evaluated grid

resolution, neither the original implementation of the γ-tool nor the new γ-vector algorithm

employs any method to avoid discretization artefacts. Therefore, neither comparison tool yields

γ-values equivalent to the true analytical values. Low and Dempsey (2003) stated that

interpolating the evaluated distribution to a 1x1 mm2 grid (as in the test images shown in Figure

5.1) reduced the error in γ to less than 0.2 even in regions of high dose gradient (see also Section

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2.5.6). Therefore, in clinical γ-comparisons, discretization errors may not present serious

problems particularly if the evaluated distribution grid resolution is high. Even though

interpolating to higher grid resolution yields γ-values with smaller associated error and may not

result in failure (i.e., a false γ>1), the effect of the discretization artefact is still evident. Using the

same test images shown in Figure 5.1, Ju et al., (2008) showed the reduction of ripples associated

with the discretization artefact (also apparent in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2) through the

application of their geometric technique and through interpolation techniques (Wendling et al.,

2007). Since only the magnitude information is considered in the standard γ-comparison

discretization artefacts, such as rippling, may not be significant unless they cause false

disagreement. On the other hand, the effects of discretization artefacts on the individual γ-vector

components are unknown, and as shown in Section 5.1.5, should be considered when using the

vector information to interpret dose disagreement these effects.

5.1.2 γ-Vector Field Response under Dose Perturbation

The square field test distribution (shown in Figure 5.1) was used for two additional pairs

of tests. As described in Section 4.3 double Gaussian dose distributions were added and then

subtracted from the centre of the test distribution creating two separate evaluation distributions.

Both of these distributions were compared with the original unchanged reference distribution

using the new γ-vector algorithm. The resulting γ-vector plots from these comparisons are shown

in Figure 5.3. The dose difference component of γ, ∆D, shows an increasing positive trend when

dose has been added (see Figure 5.3b) and a negative trend (see Figure 5.3c) when dose has been

subtracted. In these cases, ∆D, clearly indicates of both overdoses and underdoses. Further, the

magnitude of ∆D is related to the magnitude of the dose difference, as is shown by the contour

levels. In both the additive and subtractive tests the spatial components of the vector field show

positive divergence (i.e., the spatial vector components point away from the centre of the double

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Figure 5.3: Vector analysis of double Gaussian dose errors in a region of uniform dose. The double Gaussian has a magnitude that is 15 % of the maximum value of the test distribution. (a) the test distribution showing a green ROI corresponding vector plots in b and c. (b) the γ-vector plot corresponding to the test where the double Gaussian dose error has been added to the test distribution. (c) the γ-vector plot corresponding to the test where the double Gaussian dose error has been subtracted from the test distribution (note all contours are negative percent difference in c).

Gaussian). The positive divergence occurs because the fringes of the region where the double

Gaussian dose distribution (positive or negative) has been added to the evaluated distribution are

more similar to the underlying reference distribution. For each point in the reference distribution

Γ is minimized through correspondence with evaluated points that are further from the centre of

the Gaussian peak or trough, because they have a smaller dose disparity with the reference image.

The spatial components of each γ vector are therefore directed towards regions in the evaluated

distribution that are in agreement with the corresponding reference position.

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Considering the cause of positive divergence in the γ-vector field, it is not unreasonable

to expect negative divergence (i.e., the spatial vector components point inwards) when the

evaluated distribution disagrees with the reference distribution with the exception of a localized

region of agreement. In such a scenario the searches for the smallest Γ in the surrounding region

become minimized by correspondence with the same positions in the evaluated distribution.

Clinically, negative divergence in the γ-vector field may be useful for identifying false agreement

between distributions. For example, Low and Dempsey (2003) observed that noise in the

evaluated distribution caused underreporting of the average γ-value compared to the noise free

case. When an evaluated distribution that does not otherwise agree within tolerances with the

reference distribution has noise added to it, some locations in the evaluated distribution will be

brought into closer agreement with the reference distribution. Coupling the anomalous agreeing

evaluated position with neighbouring points in the reference distribution will minimize the search

for the smallest Γ. Therefore, regions of negative divergence in a γ-vector field may be

associated with a noisy evaluated image, possibly causing γ-values to be underreported.

The validity of the hypothesized cause of negative divergence in γ-vector field was tested

by creating a region of agreement at the centre of an evaluated test distribution which was

uniformly dose shifted with respect to the reference distribution axis by adding or subtracting

0.15 Gy, as explained in Section 4.3. A small central region of the square field was shifted back

into agreement by either adding or subtracting a double Gaussian with 0.15 Gy maximum.

Negative divergence in the γ-vector field in γ-comparisons can be seen when the dose in the

evaluated distribution for both positive and negative uniform dose shifts and a localized region of

agreement with respect to the reference (shown in Figure 5.4). Therefore, when interpreting γ-

vector plots positive divergence should be associated with a region of disagreement with respect

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to the surrounding area, while negative divergence should be associated with a region of

agreement with respect to the surrounding area.

Figure 5.4: Negative divergence in γ-vector fields. (a) the evaluated distribution is created by uniformly shifting the dose in the reference distribution by 15%. (b) The γ-vector plot for the green ROI under a negative uniform the dose shift, with a central region of agreement. (c) The γ-vector plot for the green ROI under a positive uniform dose shift, with a central region of agreement.

5.1.3 γ-Vector Field Response to Gaussian Noise

Image noise, such as speckle, has the potential to cause localized regions of positive or

negative divergence, depending on the agreement of the underlying dose distributions. The

response of the vector field to zero mean Gaussian noise was tested by adding noise at levels of

variance between 0 and 100 % to test dose distributions. The plots in Figure 5.5 correspond to

noise testing of the cobalt tomotherapy test distribution shown in Figure 4.13. The mean

response of each γ-component vector to Gaussian noise is plotted as a function of noise variance.

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0 25 50 75 100

Gaussian Noise Variance (%)


n G









t ∆r







0 25 50 75 100

Gaussian Noise Variance (%)





a V










Figure 5.5: Plots showing the response of the mean γ-vector components to zero mean Gaussian noise. (Left) the mean values of the traditional γ-vector components ∆r and ∆D, are plotted as a function of the noise variance. (Right) the mean value of the spatial γ-vector components, ∆X and ∆Y are plotted as a function of the noise variance.

The individual mean spatial component vectors X∆ and Y∆ show no obvious trends with

increasing noise. The mean value of the net spatial separation r∆ increases much more rapidly

with increased noise variance than the net dose separation D∆ . This finding may be related to

the noise sensitivity of the γ-evaluation observed by Low and Dempsey (2003). Low and

Dempsey (2003) found that noise in the evaluated image caused an underestimation of γ. They

asserted that the addition of noise caused better apparent agreement than would be found in the

absence of noise. When noise is present in the evaluated distribution, anomalous points with

large disagreement (i.e., outliers associated with noise) are avoided in the search for the smallest

Г and do not significantly perturb the γ-distribution. However, when the underlying distributions

do not match, some outliers in the evaluated distribution associated with noise become better

points of agreement than would be found if the distribution were noise free. In this case, the point

of agreement in the evaluated distribution would also minimize Г for many neighbouring

reference positions. Both scenarios, especially the second, cause Γ to be minimized through

coupling with evaluated points that are further than usual from the search origin, leading to a

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larger ∆r γ-vector component. In other words, noise in the evaluated distribution allows ∆D to be

minimized at the cost of ∆r, and as shown by Low and Dempsey (2003) also causes a net

underestimation of γ.

5.1.4 γ-Vector Field Response under Misalignment

Clinically, misalignments between physical measurement and calculated distributions

may arise due to improper registration between dose distributions or may be the result of a

geometric miss during the radiation delivery. The later situation is more serious; “missing” the

target volume potentially means that not only has the tumour not received proper therapeutic

dose, but that the surrounding healthy tissue and sensitive organs were irradiated. The

consequences for the patient may be clinically insignificant or grave, depending on the magnitude

and location of the geometric miss. 3D gel dosimetry coupled with γ-vector analysis may permit

the identification of dose misalignments caused by systematic errors.

A series of misalignment tests, described in greater detail in Section 4.3.1, were

performed in order to determine whether the γ-vector field could be used to predict dose

distribution misalignments. Specifically, the test distribution shown in Figure 4.13 was uniformly

translated along each of three dimensions (dose is the third dimension) in over 120 separate trials.

The results from the uniform translation trials for the test distribution are shown in Figure 5.6.

For spatial misalignments along both the X and Y axis the mean ∆r component of the γ-vector

dominates the mean ∆D component. Furthermore, the mean value of the individual vector

components corresponds to the direction of misalignment. For example, when the evaluated

distribution is uniformly translated along the Y-axis, the mean ∆Y vector over the entire γ-vector

field dominated over the mean ∆X vector. Similarly, when the evaluated distribution is translated

along the X-axis, the mean ∆X vector dominated over the mean ∆Y component. The mean

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spatial vector components also indicated the direction of misalignment. Finally, when the

evaluated distribution is obtained by shifting along the dose axis, the mean ∆D component

dominated the ∆r component and it was also indicative of the direction of dose misalignment.

When dose was uniformly added to form the test evaluated distribution D∆ is positive and when

dose is uniformly subtracted to form the test evaluated distribution, D∆ is negative. The

correspondence between spatial component vectors and dose distribution misalignment direction

and magnitude indicates that γ-vector information can therefore be used for detecting spatial

misalignments between reference and evaluated distributions.

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-20 -10 0 10 20Y-Axis Misalignment (pixels)





t M














-20 -10 0 10 20

Y-Axis Misalignment (pixels)





t M













-20 -10 0 10 20

X-Axis Misalignment (pixels)





t M












-20 -10 0 10 20

X-Axis Misalignment (pixels)





t M










-30 -15 0 15 30

Dose Shift (% of Maximum)





t M













-30 -15 0 15 30

Dose Shift (% of Maximum)





t M







Figure 5.6: The mean component vector response to misalignments along each of 3 distribution dimensions (dose is the third dimension). Plots showing the response of the traditional γ-vector components ∆D and ∆r are shown in the left column, while the response of the additional spatial vector components is plotted in the right column.

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5.1.5 Towards Clinical Application

Misalignment testing was also performed on other test distributions. While the results are

not presented in this research, the individual vector components show the same trends as can be

seen in Figure 5.6. Not surprisingly, the actual misalignment response (e.g., the magnitude of

each mean component vector) varies somewhat between dose distributions. This is because the

response of the γ-vector field also depends on the particular properties, such as the dose gradient,

of the underlying dose distributions. To begin to understand how the underlying distribution

might affect the γ-vector field, another dose perturbation experiment was performed (see Section

4.3.1). The same test distribution used in Section 5.1.4, which is a cobalt tomotherapy dose

distribution typical for a head and neck treatment, was manipulated by adding double Gaussian

dose distributions (see Figure 5.7 and Figure 4.13). The γ-vector plots shown in Figure 5.7

correspond to two separate comparisons. In the first case a double Gaussian overdose has been

added to a region (1) associated with surrounding healthy tissue, in the second case the dose has

been added to a region associated with the target volume (2). The γ-vector comparison plot for

(1) (Figure 5.7b) does not show obvious positive divergence, even though positive divergence is

apparent when the same manipulation was applied to the square field test distribution (see Figure

5.3b). Considering the spatial component vectors separately, the ∆X component of each γ-vector

is directed away from the Gaussian peak and is consistent with positive divergence. However,

the ∆Y components of the γ-vector field are oriented in the positive y-direction towards

decreasing dose in the underlying distribution. It is possible that the underlying dose gradient

produced an overwhelming response in the ∆Y component vector concealing what would have

otherwise resulted in positive divergence. The γ-vector field from the second comparison (i.e., at

the target volume) shows positive divergence as expected. However, there are two regions where

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∆D(re,rr) is negative. These two negative regions were unexpected because the disagreement was

caused by additive dose.

Figure 5.7: The reference dose distribution representing the clinical head and neck treatment is shown on the left along with two regions of interest. The evaluated dose distribution, not shown, was created by adding double Gaussian dose disagreements to the regions. The γ-vector fields corresponding to the green regions are shown on the top and bottom right for regions 1 and 2 respectively. The red labels point to regions where ∆D(re,rr) is unexpectedly negative.

The two negative regions can be understood considering the discrete nature of the

evaluated distribution (see Figure 5.8). Because the evaluated distribution is not continuous, γ is

not representative of the true analytic minimum Г (see Section 2.4.6). While no mathematical

proof is given here, when comparing continuous distributions where the evaluated distribution is

overdosed with respect to the reference distribution, it is not possible to minimize Г by finding a

point in the evaluated distribution with less dose than the reference point. Similarly, when the

evaluated distribution has been underdosed with respect to the reference, it is not possible to

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minimize Г by finding a point in the evaluated distribution with more dose than the reference

point. This new aspect of the discretization artefact of γ is an important consideration when using

the vector components of γ to diagnose the cause of γ>1. Without geometric or interpolation

solutions to the discretization problem, ∆D may not be representative of the actual dose

difference component. The effect of the discretization artefact on the spatial γ-vector components

is unknown, but it is likely that they are perturbed by discretization effects too.

Figure 5.8: A one dimensional γ-comparison between a reference distribution and an evaluated distribution. Both plot axes are normalized to the tolerance criteria, DM and dM, (e.g., 3 % and 3 mm respectively). The evaluated distribution has a uniform additive dose shift with respect to the reference distribution. At each reference point, Г is only determined by coupling the point with evaluated grid points. The smallest Г that is found this way must be larger than or equal to the true analytical minimum, which is shown as a red arrow in this diagram. Further, in the case of comparisons between discrete distributions, even under a purely additive dose shift it is possible to minimize Г by correspondence with a reference point that has less dose than the reference position.

5.2 Gel Calibration

The advantage of the γ-evaluation is that it allows rapid comparative analysis of large

data sets such as those made available with 3D dosimetry (see Section 2.4.5). In this research,

polymer gel dosimeters and optical computed tomography (OptCT) are used to measure absorbed

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radiation dose in 3D with high spatial resolution. In this work 3D dose distributions obtained

from cone beam OptCT reconstructions can contain up to 2563 individual measurements. The γ

evaluation is a convenient analysis tool for such large data sets. However, the OptCT attenuation

data must be calibrated before any dose comparison techniques can be applied. In this section,

the results from a series of optical calibrations of the dose response of the 4%T 50%C

NIPAM/Bis polymer gel dosimeter are presented. The goal is to correlate the optical attenuation

measurements made by the optical CT scanner to the physical dose deposited in the dosimeter. In

Section 5.3, the new γ-vector algorithm and an in-house γ-tool capable of performing 3D analysis

are used to compare gel measurements to calculation.

5.2.1 Intersecting Pencil Beam Method

A typical calibration dose distribution delivered using the T780C and the tomotherapy

apparatus (see Section 4.1.2) is shown in Figure 5.9 (DeJean et al. 2006b). As described in

Section 4.3.2, to produce a plot of dose versus attenuation, a 4 mm thick profile along the centre

of each intersecting pencil beam in the OptCT measurement was correlated to the same positions

in the calculated distribution. Depending on the quality of the OptCT image, 5th order polynomial

fits mapping the OptCT data to dose were found to have a standard error of 1.3 - 2.9 % or 7 - 15

cGy when the maximum dose was ~520 cGy. The error is associated with noise in the

measurement of the dose pattern as well as with image artefacts such as ringing.

5.2.2 20 MeV Electron Beam Method

The reference dose information for the intersecting pencil beams was calculated using

in-house forward planning software (Gallant 2006). Although the forward planning software was

verified with ion chamber measurements and Monte Carlo simulations (Dhanesar 2008), the

calibrations were verified against an alternative technique. The technique is discussed briefly in

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Figure 5.9: An attenuation to dose calibration for the Vista 4%T 50%C NIPAM/Bis dosimeter system. (Left) the 4mm beam centres and zero dose regions are highlighted in red on the OptCT measurement. (Right) a plot of dose versus attenuation including a 5th order polynomial fit to the data. The R2 value and standard error are displayed to show the quality of the fit.






0 5 10 15

Depth (cm)





se (






20 MeV Electron PDD

(600cGy maximum)

Attenuation Profile

(50CT# maximum)

Figure 5.10: 20 MeV electron beam percent-depth-dose (PDD) curves. (Top left) a side view of the sagittal plane of the irradiated calibration dosimeter. (Bottom left) top view of the irradiated dosimeter showing the 6x6 cm2 square electron field. (Right) two sets of measurements of the 6x6 cm2 20 MeV electron beam PDD through the centre of the field. The red curve represents raw optical attenuation data, while the black curve represents absorbed dose. Both curves are normalized to 100.

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Section 4.3.2. It involves irradiating a polymer gel dosimeter from the top with a 6x6 cm2 20

MeV electron beam. From the top to the bottom of the dosimeter, the dose along the centre of

electron beam is known as the depth dose which has been characterized with ion chamber

measurements through a water tank. The characteristic 20 MeV percent-depth dose (PDD) curve

obtained from ion chamber measurements has been plotted along the same set of axes as a line

profile through the centre of an OptCT measurement of an irradiated NIPAM/Bis dosimeter (see

Figure 5.10). The normalized optical attenuation for the 600 cGy (maximum dose) electron beam

delivery matches the ion chamber measurement of the PDD very well. Deviations occur in the

high and low dose regions near the top and bottom of the dosimeter respectively. In the high dose

region, the CT measurement appears to underreport the dose. This effect could be a scatter

related artefact (see Section 2.3.2), and might be corrected by employing scatter correction

techniques (Holmes et al. 2008; Olding et al. 2008; Jordan and Battista 2008). Image artefacts

due to reflections from the tank walls could also contribute to noise near the edges of the

dosimeter volume. A calibration curve was obtained from the two PDD’s by correlating optical

attenuation to measured dose at a given depth along the profile. The calibration is shown in red

in Figure 5.11.

5.2.3 Inter and Intra batch variability

Calibration data were collected over many experiments, for a total of nine independent

dosimeter calibrations of seven different NIPAM/Bis polymer gel batches. The fifth order

polynomial fits for all the calibrations are shown in Figure 5.11. The calibrations exhibit a wide

variation in dose response, up to 200 cGy for the same measured attenuation value. These

variations are attributed to minor preparation differences between batches. For example,

eventually chemical reactants need to be resupplied. In one set of experiments, there was a

notable reduction of N,M’-methylene-bisacrylamide solubility which lead to reduced dose

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sensitivity and increased turbidity of the dosimeters. Differences in the quality of the chemical

reactants could be the cause for the apparent split in the dose response apparent in Figure 5.11.

Alternatively, the split may have been caused by differences in irradiation temperature,

specifically some dosimeters were irradiated soon after being removed from the laboratory

refrigerator while others were not. The thermal history, especially the cooling rate, of polymer

gel dosimeters has also been shown to be an important factor in their dose response (De Deene et

al., 2007). Position in the laboratory refrigerator, and fluctuations in the cooling and defrost

cycle may have lead to differences in the cooling history of each dosimeter. In any case,

producing polymer gel dosimeters with equivalent dose response between batches is not a trivial

task. Therefore, in order to achieve accuracy in 3D dosimetry each batch of NIPAM/Bis polymer

gel dosimeter should be calibrated independently.





0 10 20 30 40

Normalized Attenuation

Dose (G



20 MeV Electrons


Figure 5.11: The combined calibration data for the entire series of experiments presented in this research project. Calibrations made using the intersecting pencil beam technique are shown in black, while the 20MeV electron beam calibration is shown in red. For clarity in presentation, the data is presented as a series of 21 5th order polynomial trendlines.

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Inter and intra batch variability tests revealed that the dose response of the NIPAM/Bis

dosimeter reproducible provided that the dosimeters are prepared under identical conditions.

Closely agreeing fifth order polynomial fits to calibrations made using the intersecting pencil

beam technique are shown in Figure 5.12. When the same batch of solution was poured into two

different dosimeter jars and independently calibrated using the intersecting pencil beam

technique, the dose response matched over the entire irradiated range to within 3.65 %. The

average difference between the polynomial fits was 1.67 ± 0.03 %, well within the combined

standard error of the fits ~4 %. When two separate dosimeter batches were prepared and

independently calibrated the polynomial fits to the dose response differed by as much as 11.3 %,

however the average difference of 4.38 ± 0.06 % was within the allowable ~4.6 % tolerance from

the combined standard error in the fits. Thus a suitable way of calibrating the polymer gel

dosimeters to dose is to prepare a second dosimeter jar containing the same gel batch. The

second jar can then be used to batch-calibrate the polymer gel dosimeter solution.







0 10 20 30 40

Normalized Attenuation


se (















0 10 20 30 40

Normalized Attenuation


se (







Figure 5.12: A set of carefully controlled calibration experiments. (Left) intra-batch variability in dose response for two jars containing the same batch of 4%T, 50%C NIPAM/Bis polymer gel dosimeter. Fifth order polynomial fits are shown for each calibration pattern in both jars. (Right) inter-batch variability in dose response for two jars containing different batches of 4%T, 50%C NIPAM/Bis polymer gel dosimeter. Fifth order polynomial fits are shown for each calibration pattern in both jars.

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5.3 Validating Radiation Deliveries in 3D

In spite of the potential for measuring dose information in 3D, there are relatively few

studies reporting on the use of polymer gel dosimetry and optical computed tomography in their

intended clinical application (see also Section 2.5 and 2.6). To this end and for the objectives

outlined in Chapter 1, results of three radiation delivery validations using polymer gel dosimeters

and cone beam OptCT are presented here. The first delivery represents a proof of concept, and

was irradiated using the T780C and the cobalt tomotherapy apparatus as outlined in Section 4.3.3.

The next two deliveries simulate 7-field conformal prostate deliveries that have not yet been

clinically adopted at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario (CCSEO); where this research

was undertaken. The seven field prostate treatments were also used to test the new γ-vector

algorithm under a clinical comparison between an actual measured distribution and treatment

plan. Most of the quantitative and qualitative analyses of these deliveries were performed using

in-house software written in MATLAB by the author for the purpose of this research. However,

the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR) Dicom RT toolbox

(Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine) was used to create volume histograms

as well as convenient displays in which dose distributions and γ-comparison maps are

superimposed on top of X-ray CT data (see also Section 4.3.3). A significant amount of effort

was involved in preparing the OptCT data and corresponding 3D gamma distributions so that they

could be imported into CERR appropriately.

5.3.1 Cobalt Tomotherapy

Three simple dose distribution patterns representing the letters ‘A’ ‘K’ and ‘A’ were

delivered to a NIPAM/Bis dosimeter using the T780C and the benchtop tomotherapy apparatus as

described in Section 4.3.3. The registered and calibrated OptCT data was compared to the 3D

treatment plan created using in-house treatment planning software (Gallant 2006). The

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calibration was made using the intersecting pencil beam technique. A complete 3D γ-comparison

between the two distributions is shown in Figure 5.13. In this comparison the distribution

calculated by in-house software is the reference distribution while the OptCT measurement is the

evaluated distribution.






Figure 5.13: A 3D treatment validation using polymer gel dosimetry with OptCT. (Top row) 3D dose distribution MIP images for the reference and evaluated distributions, a and b respectively. (Bottom row) MIP images of 3D γ-distributions with tolerance criteria of 3% 3mm, 5% 3mm, and 5% 5mm c, d, and e respectively. The colour-bars indicate γ-magnitudes for each image.

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Figure 5.14: The cumulative gamma volume histograms (GVH)’s for the cobalt tomotherapy validation is shown above. The x-axis represents the magnitude of the γ-value, while the y-axis represents the fraction of dosimeter volume with at least the corresponding gamma magnitude.

The OptCT measurement was analyzed for agreement with the reference distribution under three

separate tolerance criteria: 3% 3mm, 5% 3mm and 5% 5mm. In the volume histogram (see

Section 2.4.5 for clarification on volume histograms) shown in Figure 5.13, only the volume

corresponding to 90 % of the cylindrical diameter is included. The cumulative gamma-volume-

histogram (GVH) shows excellent agreement with the plan under all three sets of tolerance

criteria (see Figure 5.14). However, these results should be interpreted with caution. Most of the

dosimeter volume has not been irradiated, and the vast majority of the data corresponds to zero

dose. Further, from the maximum intensity profile (MIP) γ-images shown in Figure 5.13, the

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majority of failing γ-values occur in locations where dose has been deposited. Cumulative

volume analysis over the irradiated region would likely yield a much less positive result. The

extent to which individual γ-values are depressed due to noise in the evaluated image is unknown.

Finally, the 3D version of the inverse planning software that was used to calculate the reference

distribution has not yet been fully commissioned and is known to be inaccurate. A certain

amount of disagreement between the measured and the calculated distributions was expected.

However flawed, this 3D validation represents a proof of method for verification of cobalt

tomotherapy through polymer gel dosimetry with cone beam OptCT.

5.3.2 Prostate Teletherapy / Interpreting Geometric Misses

This last section reports on experiments which were designed, in part, to illustrate the

clinical utility of the γ-vector algorithm. The experiments were also intended to demonstrate a

process for using polymer gel dosimeters and cone beam OptCT as a clinical dose validation tool.

In these studies, two seven field 15 MV conformal prostate treatments planned using Eclipse

were delivered to two polymer gel dosimeters in separate trials. The rectum, bladder, and

prostate contours for the target and organs at risk were established using an actual treatment plan

created for an anonymous patient at the CCSEO (see also Section 4.3.3). As per clinical practice,

two additional contours surrounding the prostate correspond to volumes with surfaces 0.7 and 1.5

cm away from the prostate surface. These correspond to the clinical tumour volume (CTV) and

the planning tumour volume (PTV) respectively while the actual prostate contour is the gross

tumour volume (GTV). In both conformal deliveries, the treatment plans were developed using

the PTV. The calculated dose distribution for the first plan has been visualized as a set of three

colourwash images using CERR (see Figure 5.15). This image, and all subsequent images

obtained from CERR are rotated by 90° for convenient display. The three views correspond to

the sagittal, coronal and transverse planes through the phantom and dosimeter volume. The

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planned dose distribution is superimposed on top of the X-ray CT scan that was used to calculate

the delivery. Contours showing the GTV, CTV, PTV and the organs at risk are present in all

three images. Subsequent displays of dose information created using the CERR toolkit are

presented in the same fashion; in this image only the anterior/posterior and superior/inferior axes

are shown as a dashed line and labelled ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively.

After irradiating the AQUA phantom containing the polymer gel dosimeter, the dose

distribution was probed with the Vista scanner, registered, calibrated and normalized. The

measured dose data were then imported into CERR as described in Section 4.3.3. The resulting

measured dose distribution is shown in Figure 5.16. The extremities of the dosimeter volume

spatially limit the extent of the dose information displayed in this image; that is, there is no dose

information beyond the boundaries of the jar. A disparity between the measured distribution and

the planned distribution is apparent in Figure 5.15. There appears to be a misalignment in both

the anterior/posterior and lateral directions, which is also indicated by the dose profiles along the

axes (see Figure 5.17). The inconsistency between the two distributions is a geometric miss. A

3D γ-comparison (shown in Figure 5.18) between the two distributions revealed that 51 % of the

distribution within the jar volume did not agree within 3% 3mm tolerances. This situation

represents a serious clinical scenario. The prostate would not have received proper therapeutic

dose, and the surrounding tissue would have been damaged.

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A 4



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15 M

V c





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A 3



T m




of t

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l do



. T

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to d




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0 5 10Position (cm) [Ant/Post]


se (








0 5 10Position (cm) [Sup/Inf]


se (




Figure 5.17: Dose profiles comparing the polymer gel dose measurement with the planned distribution calculated by Eclipse. The anterior/posterior profile (a) shows a misalignment towards the superior direction. As a result, the superior inferior profile (b) of the gel appears below that of the Eclipse plan.

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: T

he 3

D g


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3 vol









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0% o

f th

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d di




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A 2D γ-vector comparison between the sagittal planes of the measured and planned

distributions was also performed. The corresponding γ-vector plot for this comparison is shown

in Figure 5.19. Near the boundary of the control volume, the spatial component of the γ-vector

strongly indicates the direction of misalignment between the measurement and the plan. Nearly

every γ has a spatial vector component in the negative x-direction; the same direction associated

with the geometric miss. Although this experiment represents a failed treatment delivery, it

shows the potential for using polymer gel dosimetry for validating radiotherapy treatments, in this

case revealing a serious error. Further, 3D γ-analysis rapidly identifies regions in the

measurement outside of 3% 3mm agreement with the treatment plan. Finally, around the PTV

boundaries the spatial components of the γ-vector indicate a misalignment corresponding to the

direction of the geometric miss.

There were two causes identified for the spatial misalignment. The first error was

introduced during the process of copying the anatomical structures from the anonymous patient to

the X-ray CT scan of the AQUA phantom (see Section 4.3.3 for this procedure). The patient

origin was inadvertently copied over the origin of AQUA phantom. The patient’s origin was

most likely adjusted to correspond to fiducial marks on the body. These were not present on the

anthropomorphic phantom. The second error was introduced when a spatial shift, planned for the

patient delivery was not implemented before treatment of the anthropomorphic phantom.

The plan was retroactively modified and recalculated by replacing the patient origin with

the true scan origin (Figure 5.21) and correcting for the alignment error. After adjusting the plan

the position of the dose distribution came into accordance with the gel measurement as is shown

by comparing the dose profiles (see Figure 5.20). A 3D gamma analysis was performed to

quantitatively check the agreement between the new plan and the dosimeter measurement within

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Figure 5.19: The component vector plot for a 2D γ-vector comparison between the sagittal planes of the polymer gel measurement and Eclipse plan. (Top) a complete component vector plot for the 2D γ-vector comparison with a square ROI. (Bottom) an expanded view of the ROI.

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3% 3mm tolerances. Cumulative DVH’s and GVH’s were calculated for the entire dosimeter

volume (excluding the outer 10 % of the cylindrical radius) and for each structure (the bladder,

GTV, PTV and rectum). For every structure, and the jar volume, the DVH’s for the Eclipse plan

and the polymer gel measurement are in excellent agreement (see Figure 5.23). Furthermore, the

(GVH)’s show that the polymer gel dosimeter measurement agrees with the Eclipse plan to within

3% 3mm tolerances in over 90 % of the volume of every structure. This level of accordance

between the distribution calculated by the planning software and the measurement indicates the

reliability of polymer gel dosimetry for validating and/or verifying conformal radiation therapy.

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se (





0 5 10 Position (cm) [Ant/Post]

Eclipse Gel





0 5 10

Position (cm) [Sup/Inf]


se (




Figure 5.20: Dose profiles comparing the polymer gel dosimeter measurement of the dose distribution with the modified eclipse plan. (a) the dose profile along the anterior/posterior axis. (b) the dose profile along the superior/inferior axis.

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: T

he E


se p







ly m



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nt f

or t

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d pl

an d











d di




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A 3

D γ









d E


se p






n an

d th

e O


T m










n pr



in t

he p


er g

el d



. T

he c







γ m



s be


n 0



Page 121: VALIDATIO OF COF ORMAL RADIOTHERAPY TREATMET S I 3D … · thesis various software tools and calibration techniques have been developed to allow comparative analysis between OptCT


Jar Volume






0 2 4 6

Dose (Gy)







e (










0 2 4 6

Dose (Gy)







e (








0 2 4 6

Dose (Gy)







e (








0 2 4 6

Dose (Gy)







e (








0 2 4 6

Dose (Gy)







e (


Cumulative GVH

Figure 5.23: Cumulative volume histograms comparing the OptCT measurement of the dose distribution delivered to the polymer gel dosimeter and the planned distribution from Eclipse. For each DVH, the solid black line represents the cumulative DVH for the Eclipse plan, while the broken red line corresponds to the measured distribution. Cumulative GVH’s are shown for each structure. The relative percentages of each volume that matches the planned distribution within 3% 3mm criteria are shown on the same plot as the GVH’s.

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For the second 7 field 15 MV conformal prostate treatment trial, a new X-ray CT scan on

a new gel inserted into the anthropomorphic phantom was acquired for treatment planning with

Eclipse. The anatomical structures were once again copied from the anonymous patient. Once

the plan was recreated, the polymer gel dosimeter was irradiated, and later probed with the Vista

scanner. The resulting digital distribution was calibrated, registered, normalized and uploaded to

CERR as before. The measured distribution is shown superimposed on the X-ray CT scan in

Figure 5.25. The planned distribution (see Figure 5.24) is similar to the one shown in Figure 5.15

except that the prescribed radiation dose has been reduced from 4 Gy to 3 Gy. The prostate

contour corresponding to the surface of the prostate plus 0.7 cm has been excluded from the

remaining images. The dose distributions are otherwise presented in the same manner as


Once again there is a misalignment between the planned and measured dose distributions,

corresponding to a geometric miss. This time the measured distribution is shifted only along the

superior axis with respect to the plan. The misalignment is easily seen in Figure 5.25 as the dose

distribution does not match the PTV contour. The misalignment is also apparent in plot of the

dose profiles along the axes (see Figure 5.26). Again the cause of the geometric miss was a

difference between origins in the CT scans of the patient and the anthropomorphic phantom.

However, in this case the patient shift was applied before delivery. A 3D γ-comparison (see

Figure 5.27) was performed to analyze the extent to which the measured distribution agrees

within 3%3mm tolerances with the planned distribution. A 2D γ-vector comparison was

performed for the two distributions along the sagittal plane. Again, the spatial component of the

γ-vector at the boundary of the dose distribution (i.e., where γ>1) corresponds to the

misalignment direction. Nearly every γ has a spatial vector component in the positive y-

direction; the same direction associated with the geometric miss.

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While these results will be summarized in greater detail in Chapter 6, this limited set of

experiments indicates the integrity of the NIPAM/bis dosimeter system. They also demonstrate

that optical computed tomography can be used in conjunction with gel dosimeters for clinical

validations. Finally, the γ-vector information is useful in detecting spatial misalignments between

dose distributions. In particular, the component vectors indicate the direction of misalignment

from the reference distribution to the evaluated distribution.

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Figure 5.26: Dose profiles comparing the polymer gel dosimeter measurement of the dose distribution with new Eclipse plan. (a) the dose profile along the anterior/posterior axis. (b) the dose profile along the superior/inferior axis.

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Figure 5.28: The component vector plots corresponding to the 2D γ-vector analysis between the sagittal planes of the planned dose distribution from Eclipse and the OptCT measurement of the dose distribution preserved in the polymer gel dosimeter. (a) the full component vector plot for the 2D γ-vector comparison with a square ROI. (b) an expanded view of ROI 1. (b) an expanded view of ROI 2.

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Chapter 6 Conclusions

Technological advancements in radiotherapy have improved therapeutic outcomes for cancer

patients worldwide. For example, the development of the Cobalt-60 beam therapy unit in the

1950’s revolutionized cancer treatment. The so called “cobalt bomb” was a relatively simple and

cheap device capable of providing an intense and penetrating photon beam for the treatment of

tumours lying deep within a patient’s tissue. More recently, developments in computer

technology have made it possible to optimize the shape and placement of external beams so that

the delivery of radiation dose is tightly conformed to the tumour while adjacent tissues are spared.

Complications associated with damaging healthy tissue are avoided, allowing more effective

treatment and higher quality of life.

The process of delivering radiation therapy is complicated. An integral stage typically

involves acquiring an anatomical scan with an X-ray CT simulator. A physician uses the scan to

identify malignant structures and sensitive organs, outlining the targets and avoidance structures

for planning purposes. Treatment planning software also uses the scan to calculate and/or refine

the distribution of radiation dose in three dimensions (3D). Afterwards, the patient must maintain

the same position in the treatment suite for which the scan was acquired. On-board-imaging

(OBI) devices can be used to verify the setup geometry. Each step of this process has the

potential to introduce systematic error that may result in improper delivery of therapeutic

treatment. Therefore, careful quality assurance of each step of the process is necessary to avoid

serious incidents.

Making measurements to ensure that the physical dose distribution corresponds to the

calculated plan is a key aspect of radiotherapy quality assurance. However, standard dosimeters

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such as ion chambers, GafChromic film and thermoluminescent devices (TLD)’s cannot provide

the 3D spatial resolution that is needed to validate plans with the steep dose gradients typical of

highly conformal radiation treatments. Because they can potentially be used to acquire vast

amounts of dose data in 3D with a single measurement, clinical implementation of polymer gel

dosimeters will provide a powerful tool for validating new conformal radiotherapy techniques

such as tomotherapy and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). As individual clinics

expand and improve their treatment capabilities, polymer gel dosimeters will help to streamline

arduous commissioning processes. Further, optical scanning devices will make accurate dose

readout of polymer gel dosimeters more accessible.

The Medical Physics research group at the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario (CCSEO)

and Queen’s University is well established in the field of gel dosimetry. Recent advances through

collaboration with the department of chemical engineering include the development of less toxic

polymer gel formulations (Senden et al. 2006) and dosimeters with increased cross linker content

(Koeva et al. 2008). In 2005, the group acquired a commercial cone beam optical computed

tomography (OptCT) unit known as the Vista scanner (Modus Medical, London ON). Since then,

the group has been characterizing the performance of the Vista scanner (De Jean et al. 2006a;

Olding et al. 2007; Holmes et al. 2008b) and using it to analyze irradiated dosimeters (De Jean et

al. 2006b). The initial goal of this thesis was to develop the necessary methods and tools for

using polymer gel dosimetry with OptCT to compare 3D measurements of clinical radiotherapy

dose distributions to their corresponding plans. This involved developing software tools for

calibrating and comparing the large 3D data sets. As outlined in Chapter 2, the gamma evaluation

(Low et al. 1998) is a comparison tool that allows rapid analysis of agreement between dose

distributions that accounts for both dose and spatial tolerances. During the development of an

efficient in-house version of the γ-tool, it was recognized that the standard γ-comparison provides

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little information into the significance of failing γ-values (i.e., when γ > 1). A new γ-tool capable

of returning the complete γ-vector information was developed (a description of the algorithm is

given in Chapter 4). A series of investigations examining the response of the 2D γ-vector field

under various scenarios became a major focus of the research presented in this Master’s thesis.

The accuracy of the magnitude information returned by the new γ-algorithm was first tested

by comparing standard dose distributions that were provided by Dr. Daniel Low, Department of

Radiation Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine. As shown in Chapter 5,

qualitatively, the new algorithm returns the same γ magnitude distribution as presented by Low

and Dempsey (2003) and Ju et al. (2008) (as calculated by the original γ-tool). In order to

conveniently display the vector information, a technique for plotting the vector field was adopted

where the spatial components are represented by arrows and the dose components are collectively

represented by contours. Simulated dose perturbation tests were subsequently performed in order

to determine the source of positive and negative divergence apparent in the vector plots. The

results indicate that positive divergence in the γ-vector field is caused when the evaluated image

contains a region where the dose disagreement with the reference is larger than the surrounding

area. Similarly, negative divergence is caused when the evaluated image contains a region where

the dose disagreement with the reference is smaller than the surrounding area. In a clinical

comparison, positive and/or negative divergence may therefore be an indicator of noise in the

evaluated image. Future investigations may involve searching for localized regions of positive or

negative divergence in the γ-vector field when noise has been added to the evaluated distribution.

The net effect of noise on each vector component was examined by adding Gaussian noise to

the evaluated distribution in simulated dose comparisons. In these simulations, the noise variance

was adjusted from 0 to 100 %. As shown in Chapter 5, while the individual spatial components,

Xv∆ and Y

v∆ , showed no obvious trends, the dose component, D

v∆ , and net spatial component

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rv∆ increased in magnitude as noise is added to the evaluated distribution. Further, r

v∆ showed a

more pronounced increase with added noise than Dv∆ . This may be related to Low and

Dempsey’s (2003) observation that noise in the evaluated distribution causes a depression in the

mean value of γ. Simulated misalignment testing (described in Chapter 4) revealed that the mean

value of the individual vector components indicates the direction of spatial misalignments and

uniform dose shifts between test distributions. In addition, the size of the vector components is

related to the magnitude of the misalignment or dose shift. Future simulations may include an

investigation of rotational misalignments or other spatial transformations in the evaluated


Overall, the simulations showed that the information contained in the γ-vector field has great

promise for identifying disagreements caused by spatial misalignments and various perturbations

along the dose dimension. However, the simulated clinical example shown in Chapter 5 revealed

that under some circumstances a discretized evaluated distribution can cause erratic behaviour of

the vector components such that they do not indicate the true cause of disagreement. Therefore, a

logical extension of this work would be to apply a geometric (Ju et al. 2008) or interpolation

method (Wendling et al. 2007) with the γ-vector algorithm to eliminate the discretization artefact

and produce more reliable results.

As for the original goals of this thesis, two irradiations imitating 7-field 15 MV conformal

prostate treatments were delivered to NIPAM/Bis polymer gel dosimeters (see Chapter 4 and

Chapter 5). A water phantom containing a jar of NIPAM/Bis gel simulated the human abdomen.

An X-ray CT simulation of this phantom along with anatomical information from an actual

patient was used to create a planned conformal irradiation. The phantom was set up using

intersecting room lasers, verified with image guidance and irradiated according to plan with a

Varian Clinac 21iX linear accelerator. OptCT images of the irradiated dosimeters were calibrated

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and then normalized to dose as per the method described in Chapter 4. Six metallic fiducial beads

and red marks on the surface of the dosimeter jar were used to register the measured dose data set

to the cone-beam X-ray CT scan acquired before delivery. After registration and calibration the

measured dose distributions were imported into CERR (see Chapter 4) where it became apparent

that in both cases the delivered radiation distribution missed the target (see Chapter 5). The

geometric misses were also indicated by 2D γ-vector analyses along the central sagittal plane of

both dosimeters. In both cases, the spatial vector arrows in the γ-vector plot strongly indicated

the direction of misalignment, particularly near the boundaries of the planning-tumour-volume

(PTV). In one of the radiation deliveries the cause of the geometric miss was identified. The

calculated distribution was recalculated with corrected spatial information in order to determine

the quality of the dosimetry. Subsequent comparison of cumulative volume histograms and 3D

gamma analysis showed excellent agreement between the polymer gel measurement and

calculated distribution.

In conclusion, the original goal of validating 3D radiation deliveries using polymer gel

dosimetry with OptCT was accomplished. During the research a variety of software tools and

methods were developed so that the process of using polmer gel dosimeters for verifying other

types of radiation deliveries will be greatly simplified. In particular, the efficient 3D γ-algorithm

will allow rapid comparison between dose distributions, indeed our software has been shared with

colleagues at other centres and acknowledged in published works (Babic et al. 2008; Oliver et al.

2008a; Oliver et al. 2008b). Also, the ability to quickly calibrate and register the OptCT data and

import them to CERR for visualization will facilitate and enhance future investigations. The γ-

vector tool introduced as a part of this research shows great potential for identifying the cause of

failing γ values, especially those caused by geometric misses. The vector plots used to convey

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the γ-vector information in this thesis could be improved. The author would like to encourage

future investigators to explore other visualization techniques.

Interpreting vector plots is likely to be cumbersome for physicists and dosimetrists. The

strength of the γ-vector information may, therefore, be in allowing treatment planning computers

to detect geometric misses, and to discriminate their severity based on user defined tolerance

criteria (e.g., 3% 3mm). In this scenario it may not be necessary to present the γ-vector

information to the physicist, obviating the need for vector plots. Future work not already

discussed should go into upgrading the γ-vector code to permit 3D γ-vector analysis. Finally,

more studies are required to gain experience in using polymer gel dosimetry with OptCT as a

method for validating the process of various other radiation therapies.

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