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Vietnamese Style Guide


What's New? .................................................................................................................................... 4

New Topics ................................................................................................................................... 4

Updated Topics ............................................................................................................................ 4

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5

About This Style Guide ................................................................................................................ 5

Scope of This Document .............................................................................................................. 5

Style Guide Conventions .............................................................................................................. 5

Sample Text ................................................................................................................................. 5

Recommended Reference Material ............................................................................................. 6

Normative References .............................................................................................................. 7

Informative References ............................................................................................................. 7

Language Specific Conventions ...................................................................................................... 8

Country/Region Standards ........................................................................................................... 8

Characters ................................................................................................................................ 8

Date ........................................................................................................................................ 14

Time ........................................................................................................................................ 16

Numbers ................................................................................................................................. 18

Sorting ..................................................................................................................................... 22

Geopolitical Concerns ................................................................................................................ 39

Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions ......................................................................... 40

Adjectives ................................................................................................................................ 40

Articles .................................................................................................................................... 41

Capitalization .......................................................................................................................... 42

Compounds ............................................................................................................................. 43

Gender .................................................................................................................................... 43

Genitive ................................................................................................................................... 44

Modifiers ................................................................................................................................. 44

Nouns ...................................................................................................................................... 45

Prepositions ............................................................................................................................ 47

Pronouns ................................................................................................................................. 48

Punctuation ............................................................................................................................. 49

Singular & Plural ..................................................................................................................... 53

Split Infinitive ........................................................................................................................... 53

Subjunctive ............................................................................................................................. 54

Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces ........................................................................................... 54

Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 54

Verbs ....................................................................................................................................... 55

Word Order ............................................................................................................................. 57

Style and Tone Considerations .................................................................................................. 58

Audience ................................................................................................................................. 58

Style ........................................................................................................................................ 58

Tone ........................................................................................................................................ 59

Voice ....................................................................................................................................... 59

Localization Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 61

General Considerations ............................................................................................................. 61

Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 61

Accessibility ............................................................................................................................ 61

Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 61

Applications, Products, and Features ..................................................................................... 63

Frequent Errors ....................................................................................................................... 63

Glossaries ............................................................................................................................... 64

Fictitious Information ............................................................................................................... 64

Recurring Patterns .................................................................................................................. 64

Standardized Translations ...................................................................................................... 64

Unlocalized Items.................................................................................................................... 64

Using the Word Microsoft ....................................................................................................... 65

Software Considerations ............................................................................................................ 65

User Interface ......................................................................................................................... 65

Messages ................................................................................................................................ 66

Keys ........................................................................................................................................ 69

Document Translation Considerations ....................................................................................... 74

Titles ....................................................................................................................................... 74

Copyright ................................................................................................................................. 74


What's New?

Last Updated: February 2011

New Topics The following topics were added:

Hint about translating from English to Vietnamese for localization processes

Updates on new changes in localization information.

Updated Topics The following topics were updated:




This Style Guide went through major revision in February 2011 in order to remove outdated and unnecessary

content. It contains information pertaining to all Microsoft products and services.

About This Style Guide The purpose of this Style Guide is to provide everybody involved in the localization of Vietnamese Microsoft

products with Microsoft-specific linguistic guidelines and standard conventions that differ from or are more

prescriptive than those found in language reference materials. These conventions have been adopted after

considering context based on various needs, but above all, they are easy to follow and applicable for all types of

software to be localized.

The Style Guide covers the areas of formatting, grammatical conventions, as well as stylistic criteria. It also

presents the reader with a general idea of the reasoning behind the conventions. The present Style Guide is a

revision of our previous Style Guide version with the intention of making it more standardized, more structured,

and easier to use as a reference.

The guidelines and conventions presented in this Style Guide are intended to help you localize Microsoft products

and materials. We welcome your feedback, questions and concerns regarding the Style Guide. You can send us

your feedback via the Microsoft Language Portal feedback page.

Scope of This Document This Style Guide is intended for the localization professional working on Microsoft products. It is not intended to

be a comprehensive coverage of all localization practices, but to highlight areas where Microsoft has preference

or deviates from standard practices for Vietnamese localization.

Style Guide Conventions In this document, a plus sign (+) before a translation example means that this is the recommended correct

translation. A minus sign (-) is used for incorrect translation examples.

In Microsoft localization context, the word term is used in a slightly untraditional sense, meaning the same as e.g.

a segment in Trados. The distinguishing feature of a term here is that it is translated as one unit; it may be a

traditional term (as used in terminology), a phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph.

References to interface elements really only refer to translatable texts associated with those interface elements.

Example translations in this document are only intended to illustrate the point in question. They are not a source

of approved terminology. Always check for approved translation in the Microsoft terminology database.

Sample Text

Kính gửi: anh Phan Hoàng Khiêm

33 Trƣơng Vĩnh Ký


Mỹ Tho - Tiền Giang

Tel: 073 880 479

Hà Nội ngày 1/11/2000

Anh Khiêm thân mến,

Về vấn đề dịch sách, xin anh thông cảm cho là những sách tôi đã dịch trƣớc hết là để phục vụ cho hiểu biết

của mình, để cho mình hiểu thật thấu đáo thì phải viết ra. Anh nói đúng đấy, đây là việc chuyển ngữ, không phải

dịch sách. Và quan điểm của tôi là phản ánh trung thành hết mức với nguyên bản, kể từ cách hành văn, kể từ

phong cách của tác giả, kể từ từng câu chữ. Tôi không có khả năng tạo ra đƣợc những câu nói hay hơn tác giả.

Tôi chỉ cố gắng để làm cho câu tiếng Việt sát từng từ của câu gốc. Tuy nhiên khi làm điều này, câu tiếng Việt cứ

tự nhiên tuôn ra mà tôi chẳng phải trau chuốt gì. Tôi cảm nhận trực tiếp tình yêu và tấm lòng của ngƣời nói để nói

lại trong tiếng Việt. Cho nên mặc dù câu văn có theo kiểu nƣớc ngoài, có vẻ không Việt văn, thì cũng không sao.

Điều cơ bản là linh hồn của những từ đó đƣợc chuyển sang tiếng Việt.

Xin anh cứ cảm nhận trực tiếp tình cảm của ngƣời nói. Đây là những bản kinh nguyên gốc do ngƣời chứng

ngộ thốt ra, cho nên nó phải đƣợc phản ánh trung thành nhất trong mọi ngôn ngữ, trong tiếng Việt. Cho dù có

cách nói tiếng Việt có thể hay hơn cho câu ấy, tôi cũng không chọn cách nói đó, tôi xin giữ nguyên tƣơng ứng

từng từ với các câu trong bản gốc. Điều cơ bản là ngƣời đọc cảm nhận chính tác giả, cái vô lời xuyên qua câu

chữ. Còn nếu ta chƣa hiểu đƣợc điều ngụ ý trong đó, thì đấy là chúng ta phải cố gắng nâng mình lên cao hơn để

hiểu, chứ không thể hạ thấp những lời đã nói bằng cách lí giải của riêng chúng ta.

Việc ham thích đọc sách và tìm hiểu những cách nghĩ mới, cách sống mới là quan trọng, nhƣng chƣa đủ.

Ngƣời ta phải đƣợc biến đổi sau khi đọc qua những sách này. Những sách này chính là những lời xuyên thấu để

làm thay đổi tận gốc rễ cuộc đời chúng ta, để làm cho con ngƣời cũ chết đi và con ngƣời mới hoàn toàn trong

trẻo sinh ra. Cuộc sống chỉ có thể tốt lên, khi ngƣời ta đã tự biến đổi tâm thức mình theo hƣớng nhƣ vậy.

Mong rằng anh đọc sách và đi vào những chiều sâu nhƣ thế của chính bản thân mình. Điều đó sẽ là niềm

hạnh phúc vô biên của sự tồn tại.

Thân mến,

Ngô Trung Việt

Viện Công nghệ Thông tin

18 Hoàng Quốc Việt

Hà Nội - Việt Nam

Chỉnh lại ngày 20/4/2006 lúc 18:10

Recommended Reference Material Use the Vietnamese language and terminology as described and used in the following publications.


Normative References

These normative sources must be adhered to. Any deviation from them automatically fails a string in most cases.

When more than one solution is allowed in these sources, look for the recommended one in other parts of the

Style Guide.

1. Từ điển Tiếng Việt 2008 - Trung tâm Từ điển học và Nhà xuất bản Đà Nẵng phát hành năm 2008.

2. Từ điển Chính tả - Hoàng Phê – Trung tâm Từ điển học và Nhà xuất bản Đà Nẵng phát hành năm 2006.

3. Chính tả tiếng Việt - Hoàng Phê - Trung tâm Từ điển học và Nhà xuất bản Đà Nẵng, phát hành năm 2003

4. Từ điển Lạc Việt MTD2002 created and distributed by LacViet Computing Corporation. http://www.lacviet.com.vn/lcmsweb/Default.aspx?pageid=353

5. Từ điển Tin học - Điện tử - Viễn thông Anh - Việt và Việt Anh – Nhà xuất bản Khoa học Kỹ thuật phát hành năm 2005

Informative References

These sources are meant to provide supplementary information, background, comparison, etc.

1. http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trang_Ch%C3%ADnh

2. Từ điển Giải thích Thuật ngữ Công nghệ thông tin Anh – Anh - Việt – Tác giả Trƣơng Văn; Quốc Bình – Nhà xuất bản Thống Kê phát hành năm 2005

3. Unikey software, http://www.unikey.org/


Language Specific Conventions

This part of the style guide contains information about standards specific to Vietnamese.

Country/Region Standards


Country/region Vietnam

Lower-case characters a, ă, â, b, c, d, đ, e, ê, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, ô, ơ, p, q, r, s, t, u, ƣ, v, x, y

Upper-case characters A, Ă, Â, B, C, D, Đ, E, Ê, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, Ô, Ơ, P, Q, R, S, T, U, Ƣ, V, X, Y

Characters in caseless

scripts n/a

Extended Latin characters ă, â, đ, ê, ô, ơ, ƣ

Ă, Â, Đ, Ê, Ô,Ơ, Ƣ

Note on alphabetical order Alphabetical order is based on the list above of letters in the alphabet.

Total number of characters 29 letters, totally 58 in all lower and upper cases

Unicode codes

A 0041

a 0061

0041, 0301

á 0061, 0301

0041, 0300

à 0061, 0300


â 00e2

Ă 0102

ă 0103

0041, 0303

ã 0061, 0303

ấ 00e2, 0301

00c2, 0300

00e2, 0300

0102, 0301

ắ 0103, 0301


Country/region Vietnam

0102, 0300

ằ 0103, 0300

00c2, 0303

00e2, 0303

0102, 0303

ẵ 0103, 0303

0041, 0309

ả 0061, 0309

00c2, 0309

00e2, 0309

0102, 0309

ẳ 0103, 0309

0041, 0323

ạ 0061, 0323

00c2, 0323

ậ 00e2, 0323

0102, 0323

ặ 0103, 0323

B 0042

b 0062

C 0043

c 0063

D 0044

d 0064

Đ 0110

đ 0111

E 0045

e 0065

0045, 0301

0065, 0301

0045, 0300

0065, 0300

Ê 00ca

ê 00ea


Country/region Vietnam

0045, 0303

ẽ 0065, 0303

00ca, 0301

ế 00ea, 0301

00ca, 0300

ề 00ea, 0300

00ca, 0303

ễ 00ea, 0303

0045, 0309

ẻ 0065, 0309

00ca, 0309

ể 00ea, 0309

0045, 0323

0065, 0323

00ca, 0323

ệ 00ea, 0323

F 0066

f 0046

F 0047

G 0067

g 0048

H 0068

h 0049

I 0069

i 0049, 0301

0069, 0301

í 0049, 0300

0069, 0300

ì 0049, 0303

0069, 0303

ĩ 0049, 0309

0069, 0309

ỉ 0049, 0323

0069, 0323


Country/region Vietnam

ị 004a

J 006a

j 004b

K 006b

k 004c

L 006c

l 004d

M 006d

m 004e

N 006e

n 004f

O 006f

o 004f, 0301

006f, 0301

ó 004f, 0300

006f, 0300

ò 00d4

Ô 00f4

ô 004f, 0303

006f, 0303

00d4, 0301

00f4, 0301

ố 00d4, 0300

00f4, 0300

ồ 00d4, 0303

00f4, 0303

004f, 0309

006f, 0309

00d4, 0309

00f4, 0309

ổ 01a0

Ơ 01a1

ơ 004f, 0323

006f, 0323


Country/region Vietnam

ọ 01a0, 0301

01a1, 0301

ớ 01a0, 0300

01a1, 0300

ờ 00d4, 0323

00f4, 0323

ộ 01a0, 0303

01a1, 0303

01a0, 0309

01a1, 0309

01a0, 0323

01a1, 0323

ợ 0050

P 0070

p 0051

Q 0071

q 0052

R 0072

r 0053

S 0073

s 0054

T 0074

t 0055

U 0075

u 0055, 0301

0075, 0301

ú 0055, 0300

0075, 0300

ù 0055, 0303

0075, 0303

ũ 0055, 0309

0075, 0309

ủ 01af

Ƣ 01b0


Country/region Vietnam

ƣ 0055, 0323

0075, 0323

ụ 01af, 0301

01b0, 0301

ứ 01af, 0300

01b0, 0300

ừ 01af, 0303

01b0, 0303

ữ 01af, 0309

01b0, 0309

ử 01af, 0323


ự 0323

V 0056

v 0076

W 0057

w 0077

X 0058

x 0078

y 0079

0059, 0301

ý 0079, 0301

0059, 0300

0079, 0300

0059, 0303

ỹ 0079, 0303

0059, 0309

0079, 0309

0059, 0323

0079, 0323

Z 005a

z 007a

In September 2001, Vietnam's Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment

(MOSTE) issued the TCVN 6909:2001 standard, which is based on ISO/ICE


Country/region Vietnam

10646 and Unicode 3.1, as the new national standard for Vietnamese 16-bit

character encoding.


The letters "F", "J", "W" and "Z" is not in the Vietnamese alphabet, but may

encounter in words borrowed from foreign languages. "W" is sometimes used in

abbreviations for "Ƣ". There are suggestions that these four letters should be

added into the alphabet for legal use to meet the development of modern

Vietnamese language.

Vietnamese script Quoc ngu has 6 tones.

Apart from the base form of a syllable without tone mark, there exist also 5 other

forms with tone marks included:

grave (huyền), hook above (h i), tidle (ngã), acute (sắc), dot below (nặng).

Tone marks belong to the syllable and are put above or below one vowel letter of

each syllable.

The precise position of tone mark in a vowel is decided by 4 rules, mentioned at

Appendix B.5 Rules for tone mark position in syllables.


Country/region Vietnam

Calendar/Era Gregorian calendar and Lunar calendar

First Day of the Week Monday

First Week of the Year The week with the first Monday after 1 January

Separator /

Default Short Date



Example 17/3/11

Default Long Date Format d/M/yyyy

Example 17/3/2011

Additional Short Date

Format 1 d-M-yy

Example 17-3-2011

Additional Short Date

Format 2 n/a


Country/region Vietnam

Example n/a

Additional Long Date

Format 1 ngày d tháng M năm yyyy

Example ngày 17 tháng 3 năm 2011

Additional Long Date

Format 2 ngày d tháng MMMM năm yyyy

Example ngày 17 tháng ba năm 2011

Leading Zero in Day Field

for Short Date Format No

Leading Zero in Month

Field for Short Date



No. of digits for year for

Short Day Format 2

Leading Zero in Day Field

for Long Date Format No

Leading Zero in Month

Field for Long Date



Number of digits for year

for Long Day Format 4

Date Format for

Correspondence ngày d tháng M năm yyyy

Example ngày 17 tháng 3 năm 2011

Notes The Additional Long Date Format 2 rarely used recently. The names of months in

the Additional Long Date Format 2 are written in lower case.

Abbreviations in Format


d is for day, number of d's indicates the format (d = digits without leading zero, dd =

digits with leading zero, ddd = the abbreviated day name, dddd = full day name)

M is for month, number of M's gives number of digits. (M = digits without leading

zero, MM = digits with leading zero, MMM = the abbreviated name, MMMM = full


y is for year, number of y's gives number of digits (yy = two digits, yyyy = four digits)



Country/region Vietnam

24 hour format Yes

Standard time format H:mm:ss

Standard time format

example 15:07:02

Time separator Colon (:)

Time separator examples 15:07:02

Hours leading zero No (Leading zero is not compulsory)

Hours leading zero example 3:24:12

String for AM designator SA

String for PM designator CH

Notes n/a


Country/region: Vietnam

Day Normal Form Abbreviation

Monday thứ hai t2

Tuesday thứ ba t3

Wednesday thứ tƣ t4

Thursday thứ năm t5

Friday thứ sáu t6

Saturday thứ b y t7

Sunday chủ nhật cn

Standard time format


First Day of Week: Thứ hai

Is first letter capitalized?: No

Notes: In Vietnamese names of days of week are considered as common noun, so first letter is not capitalized.

Example 1: First letter is capitalized as it is beginning of sentence (Chủ nhật).

Chủ nhật này này tôi về quê (This Sunday I am going to my country)

Example 2: In the middle of sentence the first letter is not capitalized (chủ nhật)

Tôi sinh vào chủ nhật, 29 tháng 12 năm 1960 (I was born on Sunday 29 December 1960)


Country/region: Vietnam

Month Full Form Abbreviated Form Long Date Form

January tháng một 1 tháng 1

February tháng hai 2 tháng 2

March tháng ba 3 tháng 3

April tháng tƣ 4 tháng 4

May tháng năm 5 tháng 5

June tháng sáu 6 tháng 6

July tháng b y 7 tháng 7

August tháng tám 8 tháng 8

September tháng chín 9 tháng 9

October tháng mƣời 10 tháng 10

November tháng mƣời một 11 tháng 11

December tháng mƣời hai 12 tháng 12

Is first letter capitalized?: No

Notes: Names of months in Lunar calendar

Tháng giêng

Tháng hai

Tháng ba

Tháng tƣ

Tháng năm

Tháng sáu

Tháng b y

Tháng tám


Tháng chín

Tháng một

Tháng chạp

In Vietnamese names of months are considered as common noun, so first letter is not capitalized


Country Vietnam

Decimal separator ,

Description Comma

Examples 100,05 15900,05 đ

Entire part leading zero Yes

Examples 0,123

Digit groupping symbol .

Description Dot

Examples 123.456.789

Negative sign symbol -

Description Minus

Examples -123,456

Notes n/a

Month is not capitalized in

date format


Phone Numbers









Number of

Digits – Area


Separator Number of

Digits –



Groupings –



+84 Yes 2; 3 Space 8; 9 (##) #### ####;

(###) ### ####



Number of

Digits –




– Local

Number of

Digits – Mobile


Groupings –


Number of

Digits –



Groupings –


Vietnam 8

#### ####

9; 10 (when

calling from


10; 11 (from

calling from

inside Vietnam)

(###) ######

11; 12 +84 # ####

####: +84 ##

#### ####

Notes: n/a


Country/region: Vietnam

Disclaimer: Please note that the information in this entry should under no circumstances be used in examples as

fictitious information.

Address Format:

1. [Title/Honorific] FamilyName MiddleName Name

2. [CompanyName]

Dot is used as digits

grouping symbol


3. Address1

4. [Address2]

5. City

6. Country

Example Address:

Ông. Nguyễn Thế Trung

DTT Technology Group

141 Lê Du n

Hoàn Kiếm

Hà nội

Việt Nam

Local Postal Code Format: n/a



Ông/Bà/Cô/Anh/Chị/TS (Tiến sĩ)/GS (Giáo sƣ)/BS (Bác sĩ)/PGS (phó Giáo sƣ)/ThS (Thạc sí) .


Country/region Vietnam

Currency Name Dong; International Currency Code: VND

Currency Symbol ₫

Currency Symbol Position After

Positive Currency Format 123.456.789,00 ₫

Negative Sign Symbol Minus (-)

Negative Currency Format -123.456.789,00 ₫

Decimal Symbol ,

Number of Digits after Decimal 2

Digit Grouping Symbol ###.###.###,##

Number of Digits in Digit

Grouping 3

Positive Currency Example ###.###.###,## ₫

Negative Currency Example -###.###.###,## ₫

ISO Currency Code ISO 4217

Currency Subunit Name hao


Currency Subunit Symbol xu

Currency Subunit Example 100,45 = 100VND, 4 hao, 5 xu

Digit Groups

Country/region: Vietnam

Decimal Separator: ,

Decimal Separator Description: Comma

Decimal Separator Example: 100,05; 15900,05 đ

Thousand Separator: .

Thousand Separator Description: Period

Thousand Separator Example: 100.000; 100.000 đ

Notes: n/a

Period is used in product versions only. Example: MS-DOS 6.22; Windows 3.11

It is acceptable to omit thousand separator (dot) for numbers with 4 digits in their integer part. E.g. 1000.

Numbers not in regular text may or may not have thousand separators. For examples, values in Excel do

not have thousand separators.

Measurement Units

Metric System Commonly Used?: Yes

Temperature: Celsius

Category English Translation Abbreviation

Linear Measure Kilometer Kilôm t km

Meter M t m

Decimeter Đềxim t dm

Centimeter Xentim t cm

Currency symbol is

placed after number


Category English Translation Abbreviation

Millimeter Milim t mm

Capacity Hectoliter Hctôlít hl

Liter Lít l

Deciliter Đềxilít dl

Centiliter Xentilít cl

Milliliter Mililít ml

Mass Ton Tấn n/a

Kilogram Kilôgam kg

Pound Pao

Gram Gam g

Decigram Đềxigam dg

Centigram Xentigam cg

Milligram Miligam mg

English Units of


Inch In-xơ n/a

Feet Bộ n/a

Mile Dặm n/a

Gallon Galông n/a

Notes: n/a


The percent sign (%) in documentation (including online documents) not should be separated from the number

with a non-breaking space: 10%.


Sorting rules

1. Capital letters and lowercase letters are equal. No distinction is made between them.

2. The extended characters ă, â, đ, ê, ô, ơ and ƣ keep their orders as their positions in the


3. The characters f, j, z, w are sorted as their positions in the Vietnamese alphabet.

4. In sorting, tone marks could be considered as a character and put behind the last letter of

its syllable and their sorting weights are less than all other letters' in the alphabet.


5. The rules for sorting Vietnamese syllable in the dictionary order are following:

Rule 1: sorting words by the order of letters in the alphabet, regardless of the tone mark in the word.

Rule 2: sorting by tone marks between the syllables of words with same consonants and vowels but different tone marks. The order between them is defined by order of tone marks.)


sorting order

A 65

a 97

65, 679

á 97, 769

65, 768

à 97, 768


â 226

Ă 258

ă 259

65, 771

ã 97, 771

ấ 226, 769

194, 768

226, 768

258, 769

ắ 259, 769

258, 768

ằ 259, 768

194, 771

226, 771

258, 771

ẵ 259, 771

65, 777

ả 97, 777

194, 777

226, 777

258, 777

ẳ 259, 777

65, 803

ạ 97, 803


194, 803

ậ 226, 803

258, 803

ặ 259, 803

B 66

b 98

C 67

c 99

D 68

d 100

Đ 272

đ 273

E 69

e 101

69, 769

101, 769

69, 768

101, 768

Ê 202

ê 234

69, 771

ẽ 101, 771

202, 769

ế 234, 769

202, 768

ề 234, 768

202, 771

ễ 234, 771

69, 777

ẻ 101, 777

202, 777

ể 234, 777

69, 803

101, 803

202, 803


ệ 234, 803

F 102

f 70

F 71

G 103

g 72

H 104

h 73

I 105

i 73, 769

105, 769

í 73, 768

105, 768

ì 73, 771

105, 771

ĩ 73, 777

105, 777

ỉ 73, 803

105, 803

ị 74

J 106

j 75

K 107

k 76

L 108

l 77

M 109

m 78

N 110

n 79

O 111

o 79, 769

111, 769

ó 79, 768

111, 768


ò 212

Ô 244

ô 79, 771

111, 771

212, 769

244, 769

ố 212, 768

244, 768

ồ 212, 771

244, 771

79, 777

111, 777

212, 777

244, 777

ổ 416

Ơ 417

ơ 79, 803

111, 803

ọ 416, 769

417, 769

ớ 416, 768

417, 768

ờ 212, 803

244, 803

ộ 416, 771

417, 771

416, 777

417, 777

416, 803

417, 803

ợ 80

P 112

p 81

Q 113

q 82


R 114

r 83

S 115

s 84

T 116

t 85

U 117

u 85, 769

117, 769

ú 85, 768

117, 768

ù 85, 771

117, 771

ũ 85, 777

117, 777

ủ 431

Ƣ 432

ƣ 85, 803

117, 803

ụ 431, 769

432, 769

ứ 431, 768

432, 768

ừ 431, 771

432, 771

ữ 431, 777

432, 777

ử 431, 803


ự 803

V 86

v 118

W 87

w 119

X 88


x 120

y 121

89, 769

ý 121, 769

89, 768

121, 768

89, 771

ỹ 121, 771

89, 777

121, 777

89, 803

121, 803

Z 90

z 122

Examples of

sorted words

The order of tone marks is following:



a dua

a xít


à ơi

à uôm


á hậu

á phiện

ả đào

ạ ơi


ác bá


ái ân

ái chà


ái lực

ái mộ

ái nam ái nữ


ba đào

ba đ u sáu tay

ba đậu

ba gác

ba gạc

ba gai


ch u h u

ch u rìa


ch u

ch u chàng

ch u chuộc


chậu thau


dân sự

dân thƣờng

dân tình

dân tộc

dân tộc chủ thể

dân tộc đa số




veo veo

v o

v o

v o von


v o


v o vọ


yêu quý

yêu sách

yêu thƣơng


yếu địa

yếu điểm

yếu đuối

yếu h n


yểu điệu

yểu tƣớng





























List of characters with Unicode codes of TCVN 6909:2001:

Dec Hexa Character Description

32 20 SPACE Space

33 21 ! Exclamation mark

34 22 “ Double quotes

35 23 # Number sign

36 24 $ Dollar sign

37 25 % Percent mark

38 26 & Ampersand

39 27 „ Single quote

40 28 ( Opening parenthesis

41 29 ) Closing parenthesis

42 002A * Asterisk

43 002B + Plus sign

44 002C , Comma

45 002D - Minus sign - Hyphen

46 002E . Period

47 002F / Slash

48 30 0 Zero

49 31 1 One

50 32 2 Two

51 33 3 Three

52 34 4 Four

53 35 5 Five

54 36 6 Six

55 37 7 Seven

56 38 8 Eight


Dec Hexa Character Description

57 39 9 Nine

58 003A : Colon

59 003B ; Semicolon

60 003C < Less than sign

61 003D = Equal sign

62 003E > Greater than

63 003F ? Question mark

64 40 @ At symbol

65 41 A Letter A

66 42 B Letter B

67 43 C Letter C

68 44 D Letter D

69 45 E Letter E

70 46 F Letter F

71 47 G Letter G

72 48 H Letter H

73 49 I Letter I

74 004A J Letter J

75 004B K Letter K

76 004C L Letter L

77 004D M Letter M

78 004E N Letter N

79 004F O Letter O

80 50 P Letter P

81 51 Q Letter Q

82 52 R Letter R

83 53 S Letter S

84 54 T Letter T

85 55 U Letter U


Dec Hexa Character Description

86 56 V Letter V

87 57 W Letter W

88 58 X Letter X

90 005A Z Letter Z

91 005B [ Opening bracket

92 005C \ Backslash

93 005D ] Closing bracket

94 005E ^ Caret - circumflex

95 005F _ Underscore

96 60 ` Grave accent

97 61 a Letter a

98 62 b Letter b

99 63 c Letter c

100 64 d Letter d

101 65 e Letter e

102 66 f Letter f

103 67 g Letter g

104 68 h Letter h

105 69 i Letter i

106 006A j Letter j

107 006B k Letter k

108 006C l Letter l

109 006D m Letter m

110 006E n Letter n

111 006F o Letter o

112 70 p Letter p

113 71 q Letter q

114 72 r Letter r

115 73 s Letter s


Dec Hexa Character Description

116 74 t Letter t

117 75 u Letter u

118 76 v Letter v

119 77 w Letter w

120 78 x Letter x

121 79 y Letter y

122 007A z Letter z

123 007B { Opening brace

124 007C | Vertical bar

125 007D } Closing brace

126 007E ~ Equivalency sign - tilde

160 00A0 NBSP Non- break space

192 00C0 Letter A with grave accent

193 00C1 Letter A with acute accent

194 00C2 Â Letter Â

195 00C3 Letter A with tilde

196 00C8 Letter E with grave accent

197 00C9 Letter E with acute accent

198 00CA Ê Letter Ê

204 00CC Letter I with grave accent

205 00CD Letter I with acute accent

210 00D2 Letter O with grave accent

211 00D3 Letter O with acute accent

212 00D4 Ô Letter Ô

213 00D5 Letter O with tilde

217 00D9 Letter U with grave accent

218 00DA Letter U with acute accent

219 00DD Letter Y with acute accent

224 00E0 Letter a with grave accent


Dec Hexa Character Description

225 00E1 Letter a with acute accent

226 00E2 â Letter â

227 00E3 Letter a with tilde

232 00E8 Letter e with grave accent

233 00E9 Letter e with acute accent

234 00EA ê Letter ê

236 00EC Letter i with grave accent

237 00ED Letter i with acute accent

242 00F2 Letter o with grave accent

243 00F3 Letter o with acute accent

244 00F4 ô Letter ô

245 00F5 Letter o with tilde

249 00F9 Letter u with grave accent

250 00FA Letter u with acute accent

253 00FD Letter y with acute accent

258 102 Ă Letter Ă

259 103 ă Letter ă

272 110 Đ Letter Đ

273 111 đ Letter đ

296 128 Letter I with tilde

297 129 Letter i with tilde

360 168 Letter U with tilde

361 169 Letter ũ with tilde

416 01A0 Ơ Letter Ơ

417 01A1 ơ Letter ơ

431 01AF Ƣ Letter Ƣ

432 01B0 ƣ Letter ƣ

768 300 Grave (`)

769 301


Dec Hexa Character Description

770 302 Circumflex (^) Like in â, Â, ô, Ô

771 303

774 306 Br v k n Ă

777 309 Hook Like in Ơ, ơ , Ƣ, ƣ

795 031B Hook above Like in ả, ...

803 323 Dot below Like in ạ,

7840 1EA0 Letter A with dot below

7841 1EA1 Letter a with dot below

7842 1EA2 Letter A with hook above

7843 1EA3 Letter a with hook above

7844 1EA4 F Letter  with acute accent

7845 1EA5 Letter ấ with acute accent

7846 1EA6 Letter  with grave accent

7847 1EA7 Letter â with grave accent

7848 1EA8 Letter  with hook above

7849 1EA9 Letter â with hook above

7850 1EAA Letter  with tilde

7851 1EAB Letter â with tilde

7852 1EAC Letter  with dot below

7853 1EAD Letter â with dot below

7854 1EAE Letter Ă with acute accent

7855 1EAF Letter ă with acute accent

7856 1EB0 Letter Ă with grave accent

7857 1EB1 Letter ă with grave accent

7858 1EB2 Letter Ă with hook above

7859 1EB3 Letter ă with hook above

7860 1EB4 Letter Ă with tilde

7861 1EB5 Letter ă with tilde

7862 1EB6 Letter Ă with dot below


Dec Hexa Character Description

7863 1EB7 Letter ă with dot below

7864 1EB8 Letter E with dot below

7865 1EB9 Letter e with dot below

7866 1EBA Letter E with hook above

7867 1EBB Letter e with hook above

7868 1EBC Letter E with tilde

7869 1EBD Letter e with tilde

7870 1EBE Letter Ê with acute accent

7871 1EBF Letter ê with acute accent

7872 1EC0 Letter Ê with grave accent

7873 1EC1 Letter ế with grave accent

7874 1EC2 Letter Ê with hook above

7875 1EC3 Letter ế with hook above

7876 1EC4 Letter Ê with tilde

7877 1EC5 Letter ê with tilde

7878 1EC6 Letter Ê with dot below

7879 1EC7 Letter ê with dot below

7880 1EC8 Letter I with hook above

7881 1EC9 Letter i with hook above

7882 1ECA Letter I with dot below

7883 1ECB Letter i with dot below

7884 1ECC Letter O with dot below

7885 1ECD Letter o with dot below

7886 1ECE Letter O with hook above

7887 1ECF Letter o with hook above

7888 1ED0 Letter Ô with acute accent

7889 1ED1 Letter ô with acute accent

7890 1ED2 Letter Ô with grave accent

7891 1ED3 Letter ô with grave accent


Dec Hexa Character Description

7892 1ED4 Letter Ô with hook above

7893 1ED5 Letter ô with hook above

7894 1ED6 Letter Ô with tilde

7895 1ED7 Letter ô with tilde

7896 1ED8 Letter Ô with dot below

7897 1ED9 Letter ô with dot below

7898 1EDA Letter Ơ with acute accent

7899 1EDB Letter ơ with acute accent

7900 1EDC Letter Ơ with grave accent

7901 1EDD Letter ơ with grave accent

7902 1EDE Letter Ơ with hook above

7903 1EDF Letter ơ with hook above

7904 1EE0 Letter Ơ with tilde

7905 1EE1 Letter ơ with tilde

7906 1EE2 Letter Ơ with dot below

7907 1EE3 Letter ơ with dot below

7908 1EE4 Letter U with dot below

7909 1EE5 Letter u with dot below

7910 1EE6 Letter U with hook above

7911 1EE7 Letter u with hook above

7912 1EE8 Letter Ƣ with acute accent

7913 1EE9 Letter ƣ with acute accent

7914 1EEA Letter Ƣ with grave accent

7915 1EEB Letter ƣ with grave accent

7916 1EEC Letter Ƣ with hook above

7917 1EED Letter ƣ with hook above

7918 1EEE Letter Ƣ with tilde

7919 1EEF Letter ƣ with tilde

7920 1EF0 Letter Ƣ with dot below


Dec Hexa Character Description

7921 1EF1 Letter ƣ with dot below

7922 1EF2 Letter Y with grave accent

7923 1EF3 Letter y with grave accent

7924 1EF4 Letter Y with dot below

7925 1EF5 Letter y with dot below

7926 1EF6 Letter Y with hook above

7927 1EF7 Letter y with hook above

7928 1EF8 Letter Y with tilde

7929 1EF9 Letter y with tilde

8220 201C “ Opening double quotes

8221 201D ” Closing double quotes

Geopolitical Concerns Part of the cultural adaptation of the US-product to a specific market is the resolving of geopolitical issues. While

the US-product should have been designed and developed with neutrality and a global audience in mind, the

localized product should respond to the particular situation that applies within the target country/region.

Sensitive issues or issues that might potentially be offensive to the users in the target country/region may occur in

any of the following:



Country/region, city and language names

Art and graphics

Cultural content, such as encyclopedia content and other text where historical or political references may


Some of these issues are relatively easy to verify and resolve: the objective should be for the localizer to always

have the most current information available. Maps and other graphic representations of countries/regions and

regions should be checked for accuracy and existing political restrictions. Country/region, city and language

names change on a regular basis and need to be checked, even if previously approved.

A thorough understanding of the culture of the target market is required for checking the appropriateness of

cultural content, clip art and other visual representations of religious symbols, body and hand gestures.



As country/region and city names can change, please use the most up-to-date Vietnamese list for every release

of your product.

Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions This section includes information on how to apply the general rules of the Vietnamese language to Microsoft

products and documentation.


In Vietnamese, adjectives should be handled in the following manner.

1. Adjective has the syntax role to specify a noun or pronoun. Normally adjective go after noun, in the case

adjective go before noun, the meaning is changed

Example 1: Điểm yếu (weak point)

Example 2: Yếu điểm (Important point)

2. When a phrase with two (or more) adjective, the position of the adjectives in the phrase to the noun gives

the phrase different meaning.

Example 3: Cô gái đ p đi xe (Beautiful riding girl)

Example 4: Cô gái đi xe đ p (Girl riding nice car)

Example 5: Mệnh đề này có l i tiếng Việt (This sentence has Vietnamese error(s))

Example 6: Mệnh đề tiếng Việt này có l i (This Vietnamese sentence has error(s))

Example 7: Thiết kế ứng dụng đồ họa (Graphic Application Design)

Example 6: Thiết kế đồ họa ứng dụng (Application Graphic Design)

Possessive adjectives

In Vietnamese Possessive adjective is “ ” and ―của‖ is added before personal pronounce.




adjective in English

Personal pronounce

in Vietnamese


adjective in


My (+) Tôi (+) Của tôi

Your (+) Bạn, anh, chị (+) Của bạn, Của

anh, Của chị

His (+) Anh ấy, ông ấy (+) Của anh ấy, Của

ông ấy

Her (+) Cô ấy, bà ấy (+) Của cô ấy, Của

bà ấy

Its (+) Nó (+) Của nó

Our (+) Chúng tôi, chúng


(+) Của chúng tôi,

Của chúng ta

Your (+) Các bạn, các anh,

các chị

(+) Các bạn, các anh,

các chị

Their (+) Họ, chúng ta (+) Họ, chúng ta


General considerations

The general rule is that product names are not translated if they include the word Microsoft and/or are

trademarked (for example, Microsoft Draw or Microsoft Graph). The Microsoft PM and/or Subsidiary should

always be contacted for final approval before you translate a product or component name.

Unlocalized Feature Names

Microsoft product names and non-translated feature names are used without definite or indefinite articles in the

English language. Product names and non-translated feature names should also be treated as proper nouns in


English example Vietnamese example

Windows Mail shares your Internet Connection

settings with Internet Explorer

(+) Windows Mail chia sẻ thiết đặt kết nối Internet của

bạn với Internet Explorer

Website addresses will be sent to Microsoft (+) Địa chỉ website sẽ đƣợc gửi cho Microsoft


Localized Feature Names

Translated feature names are used with a definite or indefinite article as they are not treated as proper names.

English example Vietnamese example

Hide the Task Manager when it is minimized (+) Giấu Task Manager khi nó đƣợc làm tối thiểu

Check for updates in your installed Media Player's


(+) Kiểm cập nhật trong ngôn ngữ của Media Player

đã thiết lập

Articles for English Borrowed Terms

When faced with an English loan word previously used in Microsoft products, consider the following options:


o The popular English words or the words when translated cause ambiguity (OK, tab, flip-flop, ).

o The proper nouns, such as font names, font type (TrueType, Calibri, arial, time new roman ).

o The familiar words for Vietnamese (monitor, modem, ).

o Abbreviations (MS-DOS, PC, Tablet-PC, ).

o The words if translated into Vietnamese to be long (README file, Script, )

o The terms of new concepts or new technology that translation can be confusing and have unclear



o Vietnamese belongs to South Asia system, but with Latin characters (more extended specific

vowels and 5 tones) and there are terms and words derived from Chinese and French. In this

case there is analogy, e.g, console (mặt nghiêng, bàn điều khiển), ziczag (chữ chi or dích dắc),


If the first word in the English source string is capitalized, the corresponding first word in the target language

should also be capitalized. If the word in the English source string is not capitalized, the corresponding first word

in the target language should also not be capitalized, unless language-specific rules specify different


In Vietnamese, only the first character in a sentence is capitalized.

Proper names are capitalized the first character for each word.

First character of every sentence is

capitalized and each word of feature

name is capitalized



Generally, compounds should be understandable and clear to the user. Overly long or complex compounds

should be avoided. Keep in mind that unintuitive compounds are ultimately an intelligibility and usability issue.

One principal to be remember is that when there many consecutive nouns and verbs, select the last one as noun

and consider every precedent nouns as adjectives for this noun.

The order of Vietnamese compounds is inverse in comparison to the corresponding English compounds. See

example in the below table.

English examples Vietnamese example

Internet Accounts (+) Tài khoản Internet

Logon script processing (+) Xử lí script đăng nhập

Workgroup Administrator (+) Ngƣời quản trị nhóm làm việc

Internet News Server Name (+) Tên máy phục vụ tin Internet


You should always recognize your audience‘s sensitivity to male and female stereotypes. Instead of stressing

gender differences or reinforcing stereotypical distinctions between men and women, use language that is as

neutral as possible. The neutral approach also applies to the localization of scenarios, comparisons, examples,

illustrations, and metaphors.

Create a balance when assigning roles and functions to men and women (active vs. passive roles, leading vs.

secondary roles, technical vs. non-technical professions, and so on). Scenarios, pictures, metaphors, and

comparisons should be based on areas and attributes common to both genders.

Instead of using phrases which mention the two genders separately, use a general term that includes both

genders such as ―people,‖ ―users,‖ or ―persons.‖

Avoid writing sentences that refer to a single person whose gender is unknown. You can often avoid this situation

by rewriting the sentence to make the subject plural. In cases where a reference to a single person is impossible

to avoid, do not use ―he or she,‖ ―him or her,‖ or ―his or hers.‖ Also, generally avoid the use of slashes to combine

both genders (although sometimes exceptions are made - see table below).


Linguistic method Example Context

Use a Neutral noun (+) person, leader, team lead,

expert, employee, user.

Concept descriptions, explanations

Combine both genders by means

of a slash (+) he/she, s/he Only in exceptional cases such as

License Terms, sometimes in

tables (headers or column/row

titles, for example)


This section does not apply to Vietnamese, instead use ―of‖ (của).


Grammatical modifier:

Like in English, in Vietnamese there are adverbs and adjectives prototypically function as modifiers, but in

Vietnamese a word can be either adverb or adjective, e.g. Công việc dễ dàng (ease work), dễ dàng sử dụng (Use

easily), sử dụng dễ dàng (ease use).

(+) Adjective goes after noun

(+) Adverb go before verb


Easy planning work (+) Dễ dàng lập kế hoạch công việc

Planning ease work (+) Lập kế hoạch công việc dễ (dàng)

Because in Vietnamese adjective go after noun. In some cases, like in other languages (French, Russian) the

meaning changes depending to position of adjective (before or after noun). Example:

(+) Ngƣời ngh o - Poor man – Homme pauvre (French)

(+) Ngƣời đáng thƣơng - Pauvre homme (French)

(+) Điểm yếu – weakness

(+) Yếu điểm – The essential point

Premodifiers and Postmodifiers

Like in English, adverbs and adjectives prototypically function as modifiers

This will be explained in the proper case (in the case that‘s right for it)

(+) Điều này sẽ đƣợc giải thích trong trƣờng hợp thích hợp

This will be explained in the case proper (in the case itself)

(+) Điều này sẽ đƣợc giải thích trong trƣờng hợp riêng biệt


Dangling modifiers:

Not exists in Vietnamese. In Vietnamese we use while, during (trong lúc, trong khi, vừa vừa)


General considerations

1. (+) Normally noun goes before adjective:

Văn bản tiếng Việt - Vietnamese text

2. A word can be adjective or adverb.

(+) ―dễ‖ may be adjective or adverd, so the order of words is very important.

Dịch văn bản này dễ– Translate this text easily; ―dễ‖ is adverb

Dich văn bản dễ này -- Translate this ease text; ―dễ‖ is adjective

3. Noun as genitive: (Vietnam)

(+) Hệ thống truyền hình (của) Việt Nam – Vietnam television system

4. Proper geographic names, human name: (+) In Vietnamese all the first letters are capitalized.

(+) Hà Nội - Hanoi

(+) Việt Nam - Vietnam

(+) TP Hồ Chí Minh – Hochiminh City

(+) Hoa K -- USA

5. Common noun: First letter of noun is not capitalized, except Initial letter in the new sentence (new line or

after punctuation mark.

(+) Ngôn ngữ tiếng Việt – Vietnamese language

(+) But we accept capitalize first letter like in English:

Mô tả Nhà cung cấp Dữ liệu Tin cậy -- Trusted Data Provider Description

6. Noun as complement-object for transitive verb:

Sao ch p đoạn văn bản sau – Copy the following paragraph


1. Tense

(+) In Vietnamese the tense is used with additional word, such as:

- Present (đang – being):

Hệ thống đang làm việc độc lập - The system is working independently

Hệ thống làm việc độc lập - The system works independently

(+) But in the case if not necessary to emphasize, it will be omitted

- Future (sẽ – will)

2. Grammatical Mood

In Vietnamese complements are not modified by mood, instead a word is added, like in English:


- của – of

( ) But in some case we need add ―của‖ (of) for clarity.

Maximum Cache Age – Tuổi Tối đa của Bộ đệm n

3. Grammatical voice

- Active voice: (+) The order of words in the sentence determines the meaning:

Tôi quản lý hệ thống - I manage the system

Hệ thống quản lý tôi - The system manages me.

4. Aspect: n/a

In Vietnamese the additional word is added, e.g. ―vừa‖ (just, venir de in French), ―sẽ‖ (to be ing) and

Tôi vừa dịch bài này - I just translated this article

(+) Mai tôi (sẽ) đi TP HCM – Tomorrow I‘m going to HCM City

5. Person: (Like in English)

Pronoun Pronoun in Vietnamese Person/Plurality Gender

I (+) Tôi First person singular

You (+) Bạn, anh, chị

(+) Các bạn, các anh, các


Second person singular /


He (+) Anh ấy, ông ấy Third person singular,

masculine / gender third

person singular


She (+) Cô ấy, bà ấy Third person singular,



It (+) Nó Third person singular,



We (+) Chúng tôi, chúng ta First person plural

They (+) Họ, chúng nó Third person plural/gender-

neutral third person

(+) In Vietnamese pay attention when use ―nó‖, ―chúng nó‖ and ―họ‖:

Bố m tooti sống quê. Chủ nhật này tôi vê thăm họ (Not ―chúng nó‖) -- My parents are living in the country. This

Monday I am going to see them.

Tôi gh t chúng nó (not ―họ‖) – I hate them.

Bố tôi già rồi, tôi rất yêu ông ấy – My father is old, I love him

Plural Formation

In Vietnamese we add ―các‖ or ―chúng‖ to specify plural in Personal Pronouns:



Các bạn You Neuter

Các anh You Plural, masculine

Các chi You Plural, feminine

Chúng tôi We Plural, neuter

Chúng ta We Plural, neuter This includes second person too (you), that means (we + you)

Adding article ―các‖ and ―những‖ before noun:

―Các‖ – (+) Plural indefinite article

―Những‖ – (+) Plural definite article


Trong tính năng, n n tính năng sau là quan trọng nhất

Among features the following features are most important


Pay attention to the correct use of the preposition in translations. Influenced by the English language, many

translators omit them or change the word order.

Prepositional phrases in English need to be translated according to their context; anglicisms should be avoided.

The table below contains frequently used verbs and the prepositions that follow them.

US Expression Vietnamese Expression Comment

migrate to di trú đến

―to‖ can be translated as tới/đến,

not recommended to use ―sang‖

―sang‖: - across, normally move

from this side to other side, at the

same level

Migrate from di trú từ

import to Chuyển nhập đến

import from Chuyển nhập từ

export to Xuất chuyển đến

export from Xuất chuyển từ

update to cập nhật lên

upgrade to nâng cấp lên

change to đổi sang


US Expression Vietnamese Expression Comment

click on bấm vào

connect to kết nối với

welcome to ... chào mừng ...

The examples below contain frequently occurring noun phrases that are preceded by a preposition. Please use

this table as a reference.

When there is a progress or improvement ―to‖ will be translated as ―lên‖

(+) Cập nhật lên – update to

(+) Nâng cấp lên – upgrade to

There is a correspondence between English prepositions and Vietnamese ones. But in some case the usage of

prepositions may be different in comparison their normal meanings. That shows the different conceptions

between peoples. For example:

in English "A bird flies in the sky", its translation in Vietnamese is

(+) "Con chim bay trên trời" not

(-) "Con chim bay trong trời"

even the normal translation of "in" is "trong" and of "on" is "trên"

US Expression Vietnamese Expression Comment

in the toolbar (+) trên thanh công cụ

on the tab (+) trên tab

on the menu (+) trên menu

on the net (+) trên mạng

on the Internet (+) trên Internet

on the Web (+) trên Web

on a web site (+) trên web site

on a web page (+) trên trang web


1. Personal pronouns: in Vietnamese we add ―các‖ and ―chúng‖ to create plural personal pronouns (see

―Plural Formation‖ part.

2. (+) In case ―chúng ta‖ (we audience), ―chúng tôi‖ (we)


3. Intensive pronouns: : in Vietnamese we add ―tự‖ before or after personal pronoun, e.g.

ô làm việc này, n làm việc này - I did it myself, He did it himself

4. Objective pronouns, prepositional pronouns, disjunctive pronouns: the same as personal pronouns

5. Reciprocal pronoun: ―l n nhau‖ – each other

Giúp đ l n nhau - Help each other

6. Dummy pronoun, e.g.:

In Vietnamese either specify the subject ―Trời‖ (Sky) or without the subject

It is raining – Trời đang mƣa or đang mƣa

It is difficult to do Khó làm .


This section explains how to use Vietnamese-specific punctuation in place of the US-English punctuation found in

the source interface and content.

Please follow the following basic rules for the use of punctuation marks in Vietnamese. If your language uses a

character set that is based on the Latin alphabet, make sure to include a space after commas and periods.

Vietnamese script is based on Latin alphabet, every rule for commas and other common punctuation marks is the

same as in Latin script.


US English uses a period as the decimal separator, while many other languages use a comma. In Vietnamese a

comma is used. Do not use a space for this purpose as a space separates the numeral from the abbreviation.

In paper sizes (the last example in the table below) the decimal separator and the abbreviation "in" for inches are

kept, since the sizes are US norms and should be represented accordingly.

Comma is used as

decimal seperator


English example Vietnamese example

5.25 cm (+) 5,25 cm

5 x 7.2 inches (+) 5 x 7,2 inches

Letter Landscape 11 x 8.5 in (+) Letter Landscape 11 x 8,5 in

For thousands, English uses a comma while many other languages use a period (at Microsoft we normally do not

use a space for this purpose, but we use a period instead to avoid wrapping problems). In Vietnamese a period is


English example Vietnamese example

1,526 (+) 1.526

$ 1,526.75 (+) $ 1.526,75


Vietnamese script is based on Latin alphabet; every rule for commas and other common punctuation marks is the

same as in Latin script.

1. (+) No space before colon, but one space after colon must be added.

Example 1:

Các đặc tả sau: (The following features: )

2. Use colon to introduce a list/ a series:

Example 2: (+) First letter of proper noun is capitalized

(+) Tôi có ba con trai: Viet, Nam và Thanh (I have three sons: Viet, Nam and Thanh)

Viet is proper noun, so ―V‖ is capitalized.

Example 3: (+) The list after the colon is like a part of the sentence, so first letter is not capitalized.

(+) M i ngƣời đàn ông và đàn bà có ba mục tiêu: sống, yêu và học tập. (Every man and woman has

three aims: to live, to love, and to learn.)

―sống‖ with lower case ―s‖

(+) Để cài đặt chƣơng trình bạn c n

có đĩa cài đặt,

đọc hƣớng d n cài đặt,

The colon is not used.

Example 4: (+) To introduce a list (Each items is listed as a new line and of course first letters are


(+) Để phòng chống bệnh cúm chúng ta c n:

Rửa tay thƣờng xuyên với xà phòng và nƣớc.


Tránh tiếp xúc với ngƣời bệnh

Example 5: (+) A quotation

Lời nói của Hamlet: ―Tồn tại hay không tồn tại‖. (Hamlet‘s speech: ―To be or not to be.‖)

Michaerl Jackson đã tuyên bố: ―Tôi là vua nhạc Pop‖.

Michael Jackson proclaimed: ―I am the King of Pop.‖

Example 7: (-) Remember, a colon can never be followed by a hyphen or a dash

Michaerl Jackson đã tuyên bố:- ―Tôi là vua nhạc Pop‖. (wrong style)

Dashes and Hyphens

Three different dash characters are used in English:


The hyphen is used to divide words between syllables, to link parts of a compound word, and to connect the parts

of an inverted or imperative verb form.


In general in Vietnamese hyphen is rarely used for breaking compound words:

Compound word ―Dễ-sử dụng‖ consists of two words, ―sử dụng‖ itself is one compound word, so no hyphen to

separate two its syllables

Ease-to-use (+) Dễ-sử dụng

Left-to-right (+) Từ-trái-sang-phải

Hyphen is used separate two parts of compound words; second part is for explaining the first part

En Dash

Like in English, a dash smaller than an em dash but usually longer than a regular hyphen, the en dash is often

used in place of the word "to", such as 10-5 p.m.

Em Dash

Like in English, an em dash (—), so known as an ‗m dash‘ or ‗m rule‘, the em dash gets its name because it is

roughly the width of the letter ‗m‘ and is used in a similar way to a colon. It can show an abrupt change or pause

in thought, but where a full stop is too strong or a comma is too weak. It can be used to indicate that a sentence is

unfinished because the speaker has been interrupted.

Example 1: An em dash marks an interruption in a sentence, a change in direction. Usually two em dashes are

used to mark the beginning and end of the interruption, though sometimes the sentence may end with the

interrupting phrase.

(+) Hai nhà lãnh đạo—một từ Công ty A và ngƣời kia từ Công ty B—nghĩ h trợ cho công việc của hội đồng.


(The two leaders—one from Company A and one from Company B—sought to build support for the work of the


Example 2:

(+) Trà—với vị hoa sen hoặc hoa nhài—thơm và ngon.

The tea—with lotus or jasmine spices—was delicious and fragrant

Ellipses (Suspension Points)

In Vietnamese ― ‖ and ―v.v.‖ are used as ellipses (et cetera)


In Vietnamese there are combinations extended vowels with 5 tones, for example: á, ả, ã, ạ, à

(+) Trong tiếng Việt tổ hợp của các nguyên âm với 5 thanh, thí dụ: á, ả, ã, ạ, à


Vietnamese script is based on Latin alphabet; every rule for commas and other common punctuation marks is the

same as in Latin script.

1. Place a period after a declarative sentence. A declarative sentence is one that makes a statement or a


Example 1: (+) Cài đặt xong. (The installation is finished.)

2. Put a period at the end of an abridged sentence. An abridged sentence is one that is not a complete

sentence, such as "After your homework."

Example 2: (+) Thực hiện hợp đồng. (Contract implementation)

3. Add a period after an imperative sentence. An imperative sentence is giving a command:

Example 3: (+) Hãy viết kiểm tra. (Write a check.)

4. Use a period to express a decimal point. Periods can be used to express a thousand separator in figures

Example 4:

(+) 2.400VND (2,400VND)

5. Insert periods after abbreviations such as academic degrees, geographic names, courtesy titles, compass

points, single word headings and Latin word and phases that are abbreviated.

6. Periods can be used to display lists, enumerate items, outlines, numerals and letters.

7. At the end of a sentence, you would space once after the period. There is no space when you use it in

abbreviations. There are no spaces when a period is used in thousand separators.


Example 5: (+) ƣd (app.); cty (inc.); CPĐT (e-gov.)

(-) One space before period (wrong)

8. (+) In Vietnamese a period is used after closing double quotes (This is also true for exclamation mark ―!‘

and comma ―,‖) for exact words of the subject.

Example 6:

(+) Madonna thích tuyên bố ―Tôi không xấu hổ vì bất cứ điều gì‖

Madonna is fond of declaring "I'm not ashamed of anything."

Example 7:

(+) Tổng thống Nixon đã tuyên bố ―Tôi không phải kẻ lừa đảo‖

President Nixon declared ―I am not a crook.‖

Example 8: But in English this style í correct too.

Thomas Edison declared that genius was "one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration"

Quotation Marks

Quotation marks are used in Vietnamese for quoting sentences or phrases.

As in English Quotation Marks come as a pair of opening and closing marks in either of two styles: single (‗ ‘) or

double (― ‖), but there is a little difference: (+) In Vietnamese closing mark goes before period (.), comma (,).


―Good morning, Frank,‖ greeted HAL.

(+) ―Chào anh Frank‖, HAL chào.


In English, there is no space between the parentheses and the text inside them and the same rule is applied to


The text in the parentheses is for comment, explanation, without it the meaning of the phrase will not changed.

(+) Example 1: (+) No spaces before and after ―LOB‖

Đƣờng lối kinh doanh (LOB)

Singular & Plural

Refer to Plural Formation part for information.

Split Infinitive

This section does not apply to Vietnamese.



This section does not apply to Vietnamese.

Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces

According to Unicode codes of TCVN 6909:2001 NBSP has hexa code 00A0H

In HTML coding, the non-breaking space (&nbsp;) is the entity used to represent a non-breaking space. It is

essentially a standard space, the primary difference being that a browser should not break (or wrap) a line of text

at the point that this &nbsp.

Non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;) should only be used whenever they are present also in the US text. Otherwise it is

recommended to use a blank space as non-breaking spaces can create functionality problems.

This Style Guide does not cover a comprise overview of existing symbols. For information on Currency symbols

used in Vietnamese, please refer to the section numbers and the sub-section currency.


Vietnamese is an isolating language in which the relationship between parts of a sentence is indicated by the

word order and auxiliaries. As a result, word order is critical to convey the meaning of a sentence.

A word follows the noun it modifies (sách mới, anh tôi, vấn đề đ u tiên, văn học Việt Nam hiện đại), unlike English

which has the reverse word order (new book, my brother, first issue, modern Vietnamese literature). The basic

word order of noun phrases should be stressed:


Number/PlurMark Classifier Noun Adjective Pronoun

a. In the basic structure SVP (Subject + Verb + (Subject) Predicative) the English copular verb to be is used to


1) a noun to a noun, e.g., My name is John.

2) a pronoun to a noun, e.g., He is my friend.

3) a noun or pronoun to an adjective, e.g., The movie is good.

In Vietnamese the sentences of type 3) do not use the copular verb là, that is 1) Tên tôi là John. 2) Anh

ấy là bạn tôi. and 3) Bộ phim ấy ______ hay.

b. In English, interrogative words (who, what, which, how, where, when, why) are placed at the beginning of a


In Vietnamese, some interrogatives are placed at the beginning of questions (vì sao, tại sao, sao – why, ai –

who, cái nào - which, cái gì -- what).


Some others are put at the end of questions (đâu, đâu – where, nhƣ thế nào -- how).

Other may be put at beginning or at the end of questions (khị nào)

For instance,

1) Vì sao chị không đồng ý với chúng tôi? (Why do you disagree with us?);

2) Anh làm việc đâu? (Where are you working?)

3) The position of the interrogative words ai, gì, nào depends on their grammatical function in a sentence.

4) Interrogative words with the meaning of time (bao giờ, khi nào, ngày nào, hôm nào, lúc nào, thứ mấy,

ngày bao nhiêu) refer to the past tense when placed at the end of questions and indicate the present or

future when put at the beginning.

For instance,

1) Bao giờ anh ấy đến? (When will he arrive?) vs. Anh ấy đến bao giờ? (When did he arrive?)

c. In interrogative sentences, Vietnamese native speakers distinguish the purpose and the reason by using

different interrogative words, whereas the context identifies the purpose or the reason in English, for instance:

1) Anh đi đến đấy làm gì? (Why do you go there? Literally: For what purpose do you go there?) vs. Vì sao

anh không muốn đi đến đấy? (Why don't you want to go there?)

d. Some words have a position different from the position of English words with similar meanings and functions.

For example:

1) đ p hơn vs. more beautiful, Quyển sách này hay hơn quyển sách kia nhiều. vs. This book is much better

than that one. Tháng sau tôi đi Việt Nam. vs. I am going to Vietnam next month. Some words have

different meanings when placed in different positions, for instance: đƣợc nghỉ ba ngày (to be allowed to

take three days off) and nghỉ đƣợc ba ngày (to be able to take three days off).

e. The adverbs of degree rất and lắm are used without the adverb nhiều "much" when the verb conveys the

meaning of feeling. The adverb much is necessary in English: Tôi rất thích quyển sách này. or: Tôi thích

quyển sách này lắm. versus I like the book very much.


1. In Vietnamese verbs are the words that have general vocabulary meaning and specify the operation or given status of things. There are: - Single verb: chạy, nhảy, đi, về, ăn (run, jump, walk, return, eat, ...) - Complex verb: đi lại, bác b , gom góp, lựa chọn, kh i động (to go back, deny, collect, select, start ...) (+) Recommend to specify clearly:

Loại b – Remove Xóa b – Delete Xóa – Clear Bác b – Reject

( ) Do not use speaking language, such as use ―xóa‖ for different meaning ―xóa b ‖, ―loại b ‖


2. Tense of verbs: In Vietnamese an adverb of time is added before verb to specify past, continous present

and future respectively ―đã‖, ―đang‖ and ―sẽ‖. We do not distinguish detailed of past and future, such as

simple past, complete past . like in English or in French.

Example 1:

Tôi đang đọc (I am reading)

(+) Except for emphasizing purpose, sometime we do not use adverb ―đang‖, ―đã‖, and ―sẽ‖ for

expressing tense of verbs.

Example 2:

(+) Tôi đã cài đặt chƣơng trình diệt virus (I installed the antivirus program)

Example 3:

(+) Tôi sẽ làm việc vào chủ nhật này (I will work on this Sunday)

3. The verbs can be merged with adverbs that complement meaning of continuity, such as ―còn‖, ―v n‖,


Example 4: (+) Tôi v n làm (I‘m still working)

4. The verbs can be merged with adverbs that complement negative meaning, such as ―không‖, ―chƣa‖,


Example 5:

(+) Tôi không biết (I don‘t know)

Use of adverbs that complement negative meaning in Vietnamese is depending on the negative level.

(+) Tôi không biết (In general, I don‘t know)

(+) Tôi chƣa biết (I don‘t know, but I would like to know or I will know later)

(+) Tôi chẳng biết (I don‘t know, but I don‘t care)

All are translates as ―I don‘t know‖

5. The verbs can be merged with adverbs that complement demand meaning, such as ―hãy‖, ―đừng‖, ―chớ‖.

Example 6:

(+) Hãy đọc ReadMe sau đây (Read the following ReadMe)

(+) Vui lòng đọc ReadMe sau đây (Please, read the following ReadMe)

English Vietnamese

Verb in infinitive and imperative form:

Read carefully the following paragraph

(+) Add adverb ―Hãy‖:

Hãy đọc kỹ đoạn văn bản sau

Verb in impersonal form for description or

imperative form but in subordinate clause:

To resolve this issue, ask your system

administrator to verify that Excel Services

are enabled on this site and are functioning

(+) Not neccessay to add the adverb ―Hãy‖:

Để giải quyết vấn đề này, ( ) h i ngƣời quản trị hệ

thống của bạn để kiểm chứng là các Dịch vụ Excel đƣợc


English Vietnamese

properly. ph p trên site này và hoạt động đúng.

Polite form:

Please read

(+) Add ―Vui lòng‖ before verb:

Vui lòng đọc

6. Continuous operations are usually expressed in English with a gerund, which should be translated into

Vietnamese, e.g.

1) Reading this book is compulsory – Đọc cuốn sách này là bắt buộc. In Vietnamese we can use a verb as

subject; ―Đọc‖ (Read) in Vietnamese is a verb.

(-) Not neccessay to add the article ―việc‖ before verb ―đọc‖ to gerund ―reading‖.

2) I like programming – Tôi thích lập trình. Gerund performs function of object; ―lập trình‖ can be considered

as ―việc lập trình‖ (programming). I enjoy doing it myself, or the idea of programming is otherwise


3) I‘m tired of arguing – Tôi mệt vì tranh cãi. Gerund is preceded by preposition; ―tranh cãi‖ can be

considered ―việc tranh cãi‖ (arguing)

7. Like in English or in French , in Vietnamese there are transitive and intransitive verbs and the specific

prepositions are used with each verbs:

Chuyển đổi 013AH từ hệ hexa sang hệ thập phân (Convert 013A from hexa to decimal system)

The verb ―chuyển đổi‖ (convert) is transitive one, and direct complement is ―013AH từ hệ hexa sang hệ

thập phân‖ (013A from hexa to decimal system). Two prepositions are ―từ‖, ―sang‖ (from, to).

Word Order

As it is mentioned above, word order in Vietnamese is critical. The meaning of a sentence may be totally different

when the words order is changed, due to in Vietnamese there isn‘t mood and tense, aspect and voice are defined

by adding a word.

(+) Remenber that word order in Vietnamese is very important!



1) Tôi ăn cơm - I eat rice

2) Cơm ăn tôi – Rice eats me

3) Tôi sẽ làm việc đó – I will do it

4) Tôi muốn bạn làm điều đó - I want you do it

5) Tôi muốn bạn nên làm điều đó - I want you should do it; the order is ―bạn nên‖, ―nên‖ (should)

6) Tôi muốn nên bạn làm điều đó – I wanted to, so you do it; the order is ―nên bạn‖, ―nên‖ (so)

Style and Tone Considerations This section focuses on higher-level considerations for audience, style, tone, and voice.


Vietnamese has some variations in terms writing depending on the regions: north, middle, and south, and

depending on fields, such as industry or university, or smaller environment.

Do not use the terms specific for small audience and not considered as popular.

(+) Do not use the terms that originate and format compound words from Chinese language where in Vietnamese

the equivalent term exists.


Use ―thấy đƣợc‖ instead of ―hữu hình‖, ―có ích‖ instead of ―hữu ích‖


1) Consistency, because in technical writing, using different styles to make two similar utterances makes the

reader ask whether the use of different styles was intended to carry additional meaning:


Please do Vui lòng

(+) ―Please‖ is translate as ―Vui lòng...‖. Not recommended to translate as ―Làm ơn...‖

Delete - Xóa b

Remove – Loại b

Cancel – Hủy b

Format the disk - Hãy định dạng

The imperative ‗Format‖ is translated as ―Hãy‖ ―định dạng‖

2) Use active voice where applicable for ease understanding

The maximum time in minutes a Web Drawing should be cached by the service

Can be translated as:

(+) Thời gian tối đa theo phút mà hình Vẽ Web c n đƣợc dịch vụ lƣu trữ vào đệm n



(-) Thời gian tối đa theo phút mà hình Vẽ Web c n đƣợc lƣu trữ vào đệm n b i dịch vụ

3) Follow the Microsoft culture in each categories of localization (help text, commands menu, )


The tone should be formal. Three main dialects are slightly different in tone, pronunciation, and terminology. Northern (Hanoi) pronunciation is considered standard.

English North Vietnamese South Vietnamese Recommended

Send mail (+) Gửi thƣ G i thơ North VI

Select (+) Chọn Lựa North VI


In Vietnamese there are many words for expressing pronouns depending on your ages and your relations.

(+) It is recommended that in translation from English source text, you do not use many such words but only use

"bạn" for "you" and "chúng tôi" for "we, us", "họ" for "they, them."

(-) Do not use "anh ấy" or "cô ấy" but use "ngƣời đó" for "he/she, him/her."

(+) The word ―you‖ must be translated as ―bạn‖ in all cases. This word can be used to address to the general audience both formal and casual regardless of age, gender...

In Vietnamese, in general, a word could be a noun or verb or adjective or adverb is depending on its role in

sentences. It depends on the context for using the right word type.


English Translation

You are now connected to the Internet. Bạn hiện đang đƣợc kết nối vào Internet

Your Internet connection is in trouble Kết nối Internet của bạn đang bị trục trặc

(+) To express passive voice in Vietnamese we use the word ―đƣợc‖ or ―bị‖ and add it before the verb, in the

examples below:


1) This file is moved to other directory – Tệp này đƣợc chuyển sang thƣ mục khác

The word ―đƣợc‖ is added before the verb ―chuyển‖ (move) for expressing positive action, or it is difficult

to consider this action is positive or negative.

2) This file is deleted from the directory – Tệp này bị xóa b kh i thƣ mục

The word ―bị‖ is added before the verb ―xóa‖ (delete) for expressing negative action.


(+) Normally, in Vietnamese we use active voice (if applicable), in case we can‘t specify the subject or the subject

isn‘t defined specifically we use verb infinitive.


1) Chuyển tiếp thƣ cho ông A – Forward the e-mail to Mr. A


Localization Guidelines

This section contains guidelines for localization into Vietnamese.

General Considerations


Common Abbreviations

You might need to abbreviate some words in the UI (mainly buttons or options names) due to lack of space. This

can be done in the following ways:

- Use common abbreviated words in correct context for clear meaning.

List of common abbreviations:

Vietnamese Expression English Expression Acceptable Abbreviation

vân vân etc. (+) v.v.

Công nghệ thông tin IT (+) CNTT

Công nghiệp ph n mềm Software Industry (+) CNgPM


Microsoft provides people with disabilities (single-handed or with hearing or motion disabilities) with more

accessible products and services. These may not be available in Vietnam. Please check with your Microsoft

contact and remove these references from Vietnamese text if necessary.


Acronyms are words made up of the initial letters of major parts of a compound term. Some well-known examples

are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), or RAM (Random

Access Memory).

Caution: Do not include a generic term after an acronym or abbreviation if one of the letters in the acronym

stands for that term. Even though this might occur in the US-English version, it should be ―corrected‖ in the

localized version. The following examples show the redundancy in red for English terms. However, in Vietnamese

all acronym or abbreviation is kept unchange from English source, so even there is redundancy in red for English

terms, in Vietnamse it is not redundant and can be translated:

(-) RPC call - lời gọi RPC

(-) HTML language- ngôn ngữ HTML

(-) TCP/IP-Protocol - giao thức TCP/IP

(-) PIN Number- Số PIN


Localized Acronyms

In online help or documentation, spell out the words that comprise an acronym or abbreviation the first time that

acronym is used in the text. You should include the language-specific translation, the US term, and the acronym

as in the following example:

(+) Đ ƣ n r n (Data Access Objects, DAO)

(+) Đ ƣ n ActiveX (ActiveX Data Objects, ADO)

You should also consider that different users will have different levels of knowledge about a product. For example,

an Italian Exchange user will understand ―DL,‖ but the average Italian Windows user might not understand ―DL‖

and would need to see ―lista di distribuzione‖ (distribution list) instead. Try to be consistent within a product with

your use of acronyms and initializations.

Note: Although the English acronym cannot generally be derived from the language-specific translation, creating

a new acronym derived from the language-specific translated term is not an option. For example, do not replace

an English acronym with a language-specific acronym; instead, leave the English acronym or abbreviation intact,

as in the following examples ―where DLL‖ and ―DPI‖ are correctly rendered as ―DLL‖ and ―DPI‖:

Unlocalized Acronyms

Many abbreviations and acronyms are standardized and remain untranslated. They are only followed by their full

spelling in English if the acronym needs to be explained to the speakers of a different language. In other cases,

where the acronym is rather common, adding the fully spelled-out form will only confuse users. In these cases,

the acronym can be used on its own.

The following list contains examples of acronyms and abbreviations that are considered commonly understood;

these acronyms and abbreviations should not be localized or spelled out in full in English:

ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

ISO (International Standards Organization)



If you are unsure what an acronym or abbreviation stands for or refers to, please contact the Moderator

responsible for this Style Guide.


Applications, Products, and Features

Application/product names are often trademarked or may be trademarked in the future and are therefore rarely

translated. Occasionally, feature names are trademarked, too (e.g. IntelliSense™). Before translating any

application, product, or feature name, please verify that it is in fact translatable and not protected in any way.

Frequent Errors

Like English, Vietnamese terminologies depend on regions North, Middle and South, habitation and culture of

people of each region.

Example 1: Terminology and Orthographical Ambiguity

(+) Edit (Sửa, soạn thảo), Modify (Chỉnh sửa, Sửa đổi), Compose (Soạn)

(-) but Vietnamese always tend to abbreviate, using ―sửa‖ for ―edit and ―modify‖

(+) Browse (Duyệt) and may be Review (Duyệt lại) or Approve (Phê duyệt)

(-) but Vietnamese always tend to abbreviate, using ―duyệt‖ for ―browse‖, ―review‖, and ―approve‖.

(+) Click (bấm chuột)

(-) Clich (nháy chuột) is used popularly in university area)

Autocorrect Program or Program corrects errors it-self (Chƣơng trình Tự sửa l i)

ToolBar (Thanh Công cụ --- For translating the word like this, there is not the consistency: ThanhCôngcụ,

Thanh Công cụ, Thanh Công cụ, Thanh Công cụ)

( ) ToolBar (Thanh công cụ)

To choose, to select, to pick out (Chọn, Lựa, Lựa chọn, Chọn lựa)

( ) Select (Chọn)

Word list: (Danh sách từ:) --- Work (Từ) and from (từ), so ―Danh sách từ:‖ if no context we can

understand as ―List from:‖

Add double &quote for Hebrew alphabet numbering (Thêm cặp dấu ngoặc k p cho vi c đánh số dùng

bảng chữ cái Tiếng Do Thái) --- this can be trahnslated as ―Thêm cặp dấu ngoặc k p đ đánh số bảng

chữ cái tiếng Do Thái‖ – Here, the preposition ―for‖ (cho) better is translated as ―để‖. In Vietnamese the

word after ―để‖ is a verb.

In some community G rối (Troubleshoot, Troubleshooting) and G l i (Debugger) are used



(+) Example 2: In English ―reviewer‖ is subject that performs the review, may be a person or program, but in

Vietnamese we must specify clarely who ―ngƣời‖ (person) or ―chƣơng trình‖ (program).

Chƣơng trình dịch (Translator)

Reviewer (Ngƣời duyệt lại)

Administrator (Ngƣời quản trị)

Supplyer (Nhà cung cấp)

(+) Example 3: In Vietnamese one word may be a verb or a noun, an adjective or an adverb. Sometime we must

add an adverb.

Update (verb: cập nhật, noun: bản cập nhật)


Change (Verb: Thay đổi, noun: sự thay đổi)

Click (Verb: bấm chuột, noun: bấm --- we don‘t add an adverb like ―cú‖)

Selection (việc chọn, vùng chọn)


You can find the translations of terms and UI elements of Microsoft products at Microsoft Language Portal


Fictitious Information

Fictitious content is legally sensitive material and as such cannot be handled as a pure terminology or localization

issue. Below is some basic information and contact points when dealing with fictitious content:

Vendors and Localizers are not allowed to create their own fictitious names. You must either use the source

names or use the list of legally approved names.

Please contact your product team representative for further information on how to deal with fictitious companies,

names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. in your product. For technical products, you may also

check with the product team representative whether localized fictitious content is required or not (e.g. Visual


Recurring Patterns

For recurring patterns, please refer to the Links provided in the following section Standardized Translations.

Standardized Translations

There are a number of standardized translations mentioned in all sections of this Style Guide. In order to find

them more easily, the most relevant topics and sections are compiled here for you reference.

Titles of the Type "Sending a File"

Unlocalized Items

Trademarked names and the name Microsoft Corporation shouldn‘t be localized. A list of Microsoft trademarks is

available for your reference at the following location: http://www.microsoft.com/trademarks/t-mark/names.htm.

Refer to the Windows section at the bottom of this document.


Using the Word Microsoft

In English, it is prohibited to use MS as an abbreviation for Microsoft.

In Vietnamese, MS stands for Microsoft for many year and used for abbreviation of Microsoft where you can use



In Microsoft Excel you can ... – (+) Trong MS Excel bạn có thể ...

Software Considerations This section refers to all menus, menu items, commands, buttons, check boxes, etc., which should be consistently

translated in the localized product.

Refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa511258.aspx for a detailed explanation of the Windows user interface

guidelines (English).

User Interface

For UI localization, you should always translate the term as short as possible because there‘s always limited

space for the target translation. However the translation must be always clear and correct.

Avoid to use ―Các‖ or ―Những‖ for plural term, esepcially the term is used as a title or button of a dialog box.

For example:

Word Options Tùy chọn Word, ―Các tùy chọn của Word‖ is not recommended because it may cause issues

about length limitation.



Status Messages

What is a Status Bar Message?

A status bar message is an informational message about the active document or a selected command as well as

about any active or selected interface item. Messages are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window

when the user has chosen a menu, a command or any other item, or has started a function. The status bar

messages refer to actions being performed or already complete (for example in Outlook below).

Vietnamese Style in Status bar Messages

In English, the status bar messages have different forms dependent on the information they must convey. In

Vietnamese, menu and commands status bar messages should follow the format below.

Name Vietnamese Name Category English Status Bar


Vietnamese Status Bar


Edit (+) Soạn

menu Contains editing commands (+) Chứa các lệnh soạn


Copy to


(+) Sao vào Cặp... menu

Copies the selected items to

a new location

(+) Sao các khoản mục

đã chọn vào vị trí mới

New (+) Mới command Creates a new document (+) Tạo lệnh mới

Make object visible?

(+) Làm cho đối tƣợng

nhìn thấy đƣợc

Word is converting the

document. Press Esc to


(+) Word đang chuyển đổi

tài liệu. Nhấn Esc để


Datasheet View (+) Dạng xem Trang tính

Done (+) Đã hoàn thành


The importance of standardization

In the US product you can often find messages that are phrased differently even though they have the same

meaning. Try to avoid this in the localized Vietnamese version. Use one standard translation as in the examples


English term Correct Vietnamese translation

Press F1 to get Help (+) n F1 để nhận Trợ giúp

If you want Help press F1

To get Help press F1

Not enough memory

(+) Không đủ bộ nhớ Insufficient memory

There is not enough memory

Save changes to %1? (+) Lƣu thay đổi của %1?

Do you want to save changes to %1?

Error Messages

What Is An Error Message?

Here is an example:

Error messages are messages sent by the system or a program, informing the user that there is an error that

must be corrected in order for the program to keep running. For example, the messages can prompt the user to

take an action or inform the user of an error that requires rebooting the computer.

Vietnamese Style in Error Messages

It is important to use consistent terminology and language style in the localized error messages, and not just

translate as they appear in the US product.

The main principles for translation are clarity, comprehensibility, and consistency.


Standard Phrases in Error Messages

When translating standard phrases, standardize. Note that sometimes the US uses different forms to express the

same thing.

Error messages written in US-English are occasionally inconsistent. As you localize the software into Vietnamese,

you should ensure that you use a standard phrase for error messages that have the same meaning and purpose

in the US-English version.


English Translation Example Comment

Could not


File could not be found

File cannot be found (+) Không tìm đƣợc


Use of impersonal active voice

and do not distinguish past

and present tense

Failed to

Failure of

Failed to connect

Failure to connect

(+) Kết nối h ng


(+) Không kết nối


Express closer to

Vietnamese, not word by word

Cannot find

Could not find

Unable to find

Unable to locate

Cannot find driver


Could not find driver


Unable to find driver


Unable to locate driver


(+) Không tìm thấy...

In English there are different

expessión, but in Vietnamese

we use one ―Không tìm thấy‖

to specify only the result.

Not enough memory

Insufficient memory

There is not enough memory

There is not enough memory


(+) Không đủ bộ


In English there are different

expessión, but in Vietnamese

we use one ―Không đủ bộ

nhớ‖ to specify only the result:

―Not enough memory‖

... is not available

... is unavailable

The command is not


The command is


(+) Chỉ lệnh không

sẵn có

The same meaning ―the

command not exists‖

Error Messages Containing Placeholders

When localizing error messages containing placeholders, try to find out what will replace the placeholder. This is

necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct when the placeholder is replaced with a word or phrase.

Note that the letters used in placeholders convey a specific meaning, see examples below:


%d, %ld, %u, and %lu means <number>

%c means <letter>

%s means <string>

Examples of error messages containing placeholders:

"Checking Web %1!d! of %2!d!" means "Checking Web <number> of <number>".

"INI file "%1!-.200s!" section" means "INI file "<string>" section".


The keyboard is the primary input device used for text input in Microsoft Windows. For accessibility and efficiency,

most actions can be performed using the keyboard as well. While working with Microsoft software, you use keys,

key combinations and key sequences.

In English, References to key names, like arrow keys, function keys and numeric keys, appear in normal text (not

in small caps).

Access Keys/Hot keys

Sometimes, there are underlined or highlighted letters in menu options, commands or dialog boxes. These letters

refer to access keys (also known as hot keys) that allow you to run commands, perform tasks, etc. more quickly.

Hot Key Special Options Usage: Is It Allowed? Notes

"Slim characters", such as I, l, t, r, f

can be used as hot key



Hot Key Special Options Usage: Is It Allowed? Notes

Characters with downstrokes, such

as g, j, y, p and q can be used as



Extended characters can be used as


Not recommended It is not agreed in general on the

unique way to type extended

characters in Vietnamese, so it is

not recommended to use extended

character as hotkey.

An additional letter, appearing

between brackets after item name,

can be used as hotkeys

allowed but not encouraged the best way for choosing letters

as hot keys in Vietnamese is those

without particulary of Vietnamese

word (English letters).

A number, appearing between

brackets after item name, can be

used as hotkey

allowed but not encouraged the best way for choosing letters

as hot keys in Vietnamese is those

without particulary of Vietnamese

word (English letters).

A punctuation sign, appearing

between brackets after item name,

can be used as hotkey

allowed but not encouraged the best way for choosing letters

as hot keys in Vietnamese is those

without particulary of Vietnamese

word (English letters).

Duplicate hotkeys are allowed when

no other character is available

yes It is ok if software allows to move

from the first to the next item.

No hotkey is assigned when no more

characters are available (minor

options only)

yes If no more characters are available

use duplicate or not assign hotkey.

Preferred characters to be used as Hotkeys

Characters Case Sensitive

A B C D E G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9



Allowed characters to be used as Hotkeys

Characters Case Sensitive

F J W Z False

Additional notes: n/a

Arrow Keys

The arrow keys move input focus among the controls within a group. Pressing the right arrow key moves input

focus to the next control in tab order, whereas pressing the left arrow moves input focus to the previous control.

Home, End, Up, and Down also have their expected behavior within a group. Users can't navigate out of a control

group using arrow keys.

Numeric Keypad

It is recommended that you avoid distinguishing numeric keypad keys from the other keys, unless it is required by

a given application. In case which keys to be pressed is not obvious, provide necessary explanations.

Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keys are keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes used to perform defined functions in a software

application. Shortcut keys replace menu commands and they are sometimes given next to the command they

represent. In opposition to the access keys, which can be used only when available on the screen, shortcut keys

can be used even when they are not accessible on the screen.

Shortcut keys


Standard Shortcut Keys



US English

Shortcut Key




Shortcut key

General Windows Shortcut keys

Help window F1 Cửa sổ Trợ giúp

Context-sensitive Help Shift+F1 Trợ giúp theo ngữ cảnh

Display pop-up menu Shift+F10 Hiển thị menu bật lên

Cancel Esc Hủy b


menu bar mode

F10 Kích hoạt/Khử hoạt chế độ thanh


Switch to the next

primary application

Alt+Tab Chuyển giữa các ứng dụng đang


Display next window Alt+Esc Hiển thị cửa sổ tiếp theo

Display pop-up menu

for the window

Alt+Spacebar Hiển thị menu bật lên cho cửa sổ Alt+Spacebar

Display pop-up menu

for the active child


Alt+- Hiển thị menu bật lên cho cửa sổ

con đang hiện hoạt


Display property sheet

for current selection

Alt+Enter Hiển thị bảng thuộc tính cho ph n

chọn hiện thời


Close active

application window

Alt+F4 Đóng cửa sổ ứng dụng hiện hoạt Alt+F4

Switch to next window

within (modeless-

compliant) application

Alt+F6 Chuyển tới cửa sổ tiếp theo trong

ứng dụng


Capture active window

image to the Clipboard

Alt+Prnt Scrn Chụp ảnh cửa sổ hiện hoạt và

lƣu trong Bảng tạm

Alt+Prnt Scrn

Capture desktop

image to the Clipboard

Prnt Scrn Chụp ảnh màn hình và lƣu trong

Bảng tạm

Prnt Scrn

Access Start button in


Ctrl+Esc Truy nhập vào nút Bắt đ u trong

thanh tác vụ


Display next child


Ctrl+F6 Hiển thị cửa sổ con tiếp theo Ctrl+F6




US English

Shortcut Key




Shortcut key

Display next tabbed


Ctrl+Tab Hiển thị ngăn tab tiếp theo Ctrl+Tab

Launch Task Manager

and system


Ctrl+Shift+Esc Kh i chạy Trình quản lý Tác vụ

và kh i tạo hệ thống


File Menu

File New Ctrl+N Tệp Mới Ctrl+N

File Open Ctrl+O Tệp M Ctrl+O

File Close Ctrl+F4 Tệp Đóng Ctrl+F4

File Save Ctrl+S Tệp Lƣu Ctrl+S

File Save as F12 Tệp Lƣu nhƣ F12

File Print Preview Ctrl+F2 Tệp Xem trƣớc khi In Ctrl+F2

File Print Ctrl+P Tệp In Ctrl+P

File Exit Alt+F4 Tệp Thoát ra Alt+F4

Edit Menu

Edit Undo Ctrl+Z Soạn Hoàn tác Ctrl+Z

Edit Repeat Ctrl+Y Soạn Lặp lại Ctrl+Y

Edit Cut Ctrl+X Soạn Cắt Ctrl+X

Edit Copy Ctrl+C Soạn Sao Ctrl+C

Edit Paste Ctrl+V Soạn Dán Ctrl+V

Edit Delete Ctrl+Backspace Soạn Xóa b Ctrl+Backspace

Edit Select All Ctrl+A Soạn Lựa tất cả Ctrl+A

Edit Find Ctrl+F Soạn Tìm Ctrl+F

Edit Replace Ctrl+H Soạn Thay thế Ctrl+H

Edit Go To Ctrl+B Soạn Đi tới Ctrl+B

Help Menu

Help F1 Trợ giúp F1

Font Format




US English

Shortcut Key




Shortcut key

Italic Ctrl+I Nghiêng Ctrl+I

Bold Ctrl+G Đậm Ctrl+G



Ctrl+U Gạch dƣới/Gạch dƣới từ Ctrl+U

Large caps Ctrl+Shift+A Chữ hoa to Ctrl+Shift+A

Small caps Ctrl+Shift+K Chữ hoa nh Ctrl+Shift+K

Paragraph Format

Centered Ctrl+E Căn giữa Ctrl+E

Left aligned Ctrl+L Căn trái Ctrl+L

Right aligned Ctrl+R Căn phải Ctrl+R

Justified Ctrl+J Căn đều Ctrl+J

Document Translation Considerations Document localization may require some specific considerations that are different from software localization. This

section covers a few of these areas.


In English the titles for chapters usually begin with "How to " or with phrases such as "Working with " or

"Using ".In the Vietnamese version of Microsoft documentation, you can use (+) ―Làm thế nào (để) ‖ or (+)

―Làm việc với ...‖, ―Sử dụng ...‖.


Copyright protection is granted to any original work of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression from

which it can be perceived, reproduced, or communicated.

Vietnam has taken the first step towards provision for copyright protection. At present this will be of limited help to

foreigners since protection is granted only to works of Vietnamese nationals or works of foreigners which are

published in Vietnam within 30 days of first publication in the author's home country. The law does, however,

provide that, if and when Vietnam joins the Berne or Universal Copyright Conventions, protection will be afforded

to foreigners on the basis of these conventions.


Translation of copyright text should be consistent both within the product being localized and across Vietnamese

versions of Microsoft products. Important things to remember:

No changes in copyright text are allowed until English text is different. Different Vietnamese translation

should be treated as a minor style error unless meaning is the same (if meaning was changed, it would

be an accuracy error.)

Logo word position: all logo occurrences should be at the end of Vietnamese trademarks enumeration

regardless of where the <name> logo part is placed in the English text. It is required to make sure logo in

Vietnamese is associated only with the following product/technology name (not with the subsequent

names too.)

English example Vietnamese example

© 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The example companies, organizations, products, people, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person, or event is intended or should be inferred.

Microsoft, the Office logo, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Windows, the Windows logo, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.


© 2011 Tập đoàn Microsoft. Bảo lƣu mọi quyền.

Các công ty ví dụ, các tổ chức, sản ph m, con ngƣời, và các sự kiện đƣợc mô tả đây là hƣ cấu. Không có liên quan nào với các công ty, tổ chức, sản ph m, cá nhân hoặc sự kiện là có chủ đích hoặc hàm ý.

Microsoft, các logo Office, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Windows, logo Windows, và Windows Server hoặc là đăng ký thƣơng hiệu hoặc thƣơng hiệu của Tập đoàn Microsoft tại Hoa K và các nƣớc khác.


lectures, speeches; theatrical works and other forms of artistic performance;

cinematographic and video works; radio and television works;

press works; architectural works; plastic art works; applied art works;

photographic works; scientific works, text books, teaching materials;

graphic works, drawings, patterns, sketches and maps related to topography, works of architecture or scientific projects;

translated, adapted, re-written, transformed, compiled, annotated, selected and anthological works;

computer software; and other works prescribed by law. We would be happy to advise you on the registrability of your particular copyright works upon request. TIME FOR REGISTRATION In general, it will take 10 days from the filing date for obtaining the copyright registration.


The duration of copyright endures for a term consisting of the life of the author and fifty years (50) after the

author‘s death.



Documents required at filing

a) A Notarized Power of Attorney signed by the applicant (s) (with full name capacity of the subscriber in the

case of legal entity) (our form is enclosed).

b) Notarized Deed of Assignment from author (s) to the applicant, where the applicant is not the author.

c) 04 original works.


a) Full name, address, nationality of applicant (s) and author (s);

b) Name and category of the work;

c) Date on which the work was completed, date and place of the first-made - public of works;

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