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How to Become Visible, Faster



In our research on industry stars we learned that becoming highly visible brings multiple benefits for experts, their firms, and their clients.



We also learned there is a way to get there faster.



Introducing the Fast Trackers





While Visible Experts℠ rely on the same tools, activities, and skillsets to get to the top, some of them get there faster. Much faster.



Fast Trackers achieve stardom more quickly



In fact, these individuals rise to the top 5 times faster than

other Visible Experts℠.



Fast Trackers command higher fees and they are 3 times more likely to charge higher fees than average Visible Experts℠.



Fast Trackers also outpace other Visible Experts℠ in other categories:

• 4.5X more likely to receive speaking inquiries

• 2X more likely to attract an audience that is already educated

• 1.4X more likely to attract more inbound leads

• 1.3X more likely to achieve more partnership opportunities



How do Fast Trackers get ahead?

These professionals employ all of the same components as other Visible ExpertsSM — except they add three more.



Fast Track Tip #1: Focus on a Niche

Compared to other Visible ExpertsSM, Fast Trackers are more than twice as likely to focus their expertise on a narrow target market, and do so earlier in their careers.



Fast Track Tip #2: Content Marketing

Compared to other Visible ExpertsSM, Fast Trackers are:

• 4X more likely to blog and podcast earlier in their careers• 2X more likely to create valuable content on a regular basis • 1.9X more likely to use content to drive leads



Fast Track Tip #3: Write a Book

Almost 85% of Fast Trackers have written a strategically focused book.

Top-level Visible ExpertsSM reported that a book is a visibility catalyst by:

• Conferring instant credibility

• Opening doors to elite speaking engagements, partnerships, and media interviews




According to an old business adage, there’s no shortcut to success. While we haven’t discovered a way around hard work, our Fast Trackers showed us a shorter path to becoming a Visible ExpertSM.



Want to learn more?

In the Hinge Research Institute’s new book, you will learn how you or your colleagues can become Visible ExpertsSM, driving significant new growth and profits for your firm. You will discover which techniques you need to build your reputation and ascend to prominence. And you will hear from real experts from across the professional services who have climbed to the peak of their professions.


Get your free copy of


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