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  • For Women of All Ages & All Stages CONTENTS: Presidents Message"" 2 Lets Celebrate / NEW 3-4Tributes/Dedications " 5-6In Brief (NEW)" " 4SIGs / Sponsors" " 7

    May-July 2015Womens League of Temple Beth Sholom

    The VisionEnriching the lives of our members since 1945

    Editor: Melanie Greenberg


    ens League of Temple Beth Sholom

    10700 Havenwood Lane Las Vegas, NV 89135

    In appreciation, please be our guest* at our Annual Donor Brunch

    Wednesday, May 20, 201510 oclock in the morning

    at Spiedini Ristorante in the J.W. Marriott

    Join us in honoring:

    The Naming of The Faye Steinberg Lifetime Achievement Award

    and its first recipientBlanche Meisel

    and the announcement of :The Sara Saltzman Award Recipient

    &The Mickey Wilner Award Recipient

    Kim Memar, Event Chair

    Carole Kainen, WLTBS President

    Guests must have earned at least $100 in donor or donate $100 for the luncheon




    Temple Beth Sholom

    Check us out for all of your gift needs: hostess, Bar / Bat

    Mitzvah, holidays, tallit, baby, children and

    much more! Regular hours to be

    announced. To volunteer in the SJS or for information contact 702-804-1333 x 111

    WL INSTALLATION SHABBAT: MAY 8thPlease join us for our Annual WLTBS Installation Shabbat at 7:30PM, followed by a Margaritas & Salsa Oneg, sponsored by the TBS Membership Committee.

    Show your support for our new Board!ALSO: PLANNING MEETING, APRIL 29 at 10:30AM at TBS

  • Bobbi AltmanLovee ArumAdele BaratzMichelle BarneySheila BloomfieldBarbara ChozahinoffMarsha CohenEstelle Lee DevoreFlorence FrostMelanie GreenbergPriscilla HodesCarole KainenDiane KaiserMarcia Klein MarxStacy LelahBarbara LukasiewiczFlora MasonBlanche MeiselKaren MeppenLillian RadomskyElaine SteinbergFaye SteinbergHeidi Straus


    CHAILovee Arum

    Shelley BerkleyMarion Davidson

    Mayor Carolyn GoodmanJudy Mack

    Flora MasonKaren Meppen

    Rabbi Yocheved MintzCori SaltzmanMarcy Simon

    Terri Weisbord

    CHAVERBobbi AltmanAdele Baratz

    Miriam Bar-on Marsha Cohen

    Estelle Lee Devore Sally Eskenazi

    Bobbi FeinsteinHelen Feldman

    Bernice FriedmanSusan Garber Ruth Goldfarb

    Harriet Grunberg Marisa Kagan

    Carole Kainen Brenda Katz

    Marcia Klein Marx Blanche Meisel Susan Molasky Marci Murdock

    Cari Paley Sharon Pierce Audrey Plotkin

    Renee Premack Lillian Radomsky

    Beverly Ron Sylvia Schwartzer

    Alex Silver Faye Steinberg

    Sally Venger Terri Weisbord

    Devra Weiss

    Presidents Message: Carole Kainen

    Ellen Schaner

    Pamela Wilkins


    Join us monthly, THURSDAYS

    from 9:30-11AM for a spiritual and

    wonderful discussion about

    prayers with Rabbi Goodman.

    S.I.G.s: Special Interest Groups

    Join us for Book Club selections

    and fun discussions,

    whether you read the book or not. Sharon Lancz,


    NEWLY FORMED: Learn how to chant

    from the Torah & much more, whatever interests the group!

    Elaine Schnee, Chair

    Fun events & learning for women

    of all ages! Marsha Cohen, Chair

    Please email your name, phone and in which S.I.G.s you are interested to [email protected]


    Friends, wine, chocolate & learning. Meets monthly at 7PM to 9PM. Contact Lillian at

    [email protected]

    Celebrate Rosh ChodeshwithWLTBS





    Two years have gone by in the blink of an eye, and my time as Womens League President is coming to an end. My term has been filled with joyous holiday celebrations, more serious get-togethers, and so very many meetings. I've gone to weddings, bar mitzvahs, baby showers, and sadly, some funerals. It has been amazing to share all these events with my Temple family. My personal life has been busy as well. Our middle daughter graduated from college in New Orleans, and we helped her move to San Diego to begin a new chapter in her life. Our son's Bar Mitzvah was also a major highlight, and I can't quite believe he's starting high school in the Fall. When I started this journey two years ago, I wasn't sure I'd be able to balance everything. How could I get all this done, and still be dedicated and organized enough to lead Women's League?

    Well, as time went on, I discovered a secret about Women's League, and I'm going to share it with all of you. The secret of Women's Leagues success is its Sisterhood. I found balance in the support my sisters gave me, and in their willingness to help. I truly believe our teamwork is what made us most successful, and it is why we've been able to accomplish so many wonderful things over the past two years, and during the terms of the many wonderful women who served before me. Without everyone taking part and helping, we wouldn't have been able to host events like the Member Luncheon, the Sukkah Hop, or the Maccabee Market, nor would we have been able to make so many charitable donations to TBS and organizations within our Community.

    I am so glad for all the opportunities I've had during my term. It's reminded me how important it is to stay involved and to help others. I've learned quite a few things along the journey, about myself, about commitment and perseverance, and most importantly, about the power of Jewish women working together. As your outgoing President, I want to say thank you to all my sisters, and also reiterate my commitment to staying involved. Don't expect to see me any less! Although it isn't an easy job, being the President isn't so bad when you have so many amazing women who want to give their time and help their community. Good luck to our new Presidents, whom I'm sure will do an amazing job with incredible support!

    A new level has been added to our Membership Sponsors:Mitzvot Membership. A donation of $613 will make you a Sponsor for

    every WLTBS program/fundraising event and you wont have to pay to attend any WL event (except Torah Fund/donation). It also includes a

    $100 listing in the New Year Greeting Card, Mazel Greetings & a Sponsor listing in Visions. Contact [email protected] for info.



  • Lets Celebrate TOGETHER!JUNE

    1" Beverly Ron2" Sonia & Jack Adelman3" Sharon & Stephen Pierce4" Debbie & Robert Strimling5" Candle Lighting 7:37PM" Barbara & Jim Lukasiewicz6" Ronnie Sander" Carolyn & Oscar Goodman" Melanie & Gene Greenberg8" Jackie Kramer9" Sharon Lancz" Elsa & Allen Chiss" Elaine Schnee & " Harvey Gitel" Ronnie & Neil Schwartz10" Yocheved Mintz11" Jan Trueworthy12" Candle Lighting 7:41PM" Carolyn & Morris Gertz" Marcy & Steve Saxe14" Carol & Joel Lubritz" Joan & Paul Weil15" Arlene & Jerry Blut16" Noa Jensch17" Judy & Ron Mack19" Candle Lighting 7:43PM" Betsi Steinberg21" Cheryl & Carl Ross23" Dee Berkley" Audrey & Larry Plotkin" Rochelle & Arnold Schneider24" Melanie Greenberg" Barbara Silverberg" Elissa & Reuben Burda25" Gina Retke26 " Candle Lighting 7::45PM" Adele & Stanley Weiner27" Natalie & Malcolm Berman29 " Racine Murdock30" Sharry Solomon" Kim & Andrew Cohen" Susan & Irwin Molasky

    JULY2" Brenda & Jerry Katz3" Candle Lighting " 7:44PM" Charlotte Kuklin4" Victoria & Joel Bloom5" Sarah Abraham10" Candle Lighting" 7:43PM12" Andrea Behrens15" Nadolyn Karchmer16" Devra Weiss17" Candle Lighting " 7:40PM21" Victoria Bloom23" Caline Schwartz24" Candle Lighting " 7:35PM30" Arlene Blut31" Sandy & Stan Mallin


    MAYAPRIL 29: PLANNING MEETING AT 10:30 AT TBS. Refreshments.1! Candle Lighting 7:11PM3! PSW REGION ! CONFERENCE4! Sharon Pierce8! Candle Lighting 7:17PM! WLTBS INSTALLATION! 7:30PM at TBS Services! followed by a Margaritas & ! Salsa Oneg11! Michelle Barney12`! Marilyn Bulmash15! Candle Lighting 7:23PM! Leona Cohen & Norman ! Weissman19 ! ROSH CHODESH 7PM 20! DONOR BRUNCH 10AM! SPEIDINI RESTAURANT! Lillian & Mike Radomsky21! CIRCLE OF PRAYERS ! 9:30AM! Marion Davidson! Carolyn Gertz23! Sharry & Steve Solomon! Shavuot Candle Lighting! after 8:31PM24! Candle Lighting after ! 8:32PM! Bobbi & Peter Feinstein25! Brenda Katz26! BOOK CLUB 10AM28! Marci & Rob Murdock! Terri & Rob Weisbord29! Candle Lighting 7:33PM! Lisa Rosenberg! Michelle & Michael Barney! Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer30! Marcy & Jack Simon! Becky Solomon

    IN BRIEF:This is a new segment for our newsletter re: exciting news to share!

    A new level has been added to our Membership Sponsors. Mitzvot Membership , a donation of $613 will make you a sponsor for every WLTBS program/fundraising event and you wont have to pay to attend any WL event (except TF) Also includes a $100 listing in the New Year Greeting Card and Mazel G r e e t i n g s . C o n t a c t : [email protected]

    PLANNING MEETINGHelp us plan the calendar of events on April 29 at 10:30AMat TBS.

    Mazal Tov to Brenda Katz who will be installed as Pacific Southwest Region President at the Conference May 3rd in Irvine, CA. Also to Kim Memar, PSW Treasurer Melan ie Greenberg, Area Director, & L i l l ian Radomsky, Team Member.

    Mazal Tov to our new Board of Directors and our first Presidium of Presidents! May you all go from strength to strength!

    Mazal Tov to Sharon Lancz for Chairing her first program, The Election Meeting. Thank you Agnes Emert , PSW President, for sharing your heartwarming story!

  • Happy BirthdayTO: Betty Schwartz FROM: Anita LewyTO: June Colodny FROM: Anita Lewy, Ellen ScullyTO: Sherrill Nesbitt FROM: Anita LewyTO: Diane Kaiser FROM: Lois & Bruce JosephTO: Phyllis Zuckerman FROM: Anita LewyTO: Norma Wilensky FROM: Anita LewyTO: Harry Kogan FROM: Edie RadomskyHappy AnniversaryTO: Shelley Berkley & Larry Lerner FROM: Anita Lewy TO: Margaret and Hillel Ofek - Happy 50th FROM: Lois & Bruce JosephTO: Phyllis & Stan Zuckerman FROM: Anita LewyIn Loving MemoryTO: Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes of your dear husband, Abe FROM: June Colodny, Ellen Scully, Anita Lewy, Sally & Dick Eskenazi, TO: Maurice Sharp of your beloved wife, MiriamFROM: Lois & Bruce JosephTO: Mel Wolzinger of your beloved wife, RuthFROM: Lois & Bruce JosephTO: Blanche Meisel of your beloved husband, Phil FROM: Edie Radomsky, June Colodny, Sally & Dick EskenaziTO: The Family of Mimi Katz FROM: June ColodnyGet WellTO: Maria and Mel Simmons for your son, Richard FROM: Sonia & Jack AdelmanTO: Adele Baratz FROM: Lois & Bruce Joseph Merle MitzmacherThank YouTO: Lois Joseph FROM: Anita LewyTO: Pat and Lou Fink FROM: Sonia & Jack AdelmanTO: Ellen Scully FROM: Anita Lewy TO: Bernice Friedman FROM: Anita LewyTO: Lois Joseph FROM: Anita LewyTO: Todah Rabah to WLTBS Queen Esther and Royal Court Donors for the Mishloach Manot basket FROM: Anita Lewy


    Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes,Please accept our deepest sympathy on the loss of dear

    Abe. May his memory be for a

    blessing.Lillian & Mike


    Brenda Katz, Mazel Tov & Kol Hakavod on becoming the Women's League Pacific Southwest Region President.May you go from

    strength to strength with all the wisdom and class you do

    everything! Much love & good luck, Lillian &

    Mike Radomsky

    Adele Baratz, Thinking of you and wishing you a rapid return to

    good health. Lillian & Mike


    Blanche Meisel,We are sorry for your loss & send

    our sympathy.Sherry & Steve


    Membership VP: Jill Super

    Hope everyone enjoyed their Passover holiday with their family and friends. Well it is that time of year againMembership Renewal. Please be on the lookout in early May for your membership renewal form to arrive by mail. PLEASE NOTE: NEW MEMBERSHIP SPONSOR LEVEL (see In Brief for info. Please fill out your form and send it back to TBS, Attn.: WL Membership. If you know of anyone who isnt a member, please encourage them to join. We are in the process of planning our calendar for next year and it will be filled with great events. Just a reminder: Womens League is open to all women; you dont have to be a Temple Beth Sholom member to join. I am happy to contact any perspective member. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 702-838-1020.

    Priscilla Schwartz-HodesWe are sorry for your loss & send

    our sympathy.Sherry & Steve


    In loving memory of my

    beloved mother, Rachel Kramer

    on her Yahrtzeit, April 25

    Edie Radomsky

    Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes, Sending our deepest sympathy for the loss

    of your beloved husband, Abe. Kim & Fred Memar

    Blanche Meisel, Sending our deepest sympathy for the loss of

    your beloved husband, Phil. Kim & Fred Memar

    For Tributes and Dedications, contact Vicki Bloom 702-363-6319 or email [email protected] OR Edie Radomsky 702-448-7211 or email

    [email protected]

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