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Canadian Journal of Philosophy

Volume InformationSource: Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Dec., 1985)Published by: Canadian Journal of PhilosophyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40231435 .

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Canadian Journal of Philosophy

Volume 15 (1985) - Index

Articles by Author

Anscombe, G.E.M., Critical Notice of Saul A. Kripke, Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language 103

Arneson, Richard ]., Freedom and Desire 425 Arnold, N. Scott, Capitalists and the Ethics of Contribution S7 Baker, Lynne Rudder, Was Leibniz Entitled to Possible Worlds? 57 Bencivenga, Ermanno, Knowledge as a Relation and Knowledge as an

Experience in the Critique of Pure Reason 593 Bond, E.J., Critical Notice of R.M. Hare, Moral Thinking: Its Levels, Method

and Point 525 Bub, Jeffrey and Pitowsky, Itamar, Critical Notice of Sir Karl R. Popper,

Postscript to the Logic of Scientific Discovery, Vol. I: Realism and the Aim of Science; Vol. II: The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism; Vol. Ill: Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics 539

Burns, Steven A.M., Critical Notice of David Rubinstein, Marx and Wittgenstein: Social Praxis and Social Explanation 133

Burns, Steven A.M., Doing Business With the Gods 311 Chandler, John, Critical Notice of R.M. Hare, Moral Thinking: Its Levels,

Method and Point 511 Churchland, Paul M., Conceptual Progress and Word/ World Relations:

In Search of the Essence of Natural Kinds 1

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Coburn, Robert C, Personal Identity Revisited 379 Davidson, Barbara and Pargetter, Robert, In Defence of the Dutch

Book Argument 405 Denkel, Arda, Form and Origin 653 Drengson, Alan R., Critical Notice of James C. Edwards, Ethics Without

Philosophy: Wittgenstein and the Moral Life Ill Falk, Arthur E., Ifs and Newcombs 449 Fitzgerald, Paul, Critical Notice of T. Chapman, Time: A Philosophical

Analysis 695 Gerwin, Martin E., Critical Notice of Bos van Fraassen, The Scientific

Image 363 Hazen, Allen, On the Reality of Existence and Identity 25 Heller, Mark, Non-Backtracking Counterfactuals and the Conditional

Analysis 75 Johnsen, Bredo C, On Basic Knowledge and Justification 625 Johnsen, Bredo C, Skeptical Rearmament 507 Laycock, Henry, Critical Notice of John McMurtry, The Structure of Marx's

World-View 553 Leblanc, Hughes, On Characterizing Unary Probability Functions and

Truth-Value Functions 19 Mackenzie, Patrick, On Praising the Appearance of Justice in Plato's

Republic 617 Martin, Raymond, History and the Brewmaster's Nose 253 Moser, Paul K., On Basic Knowledge Without Justification 305 McCall, Storrs, Critical Notice of Peter van Inwagen, An Essay on

Free Will 663 McCauley, Robert N., The Moral Status of Apartheid: Can the Presence

of Foreign Corporations in South Africa Be Morally Justified 565 McMurtry, John, Critical Notice of Allen Wood, Karl Marx 339 Nagel, Gordon, Critical Notice of Karl Ameriks, Kant's Theory of Mind:

An Analysis of the Paralogisms of Pure Reason 681 Phillips, D.Z., Critical Notice of Leonard Angel, The Silence of

the Mystic 707 Pojman, Louis P., Believing and Willing 37 Ramberan, Osmond G., Omniscience, Foreknowledge an Human Freedom 483 Rodewald, Richard A., Does Liberalism Rest on a Mistake? 231 Sorensen, Roy A., Pure Moorean Propositions 489 Taschek, William W., Referring to Oneself 629 Travis, Charles, On What is Strictly Speaking True 187 Whitt, L.A., Fictional Contexts and Referential Opacity 327 Williams, Michael, Hume's Criterion of Significance 273 Yourgrau, Palle, Sets, Aggregates, and Numbers 581 Zwicky, Jan, Critical Notice of John V. Canfield, Wittgenstein, Language

and the World 151

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Articles by Title Believing and Willing, Louis P. Pojman 37 Capitalists and the Ethics of Contribution, N. Scott Arnold $7 Conceptual Progress and Word /World Relations: In Search of the

Essence of Natural Kinds, Paul M. Churchland 1 Critical Notice of Karl Ameriks, Kant's Theory of Mind: An Analysis of the

Paralogisms of Pure Reason, Gordon Nagel 681 Critical Notice of Leonard Angel, The Silence of the Mystic, D.Z. Phillips . . 707 Critical Notice of John V. Canfield, Wittgenstein, Language and World,

Jan Zwicky 151 Critical Notice of T. Chapman, Time: A Philosophical Analysis,

Paul Fitzgerald 695 Critical Notice of James C. Edwards, Ethics Without Philosophy: Wittgenstein

and the Moral Life, Alan R. Drengson Ill Critical Notice of R.M. Hare, Moral Thinking: Its Levels, Method,

and Point, E.J. Bond 525 Critical Notice of R.M. Hare, Moral Thinking: Its Levels, Method

and Point, John Chandler 511 Critical Notice of Saul A. Kripke, Wittgenstein on Rules and Private

Language, G.E.M. Anscombe 103 Critical Notice of John McMurtry, The Structure of Marx's World- View,

Henry Lay cock, 553 Critical Notice of Sir Karl R. Popper, Postscript to the Logic of Scientific

Discovery; Vol. I: Realism and the Aim of Science; Vol. II: The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism; Vol. Ill: Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics, Jeffrey Bub and Itamar Pitowsky 539

Critical Notice of David Rubinstein, Marx and Wittgenstein: Social Praxis and Social Explanation, Steven A.M. Burns 133

Critical Notice of Bas van Fraassen, The Scientific Image, Martin E. Gerwin 363

Critical Notice of Peter van Inwagen, An Essay on Free Will, Storrs McCall 663

Critical Notice of Allen Wood, Karl Marx, John McMurtry 339 Does Liberalism Rest on a Mistake?, Richard A. Rodewald 231 Doing Business with the Gods, Steven A.M. Burns 311 Fictional Contexts and Referential Opacity, L.A. Whitt 327 Form and Origin, Arda Denkel 653 Freedom and Desire, Richard J. Arneson 425 History and the Brewmaster's Nose, Raymond Martin 253 Hume's Criterion of Significance, Michael Williams 273 Ifs and Newcombs, Arthur E. Falk 449 In Defence of the Dutch Book Argumen, Barbara Davidson

and Robert Pargetter 405

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Knowledge as a Relation and Knowledge as an Experience in the

Critique of Pure Reason, Ermanno Bencivenga 593 The Moral Status of Apartheid: Can the Presence of Foreign Corporations

in South Africa Be Morally Justified?, Robert N. McCauley 565 Non-Backtracking Counterfactuals and the Conditional Analysis,

MarkHeller 75 Omniscience, Foreknowledge and Human Freedom,

Osmond G. Ramberan 483 On Basic Knowledge and Justification, Bredo Johnsen 625 On Basic Knowledge Without Justification, Paul K. Moser 305 On Characterizing Unary Probability Functions and Truth-Value Functions,

Hughes Leblanc 19 On Praising the Appearance of Justice in Plato's Republic,

Patrick Mackenzie 617 On the Reality of Existence and Identity, Allen Hazen 25 On What is Strictly Speaking True, Charles Travis 187 Personal Identity Revisited, Robert C. Coburn 379 Pure Moorean Propositions, Roy A. Sorensen 489 Referring to Oneself, William W. Taschek 629 Sets, Aggregates, and Numbers, Palle Yourgrau 581

Skeptical Rearmament, Bredo C. Johnsen 507 Was Leibniz Entitled to Possible Worlds?, lynne Rudder Baker 57

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