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Page 1: We Built It, You didn't build that: Eeshaavasyam idam sarvam

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We Built It: You didn’t build that

Eeshavasyam idam sarvam



Dear All:

After hearing all the “We built it” and “You didn’t build that” rhetoric of the past

few days (at the Republican National Convention and preceding it, and the literally

thousands of highly divisive internet posts discussing President Obama’s remarks

about the role of government), I was feeling saddened and this got me thinking

about the first mantram of the Ishopanishad.

।। ( ४०.१)

Eesha vaasyam idam sarvam yat kinca jagatyaam jagat l

Tena tyaktena bhunjeethaa maa grudah kasya swid dhanam ll

A nice discussion of this mantra to be found in the following link, with a word by

word analysis, see http://www.hindudharmaforums.com/showthread.php?t=611 .

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Also, you can find the original Sanskrit bhashyam by Adi Sankara by clicking

here, the commentary by Sri Raghavendra Swamy, in Sanskrit, by clicking here.

Unfortunately, even here there is a controversy per the Hindu dharam forum

discussion: What is Eesha in this mantra?

1. Is it Lord Hari?

2. Is it Lord Shiva who is commonly referred to as Eeshwara?

3. Or, is it just “God”?

So, I guess, all this political rhetoric about “We built it” and “No, you didn't build

that” can be forgiven. Anyway, enjoy and reflect on this mantra. I have also copied

and pasted the earlier email (composed on Thanksgiving Day, Nov 24, 2011). Srila

Prabhupada’s detailed purport is included at the end. The last section (following

Prabhupada’s purport) is my humble attempt at the translation of the bhashyams

(commentaries) by Adi Sankara and Raghvendraswami.

Very sincerely

V. Laxmanan

August 30, 2012


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Dear All:

In the first mantra of the Ishopanishad, we encounter the injunction "maa grudhah",

which is translated as "Do not covet". The verb "grudha", used here in what is

known as the Imperative mood (used to give orders, issue a command, etc.), is

actually very telling. If you think about it, it means a lot more than just covet.

From this same root we get the noun "grudhra" which means a vulture.

In the Naama Raamavali, we encounter the verse, "Grudhraadhipa samsevita

Raam" which alludes the meeting of Lord Rama with Jatayu, who was a huge

vulture. Adhipa means the lord, or king. Jatayu was the king of the vultures and

very powerful. He observed Sita wailing as She was being abducted by Ravana (in

the aerial cart known as Pushpaka vimanam) and fearlessly attacked Ravana. The

latter furiously used his sword to chop off Jatayu's wings. He crashed to the ground

and was mortally wounded and was later found by Rama and Lakshmana who

were searching for Sita.

Jatayu also had a brother Sampati, who we encounter later in the Ramayana story,

in the very last part of Kishkinda Kandam, when the vanaras arrive at the southern

sea shore (on the other side of Lanka), in search of Sita, and are totally dejected.

Sampati listens to the vanaras conversing with each other and hears the name of

Jatayu being mentioned. So, he approaches them to enquire further. After

conversing with Sampati, who had piercing vision and could see as far as Lanka,

the decision was made by Hanuman to jump and fly across the ocean to find Sita

and confirm Her whereabouts.

Anyway, this short detour into the Ramayana story is both to hear something

auspicious today and also explain the significance of "maa grudhah". The vulture is

a very powerful bird. It can take things away forcibly. It can use its beak like a

weapon. It also does something else. It feasts on the carcass of dead animals

hunted by other predators like lions, tigers, cheetahs, etc. Sometimes, it even drives

away the hunter and takes away its food (prey).

In other words, the vulture is quite adept at taking things away that does NOT

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belong to it and denying others their fair due. We also use the term "vultures" in

English to describe the most abominable and selfish usurping behavior in humans -

especially, banks, money lenders and others who are intent on "legally robbing"

people of their wealth.

With this background it is now easy to appreciate the profound significance of the

usage "maa grudhah". All other positive attributes are forgotten when one indulges

in vulture like behavior. The sages are exhorting us to refrain from such behavior

as we enjoy the bounty of nature.

(Those in power have a special responsibility in this regard. Unfortunately, it is

precisely this vulture like tendency that is being observed in this deeply divided

country with class warfares and blatant espousal of ideas that will only accentuate,

rather than alleviate, the huge income inequalities that now exist and are only

getting worse.)

So, let us give thanks with a very deep sense of gratitude for what the Supreme

Being has bestowed upon us in this material creation. Everyday should be a day of

Thanksgiving, just like every day is a (or somebody's) birthday!

।। ( ४०.१)

Eeshaavaasyam idam sarvam yat kinca jagatyaam jagat l

Tena tyaktena bhunjeethaa maa grudhah kasya swid dhanam ll 1 ll

Very sincerely

V. Laxmanan

November 24, 2011


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Dear All:

On the occasion of this Thanksgiving holiday (November 24, 2011), I want to call

your attention to the very first mantra of the famous Isopanishad (Isha Upanishad)

which goes as follows, see below. There are many translations and innumerable

commentaries and purports written for this great mantra, a couple of which are

given below the signature line.

Everything that we have (idam sarvam), whatever little that we see in this vast

Universe, belongs to and is controlled by the Supreme (Eshavaasyam). So, the

mantra says, we should recognize this and accordingly enjoy (bhunjeetha) what He

has mercifully left behind (literally means discarded, tena tyaktena) here for us.

Alternatively, tyaktena, can be interpreted as enjoying with attachment, i.e., with a

sense of detachment. Do not ever in the least covet (maa grudhah) whatever wealth

belongs to somebody else (kasyasvid dhanam). Alternatively, some take this as,

"Whose is this wealth, anyway?".

Indeed, this is the most eloquent and greatest statement of thanks and humility that

can ever be expressed. What we see as the vast material treasures of this Universe

is nothing but the "discards" (tyaktena) of the Supreme. In other words, we do not

have even the slightest comprehension of what material wealth is really like. Yet,

we become greedy for what we see around us and covet what belongs to others.

Instead, we should express our thanks for what little that we have and can enjoy

here and recognize the power of God behind everything. Happy Thanksgiving.

Very sincerely

V. Laxmanan



and-isa-upanishad/ See interesting statement about giving credit to the author of

this work (while discussing Isha Upanishad!)


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Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was among India's most fervent nationalists and

he paid tribute to the remarkable Isha Upanishad.

“If all the Upanishads and all the other scriptures happened all of a sudden to

be reduced to ashes, and if only the first verse in the Ishopanishad were left in

the memory of the Hindus, Hinduism would live forever.”

"The Lord is enshrined in the hearts of all

The Lord is the supreme Reality

Rejoice in him through renunication.

Covet nothing. All belongs to the Lord." - Isha Upanishad 1 -1

(For more refer to chapter on and Quotes).


Please read a more detailed commentary at the link above.

।। ( ४०.१)

O Human! The entire world – static as well as dynamic – is pervaded by Ishwar – the Supreme Lord. Hence enjoy the pleasures in a detached manner. Do not be greedy. This wealth does not belong to anyone. Isha – The Supreme Lord; Vasyam – Inhabits; Idam – This Sarvam – Everything – every point, every location Yat – Whatever; Kim Cha – And; Jagtyam – Dynamic world Jagat – Living and Inanimate World Tena – These; Tyaktena – With detachment; Bhunjitha – Enjoy Maa – Do not; Gridhah – Be greedy Kasyaswit – Whose is; Dhanam – This wealth? *******************************************************************

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Commentary by Srila Prabhupada

Text 1

Isha vasyam idam sarvam yat kim cha jagatyam jagat

tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma gridhah kasyasid dhanam.

English Synonyms

Isha-by the Lord, vasyam-controlled, idam-this, sarvam-all, yat-whatever, kim-it

is, cha-and, jagatyam-within the universe, jagat-all that is animate or inanimate,

tena-by Him, tyaktena-set apart quota, bhunjitha-must you accept, ma-do not,

gridha-make into use, kasyasid-whom does it belong, dhanam-things necessary.


Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and

owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept things necessary for him as it is

set aside as his quota and must not accept otherwise knowing it well as to whom

does it belong.


The Vedic knowledge is infallible because it comes down through the perfect

disciplic succession of spiritual masters beginning from the Lord Himself. The

Vedic knowledge is received from the transcendental sources because the first

word was spoken by the Lord Himself. The words spoken by the Lord is called

Apouresheya or not delivered by any person of the mundane world who is infected

with four principles of imperfectness. A living being of the mundane world has

four defective principles of his life and they are:

(1) that he must commit mistake

(2) he must be sometimes illusioned

(3) he must try to cheat others and

(4) he is endowed with imperfect senses.

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With all these four principles of imperfectness one cannot deliver the perfect form

of information in the matter of all pervading knowledge. The Vedas are not like

that. The Vedic knowledge was imparted in the heart of Brahma the first created

living being and Brahma in his turn disseminated the knowledge to his sons and

disciples as they were originally received from the Lord.

The Lord being Purnam or all perfect there is no chance of His becoming

subjected to the laws of material nature which is also controlled by the Lord. The

Lord is controller of the material nature while the living entities or inanimate

objects all are controlled by the laws of material nature or ultimately by the

potency of the Lord. This Ishopanishad is a part of the Yajur-veda and as such the

information is there as to the proprietorship of things that be within the universe.

This very thing is confirmed by the 'Bhagwat Geeta' in the seventh chapter where

Para and Apara Prakriti is discussed. The elements of nature like the earth, fire,

water, air, sky, mind, intelligence, and ego all belong to the inferior quality

material energy of the Lord whereas the living being or the organic energy belong

to the superior quality Para Prakriti of the Lord. But on the whole both the

Prakritis or energies are emanations from the Lord and ultimately He is the

controller of everything that be. There is nothing in the universe which does not

belong either to the Para Prakriti or to the Apara Prakriti and therefore everything

does belong to the proprietorship right of the Supreme Being.

The Supreme Being or the Absolute Personality of Godhead being the complete

Personality, He has the complete perfect brain to adjust everything completely by

His different potencies. The Supreme Being is compared with the Fire and

everything that be organic or inorganic are compared with the heat and light of the

Fire. The fire distributes the energy in the form of heat and light and as such the

Lord displays his energy in different ways and is the ultimate controller and

sustainer of everything, dictator of everything, full of all potencies, knower of

everything, benefactor of everyone, and full of all inconceivable opulences, power,

fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation.

One should therefore be intelligent enough to know that except the Lord nobody is

the proprietor of anything within the universe. Nobody should claim to be the

proprietor of anything but he must accept things which are set aside by the Lord as

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his quota of maintenance. The cow gives milk but she does not drink the milk. The

milk is designated as the food for the human being. The cow eats grass and straw

but does not drink its own milk. Such is the arrangement of the Lord and we should

be satisfied with the things as they have been very kindly set aside by Him.

We should always think within ourself as to whom belongs the things that we

possess. Take for example our dwelling house which is made of earth, wood, stone,

iron, cement, metals and so many other material things. If we think in terms of the

Ishopanishad then we can know that we cannot produce either of the above

mentioned building materials. We can simply bring them together like a cooly and

transform them in different shapes by our own labour. A labourer cannot claim to

become the proprietor of a thing because he has laboured hard for manufacturing a

particular thing. There is always a great quarrel between the labourers and the

capitalist in the present day society. The quarrel is now taking an international

shape and the world is at loggerhead between a man and a man just like the dogs

and cats.

The Ishopanishad cannot advice to the cats and dogs but it delivers the message of

Godhead through the bonafide Acharyas. The human being may take Vedic lessons

from the Ishopanishad that nobody should quarrel but they must be satisfied by the

privilege given to him by the mercy of the Lord. There will be no peace if the

communist or the capitalist or any other party claim to become the proprietor of

the resources of nature which is the property of the Lord. The capitalist cannot

curb down the communist simply by political maneuver neither the communist can

gain over the capitalist simply by fighting for the stolen bread.

If they do not recognise the proprietorship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead

then the property which they claim to be their own must be taken as stolen property

and therefore they shall be liable to be punished by the laws of nature. The atom

bomb is there both in the hands of the communists and the capitalists and if both of

them do not recognise the proprietorship of the Supreme Lord, it is sure and certain

that the atom bomb from both the sides will ruin the career of the both the parties.

Therefore in order to save themselves from the onslaught of the opposite party,

both of them must follow the instruction of the Ishopanishad and bring in peace in

the world.

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The human being is not meant for quarreling like the cats and dogs. They must be

intelligent enough to realise the importance of the human life and realise the aim of

human life. The Vedic literatures are meant for them and not for the cats and dogs.

The cats and dogs can kill their eatable animals and for that there is no question of

sin on their part but if a man kills an animal for the satisfaction of his uncontrolled

taste, he must be responsible for breaking the laws of nature and therefore he must

be punished. Distress and happiness are meant for the human being and not for the

animals. There is standard of life for the human being and not for the animals.

The tiger does not eat rice or wheat or cow’s milk because it has been given its

quota of foodstuff in the shape of animal food. There are many animals and birds

who are either vegetarian or non-vegetarian but none of them transgress the law of

nature as it has been ordained by the will of the Lord. Amongst the living being

either animals or birds or reptiles there is strict following of the laws of nature and

therefore there is no question of sin for them neither the Vedic instructions are

meant for them. The human life is therefore a life of responsibility.

It is also wrong to consider that simply by becoming a vegetarian one can save

himself from the act of transgressing the laws of nature. Vegetable has also life.

One life is meant for another living being and that is the law of nature. One should

not be proud of becoming a strict vegetarian. The point is to recognise the Supreme

Lord. The animals have no developed consciousness to recognise the Lord but a

human being is sufficiently intelligent to take lessons from the Vedic literature and

thereby know how the laws of nature is working and derive profit out of it. If he

therefore neglects to consult the instruction of the Vedic literatures from the right

sources his life is very risky.

The human being is therefore required to recognise the authority of the Supreme

Lord. He must be a devotee of the Lord. He must offer everything to the service of

the Lord and then partake the remnant of the foodstuff. That will make him able to

discharge his duty properly. In the Bhagwat Geeta the Lord directly orders that He

accepts the vegetable eatables from the hands of a pure devotee. Therefore a

human being shall not only become a strict vegetarian but also he must be devotee

of the Lord and offer first to the Lord all such cooked food and then partake of the

Prasadam. Such devotees only can properly discharge the duty of the

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responsibilities of human life. Others who do not do so shall be eating only sins

and nothing else and thus he will be subjected to different types of distresses which

are results of various sins accruing from ignorance and the root of sins is deliberate

disobedience to the laws of nature and not recognising the proprietorship of the


Disobedience to the laws of nature or disobedience to the order of Lord will bring

in ruin for the human being. On the other hand if he is sober and knows the laws of

nature without being influenced by unnecessary attachment or abhorrence he is

sure to be recognised again by the Lord and thus becomes eligible for going back

to Godhead to eternal home.

In summary, if we understand this first mantra, and for that

matter the teachings of any great religion, the mere thought

of “We Built It” would not arise. As for “You didn’t build

that”, the less said the better.

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GOP's 'We Built It' Refrain Is Both Puzzling

and Telling

By Ron Elving August 31, 2012


Delegates filled the floor Tuesday during the Republican National Convention at the Tampa Bay Times

Forum in Tampa, Fla. (Win McNamee / Getty Images)

The 2012 Republican National Convention may have been the first gathering of its

kind to take its theme from a gaffe.

Some variation of the phrase "We Built That" was the theme of the first night but,

in effect, dominated the stage rhetoric throughout the convention. The phrase was

the only one heard as often as "Hurricane Isaac."


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Adi Sankara’s Bhashyam for mantra 1 of Ishopanishad

I have first provided the Roman transliteration of the original Sanskrit text of the

bhashyam and then attempted a translation. The main focus of the bhashyam seems

to be to clarify the meaning of “Eeshaa vaasyam”. I have split the sandhis here to

make it easier to read the text.

“Eeshaa vaasyam ityaadi – Eeshaa eeshT iteeT teneshaa l Eeshitaa Parameshwarah

sarvasya l Sa hi sarvam eeshTe sarva jantoonaam aatmaa san pratyag aatmatayaa

tena svEna roopeNa aatmanEshaa vaasyam aacchaadaneeyam l Kim?

“Idam sarvam” yat kincat jagatyaam pruthivyaam jagat tat sarvam svena

aatmaneshena pratyag aatmatayaa aham evan idam sarvam iti paramaartha satya

roopeNa anrutam idam sarvam caraacaram aacchaadaneeyam svena

Paramaatmanaa l Yathaa candanaagarvaadeh udakaadi sambandhaja kledaadijam

oupaadhikam daurgandhyam tat swaroopa nigharshaNena aacchaadyate svena

paramaarthikena gandhena tadvadeva hi swaatmani adhyastam swaabhaavikam

kartrutva bhoktrutvaadi lakshaNam jagatadvaitaroopam (or jagat dvaitaroopam?)

“jagatyaam” pruthivyaam jagatyaam ityupalakshaNarthatvaat sarvameva naama-

roopa-karmaakhyam vikaarajaatam paramaartha satyaatma bhaavanayaa vyaktam

syaat? Evam Eeshwaraatma bhaavanayaa yuktasya putradyeshaNaa traya-sanyaasa

evaadhikaarO, na karamasu l “Tena tyaktena” tyaagena ityarthahaaa l Na hi tyaktO

mrutah putrO vaa bhrutyO vaa aatma-sambandhitaayaa abhaavaat aatmaanam

paalayati, atastyaagena ityayameva (iti + ayameva) Vedaarthahaa l

“Bhunjeethaahaa”, paalayethaahaa l Evam tyaktai-shaNastvam “maa grudhah”,

grudhim aakaakshaam maa kaarsheer dhana vishayaam “kasya svid dhanam”

kasyacit parasya svasya vaa dhanam maa kaanksheet ityarthahaa l Swaditya-

narthakO nipaatahaa l

Athavaa “maa grudhah” l Kasmaat? “kasya swid dhanam” iti aakshepaarthO, na

kasyaswid dhanam asti, yat grudhyeta? “Aatmaivedam sarvam” iteeshawara

bhavanayaa sarvam taktam ata aatmana evedam sarvam aatmaiva ca sarvam atO

mithyaa vishayaam maa kaarsheeh ityarthahaa ll 1 ll

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