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Page 1: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Welcome at TUHH library

A library in transition!

Thomas Hapke University Library

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

Photos: R. Jupitz

Page 2: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

A library in transition – the TUHH library

• Declining reference requests and loans of printed books

• Increasing access rates to e-ressources

• Increasing gate counts

• Reducing shelfs for printed books in the reading rooms

• Improving learning and working spaces in the library

• Developing new services

Page 3: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

The thread ...

• Finding holdings

• Thinking about information

• Journals‘ crisis and Open Access

• Reference management

… in the TUHH library

Page 4: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

New to the library?


Page 5: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

The TUHH Library

Closed Stacks

Readings rooms • Reference works and

Encyclopedias • Journals • Subject groups • Textbook collection

Digital Library • E-Books • E-Journals • Databases

Picture: D. Bieler

The catalog – the heart of the library! Access to complete holdings!

Page 6: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Please rate!


How much of its budget for media did the TUHH library spent for digital rersources in 2011?

a) 20 to 40 %

b) 40 to 60 %

c) 60 to 80 %

Page 7: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Catalog interfaces TUBfind,

the discovery system Classical catalog

• Search engine for TUHH library holdings

• Including journal articles

• Including TUB web pages and blog posts

• Searching for all resources of GBV Common Library Network possible

• Search philosophy: Best match, relevance ranking

• Only TUHH library holdings

• No journal articles

• Searching for resources of GBV Common Library Network in other database interface

• Search philosophy: Exact match, Boolean combination of search terms

Page 8: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Finding eJournals and eBooks!

Page 9: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Finding eJournals and eBooks!

Page 10: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Finding full texts through linking


Example: Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com

Page 11: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Finding full texts through linking


Example: Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com

Page 12: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Linking service of a journals‘ publisher

Page 13: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Looking for books


GVK - GBV Union Catalogue http://gso.gbv.de/DB=2.1/LNG=EN/


Local library catalog, e.g. from the TUHH library https://katalog.tub.tu-harburg.de/?mylang=en

Regional Catalogue of Hamburg http://gso.gbv.de/DB=2.91/LNG=EN/


Page 14: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Search for journal articles in

subject-specific databases

• Web of Science with Science Citation Index - interdisciplinary! Who cited a specific document? How much is a document cited?

• INSPEC (Information Service in Physics, Electronics, Computer and Control) - interdisciplinary, because IT plays a considerable

role in all areas of engineering today

• TEMA (Technology and Management), wti Frankfurt, formerly Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Technik

• RSWB plus – references on planning and building

(Access to these reference databases only in TUHH intranet)

Page 15: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Journal articles via databases:

Diversity and outcome

Database GVK-Plus (GBV)

INSPEC, TEMA, Web of Science

Publishers‘ portals: IET,


Google Scholar, BASE

Contents articles, books, and more

Articles, (conference papers)

articles, books, book chapters

articles, books, files, and more

Searchable contents

bibliographical description

bibliographical description, abstracts

bibliographical description, abstracts, full text

full text

Contents from

printed and electronic holdings of libraries

diverse publishers

only publisher, here e.g. Springer

who knows? 8-)

Access to full text

directly, through library in print or ordering via interlibary loan

through other databases or interlibrary loan

directly, in case access is part of subscription

directly, access maybe restricted

Page 16: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Database of databases DBIS

Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS) and national licenses:


Page 17: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Search for journal articles in

subject-specific databases

How to get the fulltext?

Locate the journal in your local library (print or e-version)! Interlibrary loan for material not owned by the TUHH library! Use the databases of the GBV Common Library Network to locate material! Fee 1,50 € for one article (copy) or book.

Page 18: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Look at your own information behavior!

• Information sources “beyond Google and Wikipedia”

• Critical use of electronic databases

Sharpen your awareness for:

Curiosity! Doubt!

Graphics: D. Bieler

Page 19: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Reflect about information

How to cite? What can I copy? Thinking about intellectual property!

What is not included in Google? Danger of monopoly of information access?

Costs of scholarly journals?

Page 20: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Journals’ Crisis

Duration of publication process, problems in intellectual property => Open Access (OA)

Authors want to publish more,

readers want to read less.

(Hans E. Roosendaal, University of Twente)

http://astech.library.cornell.edu/ast/engr/about/StickerShock.cfm http://astech.library.cornell.edu/ast/engr/about/StickerShock2.cfm

Page 21: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

What does Open Access mean?

• Free access to scholarly information

• Worldwide availability without restrictions

• Maximal circulation

• Originated in the beginnings of the 90s in physics

• Benefited from journals‘ crisis



• German portal: http://open-access.net

• http://www.openaccessweek.org

Page 22: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Two ways to Open Access (OA)

• The golden way to OA: Publication in OA journals Directory of Open Access Journals – www.doaj.org • The green way to OA: Self-archiving of documents => “Institutional Repository” e.g. TUBdok as document server of the TUHH: http://doku.b.tu-harburg.de Normally allowed by publishers: http://romeo.eprints.org!

Journal Policies - Self-Archiving Policy By Journal

Page 23: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Reference management is no art!

Matej Krén, Idiom, Town Library Prague (1998), Photo 2009

Not searching and finding of information is the central challenge today but coping with information!

Page 24: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Reference management at TUB HH


Page 25: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

A library in transition – the TUHH library

Developing new services - to be where the users are

• Offering new Google-like discovery tools

• Offering linking services

• Using blogs, Twitter and Facebook

• Offering support for handling information: Reference management, publishing, Open Access

Page 26: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library


Page 27: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Informationen on Information – our tutorials!

On searching: DISCUS (Developing Information Skills & Competence for University Students). Grab the thread!


On research methods and writing scholarly papers: VISION (VIrtual Services for Information ONline). Take a pebble!


Page 28: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

News from the TUHH library!

Newsletter Bibaktuell https://lists.tu-harburg.de/sympa/ info/bibaktuell Once or twice a month an email! Also with an English part!

Examples of Blog-Postings

• International Open Access Week 2012 • Again writing kick-off days at TUHH • ASME Journals licensed • Taking, reading, freeing: Bookcrossing at

TUHH library • Scholarly research methods and writinmg

with Citavi • New eBooks from … • Why does Google Scholar sometimes ask

for your login or for your credit card? • Looking for data on chemicals: Chemspider • Privacy in the digital world • 1.000 publications in TUBdok! • Wikipedia – 10 years • Alternatives to Google …

Weblog: www.tub.tu-harburg.de/blog RSS-Feed!

Only in German!

Page 29: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

Or relax in the TUHH library!

Page 30: Welcome at TUHH library - A library in transition!

TUHH Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg

www.tub.tu-harburg.de Thomas Hapke - December 2012

TUHH Library

For more information

Please look at



Thomas Hapke

Phone +49 40 42878 3365

Mail: [email protected]


Informing – Points to survive at http://www.tub.tu-harburg.de/en/subject-information/informing-points-to-survive/

Graphics: D. Bieler

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