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When wife can hurt husband feelings

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When wife can hurt husband feelings

I am really not in love with you anymore is the most common phrase which a wife uses to hurt the husband feelings. Husband feeling can be very easy going for some wives but some people take it very seriously.  Marital problems are the main reason for any husband to get stressed. In a recent survey conducted, it was shown that most of the husbands in today’s generation are more stressful not because of office pressure but due to martial problems and troubled marriage. 

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A wife can easily hurt husband feelings by nagging and by irritating him either accidently or occasionally. The following are some of the key points where a wife can hurt her husband. 

The following are few out of the thought things which men take very seriously. 

The wife has the habit of checking all that the man does – Everyone would have come across this situation. When a men does some.. 

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When wife can hurt husband feelings

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work in house like washing clothes, moving table or even going to grocery shop for buying something she intends check the work done by men.This activity of girls which is cross checking the men work is one thought marital problems which men get easily hurt off. When men come to know that the wife is checking him, he may easily not vocalize it, but it can shot into an eruption of frustration to him. 

When wife regularly avoids sex - Having a wild passion of sex is…

When wife can hurt husband feelings

what every men dream off but when a girl consistently ignores the men request for sex, then men gets upset easily. Wife need to realize that the men’s only place to fulfil his desire for sex is her wife and when the wife ignores him he gets frustrated. Ultimately this may lead to men search for sex from some other women and ultimately end in marriage failure. Avoiding sex by wife will what lead to husband moving out and finally girls sit around the corner and think of “what do I do if I suspect husband of cheating”.

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When wife can hurt husband feelings

When men feel that he can’t withstand the financial stress given by family – Women need to understand the earnings of a men and then plan for the budget for running the family. They can’t day dream of high things. Men usually get upset with this fact. They get tensed when they realize that they cannot fulfil the wish of this family. 

• Questioning the husband’s decision and judgement is another form of problem which can hurt husbands – most of the times men..

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When wife can hurt husband feelings

don’t like people saying that they have taken a wring of call. 

• Lack of trust and honest level in a husband can make him feel bad – when wife’s trust level in her husband comes down and when she starts checking his phones and other stuffs the problem arises.

• Giving more preference to the girl’s family and completely avoiding the husband’s family.

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When wife can hurt husband feelings

• Taking their own decision is another level of self-respect loss which men think off by which they get hurt.

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When wife can hurt husband feelings

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