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Page 1: Why do children play?

Why do children play?

Page 2: Why do children play?

Purpose of Play:

• To have fun• Learn about themselves • Learn about their world• For entertainment

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Active and Quiet Play• Active Play – activities that are primarily

physical and use the large-motor skills.– Climbing a tree, playing tag, etc.

• Quiet Play – activities that engage the mind and small-motor skills and no not call for much movement.– Reading a book, playing with clay, coloring, etc.

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Play of Infants

• Learn about the world through their senses

• Put things into their mouths• Be sure that there are no sharp

edges or small parts that could be swallowed

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Infants and Play• Sensory toys – objects

that stimulate the senses with different textures, shapes, sounds, and colors.– Mobiles, teething rings,

toys that squeak or rattle.

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Solitary Play – when a child plays by themselves. Seen often in infants and young toddlers.

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• 3 months – roll over and grasp rattle

• 6 months – play “pat-a-cake” and “peek-a-boo”

• They love to drop toys and watch you pick them up

• Very short attention span• Talk to baby to develop language

skills, they need stimulation to learn

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Play of Toddlers

• Allow room for running• Alternate between active play and quiet play• Can undress self

Parallel Play – play next to each other, but not together

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Play of Preschoolers• Proud of their abilities (“Watch me!”)• Rides a tricycle with ease• Loves to climb around the jungle gym• Able to throw and catch a ball• Enjoys crafts – finger paints, clay…• Learning to use blunt scissors• Love to explore• Asks a lot of questions (“Why? Why?”)• Enjoy role-play and dress up• Able to use a fork and knife by age 5

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Cooperative Play – when children actually play together and share things

* Ages 3 and up

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Pretend Play – a type of play which allows children to learn about their world. It may include things like playing house, store, school, post office and so on.

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Play of School-Age Children

• Better at playing on their own• Enjoy organized games and sports

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