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Page 1: Without a trace thriller pitch

Group 48

Nicole, Ali, Mukhtar

Page 2: Without a trace thriller pitch

The title we have come up with for our thriller is:

‘Without a Trace’We wanted to use a name that relates to the contents of the film andthe word we thought of first was ‘vanish’ however we decided this istoo straight forward. We researched other words for vanishhowever we weren’t drawn to anything. We came up with ‘without a Trace’ and instantly thought it was perfect for our film as you could say herchild disappears without a trace. The kidnapper cleverly planned it so that itlooked like the mother made it all up. Also it sounds like the name of amovie and better yet the name of a thriller. Also it’s short, snappy and easyto remember.

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Brief outline of the whole film: After discussing the storyline we decided it would be better if the

film is based on a mother who has lost her child due to being kidnapped

rather than a mental woman who has never had a child as it will be

difficult to display ‘mentally challenged’ attributes.

Brief outline of the opening:Begins with her in her home being spoken to by a

psychiatrist/counseller. Viewing cross cuts from her in the room

looking blank and emotionless to her running through an empty

park searching for her little girl (like a flashback). It goes back and

forth to make the audience wonder if she’s ever really had a child.

It ends with her being questioned on her child’s existence. After opening

sequence it rewinds back to the beginning of the story before her

girl was kidnapped.

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Psychological/Mystery/Crime Thriller

Our thriller is going to be a mix between apsychological/mystery/crime thriller as firstly akidnapping has taken place which is a crime.Mystery comes into it as the character nor theaudience know what has really happened to thechild therefore there is this constant need to guessand assume so the mystery of her disappearance issolved. Also, at some points the audience arebound to question the mothers psychological andmental state as nothing adds up causingassumptions to be made that maybe her childnever really existed.

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For our thriller opening sequence we will be filming in two

locations. One will be a small children's play-park in Newington

Green to be used when the mother is searching for her child

(the flashbacks) and the other will be one of our home living

rooms for when the psychiatrist/counseller is talking to the

mother after the occurrence. We decided that finding a room to

imitate a psychiatrists office would be too difficult so we

switched it around to something that would be more realistic

looking being a house. We are undecided on using the park

setting as using a child's bedroom would be more relevant if her

child had disappeared from the mothers home. Here are

photographs we took of these locations:

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What we have decided we need is:

• A Teddy bear/doll

• Pen & Notepad

• Casual yet smart looking clothes for the psychiatrist/counseller

• Glasses

• Makeup (for woman's smudged messy looking face)

• Name tag

• Eye drops (for tears)

• Water based spray (for sweat)

• Pyjamas (for mother at home)

Here’s what we have collected:

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A pair of glasses for the psychiatrist/counseller

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A lanyard so the person playing the character of the psychiatrist/counseller really looks the part. We are planning on sticking a small photo of the actress on the card so it looks professional

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The small notepad and pen is a prop for the counsellor/psychiatrist who is taking notes on the conversation she has with the mother

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This spray can be used to make it seem like the mother is sweating

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We can use this so the mother looks like she is crying. It will especially come in handy when we are filming the extreme close up on her eye

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This teddy is going to be used in both scenes; the house and the park. In the house it will be seen abandoned on the floor and in the park it will be held by the mother who finds it on the floor while looking for her child

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www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y0CcWW3FOQ www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ut1mYp0GL8

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We believe ‘StudioCanal’ would be a suitable distributor to use as they sometimes deal with local independent releases therefore this would be more realistic than using a big famous American company. As for a production company we may use a British company called Wild Horses Film Company which is who produced ‘My Brother the Devil’

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We have thought about what age range and genderetc we are aiming our thriller at. The audience we aretargeting it at is those aged 25-40 of both genders.This is because the subgenre is a psychological/crimethriller and we believe those of that age group wouldbe most interested in something you really need touse your mind to understand. We have decided not toaim at at anyone younger as although there is novisually disturbing viewing some aspects mayconfused or upset young viewers. Anyone older than40 may not find the thriller interesting in the sameway someone younger would as they may have achange in taste in relation to genre of films.

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• Tuesday 5th Feb – Friday 8th Feb: Planning• Friday 8th Feb: First session of filming• Tuesday 12th Feb: Filming continued• Friday 15th Feb: Last session of filming• Half Term: Catching up on blog• Tuesday 26th Feb – Tuesday 5th March: Editing• Tuesday 5th March: Rough Cut Deadline• Tuesday 5th March – Friday 8th March: Minor adjustments• Friday 8th March: Deadline

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We are aware that there are certain precautions we must

take in order to ensure filming runs smoothly with no

accidents. As we are filming outside there is always a chance of

the equipment getting damaged or being lost therefore we

know to be extra careful with managing everything safely. We

must also make sure we don’t get in anyone’s way to avoid

tripping anyone up.

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Over the time period up until creating our thriller opening we

have learnt a wide variety of skills in relation to equipment,

software and blogging. This includes

• Learning how to accurately function the video camera and how to set up the tripod

• Using final cut pro including how to speed up/slow down clips, change their time duration, cutting and editing and adding add titles

• Using soundtrack pro to add our own made up sound effects/music to footage

• Blogging – how to add photos, videos and screen grabs

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