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Page 1: Working with digital technology to enhance inquiry learning  |  25 June13

Working with Digital Technology to Enhance Inquiry Learning

Karen Melhuish Spencer | 25 June 2013 Twitter tag for the morning #inquiry #coreed

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What’s your passion project?

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scope of the


Page 4: Working with digital technology to enhance inquiry learning  |  25 June13

“We have to recognize that human flourishing is not a mechanical process; it's an organic process. And you cannot predict the

outcome of human development. All you can do, like a farmer, is create the conditions under which they will begin to flourish.”

- Ken Robinson, 2010

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New Zealand


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“Inquiry is the dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlements and coming to know and understand the world”

- Galileo Educational Network, 2004

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Inquiry-based learning provides opportunities for students to:

•develop skills they will need all their lives

•learn to cope with problems that may not have clear solutions

•deal with changes and challenges to understandings

•shape their search for solutions, now and in the future.

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Picture your class...

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Picture your class...

Universal Design for Learning :


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Propel me #engage

Imaged: CC http://www.flickr.com/photos/52972003@N03/5240348548/sizes/m/

Go to #engage> Padlet

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Scope our inquiry

Post an image to the blog and tag #scope

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Invite and frame #scope

Develop questions that will help us adapt the space for our partners

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#Find and filter


Post sources on learning environments to #find

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#Consider & connect


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Creating. #Act. Share

•What can you add that might make a difference for your partner?

•Do it!

•Record it.

•Upload it #act


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•How well did you meet your partner’s needs?

•What went well with the inquiry?

•What would you improve for next time?


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How did it compare to the way you usually


How did you adjust your design in

response to their needs?

What part of the process could you

use in school - and how?

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