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Page 1: Workshop Trade-Off Analysis - CGIAR_21 Feb 2013_External Vital Sig…

An Integrated Monitoring System for Agricultural Landscapes• Ecosystem Services• Agricultural Production• Human Wellbeing

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For decision making

Co – location of data in space and time – to assess tradeoffs and synergies

Use of existing systems and data as much as possible – often adding the environmental components

Ownership by governments to link with national data collection efforts

Build national capacity on data collection, storage, analysis and use

Integrated Monitoring of Agricultural Landscapes

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DECISION -SUPPORT INDICATORSa small set of indicators for decision making

ANALYSISmathematical models and algorithms are applied

MEASUREMENTconsistent metrics gathered on the ground and remotely via satellites

VITAL SIGNS APPROACH – analysis threads

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Thread Indicator Agriculture Human wellbeing

Ecosystems Services

Climate Forcing Net AFOLU Climate Forcing XBiodiversity Biodiversity Security XWood Fuel Wood fuel Energy Security X X

LivestockRangeland degradation XForage Adequacy X X

Water Water Security X X XResilience Resilience or buffering index X X XInclusive Wealth Sustainability index X X XFood Security Food Security Index X XSoil Health Soil Health Index X XAg. Intensification Yield Target (%) XPoverty Poverty X

Health Prevalence of malaria, diarrhea, anemia X

Nutrition % overweight, under weight, stunting, and wasting X

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Tree coverMODIS

Tree heightICESAT Tree basal area Tree height




Woodfuel Energy



Woody biomass

Wood production

Wood consumption

Annual rainfall

Tree production

Model(Shackleton &


Colgan et alalgorithm

AllometryNickless &

Scholes 2011

Tree species

Thread for Wood Fuelv1 Sep 12

Loss of forest area

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Vital Signs isstarting in

SubSaharan Africa






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GLOBALFacilitating comparisons among different regions

REGIONProviding insights and information at the scale on which agricultural investment decisions are made

LANDSCAPEMeasuring relationships between agricultural intensifications, ecosystem services and human wellbeing

FIELD/PLOTTracking agricultural production, including inputs and outputs

HOUSEHOLDUsing surveys on health, nutritional status, income and assets

Sampling Framework: Measurement Scales

Tiers 1 and 2 Tiers 3 and 4

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Sampling Framework• Tier 1 – simple measures, complete regional coverage at moderate

resolution, based on models and remote sensing– Land cover, vegetation type, biomass, modeled NPP – yields

• Tier 2A -1 ha plots, in situ detail, statistically valid sample - to validate Tier 1 and measure things not ‘seen’ by RS (250-500 plots sampled;

• Tier 2B: 500+ HHs depending on national surveys• Population, disaggregated national statistics

• Tier 3 – Flow based, continuous sampling – weather station, hydrological flows

• Tier 4 – Process-oriented studies at high resolution- – Five to ten 10X10 km landscapes per region – 30-40 households per landscape with associated fields

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