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  • 1. PHILANTHROPY FOR PEACE www.theoneworldinstitute.org ONE WORLD INSTITUTE A Foundation for Health and Education 501C3 US and PH

2. Go straight to the people 5 2 3. World Internet Users How much of the world has lagged behind? World Regions Africa - 1,013,779,050 Asia - 3,834,792,852 Europe - 813,319,511 Middle East 212,336,924 N. America 344,124,450 L.Amer/Carib 592,556,971 Oceania/Aust 34,700,201 World Total 6,845,609,492 Philippines 99,990,177 Penetration of Population 10.9% 21.5% 58.4% 29.8% 77.4% 34.5% 61.3% 28.7% 29.7% 5 3 4. How much of the world has lagged behind? According to the United Nations, since 1978 a country a year has slipped down to least developed = 54 countries over the last 3 decades. Medieval practices are still alive in many parts of the world especially where the absence of education and communication technology have kept people in the dark. 5 4 5. Worlds Poorest Worlds Richest 2 billion live on less than $1.00 a day. 1 billion without access to health care. In Sulu, 9 out of 10 families live below the poverty level less than $1.00 a day. 3 richest on earth have assets worth more than the GNP of 50 developed countries. 3 people of Bill Gates MS are worth more than the combined GNP of 44 developed countries. 5 5 6. Sea Urchins, Sea Cucumber, Home, Sand Stoves 5 6 7. Outdoor Kitchen 5 7 8. Unchanged since the 12th Century 5 8 9. Bud Dahu & Bud Datu Site of infamous Massacres under US 1906-1913 5 9 10. Siasi Red sky in the morning sailors take warning! 5 10 11. Samal Kids Diving for Coins 5 11 12. Ondoy Victims - Maharlika Village, Taguig 5 12 13. OWI, AAI, ICRC, CF, AFP Mission 5 13 14. Taxi of Basilan 5 14 15. Badjao kids fishing for food. 5 15 16. Regatta in Zamboanga 5 16 17. Financing Peace and Progress: Why Foreign Aid Fails in Mindanao UP Forum Vol II Number 1 Jan-Feb. 2010 Alicor L. Panao Government officials themselves admit that peace and development efforts in Mindanao cannot take place without the generosity of overseas development donors. And there is a problem of defective implementation 5 17 18. Prioritizing Peace Building 2008 Study of Japan Bank for International Cooperation Most donor agencies treat peace building only as their secondary goal and not as their main objective. Since peace building is political in nature and, and politics in the region is volatile, donor agencies avoid the subject. It therefore matters little if projects have no impact on the peace efforts. 5 18 19. WHO REMIT$? 12% of North American Population of 344,124,450 are Foreign-born since 1930. 50% arrived since the 1990s REF: 2005 study by Congressional Budget Office (CBO) (Note: Adjust for current period n/a) 20. Remittance-Top Recipient Countries Country India China Philippines Mexico Poland Bangladesh Pakistan Morocco Remittance 2009 $55.06 billion n.a $40.5 billion 2008 $17.03 billion $21.2 billion n.a. $10.7 billion $8.7 billion $8.0 billion 5 20 21. US Gives More Foreign Aid to the world in Real Terms US provides most direct investments in developing countries sustaining economic development. US provides the bulk of the R & D save millions of lives with improved food and medicine. US gives far and away most militarily for safety and democracy. 5 21 22. Kajatian Reservoir - Indanan 5 22 23. Pipeline distribution for Fishermen 5 23 24. Reading for Peace 5 25 25. Laundry for Livelihood-Solar Dryer 5 26 26. Laundry Ofc and Clotheslines Traditional Bamboo house no nails! 5 27 27. Basketball for Peace at Low Tide! 5 28 28. Fish for Peace Vinta construction no outriggers. Testing. 5 29 29. Seaweed for Peace Carageenan has MANY uses. 5 30 30. Pangalay For Peace 5 31 31. Art for Peace Title: Hiding in Fear Nielsen Tower, Makati 5 32 32. Pearls for Peace SULU NATURAL PEARLS - Without question, the most beautiful pearls in the world. The Sulu slave divers of the 16th century supplied pearls to British East India Co. for the World. 5 33 33. Wheelchairs for Peace 30,000 delivered! Thank You Partners! 5 34 34. Loading at Zamboanga 5 35 35. Bound for Tawi-tawi, Bongao, and its islands by bangka 5 36 36. Building Role Models for Tomorrow 5 37 37. New Project 2011 Repair School 5 38 38. New Project 2011 Fruits for Peace 5 39 39. What to Donate Movie Nights for Kids CDs or DVDs Appropriate Cartoons History Nature Science Discovery Channel Disney Books: How to draw, . Livelihood for Adults Fishing Boats Water Filters, Farm Tools Vegetable Seeds, Fertilizers Crafts for women Goats for Milk Survival Tools Seaweeds Expertise 5 40 40. Approximate Costs to Sponsors Annual Moro Art Contest = $10,000/year Seaweed=$1,000/300M sq. 3 months to grow Nipa Hut = 76 sq. M 2 bdrms - $ 800 1 fishing vinta for 4 with 1 motor= $2,000 Pangalay Center = $ 6,000/year Wheelchairs = $5,000/40ft container Goats = Est. $20 ea for Milk and Cheese Herb Garden for 1 Village of 800 = $10,000 5 41 41. Continued.. Sit down Septic Toilet = $ 600 Health & Wellness Seminars = $ 1,000/100 Farm Tools Fishing Poles; nets; lures; hooks; etc. Sewing Tools = All Manual Daily Vitamins School Supplies 5 42 42. FARMERS & FISHERMEN Farmers and Fishermen want to farm and fish! GIVE THEM TOOLS & THEY WORK HARD. Fruits and fish rot when not brought to market and sold! (No refrigeration! Have to buy ice!) HELP THEM SELL or BUY THEIR PRODUCTS Housewives raise the kids train each wife to do beading, etc. 5 43 43. OWI Facilitates the following: Project Management Feasibility Studies Consulting/Mediation Project Review for ODAs An ounce of prevention is cheaper than a pound of cure. Let us help you look before you leap. Or let us help you do the job. 5 44 44. You can be a partner for PEACE. You can donate by PayPal. www.theoneworldinstitute.org Your Partner for Peace [email protected]

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